In this screenshot I did on 4/23/10, Wikipedia declares that Yurovsky (executioner of the Romanov family) was brought up in a working class Russian Orthodox (meaning Christian) family. They used a single site as reference, even though history had long documented Yurovsky being Jew. But they missed the fact that Yankel is definitely the Yiddish diminutive for Yakov!
Remember when I put up a screen shot of Wikipedia’s entry on the Jewish thug in charge of the Boshevik Jew murder team that killed Czar Nicholas II and his family? In my post ”The Jew Commies — Natural Born Killers,” I have the above screen shot where they USED to say Yakov Yurovsky (right) was from a Russian Orthodox family, but stupidly retained his Yiddish diminutive ”Yankel.” They deleted that and now merely say he was from a “working class” family (see screen shot below).
But now they say his mother was “of Jewish origin” (with a name like Esther, I guess so). In the editing discussion page, they still have the link to the website that claims he was from a Russian Orthodox background. The new copy puts his family ”converting” to Lutheranism in the early 1900′s and makes obnoxious effort to say they were trying to “distance themselves from the Jewish faith” because of the “anti-Semitism” of Imperial Russia. Nevertheless, Yakov retained his Yid nickname “Yankel” for life and is usually still called that in history books.
By this time, it was pretty obvious that Jews in general were a major problem for the Goyim Czarist Monarchy and Russia as a whole. My theory is that Yankel alone ”converted” to mask his Jewy Marxism from the Czar’s secret police, since they knew well that Jews were an out of control subversive element (the terrorist Jews killed Nicholas’ father Czar Alexander II with a bomb, even after he made generous social concessions to the Jews and serfs).
Another thing about the website they referenced to back up the Russian Orthodox business (Alexander Palace Time Machine Biographies), is that it also says Yurovsky led a worker’s strike in 1897 and puts his Lutheran conversion at 1905. But the Jews at Wikipedia change this around: “Shortly before fully devoting himself to the socialists’ revolutionary cause, Yurovsky himself converted to Lutheranism in the early 1900s.” As in: No longer a Jew when he becomes a big, bad Marxist (like it’s only a religion).
Hell, it doesn’t matter a whit whether these people believe in God or not in the first place (most are basically atheist or think Jews are mini-Gods themselves), the problem is that these people hate us Goyim and are just plain Nation Wreckers to begin with. It’s really a racist, Talmudic hatred manifesting itself as political extremism.
Stuff like this happens all the time with Wikipedia. That’s why people call it “Kikepedia,” because it’s so heavily edited by Jewry to keep people from getting it about them. In the editing tab, they still say that Yurovsky’s Jewishness is only something found in ”czarist literature” or by us evil ”anti-Semites.” They always say similiar things whenever it’s anything bad to do with Jews.
New page: Note how they took out his Jew name “Yankel” and go on about his family supposedly distancing themselves from their Jewish roots. Funny, several of his siblings had obvious Jewish first names. This is how Jews obfuscate things that incriminate their race. Here, check it out yourself: KIKEPEDIA ON YUROVSKY
Sure, this is not that big a thing, compared to everything else Jews are behind. And yeah, I don’t know if they did it because of my post or not, but it happened not too long after I spotlighted it here. More than likely a Jew working directly for Wikipedia noticed a linkback to my blog (I had a embedded link in my post) and followed it back to see what it was all about.*
However, this small example should illustrate the effort Jews make to obfuscate history and hide their true behavior from the unaware. Wikipedia is an important research tool for students doing homework and they sure as hell don’t want them exposed to information that might taint their little heads.
Oh, we can go on all day about evil Hitler and Muslim baddies, but we had better keep our mouths shut about the “Chosen Ones!” They are such innocent little lambs, you know.
Believe it or not, these people have organized fellow Jews world-wide to go into Wikipedia and work to establish themselves by editing copy unrelated to Jewry so they can move up in the hierarchy and affect changes to more serious Jew stuff later on.
Here, check out this article about them doing this over Israel propaganda and lies about how they treat the Palestinians. Be sure to download the PDF of internal emails obtained that exposes their activities: Electronic Intifada’s CAMERA expose
Here’s another example of Wikipedia changing history to hide their culpability in the KATYN MASSACRE.
This is the exact same modus operandi of embedded Jewry on all fronts — print, radio, Hollywood and national mainstream TV – and is easy to foster when Big Jewry pretty much owns the whole shooting match to begin with.
Who’s really behind all the mess America now finds herself? The Jew, that’s who.
White America never gets to see the true picture on how these people are really like and all the evils they’ve been doing to the Palestinians for literally decades upon decades. Unfortunately, for way too many people, what they watch on TV is how they view the world.
The Jew has focused his subversive efforts at modern day mass media to both keep us in the dark, as well as brainwashing us about diversity and multiculturalism — changing America from the inside out and eventually turning the White race into spat-upon minorities in our own countries. Hell, they have already changed things around so much that many Whites are basically social and political agents of Jewry (liberals).
These Jews will try to tell you this is all “White Supremacist” and “Conspiracy Theory” talk, blah, blah, blah. Haven’t you seen past these lame excuses by now?
– Phillip Marlowe
*Note: These changes to the Wikipedia article were NOT recorded in the editing history. I screen captured the first image on 4/23/10 and the editing history page shows the last edit at 4/16/10 by a Jonas Lijeström HERE, where he changed Yurovsky’s background to Russian Orthodox. This leads me to conclude the recent changes must have been done by a Jew within Kikepedia itself, without leaving a record. And I definitely did NOT photoshop the screen image.
5/29 early evening: They went in and added back “Yankel” and some phony editing history. Go here and see!
Revision history as of 5/28 evening. Note the 16 April 2010 as the last editing change. Now they changed it! Nice job Jews, but too slow for INCOG MAN.
