“Famous is thy beauty majesty, but behold, a lovely maid I see… Rags cannot hide her gentle grace… Alas, she is more fair than thee…”
–The Magic Mirror in Walt Disney’s Snow White
“Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall” …Pathological Narcissism as the Sparkplug of Armageddon
By Mark Glenn, The Ugly Truth
We have to assume — given the incalculable suffering presently taking place — that had He (the Almighty) to do over again He would probably leave out all the “I will bless those who bless thee and curse those who curse thee” nonsense and get right down to business with the “thou shalts” and “thou shalt nots“.
After all, He is considered a wise and merciful creator, is He not? Not just wise and merciful, but the shrewdest of all investors as well, and what has His (supposed) aggrandizement of this tiny microbe of “chosen people” profited Him and His business interests?
Well, if we are to go by the “official records”— meaning the Bible — ever since these people pushed and elbowed their way into 1st place ahead of their contemporaries it has been nothing short of disastrous, both then and now. War, exploitation, deception, greed, envy, assassination, genocide, despoilment, enslavement — all these and more — the same bitter fruits our forefathers dealt with yesterday that we are dealing with today. The only real difference between then and now is that 4,000 years ago the Chosenites had neither nuclear weapons nor control of the world’s economy as they do today.
And yet, the lone individual responsible for bringing this venture about — both past and present — is supposed to be pleased with this? Are we really to believe (as some think) He gets some kind of sick pleasure seeing his priceless merchandise — meaning the innocent men, women and children in places such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Gaza, Lebanon and elsewhere — squandered and wasted (literally in the millions) and that He wants even more of it in places such as Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere? That He fantasizes about seeing entire swaths of stable, productive civilizations being turned into caldrons of misery or that He shrieks with glee at the sight of maimed children — the same children He created with a mere thought — robbed of their legs, arms, faces, etc, by psychopaths who believe this is all part of the “Divine Plan”?
Well of course, there are plenty of nutcases these days who would say “yes” to the above questions and who maintain with the same kind of fervency as yesteryear’s flat-earthers that indeed the Big Guy sits up there, beer in one hand and a wad of popcorn in the other as He reclines and watches the light show down below.
After all, these nutcases say, He DID make that promise to His “Chosen“ people that He will “bless those who bless thee and curse those who curse thee“ and therefore, logically, He is more than ready, willing and able to bring about Armageddon and the consummation of the entire world for the benefit of this the tiniest of minorities…That He sits up there with an itchy trigger finger, growling through clenched teeth “Go ahead punks, make my day…” and is just waiting for an excuse to run everything — vegetable, animal, mineral or what not–through the great divine paper shredder…
…and just so He can make good on His word to this same microscopic group of people who have been so much a welcome addition to mankind’s various civilizations that they have been kicked out of every decent country in the world throughout history shortly after their arrival.
Of course, the one question not asked in the 4,000 years since this concept of “chosenness“ (said to be the definitive bird’s-eye view into the mind of the Almighty) was first introduced is whether or not there is a shred of truth in any of it. On its face, the idea certainly seems to defy all logic, that the creator responsible for all life and order in the universe would pick one guy — ONE GUY — stick a blue “First Prize” ribbon on him (as well as on his kith-n-kin) before the beauty contest even got underway, give everyone else in the competition the boot and declare that all future contests had been decided already by this one decision.
And yet this is how we are supposed to believe it all went down, and more so, that to this day, the creator of all things STILL favors them heads and shoulders above all else…That there is something organically and ontologically different about them — meaning the Jews — making them better and rendering the rest of us inferior, or, as Jewish writer Ariel Natan Pasko wrote in his article “This War Is For Us” —
“Simply put another way, if all the world is a stage, then the Jews — and especially those in the Land of Israel —are the lead actors on the stage of history, and the goyim (the gentiles) have supporting roles… As our tradition states, G-D – the great playwright — created the world for the sake of the Jewish People, and it is our responsibility to implement the Torah — absolute morality and the blueprint of creation — in it…”
It is so farcical, so non-sensical and irrational on its face that in this the modern age it should be rejected with all other notions rooted in madness and illogic such as the aforementioned flat-earth theory or the practice of drilling holes in the heads of the mentally ill so the demons afflicting them could escape.
