Rahm Emanuel at the installation ceremony of Obama, this past January 20th.
Yesterday, the “Golden Boy” of the Democraps, Obama’s Chief of Staff and dual citizen of Israel, Rahm Emanuel, was given the honor to “light” the giant menorah the Jews have erected on the Ellipse, out in front of the White House.* Funny how we can’t have the least display of Jesus Christ on public property, but this kind of thing goes on, huh?
Yep, the well-funded Jew thought police organizations managed to get displays of Christianity in America rendered illegal in 1983. The so wise and caring Jews deem it “divisive.” But I guess the concept of separation of Church and State of our Forefathers doesn’t quite extend to separation of synagogue and State, now does it? Finding loopholes is a well-known Jew talent.
The punky “Rahmbo,” as he is sometimes called, made a few pithy remarks during the lighting event and, once getting serious, said that hanukkah was a “paradigm for the collective responsibility for those not able to defend or care for themselves…” Yeah right, Zionist Jew, I’m just certain all the Palestinian’s hearts will be so warmed by your line of bull.
Ah, the sight of a giant menorah in front of the WH makes me swell with American pride! Emanuel up in the Chabad-Lubavitch’s cherry picker yesterday. Chabadists are an openly Jew supremacist hate group.
These pampered princes of persecution try to tell us that the menorah is not religious, but secular, so that makes everything A-OK. Right. To call it “secular” is patent nonsense and an insult to any non-Jew with a brain. The menorah is a bona fide icon of their religion, right along with a symbol of war victory over the Greek Syrians thousands of years ago (part of the Greek empire). Often, Jews just say “Greek” because that also makes it sound more like a victory over White Goyim, too. If I was a Greek, I’d be hopping mad! I’m not Greek, or religious, but still mad as hell.
The Jews have been lighting the menorah in front of the White house for the last 30 years now. The DC menorah is huge (about 90ft tall). But it’s hardly the only one. Chabadist Jews now put these things up everywhere (see below), not only in America (more accurately: USrael) and Canada, but all across the globe. Talk about cheeky globalist bastards.
These Jews even handed out rules for our school systems to follow. They call it a ”Dilemma” for us ignorant Goyim and have kindly issued guidelines for us to follow (ADL art above). The following Jew double-talk is from the ADL webstite telling us the Christmas tree is OK (thanks, Jews!), but any other of our religious symbols are VERBOTTEN:
In the context of displays on public property, the Supreme Court has ruled that a Christmas crèche [Jewy obfuscation usage of French for manger] standing alone is impermissible, but a Christmas tree is permissible because it has become such a secular symbol of the winter holiday season. It also has found that a Chanukah menorah is a symbol with both secular and religious meanings, and its display on public property within a predominantly secular display is permissible [we can be certain that's always clear]. ADL Permissions for Americans Bracket copy mine.
You can’t put a cross up on any public property and even scenes of Baby Jesus in the manger is outlawed. But it’s not Hindus, nor even Muslims who are offended. It’s really these Jews who can’t stand the sight of Jesus anywhere. Well, I can’t stand the GD sight of those forked tridents of hell! Got that Jews?
Jews feel they can now erect their menorahs anywhere they damn please — city parks, malls, even US Naval bases!
I don’t know about you, but I’ve had it up to here with these loud-mouthed whiners. We’ve been going along with their ADL, ACLU, AJC, SPLC, yada, yada, yada groups for the last 100 years. Yet, none of that makes the least bit of difference when it comes to these hypocrite’s continual campaigns for this and that. The ultimate complainers and self-elected social engineers on the planet, without a doubt.
Thomas Jefferson, one of America’s great White forefathers behind the idea of separation of church and state in our Constitution, once had this to say about the Jew:
“[The Jew's] system was Deism; that is, the belief of one only God. But their ideas of him & of his attributes were degrading & injurious. Their Ethics were not only imperfect, but often irreconcilable with the sound dictates of reason & morality, as they respect intercourse with those around us; & repulsive & anti-social, as respecting other nations. They needed reformation, therefore, in an eminent degree… Jesus corrected the Deism of the Jews, confirming them in their belief of one only God, and giving them juster notions of his attributes and government.”
“Syllabus Of An Estimate Of The Merit Of The Doctrines Of Jesus, Compared With Those Of Others,” written in April 1803
Do you think that America should continue allowing these people to keep imposing their will upon us? Make note, they don’t really care what you think, anyways. Sure, they’ll scream like harpies about you becoming a “Nazi,” or ”hater,” but they do that non-stop about Whites anyways, in case you haven’t noticed. Remember, the Whites who founded this nation were all slavers and Indian killers, as they remind us every five damn minutes in the media.
These con-artists try to tell us that they are so kind and understanding — a “light upon the world,” etc. etc. Because of that and being the “Chosen Ones,” they think they have the right to tell us all what to do, say or think.
Rahm means “high” or “lofty” in Hebrew and his last name “Emanuel” means “God is with us.” All so perfect for Jews to call themselves. The family name used to be Auerbach when his Russian Jew ancesters moved to Palestine in the 1930′s. A lot of Jews did this, both in Palestine and elsewhere, like the US. Makes one wonder if any of that has something to do with the sacred 6 million number business of the “holocaust,” eh?
Rahmbo is the son of a member of the Irgun, rightfully deemed a terrorist organization by the British authorities in Palestine before Israel was declared in 1948 (carefully unmentioned by Democrats). Irgun was a militant Zionist group that bombed and killed innocent Palestinians; tortured captured British soldiers and then went on massacre sprees in Palestinian villages after the Brits fled the place.