Close up view of editing history as of last night (5/28 LATE PM). Now the Jews are coming here (see comment from “nice” below) and trying to say the editing history was there all along.
Here’s what they added today (article first posted @ 12:05 AM EST, 5/29): A new editing history that wasn’t there for the last month (the big yellow block) and added back in “Yankel” (all done today, for SOME reason). The “May 1″ series of “edits” by some Commie Jew, uses a IP number that’s blocked, changed or doesn’t track anywhere – very possibly a non-existent address to begin with.
Nice job on backtracking on your attempt to rewrite history, Jews!
Comments feed for this article
May 30, 2010 at 7:11 pm
Blogtyping – I just put up the Alex jones / Hart / Watson stuff as a follow-up to my 6.17 comment. Excerpt ( from another blog comment) :
” Fester | Sat, 2010-05-29 23:21
Sherlock Holmes Comedy Hour
HIGH comedy. AJ’s grasping, panting, chasing his own tail, and trying not to shit on the carpet. Hilarious ads a bonus.”
May 30, 2010 at 7:13 pm
Bollyn exposes the Jew’s involvement in 9/11, that’s why. I try not to get into all the “who’s the Jew” bit among the awakened.
May 30, 2010 at 7:13 pm
And no, zionism is not the issue per se, who cares if they are zionists or not, if they are a Jewish supremacist and extremist who thinks they have a right to harvest your organs if needed.
May 30, 2010 at 7:24 pm
Hufschmidt was STILL banging on about Bollyn being kidnapped last time I tried to listen to him. I didnt get far, he sounds just insane these days.
Didnt know that about his girlfriend, I thought she was Scandinavian.
I agree, jews have been up to the same shit since long before “Zionism”.
I bang my head with intelligent but brainwashed people re: 911.
The more credible voices the better, ie that ex-Italian Prime minister, Alan Sabrosky, etc. in my opinion.
Will check out your blog.
May 30, 2010 at 7:34 pm
Another thing INCOG MAN |
“I do know the first indication that freedom is at hand will be when the false media is removed. I will be sufficiently convinced that true freedom has been regained when American media is in place and speaking open truth. A truthful and open media should be the first objective for any American. Media is a constant reminder that we are under occupation.”"
Let me tell you something about this. A truthful media is but a romanticly beautiful utopia, but not realistic. There is no such thing as objectivity.
What needs to be done, is to raise national and racial conciousness, and from there, BUILD a media which serves ones nation and race. Of course there will be different views, still, but that is the best protection there is, in my opinion.
Todays international exploiters will not care for you, and the greedy individuals with no blood loyalty wont either.
What is needed though, which I can agree with, is an honest media. But an honest media is not necessarely truthful. An honest media is a media whose subjectivity and perspectives are known. Im not saying that it wouldntbe good to have a “truthful” media (to some degree of course that would be the result), I am just stating what I think is realistic in regards to this.
I will have an article on objectivity, subjectivity and media on my blog as well, eventually…
I see, if i missunderstood, you have my apology. Nevertheless, it can’t be pointed out too many times what a lie and how false A Jones is.
Anyone who doesnt go the whole path towards truth, I have doubts about. If they dont give a single source to the nonsense they spread, and just focus on screaming like a mad clown, it doesnt make it any better. In more cases than not, it eventually becomes clear what they are doing. As in the case of Alex ‘chabos’ Goy.
On the other hand, if the controlled media and sworn enemies of European mankind never give someone a break. That someones opinions and work just might be worthwile to look up.
May 30, 2010 at 8:13 pm
Rothschilds-Rockefellers Prep US,
EU For China Conquest
By Dick Eastman
ZionistJew-ChineseTriad Alliance aim at nothing less than total world communist enslavement for those of us who do not escape the genocidal culling and a permanent elite master-races aristocracy graced with godlike weath and high-tech power.
The American people are few in number, less than 7 percent. They have been flooded with people of other lands who have been fed anti-American and “anti-White Man.” Something similar has been done in Europe. The plan was for the 9-11 false-flag attack to initiate mutually destructive conflict between the civilizations of Europe and the Americas against Islam. With conspiracy agents controlled by the Rothschild/Rockefeller interests (Goldman-Sachs, IMF, World Bank, FED, the UN, the European Union Central Bank, and thousand of NGO’s including the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group to do their bidding — ever aspect of our culture has been sabotaged. China has an army of former Americans, the “Ex-Pats” in China who are assisting working this conquest and slaughter.
Each has the soul of a Blankfein or Rham Emanuel or Barrak Obama (talking about the soul of a communist infiltrators and the winning smile of one). 9-1, the weather disasters, the drug invasion, abortion, pornography and the destruction of all institutions that transmitted the vital cultural practices of our civilization — all have been seen to by those who developed Zhou Enlai’s and Leon Trotsky’s plan for the communist subversion of the US.
God has put good men in the Americas and in Europe and in Japan and Southeast Asia who understand the situation and will lead against the eventuality. They need about two or three billion followers around the world in order to overthrow Rothschild power.
May 30, 2010 at 8:21 pm
I just wrote a reply, and as I was submitting it the computer crashed. So I guess il be spending more time here than I had intended. Here I go again…
“I do know the first indication that freedom is at hand will be when the false media is removed. I will be sufficiently convinced that true freedom has been regained when American media is in place and speaking open truth. A truthful and open media should be the first objective for any American. Media is a constant reminder that we are under occupation.””
Let me state a few things about this quote you have. An objective media is but a romantically beautiful utopia, but not realistic. You cannot expect there to be a media that speak the truth.
What you can expect is to raise national and racial consciousness, and inspire people to BUILD a media for their interests. Today’s media is run by internationalist exploiters and greedy individuals with no blood loyalty, who have no care for you.
Whilst there is no such thing as objectivity. I do agree that an honest media is needed, albeit honest doesn’t guarantee truthfull (even though it can be much more truthful than todays controlled media). An honest media implies honesty about its subjectivity and perspectives.