And yet, unbeknownst to so many, it is not. Rather, it is swallowed whole hog by entire swaths of people, so much so that it is now THE dominant ideology driving world events today and yet which threatens to destroy all life on earth if its aims are not met.
For those who have not put 2 and 2 together in this matter, what we are of course discussing is the present “clash of civilizations” being waged Israel’s proxies in the “Christian” West against those in the Middle East and elsewhere. Whether recognized as such or not, nevertheless it is a billion+ on one side vs. a billion+ on the other and all engineered by this covetous, envious third party in the interests of seeing the two succumb to the inevitable mutual assured destruction, leaving what is left on the carcass free for picking and pecking on the part of Jewish interests, and all fueled by a mindset that cannot tolerate fair competition, because with fair competition comes the possibility of defeat, which is unthinkable.
Of course some, carefully placed throughout the various podiums and soapboxes around the globe will say it is more complicated than simple narcissism on the part of Jewish interests, that there are other factors with long, complicated names, pronunciations and definitions that the rest of us are too stupid to understand. Themes such as “jihad” and “72 virgins” and “anti-Semitism” and “fatwa” and “Islamo-fascism” and a whole host of others that Merlin and his fellow magicians have conveniently conjured up and stored away in their little black bag of dirty tricks.
But in the end, in the final analysis where the rubber meets the road and where the bottom line speaks with the same authority as an auctioneer’s gavel on the podium, it is this indeed, this “love thyself above all others” that is the bedrock of the Jewish mindset and — more importantly — which acts as THE sparkplug for the impending Armageddon the entire world is facing.
In short, pathological narcissism that obliterates any sense of morality or conscience on the part of those afflicted and — much like the latter stages of rabies — renders the infected animal mad and, just as former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan once described the Jewish state — “too dangerous to bother.”
“Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” asks the wicked Queen in Snow White. She isn’t asking this because she is curious, but rather —
Please go and read the rest of this great article HERE! Bookmark Glenn’s site — the guy gets it about the Jew, big-time.
I wanted to run this story because of a comment left by some Jew who comes here by the name of “canadian,” where he pasted in a link to an article extolling Israel and going on and on about how great Jews are to Capitalism (funny considering how many of them are Marxists), America and the world.
Somehow, “canadian” believes that by us simply reading his Israel/Jew bragging puff-piece, it will make us see the light and ignore our common sense, patriotism for America and our White moralities. I’m here to tell Jew Bozos like “canadian,” right in their fat faces: Fuggitaboutit!
Israel and Jews world-wide do indeed consider themselves God’s “Chosen people” and I’m continually astounded by the utter arrogance and hypocrisies of these people that I come across. Every day it’s seems to be getting worse and worse, in geometric porportion to the things they are now getting away with in this country and elsewhere.
“They are the boastful, arrogant rascals who to the present day can do no more than boast of their race and lineage, praise only themselves, and disdain and curse all the world in their synagogues, prayers, and doctrines. Despite this, they imagine that in God’s eyes they rank as his dearest children.”
— Martin Luther, On the Jews and Their Lies, 1543
Lately, you can see the media ramping up the paranoia about Iran. This is surely in advance of what Israel has in mind to do shortly. Every channel now headlines Iran’s “nuclear ambitions” and shows you missiles being launched one after another in some desert and telling you how evil Ahmadinejad and the mad Mullahs are.
Not a single word about Israel having the bomb. Not a one. It’s so embarrassingly obvious how controlled the media now is.
All Americans are not that dumb. More and more of us, every day, can now see right through the grotesque propaganda bull being run by the Zionists in control of our politics and media. The Jews are playing with some serious fire and will live to regret it. Mark my words.
