Sorry SOB’s! I knew they were going to do this. Ever since I had the temerity to upload 3 of Denierbud’s videos, these Jews have been gunning to get rid of me on Youtube. After putting up Denierbud’s video, “#2 Treblinka Water well problem,” they’ve been hitting me for infractions on the least little thing.
And I’m quite certain that the Denierbud videos were the root cause — these are way too persuasive for the ADL Jews to allow to be seen by the sleeping masses. They had 31 of his videos removed, long ago (keep asking yourself “why?” when you watch them). Go to his separate site (One Third of the Holocaust) and watch just 2 or 3 of his short Treblinka videos (or his Buchenwald series). You’ll see what these sorry, censoring Jews don’t want people to see.
You really should, at the very least, watch Episode #9, “Why America Believes the Holocaust” here: Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb portrayal of evil You may have to come back to watch it at some point, because it appears that the Jews are now messing around with the site, or people all over are watching it and slowing the connection (let’s hope). You may have to download the WMV files (by right clicking and “save target as…”) to watch later. It’s worth it.
First, Youtube gave me an infraction for my video “Wake Up to the Real Deal.” Rejecting the upload to the Politics and Current Events” category, saying the content was “inappropriate.” I guess they were saying my dead bodies (starved Gentiles in the Soviet Union) in the video was “inappropriate.” Funny, when you see all the videos of dead Holocaust Jews there. Also, they’ve now got up a video of this Iranian girl, protesting against the recent elections, dying in a pool of blood.
These people have to be the biggest hypocrites anywhere! Tell everyone so.
These Jews know full-well what they’ll allow up on the net and what they don’t want. But they can’t be too obvious about it, not at the moment, so they are selective and look for back-hand ways of doing it. Like for instance: They can’t go around deleting 9/11 Truth vids (they would like to), but they’ll zero in on anyone who dares breath a word about the Jew’s obvious involvement.
These JDF Jews are also helping by marshaling Jews world-wide to flag videos as “hate,” as usual. Here’s where these bastards organize and gloat about it: Jew “Internet Defense Forces”
I also uploaded the same video to the “Activism and Non-profits” category. They did not do the same to that one, for whatever reason. That video remained, untouched other than another infraction for using the Cranberry song. I repealed, citing Section 17 of the Copyright laws (FAIR USE for non-profit) and the fact that they’ve normally just dropped the soundtrack from other people’s videos.
Of course my “repeal” was summarily rejected. Still, I wondered why they left one copy up, to begin with. I think they did so as an excuse against me later; as in “oh, look what we found… BLAM!”
Then they gave me a stupid infraction for uploading a small segment from “Nigger: The Movie,” over 6 months before. Since the film was titled this way by a Negro and created by a Negro, I figured it would be OK. Plus, it was pretty funny stuff. I think even Negroes would agree with me here. But we all know it’s now virtually against the law for all us evil Whites to say “Nigger.”
And they didn’t even bother emailing me the final reason when they lowered the boom and cancelled my account. Whatever Whites at Youtube who went along with doing this to me, remember well how you went along with the JEW.
So, if you see a Youtube video here on my blog, that says “Removed for terms of service,” you can bet that this is one of them. I’ll try to find ways to replace them and am open to any help or suggestions. For now, you can see my personally created videos on Vimeo (click on “My Videos” under Topics at the left).
If you are looking into the “Jew situation” and are “on the fence,” just think a minute of what these people are getting away with on a world-wide basis. Canada, Australia and many European countries are now far along on Jew Censorship laws and America is targeted next.
People are actually sitting in prison right now for questioning the Holocaust or saying anything about the Jew. America denied asylum to 2 British guys who set-up the site “Heretical” because of the hard-hitting articles they have on the Jew. It’s all getting to be just like Communist Russia, thanks to the Commie Jews.
Denierbud goes to great lengths to say he’s not being “anti-Semitic,” only that he wants “good vibes” towards the Jews (even though he’s a fan of Prof. Kevin MacDonald’s book “The Culture of Critique“). Denierbud’s main beef is that the Holocaust is an obvious fraud and is being used for evil, militaristic purposes in the Mideast, against the Palestinians and anyone who the Zionist Jews hate. And he’s dam right about all that, too.