I will have an article on objectivity, subjectivity and media on the blog as well, eventually…
GTRman |
If I misunderstood, you have my apologies.
It cannot however be stated too many times what a lie and how false A Jones is.
Whenever someone doesn’t walk the full path of truth, that is a reason for doubt. And when they provide no sources and scream like a mad clown, it doesn’t make things better.
On the other hand, when the controlled media and enemies of European mankind don’t give someone a break, its usually worthwhile taking a look at their opinions and work.
After these few comments here, the opposition must surely be mobilizing against me through their Jewish megaphone program (for those who do not know, a software to fight “anti-semitism” (that is anyone who dares oppose Jewish supremacy) .
As for the terrible oil spill catastrophy, I think it’s just a big screw up. I remember raising concern about this several years ago, because back then, an oil drilling operation in the gulf was very close to causing precisely this, and there was considerable publicity due to the huge volumes of oil related to this. I wish I could find those reports right now, but I don’t remember off hand the details. Be that as it may, the point is that it is amazing that despite this having almost happened already, at least once before, they not only didn’t prevent it, but they didn’t even make a plan as for what to do if it happens in the future. And now it did happen, even with the risks being known before hand, they had no plan or idea as for what action to take. What do they use their ridiculously high profits for?
May 30, 2010 at 8:23 pm
Oh, so there it was, how utterly unneccesary…
May 30, 2010 at 8:39 pm
Nice job catching the JEW-rats that control/edit kikepedia, Incogman. JEWRY’s actions to obfuscate the truth is an admission of their crimes against humanity, IMO.
If they think they’ll edit themselves out of the mess they’ve created, they have another thing coming. Too much work for only .8% of the world population!
May 30, 2010 at 8:43 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
“What do they use their ridiculously high profits for?”
To police us.To harass us. To denude us of any form of defence.
To display their contempt, and so make us hopeless.
To burn children world wide, for a bit of harmless fun, with high tech weaponry.
To pay their protectors.
And eventually to kill us.
You may wish to go here, and drop some wisdom.
They have been perfectly accommodating to me up ’til now.
To the point, i was slightly taken aback.
May 30, 2010 at 9:11 pm
Had to share this comment from a free movie site, on the Coen brothers movie, “a serious man” :
” I love the Coen Brothers movies. Even their movies people didn’t like, like “Ladykillers.” But this Not even a little. I’m a jew, and this was too jewish for me. No thank you. ”
Think I’ll avoid it with a review like that!
May 30, 2010 at 9:52 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Most kids get over any fascination with their own excrement, they ever had, by the age of two or so.
Jews have elevated it into a philosophy, a dinner table prayer!!
A lifestyle!!!
I used to rib my old man, in the olden days for being a bit, behind the times, not with it daddio, a bit bigoted.
Stupid prick that i was.
Sorry Dad.
May 30, 2010 at 10:20 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Rachel Corrie 5th Grade Speech I’m here because I care
May 30, 2010 at 10:45 pm
Here is some information I just happened across which deserves a serious look and investigation. If it were some name other than Maurice Strong involved in the Chicago Climate Exchange, I might consider the information be kooky about a 10 TRILLION dollar a year legislated allowance. I won’t attempt to go into the background on this old communist loving capitalist”, because it is too involved and it’s been too long since I’ve kept track of him. You can be certain that George Soros and Gorbachev are not too far away. Add in Al Gore and Obama and you get the picture a little more clearly. Believe me, if this is anything like I think it may be this needs a serious teamwork investigation. This was the original link.
“Currently, it seems as though he’s working with President Obama and former Vice-President Al Gore on a project that will try to legislate a bill that will provide ten trillion dollars to the Chicago Climate Exchange. As you can see, a lot of people are very suspicious of this and many consider this a huge scam.
If I read correctly, it would provide ten trillion dollars yearly to the Chicago Climate Exchange and a lot of people are pointing at this like it’s going to be a big conspiracy.”
Here are some more links worth checking:
From the “Who We Are” section, at About CCX
“Through their CCX membership, the above organizations [They are named at the link - Flanders] were first in the world to make legally binding commitments to reduce all six greenhouse gases, in the world’s first multinational multi-sector market for reducing and trading greenhouse gases.
CCX is a U.S. corporation, and today remains the only emissions reduction and trading system for all six greenhouse gases and the only operational cap and trade system in North America. CCX has nearly 300 Members from all sectors and Offset Projects worldwide. See full Member list.”
May 30, 2010 at 10:52 pm
Hey, I followed your last article on this wikipedia bio with interest, having long been an amused/frustrated observer of the jew-raping wikipedia toils under. I don’t know why your edits history showed what it did on 5/28, but those “false edits” are legit. One of them was mine. I restored two categories: “Russian Jews” and “Soviet Jews” that had been stripped out. I was actually surprised by how little activity there was after my edit; the jew cabal usually hops in to gang-bang any edits contrary to the party line. I can only assume that the quiet is due to your focus on this particular article. There’s plenty of truth “improving” for the wiki-jews to occupy themselves with, so they just avoid wherever the spotlight’s shining at the moment.
May 30, 2010 at 10:57 pm
Link to Members:
Separate link for CCX:
[I had posted by mistake before completing the comment]
“Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) is North America’s only voluntary, legally binding greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction and trading system for emission sources and offset projects in North America and Brazil.”
“CCX is operated by the public company Climate Exchange PLC, which also owns the European Climate Exchange.[2] Richard Sandor, creator of the Sustainable Performance Group, founded the exchange and has been a spokesman for it. The exchange trades in emissions of six gases: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexafluoride, perfluorocarbons and hydrofluorocarbons. CCX started trading in October 2003, prior to the commencement of trading in the European Union through the ETS system.”
“Know the crooks and their roles:
George Soros, Joyce Foundation and connection to CCX.