I started this blog because I was personally sick to my stomach about all the lying bull out of these people’s mouths and where they were taking the America that I grew up in. Iraq was the final straw for me. Plus, it totally sickened me when I saw Israel killing defenseless Palestinians and Lebanese in absolutely uncalled for ways.
There was a evil sickness going on here that I could see through-out history, like what they did in Red Russia, or what they made us do to Germany during WWII and after.
You think I’d bother with all this simply because I can’t stand the Jews for being Jews or because some of them merely worship a different religion? I don’t think so. I do all this so that if other, free-thinking Americans read it and start to think — really think — we might be able to put a stop to their global, NWO shennanigans and regain the America as it’s supposed to be.
These people have been nothing but Israel-Firsters and Nation Wreckers to the extreme. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had it up to FRIGGIN HERE!
Think about it. Jews have been kicked out of every country they’ve ever lived, or even much worse. Adolf Hitler was elected by the Germans for a reason, and it was not because he had some Svengali, mass hypnotism tricks like the Zionist media constantly tries to portray it.
It’s long past the time we blindly suck down the Jewish PC bull and go with the flow. It’s time we put a screeching halt to the Jew’s games in all White countries.
Thank you.
[/rant off]
Comments feed for this article
October 30, 2009 at 3:31 am
@ incog
I think there’s a computer savy Jew or two out there that has got hold of the real names of some of the people who are making comments on your blog, and is using them and the nicknames of others to try to cause confusion.
Of course it’s up to you, incog. Either let them loose to amuse us and reveal more about what they’re up to and worried about or toss them in Spamblinka.
My surname is Gibson, and they know my first name, but it’s my middle or spiritual name they’re more concerned about right now, because they know we have the power, and not the Jews out there in synagogue of Satan land.
October 30, 2009 at 10:30 am
Marshall: Yes, Einstein the Jewish “supreme genius” was a TOTAL FRAUD criminal con artist SCUMBAG who STOLE “his” ideas from truly brilliant goyim, of course. This is common knowledge in our camp…
SO WHY ARE YOU QUOTING THIS FRAUD ASSHOLE JEW’S DEFINITION OF “INSANITY” LIKE IT MEANS ANYTHING???? If I were you, especially given your alleged sentiments, I would shop around for another definition, one that spotlights the Jews as the SUPREME INBRED LUNATICS they truly are.
JimmydaJEWJEW: as I said before, Jew trash, any time, any where. Just make sure to have your worldly thievings— er, “wealth,” transferred to the ADL upon your death, like you always wanted. You might also want to get that foot-long hook shaped deformity you call a “nose” bobbed, cuz otherwise that’s what I’m taking off FIRST.
So what is YOUR address, bazooka mouth????????
“Pharisee” is a PERFECT metaphor for you, Jew Fuck. Like them, you are a “gnostic” meaning-twister, an ever-fanatical “lawyer,” and a sophist liar. You’re not a Christian. Jesus’ origination of a NEW creed and the WORLD REVOLUTION it sparked mean absolutely NOTHING to you. You’re out to totally erase every bit of that history with gnostic mind-tricks, just like every other LYING JEW COCKROACH on earth.
October 30, 2009 at 1:03 pm
Wow GW2BC, and I was starting to think you were Jewish yourself. I guess not.
Gnosticism is NOT Christianity. Christianity is having Christs’s small mustard seed of TRUTH implanted in your heart. If your heart is a suitable place for it, then from there it shall grow into a large tree…
October 30, 2009 at 1:07 pm
You’re just a loud mouthed pussy. That’s all you are. You are a joke and not worth the time it takes to even post this reply. The best remedy for Jews is to ignore them, so consider this my last post to you. You are officially ignored jew. Talk to your ass. It’s the only thing listening.