But the Jews cannot allow even that kind of thinking to spread, in any way, shape or fashion. I, myself, have long since realized this “Mr. Nice Guy” position is moot — it matters not one whit to these Jews — who are quite insistent that all us Whites suck-down any Jew bull 24/7, or we’re nothing but more evil Nazis.
Just watch a few of Denierbud’s videos and think about it. That’s not asking a whole lot, is it?
WARNING! YouTube Partnership With ADL & Mossad Official
From the Anti-Defamation League:
YouTube Taps ADL As Partner In Fight Against Hate
New York, NY, December 11, 2008 … YouTube has reached out to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for its expertise in dealing with hate on the Internet. In one outgrowth of that partnership, the League is now a contributor to YouTube’s newly launched Abuse & Safety Center, where users are empowered to identify and confront hate, and to report abuses.
Comments feed for this article
June 29, 2009 at 12:45 pm
This is so dumb I have to share it. This is from a discussion with a holocaust exaggerator. I kept the subject on the shameful soap propaganda, this was the rebuttal.
Don: You are gullible.
ElodieDespard :
No, not gullible. I believe that every lie contains a grain of truth, and that all deceptions are based in reality. Rumors do not come from nowhere. What you’re saying is that it’s not possible for a Nazi to ever have made even a tiny amount of soap from a human being. You can’t rule out anything in a case where over 6 million died.
June 29, 2009 at 1:54 pm
Marshall, first of ALL. I am NOT this “Paulette” that you keep mentioning. Where do you moonbats get this crazy shit??
There is NO Palestine on a MAP TODAY. What is its capital WITHOUT dividing up the land in Jerusalem, as they are wanting to do NOW. What is the CURRENCY?? WHAT IS THE LANGUAGE, there is NO country named Palestine. I am NOT going to change my position on this.
Why do you NOT concentrate on the FRAUD Christian & the Jewish people HERE IN THE USA THAT ARE WRECKING OUR LIVES?? WHY??
Israel HATES Obama, Only 6% idiots in the population even like the ahole. Do YOU like that ahole, Obama??
Are you always so interested in being a LAW-BREAKER?? There are MANY nations that are recognized by the UN, WHY are you against Israel?? Because the GOVERNMENT MAKES DECISIONS FOR FOREIGN AID THAT WE ARE AGAINST???
Marshall, you say that you are a Christian. IMPOSSIBLE. NO REAL Christian that believes in the Holy Spirit EVER hates the Jewish people, you are LYING.
June 29, 2009 at 3:06 pm
Yes Don, I have had a similar experience recently.
A White guy I was discussing the Palestinian Holocaust with said: “Well, the israelis are overreacting, but it is only because they want to make certain that no one does to them again what the Nazi’s did to them.”
So, jews can incinerate Palestinian babies with white phosphorous bombs and it’s just fine because of their holey holoco$t lie.
It would be hilarious in its stupidity if it wasn’t so pathetic.
After this conversation it occurred to me that my White friend also has the luxury of not being a Palestinian . . . yet.
~ Whitefella
June 29, 2009 at 7:01 pm
you know what white fella, I CANT WAIT until Hussein brings the ‘sweet’ FAKESTINIANS here, and they live right next door to YOU. Hopefully one of them is a homocide bomber and blows your ass up.
June 29, 2009 at 7:11 pm
“Expose them all” Blog…you animals ever think that you are out of control?? B/c you ARE.
June 29, 2009 at 7:13 pm
This blog is in violation of Blogger’s Terms of Service and is open to authors only
You are getting banned, because you are targeting ONE group of people. I will get banned, probably soon, because this is fast becoming a dictatorship- but I will tell you animals something, it IS BECAUSE OF YOU that right wingers will be SHUT DOWN, b/c they will rank US (the GOOD ones) in with YOU jerks.
June 29, 2009 at 7:54 pm
You’re a blitthering idiot, MadJewess. They only do these kinds of things to whomever has the balls to name the Jew.
