Western Union Telegram STOP Who the HELL do you think you are? STOP America has had enough STOP You SUCK STOP GET OUT JEWS!
THAT’S RIGHT, JEWS: You SUCK big-time and America is now rapidly waking up to the fact. We hereby deliver a message to you Jews and that message is: GET THE HELL OUT! There, is that clear enough for you?
Where you go is not our problem: The island of Madagascar, the jungles of Brazil, Tierra del Fuego — we don’t give a flying flock where you end-up, just as long as it’s not any of our White countries — that’s all we really care about. Of course, wherever that may be, the same GD thing will happen should you manage to snooker another race to implant yourselves among. If you do find a spot without a worthwhile host to suck on, you wouldn’t last a lousy 10 years, if that.
Do I have an issue with the Jews? Uh… hell yeah, I do! Does the rest of the planet? Ditto! Millions of newly awakened are now getting around to learning all the sordid details about you people. Trust me, the more they look into the matter, the more they’ll end-up just like me: Angry and pissed as hell. Read on Jews, if you got any guts, or you’re the usual masochistic type who gets off on the whole Jew victimhood/Nazi schtik. You know who you are.
Sure, you just go ahead and call all this stuff ”conspiracy theory” and have yourselves a hearty har-har. But look out the window, or go on-line, Jewboys: We’re out here in the night — all across the broadband, behind your back at the party, maybe even that nice Goyish couple living next door — all of us now yapping up a storm about you.
Your treacherous little buds in that crappy little place called IsraHELL were part and parcel to the biggest false-flag Conspiracy ever in the history of the planet: 9/11. That’s right: Conspiracy with a big fat capital “C.” Just like the Lavon affair, the USS Liberty and countless other Zionist MOSSAD operations exposed the world over, which your controlled and owned media obviously bends over backward never to say a word.
And don’t you dare sit there with that smug Jew grin on your fat, ugly face and try to tell me GD otherwise!
Sure, we know you people don’t get any “secret messages” from some secret Jew headquarters up in the Catskills, either. You would like people to think we think that. No, besides your usual “Sayanim” MOSSAD connections, you’re just acting from your own inner racial hatred of the White race, your “Chosen One” arrogance, or hating anything clean and decent in the world. The very fact that we have countries and you don’t (excepting stolen IsraHELL, of course), irks you to the arrogant core.
Your crazed IsraHELL compadres had zero problem dropping phosphor bombs on defenseless non-Jews in Gaza — women and children, too. They even machine-gunned those poor people’s animals in the Gaza Zoo out of pure Jew spite. It’s nothing but a big laugh for you Zionist bastards to bulldoze down Palestinian homes, or even peaceful protesters like Rachel Corrie. And how about that latest mob-style hit in Dubai, where the MOSSAD obviously had the blessings of IsraHELL’s crime family boss, Bibi Netanyahu?
Let’s not forget all those fancy-suit wearing ”dual loyalty” NeoCON jobs you got in Washington DC; strutting around town with Powerpoint presentations and policy papers, working over-time to get America into more never-ending wars against IsraHELL’s enemies. Wars that have destroyed our treasury and put us well on the road to bankruptcy. We’ve killed millions at the behest of Jew paranoia and the regional ambitions of the State of Israel.
These war-mongering IsraHELL Firsters may dress differently than you, wear silk ties and cut their hair short, but underneath the cologne, fancy government titles and swagger, these Jews are no different than the rest of you — Ashkenazi Khazar “Jews” who swear traitorous allegiance to International Jewry and Israel. Don’t even try to say otherwise.
Yeah, us “single loyalty” Americans have had quite enough of you New World Order traitors. But will we spring another Kristallnacht on your Jew ass?
When the time comes, they’ll be plenty of wailing and gnashing of teeth, alright. You’ll probably drop down on your knobby knees — sobbing and praying about the ”God who forsook you.” Oh, you remember him now? HaShem? YHWH? G-D? And you thought you could get away with being a fun-loving atheist for the rest of your life — foot-loose and fancy-free in America, didn’t you? Time is fast running out on your scumbag nightclub and bath house pick-up lines.
And we don’t care one bit whether you tell us you’re liberal, or that newly resurrected Commie word you now have out: “progressive.” We don’t care if you call yourselves moderate, or conservative, either. Even if you come clean and call yourselves what you most often are: Anarchist, Marxist, Bolshevik, Menshevik, Stalinist, Commie — whatever fashionable political image you dream up that says “YOU.”
It’s all mere semantics for continual trouble of one sort, or another from you people. Head games — the same tired gibberish, double-talk and convoluted Jewish rationales — anything and everything you can come up with to keep the rest of us Goyim confused and divided. All smoke and mirrors so we don’t see you smiling, big-mouthed bastards behind the curtain.
And didn’t I tell you to wipe that GD smile off your face?
Should any fellow Jew come out and criticise your behavior in the world, instead of listening to what he has to say and doing something about it; all of you Jews jump on the poor schmuck as a “self-hating” Jew. God forbid if any of the rest of us dare say a word. America just can’t win with you people!
And you know something else, Jews? We’re now sick and tired of it all! We’ve had it up to here with your GD crap, all the sleaze, all the PC games and all the made-up victimized “Holy People” crap you’ve been playing on us ever since we let you into this country. You think we’re nothing but stupid Goyim who will forever fail to put two-and-two together and finally figure out old Hitler was damned right all along?
Did I say Hitler? Oh me, oh my — I must be a big old bad Nazi man, huh? How much more can you milk this Nazi and Hitler crap? It’s never-ending with you people about the guy. Hell, anytime someone says one GD thing, he suddenly becomes the reincarnation of the Fuhrer man and it’s 1939 all over again. Used to be Saddam Hussein, now it’s Ahmadinejad. Can’t ever not have enemies, can you?
You Jews have been kicked out of every single country you’ve ever lived in and for damn good reasons. America will soon be next on the Jew hit parade. You had it good here, but your behavior screwed it up once again.
Just imagine seeing mobs of us pissed-off Goyim running amok through your oh-so-eclectic city abode — going crazy, slashing your water bed, sex dolls and leather gay biker outfits. The hopped-up mob will bust up your faux victorian red velvet furniture and douse your equally fake persians with the sickly sweet Manishevitz red wine found in the kitchen.
Laughing uproariously, the Gentiles will be anything but gentile, flinging like frisbees your funky Pier 1 imports dishware, stomping to bits the crap on your walls you call “art,” right along with that favorite mall fashion portrait of yourself on the end table.
Your Commie intellectual books, the shaven gayboy pedophilic porn mags, the triple-X bestiality DVD’s — everything will get thrown together into a huge pile and burned down to a melted blob like your brains. They’ll bust up your chintzy fake gold menorahs, the New Ager bric-a-brac you keep around for the chicks and all that stupid ”chotskies” shit you bought at South of the Border — while driving down to Florida for your once a decade visit to Bubbi.
But you just couldn’t handle her incessant whine about you marrying a nice Jewish girl because you’re so gay!
Fact the facts, Jews: You’re totally selfish, disgustingly immoral and perverted. We just can’t believe you have the GD chutzpah to make a big stink about pedophilia in the Catholic church, considering all the rabbi perverts out there. I guess owning the media does come in handy.
And the business about rabbi molesters is totally believable too, considering that so many Jews are at the forefront of radical homosexuality and promoting vile faggotry. We see how the predominately Jewish Hollywood and media pushes the envelope daily when it comes to any kind of nasty crap — right along with a huge smut business filled to the brim with you sick mothers.
If you had your way, you would insist that gay group sex is openly taught in Goyim-only kindergartens. Later, the dumbed-down kids will have on-site abortion services in elementary schools, paid for by big Jew government and available right after the holocaust indoctrination class bell. Let’s not even imagine what kinds of vile activism you have in store for our pets and barnyard animals down the road.
