Last week we saw another sickening display of Jew arrogance in the media when HBO aired an episode of Larry David’s “Curb Your Enthusiasm” called “Bare Midriff.” In it, David takes some kind of phony medication that makes him piss wildly. While visiting his obviously Goyim assistant’s house, he uses her bathroom where she happens to have a portrait of Jesus next to the toilet. When he urinates, it splashes up on Jesus face.
By itself, this was a blatant slap in the face of Christians, but it goes on by having his White, Christian assistant, Maureen, stupidly think the droplet of urine is a tear from Jesus’ eye; making her and her mother go nuts over the “miracle.” It also has the girl looking ridiculous wearing a way-too-small shirt for her size, exposing her fat stomach and looking foolish. Jews Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld both share jokes about the woman.
All Jews, all the time: Larry David, Jerry Seinfeld, Michael Richards (technically not blood Jewish, but calls himself a Jew), Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Jason Alexander.
But it’s not just Jesus these people are pissing on, but all White people and America. The more these slime do, the more stink they feel they can get away with anymore. The sickening smell of Jewry is now wafting out heavily across America, through the media, politics and our economy as they do their Jew thing.
As usual, Jews merely thought this was all so hilarious and any complaints from Christians was met with more ridicule, blowing it off like it was nothing. One Jew at Jewish Journal said “Larry David has once again proven his ability to indiscriminately offend — and once again, it’s hilarious.” HBO described the show as merely “playful.” Yeah, playful, right.
This kind of thing happens all the time now. Hell, it’s been the case for a long time, only occasionally do we hear about something that creates a little firestorm that the mainstream media tries to ignore, more or less, till they go on to whatever minor thing they drudge up about something evil a White person did to a Black.
And anyone with half-a-brain can readily see the whole Christian-bashing in Hollywood movies over the last several decades. In fact, they’ve now gotten much of the Gentiles in our countries actually hating Christianity, thinking that Christians are some kind of nutcases who want to tell them how to live and are dumb, evil, etc. etc.
Also, they’ve created a belief system that the Vatican is the nexus of fascist conspiracy and the real source of wars through-out all the ages. Pretty cheeky when you think about Jews like the Rothschilds. They’ve also started pushing paper-thin theories about supposed secret Christian history like the Mary Magdeline, wife of Jesus/Holy Grail nonsense, hidden Templar/Freemason Conspiracies (only Gentile versions) and “the sacred feminine” — which does double-duty attacking Christianity and White male “oppression” of women.
Stuck-up Jew “comedians” take pure pleasure trashing Jesus and us Goyim. Some of the slime: Sarah Silverman, Bill Mahr, Sarah Bernhard (see my Jew SPEW video page). Bottom: Radio shock jock Kenny Hotz and producer Tracy Cohen’s idea to fly a banner saying “Jesus Sucks” over Toronto in July, 2008. Just look at that smarmy Jew SOB!
Christianity and belief in Jesus has long been under attack by these people. They tell you not to be ”anti-Semitic” because Jesus was a Jew, blah blah blah. But this is completely a bunch of horse crap when you look at all the things that they don’t want you to know about.
“Well, Mr. Smarty-Pants INCOG MAN, I know Jesus was a Jew” you might say. Let’s look at a few things, OK? One, Jesus was from an area called the land of the Gentiles at the time. Also, Jesus called the ”Jew” power structure the progeny of the Devil:
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is not truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it. Then answered the Jews…” (which makes it clear that Christ was addressing the Jews).
– St. John, VIII:44
But let’s look at the real, numero uno historical reason for all this. The biggest cluster f–k in all of history!
The so-called “Jews” saying all this are NOT even Jews to begin with! That’s right, whether you believe me or not. Bear with me for a minute and I’ll give you a brief run-down and sources for you to go research on your own to prove it all to you, so you don’t have to rely on this here boy.
Basically, you have a bunch of people going around telling everyone they are the “Chosen Ones” (far from it), slapping White people in the face whenever they feel like and then laughing about it. Should you fight back, they’ll simply call you an “anti-Semite,” trying to turn you into the bad guy.
The majority of Jews (at least 85%) are called Ashkenazi (so ironic with that “nazi’ in there). These people are an unbelievable mish-mash race from Central and Eastern Europe, interbred with another Asiatic/Turkish race called the Khazars from the region of the Black and Caspian seas in southern Russia, who converted to Rabbinical Judaism (following the Babylonian Talmud — not the original law of Moses) back in the 8th and 9th century AD. They have just a smattering of real Mideast DNA from the few who migrated into their lands over the centuries.
Oh, I know that sounds insane. They would like you to think that’s the case. But this is real, well-proven history. Even many of them think it’s correct and also take a certain secret pride in the whole thing because the Khazars were a “war-like race of the steppes” like Conan the Barbarian or something. They even publish books and have documentaries about it all in Israel, which of course are not shown in the US, because they try to keep this from becoming common knowledge among us Goyim, as Israel sucks America dry.