It’s always been the Jew. From day-one. You need to 1) Cut yourself in half and kill the Jew side of you, or 2) STFU.
June 29, 2009 at 8:17 pm
incogman, I AM A JEW*ESS*.
I still cant WAIT until you get your ass BLASTED by one of the ‘peace-filled’ FAKESTINIANS!
June 29, 2009 at 8:46 pm
really? Why would palestinians do that, retard? I’ve been the only white in a room full of Palestinians in a SJP meeting. They were quite hospitable, actually. Maybe that’s cause I didn’t bulldoze their house. You think that has something to do with it?
June 29, 2009 at 10:10 pm
Non-jews love and respect all other non-jews, in the absence of JEWS. Goyim forget this on occasion, with the bombardment of subversion.
JEWS carefully nurture the flames of hate, so that they will benefit.
June 29, 2009 at 10:33 pm
Madjewbagess says….
I still cant WAIT until you get your ass BLASTED by one of the ‘peace-filled’ FAKESTINIANS!”
Wow, this person walks free on the streets?
I have never seen so much hate from anybody on sites like this, except from JEWS.
Clean up your act, ‘jewess’. Nobody here (or anyplace I go) is afraid of the poor, dispossessed Palestinian people. It is much more likely that YOU will get smoked for crimes against humanity, than a Pali is gonna hurt me. After all, me and the Pali’s are now on the same side, get that?
June 30, 2009 at 5:12 am
One purpose (and probably the only one) the jew shills serve here is to show any unawakened White visiting this site EXACTLY what they are in for once the jew has finalized its takeover of the entire White world and they can then be OPENLY in power.
There would have been tens of millions of Armenians, White Russians, White Ukrainians, Germans, Semitic Palestinians, etc, who could also have testified to what the jew has in store for the rest of the White population of planet Earth, but sadly they were all butchered by the jew last century in the Armenian Holocaust, the Russian Holocaust, the Ukrainian Holocaust, the Dresden Holocaust and the ongoing Palestinian Holocaust.
~ Whitefella
No wonder they have been kicked out of 109 countries throughout history.
June 30, 2009 at 7:16 am
You are a liar. The people that are CRUCIFYING and murdering the fakestinians are HAMAS.
You also casually FORGET that over 12,000 INNOCENT Israelis not even necessarily JEWS got KICKED OUT of their homes that were there for OVER 30 years.
Bottom line, you are a TRAITOR to America, you side with people that our well beloved troops fight AGAINST, so dont give yourself AIRS about how YOU werte treated when you came back from NAM, because YOU are doing to THEM, what was done to YOU.
BTW….4 troops KIA this AM in IRAQ were you DUMB FKS call our soldiers ‘paid mercenaries’
June 30, 2009 at 7:18 am
“No wonder they have been kicked out of 109 countries throughout history.”
says BLACK DAK PAGAN ‘fella’
They get kicked out because the nations HATE GOD
June 30, 2009 at 11:11 am
“You also casually FORGET that over 12,000 INNOCENT Israelis not even ”
somebody get my violin.
June 30, 2009 at 2:43 pm
uh, DonDUFUS:
I cant WAIT til Obummer brings the YES WE CAN Gestapo you YOUR door, and says:
You will remember your stupid HATE FILLED arrogance at the Mad Jewess, for wanting the death of people that were living IN THEIR HOMES, AND WERE THERE FOR OVER FORTY YEARS—–just wait, Don, just wait, this is COMING YOU YOUR DOOR:
June 30, 2009 at 2:58 pm
good one!
Is it possible for a Jew to leave a comment that isn’t dishonest? Is the Talmud a hand book for subterfuge, or something?
June 30, 2009 at 4:37 pm
JamesTheJust, there were a bunch of posts with your name that were very Christian ID oriented. I enjoyed reading them and now they are gone.
Are you saying that it wasn’t you?
June 30, 2009 at 6:31 pm
I know about as much about the TALMUD as you, plenty of NILL.
I didnt study to be a RABBI, and neither did YOU, dear.
June 30, 2009 at 6:39 pm
incogman, you mustn’t be on youtube. There must be no unPC alternative to television, because every time you watch television, the jew takes a dump in your soul.