October 30, 2009 at 8:05 pm
No, I’m no Jew Marshall. I’m their worst nightmare: a fairly intelligent European-Christian MAN whom they CAN NOT FOOL. Everything they do to try just reveals them to me even more. Make of this what you will, but I think Jesus knew these Satan-worshipping monsters perfectly, and that his main goal was producing men like me, i.e. men they can not FOOL. “Anti-Semitism” is Christianity’s practical meaning and purpose! But that’s a way bigger meaning than people know. It’s not some weird little fringe. It’s the Main Event. That’s why “Jews” want to manipulate us away from it. The Truth is their deadly enemy. You loiter in this dusty neglected corner that most people don’t have the spine for, and then the whole of history opens up – REAL history, not the goo goo ga ga patty cake shit the “Jews” force-feed us in THEIR schools – and the whole of moral knowledge, too. These psychopathic cockroaches, Mesopotamian Semites, have been unilaterally attacking us Europeans continuously for 5,000 years. Their determination to make utter slaves of us, and our determination to remain HUMAN, this is the main tension of our entire history, going back to when we were “cave men.”
The best indication of how totally insane they are: to set them flipping and flopping on the floor chewing their tongues off in wild demonic convulsions of hatred against you, you don’t have to do anything to them. Not one finger needs to be raised against them. All it takes is NOT LETTING THEM FOOL YOU. To these demonic lunatics, this counts as “aggression” and lets them justify ANYTHING! I can’t tell you how many times they have PROVED ME RIGHT about them by spying on me as I studied quietly, or sending some TOTAL STRANGER, one of their snarling jackals, out of the woodwork to harass and threaten me. Once you become an “anti-Semite,” it’s incredible how “famous” you suddenly are. You visit a town you’ve never been to before, and people you’ve never met turn and glare when they hear your name. I had to witness this myself to realize how incredibly villainous the “Jews” really are, and therefore how ABSOLUTELY CORRECT “anti-Semitism” is. People who are in the right are not threatened by ideas, scholarship, factual knowledge, lucid thought. Only insane villains are. I don’t know of a single movie lunatic—not Norman Bates, not anybody—that even comes close to how fucking NUTS they are. Their greatest strategic asset is that Europeans are not demonically insane enough to comprehend what they’re really like!
So this is some of my perspective that I’ve been trying to share. I didn’t come here to fight, believe it or not.
I know all about Einstein.
I can’t say I’ve read through this behemoth (has anybody?) but I know where I can find ANY piece of trivia relating to Einstein’s plagiarism.
Gnosticism is an extremely important forgotten episode of history, closely related to Mesopotamian Satanism / black magic, that no one seems to understand now. I think I’ve recovered its real meaning, but I don’t know of anyone else who has.
October 30, 2009 at 9:38 pm
“…Gnosticism is an extremely important forgotten episode of history, closely related to Mesopotamian Satanism / black magic, that no one seems to understand now. I think I’ve recovered its real meaning, but I don’t know of anyone else who has.”
Please share…, I’m interested; gnosticism is/has been presented in a veiled sort of way -at least to my somewhat limited knowledge-, and in a “gut feeling” way, I find it to be a weapon of some sort in the way that it has been pushed forward as with Dan Brown’s books… It’s relations with oriental philosophy make it a melange that I tend to regard as webs to obscure something else.
October 30, 2009 at 10:16 pm
@ gw2bc
Here’s my take on gnosticism,
The Jews’ kabbalah provided the basis for the second century sciences of Hermeticism and gnosticism, which were vindictive attempts by Jews to formulate doctrine to rival Christianity, inspired by the Jews’ failure to realize their antichristian aspirations in their wars against Rome in 66–70 and 132–35 AD.
Adepts of Hermeticism upheld the lore of Essene philosophy and gnosticism; but they emphasized texts considered sacred or “Hermetica” by the Greeks, and those ostensibly authored by the “Ascended Being” Hermes Trismegistus, the Greek synthesis and conflation of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth who had renown as the “scribe of the gods”.
Hermes Trismegistus gave his name to the esoteric science of Hermeticism, and his name means “Hermes the Thrice Greatest”; and there is reason to believe Hermeticism was vindictively contrived by Jews to rival the increasingly popular wisdom of God resident in Christendom, which derives from the “Thrice Greatest” Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
Contemporary Hermeticism emphasizes merkavah mysticism, which is an attempt by psycho Jews to reach a higher consciousness by contemplating biblical texts that mention the chariot throne of God, and to move through the seven celestial spheres to sing in God’s presence with the angelic choir.