What is CCX, the Chicago Climate Exchange, projected to gross 10 Trillion a year is Cap-N-Tax passes. Obama played a pivotal role in the formation of the CCX. (Click here for expose)
Barrack Hussein Obama, Board Member of the Joyce Foundation, funded the formation of the CCX. (
Valerie Jarrett is still on the board, Obama’s top adviser.) Obama sat on board and funneled money to Ayer’s brother (wild huh, just a guy in his neighborhood) and to form the CCX.
AL Gore–Goldman Sachs– GIM: Hold on to your britches, London-based Generation Investment Management sees the Trillion and they purchased a huge stake in Chicago Climate Exchange (fifth largest shareholder.) The founder of GIM is none other than former Vice President Al Gore along with Goldman people. For example other founders are David Blood (former Goldman executive), Mark Ferguson (Goldman) and Peter Harris (Goldman) to name a few. “
Franklin Raines, mega crooked banker and bust Fannie Mae head, uses Fannie Mae (taxpayers money) to buy the technology to measure and manage carbon. The patent was award the day after Obama and Dems won the election.
Goldman Sachs owns ten percent of the CCX and its 10 Trillion a year potential. (CCX is 10% owned by Goldman Sachs (GS) and 10% owned by Generation Investment Management (GIM).) Gore, Goldman, and Cap and Trade – Tangled Web of Corruption”
This comment is off topic for the Wikipedia post perhaps, but is there anyone who could say that it is off topic for what the jews are doing to our country – and to our world? I hope those of you who investigate and blogs will pick up on this trail and expose what is happening before it comes in by a back door way.
May 30, 2010 at 11:15 pm
Also, to clarify, the last time I saw the Yurovsky article or its edit history was after I made my edit. That was over a month ago. I don’t know what toolset is available to higher access wikipedia users, so I really don’t know what sort of tricks you can play with edit histories. I DO know however, that at least part of the edit history is legit. Whether or not it was available to public view and the article reflected those edits until now….. I can’t say. The “Russian Jews” category is still in though as of right now.
As general advice though, spare your blood pressure and don’t try to edit against the jews on wikipedia. It will absolutely infuriate you. If you can handle it though, by all means, give them grief. They deserve it.
May 30, 2010 at 11:22 pm
That’s confusing, Tom. Are you saying your edit date is correct?
I purposefully checked the history page several times in the month before 5/28 and saw nothing. I screen captured it on the evening of 5/28 (above) and the last edit at that point was done on 4/16 by Lilestrom. I saw the restored category tags for “Russian Jews” only the next day (5/29), right along with Yankel being added back in, just like my screen capture montage shows inside the big yellow area.
May 30, 2010 at 11:27 pm
If you did it over a month ago, then it must be the 4/28 restored category edit.
Suddenly, it appears yesterday.
May 30, 2010 at 11:29 pm
I understand your advice. Personally, I don’t involve myself there if at all possible. However, I have contact with various people who do and they have the same impression as you.
May 31, 2010 at 1:55 am
Incogman, I hope you don’t mind if I mix a few more links into this posting on the Chicago Climate Exchange [CCX]. This thing needs some follow through and some real exposure. Let me know if it is a problem.
Here is a section of a report involving Obama. It seems this is an old tie-in from his “pauper days” which he is now set to exploit, pushing the global warming agenda, and is using his position as POTUS to do so. It is said to involve John Ayers, brother of Bill Ayers, too.
“The same Chicago Climate Exchange promoting public rip-off was funded by Obama before he was POTUS.
Even as man-made global warming is being exposed as a money-generating hoax, Obama is working feverishly to push the controversial cap-and-trade carbon reduction scheme through Congress.
Obama was never the character he created for himself in the fairy-tale version in “Dreams of My Father”. He’s the agent of Change and Hope for cohorts making money down at the Chicago Climate Exchange.
The Barbarians are pushing at the gate of the Global Warming fraud, and to borrow a line from children playing Hide and Seek, Here they come, ready or not!”
May 31, 2010 at 2:10 am
Obama is Impeachable for Funding Chicago Climate Xchg….
“While serving with Weather Underground bomber Bill Ayers’ brother, John Ayers, on the Board of the Joyce Foundation in Chicago (1994-2002), then state Senator in Illinois, Barack Obama, funded the establishment of the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX). The Head of the CCX quotes the future worth of the annual business of the CCX at TEN TRILLION DOLLARS, 2/3 of the worth of the trading of all American businesses on the financial exhanges per year (FIFTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS).
Who owns the CCX? Fifty percent ownership is GOLDMAN SACHS. Another 10% is owned by an outfit out of London which includes Al Gore, David Blood/Goldman Sachs, + 3-4 other former Goldman Sachs executives.
How did the CCX get major funding from 2002-2010? Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are heavily invested in the CCX.
The CCX stands to make its 10 TRILLION DOLLARS per year once Obama gets the Congress to unwittingly pass the infamous Cap & Trade Bill, personally crafted and overseen by Obama and his cronies.
The Cap & Trade Bill will cause your electricity energy costs in your homes and businesses to (in Obama’s own words) “SKYROCKET”. The Cap & Trade Bill taxes businesses AND individuals for carbon dioxide emissions.”
“Barack Obama was made President so he could push the Cap & Trade bill through Congress OR sign an equivalent Executive Order.
Barack Obama was in on causing the “Big Economy FAIL” of the United States BEFORE it was put into motion by Fannie mae and Freddie Mac (WHILE Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, was a Director at Freddie Mac in 2000-2001 and an Illinois Congressman framer of the $787 Bail Out bill in 2008).”
May 31, 2010 at 2:46 am
“Barack Obama, Al Gore, Goldman Sachs, And the Greatest Swindle In Human History” shows a lot of connections to this global warming swindle using the vehicle of the Chicago Climate Exchange. It seems that Glenn Beck and others have been vocal about it, but I had not heard about it before. This link has several video and links to other information, so I will leave off further commenting on this unless I come across new and pertinent information.