June 30, 2009 at 10:44 pm
“June 28, 2009 at 1:39 pm
Right, JEW. And I noticed how you just happened to remember when I briefly spammed “canadian.” Curious.
My record of lying? I have links all over the place to real facts and figures from history that backs me up totally. About the best you Jews can do is call me a liar. Your presence, and Joo harridans like Mad Jewess, only serves to illustrate what I say (comic relief, too).
Sure, I called you a “KikeDyke” (I just love that alliteration), but your “introduction” comments here, was over a Lesbian parade in Boston, do you not remember? So, you’ll have to forgive my conclusions about you.”
You really are an idiot…
I never mentioned that you Spammed Canadian…so you are really busted there. I am sure that word press and your ISP would be really interested in what you do to people who disagree with you since ‘spamming’ people you disagree with is a violation of YOUR ISP’s and word presses terms of service.
You do lie incognant, you told a bald faced lie about me and Canadian being the same person when you know from the IP’s that it cannot be true,yet you continue to propagate this myth. Also, your ‘facts’ are lies and distortions which I have proven on several occasions.
Yes I am a lesbian, but calling someone a ‘kike dyke’ is a slur…surely you understand this and I trust that you should be able to see the inconsistancy of hurling this type of invective at others while at the same time banning it from your blog and then complaining about the vile things others call you. Of course you ignore that fact that you accussed me of beastiality…of what ‘facts’ did you base that.
June 30, 2009 at 11:05 pm
Oh BS, psyn.
Theres no “law” for ISPs or WP TOS that says I can’t spam anyone I want to here! I can moderate, spam, turn off comments altogether. You’re just making up some more spurious crap in the vain attempt to intimadate me, as Jews are so wont to do. So forget it.
And yeah, you did say canadian and madjewess were spammed, too. You’re THE idiot. I’ll go and copy your words for here now:
Submitted on 2009/06/28 at 12:40pm
I guess you will bear this in mind the next time you sequester or think about sequestering madjewess and canadian in your “Spam” filter.
And I spammed canadian for only a couple of days or so. But you seemed to know all about that for some reason, eh?
But at least you finally, FINALLY admitted you are a DYKE. Just like I’ve always thought. You hate that, don’t you?
June 30, 2009 at 11:19 pm
PTSF….America-HATING MUSLIM LOVING SCUM… I went to the StormFAGGOT website.. Why are you people not with American PATRIOTS??
Why have you aligned yourself with the DEVIL??
You DO know what happened to HITLER the FAG, right?? Same will be YOUR fate, once those that you ENABLE (the Muzzies) come to CHOP YOUR HEAD OFF.
July 1, 2009 at 12:56 pm
PTSF….America-HATING MUSLIM LOVING SCUM… I went to the StormFAGGOT website.. Why are you people not with American PATRIOTS??
Why have you aligned yourself with the DEVIL??
You DO know what happened to HITLER the FAG, right?? Same will be YOUR fate, once those that you ENABLE (the Muzzies) come to CHOP YOUR HEAD OFF.
LOL! And just how would they get here to do that? Could it be that somebody is holding the borders open? And who might that be? ROFLMWAO!!!
July 1, 2009 at 1:13 pm
Yeah…I am siglhandedly holding the borders open all by myself..
You know the REAL knights went and fought OFF the Mohammeddans to save the HOLY LAND known as ISRAEL? Why are you with the Muzzies??
Here, this is your fate, if you dont repent and tell JESUS you are very sorry for joining that hate filled MONSTEROUS forum from DEATH:
Bukhari:V5B59N727 “When Allah’s Apostle became seriously sick, he started covering his face with a woolen sheet. When he felt short of breath, he removed it, and said, ‘That is so! Allah’s curse be on Jews and Christians.’”
YOU better SUBMIT to allah, they WILL chop your head off as HUSSEIN Obama is filling his staff with FORTY FIVE shariah MUZZIES
You get what you deserve.