This is how the Jew dreamers into the doctrine of Hermeticism plan to escape the planet and dodge hell after death, which they know they deserve …
October 30, 2009 at 10:44 pm
Thanks JR.
Any chance of a book title or something similar?
Just to get started.
October 30, 2009 at 11:29 pm
Gnosticism is the Western name for an incredibly ancient Babylonian occult methodology of carefully studying other religions, i.e. “enemy” religions, in order to subtlely strategically subvert them into alignment with Babylonian Satanism, or at least Babylonian methods of psychological conquest. Basically, gnosticism is ancient Babylonian Satanism hiding behind an infinite variety of artful disguises.
For example: the Cathar heresy perverted Catholic subjects with gnostic ideas in 12th century France. Some Jewish historians have attributed Catharism to the Bulgarian Bogomils, but they ALWAYS omit that the Bogomils themselves were Mesopotamians who migrated to Bulgaria as Paulicians and Euchites 500 years earlier.
It is often claimed (by Jews and crypto-Jews) that the original Christians were gnostics. This is just typical Jew bullshit. What really happened, I am sure, is that after Christianity originated, “Jew” gnostics immediately leaped to infiltrate and poison it, thus the incredible multiplicity of early gnostic heresies and “Christian” sects frothing about Sophia, the Demiurge, etc. These scum were dealt with severely by the emerging church, which was a beautiful thing.
L. Ron Hubbard’s “Scientology” is actually a weird new gnostic variant, which fits perfectly because Hubbard was actually a Satanist. I can’t get into this right now, it’s too complicated, but the parallels are astonishing.
The oldest, most spectacular, most important example of Babylonian gnostic subversion of another religion is modern Talmudic “Judaism.” The Pharisees were actually Babylonian Satanist vipers working doggedly to subvert the doctrine of Moses, and they completely succeeded. Jesus understood this perfectly. Modern “Judaism” is NOT a legacy of the original biblical Jews; it’s a SATANIC legacy of Babylon. The authentic Jews of the Bible are EXTINCT, with the possible exception of modern authentic Christians, the true bearers of their ideological torch. The people who call themselves “Jews” today are really BABYLONIANS who STOLE the original Jews’ identity, and ostensibly (but not really) their religion. So crypto-Jews are impostors with a secret identity, but professed “Jews” are too! Virtually ALL modern “Jews” are really crypto-Babylonians. This also gets very involved. If you’re interested, Elizabeth Dilling does a brilliant job of laying out the pertinent details in The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today. “Gnosticism’s” horrible secret character and “Judaism’s” weird evolution are really a single grisly tale.
October 31, 2009 at 12:20 am
@ ultraR
Fiction writer Dan Brown sacrilegiously suggested that one of the figures in The Last Supper mural is Mary Magdalene pregnant with the child of Jesus Christ, because the feminine looking person on Jesus’s right hand was really Leonardo’s way of depicting the devoted affection John had for Jesus, and a foil for an image of a Semitic royal of the house of the Duke of Milan.
The renaissance in art in general was largely a contest between works commissioned by pro-papal rulers and popes of Rome and their rivals among Semitic royals who sought to vindictively counter the increase in quality, papal commissioned, Christian or biblically based art in Europe at that time.
Much of the best non-papal commissioned painted art of the Italian Renaissance was patronized by Semitic royals, and celebrates their conspiracy, often by using Christian or biblical themes and persons as an overlay to avoid drawing attention to what the patrons were really trying to achieve.
The imagery of Leonardo’s The Last Supper secretly celebrates an episode in the life of a Semitic royal of Milan, with the biblical theme of the Last Supper as an overlay.
The way ‘Peter’ in the mural confers with ‘John’, while ‘Judas’ with a bag of money looks on, uses the biblical account of Peter’s jealousy toward John as Jesus’s best-loved disciple and Judas’s betrayal of Jesus for money as an overlay for a plot to buy out a Semitic royal in Italy to betray her husband diplomatically.