Here’s a book written by a Jew where he lays out all the evidence that proves it: The Jews of Khazaria. The book is somewhat dry, full of strange, foreign names and has poor graphics, but I guarantee that it will convince you of the historical proof that all this is true.* You can also read my blog post I have on the subject and it won’t take you 15 minutes: The Most Monstrous MIME in all history.
This history is also exposed in the popular Israeli book “When and how the Jews were invented” by Ashkenazim Jew Professor Shlomo Sand (an English translation might now be available). I have a review of the book on my blog HERE. So please just take a few minutes to read a few things on all this so you can counteract all the Jew lies working to keep you in the dark while ripping-off and sliming our country.
Israeli TV trashing Jesus and Mary. Just think about all the efforts of the Catholic Popes during the last 50 years to extend a hand to Jewry and look how these people turn around and treat Christianity!
These false Jews follow the books of the Talmud, the written works of the Sanhedrin and Sadducees, the corrupt power structure of Herod the Edomite (called Edumeans by the Romans). These are the ones who delivered up Jesus to Pontius Pilate for execution and were later exiled in Babylon after the Romans put down the rebellion of the people in 70AD. It’s literally an age-old hatred of Jesus that has come down to us in the present day!
So, what we have here is a mixed-up race of peoples, who believe they are the Chosen Ones of the Bible, getting to immigrate here in America in the late 1800′s and now piss on you and images of Jesus anytime they feel like it. They must think we are complete idiots for putting up with their line of bull, while they laugh all the way to the bank!
But it gets even worse than that. They have been working to turn White countries into a cesspool of other races, just so they can feel “more comfortable” that they will not be enough of us to put a stop to them, like the Germans did when they elected Adolf Hitler.
While doing so, they’ve been gradually attacking our values, politics, society and, as we’ve seen, even our religious beliefs. What they want is to turn Whites into a dumbed-down, non-Christian race of mulattoes! Some of their religious freaks even want us to bow-down before them and follow their Seven Noahide laws, while only they commune with God all day for a living. They even have laws that say if you read the Torah or any of their holy books, wear that stupid box on the forehead, or worship Idolitry (symbols of Jesus on the cross), you will be punished severely.
This is not limited to the orthodoxy of Jewry at all. Across the board, Jewry thinks they are better than everyone else on the planet, smarter, more sensitive and caring (what a sorry laugh that is). They call themselves a guiding ”light unto the nations” and all this other claptrap when it’s plainly obvious they are far from it. Even the secular Jews feel this way. Here, read this Jew author on how they think:
“The thing that makes Judaism dangerous to everybody, to every race, to every nation, to every idea, is that we smash things that aren’t true. We don’t believe in the boundaries of nation states. We don’t believe in the ideas of these individual gods that, that, you know, that protect individual groups of people; these are all artificial constructions and Judaism really teaches us how to see that. In a sense, our detractors have us right, in that we are a corrosive force. We are breaking down the false gods of all nations and all peoples because they are not real and that is very upsetting to people.”
— Douglas Rushkoff, Author: “Nothing Sacred, the Truth about Judaism” in an interview (see my 9/11 video section on the Dancing Israelis to see him say it for yourself).
These people are truly wacked in the head. They are so unbelievably arrogant as to defy belief. The more Jewish hypocrisies you read about in the world, the more you will stand up and join with other White people who have had quite enough of their behavior.
These “Jews” are NOT the same people of the Old Testament and they have absolutely no business trying to tell you that “Jesus was a Jew,” just so you should cut them some slack and not turn into a “Nazi.” They are a bastardized, morally-corrupt people who claim to be the Israelites of the Bible, while they all freely piss in our faces!
Right now the United States of America is rapidly being turned into a Third-World hell-hole, with Jews behind Immigration of non-Whites since the 1920′s; Jews in banking, Wall Street and anywhere money changes hands are playing Ponzi scams and OTC Derivative games that are destroying America’s economy; Jews are also big at the forefront of homo rights and miscegenation of our race and Jews do everything they can, including spying, for that totally evil country in the Mideast named Israel.
Haven’t you had enough of this bull, yet?
Join with your White brothers and sisters and start speaking out openly and forcefully to everyone you know. We cannot let these people destroy America, nor can we let them continuously attack Jesus Christ and the White race and get away with it. It does not matter a whit if you are a Christian or not. Let’s get going and put a stop to these FAKE Jews!