Guess who runs Israel today? The sons and daughters of these terrorists. It is these same people who now constantly tell us Americans what a threat the “evil” Muslim Arabs and Iranians are to “America’s Freedoms.”
These people think they are so smart and clever. Even as they live off White people’s sweat and taxes (Kosher taxes at the grocery store, too). Rarely will they do manual labor, or serve as grunts out on the front line in Jew-fomented wars. At least not for America, anyways. Yet many do serve in the Israeli Army and return to the US after a stint shooting rock-throwing Palestinian kids in the occupied territories. Can you believe the US government allows “Americans” to serve in a foreign army?
Rahmbo himself spent two years in Israel’s IDF, but not a day in America’s army. What’s that tell you? Oh, wait, the Jews tell us he only ”volunteered as a civilian at an Israeli supply base.” And this was when real Americans were fighting in the first Gulf War. After helping out Mother Israel, he hopscotched back to the US into a job as senior advisor to President Clinton. In ’99, he took a break from politics and went to “work” as an investment banker, only earning a paltry 17 million after two and half years years worth of Jew insider info.
Israel and Rahmbo’s Zionist chums would have all folded like a cheap lawn chair long ago without the financial and military support of America. That America also substantially includes taxes from good old hard-working Christians, White or Black, too.
For them to say our religious symbols offends these highness’s totally pisses me off. I know that sometimes (OK, a lot) I get my dander up here on my blog about these people but hell, it’s time for all of us to. Absolutely anytime you give these people an inch, they expect a mile and if they don’t get what they want, they’ll scream bloody murder until they do.
Nothing is ever going to please these pampered princes of persecution, except having complete, total control over everything, anywhere. The sooner you figure that one out, the better.
— Phillip Marlowe
* On Wednesday, Obama is hosting a big hanukkah dinner — on your dime — at the White House. I guess INCOG MAN’s engraved invitation was lost in the mail. Oh well. They wouldn’t like my dinner conversation much, I’m sure.
Shabbos Goy Senator, Orrin Hatch, wrote the above 8 day of Hanukkah song. Hatch has said: “Anything I can do for the Jewish people, I will do.”
Comments feed for this article
December 18, 2009 at 1:51 pm
Iran is replete with Zionist architecture with the hexagram figuring on public buildings-even mosques and the obelisks at the Grand Hotel in Shiraz.The city gate in the same city features masonic designs.
And don’t forget the flag even sports the Menorah! Bit of a clue there…..
Needless to say the Iranian political class is infested with crypto-Jews including even the clerics.
Have the Jews got the pieces in place for the attack on Iran that’s gonna start WW3?
You bet they have!
Take Ali Ramin,Ahmadinejad adviser who organised the Holocaust (revisionist) Conference on which the Western Jewish media fed with frenzy.
The list of crypto/freemasons in the Iranian leadership resembles the ranks of Hitler’s Nazis:Himmler,Goebbels,Hess,Heydrich-all had the odd pint Zion blood via Marrano/Sephardi ancestors.Hell,even the Fuhrer himself may plausibly be said to have been the spawn of the Schickelgruber who worked at the Rothschild mansion in Vienna!
Yea,they got it all planned like they did for WW1 and WW2 in the last century.
We gonna fall for it again?
December 18, 2009 at 7:48 pm
New version of Sandler’s Chanukah Song
When you feel like the only kid in town without a Christmas tree,
Heres a list of thieving murdering Jews, UNLIKE you and me:
Bernie Madoff lights the menorah,
So does the Craigslist killer, Philip Markowitz, and the late Dinah Shore-ah
Guess who eats together at the Carnegie Deli,
Jack Abramoff, Larry Silverstein and lil Joey LIEberman.
Woody Allens half Jewish; Soon Yi’s half too,
Put them together, what an ugly friggin Jew!
You dont need Deck the Halls or Jingle Bell Rock
Cause you can wreck an economy with Sandy Weil and Richard Rubin, both Jewish!
Put on your yarmulke, its time for Chanukah,
The owner of the Seattle Supersonic-ahs celebrates Chanukah. (he left the city cuz they wouldnt buy him a new stadium, now thats JEWISH)
Barack Obama, not a Jew!
But guess who is…head of the FED, Allan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke
We got David Berkowitz and his brethren Richard Speck,
Ted Bundy was quarter Jewish, not too shabby!
Some people think that Ebeneezer Scrooge is,
Well, hes not, but guess who is: the architects of the Iraqi WAR. (Brimmer, Pearle and Wolfowitz)
So many Jews are in financial biz,
Tom Cruise isn’t, but damn straight his agent is.
Tell your friend Veronica, its time you celebrate Chanukah
I hope I get a huge Goldman Sachs BONUS, on this lovely, lovely Chanukah.
December 19, 2009 at 8:39 am
thegoyidf: LMFAO!!!
December 21, 2009 at 9:19 pm
Auschwitz sign found in Poland, according to the ADL!!!…but they aren’t naming names…hmm…could the “5 men” be 5 Jews?
December 23, 2009 at 12:34 am
I urge everyone, worldwide, to make every effort to abandon the traditional shopping for gifts part of Christmas this year and even double our efforts in the coming year. It may be impossible to buy gifts next year when the economy implodes. Our ultimate goal, keeping Christ as the reason for the HOLIDAY season. Until then, don’t buy their shit. Share more of yourselves as gifts of compassion and goodwill.
December 23, 2009 at 12:58 am
Shitcan the consumerism? About as popular as this caricaturist, I’d say…
Rumor has it that’s Incogman drawing…