The following Social Studies paper was submitted to me by a young (16), self-described rich, Manhattan girl whom I promised to run unedited (below). She goes by the name: Richchick_NYC or Julia_NYC.
She tells us at first, on Stormfront’s on-line forum, that she’s 19, but later when she sends me her MySpace link, she has her age listed as 16. She also tells us that she’s been mugged, held hostage at gunpoint and even had her Best Friend murdered in front of her, and all by Negroes.
Normally, these kinds of posts are not really that big of a deal. Most of the time, such posters are quickly dismissed. However, young Julia struck some kind of chord and the result was a thread that eventually ran into the hundreds of posts, back and forth between everybody, Stormfronters and Anti-Stormfronters.
Make note that in her posts at this forum, she herself becomes as belligerent, in her private messages to Stormfronters, that she accuses Stormfronters of, in her paper below. She also threatened to alert the authorities (thought police?) to the site and to expose all these evil white racists on the TV show; Good Morning America (more thought police, perhaps?).
Here’s her unedited paper. Betcha she got an A:
“North America, 2007. This is the worlds largest power-house of business, finance, and tolerance. Being a multi-cultural society you would think we are civilized enough to tolerate. This is not true. Every day people encounter some form of discrimination; the government tries to stop it, although there are just some things that the even the law can’t help with. Racism. It is a word that should be less and less common in today’s modern society. It is not, and it exists in the ugliest form.
I recently visited a site that promotes White Nationalism. I had heard about it; it was supposed to be a civilized place where a guest could come and debate with intellectual responses. I did not receive this treatment when I posted my view. I was called many names, some of the most vulgar and crude names. People suspected I was Jewish, and even Black. I tried to defend myself but the response was just overwhelming. I was eventually banned for speaking my mind, while the real villans (who called me much worse names than Black) were still allowed to post; and even recognized as heros. I watched helplessly as I was ridiculed and ripped to shreds. I decided to take another course of action, I did some research. I knew that playing the emotional innocence card was not going to work; so I tried using useful debating tactics. I was treated some what differently, although I faced the same immaturity from the childish ones.
This proves my point; that White Nationalism is an excuse for racism. Racism is a lifestyle and White Nationalism has everything to do with politics. You don’t form your lifestyle on politics (unless you live in a communist country), your opinion on politics however forms from your lifestyle. What I am implying is that White Nationalism is really code for racism.
What is sad is that these people actually believe what they are doing is right; this is severely misguided. As someone who considers themselves as a conciliator, they are basing their opinions on fear. Both “sides” are just afraid. I had the chance to speak with several of them. According to most, they only fear for the survival of their race; and they seek to protect it. According to their counterparts, they fear that the white man is going to harm or seek to destory them. So where did all of this fear come from? What can we do to stop it? I say that everyone needs to discuss this without bringing any emotions or fear into it; and figure out what is best AND fair. I don’t have the answer, I’m just a small person trying to get everyone to see that what they are doing is going to lead to a war. I don’t want that for my children and neither should you.”
Julia’s arguments were debated in a fair and logical way– by many Stormfront posters. Sure, some posters got a bit antagonistic with her rosy-colored, PC vision of the world and may have been a little too tart for her privileged sensibilities (it is, after all, a White forum). But she carefully avoided many of those who were willing to seriously debate her comments in a calm, civilized way and she accuses all of them for blind racism since they refuse to see things in her wise, enlightened way.
The Whites at Stormfront are pretty much sick of all this Multicultural BS being sucked down by brain-dead liberals, nowadays. Most of them are not hateful people, they just don’t want their children to end up sinking in a sea of Third World mud; and they’re sick of having to listen all these smarmy liberal-types who want to force all this mumbo-jumbo on them, people like Julia, who think they’re so smart and know what’s best for all of us, but fail to consider any facts staring them right in the face– if such facts happen to conflict with their wishful thinking about the world.
And when any Whites express solidarity with one another (like belonging to something like Stormfront) or even expressing any anger over things like immigration; they are immediately branded as racist, evil Nazis, by these liberals, all the Jew Multicult Mavens or race KGB groups like the SPLC or the ADL. These people really don’t want any Whites to get together, at all, because if they do, those Whites might arrive at a few inconvenient conclusions– so they paint any pro-White or even Border Security groups like the Minute Men– in this fashion, regardless of whatever.
When reading between the lines of her posts, you can see Julia has many conflicting emotions; a personal revulsion to Black men, the reality of what she’s witnessed on the streets versus what she thinks of the world and herself to be. But she still thinks Stormfront people will see the light after reading her hopeful logic. Ah, youth! And that’s exactly why you find many posters replying to her in sarcastic ways.
But she means well. As such, you can’t help but feel a little something for her. That’s the real problem, anymore. Almost all whites want to be fair and good but these very emotions have been callously taking advantage of and turned against us. The young are prime targets for all this and that’s why you have so much effort being made to advance the Multicultural and pro-Homosexual line in our nation’s schools.