I encourage any blogger to pick up and to make sure that this information is known and understood. Emphaisizing that jewish corruption within what is supposed to be our American government is responsible for most, if not all, of these scams is appropriate and necessary. We are tired of repeated treachery which imposes communism into our system while at the same time further enriching devious jews and their enabling assistants.
“There is only one way to stop this nightmare from reaching it’s full potential, and the destruction of civil society as we know it, and that is to make sure no legislation mandating cap and tax, or any other “climate change” tomfoolery ever comes to fruition.
With the enviro-moonbattery that is being ginned up over the tragedy in the Gulf, you can bet Obama and his co-conspirators will be working at breakneck speed to get the legislation in place that will make them wealthy beyond all description, and enslave mankind to their will for all eternity.
This must be stopped and stopped now. In a just society, men like Al Gore, George Soros, Barack Obama and the rest of this criminal enterprise, would be thrown in a dark prison to rot, never to see the light of day again.
I’m not sure we can make that happen, but we can expose these people and make sure none of their plans come to fruition.”
May 31, 2010 at 6:19 am
May 31, 2010 at 6:08 pm
Incogman wrote:
“*Note: These changes to the Wikipedia article were NOT recorded in the editing history. I screen captured the first image on 4/23/10 and the editing history page shows the last edit at 4/16/10 by a Jonas Lijeström”
I wrote
Revision as of 02:28, 28 April 2010
Yakov Yurovsky
Yakov (Yankel) Mikhailovich Yurovsky (19 June [O.S. 7 June] 1878 in Tomsk, Siberia, Russia – before 2 August 1938 in Moscow) is best known as the chief executioner of Russia’s last Tsar, Nicholas II, and his family after the Russian Revolution of 1917.
INCOG MAN wrote:
Cute: So now you put the changes in the history file. They were not there LAST NIGHT when I did the screen capture now in my article.
“(cur | prev) 23:20, 28 April 2010 (talk) (5,491 bytes) (restored categories removed without explanation) (undo)
That’s Tom record see the following ““I don’t know why your edits history showed what it did on 5/28, but those “false edits” are legit. One of them was mine.”
May 29, 2010 at 7:20 pm
I wrote
So u claim that someone added 9 records …………….
I would say “NO MORE COMMENTS”
May 29, 2010 at 7:27 pm
Nice: I’ve got the screen dump from last night and it has none of that BULLSHIT.
I’d say you should just walk away with your tail between your JEW ASS.
(I’m doing a close-up shot of my screen dump from last night)
May 29, 2010 at 7:49 pm
May 29, 2010 at 7:59 pm
Good thing I made screen captures when I did.
Scroll back up and see the close-ups and explanations.
May 29, 2010 at 8:43 pm
Yeah, go ahead and email him.
I suspect the guy knows JACK about the editing history after 4/16/10, though. Especially since it was all added in sometime during the last 12 hours.
May 29, 2010 at 11:30 pm
I guess the Jew called “nice” can’t quite come up with any more Jew lies tonight.
I checked the IP numbers and found the anonymous edits on May 1 are probably phony numbers.
“check – Whois Address : 73 Old Dublin Pike City Doylestown StateProv PA”
And suddenly appears “Tom” and writes
“Hey, I followed your last article on this wikipedia bio with interest, having long been an amused/frustrated observer of the jew-raping wikipedia toils under. I don’t know why your edits history showed what it did on 5/28, but those “false edits” are legit. One of them was mine. I restored two categories: “Russian Jews” and “Soviet Jews” that had been stripped out.”
Based on his comment, you can find out that he is :
“(cur | prev) 23:20, 28 April 2010 (talk) (5,491 bytes) (restored categories removed without explanation) (undo)”
But this record is in Incogman “YELLOW LIST” that according to Incogman dosen’t Exist and claims I wrote it .
As he says :
“I don’t know why your edits history showed what it did on 5/28, but those “false edits” are legit. One of them was mine.”
So is he the Liar or something is wrong……. In Incogmans pictures…………….
Further more Yom Says :
“Also, to clarify, the last time I saw the Yurovsky article or its edit history was after I made my edit.” Meaning after the 28 of April……………………
“5/29 early evening: They went in and added back “Yankel” and some phony editing history. Go here and see! Revision history as of 5/28 evening. Note the 16 April 2010 as the last editing change. Now they changed it! Nice job Jews, but too slow for INCOG MAN.Close up view of editing history as of last night (5/28 LATE PM). Now the Jews are coming here (see comment from “nice” below) and trying to say the editing history was there all along.Here’s what they added today (article first posted @ 12:05 AM EST, 5/29): A new editing history that wasn’t there for the last month (the big yellow block) and added back in “Yankel” (all done today, for SOME reason). The “May 1″ series of “edits” by some Commie Jew, uses a IP number that’s blocked, changed or doesn’t track anywhere – very possibly a non-existent address to begin with.”
Incogman – Nothing from what you wrote is true and makes sense, never knew I will get help from Tom , that will expose your poor and untrue arguments………………………
May 31, 2010 at 10:05 pm
Your attempt is primarily designed to throw false inferences, devious jew, nice. Everyone knows that. It doesn’t matter how much cut and paste you engage in. Your agenda is still obvious, and it is clear and obvious to everyone capable of reasonable thought based on observations.
Incogman has the advantage of being of known veracity and truthfullness, and having no agenda based on deceit (because there is plenty of truth to tell – though it is rarely found on the jewish sources of MSM), whereas you are an obvious jewish hasbarat. We know what that last means, don’t we, nice? Lying, devious, manipulative of facts – what else?
Maybe you can either look it up in Wikipedia – or even create some new descriptions. It isn’t very likely that anyone will catch you doing it, you know, even though everyone knows that it does go on, and that it is done intentionally.