– Phillip Marlowe
*One of the reviewers (“phlogiston”) of this book on Amazon tries to say that mitochondrial and Y haplotype studies negates this, but that is totally untrue (please see my embedded blog post link for further info). This reviewer has to be a Jew, since the mitochondrial test specifically showed otherwise and he’s simply inserting big words for his Jew lies. The mitochondrial test revealed a definite “Founder Effect” in Jew Ashkenazi (non-Sephardic) populations. Typical lying Jew tactics! Will someone please shut them up?
“One of the finest things ever done by the mob was the Crucifixion of Christ. Intellectually it was a splendid gesture. But trust the mob to bungle the job. If I’d had charge of executing Christ, I’d have handled it differently. You see, what I’d have done was had him shipped to Rome and fed him to the lions. They could never have made a savior out of mincement!”
– Rabbi Ben Hecht
Comments feed for this article
November 10, 2009 at 2:05 am
The government is considering establishing work camps in the south of the country, where illegal migrant workers will receive shelter, food and medical care, Army Radio reported Wednesday. In exchange, illegal migrants would perform manual labor outside the camps, but would not earn a salary.
In totally unrelated news, the “Israeli” Government has decided to call the first such work camp ‘Little Auschwitz’, but officials were emphatic that the similarities in the name to the evil Germans’ death camp could in no way be equated with the endless sufferink of the chosen ones. “The two camps are totally unrelated”, stated one official. “For one there will be no talk of transfer of the Palestinians to lands of their own, since the world belongs to the jews. Secondly, we will not be paying anyone in these camps for their labor. Whereas the Germans paid jews a stipend; an insult really; to the jewish mentality, no such insults will be given to the Palestinians.”
The camps will be fully loaded with state of the art surveillance and high tech exit/entry points. “Jews would pay top dollar for such a gated community”, stated an unnamed official. “I don’t know what the goyem are getting so farklempt about”.
Other amenities include, gas showers, delousing stations, theaters, clubs, libraries, Olympic swimming pools….ok, so it doesn’t have theaters…or clubs…or libraries…or Olympic swimming pools, but the showers are great! Besides, who has time for such trivial pursuits with 16 hour shifts?
The Jews…proving once again that they are YHWH’s chosen because, as everyone knows; they have been a blessing to the world!
November 11, 2009 at 11:47 pm
November 19, 2009 at 6:41 am
Rabbi Organlegger
Every time you watch television, the jew takes a dump in your soul.
December 6, 2009 at 12:31 am
Noor al Haqiqa
Smarmy creatures.
Organlegger says it best.
December 9, 2009 at 11:36 pm
Rabbi Organlegger
January 7, 2010 at 9:05 pm
Mike gagnon
You make valid points but hatred will get you what you wanna stop complement the Christ respecting Jews I like the orthodox but I agree with scumbag hate mongers of ANY kind I’m from north America did Germany feed most of the money to the CERN soup Nazi or was it just tired of waiting for YHWH I am let’s use this tesla stuff it took 300 years to get this going? Let’s crack it in half like he said! Disinformation on Tunguska and on I’m still learning but I’m a spiritually learning and echelon victim. I hope the Jews and Hindus and Christians can All get along “same attempt at violence expecting a different outcome I used to think GOD will return then well all coloniE the planets if our GOD let’s us we evolved? K ahow me all the progressive trnaitional forms? We steal all GODS ideas for ourselves there are a-holes in all races this is satans plan divide us is it reptils or greys or Venusian or uranians
(course in miracles?) let’s quit arguing being so hoser rednecks Canadian Jews could be too
? Tell me why there’s a circular hadron type water resevoir in Quebec near a town near gagnon que? With love to all my fellow humans who aren’t hate mongers and I’m running outta fingers (yes even I’m thinking up crude jokes for that one) may god forgive us all I thought imagination as long as harmless or the people perish without vision am I the air in the venus transit? Ha! Who’s earth wind and fire then?
Booger nights in afganistan all our people dying for not oil but the nwo, can we be fair? I’ve been given drugs to do they live work two sights
edu- yourself. Org and real zioist news now let’s try something we’ve never done in an iron age care for eachpther the light might be forgiven but not if time travelling hadron and astal viewing have a rule over the truly trying pray and ask youre mediator to ask GOD to keep you safe from the adv. Ersary to keep you safe for me may Jesus help you to heaven ( is Bigfoot a nephalim? I saw him in subway in edmonton
(thx to some of the good folks here) mikey
January 7, 2010 at 10:36 pm
GDL/White Master
Mike, you write like shit!
Clean-up your act and grow some testicles.
January 7, 2010 at 10:39 pm
Disregard the jew, Mike Gaggingmaggot.
Posting crazy commentary at sites they oppose is something jews do on a regular basis. They are “true believers” in free speech – but only for themselves.
If you see gibberish such as Mike’s posted, that is a good indication that there is some worthwhile information in the site or the postings. It is something they do not want casual observers to read.
