Why has the term, “Racism” become exclusive to the White race?
Why are people being jailed for investigating the Jewish Holocaust?
How will the Neo-Marxist ADL’s anti hate laws bring an end to freedom of speech and why is our government working hand in hand with them?
How does A.I.P.A.C.* control American politics?
Why are you called a racist for speaking out against Black on White crime?
Why does the media down play Black on White crime while creating a public furor over White on Black crime?
Why are White rights activists branded “White supremacists” and “racists” while non-White activists are always called civil rights activists regardless of how blatantly hateful they are towards Whites?
Why has slavery become synonymous with the White race?
Why are Homosexual groups allowed to go into public schools to entice your children into experimenting with their lifestyle and why are you labeled a “homophobe” for objecting to it?
Why do we allow jews to remove Christian religious symbols from public property and then say nothing when they replace them with Jewish religious symbols?
Why is the B’nai B’rith funding and supporting violent communist agitators in our communities?
Why are your children embracing negro gang culture while casting off their own racial and cultural identity?
Why has race mixing become a trendy lifestyle for today’s White youth?
Why has pop culture and teen media become so depraved and devoid of morality and decency in the past decade?
Why do the political parties nominate the worst candidates imaginable to run for president?
Why has lesbianism become the “in” thing for so many young girls today?
Comments feed for this article
August 30, 2009 at 4:18 pm
from above frankfurt school article:
“The Jewish dimension to this story is only occasionally Wheatland’s explicit subject, but it is absolutely central nonetheless. After all, the reason the Institute had to leave Frankfurt in the first place was that, in addition to being radicals and Marxists, the members of the group were almost all Jewish. The Institut für Sozialforschung was created by Herman Weil, a German Jew who had made a fortune importing grain from Argentina, and his son Felix, who like many young men was radicalized after Germany’s defeat in World War I. In 1923, still in the early days of the Weimar Republic, the Weils created the Institute as an independent think tank with a lavish endowment. Their plan was to bring together scholars from different fields, who would work together to develop comprehensive new theories about how modern society functioned and how it might be transformed.”
hmm, ‘the transformers’….meddlers…
August 30, 2009 at 4:20 pm
Ha gtrmanuk, Dispite the things I say and believe I like Chris Rock cause dat niggu am funny. He doesnt mind telling it like it is(the truth)about blacks or whites cause lets fase it. As a human race if we cant lauph at ourselvs we’re fucked. He grew up close to me & we’re around the same age. His latest shows are not as good as his first special cause he got in so much trouble with the so called “black comunity”for saying too much funny truth about blacks.
August 30, 2009 at 4:26 pm
ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!! i thought EVERYBODY knew this was bullshit!
False Witness
A play examines the notion that Nazis made soap from Jewish flesh
“In the YouTube trailer for a new play running at a small theater in New York, an unseen interviewer asks people in a park whether they’ve heard of “the soap myth.” Most of them look befuddled, but some eventually realize that the question refers to the belief that the Nazis made soap from human corpses. But the last interviewee, a yarmulke-wearing old man with a pinched, angry face, is different. He was in a concentration camp, he says, and a particularly sadistic trick the Nazis played involved a scheme in which Jews would be led to what they thought were gas chambers “and water would come out! We would splash about and celebrate. And then someone said the soap was impure. Some almost tried to tear the lather from the skin until it started to bleed. You understand that the Germans were laughing at us as we cleaned ourselves with the dead corpses of our fathers and mothers and sisters and brothers.”
And so on,ad nauseum,forever and ever oy vey
August 30, 2009 at 4:33 pm
rock hey, i love chris rocks stuff. i posted the ‘chris rock on black people youtube here recently. with the current p.c. stranglehold, some people will only listen to a black man criticise ‘the nigger’, a jewish person criticise ‘the kike’ ,a gay criticise fag behaviour, and so on.
its funny,a lot of older feminists are drying up and feeling the clock ticking,many are changing their tune.
August 30, 2009 at 4:41 pm
another sap, desperate to wear the schmolocaust badge of honour. boring..
A Nice Jewish Boy
Hunky Antonio Sabato Jr. looks for love on TV, with help from his mother
“But obviously by blood I’m Jewish, because my mother is.”
Her mother, a dancer, was the only one of her family to escape the Nazis; after the war, she’d married an aristocrat who refused to join the Communist Party. The government forced the family to join the circus, where Yvonne and her father had an acrobatic act involving a unicycle.
thats more like it! a jewnicycle! using the imagination,good!
August 30, 2009 at 4:44 pm
G.I. Jew
In Israel, the ‘real American hero’ was a different kind of soldier
August 30, 2009 at 4:54 pm
seems the jews dont like it either
Inglorious Indeed
Tarantino’s ‘Inglourious Basterds,’ a Jewish revenge fantasy, does violence to Jewish morality
“Like A Nation’s Pride, Tarantino’s film is a bit of shallow propaganda, promoting not some totalitarian ideology but a worldview in which cool trumps consequence, nothing is real, and everything is permitted. If there’s any justice in the world, it’s a vision viewers everywhere will vehemently reject.”