Oh yeah, it’s time for you to go now, Jews.
You had better keep a bag of clothes, the phone number to a taxi service and the flight schedule for El Al airlines handy. Never can tell when you might have to make a middle of the night ”Aliya” to Israel, or what the rest of us would call a quick fugitive getaway.
After all those years of sodomite fun with rabbi Maurice and his pet gerbils, you’ll have plenty of room up your fat ass for hiding the most precious thing in your lousy life: Money. You’ll be stuffing shekels, diamonds, secret numbers and passbooks to IsraHELL bank accounts; all kinds of things right up your butt — which won’t be anything new.
Yeah, we’ve figured out your little financial con jobs and swindles on the world. From Los Angeles to Washington DC. From Wall Street to Tel Aviv — nothing but Jew trickery to enrich yourselves. Your greedy Jew globalists find and set-up corrupt Goyim in power positions and then sit back, smack their fat lips and suck money out of befuddled host populations.
The Federal Reserve/AIG/Goldman Sachs TARP ”bailout” was pure Jew thievery of the American taxpayers. Everyone is now talking about it. Hell, the FED itself is the world’s longest running scam operation, ever. Or, how about the latest financial doings in Iceland and Greece — where the citizenry were fleeced by the backroom dealings of Goldman Sachs president Gary Cohn (appropriate name for a Jew) with a corrupt, debt-ridden Greek government.
Let’s not forget the relatively smaller Jew financial scam operators (far too numerous to name the ones exposed here), like Bernie Madoff and his so-innocent (“it’s all the Gentile’s fault”) wife Ruth’s 65 billion dollar Ponzi scheme. Even so, all these recently uncovered Jew criminal scams are mere chump-change as compared to the giant globalist gambits like what the geo-politically subversive Jew, George Soros (Schwartz), pulls off all the time.
When you lesser crooks make your escape to Thieve’s World (IsraHELL), you’ll find yourself among the Red Mafiya, mean fat old oligarchs from Russia, all sorts of financial scam artists and bottom feeders from around the globe. You might try to pretend you’re just like them, or at least until your criminal neighbors rip off whatever you have left and reduce you to cleaning toilets in some nasty Tel Aviv whore house.
Speaking of Tel Aviv whore houses, we’re going to put a stop to that filthy White slavery business you run from countries like the Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Our scientists will work to seed your flesh pipeline with a special, genetically engineered virus just for Jews, one that makes all your tiny, circumcised peckers rot off in IsraHELL.
As they once said in the American Old West: Get out, while the getting’s good. You know it’s only a matter of time for you people, don’t you? What? Are you anxiously waiting for the final implementation of the Stalinist Police State, never-ending immigration of Third Worlders and Marxism on America to save your Commie asses?
Well, I guess that just proves things, now doesn’t it?
Oh, we know how badly you New World Order Jews want to destroy our Constitution and steal the rights of God-fearing Americans. You’ve been gradually working towards this for decades, hoping no one will notice. Can’t have something written by a bunch of old dead White men stand in your way, now.
Fuggitaboutit, Jewboys. Millions of us have guns and know how to use them. And we’re damn sure not going to give them up, because by then everyone, and I mean everyone, will know exactly what the deal is with you people. Unh-uh, no way, Jose. America is filled with plenty of White boys who can shoot like you would not believe.
It’s a rush to the finish line as your Big Jewry tries to carefully and quietly create the circumstances for Internet censorship, Commie-Jew police tactics and removing our right to bear arms. Too fast and everyone will see; too slow, and it might be too late. A lot of people at the moment may not quite understand the direction we’re headed, but enough are starting to seriously suspect the usual suspects and are talking. Oh, yes we are. Big time.
Did I leave something out? It’s so hard to remember everything when the list just goes on and on. Yeah, you’re about as arrogant and stuck-up as they come. You thought you had America all sewn-up and in your pocket, being a “Chosen One” and such a hot shit, right? Guess what? You’re not.
When the time comes, I’ll personally be down at the border of Mexico for the big send-off you so richly deserve — taking my rightful place as one of many given the honor of ceremoniously planting a big steel-toed boot upside your fat butts — as we kick you trouble-making bastards off our soil. When I eventually tire, others will gladly step forward to take my place and make your farewell exit memorable.
To keep the mass expulsion from having any bottlenecks, we’ll set-up a series of automatic ass kicking machines designed to look just like that statue of the hamburger guy, Big Boy. Why? Because it’s so American and everyone will get a big ”kick” out of it, that’s why. Who’s going to make a fuss about us going all Nazi and Fascist when we obviously still have a sense of humor?
Sure, you’re going to scream bloody murder at first, but soon you’ll be whimpering like wet poodles for us to forgive you — just this one time. The thing is, in another 50 or so years, you’ll only be back to the same old PC head games on a unaware population that you Jews will bank on them not even remembering. Whether it’s part of your nature, or part of your nurture — we don’t give a shit anymore.
I’m afraid we may have to put your Wall street scam artists, Hollywood and TV people to work as slaves in our newly returned manufacturing companies so we can pay off some of the bills you’ve run up on America. We’ll have to go to China with our hats in our hand, explain about the Jew and ask for a little patience. No one will be surprised when the Chinese kindly understand and only request that we don’t send any more of you to Shanghai.
Others of you may cream your pants at the thought of a little pain at the hands of sadists in uniform. We know all about your masochistic lusts for Nazi porn and how this kind of thing gets you off. We only have to turn on the TV to see fifty years worth of Hollywood Jew thrills — evil Nazis in black uniforms goose-stepping around and trying to take over the planet, or yet another pud-jerker “holocaust” torture flick, guaranteed to at least get nominated for an Oscar.
Hell, I bet some skinny little Jew somewhere is reading this right now and whanking off as we speak!
And I’m so sure you’re going to get all scaredy cat about being shoved into yet another imaginary gas chamber. You people have sucked-down every bit of the holocost hoax — far more than we and believe every bit of the old Soviet WWII propaganda, Zionist blackmail material and every stupid story out of any imaginative old Jew’s mouth. Well, at least that’s the big act you put up for us Goyim.
But don’t worry, you’ll soon only be kicked across the border, or rudely shoved on-board a ship, or plane out of here. We want you gone as soon as “humanely” possible. Sure, we might put a few of you to work for awhile on the assembly line making cheap parachutes — so we can air drop you and your buds over the Congo. If you survive your trip, you can live with all the monkey-humping, HIV-afflicted Negroes in multicultural jungle bliss, or you can walk on to Israel. Yeah, like that’ll be the day.
And don’t cry here, Jews. Think about the positive: You’ll now have decades upon decades of new material. Imagine all the pity-blather you can dream up in your old age elsewhere. Hasn’t the Nazi stuff gotten a little worn-out and hackneyed by now? Haven’t almost all of the professional victims of WWII died and gone to that great big old concentration camp in the sky?
Or maybe you just blithely expect us to believe that the holocaust schmeil is really a multi-generational experience? You hysterical hypocrites can’t stand the thought of losing a good blackmail game and will gin up some more nonsense to justify the continual brainwashing.
Would you not agree with me that a whole new chapter of Jewish sufferink is in order here? Besides making easy money, isn’t whining about something, anything, what you most love to do?
Just think of all the made-up stories you’ll be able to tell your grandchildren: How you remained ever stoic and never buckled under the NeoNazi whip; even though you were starved to skin and bones from a diet of mealy potato skins, gravel and wood chip broth. The time you faced down the evil, Dr. Evil, in the selection line of the Pungo II death camp and INCOG MAN’s genocidal Big Boy Death Apparatus — now refitted with giant chopping blades and monster truck wheels!