July 1, 2009 at 1:47 pm
There’s more jews in obumma’s cabinet than in hymies bagel shop at the lunchtime rush.Next “madjewess” will be telling us that spielberg and geffen are filling their “stable” (ha ha ha!) with muzzies!!! and that muzzies are “muzzeing” in on the sulzbergers for the jew york times!!!!.
Such a pathetic liar – nice try to turn soldiers against those who know the true enemies of this country – with your cheap hasbara job – isn’t that an old jew job? “my enemies enemy is my freind?”
you are definitely stirring it up for “little jews” – I believe that “madjewess” considers herself “a little jew”.
July 1, 2009 at 1:53 pm
“mad jewess” says
“as HUSSEIN Obama is filling his staff with FORTY FIVE shariah MUZZIES”
Can you spell L-I-A-R? – “sure, I knew you could”
July 1, 2009 at 2:49 pm
Arent you a DUMBELL revRAT… 45 Muslims ARE going to be on HUSSEINS staff, one is ALREADY nominated as Homeland Secc Assistant ADHS.
July 1, 2009 at 2:50 pm
Yeah, whatever the fuck ever…you just think that b/c I am a JEW *ESS* that I am hard core lefty…what a stero-type you are.
Go look at my blog, THEN tell me I am a ‘left-winger’
what a TOTAL
July 1, 2009 at 6:33 pm
“June 30, 2009 at 11:05 pm
Oh BS, psyn.
Theres no “law” for ISPs or WP TOS that says I can’t spam anyone I want to here! I can moderate, spam, turn off comments altogether. You’re just making up some more spurious crap in the vain attempt to intimadate me, as Jews are so wont to do. So forget it.
And yeah, you did say canadian and madjewess were spammed, too. You’re THE idiot. I’ll go and copy your words for here now:
Submitted on 2009/06/28 at 12:40pm
I guess you will bear this in mind the next time you sequester or think about sequestering madjewess and canadian in your “Spam” filter.
And I spammed canadian for only a couple of days or so. But you seemed to know all about that for some reason, eh?
But at least you finally, FINALLY admitted you are a DYKE. Just like I’ve always thought. You hate that, don’t you?”
Yeah, I misunderstood you because you never use the proper IT terms for anything….It does not take a genius to realize that you ban Canadian and Mad Jewess from time to time because their comments disappear for a time and then suddenly reappear. In fact you admit to that in your other ravings on this site. Again, Incognant liar, publish our IP’s to prove your contention that we are the same person. You never will do it because you are a liar….and you got caught..
I never denied being a lesbian…so I am not really sure what you are being so triumphant about…You need to grow beyond what appears to be your 13 year old mentality and start acting like an adult….
Like madjewess says, the rest of us have nothing to fear from you white pride simpletons….
So again, you should realize that ranting about what others call you while doing the same thing makes you look like an idiot…
July 1, 2009 at 6:39 pm
There we go, ‘canadian’ put his dress on, and came back as psyn. We don’t see them separated often, do we?
Yeah, madjewessbag isn’t a ‘simpleton’….LOL
July 1, 2009 at 7:05 pm
What a total liar. canadian and mad jewess’ line of bull don’t “disappear and suddenly reappear.” More like your on-line personna.
Stick around KIKEDYKE, cause I’ve just about had it with Mad Jewess and I’m seriously considering SPAMMING her back to Treblinka for being a PAIN IN MY ASS. You too, for that matter.
Whatcha going to do? Turn me in to the ADL/MOSSAD?
July 1, 2009 at 8:48 pm
uhhhh, StormFAG, the link is here from the Chicago Tribune that HUSSEIN Obama the MUSLIM is putting in 41 Muzzies.
Already the ADHS nomination is a MUSLIM…. Nice, eh??
Muzzies in charge of HOMELAND SECURITY….. So what say you stupid??
Pain in your ass, incogFART??
If I had your ass, I’d have a pain too.
BTW.. Are you someone big? Like Don Black?? Frank Weltner?? You said that Chaim Ben Pesach said you were a fag. Is that true?? Why did he call you that?
July 1, 2009 at 8:51 pm
Psyn, these guys here??
July 1, 2009 at 8:52 pm
Look, mad jewess, you cut back on your kiddie Jew blather and I’ll put your link in my braindead section. Otherwise, it’s off to SPAMblinka for you.