August 30, 2009 at 4:56 pm
missing link from above
August 30, 2009 at 4:57 pm
Thats true gtrman. Also if a white comedian says anything about another race it has to be very light. Wouldnt want all hell to break loose! Like that jew from sienfeld. I forgot his name,but when he said something to the bigmouth blacks,all hell broke loose & he droped the N bomb. That was the funnies thing ever, “EVER”!
August 30, 2009 at 5:01 pm
more on that film
About two years ago, while writing “Inglourious Basterds,” Tarantino asked Roth whether Jews believe in the concept of absolution. “The idea of mercy or forgiveness, not in the religious sense, but in a human sense — that’s where my humanity tends to go,” Tarantino said. “When whites held blacks in slavery, they both were in bondage, and both needed to be freed from the system, so that’s where I was coming from in a way.” But, he said, Roth told him “Absolution is a Catholic concept. F—- that. There is no sorry, no forgiveness possible.”
A good friend of Tarantino, Roth (see story on Page 12) is best known as the director of the ultra-violent torture-porn films “Hostel” and “Cabin Fever.”
“I told Quentin I didn’t care if his Nazis were going to be like ‘real’ human beings, I would still kill every last one of them,” Roth said in a separate interview. He invited Tarantino to a seder, to show him how Jews view their historical persecutors. So, in 2007, Tarantino sat at Roth’s Passover table and listened to a discussion of how the Exodus relates to the Holocaust and other world events.
“It was a moving experience for Quentin to see how we think, what we say and how we were discussing things.”
August 30, 2009 at 5:05 pm
more COMPLETELY DEBUNKED bullshit from roth…lampshades…
Eli Roth Fuels ‘BaSterds’ Role With Holocaust Fury
By Naomi Pfefferman
Roth, now a still-boyish 37-year-old, had already cemented his reputation as one of the most successful directors to push the so-called “torture porn” genre to grisly new heights; “Hostel” pushed it even further with its tale of smug American college students who become the playthings of wealthy sadists abroad. The filmmaker was used to criticism for his over-the-top depictions of impalings, decapitations and blow-torching, but Roth — who has numerous relatives who died in the Holocaust — became enraged when German journalists asked him to justify those grisly scenes. “I said, ‘This movie is nothing but [cinematic] magic tricks, but your grandparents turned my ancestors into furniture. Into lamp shades.’ I went on and on; I couldn’t stop myself. I couldn’t believe they took that kind of self-righteous position.”
August 30, 2009 at 5:13 pm
rock it seems like the p.c trap especially in the states forces white comedians to come up with different topics. which is a good thing. from what i’ve seen, if a black comic walks out,you know that 90% of his act is going to be about ‘bein’ black’. same goes for mexican, hispanic, etc. although not so much the jews, they’ll usually be ‘white’, unless ‘jewishness’ is their whole ‘schtick’, ie woody allen,joan rivers….
August 30, 2009 at 5:19 pm
interesting set of quotes here from ‘the masters of the universe’
check out the hooter on jaques cousteau ! fuck!
The Move to Depopulate the Planet
August 30, 2009 at 5:24 pm
“If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy”
in the United States we know we’re living under a military dictatorship when we see:
* A dictatorial ruling clique increasing its militaristic imperialism operations
* Cabal puppets put into power in 2008 by a one-party system and in 2000 by a coup d’etat
* The military used to control the civilian population in violation of the U.S. Constitution
* The president ordering prisoners held indefinitely by the military
* A shadow government being set up consisting entirely of executive branch officials in violation of the Constitution
* Government informants spying on fellow citizens
* A dictatorial ruling clique creating unnecessary, homocidal wars as a way of remaining in power
* The spread of militaristic values and the increasing power of the military in our society
All these conditions are now present in the United States.
August 30, 2009 at 5:31 pm
this is off-topic but i bookmarked it a few days ago. its for alpha wolf but i dont know if he’s around anymore.
to bring it up to date,those two kids they found in california: no vaccinations,never seen a doctor, yet miraculously (sarcasm) still alive..
“Many of these children were young babies, and because breast feeding was not possible, they were reared on goats milk. The older children were initially given unpasteurised cows milk, but due to mucous problems in some children, fresh fruit and vegetable juices were substituted. From age two onwards, the diet of these children consisted of fresh fruit, root and green vegetables, salad, eggs, nuts, rice, porridge, wholemeal bread and biscuits, dried fruits, unsalted butter, lentils and soya beans etc. Between meals, only fruit or fruit juices were allowed, and children were encouraged to drink plenty of water, which, coming from the local water supply was pure and fluoride free. Treats consisted of ‘Hopewood lollies’ made from carob, coconut, dried fruits and honey.
The Child Welfare Department, who were overseeing the children’s health insisted that the children be given ‘meat’, but when it was served to the children, they refused to eat it. Nutritionists from the Sydney University analysed the nutritional content of the Hopewood diet and the results showed adequate, even superior levels of protein, carbohydrate, fat and minerals in the food compared with orthodox diets. After the results of these tests were made known, the Child Welfare Department no longer insisted that the children be fed meat.
It is noteworthy that amongst these 85 children, no serious illness ever occurred, no operative treatments were ever performed, no drugs of any kind were ever taken or used, and NO VACCINATIONS were ever given. The only malady that occurred was when 34 of the children developed chicken pox. They were immediately put to bed and given only pure water or fresh fruit juice. They all recovered quickly without after-effects. Investigations revealed that these children whilst at school, had been swapping their healthy lunches for unhealthy conventional foods, so this outbreak was not altogether surprising.”