After witnessing and suffering far too many horrors for one innocent Jewish lad, you decided you had enough and put your always-so-clever Jew mind to the task. At just the right moment, you threw off the lustful clutches of Elsa, She-Wolf of the KKK, whom you fooled with your dark brooding looks, phony-ass worldly persona and cheap Borat impressions.
Fleeing the scorned Goyim bitch from hell, you’re forced to kill a dozen skinhead camp guards with your bare fists to make your escape. At one point, the evil NeoNazis almost had you cornered, but you put the Jew-Jitsu on them and executed a perfect pole vault over an electrified barbed wire fence.
Zig-zagging your way through a hail of bullets and more grasping blond shiksas, you found freedom in sunny Cancun!
You can milk this whole schtik for decades to come, even making up new stuff along the way without anyone questioning one damn thing, or risk going to jail. You’ll write books and thousands of trees will have to be sacrificed for the paper to tell your made-up crap to whomever is still stupid enough about you people to buy it.
Fellow Jews and the gullible of the world, will cry when they see your stellar performance on Oprah’s transplanted new show out of Tel Aviv; sobbing out your made-up memories on her couch: “It was just like yesterday when I last saw my broken-down grandmother, herded towards that horrific Big Boy contraption and turned into a giant hamburger for the NeoNazis…”
Yep, it’s only a matter of time for real America to give you people your walking papers. You’ll be fired, Jews. You’ve just been too selfish a race and way too much a burden on the whole American concept. We got your number, alright.
We’ll be just fine without you, don’t kid yourselves. Oh, wait, who am I talking with here?
More than just fine after a while. It might take a two or three years to mend the financial destruction you wrought and another decade or so to clear our heads of your corruptions and brainwashing, but it’ll happen. Nazi Germany rapidly became the most financially self-sufficient and successful country in Europe once they gave you the big boot. The possibility of the rest of the world seeing this happen was more than enough for the Zionist oligarchy to put us all on the path to war. A world war that cost 55 million lives, but the only thing you seem to care about is making money off your own dead!
Goodbye, ciao, sayanora and auf wiedersehen. Can’t say it’s been nice knowing you Jews, because it hasn’t. Now get the GD flock out of our countries!
And don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!
– Phillip Marlowe
Comments feed for this article
March 26, 2010 at 9:58 am
The virtual illiterate Janeane Garofalo’s Itchy Varange comments in a very sloppy, obvious and boring fashion that the comments here are very sloppy, obvious and boring. Great contribution.
+ + +
An example of why Germany lost the war — which was mostly fought in the East. Having unconcealed contempt for your essential ally is never a good idea.
Himmler, Posen Speech (Carlos Porter translation:
“You don’t need to give a Russian general any political ideas, political ideals, or political plans for the future. You can get them cheaper than that, gentlemen. The Slavs are known for that.
“The Slav is never able to build anything himself. In the long run, he’s not capable of it. … With the exception of…an Attilla, a Ghenghis Khan, a Tamerlaine, a Lenin, a Stalin — the mixed race of the Slavs is based on a sub-race with a few drops of blood of our blood, blood of a leading race; the Slav is unable to control himself and create order. He is able to argue, able to debate, able to disintegrate, able to offer resistance against every authority and to revolt. … these human shoddy goods…”
[Himmler goes on to denigrate and insult their key Russian ally General Vlasov:
"Mr. Vlasov has made speeches in Paris, in Brussels, in Berlin. At his feet sat astonished members of the German leadership corps; their mouths hang wide open, their noses fall right down into their mouths out of sheer astonishment: "Golly! That Bolshevik can do simply everything". And they let that butcher's assistant tell them so. .. Mr. Vlasov says: "It's a shame how the Germans treat the Russian people." [Himmler thinks this is absurd, because 'of course' the Slavs need to be whipped every day] “A few minutes later he claims: “How nationalistic the Russians are, you must appeal to their nationalistic soul”. [Himmler goes on to laugh at Gen. Vlasov's broken hip and other injuries, and ridicule Russian nationalism.]
Before going on to insult Croats and Italians, this asshole Himmler says:
“It’s true that some of the Russians are fervently pious, and fervently believe in the Mother of God of the Khasans or someplace else, it’s absolutely true.”
[Ridiculing the faith that motivated most Russian anti-Communists.]
“It’s true, for the most part, that he’s even a lover of children. It’s true that he can work very hard. And it’s just as true that he is stinking lazy. It’s just as true that he is an uninhibited beast, who can torture and torment other people in ways a devil would never permit himself to think of. It’s just as true that the Russian, high or low, is inclined to the perversest of things, even devouring his comrades or keeping his neighbour’s liver in his lunch bag. It’s all part of the scale of feelings and values of the Slavic peoples.”
“It is basically wrong for us to project our whole harmless soul and heart, all our good nature, our idealism, onto foreign peoples. … That applies to the Czechs and Slovenes, to whom, after all, we brought their national feeling. They themselves were absolutely incapable of it; rather, we invented it for them.
“For the SS Man, one principle must apply absolutely: we must be honest, decent, loyal, and comradely to members of our own blood, and to no one else. What happens to the Russians, the Czechs, is totally indifferent to me. Whatever is available to us in good blood of our type, we will take for ourselves, that is, we will steal their children and bring them up with us, if necessary. Whether other races live well or die of hunger is only of interest to me insofar as we need them as slaves for our culture; otherwise that doesn’t interest me. Whether 10,000 Russian women fall down from exhaustion in building a tank ditch is of interest to me only insofar as the tank ditches are finished for Germany.
“We Germans, the only ones in the world with a decent attitude towards animals, will also adopt a decent attitude with regards to these human animals…”
“That is how I would like to indoctrinate this SS, and, I believe, have indoctrinated, as one of the holiest laws of the future: our concern, our duty, is to our people, and to our blood. That is what we must care for and think about, work for and fight for, and nothing else. Everything else can be indifferent to us. I wish the SS to face the problem of all foreign, non-Germanic peoples, particularly the Russians, with this attitude. Everything else is moonshine, a fraud against our own people, and an obstacle to earlier victory in the war.”
“take care that these sub-humans always look at you; they must always look their superior in the eye. It’s like with animals. As long as an animal looks his tamer in the eye, he won’t try anything. But have no doubt about one thing: he is a beast. We will able to utilize the Russians with this attitude; with this attitude we shall be superior to the Slavs at all times. But not with any other attitude.”
What a moron.
Himmler. A real cunt. Contributed much to the loss of the war in the East. Responsible for most of the atrocities that all Germans have been slandered with for generations.
March 26, 2010 at 10:02 am
JEWish terrorists in Israel:
March 26, 2010 at 10:23 am
i cant believe that Himmler would give such a speech where Slovak, or Croat ears could hear it! Croatia is the only country ( in Europe) that remained allied with Germany until the very end. Russians promised their Polish cousins assistance in the last Warsaw revolt, but waited until the Germans (and Lithuanians) had crushed the Poles/Jews, before they moved in and crushed the Germans. thats brotherly love lol!
cunts like Himmler were and are in every government, but i believe that the war in the East was against communisim first and foremost. the average German had no more hatred for a Russian than he did a Dutchman. but entering a land of people living in abject poverty and filth, whilst coming from a land of order and beauty… i can imagine more than a few wrinkled noses at what jew communism had done to what was once the greatest empire on earth.
Sunic is not one of my favorites, but the Croats were Slavs, and suffered right alongside their German allies, neither side deserting the other. he makes the point here.