July 1, 2009 at 9:19 pm
“July 1, 2009 at 7:05 pm
What a total liar. canadian and mad jewess’ line of bull don’t “disappear and suddenly reappear.” More like your on-line personna.”
What is your point here. Are you now denying what you admitted to previously, mainly the banning of posts by Canadian and MadJewess?
I am not lying, how can I be when you yourself claimed that I knew about the spamming of Canadian. By the way, I did not have first hand knowledge of Canadians “spamming’, I suspected it based on Canadians posting pattern. I love your technique of flinging sh*t against the wall and seeing how much of it sticks with your idiot followers.
“Stick around KIKEDYKE, cause I’ve just about had it with Mad Jewess and I’m seriously considering SPAMMING her back to Treblinka for being a PAIN IN MY ASS. You too, for that matter.
Whatcha going to do? Turn me in to the ADL/MOSSAD?”
You won’t ‘spam’ us. Having us around gives you a scapegoat to bash to make up for your insecurities and inability to mount a logical defense of your position. You are reduced to threatening to ban people you say you cannot stand to start with, truly pathetic.
July 1, 2009 at 9:34 pm
You’re right there, but wrong for the reason, KikeDyke. Your comments only serve my purposes, what I say about the Jew — subversive, unimaginative big mouths who revel in double-talk. Almost always you skirt the issues brought up in the post above, settling on the most inane thing in the comments. You also resort to lying on the occasion.
You constantly amaze me with your ridiculous points; “Incog uses the brightening and sharpening filter in photoshop so he is a liar.” “Oh, incog said ISP instead of IP so he’s not IT savvy.” “Incog has to be a neo nazi talking about us Jews so much, he must be dumb” and on and on you go.
Right, posting pattern. I’m just so sure you had the pattern figured out. Read that back — you really expect people to believe THAT?
If I wanted to, you’d be gone in a JEW YORK minute.
Mad Jewess, on the other hand, is patently certifiable. Her comments, although sometimes hilarious for her silly stupidity (incogFART, incogFAGGOT), are nothing but tiresome tirades of high school twaddle.
July 1, 2009 at 10:31 pm
I was just reminded of this video, which is spot on:
July 1, 2009 at 10:32 pm
In case the video didn’t take, here’s the link:
Well worth watching!
July 2, 2009 at 7:22 am
‘Mad Jewess, on the other hand, is patently certifiable. Her comments, although sometimes hilarious for her silly stupidity (incogFART, incogFAGGOT), are nothing but tiresome tirades of high school twaddle’
incogMORON…do you deserve better from me?? NO.
You act like a HS CHUMP. Like YOU dont namecall. In fact, you cant debate WITHOUT the namecalling.
**Face it, incogMOAN… You are OLD. Ugly. NASTY, FAT.**
When the savage Muslim Nazi sympathizing S.F. fags see that they listen to some old, ugly, smelly man that sits underneath a porch sippin on the moonshine, they will come and wonder what the REAL GUTSY JEW *ESS* chic looks like, and they will see a Jewish JOAN OF ARC, and follow ME.