The protagonist ‘James the Greater’, third to the right of ‘John’ in the mural, with hands up in front of him as a sign that he is protesting innocence, provides a biblical overlay for a caricature of Leonardo da Vinci holding his hands up after the fashion of the Grand Hailing Sign of Distress used by initiates of medieval operative stone masons’ guilds, as a precursor to its use by dupes in the Jew concocted lodges of speculative Freemasonry.
Rev. Ted Pike’s Website says:
“Sony Corporation, the force behind the Da Vinci Code movie, is the eye of this Jewish promotional octopus. In the late 1980s, Sony of Japan bought out Metro Goldwyn Meyer, Columbia Pictures, and United Artists. Former president of Jewish-owned CBS, Howard Stringer (a Jew), became second in command of Sony International. He is chair and CEO of Sony of America.
“Sony of America is dominated by Jewish names. Emily Susskind is president. Robert Wiesenthal is executive VP and chief financial officer; Nicole Seligman is executive VP and general counsel. Phil Weiser is CTO and senior VP. Michael Fidler Jr. is senior VP. Jay Samit is general manager of Connect. Gretchen Griswold is director of corporate communications.
“Sony’s subsidiary, Columbia Pictures, maker of the Da Vinci Code movie, is headed by Amy Pascal, a Jew. She is also chairman of Sony’s Motion Picture Group. 3 The producer of the film is Brian Grazer, a Jew.
“The screenplay was written by well-known, Jewish screenwriter Akiva Goldsman.”
October 31, 2009 at 11:09 am
One of the best, most primary sources for understanding gnosticism is St. Irenaeus of Lyons’ Against Heresies, written around 170 AD, a veritable encyclopedia of sleazy gnostic mind-tricks, also a treasure trove of Lost History, i.e. history Jews don’t want you to know.
I don’t know anything about Dan Brown, haven’t read his shitty books, never will. You don’t want to get fascinated by any of these vermin; that’s how they worm into your head and POSSESS you. You want to keep a HEALTHY DISTANCE. Occult possession of souls is very real.
My previous post was also addressed to you, UltraR.
October 31, 2009 at 2:43 pm
Thank both!
late in reply, sorry!
gw2bc, started searching for Elizabeth Dilling, I’d rather a paper book, but if not, a pdf format will do.
JR, somewhere around the household, I have a pict of the last supper… I’ll check the parallels!
Couldn’t finish reading Dan Brown…, I fancy him as a mediocre writer, obviously a front man for the jewish agenda of mining faith…
All these things were geared back in the spotlight when speculations made upon the dead sea scrolls started to make their way thru the media’s filter, to the public… there was talk about how Jesus never died but ended his life with Mary Magdalene,in India, as some kind of illuminated master or teacher, thus deepening the discredit of faith, and on the true nature os Christ, The Verb…
October 31, 2009 at 5:33 pm
Here’s the page for the book in Carol Valentine’s site:
which includes a link for the PDF version
This site is an internet classic. The HTML version is fantastic. It has hundreds of links to “exhibits”— electronic scans of the Soncino Talmud, the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia, other sources. Jews do not criticize this website; they pretend it doesn’t exist. That’s how brutally it kicks their asses.
October 31, 2009 at 6:12 pm
“Occult possession of souls is very real.”
I do believe that to be true.
The same way that “words define us”, and define our entourage, written words also influence…
October 31, 2009 at 9:00 pm
Many thanks to both JR, gw2bc.
Bookmarked the links!
weapons not only consist of firearms!!
this gnostic issue, as I am inclined to believe, is the building block on which infiltration and deviousness begun, and is at some point, at the core of what -together with the blasphemous talmud-, constitutes the spearhead of the cancer inoculated by the jews on our society.
November 1, 2009 at 1:02 pm
UltraR: “weapons not only consist of firearms!!”