August 30, 2009 at 5:49 pm
more rothchild shenanigans. bear in mind that the brits are already charged via road tax
NM Rothschild pitches motorway privatisation plan
A radical plan to raise £100 billion by privatising the motorway network has been presented to the three main political parties by NM Rothschild, the influential investment bank.
‘influential’ indeed
August 30, 2009 at 6:06 pm
this guy got it right,excellent ‘truth in humour’ vid. and its not a ‘radio kaos’ thing. glad someone said something about that.was getting cringey.
also,incog,if im over-posting,say the word….so many good links…so little time….
August 30, 2009 at 6:17 pm
Goy with two brain cells
To answer all of the above questions…
Why has the term, “Racism” become exclusive to the White race?
Why are people being jailed for investigating the Jewish Holocaust?
How will the Neo-Marxist ADL’s anti hate laws bring an end to freedom of speech and why is our government working hand in hand with them?
How does A.I.P.A.C.* control American politics?
etc., etc…
Because satanic occultist JEWS now have near-total economic and political power over the entire world, they’re INSANE SADISTS, and all of this sick shit is their idea of “FUN.” They don’t really have to do all this stuff. At this point, it’s becoming really stupid of them to do it, because it’s actually waking up sleepy stupid Americans to the fact that HITLER WAS FUCKING RIGHT ABOUT THEM AFTER ALL.
This pickle we’re in now has been building up for generations. The demonic Jew vipers decisively conquered this country in 1913, when they finally trapped us with their classic scheme of economic dictatorship. Almost no one noticed. Woodrow Wilson was a Jew-fellating TRAITOR. FDR was the most destructive JEW SPY in this country’s history. If he rolls around sizzling and screaming in blue flames for the next 50 quadrillion millennia, that won’t nearly serve him right. America and “the Allies” did not win WWII. Satanic JEW FILTH in New York, London, and Moscow won it. That was them crushing Europe for good and declaring the birth of their WORLD EMPIRE, the sick dream these human sewer rats have been clawing toward throughout history. Every American worth a goddamn realized then that Hitler was fucking RIGHT and supported him 100%. Yeah, that was damn few, wasn’t it? That’s because most Americans are FUCKING WORTHLESS.
August 30, 2009 at 6:22 pm
literally, so little time. this is the ‘golden era’ of the none-regulated internet. back up everything:
Bill would give president emergency control of Internet
Internet companies and civil liberties groups were alarmed this spring when a U.S. Senate bill proposed handing the White House the power to disconnect private-sector computers from the Internet.
They’re not much happier about a revised version that aides to Sen. Jay Rockefeller, a West Virginia Democrat, have spent months drafting behind closed doors. CNET News has obtained a copy of the 55-page draft of S.773 (excerpt), which still appears to permit the president to seize temporary control of private-sector networks during a so-called cybersecurity emergency.
August 30, 2009 at 6:22 pm
gtrman-Just cut my grass,came in to cool off & watched that Tim Hawkins vid. Had to watch it twice. Spot on cuz!
August 30, 2009 at 6:51 pm
good post, Goyw2bc
there are many,many articles and vids on the net that would answer the questions in the above piece. i think there are 2 essays entitled “it’s the jews,stupid”,ones by curt maynard (or patrick grimm) and the other i think is by david duke. forgive me if im wrong. the power of influence of the damn tv and to a lesser extent,cinema, should never be underestimated.
the following vid states that,” we see more advertising in one year today,than in a lifetime 50 years ago”. more insidious is the subtle (or not) jewishness of it all. most people have no clue! for example,when i was young, ‘starski and hutch was huge in the uk. it came as no surprise that ‘starski’ was a jew (when i became aware of these things, as he looks very jewish) , but ‘blue-eyed boy’ david soul as well?!! ( david soul now resides in uk,he recently played jerry springer in ‘jerry springer the musical,fact fans )
that leaves the other two main characters,huggy bear (black man) and grouchy boss (black man) i guess any white actors played the villains!
tv is mind rape. good vid
August 30, 2009 at 7:31 pm
hey incog! scott roberts vid linked at rense! wont be long before theyve got the balls to put up one of your pieces,im sure
the illuminati myth
heres the you tube link
August 30, 2009 at 7:41 pm
“Chomsky also addressed the media and freedom of expression in the U.S. “In the United States the socio-economic system is designed so that the control over the media is in the hands of a minority who own large corporations… and the result is that the financial interests of those groups are always behind the so-called freedom of expression,” he said.”
come on, noam, who are these ‘groups’ you cagey bastard?
August 30, 2009 at 7:47 pm
Fictional film ‘Inglourious Basterds’ hyped while true story of revenge hidden
“There is no need to come up with a fictional story while there is a true chapter of WWII history most people have no clue about. A Jewish American Author named John Sack risked his career and even his life to tell the story of Jews who sought revenge in his controversial book An Eye for an Eye: The Untold Story of Jewish Revenge Against Germans in 1945. The story tells of Jews who oversaw prison camps in Poland under the Communist occupations. According to Sack, they not only sought revenge against German soldiers, but also innocent German and Polish civilians.