It seems that Marblehead Mike is a true natural jew – crazy.
January 7, 2010 at 10:40 pm
GDL/White Master
He sounds Jewy to me.
January 7, 2010 at 10:51 pm
He sounds like a filthy little Jew on psychotropic drug therapy. These are the type of Jews who infuse New Ager groups and leftys.
January 7, 2010 at 10:59 pm
“They [jews] are “true believers” in free speech – but only for themselves.”
— Flanders
Wit contains truth…
That was pretty witty.
January 7, 2010 at 11:18 pm
Flatulence and ass related holoco$t fantasies at Palm Beach International Airport.
I’ve never come across anyone with Reich comprising part of, or their entire surname, who wasn’t a jew.
Life is full of ironies.
January 7, 2010 at 11:20 pm
GDL/White Master
Gibberish is a sure sign of a demon or demonic possession. Mike the Jewboi couldn’t contain himself for even one post here in Incog land.
Friggin Jew Prick!
January 7, 2010 at 11:38 pm
Good story on the flatuant jewess, Octo. A lot of shared characteristics with Mikey.
Seriously, this is a common trolling practice I have observed with the jews. When they want to brand a site or it’s patrons as being flaky, they post such drivel. Most people do not recognize it for what it is, but do not want to be associated with a site which displays “nuttiness” since they do not want to taint themselves by being identified as visitors or participants at those sites.
Call the bastards out when you see them, and identify them for what they are.
I can’t say for certain whether it is jewishness or actually another disability, but have you ever heard of Apollonian? He goes through similar rants.
January 7, 2010 at 11:43 pm
Yeah, Apollo used to post here till I SPAMblinka’d him. I do think Jews are doing this kind of thing. Trying to make it look like any White who has figured them out as crazy.
Jews are sneaky bastards!
January 8, 2010 at 12:12 am
GDL/White Master
Jews are sneaky bastards, like the Jews, gw2bc, Simon Gibson, madjewess, and lucy over at First Light Forum. I followed a link off of a website which led me there. They are bashing Incog with the fag garbage, and gw2bc is still calling us all Jews. “Incog is operating out of Jerusalem and we are all in on it Manhattan boy says.” LMAO!
BTW, Simon Gibson is going to get us ALL! LMAO!
What a bunch of f***ing losers!
January 8, 2010 at 12:19 am
Is gw2bc commenting over there? Yeah, that’s a nest of Jew disinfo, alright. It really comes out once you send them to SPAMblinka!
January 8, 2010 at 12:23 am
GDL/White Master
Oh yeah Incog,
Thats the first time I have been there. I was reading a website and there was a link exposing Jews in porn. The link led me to that stupid forum and there was gw2bc. Pathetic!
January 8, 2010 at 12:27 am
I wonder if that Lucy vp is Lucy van pelt here. Apparently. But I never spammed her as she says there. Simon thinks his little post about me has got me bollixed up. Right. I’m like so upset. What a laff.
January 8, 2010 at 12:31 am
GDL/White Master
Oh yeah,
lucy van pelt was on here taking up for gw2bc and bashing pro-Whites….LOL! Those damn Jews fear White folks to no end…sorry bastards. gw2bc can’t hide in the sewer rat hole forever. We’ll snuff’em out and send’em to summer camp!
January 8, 2010 at 12:35 am
Methinks a whole nest of Kikes tried to bamboozle me. I apologize for not spamming Simon Bar Gibson and gw2bc earlier. Normally, I try to cut people slack that sound like they are White. But these Jews have taken sneakyness to a level even I have difficulty believing.
January 8, 2010 at 12:39 am
GDL/White Master
No apology needed, if you spam everyone who could possibly be White right off the bat than people will believe you are a crazy disinfo Jew. Let the bastards hang themselves…they always do!
January 8, 2010 at 12:48 am
Damn, I just went over to take a quick look at that “First Light Forum” that you guys are talking about, and I find it most disturbing!!!
Incogman…. They claim that you are a faggot…. I could not believe what I was reading by such a ludicrous and disturbing accusation! How can they get away with such slander? I did not stop laughing about the absurdity of that false accusation….
Has anyone bothered to contact the people who run the wordpress network and filed a complaint?
January 8, 2010 at 12:53 am
GDL/White Master
Faggots calling others faggots. Only the Jew folks!
Whatever a Jew accuses Whites of is what the Jew really is and does.
Jews suck to no end!
January 8, 2010 at 12:54 am
Yeah, it’s pretty hilarious alright. I love how the guy went all overboard on the Phillip Marlowe and Bogart stuff. If anyone’s queer, it’s him — for me. I feel so honored!
January 8, 2010 at 12:58 am
GDL/White Master
For a blog that is supposedly insignificant and for Jew amusement those pricks sure do raise a fuss about Incog land! LMAO! I LOVE IT!