March 26, 2010 at 10:35 am
I like Hoffmann’s blasting of Sunic and his gross oversimplification of Celine:
“Céline had no use for the organized “nationalist” movement or the collaborators who fled France with him, as his trilogy North, Castle to Castle and Rigadoon make clear. …
“He poked fun at the Aryan movement for its negativity – the emphasis on being against Judaic people – and he felt revulsion at the Aryan movement’s pride and self worship (rabbinic characteristics!). Martin Luther, Friedrich Nietzsche and L-F Céline all share one trait in common: whether in the Germans or the French, they could not abide the infiltration of racial megalomania – rabbinic-type vanity – all of which pervade the white nationalist movement today. …
“The white nationalists can’t account for Céline’s humorous assault on patriotism and national pride, so they attribute it to a modern ideology, “anarchism” or “nihilism.” Céline was not at all a modern person however, and least of all an ideologue of any kind. … L.F. Céline had a medieval mind. His revulsion was for modernity and everything connected with it.
“[Céline's] worldview was that of the crafty and shrewd Breton (i.e. Celtic) peasant. His greatest insight, at least for me, was his penetration and deconstruction of the Renaissance, which, everywhere else in our society, is portrayed as the apogee of western man. For Céline the Renaissance represented the coming of “scientism and the social robot.” Céline and Frances Yates were the thinkers who first truly opened my eyes to this era, to the worm in the Renaissance apple and yet, nothing is more counter-intuitive for the white nationalist movement.
“One facet of Christian wisdom that can be found in his philosophy is the fact that Céline despised the deification of man. This is why he could never fit into the Aryan/white nationalist movement. Like the Bolsheviks, the Aryans had made man into everything. …
“The ancient Catholic peasant wisdom emphasizes that we are all going to die; that we are all inauthentic — ham actors puffed up with ridiculous pride and the willed forgetfulness we impose on ourselves concerning our destiny –in the grave. Doctors, nurses and soldiers see that destiny every day. Céline had been a soldier (wounded in World War I), a medical student, and then a physician and a pacifist. He declared that the only honest humans, mankind stripped bare of pretense and conceit, were the sick and the imprisoned (he had been a prisoner in Denmark).
“The modern “white nationalist movement” is too degenerate and too doctrinal. It has lost sight of the biological imperative of the large family; of the fact that the most fundamental power politics consists of large families networking and bonding together in work and prayer. Parades, speeches and meetings without the former constitute a fragile illusion; an apparition conjured by intelligence agencies.
“For Céline there was something higher than race worship; race worship being a form of rabbinic materialism. Yet, there is nothing higher than race among the paradoxically childless, sterile Aryan “movement” today, and because of that sterility Europe will be steamrolled by the fecundity of the Levant, the Indian sub-continent, Latin American and sub-Saharan Africa.
“It [the 'music' of Celine's writing] is a tune from medieval Celtic soil, from the age when peasants had a song for every activity and task; when European men and women were far more human, humble and communal; they had not fallen prey to the contemporary Aryan movement’s rabbinic conceit that they are gods, a conceit which represents the Judaization of the Aryans, who are forever accusing Christians of being Judaized.
“There would be no place for Céline in any political movement today and not because he was a nihilist. In a degenerate society drowned in all that is digital, mechanical, artificial and arrogant, the Célines among us can only be exhibits in a rarefied zoo.”
[The "childless" comment it sums up.]
March 26, 2010 at 11:19 am
Biker, the PROTOCOLS state that the jews must murder jews for their own cause and they keep milking it and covering up the fact that white SLAVIC gentiles were murdered by Hitler IN THE CAMPS. Hollywood will never make a movie about that. MY version of history is my family’s history, and NOT the jewish/masonic encyclopedias and school text books. All I’m going to say about that Borat look alike ashkeNAZI schizophrenic psychopathic freak is this, my grandfather was a prisoner of war in one of those nazi camps and he was a SLAVIC gentile. I am proud of my SLAVIC heritage and if Hitler was alive today I would indulge in many sadistic and tortuous pleasures at his expense. That’s the end of that topic for me.
As for you men who have known about the white women sex slaves in Israel, what are you doing about it?? Many of these women end up in your strip clubs and massage parlours. You watch the Sopranos, where do you think those girls come from? You don’t have the guts to lynch Ben Bernanke, you can at least start talking to the cops about helping these women. I am going to send the Elena Haskins links to all the major tv shows, media outlets, talk show hosts, etc and I don’t care if they ignore it, I will keep sending them and demanding a response from them and watching their actions to see how they respond in public. What about you Biker, and the rest of the white men in the know, what is your plan of action?
March 26, 2010 at 12:36 pm
well, hopefully its not the same family history that called Hitler a draft dodger. he was fighting AGAINST the jew money lenders and FOR whites. which is something no Slav has done or been able to do before or since. the fact that you, without having seen anything with your own eyes would torture a man that you’ve never met speaks volumes.
how many Germans died in the ‘camps’ ? and which camps are you talking about, surely not your own Slavic run/Jew administered GULAG huh?
i remember someone else egging everyone on asking “what are they going to do about it” white patriot.
that IS all on the subject, until i bust your ass in another lie.
March 26, 2010 at 12:51 pm
These Hasbarats are so bloody obvious!
“slavs”: “You don’t have the guts to lynch Ben Bernanke”
Ha Ha. That famous Jewish humour.
+ + +
From the Israel Hasbara Committee’s “Jokes” page:
IHC member, Leonid Higer from Uzbekistan, translated and sent in the following joke:
An American, a Frenchman and an Israeli survived an airplane crash and landed on an island inhabited by cannibals. They were taken by the cannibals and brought to the chief of the tribe. And he addressed them with a speech.
“We are going to eat you, but before this, in accordance with our ancient rule, we are ready to fulfill your last wish.”
The first one to say his last wish was the American, he said:
“OK guys! I want fried turkey, apple pie and a bottle of whiskey.”
He was given the food and after the meal the cannibals took him and placed him into a giant kettle that had been prepared to cook the three men.
The second one was the Frenchman. He asked:
“Bring me fresh oysters, a bottle of champagne and some chocolate.”
He also was given the food he requested and after the meal the cannibals took him and placed him into the kettle with the American.
The last one was the Israeli. When the chief of the tribe asked him for his last request, the captive asked:
“Please, kick me with your foot as hard as you can.”
The chief was surprised. He told the captive:
“Hey, you! Don’t you understand that it’s your last wish?”
The Israeli replied:
“Never mind. Go ahead! Kick me!”
And the chief kicked the Israeli with all his force so that the captive flew a few meters and landed in the nearby bushes. There he took out an Uzi hidden on his body and shot dead all the cannibals around him.
The American and Frenchman jumped out of the kettle and began to kiss the Israeli expressing their gratitude for the rescue. But then they asked him with reproach.
“Why didn’t you kill them all earlier, right after we were taken by them? We were so scared! We experienced terrible anxiety sitting in the kettle…”
The Israeli smiled in response and answered:
“I know you guys! If I did it right away you would blame me for lack of restraint and excessive use of power. To truly understand, you needed to be sitting in the kettle!”
Laugh? I almost cried.
March 26, 2010 at 1:08 pm
Here’s a little “death camp” story…
In Eisenhower’s Death Camps: A U.S. Military Prison Guard Remembers.
Martin Brech
In October 1944, at age eighteen, I was drafted into the U.S. army. Largely because of the “Battle of the Bulge”, my training was cut short, my furlough was halved, and I was sent overseas immediately. Upon arrival in Le Havre, France, we were quickly loaded into box cars and shipped to the front. When we got there, I was suffering increasingly severe symptoms of mononucleosis, and was sent to a hospital in Belgium. Since mononucleosis was then known as the “kissing disease”, I mailed a letter of thanks to my girlfriend.
By the time I left the hospital, the outfit I had trained with in Spartanburg, South Carolina, was deep inside Germany, so, despite my protests, I was placed in a “repo depot” (replacement depot). I lost interest in the units to which I was assigned, and don’t recall all of them: non-combat units were ridiculed at that time. My separation qualification record states I was mostly with Company C, 14th Infantry Regiment, during my seventeen-month stay in Germany, but I remember being transferred to other outfits also.