I will be one of the leaders in the 2nd Revolution, and you will be dying in your bed, with your last breath saying:
“GOD FORGIVE ME for treating the HERO that saved the nation like crap”
And God will reply:
Face it, THAT is YOUR future, unless you
July 4, 2009 at 1:07 am
ron larson
mad jewlady you are no joan of ark ,jews have no country they are in exile period,israhell is a myth like the holohoax myth perpetuated and cept alive by jew media,face the truth everything about you fake imposter jews is just that fiction,the hard part is for you to admit these truths ,but most important of all to burn your talmud satan books of hate,i wouldnt care if you worshiped satan and you do its just that the world will not tolerate your racist selfserving jew agenda,of jews 1st jews this jews that all your evils protected by all your champions adl aclu ect the world will not tolerate the selfish got to have it all got to be in charge bow to the hook nose kikes any longer,we live we breathe just like jews but its over you are over ,if you cant learn to live as others do caring and sharing this world that belongs to all jews and non jews,then dont be surprised when all your safeguards to hide your evil brings about your own extinction ,i wouldnt want to be a jew nope
July 4, 2009 at 1:29 am
ron larson
in the end israel your sin has found you out,the whole world stands on the brink of crushing evil israel ,ever wonder why only usa stands with israel,,,,is the whole rest of the world wrong,,ever wonder why the jews have been run out of over 150 countries it was all the worlds fault of course,the jews will not melt into other races but yet they lobby for immigration in usa ever wonder why jews are so into politics here and afar control control control jews control all mass media to censor truths and criticisizm of israel,ever wonder why tiny little israel gets more aid then any other country,,ever wonder why weve got jews printing our money why they killed jfk when he tried to print the silverback dollar,,,ever wonder why we cant hold israel and us gov responsible for 911 media control media control ever wonder why patriot act 900 pages was ready to go the day after 911 think real hard,,its the zionist jews the revolution has started joan of jewess victorypalestine
July 4, 2009 at 7:27 am
She probably means well. Shes just more elitened than us. It’s all covered under the ‘Attrition Through Sterialization’ Act coming in the near future after the war. Look for this bill soon. “Imagine”, as John Lennon the Marxist and his slope handler said…
July 4, 2009 at 7:35 am
Ron, I forgive you for dumping all over me for no reason on my blog.
Saul, I dont ‘mean well’ I know that I am good and God loves me.
John Lennons song Imagine is a positive lying fairytale song, as is most of his songs.
Lastly, I am a Joan of Arc Jewess. I will die for my nation here in the USA as they YES WE CAN police shut up my blog 2x a week now, and I am the ‘right-wing’ terrorist that Ner-o-tano is ‘so afraid of.
Incog…have a nice 4th. I hope a firecrackers blows your ass up.
July 4, 2009 at 8:55 am
jews Think they’re better than me. but, dat be being cause da CAIN’t see! “”Chosen”" even. Dat in it’s self is not a crime or treason. Me thinks it’s just da begin’n of da reason. I think’n I’m better than a lot of Goy, but I only want to up hold Constitutional Law. Dat’s Ma Boy! Not perfect, but fine for now. But da don’t be car’n they jewed any how.
I do NOT however think I am ‘chosen’ any more than any others. I may be ‘better’ in some comparative ways or even more evolved, arguably. I never claim higher or ultimate in potential as an entity on this world. Most blacks behave as the lowest of niggardly primates now. Yet I would never say their unevolved race (excepting our gift of genetic infusion) are ultimately inferior in the eyes of God or in potential as a species.
Many mulattos are quite intelligent. Some even behave human. ‘It will come with time for their own. Only if the jew be leav’n dem alone’. I be’n a rappa poe-it dat don’t be-a know’n it.
The Counterfeit chameleon jew, however, is above such Goyim nonsense. There is no excuse for a jew as known to day. Only a reason for their healing and salvation through death or sincere (possible?) denouncement of all things jew current and past. The current jew IN ALL IT’s forms is only Counterfeit. ‘Gentiles’ don’t claim jew, yet only Gentiles are of IsREAL or is That Israel…
October 24, 2009 at 12:46 am
This video had been on “JooToob” for three years now….. Imagine though, how short its stay would of been if the video imagery was of the “Hollow-Co$t” and the songs chorus was “Judaism is stupid, capitalism is good”…
December 27, 2009 at 4:31 am
Might be interesting for you, that there is a organisation called, they are doing zionist propaganda all over the internet in youtube, twitter news-sites and blogs with polls or the possibility to leave a comment. They have webcontent bots developed by universities and probably the mossad working for them.
I hope someday it will be possible to do jew-free polls and blogs. Thats the moment when I begin to like the RFID concept LOL
December 27, 2009 at 8:32 am
let’s see psyn= p syn= p sign= peace sign???
January 16, 2010 at 11:45 pm
Here’s what get’s me, I agree with this blog’s author on so many levels, now here come the typical jew attacks of oh, he’s a psychotic, a fruit, or whatever. No refuting of actual facts, just ad hominem attacks…
so predictably jew.