And why do we have all of this fuss still going on today, after so many decades now of this cultural brainwashing and programs like Affirmative Action? Is is really because whites are so hateful and are practising “stealth” racism all the time? Or is it really something else? Maybe this whole little Diversity gig is not really working well to begin with. Could it be that all these race controversies today– are really nothing but mind-games to distract us from the real agenda going on?
Figure it out!
By Phillip Marlowe
Comments feed for this article
November 6, 2007 at 2:03 pm
Julia Elizabeth
Why hello … person. I don’t know you’re real name and yet you know mine.
I just want to say that I did reply to all of the meaningful points many Stormfronters brought up. Like I said on Stomfront; the moderators only chose to post what would portray me as mean and ignorant. One user; White Resistance 14 made a whole thread calling me out for a debate. Unfortunately I didn’t see this until after I was banned. I tried to post as a guest, and as a new member. Nothing would work. I had a nice little post that answered all of his questions.
I would also like to say Incogman; I’m glad you decided to use a random picture (instead of going with the one where you surely would have ridiculed my friends). How are you? That’s good. I don’t know where you got the whole “Personal revulsion to Black men”. I am only revulted by egotistical maniacs who think they have the right to rule the world.
Anyways – I was treated unfairly at Stormfront. I heard it was a civil place, not somewhere people are allowed to say the “N” word. It’s true, you can say the “N” word and the post will be accepted but God forbid you disagree with a forum member, or even present a valid arguement.
They made me out to look like a fool, half of my posts were edited and half weren’t even accepted. The ONE member I sent a nasty PM to fooled everyone into thinking she was innocent; when she called me a dumb retard and continually made fun of and insulted my dead friend. That isn’t respectful at all and she deserved the message. I however didn’t directly threaten Elle; I wished something bad for her. Therein lies the difference, and some sort of justification.
My personal opinion is that the people on Stormfront couldn’t handle that someone opposed them, so they drove me out forcably. They called me names; and some even THREATENED me. This isn’t civil, and those members are still free to regurgitate their hate speech and malicious inticate lies about multi-culturalism. I think the whole situation comes down to one thing, acceptance. Acceptance is maturity, and you all are acting very immature.
November 6, 2007 at 3:56 pm
I enjoy your blog, Mr. Marlowe. Some of us did read your entire editorial and we noticed your name at the bottom of the article.
November 6, 2007 at 5:48 pm
White Resistance 14 made posts to you quite early in, that you ignored. And I know that you said you felt creepy having black men eyeballing you (which is natural). And no one said anything about ruling the world. It is a white site and you think that white people have to go along with what you and what other liberals want?
But forget all of that.
You need to think beyond yourself, for a change. Spend some time reading the things I suggested. Do some real thinking. Why do they try to make interracial sex look “cool.” Like in that upcoming movie with Hillary Duff falling in love with some Black with a criminal background? How about all the BS you see in culture these days about that kind of thing. They want you do those things. You can go beyond all the mind manipulators and be a true revolutionary– not like the pretend people around you who toe the TV land political & cultural agenda because they really fear being called names instead of thinking for themselves.
I know you can do it. You’d make a fine counter-BS soldier.
November 7, 2007 at 1:00 pm
Julia Elizabeth
I love it how you try to turn me against my own beliefs. It says a lot about what you think of me; that I don’t have a brain of my own.
Contrary to what you believe I have come to my own conclusion. I think that you guys just don’t want to accept that.
What you have to understand is that I see your logic, “It just seems so heartless” (iRobot).
Please answer me this, have you ever at a point believed in what I believe? That world peace is possible? Have you ever had the same ignorant and innocent view point?
November 7, 2007 at 1:09 pm
Julia Elizabeth
“Normally, these kinds of posts are not really that big of a deal. Most of the time, such posters are quickly dismissed. However, young Julia struck some kind of chord and the result was a thread that eventually ran into the hundreds of posts”
Do you think it’s because some people know deep down inside (or at least remember) how it feels to be me? Maybe they remember that massive feeling of hope? I know that they have hearts; some of them just choose to ignore it and maintain a bull-headed, closed minded aproach and they chose to throw insults at me.
Like I asked above; do you remember that feeling Incogman?
November 7, 2007 at 2:08 pm
OK, Julia, I do know where you are coming from.
Actually I agree with many things you say and wish for. However, I believe– no, I know– that your way is the wrong way to achieve your aims. Look how long all this BS has been going on. And it keeps getting worse and worse. In the meantime, the whites are being purposefully divided and marginalized. Look at the facts that show this to be terribly true.
Like I once said to you before: Think about the positive changes that can be achieved if the white people present a united front and say enough is enough!
Make no mistake in this: You have to make some sacrifices, too. Perhaps your sense of compassion can act as a conscious to whites when they envitably say enough is enough!
November 11, 2007 at 7:52 pm
Julia Elizabeth
Your outcome is so much more different than what I want, therefore I can’t join you in your united front.
White Nationalism strives to take over the country and drive non-whites out. I just don’t see this as fair.