January 8, 2010 at 1:07 am
gw2bc is over there saying we’re a bunch of Jew “psyoppers” over here. Right.
Simon sez: “Like a homosexual, the Incog Man vindictively tried to hack my Web site with the link that guy “Gene” left on his blog, after he deleted the madjewess’s comment that had a link to this post, and like he has done to others who have opposed and tried to expose him.”
What a bozo. I don’t know of any “Gene” nor any hack crap. Lucy vp says I spammed her after she put in a William Cooper link here. What a bunch of Jew freaks. It is entertaining.
January 8, 2010 at 1:12 am
Lucy vp: “Oh yeah, when you mentioned the ‘marx brothers’ the gong went off.”
WTF? I think Lucy is one Mad Jewess’ gal pals, going “incognito” from the JTF forum.
January 8, 2010 at 1:20 am
GDL/White Master
LOL! Anyone who is pals with the jewess is definitely a crazy freak!
Bedtime, goodnight Incog land!
January 8, 2010 at 1:38 am
I pegged that gw2bc very early. The real whites on here are direct to the point when they respond. That gw2bc would contradict himself and was disrespectful to JTJ.
January 8, 2010 at 2:06 am
I rarely pay attention to what the jew spammers say. They are trolling and trying to disrupt the continuity of a thread, or trying to discredit effective sites by the stupidity they are so adept at displaying. Usually, they are best ignored until they are shoveled into Spamblinka.
I saw that post at First Light. It was very difficult to read. I don’t think the author passed sixth grade. All I could understand was the gist of what he was alledging and that it was based on such a preposterous allegory that it was laughable. I agree with you, Incog, that he seemed to be in a queerish awe of you. The first thing that came to mind was that this was his fascination with you in the role he was so intently describing.
Pity them for being such poor disinfo agents as they are. That is probably the source for our most recent Spamblinka tourists.
January 8, 2010 at 3:49 am
GDL/White Master & Incogman
“Bedtime, goodnight Incog sweety
This I read is some type of exercise you do yourself which will restore the foreskin. It had nothing to do with any Jew device. This exercise is for the male, done by the male wishing to restore his foreskin.”
Incogman pull GDL/White Master foreskin after your HOMO sick act, so his skin will be restored.
Fucking Faggots .
January 8, 2010 at 4:48 am
Judge Natty Dread Bongo I
Y’all be up to no good fuckery wit dat misquotin here.
No one such as ya cyaan test dis mon Ingocmon wit such a whole heapa vexatious labrish.
Mi come here fi drink milk, mi noh come here fi count cow, so I an I no appreciate y’all hitey-titey Jew nonsense.
All a dem here a mi fambly. Me not hot-trotter ratchet chucka, but mi have ta tall ya:Ef ya choble him ‘im mi a-go hit ya!
Now, galang bout ya bidness, an no be bringin y’all Jew monkey bidness here!
January 8, 2010 at 5:20 am
Right on, judge.
Obamanation..tion…tion… where dat birth surfer-ticket?
January 8, 2010 at 6:44 am
matzo BALLS
crusing for a piece of ass James??
January 8, 2010 at 8:28 am
Looks like the heat is gonna get turned up on JEW-rat Timmy Geithner. Over here at Incogland, we’ve discussed his criminality on many occasions. I don’t expect scumbag JEWS to all get corralled just yet, but we’re getting closer every day.
Time for a bullet in his yarmulke, or string him up like Leo Franks! That reminds me, I gotta watch that Leo Franks hanging video again, over at Cornell and the Bnai Brith didn’t save that worm. Scrawny little puke of a JEW.
Regarding the JEW-trolls, screw ‘em. Calling Incog names is tantamount to them admitting defeat, as it’s all they’ve got. They must redirect the discussion to anything else, except that shithole prison Isra-HOLE that murders the unarmed TRUE Semite women and children. Since the internet is about exposure and numbers of viewers, Incogman has beaten them silly, with a huge and growing audience. It burns them like holy water.
January 8, 2010 at 2:06 pm
Hey hatemongers of Canada how about just taking your nice neighbors trash out instead of rooting through it for soft chunks all edmontonian sausage festival curmpgeons should
move by the way I’m typing with a blackberry
not a keyboard if you can’t figure it out go add your comments to a washroom wall where you belong …. But peace and love to your nephesh till youAll Get screwed. Just cause the public servants in our gorgeous country are mostly corrupt doesn’tean go you han monkeys hey this spell check sucks speaking of sucks there’s slot of bewks on you’d like supremist bastards who need spiritual glasses and lay off the crack stick your head up your own , ps you’re all next. Good luck anday gluon # 5 bless you… ps since high sch I knew you’d all end up like sid, you like it, don’t cry when your stuffs on the lawn and you’re under it. 300 yrs was
referal to weisjapt and frzn nitrogen nagnts whyever bother hate is hate enjoy blind never see no matter what glasses you drink from.