Sack states in his book that the revenge included torture and rape of women and children. Sack estimates 60-80,000 died in these camps. Sack interviewed one survivor named Lola, who was an official at the prison and lost most of her family in the Holocaust. She admited that they treated the prisoners much worse than she was treated at Auschwitz by the Nazis. Sack said “Lola at Auschwitz wasn’t locked in a room night and day. She wasn’t tortured night after night.” She told Sack: “Thank God, nobody tried to rape us. The Germans weren’t allowed to.” But all of that happened to German girls at Lola’s prison in Gleiwitz”
August 30, 2009 at 7:50 pm
Rense HAS put up a few of my articles. Other readers passed them on. Also, I’ve had a few on What Really Happened. I guess I could join up with those sites and upload my own — just haven’t got around to it.
August 30, 2009 at 7:58 pm
totally off topic but incredible.
August 30, 2009 at 8:00 pm
incogman, congrats, i didnt realise. did your traffic increase significantly after that?
August 30, 2009 at 9:12 pm
I for one am new to this particular site(but have been a regular on ICH &PP.) but am sick to death of gtrmanuk”s constant posting altho he has interesting posts.So how about giving the other posters a break.
I like to read posts that are brief and to the point by a variety of commenters.
Do I presume rightly in assuming his handle is short for guitarman,U. K.
@ Incogman,
I find your articles of top quality and well researched,they make for excellent reading.I have been aware of foreign influences all my life but didn’t know the historical/Biblical ramifications until about 25 years ago.
You know what many commenters don’t understand is that this conspiracy was exposed thousands of years B.C. by the Holy Bible.
Rev.2;9 &Rev.3;9 but it starts in Genesis 27.
August 30, 2009 at 11:58 pm
WhiteFella- thanks for the MacDonald links. He is so brilliant, and brave. One of my true heroes!
August 31, 2009 at 12:00 am
Rob Chapman – THANK YOU! I’ve seen your stuff on SF, and you are fantastic! There are some real whackoes there, as there are everywhere – but when I see your name I know your post is definitely worth my time.
August 31, 2009 at 12:11 am
Biker – I am glad you didn’t take a gook home fomr Korea, either. For a host of reasons.
I’ve sene more than one White man taken to the cleaners by some alien skank. I hate that – but they’ve gotten what they’ve asked for. You’d think these guys would be hip to this scene, but I guess not.
August 31, 2009 at 12:33 am
Leif Oldhart
Yet another question that every White should be asking.
What is real, anyway, meaning what is White? And what is it I really need to know in order to survive? (Ok, two questions in one).
Given that almost everything we “know,” including most of what we have internalized, originated out of the Jew’s economic/social system, this is a pretty tough question for many people to answer.
Case in point. “Survival” lore and Survival fans who recommend buying all kinds of expensive firearms, when all you really might need is a zipgun to get yourselves the keys to a Tank. An exaggeration? Sure, but you get the idea.
Or buy a “patriot” video tape/DVD (this is the ONE you gotta see if you want to save “Western” civilization donchaknow… but you’d better not copy it or the FBI will come for you as it says on the warning screen before the silly conspiracy theory plays.
Or let’s buy a whole basement full of expensive, dead, MREs or a couple tons of grain canned in Nitrogen, when you could learn to recognize and eat edible wild plants, of which there are many more than appear in some of the major books on the topic… and you could learn to preserve them over the winter the old fashioned way they used to make ‘Kraut, with no canning or vinegar needed. Lacto fermentation, I think they call it. I was reading that in Romania, farmers would just fill up a barrel with salt water and shove all the surplus from their garden in there, maybe including some of those weeds that are edible, who knows. Very nourishing and probably much better for you than those skanky MREs. Once you learn the principles, no fancy recipes are needed (although they exist). Supposedly in Korea, they’d bury the barrel to keep it cool during the warmer weather. Sounds good to me. What’s a 60 gallon food-grade plastic pickle barrel cost, if you can’t get it for free? $20? $30? Maybe save your money to spend on salt, spices, and zipguns!
Folks, literally everything in “America” is ERSATZ. So stop throwing away your your energy and attention on it.
I mean… take a gander at the back of the new copper-plated slug they call a penny. See that dinky little hovel? That’s Abe Lincoln’s birthplace. Do you realize that if you tried to build a house like that now because that was what you could afford, you’d be put in jail! And if you tried to resist, they’d kill you. All to save you from living in poverty, in a substandard house. I suspect there’s a lesson there somewhere. What do you think?
August 31, 2009 at 5:51 am
Janet, Nemesys — You are most welcome.
White networking is the way of the future.
Happy that you also appreciate the wisdom in Professor MacDonald’s writings.
Another White author I consider very worthwhile is Patrick Grimm. Here is a link to an archive of his writing on our White predicament and our sworn deadly enemy. A collection of brilliant articles -,com_search_adv/Itemid,1/searchword,Patrick+Grimm/submit,Search/searchphrase,exact/ordering,newest/checkBot,1/adv_search_Authors,2/
August 31, 2009 at 6:12 pm
Here we go again with the ‘White’ nonsense.
Let me ask you Anglo/American.