I do however agree that having white areas is acceptable; I don’t think splitting the entire country up by force is acceptable.
By all means, say enough is enough. Don’t force every non-white out though. Just ask for fairer laws and private areas to live.
Another thing, I hate the reasons why some White Nationalist feel separation is so important – racism. Some White Nationalists are racists. Although I truely do believe some have good intentions, and are not racist. The majority on Stormfront however seems to be the racist bunch, and I don’t like to associate with them. That is why I acted so desparately and immature.
Once again, to reiterate – Go ahead and have some towns, cities, or even whole states as white areas. Don’t send everyone else away. America was meant to be a multi-cultural society it seems … almost destined. Don’t ruin that. We can easily change the laws to make it fair for white people. We’ll just do what the black people did 50 years ago. We can say we’re being treated unfairly, heck; we can even hold a protest. That I’ll join in so long as it doesn’t turn into driving the non-whites out.
November 14, 2007 at 12:05 am
Julia, a racialist and a racist are NOT the same thing.
To me, at least, a racist is someone who purposely goes out of his/her way to harm others because of their race.
A racialist on the other hand, is one who prefers his/her own kind around whilst not meaning/wishing harm to others outside that ethnic group.
The thing is, that all the races of the world CAN get along, as long as the pot is NOT constantly stirred. You know what it is like when you are a child and someone is constantly telling you that you can’t say or do __________? That builds resentment and most times, has the opposite effect than was intended.
If the so called anti-racists, who are actually anti-White and mostly communists of one flavour or another, would stop the stirring and forcing people to live together, regardless of their own preference, then you will find that the issues you dislike would cease.
Tell me Julia, why is it that so called anti-racists ONLY attack pro-White groups/statements and not other groups?
Why are most of these groups either jewish or jewish led?
Why is multiculturalism ONLY in White lands?
Why is it ok for the jews to have israel for themselves but not America and other nations for Whites?
America for one, was NEVER intended to be multikulti, so I don’t know where you got that idea.
November 14, 2007 at 3:07 pm
Julia Elizabeth
First off I want to say everyone can message me on MySpace if you have one.
Secondly Lord_Sideous; I’d like to think I’m somewhat different from everyone else. I believe in fairness – If you think it isn’t fair that only white people get picked on then I’ll help you change that. I will not however help you destroy the world’s leading country by driving out the majority of the population.
We can start something (a protest or something) to ensure equal rights with white people. That would actually be quite good – It would take away one of the reasons for racism, therefore helping to create a solution.
Why is it anti-racists only attack pro-white groups? I have no clue – Maybe they think that by appealing to the higher powered group they can make a difference. I certainly thought that.
Let me tell you about my experience on Stormfront: I orignally thought I could “walk” in there and start calling people names. I then thought better of it and tried to make a civilized debate but I wasn’t quite prepared (I didn’t have my thoughts organized yet). I resorted to name calling. Then I thought that I could appeal to them by using emotion – I tried telling them that “Humans are humans”. This only upset everyone more.
My friend Kathy is in Africa right now. She’s trying to teach people to tolerate, educating them on our society, and our history, and of course she’s doing charity work. So my friends and I aren’t just “attacking” white people.
As to your last statement – If America wasn’t intended to be multicultural, why were Africans used as slaves? Why were the Indians raped by white men (resulting in the mixed breed)?
I think it was destiny.
November 14, 2007 at 11:55 pm
she got owned, she will probably become another Hillary Clinton and surround herself with rich coloureds. evbentually the russian roulette game she plays with race will have it’s inevitable conclusion
game over
we warned you, good luck in life
November 18, 2007 at 2:20 pm
Julia Elizabeth
Thank you for your warning.
I’ll take it, discard it, and continue trying to save the world from destruction.
November 23, 2007 at 12:26 pm
America wasn’t intended to be multicultural. Even Abraham Lincoln said so:
I can conceive of no greater calamity than the assimilation of the negro into our social and political life as our equal… — President Abraham Lincoln August 14,1862
From Lincoln-Douglas Debate, published by Haldeman-Julius Company, Girard, Kansas 1923
I agree with Judge Douglas that he (Negroes) is not my equal in many respects, certainly not in color, and perhaps not in moral and intellectual endowment. — Abraham Lincoln Page 81
I have no purpose to produce political and social equality. I am not in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes or of qualifying them to hold office or allowing them to intermarry with white people… I have never had the least apprehension that I or my friends would marry Negroes, even if there was no law to keep them from it… I will, to the very last, stand by the law of this state which forbids the marrying of white people with Negroes. — Abraham Lincoln Page 44
From The Collected works of Abraham Lincoln, published 1953, Rutgers University Press in eight volumes. Vol. II Pages 405-409 (Speech at Springfield, Illinois – June 26, 1857.
In the course of his reply, Senator Douglas remarked, in substance, that he had always considered this government was made for the white people and not for the Negroes. Why, in pointof mere fact, I think so, too. — Abraham Lincoln