In late March or early April 1945, I was sent to guard a POW camp near Andernach along the Rhine. I had four years of high school German, so I was able to talk to the prisoners, although this was forbidden. Gradually, however, I was used as an interpreter and asked to ferret out members of the S.S. (I found none.)
In Andernach about 50,000 prisoners of all ages were held in an open field surrounded by barbed wire. The women were kept in a separate enclosure that I did not see until later. The men I guarded had no shelter and no blankets. Many had no coats. They slept in the mud, wet and cold, with inadequate slit trenches for excrement. It was a cold, wet spring, and their misery from exposure alone was evident.
Even more shocking was to see the prisoners throwing grass and weeds into a tin can containing a thin soup. They told me they did this to help ease their hunger pains. Quickly they grew emaciated. Dysentery raged, and soon they were sleeping in their own excrement, too weak and crowded to reach the slit trenches. Many were begging for food, sickening and dying before our eyes. We had ample food and supplies, but did nothing to help them, including no medical assistance.
Outraged, I protested to my officers and was met with hostility or bland indifference. When pressed, they explained they were under strict orders from “higher up.” No officer would dare do this to 50,000 men if he felt that it was “out of line,” leaving him open to charges. Realizing my protests were useless, I asked a friend working in the kitchen if he could slip me some extra food for the prisoners. He too said they were under strict orders to severely ration the prisoners’ food, and that these orders came from “higher up.” But he said they had more food than they knew what to do with, and would sneak me some.
When I threw this food over the barbed wire to the prisoners, I was caught and threatened with imprisonment. I repeated the “offense,” and one officer angrily threatened to shoot me. I assumed this was a bluff until I encountered a captain on a hill above the Rhine shooting down at a group of German civilian women with his .45 caliber pistol. When I asked, “Why?,” he mumbled, “Target practice,” and fired until his pistol was empty. I saw the women running for cover, but, at that distance, couldn’t tell if any had been hit.
This is when I realized I was dealing with cold-blooded killers filled with moralistic hatred. They considered the Germans subhuman and worthy of extermination; another expression of the downward spiral of racism. Articles in the G.I. newspaper, Stars and Stripes, played up the German concentration camps, complete with photos of emaciated bodies. This amplified our self-righteous cruelty, and made it easier to imitate behavior we were supposed to oppose. Also, I think, soldiers not exposed to combat were trying to prove how tough they were by taking it out on the prisoners and civilians.
These prisoners, I found out, were mostly farmers and workingmen, as simple and ignorant as many of our own troops. As time went on, more of them lapsed into a zombie-like state of listlessness, while others tried to escape in a demented or suicidal fashion, running through open fields in broad daylight towards the Rhine to quench their thirst. They were mowed down.
Some prisoners were as eager for cigarettes as for food, saying they took the edge off their hunger.
Accordingly, enterprising G.I. “Yankee traders” were acquiring hordes of watches and rings in exchange for handfuls of cigarettes or less. When I began throwing cartons of cigarettes to the prisoners to ruin this trade, I was threatened by rank-and-file G.I.s too.
The only bright spot in this gloomy picture came one night when. I was put on the “graveyard shift”, from two to four a.m. Actually, there was a graveyard on the uphill side of this enclosure, not many yards away. My superiors had forgotten to give me a flashlight and I hadn’t bothered to ask for one, disgusted as I was with the whole situation by that time. It was a fairly bright night and I soon became aware of a prisoner crawling under the wires towards the graveyard. We were supposed to shoot escapees on sight, so I started to get up from the ground to warn him to get back.
Suddenly I noticed another prisoner crawling from the graveyard back to the enclosure. They were risking their lives to get to the graveyard for something. I had to investigate.
When I entered the gloom of this shrubby, tree-shaded cemetery, I felt completely vulnerable, but somehow curiosity kept me moving. Despite my caution, I tripped over the legs of someone in a prone position. Whipping my rifle around while stumbling and trying to regain composure of mind and body, I soon was relieved I hadn’t reflexively fired. The figure sat up. Gradually, I could see the beautiful but terror-stricken face of a woman with a picnic basket nearby. German civilians were not allowed to feed, nor even come near the prisoners, so I quickly assured her I approved of what she was doing, not to be afraid, and that I would leave the graveyard to get out of the way.
I did so immediately and sat down, leaning against a tree at the edge of the cemetery to be inconspicuous and not frighten the prisoners. I imagined then, and still do now, what it would be like to meet a beautiful woman with a picnic basket under those conditions as a prisoner. I have never forgotten her face. Eventually, more prisoners crawled back to the enclosure. I saw they were dragging food to their comrades, and could only admire their courage and devotion.
On May 8, V.E. Day [1945], I decided to celebrate with some prisoners I was guarding who were baking bread the other prisoners occasionally received. This group had all the bread they could eat, and shared the jovial mood generated by the end of the war. We all thought we were going home soon, a pathetic hope on their part. We were in what was to become the French zone [of occupation], where I soon would witness the brutality of the French soldiers when we transferred our prisoners to them for their slave labor camps.
On this day, however, we were happy.
As a gesture of friendliness, I emptied my rifle and stood it in the corner, even allowing them to play with it at their request. This thoroughly “broke the ice”, and soon we were singing songs we taught each other, or that I had learned in high school German class (“Du, du, liegst mir im Herzen”). Out of gratitude, they baked me a special small loaf of sweet bread, the only possible present they had left to offer. I stuffed it in my “Eisenhower jacket”, and snuck it back to my barracks, eating it when I had privacy. I have never tasted more delicious bread, nor felt a deeper sense of communion while eating it. I believe a cosmic sense of Christ (the Oneness of all Being) revealed its normally hidden presence to me on that occasion, influencing my later decision to major in philosophy and religion.
Shortly after wards, some of our weak and sickly prisoners were marched off by French soldiers to their camp. We were riding on a truck behind this column. Temporarily, it slowed down and dropped back, perhaps because the driver was as shocked as I was. Whenever a German prisoner staggered or dropped back, he was hit on the head with a club and killed. The bodies were rolled to the side of the road to be picked up by another truck. For many, this quick death might have been preferable to slow starvation in our “killing fields.”
When I finally saw the German women held in a separate enclosure, I asked why we were holding them prisoner. I was told they were “camp followers”, selected as breeding stock for the S.S. to create a super-race. I spoke to some, and must say I never met a more spirited or attractive group of women. I certainly didn’t think they deserved imprisonment.
More and more I was used as an interpreter, and was able to prevent some particularly unfortunate arrests. One somewhat amusing incident involved an old farmer who was being dragged away by several M.P.s. I was told he had a “fancy Nazi medal”, which they showed me. Fortunately, I had a chart identifying such medals. He’d been awarded it for having five children!
Perhaps his wife was somewhat relieved to get him “off her back”, but I didn’t think one of our death camps was a fair punishment for his contribution to Germany. The M.P.s agreed and released him to continue his “dirty work”.
Famine began to spread among the German civilians also. It was a common sight to see German women up to their elbows in our garbage cans looking for something edible — that is, if they weren’t chased away.
When I interviewed mayors of small towns and villages, I was told that their supply of food had been taken away by “displaced persons” (foreigners who had worked in Germany), who packed the food on trucks and drove away. When I reported this, the response was a shrug. I never saw any Red Cross at the camp or helping civilians, although their coffee and doughnut stands were available everywhere else for us. In the meantime, the Germans had to rely on the sharing of hidden stores until the next harvest.
Hunger made German women more “available”, but despite this, rape was prevalent and often accompanied by additional violence. In particular I remember an eighteen-year old woman who had the side of her faced smashed with a rifle butt, and was then raped by two G.I.s. Even the French complained that the rapes, looting and drunken destructiveness on the part of our troops was excessive. In Le Havre, we’d been given booklets warning us that the German soldiers had maintained a high standard of behavior with French civilians who were peaceful, and that we should do the same. In this we failed miserably.