Oh drugging from caduceus how’d you kno?
god bless your souls
January 8, 2010 at 2:23 pm
Wow Mike…
Another fast stream of conciousness from a Blackberry…somewhere…beyond the 5th dimension!!! WHOA…:-O
Did anyone ever NOT suspect Timothy Geithner for NOT covering up for his Goldman Sachs pals?
I hope you are aware that Bernie Madoff’s niece is married to an SEC official as well…I mean come on American.
Bernie Madoff practically INVENTED NASDAQ by himself.
Like I said before…those who get on that train…probably can’t get off even if they wanted to.
I’ll wait for THIS TRAIN American…
January 8, 2010 at 2:32 pm
Let’s draw a simple comparison worthy of SESAME STREET.
Compare and contrast…
January 8, 2010 at 2:42 pm
who the HELL posts comments from a blackberry? LOL!!
we only hate because WE are HATED Mike.. do you get it? because you were not born Jewish, YOU have the soul of a fucking animal, according to THEM! hows that make ya feel toolio?
also.. argue Black on White crime, and the preponderance of whites made to look like weak little pieces of crap in alot what comes out of Hollywood.
i dare ya..
January 8, 2010 at 2:54 pm
Which train will you choose?
A Texas cowboy lay down on a barroom floor,
Having drunk so much he could drink no more;
So he fell asleep with a troubled brain
To dream that he rode on a hell-bound train.
The engine with murderous blood was damp
And was brilliantly lit with a brimstone lamp;
An imp, for fuel, was shoveling bones,
While the furnace rang with a thousand groans.
The boiler was filled with lager beer
And the devil himself was the engineer;
The passengers were a most motly crew–
Church member, atheist, Gentile, and Jew,
Rich men in broadcloth, beggers in rags,
Handsome young ladies, and withered old hags,
Yellow and black men, red, brown, and white,
All chained together–O God, what a site!
While the train rushed on at an awful pace–
The sulphurous fumes scorched their hands and face;
Wider and wider the country grew,
As faster and faster the engine flew.
Louder and louder the thunder crashed
And brighter and brighter the lightning flashed;
Hotter and hotter the air became
Till the clothes were burned from each quivering frame.
And out of the distance there arose a yell,
“Ha, ha,” said the devil, “we’re nearing hell!”
Then oh, how the passengers all shrieked with pain
And begged the devil to stop the train.
But he capered about and danced for glee,
And laughed and joked at their misery.
“My faithful friends, you have done the work
And the devil never can a payday shirk.
“You’ve bullied the weak, you’ve robbed the poor,
The starving brother you’ve turned from the door;
You’ve laid up gold where the canker rust,
And have given free vent to your beastly lust.
“You’ve justice scorned, and corruption sown,
And trampled the laws of nature down.
You have drunk, rioted, cheated, plundered, and lied,
And mocked at God in your hell-born pride.
“You have paid full fair, so I’ll carry you through,
For it’s only right you should have your due.
Why, the laborer always expects his hire,
So I’ll land you safe in the lake of fire,
“Where your flesh will waste in the flames that roar,
And my imps torment you forevermore.”
Then the cowboy awoke with an anguished cry,
His clothes wet with sweat and his hair standing high
Then he prayed as he never had prayed till that hour
To be saved from his sin and the demon’s power;
And his prayers and his vows were not in vain,
For he never road the hell-bound train.
January 8, 2010 at 3:33 pm
The truth, nothing but the truth so help me god.
“the Incog Man” a Faggot and a PSYOP Agent
What great Info, this will be sent and spread all over ……………………
January 8, 2010 at 4:44 pm
This so-called “James” is starting to sound alot like MADJEWESS in disguise!!! Not to worry…she has so many names now, we might as well start calling her “Legion, for she is many” LOL!!!
By the way…I just plugged ‘Paulette Dettinger” into my handy anagram-maker and the best one that came out was…
Tattered Penile Tug
January 8, 2010 at 4:58 pm
Yeah, you go ahead James the Jew (not to be confused with someone commenting here named James the Just). Hell, I’m thinking about copying the whole thing and running it here just for laughs.
The guy is obviously either bonkers or a strange form of disinfo Jew. One thing I noticed is all his crap is nothing but copying what is already out there, plus a sprinkling of nutso crap like “mini-nukes” in the WTC and Jackie shooting JFK. Typical Jew disinfo tactics. Just like Eric Hufschimd.
Whatever the case may be about the idiot, he certainly does not scare me in the least. If his line of crap sends a few people here, all the better (he hardly gets much traffic anyways).