That’s right! The greatest weapon of all, the one mightier than all the H-bombs we could ever build, is…
That’s why the “Jews” fear THIS more than anything.
I remembered other early Christian “encyclopedias” of heresies, including Gnosticism. Again, these are the best descriptions of Gnosticism, etc., from the time when they were most formative and rampant, but also comprehended and contained, so these books are crucial to your interest. In fact, I understand Dan Brown uses “the DaVinci Code” to resurrect the “Gnostic gospels,” which were composed during the same period when these books were written. These books and the other one by Irenaeus are DIRECT REFUTATIONS of Dan Brown’s core material!
An interesting discussion of the above:
Hippolytus of Rome
Philosophumena, or A Refutation of All Heresies (circa ~220 AD)
Unexcelled for attention to the hive-mother of the problem: Chaldean, i.e. Mesopotamian perversity & inbred mental diseases, including all variations of Sorcery
Various PDFs and other electronic versions of a 1921 translation available HERE: http://www.archive.org/details/philosophumenaor01hippuoft
simple HTML here: http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0501.htm
Epiphanius of Salamis
Panarion, or Against Heresies (circa 374 AD)
Unfortunately, I can not find a full e-version. Google Books has detailed previews of Brill’s (incredibly expensive) two-volume set:
Libraries are your best bet. Check WorldCat. Oxford and the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary also published translations.
You should also see Nesta Webster’s profound masterpiece, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, and “Maurice Pinay’s” The Plot Against the Church, both of which are also staggering. I can get you good PDFs of these.
Mesopotamian psychopaths (a.k.a. “Jews”) are incredibly slippery, secretive, and devious, which makes their intrigues extremely hard to pin down, but brilliant scholars down through the ages have done it, and we can stand on their shoulders. One big obstacle is rediscovering the books they wrote; the “Jews” don’t want us discovering them, so they’re all kept very “obscure.”
November 1, 2009 at 6:29 pm
I believe is that the resurge of gnosticism goes somewhat further back in time -movie wise- to “Matrix”, in which all the mayor elements were set in motion in a rather veiled way (my bet is that the gnostic theme goes deeper in the entertainment industry, a good example is History channel), in a move to win over young minds, and discredit any faith in Christ, making His name and teachings, part of a mythological system of believes, I can’t recall how many times I’ve heard the “Jesus was a revolutionary like Che Guevara”, “a MAN(their emphasis) who wanted peace, and spoke for the oppressed”, BS. mostly by the radical lefties, most of whom aren’t older than 26, 27 and constitute the shock troops of communism aka judaism, mere useful idiots with Che T-shirts…, but I digress…
The links you shared are of great interest.
Much obliged!
November 2, 2009 at 9:36 pm
Yes, that’s very perceptive. ALL mass media are Jew brain-scrambulation monopolies, but this goes DOUBLE for the “film industry,” which has been a total sewer of deJewnerates since BEFORE Himey-wood. Virtually all movies are just nauseating subversive Jew brain-rot that MUST be avoided like a plague, which they are.
Speaking of gnosticism in film, I can think of no example more perfect than Zeitgeist. It’s so perfect, in fact, it could be the main “text” of an in-depth college course on gnostic methods. Everybody I know who “just loves it” is demonic trash. Another superb example is Loose Change. I am fucking dumb-founded by the way people in this “movement” can not notice that POS is an obvious Jew psy-op. I mean, THREE FUCKING JEW pot-heads “MADE IT.” That too is a total crock of BS, BTW. Those three couldn’t put together a kindergarten puppet show, far less that very slick production. That had to be done by Mossad types inside a major New York PR firm. The “Three Stooges from Oneonta” (Talmudic psychopaths also, no doubt) just got to front for it.