Who dropped the two nuclear bombs? Who has been in every other nations business for the last two hundred years? Who has been in every nation to steal resources from others? Who pushed the pornography culture into the world? (America.) What nation was it that had legal lynchings of people for no other reason than the color of their skin?
Do not ever include me into your group, I am white but I am GERMAN we are not brothers, we never were we do NOT blood wise belong to the same race.
I know you would love to believe that we do but scientifically (haplogroupings) we do not.
Go start another war Anglo/Americans – and then blame it all on someone else.
P.S –Where was your great ‘Morality’ when you stole an entire continent from the Natives?
Sort of like how you tried to steal Germany. U.S military bases EVERYWHERE since WW2.
August 31, 2009 at 7:26 pm
Goy with two brain cells
Wow, loved your last, Leif. It’s like the Jew scammers are scamming even the fringe-patriot-survival crowd. Oh sure, buy lots of GOLD, all you pathetic morons. That couldn’t be a Jew con artist’s wet dream could it? Fuck, why not just buy lots of diamonds wholesale from your friendly local hasidic diamond merchant? Jews have absolutely controlled the world gold market for hundreds of years. They manipulate it up and down to suit their needs, including their POLITICAL needs. To covet gold is to be their absolute slave.
A Russian observer, Dmitry Orlov, had far more intelligent advice for these people. It resembles your own.
One thing Orlov recommends: invest in a stockpile of booze. In really desperate economic times, distilled liquor is the true “gold.”
To answer your first question, what is truly Western is everything in our hearts that the Jew Demons do NOT give us JEWmission to do / understand, like being intrepid Christian warriors, or TRUE MEN. Yeah, the kikes despise masculinity, for sure. That’s cuz real men make lousy SLAVES, and slaves are the only goyim the Jews remotely tolerate.
What genuine Americans should do is dig in on debt-free land and form tribe-like local societies based on subsistence agriculture and total self-sufficiency, much like the genuine Americans of the revolution, circa 1780-1860, the ones the Jews have been systematically demolishing ever since the giant psy-op called “the Civil War”…
I think David Koresh was catching on to this. He was reviving true monasticism. This is why that Jew whore Janet Reno had the Branch Davidians mass-murdered.
August 31, 2009 at 7:55 pm
Goy with two brain cells
Here are your answers, Wolfgang Jew:
“Who dropped the two nuclear bombs?”
Jews. Jews proposed nuclear weapons (Szilard and Einstein), developed them (Oppenheimer leading a team of Jew commie traitors), and by WWII the American government had been a groveling slave of Jew megalomania for three decades.
“Who has been in every other nations business for the last two hundred years?”
Jews. The entire “Age of Discovery” and the colonization that followed were 100%kosher. Columbus was a JEW, stupid. Genuine Europeans never longed to take over the whole world; that’s a classic JEW mental disease that traces back to the dawn of history. Read Sombart’s “The Jews and Modern Capitalism.” Which is to say READ A BOOK, why don’t you?
“Who has been in every nation to steal resources from others?”
Jews. They invented fucking IMPERIALISM 4,500 years ago. look up Sargon of Akkad.
“Who pushed the pornography culture into the world?”
ha ha ha, you’re fucking kidding, right? JEWS are and have always been the biggest pornographers, whore-masters, and “white-slavers” on the face of the earth from time immemorial. Wake the fuck up.
“What nation was it that had legal lynchings of people for no other reason than the color of their skin?”
Under which laws was it “legal,” liar? For that matter, before you go condemning the Reconstruction South perhaps you should bother to learn something about it.
You sure got some Jew-like hatred of white people going there, “Wolfgang.” Are you positive your real name isn’t Shlomo? Whoever you are, your brainwashed liberal PC self-hating kool-aid might have worked on me 10 years ago, but it’s not working now. I’ve seen too much. I woke up to the Jew Satan astride the world. Do I have your permission? DO I GIVE A FUCK IF I HAVE YOUR PERMISSION?
August 31, 2009 at 8:01 pm
Apparently, we have another Jew from Canada pretending he’s White. He uses the same name as another real White who comments here named Wolfgang.
You Jews need to STFU now.
August 31, 2009 at 10:43 pm
Great reply, Gw2bc.
Beat them around the ears with the Truth every time. Truth is a foreign concept to them and they just can’t handle it.
The term – Lies And The Lying Liars That Tell Them – was coined for the jew.
September 1, 2009 at 8:36 am
Goy with two brain cells
Thanks whitefella
They don’t just not comprehend Truth, they actually hate it! They viciously despise all humans except Jews, all of physical reality beyond Jews, and most of all the ideal of Truth — their oldest, deadliest enemy — which is simply the calm sane empiricism that recognizes Reality as far greater than them. In their utterly sick minds, they ARE “God,” so this is “The Ultimate Insult.”
The basic reason behind all of it is that Jews are hopelessly insane. They’re like thalidomide babies, except their hideous deformity is inside their skulls where no one can see it, and the essence of their brain deformity is this solipsist cognitive rebellion against Reality. Personalities severely deformed by narcissism are all too common now (thanks to Jewish occultism in mass media, schools, etc.), and this hatred of Truth is a striking theme of that condition. True Christian intellectual tradition specifically opposes the tendency to narcissist-solipsist mental disease, while Jews aggressively promote and glorify it. If they don’t usually seem obviously insane, that’s because they have been for most of 10,000 years, so they’ve gotten really good at making insanity seem “normal” with very disciplined shows of friendliness, compassion, etc. Amongst themselves, they actually call this “social skill.” They’re the world’s most ancient, accomplished criminal con artist scum, basically. This is a GENETIC condition.