So go ahead and spread the Jew Spew, Jewboi!
January 8, 2010 at 5:03 pm
Well look who talks.
The Psycho “Marshall R. Ellington” from
Fort Pierce, Florida Area – President, “Bluewater Yacht Repair, Inc.”
Try looking for this Company “Bluewater Yacht Repair, Inc.”?! No Address No Telephone Number……………………
Phony Web site, Phony Emails ……………
Try looking for “Marshall R. Ellington” from Fort Pierce, Florida
Just another schizophrenic Moron ………………
January 8, 2010 at 5:09 pm
Sounds to me like “gw2bc” changed his IP address and is now back to get in some licks. Hey, Manhattan Jewboi, don’t you have any faggots in Central Park you can lick? It’s only a couple blocks north of you. Maybe you and your Jew buddy from CNN, Steve Quest, can meet up?
January 8, 2010 at 5:24 pm
I see Simon Gibson knew exactly your soft spot……………. you are loosing it.
BTW did u pull GDL/White Master foreskin after your HOMO sick act, so his skin will be restored.
Fucking Faggots .
January 8, 2010 at 5:28 pm
I take that back about you being gw2bc. You’re the Jew from the Chicago area. Back to SPAMblinka, KIKE!
January 8, 2010 at 5:40 pm
WHY JAMES!!! (ahem) Did you get my Linkedin information? Why are you so intent upon researching it? Do you like my picture?
I really need to go back and update that old Linkedin crap since I changed my company name to include yacht brokerage. Thanks for the reminder, though…I used to get a scattered business-related hit or two in there.
You’re a blessing in disguise James, err, Legion!!!
Now if you don’t mind, I’ll be returning to my normal “psycho” pursuits…
Looks like the cold snap here in FL has finally abated somewhat, so I can get back to painting my current project.
You see James, the yacht paint I use is about $300 a gallon, and it doesn’t lay down right in under 65-degree weather…glad I’m in FL, or I would have a pretty short productive season, hmm? I think I would truly be “psycho” to be fixing boats up in there in New England right about now…
January 8, 2010 at 6:19 pm
“Hey hatemongers of Canada how about just taking your nice neighbors trash out instead of rooting through it for soft chunks all edmontonian… sausage festival curmpgeons shoulwhyever bother hate is hate enjoy blind never see no matter what glasses you drink from…
Oh drugging from caduceus how’d you kno?
god bless your souls”
Mike, that was sublime. Is that from “Naked Lunch” or an original creative masterpiece?
They have a word for style of writing: typing.
You are to writing what Lucien Freud is to painting. I smell a MacArthur Genius Grant.
Hell, if Henry Kissinger and Obama can win Nobel Peace Prizes, why not?
January 8, 2010 at 6:30 pm
That JEW just wants you to do anything except keep kicking ass with the truth on this blog.
Anyway, I was just listening to the JEW news on the radio for a minute, and naturally they offered the obligatory “evil Muslim terrorist” story. It led me to realize that I’m far more likely to get killed by just about anybody than a Muslim from the ME. Either a JEW-backed war with Chinese or Russians, or an angry nigger, or even illegal immigrant, but no way in hell a Muslim, yet we’re supposed to FEAR them above all. BOOOOO!!!!
JEWS aren’t nearly as intelligent as they’d like you to believe.
January 8, 2010 at 6:35 pm
” By the way…I just plugged ‘Paulette Dettinger” into my handy anagram-maker and the best one that came out was…
Tattered Penile Tug”
Good one.
Yemen = Enemy
We have always been at war with Yemen.
January 9, 2010 at 7:12 am
they’ve done it before!! and the sheeple keep on buying it.. about a decade ago we were supposed to be scared to death of a country “with the 4th largest army in the world” and its evil leader that wanted to come to your house and kill YOU!
no navy, no airforce, but Saddam and the evil ME muslims are coming to kill us all. sure they are, their rowboats were last seen in the mid Atlantic, heading for the US east coast.
and the Yemeni army is supposedly using FEDEX to mail themselves here to kill us all! BOMB THEM! oh dear god BOMB THEM NOW!!!! LOL! ..lying bastards
February 18, 2010 at 7:41 pm
I do not gree with your opinions. I don’t think that skin color or different believes makes you a bad person, though I don’t blame you, because I’m sure your familes brainwashed you, I mean, c’mon, It’s really extreme and racist, I think that prejudice will not bring you anywhere in the modern world.
February 18, 2010 at 7:50 pm
Race is way more than skin color, friend, it’s the driving force behind history.
One thing you’re right about. An unwillingness to be told 2+2 = 5 is no advantage to getting along in “the modern world.” And that’s what this aracial, multicult stew is about: empty calories, my friend. We here need something more substantial. Not absurd promises of “change”when even a old hack Jew like Ben Stein responds to said claims with the Who’s “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.”