“So what?” some would say. “The enemy’s atrocities were worse than ours.” It is true that I experienced only the end of the war, when we were already the victors. The German opportunity for atrocities had faded, while ours was at hand. But two wrongs don’t make a right. Rather than copying our enemy’s crimes, we should aim once and for all to break the cycle of hatred and vengeance that has plagued and distorted human history. This is why I am speaking out now, 45 years after the crime. We can never prevent individual war crimes, but we can, if enough of us speak out, influence government policy. We can reject government propaganda that depicts our enemies as subhuman and encourages the kind of outrages I witnessed. We can protest the bombing of civilian targets, which still goes on today. And we can refuse ever to condone our government’s murder of unarmed and defeated prisoners of war.
I realize it’s difficult for the average citizen to admit witnessing a crime of this magnitude, especially if implicated himself. Even G.I.s sympathetic to the victims were afraid to complain and get into trouble, they told me. And the danger has not ceased. Since I spoke out a few weeks ago, I have received threatening calls and had my mailbox smashed. But its been worth it. Writing about these atrocities has been a catharsis of feelings suppressed too long, a liberation, that perhaps will remind other witnesses that “the truth will make us free, have no fear”. We may even learn a supreme lesson from all this: only love can conquer all.
Martin Brech lives in Mahopac, New York. When he wrote this memoir essay in 1990, he was an Adjunct Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry, New York. Brech holds a master’s degree in theology from Columbia University, and is a Unitarian-Universalist minister.
This essay was published in The Journal of Historical Review, Summer 1990 (Vol. 10, No. 2), pp. 161-166. (Revised, updated: Nov. 2008)
For Further Reading
James Bacque, Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950 (Toronto: Little, Brown and Co., 1997)
James Bacque, Other Losses: An investigation into the mass deaths of German prisoners at the hands of the French and Americans after World War II (Toronto: Stoddart, 1989)
Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, Nemesis at Postsdam (Lincoln, Neb.: 1990)
Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, A Terrible Revenge: The Ethnic Cleansing of the Eastern European Germans, 1944-1950 (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1994)
John Dietrich, The Morgenthau Plan: Soviet Influence on American Postwar Policy (New York: Algora, 2002)
Ralph Franklin Keeling, Gruesome Harvest: The Allies’ Postwar War Against the German People (IHR, 1992). Originally published in Chicago in 1947.
Giles MacDonogh, After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation (New York: Basic Books, 2007)
John Sack, An Eye for an Eye: The Story of Jews Who Sought Revenge for the Holocaust (2000)
Mark Weber, “New Book Details Mass Killings and Brutal Mistreatment of Germans at the End of World War Two” (Summer 2007)
( http://www.ihr..org/other/afterthereich072007.html )
March 26, 2010 at 1:09 pm
Hasbara jokes?! LOL! good one Akira! the jew was probably waiting on the Ami and frenchie to get DEAD, so that he could save ammo, then go through their pockets, then get rescued, a book deal, a Speilberg movie, and live the rest of his life with the pity that he was the only survivor.. it vas a miracle!
March 26, 2010 at 1:34 pm
exactly Marsh! not only was the holohoax invented for jew gain, but also to explain away jew vengance. ‘so WHAT about Dresden, LOOK at what THEY did!’
March 26, 2010 at 1:55 pm
Mongoloid said,
These Hasbarats are so bloody obvious!
“slavs”: “You don’t have the guts to lynch Ben Bernanke”
Mongoloid, your behavior shows evidence of self inadequacy. Is it that fun to sit behind your computer screen and mock the misinformed? Again, let the White people here decide who to call a jew and who the trolls are. This is a website for Whites. You do know that right?
Many Slavic AND Germanic people died in the war. Hitler himself is also dead. History is a good thing to study if you wish to find direction for the future. The future is what really matters.
Those that plot against my kind are operating on a timeline of generations. I understand the frustration that many have and they should know they are not alone. The revolution is coming and it will not be televised.
Below is a quote from a great White inventor who happens to be Slavic:
“Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.” – Nikola Tesla
March 26, 2010 at 2:47 pm
For somebody who has solemnly vowed to ignore me, Gepidave, slayer of the Hun, seems to have a real hard-on for me.
I’m starting to wonder if he wasn’t deployed here, with his “Germanic” Gepidian rhetoric, to somehow attack me. But, I know, that can’t really be it, or he would be failing so badly at it. It’s a mystery.
Any, Gepid typed:
“Mongoloid, your behavior shows evidence of self inadequacy.”
I’m not sure what that means. That I believe I’m inadequate, but actually it’s not the case? That I am inadequate, but only in regard to “selfish” issues?
I would appreciate some clarity.
Jewmbo once promised me that if I went to Australia — where he’s apparently waiting for me in some hotel lounge — he’d “rearrange my dental bills”. So I put together all my dental bills, and figured his reimbursement would cover the cost of a holiday in Australia, but I never heard from him again. On second thoughts, he’d probably expect some sort of favour in return. Just forget about it Jewmbo. I can pay my own fucking dental bills! Thanks anyway.
March 26, 2010 at 3:03 pm
should have told him that you had dentures Akira LOL!
i did some research into blood typing. the Jews, as a race, are suprisingly RH negative. while Whites and Asians are overwhelmingly RH positive. is there something to this? my own is B+, very common in Asia, and strangely, in every European city frenquented by Scandinavian (viking) traders. but only there, once into the countryside (around say ..Dublin) it returns to A or O. but is still almost always Positive. i think that Whites and Asians are more closely related than either of us are to the negroid race.
Tesla was educated in German universities, and claimed the Germanosphere as the influence for his education. Germans and Slavs are WHITE. brothers, its only because of the JEW that there was ever a rift between them. read up on “good soldier Slovik” a Czech that served Austria-Hungary in the first world war… conflicted in so many ways during that war, allegiance to his German speaking nation, AND the Russian cousins he was fighting against.
March 26, 2010 at 3:12 pm
Slavs is most certainly a disinfo JEW Dave. theres no doubt in my mind.
March 26, 2010 at 3:16 pm
i just did a search, and all that comes up is Eddie Slovik, the American soldier (in)famously executed in Europe during the second jew war. ill see if i can find a link to good soldier Slovik.. maybe its Slovic?
March 26, 2010 at 3:16 pm
back to “Biker the loser” unemployment corner……. !
Dude what so funny, your kids are on popcorn soul food Diet, just because you whino looser want move your ass to get the jobs given to you.
I recomended a human punch bag, damn if you can’t get this job, you are useles.
Still taking out your last cents on beer and internet………… whats your kids gonne do loser, be the next generation scum………….
March 26, 2010 at 3:17 pm
Of course it’s interesting that the average Japanese person is whiter than the average European, these days, for those who take an interest in such things…
+ + +
Germans and Slavs only ever fought because of Jew-fuckery? Get real. Of course the two biggest wars were extremely Jewified. But people can get into plenty of wars without any Khazar / Red Sea Pedestrian involvement. It’s just that adding a Judaic element into any conflict, never made things any better.
+ + +
What’s with this “Mongoloid” business? I don’t get it. I do have all my chromosomes. Come on. What’s the joke? Let me in on it, please.
March 26, 2010 at 3:20 pm
bakk tew bicher th luser onamploymant kornr. what chew gunn dew luser? bees punch bag thing go for you? yes and make muve for popcorn eeting alsoh. is nice my kat havs big ashool i ams make you angry ! no?
wow, c’mon asshole, you can do better cant ya? LOL
March 26, 2010 at 3:26 pm
well, true. the two biggest wars were for jews, by jews, about jews.. but the rift that stands today IS JEWdeocentric! Ehrenburg and his “rape/kill all Germans young and old” created white on white crime that would make Jesse Jackson drool. skirmishes? wars? yes. but the second jew war in the East was made terrible by JEWS.