It’s extremely difficult to convey to normal people just how utterly devoid of virtue the Jews really are. They’re not as bad as “anti-Semites” portray them, oh no, they’re MUCH MUCH WORSE THAN THAT. They’re so horrible it’s almost impossible to get normal people to realize what they’re really like, so “anti-Semites” have often stooped to vulgar sensationalism in their efforts to do so. It would work better to describe their mentality with precise clinical language, but the Jews have also hijacked and totally distorted psychological science (starting with the Frankfurt School and Sigmund Uber-Jew Freud), so there’s practically no sound psychological theory from which to do even this.
There are remarkable exceptions of course:
Dr. Robert D Hare
Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us
Andrzej Lobaczewski
Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes
Intelligent insightful discussion of psychopathy is one of the 15 million subjects the kike-wads have virtually banned, for the usual reasons.
“A Clockwork Orange” becomes a totally different and incredibly disturbing movie once you realize 1) Stanley Kubrick was a Jew; 2) he’s actually GLORIFYING psychopathy, which is unthinkable. A sane person’s version of this movie would consist of a slo-mo shot of both Kubrick and Malcolm McDowell getting their diseased skulls corrected by a 44 mag, followed by resounding applause, followed by closing credits.
September 1, 2009 at 9:07 am
nah janet, i just COULDNT! my wife is more white than i am! lol!
wolfgang: where the hell do you think Angles, Saxons, and Jutes originated? are there not THREE Saxon states in Germany ?! ill give ya that the Jutes were from Jutland, which makes them Danes, who are ALSO Germanic!! along with the Normans, Franks, Burgundians (all france). goths, lombards (lombardi, Italy? following me?) visigoths, ostragoths, allemani, (allover eastern europe). Vikings (Swedes, Danes, Norwegians, the Russ, the ruling caste of Russia, Danelaw, or the pale in England, along with every major city in the British isles, and all major cities of the baltic states and Russia)..
WHERE in the white race is there NOT german blood?!?!?!?! doesnt “mein haar ist braun” mean “my hair is brown” in the evil anglo-saxon tongue?moron…
September 1, 2009 at 9:21 am
der wasser ist kalt (the water is cold) der wasser ist heiss (the water is hot) ich habe hunger (i have hunger, im hungry) delicatessen (delicate or light eating) mein arm ist lang (my arm is long). nahhh, NO relationship here! what with protestantism (martin luther) Christmas, Santa Klaus, the British command of the oceans coming from their Germanic Viking heritage….there are no similarities, we’re NOT related!! hahaha! careful now wolfgang, you just might be hating yourself!!
September 1, 2009 at 9:32 am
and before ya say it… Tacitus, the Roman historian, grouped Germans and Kelts together, the only differences being language. deal with it, ALL whites are related! from Greece to Greenland!
September 1, 2009 at 9:38 am
Gw2bc- Man, that hit the nail on the head with a friggin nail gun.”pcheeeuw”
September 1, 2009 at 9:39 am
JEW-logic is convoluted, no doubt. They rationalize their actions by the actions of others. If they admit BOTH were wrong, then they still agree something must be done.
I thank Incog and others for tying it all together. All one has to do is look into a topic to see how JEWS work for JEWRY. They are obligated, as JEWRY has treated them well (they think). They can’t imagine having to compete or stand on their own merits. Cheating and subversiveness pays the JEW, and he’s recognized as a team player in his community.
JEWS never do anything that doesn’t benefit them in several ways. That would be noble, except they do it at the expense of all others, and with contempt. People are catching on, and JEWS will find out just how big the “favor” JEWRY has provided, as in a real holoco$t.
I was recently at an all White county fair, where the “Army” recruiting tent had bazookas, etc for the potential new crop to try. What a pathetic display, trying to bring White men to fight the Israel/JEW battles! I also met a veteran of 2 tours in Iraq. Can you believe that the only place he was encouraged to visit on “leave” was Isra-HOLE? What a joke. We had a long talk, and he’s decided it’s not heroic to fight in the ME anymore, so declined the offer/push for a 3rd tour. Keep sharing the truth, it’s on OUR side.
September 1, 2009 at 11:15 am
In a damning indictment of how the First Amendment has been eviscerated, footage from a recent town hall event shows a school security officer threatening a protester with arrest for holding up an anti-Obama sign while declaring that America has ceased to exist, arguing that unflattering representations of our dear leader are illegal.
Despite the fact that there were numerous other signs being displayed at the health care event in Reston, Va., security officer Wesley Cheeks Jr. ordered the protester to pull down the placard, which featured the depiction of Obama as the Joker from Batman with the words “Organizing for National Socialist Health Care – The Final Solution”.
An argument ensued before the protester declared, “This used to be America,” to which the officer responded, “It ain’t no more, OK?”