He referring to the people that run our economy, BTW, and he should know.
February 18, 2010 at 8:22 pm
I’m not a religious person, I don’t think I’m better then enybody else, I don’t hate enybody. I think we all should criticize ourselves first.
The Christians, Jews, Muslims..they’re all the same, we are all the same,
the first human being was born about 60,000,000 years ago in Africa, we all came from the monkeys, there are no miracles or any kind of God, yeah, that’s what I believe in, people needed religion to feel safe time has chanched, now we can feel save without it.
I respect you as a human being, though I think you’re judgment is wrong, I respect every living creature, it doesn’t matter how he looks, what kind of accent he got or he’s primitive beliefs, we’re all the same.
February 18, 2010 at 8:43 pm
“We [hominids] are all the same” is proved false by looking at a city crowd, a public school classroom, or a selection of prison inmates. The difference between individuals is as obvious as the difference between horses and roosters, and the differences between races is equally obvious, but a climate of self-censorship fomented by very real penalties for pointing that out has silenced most.
The emperor has no clothes in “the modern world” you speak of, and we have the courage to say that. What choice do we have as self-respecting Aryans?
There is no equality in Nature. Have the honesty to admit that to yourself, at least.
March 3, 2010 at 10:04 pm
April 24, 2010 at 8:22 pm
You really need to stop emphasizing the Khazar element in the Ashkenazi population, to the perspective of the outsider it only achieves to damage your credibility. While there may indeed have some Turkic-Caucasian admixture, the majority of the Ashkenazi population is also genetically very close to that of the Sephardic population. The reality is that both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews are not Khazars (for the most part), but are actually descendants of Eastern Roman Jews (i.e Byzantine Jews). Are they mostly from Palestine or the Levant? No. There were historic Jewish proselytistic efforts in Anatolia going back thousands of years. That is why so many Ashkenazi/Sephardic jews have the Anatolian phenotype, especially featuring the famous “Jewish nose”, which is actually an Anatolian trait present in many Turks as well.
April 24, 2010 at 8:32 pm
Oh, BS, dwf. I assume you’re referring to the Y haplotype study, which says no such thing. Go to page 5, second column 3 paras up and you see it says the whole business with the Ashkenazi remains inconclusive. This is because they had such a small sample range (59) and could not exclude sephardi. The RM-17 DNA tests points to a mass conversion precisely the number of generations ago as history records it.
Jew lie all the time about this business. Right in your face.
April 25, 2010 at 6:59 am
The Khazars were just one of many historical converts to Judaism. You do realize that Sephardic Jews are not from the Levant either, right? Neither are Mizrahi Jews for the most part.
Ashkenazi Jews as a whole do not cluster well at all with Levantines or Northern Europeans. In fact the only people they do cluster with well are Anatolians and Greeks. Perhaps they are part Khazar and Caucasian as well.
Sephardic Jews also have R-m17 as do a considerable number of Turks and Armenians.
In fact a good number of both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews originally came into Europe from the Eastern Roman empire.
July 8, 2010 at 10:56 am
Truth Hurts Deceivers
As a recently “awakened” jew I am finding it harder to feel sympathy or love for Jews in general. The very sad truth is most of the bad things said are truth. Jews will go through scary lengths to make others belief things they think is the truth, whether that be by lying or deceiving. Also very sad is how most jews don’t realise the spell they are under and the spell they cast on other jews to maintain the illusion.
I know this is not a nice thing to say and my own family would faint hearing me say something like this but I have to agree that the world would probably be better off without jews. In fact, if we didnt have to worry about offending non-whites, white people could create a truly wonderful world where the majority prosper and achieve happiness.
ps: i dont think kramer is jewish, not sure about elaine but the others definitly are. Maybe they said they are to get work in hollywood, but who knows.
July 8, 2010 at 12:46 pm
I feel compelled to comment:
Truth Hurts Deceivers – but I have to agree that the world would probably be better off without jews.
Or the Jewish mindset. I recall a female doctor on medicine who was interviewed for C-Span from the Holocaust Memorial during that facilities’s first year of operation. She recounted her experience as a Jewish orphan who was taken in by a Polish Catholic family and was similarily exposed to the Catholic religion. It was a touching, interesting interview given from the perspective of a young girl living through a difficult period, entirely devoid of political dogma which usually permeiates such recountings. To get to the point, after the war she left the care of the Catholics to live with Jewish relatives who then sought to refamiliarize her with the Jewish faith. I believe the interviewer didn’t expect her to admit strong feelings of resistance towards such re-indoctrination, she even admitted thoughts of antisemitism!
July 8, 2010 at 12:53 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Truth Hurts Deceivers
Simple solution.
Don’t be a jew!
No charge.