March 26, 2010 at 3:28 pm
That’s JEW-babble from an Israeli, I’d wager.
Seems like more Hasbarats are visiting than ever before. Incog must be doing something right!
Or perhaps it’s all the talk of that terrorist shithole, Israel. The Hasbarat’s number one mission is to deflect criticism of terrorist Israel, which has been getting a lot of attention around here.
March 26, 2010 at 3:30 pm
It’s The Good Soldier Schweik [Švejk] by Jaroslav Hašek]
March 26, 2010 at 3:31 pm
street nigger
hey commander polesmoke, why dont you get your own nick? ‘Rocke’ what a WEAK piece of pig pumped garbage you are!
March 26, 2010 at 3:33 pm
street nigger
a HAH! thanks Akira. good soldier Schweik, for some reason Slovik was stuck in my head..
March 26, 2010 at 3:34 pm
yeah, im STRAIGHT ‘street’ dis niggah is, yassir LOL!
March 26, 2010 at 3:35 pm
“A volume of the legal code lay before him, and a half-consumed glass of tea stood on top of it. On the table on the right stood a crucifix made out of imitation ivory with a dusty Christ, who looked despairingly at the pedestal of his cross, on which there were ashes and cigarette stubs.
“To the renewed regret of the crucified Jesus, Judge Advocate Ruller was at this very moment flicking the ash from another cigarette on to the pedestal of the crucifix. With his other hand he was raising the glass of tea, which had got stuck to the legal code. ”
+ + +
“As the troops passed through and camped in the neighbourhood there could be seen everywhere little heaps of human excrement of international extraction belonging to all peoples of Austria, Germany and Russia. The excrement of soldiers of all nationalities and of confessions lay side by side or heaped on top of one another without quarreling among themselves.”
+ + +
“‘Jesus Christ was innocent too,” said Švejk, “and all the same they crucified him. No one anywhere has ever worried about a man being innocent. Maul halten und weiter dienen! — as they used to tell us in the army. That’s the best and finest thing of all.” [German is, "Shut your trap and do as you're told.!" Lit. Shut mawl and serve further.]
March 26, 2010 at 3:39 pm
Israhell American, get the spelling right LOL! (jk) yeah, Incog is doing AMAZING things, they show up, and Incog w/us regulars smoke ‘em. then Incog keeps going with TRUTH. such a wonderful thing in an existance where EVERYTHING is a lie.
but you KNOW Incog has them scared. and they should be scared! truth is a cold, hard, unstoppable bitch. keep it up INCOG! i hope this thing gets as big as Dr. Dukes site.. too big to fail LOL!
March 26, 2010 at 3:40 pm
I was figuring you would call Tesla out as a jew. HAHAHA!
Mongoloid is a reference to your race. I thought that was quite obvious. Being White is not entirely about skin color. Promoting ideas that remove the unique identity of my kind is akin to promoting ‘Diversity’. Diversity as it is called, is another prong of my enemy’s strategy to erode my kind’s identity.
I never stated that jews were the cause of all battles between Germanics and Slavics. Were you trying to twist my words or did I miss something?
Would you please offer me the dignity of making a case for your claim of my alleged kikeness?
I was never really even allowed to participate before this outsider ensured things became a downward spiral of kike hunting. How is this helping the cause?
March 26, 2010 at 3:41 pm
a good Christian caught in the meat grinder of history Akira, i read that book… quite awhile ago
March 26, 2010 at 3:43 pm
Dave – Biker said- “Slavs is most certainly a disinfo JEW Dave. theres no doubt in my mind.”
March 26, 2010 at 3:44 pm
so, Slavs IS Dave? is that what you’re saying?
March 26, 2010 at 3:47 pm
This is getting confusing. As far as I can tell, Biker was addressing Dave and saying, “Slavs is a JEW disinfo”
March 26, 2010 at 3:50 pm
Sorry, I misread that statement. You are probably right about slavs. I guess I was in the offensive/defensive mode they intended.
March 26, 2010 at 3:57 pm
“Mongoloid is a reference to your race. I thought that was quite obvious. ”
Really? Which “race” is that? I’m still mystified.
As part of my charity work, please allow me to explicate, re “I never stated that jews were the cause of all battles between Germanics and Slavics. Were you trying to twist my words or did I miss something?”
- Yes. You are missing much. Mr Biker suggested that your German and your Slav warred due to the machinations of your Jew. I suggested that this is a simplification. You were ignored because all you ever do is wank away like a moth-eaten thesaurus on downers.
Now, if Biker doesn’t mind, I’ll gladly answer this query of yours:
“Biker, Would you please offer me the dignity of making a case for your claim of my alleged kikeness? I was never really even allowed to participate before this outsider ensured things became a downward spiral of kike hunting”
Well, Gepidave, Slayer of Huns, the reason you are so Jewey, is because only a Jewey Jewified Jewbo would write snivelling lines such as “offer me the dignity of making a case for your claim,” and “I was never really even allowed to participate.”
Waaahhhhh … Waaahhhh …. Waaahhhh.
March 26, 2010 at 4:00 pm
well, it IS confusing. why am i arguing with people that are supposedly on my side DAVE? Akira is NOT a jew, and he has provided piles of info to the readers of this blog, second only to Incog himself, and Hoff. so.. Akira, Hoff ? just dont mess with them, cool?
March 26, 2010 at 4:03 pm
The more I learn, the more I realize it’s only the JEWS and the Gentiles. Sure, I love my White race, but that is secondary to the terrorist rats killing everybody.
We have to set example and hang the few White criminals early on. Gets around that whole “racist” thing real easy.
March 26, 2010 at 4:12 pm
“second only to Incog himself”
I’m speechless.
(And, btw, In what way am I second!?)
Ha ha. Watch yourself, Biker. You’ll probably get called a race-traitor now. Not to worry — I’m more Aryan than at least 85.35% of the people commenting here anyway.
+ + +
re “The more I learn, the more I realize it’s only the JEWS and the Gentiles.”
I think so too (except for that ugly word ‘gentiles’…).
One of the common hasbarat argumentum ad absurdum tactics is to say things like, “Do you really think that all the problems in the world would disappear if only there were no Jews!?” Of course humanity would still have all the ancient and natural problems — war, conflict, greed, disease, earthquakes. It’s just that I can’t think of anything that the Jew ever made better.
March 26, 2010 at 4:23 pm
well, i dont give a rats ass Akira, you come out with truth, and i respect that. whoever doesnt like it, can.. well, you know.
and you are RIGHT American! some of ‘em are gunna hang, no matter their color! it IS JEWS and gentlies, alway has been…
March 26, 2010 at 4:26 pm
gentiles, always has been. wow, im slipping..im out, its FRIDAY and i’ve got things to do lol
March 26, 2010 at 4:47 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Here is a link to the interview i mentioned the other day. Witness, as one oleaginous kike fawns over the other and everything is amenable to reason. Consider the harsh interrogation techniques employed by the bastion of fearless journalism that is charlie rosenscheisse. Go to recent shows/ehud barak.Fetch a bucket, maybe two. http://www.charlierose.com/
March 26, 2010 at 8:00 pm
Something I made earlier about the Juden
March 27, 2010 at 2:06 am
Cannibal Rabbi
EI,,,,,That’s an excellent piece of work.