September 1, 2009 at 1:35 pm
Goy with two brain cells
“…footage from a recent town hall event shows a school security officer threatening a protester with arrest for holding up an anti-Obama sign…”
This whole town hall fracas is a stupid Jew-organized distraction if ever I saw one. It’s high time people in this camp woke TF up and realized how Jews really do things. The “republican protestors” waving around AK-47s and Obama-as-Hitler signs are all but definitely JEW PSY-OPPERS out to character-assassinate Obama critics as dangerous fucking lunatic-morons. How fucking obvious does this shit have to get for you? Didn’t the Jews teach you shit by perping 9-11 themselves?? If you’re so subhumanly stupid that they didn’t, maybe you deserve to see your children become trapped in the totalitarian hell they have planned.
I watched the video of Barney Flaming Jew Faggot Frank telling the “Republican protestor” with the Obama-Hitler sign that arguing with her was like arguing with a coffee table. Unlike Sarah crypto-Jew Palin, this JEW CUNT “protester” did a lousy job of role-playing, because she didn’t bother impersonating a toothless redneck cretin at all. She was plainly a 100% conniving Jew bitch psy-opper playing an assigned role. She reminded me a lot of the “Protest Warrior” freaks in Crawford— also completely obvious Jew psy-opper frauds. They couldn’t contain their hatred of the real redneck republicans in Crawford so they started fighting with them! It was fucking hilarious. The Jews’ pathological hatred of rural people gives them away every time.
Anyway, what do I care if cops “curtail the rights” of JEW PSY-OPPER TRASH??? For all I care, the cops can go ahead and draw their guns and waste them.
This whole “issue” is just contrived Jew Gerbil Wheel bullshit. You sure you and “Wolfgang” aren’t working out of adjacent cubicles, gtrmanuk?
September 1, 2009 at 1:51 pm
Goyw2bc no cubicle here. im in uk, it was just a link i saw on icke,thats all. it was embedded from infowars, a site i dont visit. that’s where the text is from. your points are valid,though. distrust any organisation
September 1, 2009 at 3:18 pm
Goy with two brain cells
Okay fair enough. So why trust Icke? I know he’s a charismatic British “pop mystic” in the mold of Alan Watts and all, but anyone who talks gray subterranean reptiles secretly running the world is a total loon, at best, if not a shill distracting people from the Real Problem.
September 1, 2009 at 3:36 pm
well, that’s the problem with icke. he’s ‘the lizard guy’ it’s that 5-10% of his stuff which detracts majorly from his credibility. maybe the psyops crew got to him.
still, personally i’ve found his books helpful and ,yes,entertaining. his site,however,is pretty crappy, EXCEPT for the ‘latest headlines’ page,which compiles daily stories,links etc. in the style of rense. whether you swallow the lizard thing is,well,a leap of faith i suppose. but its through icke,rense,etc. that some of us found our way to incogland, and enjoyed the view!
anyway,he pisses off the adl so thats good. they thought ‘lizard’ was code for ‘jew’ ! i first had my eyes opened to ‘the jew thing’ by reading icke.
I listened to ‘Anal Wart’ quite a bit this summer,but he quickly begins to be a stuck record,spends the first 5-6 mins of every show asking for cash,then mutters on and on about ‘the big boys’, or ‘foundations’, or ‘eugenicists’ for 40 mins, till he lets on a couple of vetted callers and talks over them! dull
on top of that,because he’s based in canada he never names the name,in fact quite the opposite. whew
September 1, 2009 at 3:52 pm
shit, you meant “alan watts”,well he was cool. i was talking bout alan watt!
alan watt:
icke headlines (scroll down past the crap and ads)
September 1, 2009 at 3:58 pm
like rense,icke doent shy away from the ‘zionist’ issue,this link (t.i.u.) from today: Israel did 9/11, ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD!!
September 1, 2009 at 4:46 pm
it seems that organized protest is verboten. but really, these healthcare townhalls are complete bullshit. the white house already accepted a HUGE payoff from big pharmacy. its all a money maker now.. the “news” media sucking profits from the cries of the doomed, and the damned.
somewhere in an old Chinese proverb is the saying “two heads of the same monster” they’re ALL bought and paid for, repub and dem alike. and the US govt. has the BEST healthcare in the WORLD. paid for by us. can we get the same? yeah… that will cost you $1400.00 per month. i KNOW, im a laid-off union Ironworker, when my company ins. stopped after 90 days with out work, i was sent the paperwork for continuation… COBRA, its gunna cost my family of 4, $1400.00 per month.. in CASE we have an accident, or get sick!! FUCK OBAMA and the dems, FUCK ALL the Republican opposition! LIARS, TRAITORS ALL! sold out did ya? well, tie yer own rope…your things are in order? someday i hope to utter these words..
September 1, 2009 at 7:06 pm
Goy with two brain cells
The Alan Watts I was thinking of was the Hindu-Buddhist-mystic guy who lectured back in the 1960s. Such people seem to draw fans in Britain as they do not in America. He was fascinating. This Canadian guy Alan Watt I don’t know about. From your description, he could be Alex Jones’ twin brother.
As for the grey reptiles, for me that’s not subject to faith, that’s “I’ll believe it when I see it myself. Til then, blow me.” It just has no plausibility cushion whatsoever, especially when you look at the early cranks who got it started.