May 31, 2010 at 11:34 pm
Thanks, Flanders.
Look Jewboi, I took all those screen captures straight up, just to cover myself if it was changed around again. Hell, I wouldn’t have even bothered about it all, until you changed it without a word of explanation in the discussion tab. And the new copy about his Jew background was so lame and transparent.
I know what the deal is. Even Tom lays out how you Jews change crap around. He just doesn’t know how you did it to the editing history because he doesn’t have that kind of access.
Why don’t you just come clean? You work at Wikipedia and are a Jew, right? Just admit it for once in your life!
Don’t worry — I won’t hold my breath waiting for you to be honest.
June 1, 2010 at 2:11 pm
Frank Fredenburg
Turkey Threatens Action; Israel on Alert
“Ankara warned that further supple vessels will be sent to Gaza, escorted by the Turkish Navy, a development with unpredictable consequences”.
“Egypt is under pressure to end the blockade of Gaza while Greece has cancelled a military exercise with Israel.”
This will be interesting. Turkey is a NATO ally. We are suppose to come to the aid of a fellow NATO ally that is attacked. If they get into a firefight with Turkey, what will we do?
June 1, 2010 at 2:29 pm
Frank Fredenburg
I spotted this article on Yahoo News last night. The comments last night was running against the criminal state, and now today I notice many are pro devils.
Jews worldwide have been called out to do damage control.
Activists Send New Boat to Challenge Gaza Blockade
June 1, 2010 at 2:33 pm
Frank Fredenburg
I forgot to mention that so far there are 42,962 comments about that second article. It looks like people are stirred up.
June 1, 2010 at 3:53 pm
I wrote “So is he the Liar or something is wrong……. In Incogmans pictures…………….”
I don’t think you are a liar, but there is sure something wrong in Incogmans pictures.
Here is the explanation.
Look at the first rivision history picture
It say at the Header REVISION HISTORY OF TALK : Yacov Yurovsky.
Look at the help section in Wikipedia it say:
“Help:Using talk pages
This page is about how talk pages work. For talk page etiquette, see Wikipedia:Talk page guidelines. A talk page (also known as a discussion page) is a page which editors can use to discuss improvements to an article or other Wikipedia page .The talk page associated with an article is named “Talk:Xxx”, where “Xxx” is the name of the article. As Talk: Yacov Yurovsky
When you push the discussion page and then History, you get the revision history of TALK section and you get the following page that shows you that picutre.
If you enter the page of Yacov Yurovsky and push directly the History page (without going into the discussion page) you get to the History page which is according to Wikipedia
“Help:Page history
Every editable page on Wikipedia has an associated page history (sometimes called revision history or edit history), which is accessed by clicking the “history” tab at the top of the page. The page history contains a list of the page’s previous revisions, including the date and time (in UTC) of each edit, the username or IP address of the user who made it, and their edit summary.”
And you get the following Page
That gives you, the third picture (with the YELLOW accusations – that I added those records)?
See that the HEADER of this picture is REVISION HISTORY OF: Yacov Yurovsky (without the talk).
Those are completely deferent pages, that were always there and each one has another purpose.
So you see Tom, total ignorance is the fuel for this disinfo above article and I hope it will always stay there, as people will spot this misleading and the poor arguments of this above ignorant writer.
So Why don’t you just come clean Incogman? Just admit it for once in your life – what a ignorant disinfo you are!
Don’t worry — I won’t hold my breath waiting for you to be honest…….
June 1, 2010 at 5:03 pm
Just which of the comments are you trying to prevent people from reading by giving your distracting cut and pastes, not so nice, the hasbarat jew?
New readers should know that this is the real reason for your distractions. They should determine for themselves which among the comments (or is it materials within the content of the main posting?) have the materials which you consider to be so important to hide from their view. It is clear that you are trying to cover them up with your repeated pasting of redundant comments.
June 2, 2010 at 12:01 am
Yes, yes, we know that the jew is the problem. WE read and we tralk. But what are we doing? Nothing. Jews rule all of Europe, Canada and the USA.
I am tired of talking. In Russia jews were not afraid to blow up the Tsar and his family. We, in the West, are afraid of these damn jews. Talking is overrated. jews don’t talk. They kill, kill kill.
Why are not all of the White Nationalist groups uniting and taking to the streets? There are too many stinking jews in these groups. This includes American Renaissance and the like.
June 2, 2010 at 12:10 pm
Wake up WM, You are expressing the frustration that many of us who are true Americans feel. We need to realize that the crux of jewish power is in the media. There is no American media. The media is an “Americanized” version of the Jewish International Media. The media controls all widespread dialogue which allows the jews to replace Americans within their own government and to replace Americans as the voice of power within their own country. You are correct, too, that most “White” groups are infiltrated or run as controlled opposition fronts. When you have the answers to your own questions, let us know. We would be interested in them, too.
June 2, 2010 at 12:16 pm
More on Wikipedia and associates.
“Another problem is that most of the administrators at Wikipedia prefer to exercise their police functions anonymously. The process itself is open, but the identities of the administrators are usually cloaked behind a username and a Gmail address. (Gmail does not show an originating IP address in the email headers, which means that you cannot geolocate the originator, or even know whether one administrator is really a different person than another administrator.) If an admin has a political or personal agenda, he can do a fair amount of damage with the special editing tools available to him. The victim may not even find out that this is happening until it’s too late. From Wikipedia, the material is spread like a virus by search engines and other scrapers, and the damage is amplified by orders of magnitude. There is no recourse for the victim, and no one can be held accountable. Once it’s all over the web, no one has the power to put it back into the bottle.