Any semi-bright 8-year-old should have realized by now that the Jews fucking did 9-11 themselves. Does either film go there? Oh fuck no. They’ll throw out any other stupid pot-head gimmick, but only to aim their FAKE JEW “guns” at the designated back-up patsy, Dubya the Jew sock-puppet. PAY NO NEVER MIND to all those Jews with their arms up his (and Jew-bama’s) ass. Those aren’t the Jews you’re looking for! Which reminds me, I have to challenge you about Matrix being the first wave. STAR WARS was also crammed with Jew subversive messages. For example, “Jedi” is incredibly similar to JEDEL, the Jew name for Meir Kahane’s terrorist organization, the Jewish Defense League. This sort of thing slips past the goy cattle, but not past Jews.
November 4, 2009 at 9:27 am
late reply, been rummaging thru old books…, I had read the StarWars novel long time ago, and wanted to check it again. I’m not so versed in gnosticism to such an extend as to be able to discover the subtleties with which they bombard us. But I’ll get there eventually, to fight against the enemy, one must know how they think; Jesus helps, and I’ve pondered more on His recommendation of being shrewd as serpents
“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.”
I’ve been copy-pasting this thread to read with time on my hands, moving along towards the directions given and to prod(is that the right word?) the minds of all, so as to help me polish my weapons…
Ah, Zeitgeist! clearly forgot about that one!! certainly the epitome! I have to search some, but after I saw it, I found a refutation which was an eye opener, more for the simplicity of the arguments…, got to find it and add it to the armoury!
9/11, and “terrorist bombings” before, all have a particular M.O. and as my Old Man taught me, one doesn’t have to be an expert engineer, to understand, just asking a simple question will point you in the right direction… cui bono? who benefits?
“…PAY NO NEVER MIND to all those Jews with their arms up his (and Jew-bama’s) ass. Those aren’t the Jews you’re looking for!”
“PAY NO NEVER MIND to all those Jews”
Like frontmen, or cannon-fodder jews?
I know that jews will, without a second’s hesitation, get other jews to burn at the stake to advance their agenda, but the question lies in the last sentence
“Those aren’t the Jews you’re looking for!”
lots of learning down the road for me!!
November 4, 2009 at 10:37 am
Digest mountains of crap, and then deal with your own. Did 6 million Jews suddenly take a crap and die? Were they raised in the wilderness by wolf vomit they were suddenly given by Little Red Riding Hood?
These and other fanciful tales…come to you every day from the NSA IMAGINEERING OF DISNEY.
Strange, how that sort of thing could become a global multimedia enterprise, but it did. It must be JEW MAGIC.
Old Walt was a guy who created a character, “Oswald the Rabbit.”
Somehow, Jews made trillions of dollars with their illusions.
How far down the rabbit hole shall they go?
The words of Christ fall on deaf ears. Howard Hughes made the “Spruce Goose.”
Died mysteriously, and Jews made movies about it!!!
I felt compelled one time to e-mail ROY Disney for some reason, and got his secretary’s address. Turns out SHE was DEAD. WHAT THE???
Sorry…as a person with a soul, NSA DISNEY IMAGINEERING should be your first “search term” because it was all created from a LIE.
November 4, 2009 at 12:08 pm
“Digest mountains of crap, and then deal with your own.”
yep with my own, I can deal and live with, but that has nothing to do with my search for truth; mind you, The Ultimate Truth -for me that is- IS God, and Jesus Christ His Son, The Verb, The Saviour.
Everything put forward by the jew could be analyzed, and simply considered as evil -which IS- but that, for me, just isn’t enough… You see, Marsh, I by trade, am a sniper, not proud of it I might add -my reasons are mine only- and by nature I am curious, and don’t like to just scrape the surface…, I have sons to pass the torch to, like my father did. Every one in my bloodline(Thanks Nemesys for reminding that word for me) passed his/her knowledge on, but not complete; it was/is the duty of the next generation to fill in the gaps. My duty to my forefathers and my sons, is to pass what was taught to me, plus what I’ve learned by my own(with the help of others)…, my sons, are not just mine, they are not just bound to family, me and them are bound to God and race.
“Sorry…as a person with a soul, NSA DISNEY IMAGINEERING should be your first “search term” because it was all created from a LIE.”
I will take your advice and will do, thanks Marsh!!
November 4, 2009 at 12:31 pm