Phil Schneider – total Jew head-case with ZERO credibility
Alex Christopher – ditto, author of Pandora’s Box, claims Icke plagiarized her work. I suppose it’s a liability of writing truly whacko “factual” material: if somebody rips off your “original work,” who cares?
September 1, 2009 at 7:27 pm
yes, like i said,alan watts is great,started off a a christian vicar,then studied buddism,hinduism,tao, etc. great insight,and a brilliant speaking style.
alan watt is scottish, but based in canada, and,you’re right, is a frequent guest on alex jones. i dont know the other names you mention,i’ll take your word that theyre cranks. the ‘conspiracy’ game is full of cranks, con-men, liars, disinfo agents and paranoid schizophrenics; you ‘pays your money and takes your choice’.
another nutjob icke cites as validation is arizona wilder,total fruitloop.the nets full of nutty people,i was just reading something that linked to a blog that claims the writer steven king shot john lennon!
as for lizards,well, ‘leap of faith’ is just a phrase. im not a subscriber……there is somethng about george bush senior though!
September 1, 2009 at 8:47 pm
good article by joun denugent here, “our enemies making our points for us in ways that make us absolutely credible.”
“For example, if I were to write any of the three items below, one could say, to escape reality: “Well, John de Nugent, you are hardly an impartial observer of what minorities do. You are a racist, antisemite and a Nazi!”[sic]
Yes, to just spout my own views would give excuse-seekers the “out” they want.
So instead I search for statements where blacks, Jews, homosexuals, and self-hating white leftists themselves are admitting PUBLICLY everything I say.
I let THEM confess I am right.”
September 2, 2009 at 2:59 pm
kerdasi amaq
Why the ‘O’-ministration will implode in weeks
by Kevin McCullough
Never has an administration who had more firepower at their disposal, been set to so totally fail in the next six to eight weeks. It is nearly a foregone conclusion. It is nearly unavoidable. And it defies all logic given the sizable majority the administration has in both houses of Congress.
Since I was the first pundit to predict Obama’s presidency (Dec 2006) it behooves me to tell you the course I believe the next few weeks will take and effectively halt the radical transformation that the left appeared unstoppable with only months ago.
September 4, 2009 at 9:41 pm
Well Incog, I looked around for a financial thread to post this in but, I guess this will work. So, far tonight there are 5 more bank failures. I believe that brings us up to either 89 or 90 failures for the year. The commericial end of this sordid mess is about to come crashing down and, when that happens, you want to be well prepared. BLUE…
September 5, 2009 at 6:20 pm
Thanks Incog … I just noticed some stinking smelly fuckin degenerate jew piece of shit using my nick…. you have to watch these devils they are masters at disinformation and propaganda…just look at msm…fucking degenerate kikes..
yeah,Incog checking the IP is the best way to out these posers…
Many Blessings on you and yours Incog ,another Brilliant piece of work from the Man… *Incog*
White Power
September 5, 2009 at 6:23 pm
Thanks, Wolfgang. I’ll watch for the lying Jew who tries to use your name.
September 14, 2009 at 11:41 am
kerdasi amaq
We all hear a lot of talk everywhere about a revolt, but most people have a civil war in mind, where we oust our leaders and reinstate the same old screwed up system that got us into this mess in the first place. Bad idea. Back when the constitution was laid out, people had integrity. Each man was raised in a white, Anglo-Saxon, Christian home that had extremely strong moral values…
September 14, 2009 at 11:46 am
kerdasi amaq
The hard face of reality tells us that we’ll be extremely lucky to mount enough determined white manpower to achieve a revolution in one fell swoop.. We stand a much more realistic chance of conquering one or two states by force, creating a homeland and a migrating point for disenfranchised whites all across America. Once this is achieved…
September 14, 2009 at 12:02 pm
just imagine… not just everyONE being white.. but everyTHING. no churches holding Israel first, no white slavery. no projects. no war unless WE are directly attacked. unlocked doors at night, clean streets and well kept homes and gardens. honest business practices from the corner store to our new, improved WHITE stock exchange. schools that teach REAL history, and hold our great men and women in a positive light… no insurance fraud = lower rates. little to no crime = lower taxes… aaaaaaahhhhhhh id fight for it! (FUCK you goy! im NOT a pacifist!) ever been to war? if you had, youd be looking for a religion of peace yourselves. but THIS is worth fighting for!
September 17, 2009 at 8:52 pm
Noor al Haqiqa
Nemesys and Janet. There is one place I cannot go. I cannot go calling other races names. Why? Because I have Eurasian daughters. Yes I can say if only I could go back, but I could not. I have loved them too deeply for too many years, they are my daughters whom I raised to be fine young women.
I cannot deny the pleasure I had over the years raising them. But their father, on the other hand, was just a weak man who could not assume his duties as a father. I can truly say part of the blame was the feminism crap that I upheld and his absolute helplessness when faced with such a masculine way of thinking.
When the older was wee, the KKK were trying to set up shop in my part of Toronto. I was called race traitor more than once. I was also accused of sullying my pure white blood. What can I say? That was then. This is now.
So when it comes to these things, I am in a very different place. As always in my life, I straddle the fence seeing good and bad in everything. But my choice was made long ago, the path been walked, and here I am. Now I understand what I did. But would I do it again? Who know? What if’s never solve anything.
September 18, 2009 at 7:31 am
kerdasi amaq