March 27, 2010 at 2:43 am
Cannibal Rabbi
The general public’s appetite for more materials about the Shoa — which the world needs until it finally internalizes the dangers of apathy — fuels the acceptability of the Shoa as a defining aspect of being Jewish. Yet we must stand against this rising tide; we must be countercultural and reject the distortion of our people’s values that empowers the Shoa narrative to displace the Exodus and Sinai narratives……………………………………………………………….He has a point there. The general public are always banging on my door asking for spare shoa materials, they can turn nasty when you tell them you don’t have any to spare. You can’t go to any medium sized town these days without being accosted, ” got any spare shoa materials mister.i’ve a wife and three young ‘uns to disturb”.It didn’t used to be like this. I can remember back in the fifties, full employment, relief at having survived the war. Everyone had more shoa materials than they knew what to do with. You could’t give them away. If only we’d known then what we know now. We would have saved our shoa materials for a rainy day. Much like a squirrel stores it;s nuts. ah well. you live and learn. You can’t turn the clock back. If only. http://www.njjewishnews.com/njjn.com/042006/commShoaRemembrance.html
March 27, 2010 at 3:39 am
The video is gone from JewTube.
March 27, 2010 at 8:24 am
Russian? Georgian? Kind of, but they’re really JEWS no matter what host nation they infest, and they’re the same no matter where they go:
March 27, 2010 at 9:10 am
Cannibal “You can’t go to any medium sized town these days without being accosted, ” got any spare shoa materials mister.i’ve a wife and three young ‘uns to disturb”.It didn’t used to be like this. I can remember back in the fifties, full employment, relief at having survived the war. Everyone had more shoa materials than they knew what to do with. You could’t give them away. ”
Very good.
March 29, 2010 at 9:48 pm
From your WWII ally General Draza Mihajlovich, thanks Amerikka for helping the Croatian Nazis. Bunch o backstabbers – don’t be proud
March 29, 2010 at 9:49 pm
March 29, 2010 at 9:59 pm
Nikola Tesla was Serbian, his father was a Serbian Orthodox priest. In your amerikkan text books they told you all kinds of lies like Edison invented the light bulb, Marconi invented radio, bla bla bla. Nikola wanted the world to have free electricity and he knew how to split the world in half, but bankster JP Morgan pulled the plug on him then. He wanted us to drive electric cars a hundred years ago, he invented wireless tech, stealth tech, and guess who murdered him and stole all his work? Over 700 patents. And who gets the credit, retard Einstein. Einstein’s first wife was Serbian physicist Mileva Maric. Ever heard of the Theory of Relativity? Mileva Maric’s idea, Einstein the retard couldn’t come up with that.
March 29, 2010 at 10:16 pm
What’s your point NO NAZI/slavs? That the JSA is rotten? Everybody knows that already.
Btw, Einstein was a charlatan, but he wasn’t “a moron”, except in hanging onto his Jeweyness.
And Maric was a Judas who spit on the Cross to marry the Jew.
We;;, at least she had the decency to have their kids eventually baptized over Einstein’s Jewey objections, to try and keep the Jewism out of them.
March 29, 2010 at 10:43 pm
whatever happened to Mileva and einstein’s kids? I read read somwhere that einstein had trouble getting accepted into the schools
March 29, 2010 at 11:33 pm
Biker, somewhere previously you posted that no other white nation or slavs or something to that effect, ever defended white people like hitler. Ok, you really need to go back in history, way before the 20th century which I’m sure you have. Ok, Serbia had its own monarchy and Patriarch which was blessed by Pope Honorius back in the 1100s. Serbia tried to fend of the invading Turks and lost at the Battle of Kosovo in 1389. The Byzantine Christian (white) empire prospered for a 1000 years until the Turks destroyed it. Even while Serbia was occupied by the turks for several centuries, SLAVS AND GERMANS, that is Serbs, Croats, German, Ukrainians, were sent into the Military Frontiere of the Austro Hungarian empire and were given that land because they were fierce fighters fighting off the Ottoman Turks for the defence of white Christian europe, the Habsburgs. As far as I know, correct me if I’m mistaken, slavs and teutons, germanics descend fromt he ostrogoths which descend from the crimea, which is not far from the CAUCAUSUS = white race, russians, slavs, etc etc. You can have a hard on for hitler it’s your choice, you live in a free country, but you give him way too much credit. My hero is Vlad Dracul the impaler. Where can I find a man like that today?
March 30, 2010 at 12:04 am
Henry Makow is on the jew shit list
March 30, 2010 at 12:09 am
I am no NAZI but, I do respect many ideas they had.
Vlad Dracul did a great deed in defending the White lands from very non-white ideas and mongrelization.
March 30, 2010 at 11:54 am
those big bad “untermenshen” uncultured, nationalistic Serbs and their lack of morals and christian family values, that Hitler hated so much…
March 30, 2010 at 12:01 pm
Good link, slavs. Encouraging tale of people power.
March 30, 2010 at 4:37 pm
“field of ravens” i know of it slavs, but it doesnt disparage the fact that the slavs worked against Hitler, at every turn… led by their jew masters. show me a perfect, or even close to it… 20th century leader, and ill bet that i can throw dirt on his ass. im not saying hitler was god, im saying he was good for his people, (minus jew, eastern and western.. influence) and maligned by modern history. all he did was want back all that Germany had lost (in a war originally between Austria and Serbia.. why the hell should Germany foot the bill? was it because Austria-Hungary was GONE, divided by Versaille, that Germany was made responsible for a war it did NOT start?) in the first world war. he had no battleships, no long range bombers, and no heavy tanks (all limited or denied by versaille)
why the hell would he start a war for the WORLD?! ya fuckin MORON… im about DONE arguing this or these points with you, Hitler, nor Hirohito WANTED TO CONQUER THE WORLD!! they wanted justice for THEIR people, and THAT is much more honorable than some Serb committing mass rape with the red army, and continuing that rape into the 1990′s. let alone the Rhinemeadow, the Japanese internment camps, Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki..
March 30, 2010 at 4:49 pm
POCKET battleships MORON.. POCKET!!!
March 30, 2010 at 4:49 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Slavs. The town i live in there are a lot, well a few hundred Serbs. Good people. Very family oriented. They built a Church twenty years ago. No problem to anyone. Proud and mindful of their heritage. Easy going, but you wouldn’t cross them. Some of those lads are big. Like Biker.
March 30, 2010 at 4:53 pm
yeah… why was BELGRADE, the capital of SERBIA, named the capital of Yugoslavia?!
because the west/east jews had to give the bitch-slapped Serbs something for their trouble? LOL!
March 31, 2010 at 8:45 pm
Too bad General Mihajlovich rescued amerikan pilots in serbia only to be shot by the freemason polish jew Tito…you amerikans always stab your allies in the back…but beyond that, I just think it’s time for the human race to disappear off this planet. With human trafficking in Kosovo and all over the world and all the shit that you men do, animals don’t even prey on their own kind like that. Human beings are lower than animals. The Serbian women who have been brutalized by the croats and now the albanians thanks to amerika bombing the shit out of their country, which was never a threat to you Mcgoyim, I would not wish upon your wife, your daughter or your sister, biker. But above that, the homo sapien project needs to be scrapped and that sadistic, pedophile, blood thirsty god that created man in his image really needs to stop getting off on the orgy of human sadism and let the apes take over. I hope the precession of the equinoxes in 2012 really does flip the god damned earth upside down.
March 31, 2010 at 8:50 pm
Raving Lunatic: “I hope the precession of the equinoxes in 2012 really does flip the god damned earth upside down.”
No need for that, my fine-feathered Slavophile.
The world has already turned heel-over-bollocks.
Cannibal Rabbi has started to make use of such modern devices as the comma and the space-bar. And now that you are here, CR is no longer the most unreadable commentator hereabouts.
March 31, 2010 at 9:49 pm
Sweet dreams yiddish ones!
April 13, 2010 at 8:32 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
“Cannibal Rabbi has started to make use of such modern devices as the comma and the space-bar. And now that you are here, CR is no longer the most unreadable commentator hereabouts”.
What the….!?!??**
Why i oughtta…