“I’d be happy to have, in theory, a good,
neutral biography on every single person
on the planet,” he says. “I mean, why not,
right?” — Jimmy Wales in The Wall Street Journal, August 8, 2008
Linked via:
and, these are recommended by Flanders
June 2, 2010 at 1:40 pm
In the above article, Incogman is using two completely different data sources from two different Wikipedia pages.
He uses them as one source (see his captured pics).
He just did not pay attention, that the pictures he captured from those different pages, got a different header, as each one contains completely different data (see my explanation and detailed arguments in my previous comment).
Based on this Deceived source he bases his above article and all his accusations about me and wikipedia.
I hope that many visitors will read his article and all his comment and will understand how misleading his information is, understand his motives, ignorance and false info.
His arrogance header “Kikepedia Changes Bio after My Exposure” says it all
Ignorance and disinfo.
June 2, 2010 at 2:14 pm
OK, Jew, so why did you change everything back to him being a Jew, while failing to say why in your discussion page? And why did you reinsert his name “Yankel” after my article was posted here? Found out everything I said was true, so you decided you had better quietly change it or else people would see you’re the liars.
June 2, 2010 at 2:25 pm
lol! BUSTED ‘em Incog!
June 2, 2010 at 2:48 pm
So even if you were correct about what you say, SO WHAT!
Mabye Incog made a mistake. I doubt it.
It looks more like a kike song and dance from here.
If your attacking his credibility then turn the mirror on yourself and your own tribe.
Atrocities to the Palistinian people.
Insulting and hateful quotes of the talmud.
Control of the media and government to usher in the NWO.
Long list of holocaust lies which are falling apart.
jewish connections to 911 and other false flags.
The rewriting of the history of WW2 and the real reasons behind the war.
So you find this little thing to latch onto for “distraction” purposes only.
Well go get em tiger.
All your doing is showing everyone here your true colors just as the world can see the true colors of isahell with the Flotilla murders.
The whole world is waking up and seeing things clearly.
If I was you, I would find a place on this planet where their are no people, cause thing are gunna start gettn real ugly for you and your tribe.
Real soon.
June 2, 2010 at 3:08 pm
Look again at the following web links (I hope all the visitors will check those sites too) and you will see, that NO one changed anything on the dates you claim and that you used false information to invent your claim in the article above.
I hope the visitors will understand your motives using Deceived source to base your above article and come up with your accusations.
I hope many will read this article and your comments and will discover the disinfo.
June 2, 2010 at 3:16 pm
nice- I hope the rope does’nt burn your neck too bad.
June 2, 2010 at 3:48 pm
Nice work Nice.
There are two way, either Incogman plays the ultimate Idiot that will never admit he is wrong (and Defeated by a Jew), or he is Realy an ignorant Idiot and don’t understand how stupid he was when he captured those pictures.
I guess both assumptions are true.
He is in a trap, so that’s the time he send his super inteligent Hyaena
Rock and this guy Biker to spill out their inteligent pearls and maybe you will give him the reason to delete you and think again he is the king of the Dumbbell’s
Keep on Nice, you are not the first one that shows incogmans real face.
June 2, 2010 at 4:07 pm
Yeah, sure, Jew.
I recently noticed they also took out the category “Soviet Jews” for the article without making a editing note. A guy named “Tom” came here and said he did added that category and “Russian Jews.” Now only the “Russian Jews” category happens to be there.
I love the way you Jew liars band together. It’s so obvious anymore.
The world is waking up to all the Jew lies. The massacre of those humanatarians aboard the Gaza Flotilla is another sign of Jew perfidy.
So suck on that, Jewboy.
June 2, 2010 at 4:08 pm
No one trusts you anymore jewbags!!
June 2, 2010 at 4:22 pm
From the comment from Tom:
“Hey, I followed your last article on this wikipedia bio with interest, having long been an amused/frustrated observer of the jew-raping wikipedia toils under. I don’t know why your edits history showed what it did on 5/28, but those “false edits” are legit. One of them was mine. I restored two categories: “Russian Jews” and “Soviet Jews” that had been stripped out. I was actually surprised by how little activity there was after my edit; the jew cabal usually hops in to gang-bang any edits contrary to the party line. I can only assume that the quiet is due to your focus on this particular article. There’s plenty of truth “improving” for the wiki-jews to occupy themselves with, so they just avoid wherever the spotlight’s shining at the moment.”
Now the “Soviet Jews” category has disapeared with no remarks as to why in your discussion page. Here’s where you did it:
Can’t have anyone associate Commies with Jews, eh?
Scroll to bottom for categories:
June 2, 2010 at 4:38 pm
Redford- Is that english your speaking? Cause I’m not sure. Good try though.
Now I see why jews are good in comedy. You are fucking hilarious man.
Thanx. LMFAO!
June 2, 2010 at 6:00 pm
I cant believe it
So even if you were correct about what you say, SO WHAT!
Mabye Incog made a mistake.”
Rock How dare you even bring up this idea that maybe Incogman made a mistake, the superwhiteman MISTAKE.
No way and even to admit it in the face of a Jew.
We have a traitor here guys.
Rock – So even if you were correct about what you say, SO WHAT!
Grow a brain, that means that the Above article Incogman invested so much is
“SO WHAT” so what if he makes it up all the times, that his way……………………
June 2, 2010 at 6:11 pm
Uh, Redfordstein, maybe you should now devote your Hasbarat efforts at trying to confuse people about the Israeli terrorist attack on that ship.
June 2, 2010 at 6:17 pm
You still Don’t get it !
Look again at the following web links and USE YOUR BRAINS
Tom Changes “I restored two categories: “Russian Jews” and “Soviet Jews” that had been stripped out.”
Are in the history link
Every editable page on Wikipedia has an associated page history (sometimes called revision history or edit history), which is accessed by clicking the “history” tab at the top of the page. The page history contains a list of the page’s previous revisions, including the date and time (in UTC) of each edit,
You will NOT see TOM Chnages in the next Talk link
Because this is the TALK history link A talk page (also known as a discussion page) is a page which editors can use to discuss improvements to an article or other Wikipedia page .The talk page associated with an article is named
No one made any Changes, Keep on with your false arguments, it want help you Change the truth that ALL this article is based on false Information.
June 2, 2010 at 6:24 pm
Oh gee Redhead ya got me!
Lets see, how am I supposed to react? oh yea,
Whuut! Eeou sumbeeich! I ait no danged ol traitor! I’mona whoop year ice!
jew please, is that all you got?
Sorry I messed with your nice little boy freind.
Hey, heeth ALL yourth.
June 2, 2010 at 6:25 pm
nice: No, you don’t get it.
It’s simple: Why did you take out the “Soviet Jews” category on line 29, here:
June 2, 2010 at 6:31 pm
I so love this line “The Yurovsky family was of Jewish origin but its relation to the Jewish faith seems ambiguous…”
Jews fall back on this line all the time when it comes to one of their race doing something bad.
Funny, to you Jews and liberals, anytime a White person does something bad, it’s because he’s a White person.
June 2, 2010 at 6:35 pm
Ooow, Incog.
The hasbaRATS are out in force 2day.
Um, excuse me jew.
While your over here in the feild stomping out these little fires mabye you should look behind you.
Your house is on fire?!….
June 2, 2010 at 6:52 pm
Revision as of 23:09, 2 April 2010 (edit)Treybien
- [[Category:Russian Jews]]
- [[Category:Soviet Jews]]
Revision as of 20:20, 16 April 2010 (edit) (undo)Jonas Liljeström (talk | contribs) been taken out
Revision as of 23:20, 28 April 2010 (edit) (undo) (TOM) (talk) (restored categories removed without explanation)Next edit →
+ [[Category:Russian Jews]]
+ [[Category:Soviet Jews]]
Tom Restored it on the 28 April 2010
All taken from the History site
You Claimed
“Close up view of editing history as of last night (5/28 LATE PM). Now the Jews are coming here (see comment from “nice” below) and trying to say the editing history was there all along.”
that Jonas Liljeström is the last revision
and all the rest including 28 April 2010 (edit) (undo) (TOM)
Was Added on the (5/28 LATE PM).
That is were you started with your LIES and accusations based on your wrong Capture you took from the Talk History revision
Your attempt to through stupid arguments based on false Information you do not understand, just makes you rediculous, there is NO argument here that you will not be defeated, ALL your information regarding this article is false, Lies and based of disinfo.
June 2, 2010 at 7:05 pm
White Wolf
You stoopid jews, sweating ONE EXAMPLE of WIDESPREAD evidence of KIKEPEDIA SCHIMANTICS. Like Rock said, the whole world is waking up on your sorry lying cunniving asses and all you got left is more lying and cunniving! Any intelligence you may have developed has been totally absorbed by your need to deceive and obfuscate lest people catch on to you pathetic rats. Well guess what?! You devils are EXPOSED! Your obfuscations and cunnivings only expose you further!
My, what a vicious cycle that is proving to be
June 2, 2010 at 7:29 pm
Simple question answered with goobly-gook: Where’s the category “Soviet Jews” now? Not on the bio page, is it?
June 2, 2010 at 7:38 pm
Now they have to cover their lies that covered their lies of them accusing you of accusing them of covering their lies that
Oh shit, my eyes have crossed and their stuck.
June 2, 2010 at 7:52 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Kikes taking using revision as evidence?
What next? Bacon sandwiches?
Not very “nice” at all.
June 2, 2010 at 8:00 pm
I take screen shots of the page and my app automatically appends the date — then the Jews try to say it’s something entirely else! God, what does a person have to do to nail these suckers? It’s like nailing Jello to the wall.
June 3, 2010 at 12:48 am
White Wolf
Plungers, Incog – we need plungers.
June 5, 2010 at 11:24 am
Just as I expect, great job with the pics headers, you are not just a disinfo and a liar but a real fool.
I will expose those screen shots, as your lies are now shown and you are not even aware of the changes.
You are so stupid and so predictable, just knew you will do fall in your own trap……
June 5, 2010 at 11:51 am
Nice- I know you have no idea how pathetic you look trying to get in the last word but trust me, your grasping and it shows.
June 5, 2010 at 12:13 pm
The “nice” jew: “…you are not just a disinfo and a liar but a real fool.”
More self-projection by a member of the biggest disinfo racket in history.
Note to casual readers: The comments made by this jewish hasbarat, “nice”, are designed to throw doubt where no doubt exists (even turning facts to make them appear to be opinion based) and to make people concentrate on irrelevancies so that they overlook more important statements and materials.
June 8, 2010 at 1:36 am
Why is it that with so much progressive types of information that Wikipedia lists, and the progressive nature of that information, that an entire volume of information was erased, deleted or whatever you want to call it, on “Progressive think tanks based in the United States”?
The result of the discussion was: delete. — ξxplicit 04:19, 6 March 2010 (UTC)
Category:Progressive think tanks based in the United States – (edit|talk|history|links|watch|logs)
Nominator’s rationale: Category:American_progressive_organizations and Category:American_liberal_organizations were both recently deleted on grounds of subjectivity (“fails WP:OC#SUBJECTIVE”). Exactly the same argument would appear to apply here. See Wikipedia:Categories_for_discussion/Log/2010_January_22#Category:American_progressive_organizations / Wikipedia:Categories_for_discussion/Log/2010_February_1#Category:American_liberal_organizations Rd232 talk 10:25, 20 February 2010 (UTC)”
That seems to be a very subjective rationale being used to keep information away from the public. Objectively speaking, shouldn’t “progressives” be interested in tracking other “progressives”? I doubt whether Wikipedia classes progressive as synonomous with communist, but I do.
June 9, 2010 at 12:01 am
Surely there would be no censorship on Twitter of the Flotilla Massacre?