From Gun Owners of America:
Charles Babington of the Associated Press reported yesterday about the Senate Democratic leadership’s latest sleazy maneuver to pass the anti-gun health care bill. And this is contemptible even by their admittedly low standards:
White House and Democratic officials are quietly talking with key senators, hoping to craft a thread-the-needle strategy on health care with little or no help from Republicans. The officials are asking a handful of moderate Democrats to do something that might be hard to explain to voters: Cast a Senate vote that could be interpreted as favoring a bill that the lawmakers ultimately plan to oppose on final passage.
In other words, they are trying to convince the swing votes — Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor of Arkansas, perhaps Joe Lieberman of Connecticut — to “throw” their vote on a pivotal filibuster vote. Bottom line: they are being asked to side with the ObamaCare supporters when it comes to the all important “cloture” vote — which is the real hurdle that ObamaCare supporters must overcome if they are to pass the bill in the Senate.
The cloture vote determines whether a filibuster will continue or not, and it requires the support of 60 Senators. Siding with the ObamaCare supporters on the cloture vote would allow the “swing voters” to oppose the bill on final passage, where only 50 votes (plus the Vice-President) are needed.
Under this scenario, the moderate Democrats would then go back to their constituents and claim to have opposed the anti-gun health care bill because they voted against it on “final passage.” But the critical vote which will have determined the real outcome of ObamaCare will have been the cloture vote. They will claim that the cloture vote was only a “procedural vote.”
It is hard to imagine that anyone with an IQ over 50 would think anyone would swallow this scumbag trick.
But, just to make sure, we are asking our members to let senators know what the response will be for any senator who casts a deciding vote to pass the anti-gun health care bill on cloture, and then tries to trick them.
ACTION: Please write your Senators. Let them know that the 60-vote-margin votes on “cloture” are the important health care votes. No one will be fooled by a senator who votes wrong on these and then casts a meaningless vote against final passage.
You can use the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center to send your legislators the pre-written e-mail message below.
—– Pre-written letter —–
Dear Senator:
Charles Babington of the Associated Press reported on September 16 about the Senate Democratic leadership’s latest sleazy maneuver to pass the anti-gun health care bill.
They are reportedly trying to convince the “swing” senators to “throw” the pivotal 60-vote cloture vote on shutting down debate on the anti-gun bill. The “swings” would then be allowed to vote against the bill on final passage, where only 50 votes (plus the Vice-President) are needed.
Under this scenario, the senators would then go back to their constituents and claim to have opposed the anti-gun health care bill because they voted against it on “final passage.” The critical outcome-determinative votes on “cloture” and on “waiving the budget act” — which will determine whether the bill passes or fails — would only have been “procedural votes,” they would argue.
It is hard to imagine that anyone with an IQ over 50 would think anyone would swallow this dirty trick.
But, just to make sure, we want to let you know that no one will be fooled if a senator casts a deciding vote to pass the anti-gun health care bill on cloture or waiving the budget act, and then tries to trick us with a meaningless vote against final passage.
To reiterate: The important votes are the 60-vote-margin votes on “cloture” and on “waiving the budget act.” No one will be fooled by a senator who votes wrong on these and then casts a meaningless vote against final passage.
Gun Owners of America will continue to inform me as to what is happening on this important issue.
XXXX xxxxx
(To the right are pictures of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsome. Had either of them been wearing a firearm the night they were abducted and murdered by four Black men and one Black woman, they would most likely be alive today. Consider joining Gun Owners of America, “The Only No-Compromise Gun Lobby in America”, as stated by U.S. Rep. Ron Paul.)
Comments feed for this article
November 23, 2009 at 4:27 pm
were afraid of NOONE. where IS the united caucasian college fund? what about the NAAWP? why does a black woman get preferance over ME, a veteran, for a job? how many blacks are killed by whites? as compared to how many whites are killed by blacks? how many blacks are raped by whites, as compared to how many whites are raped by blacks? why is the Black neighborhood ALWAYS the BAD neighborhood? do these “educated, succesfull” blacks move to black neighborhoods? why do black musicians get killed in drive by shootings? why are there FAR more blacks on government assistance than any other race?
i could go ON and ON and ON
November 23, 2009 at 4:32 pm
You’re afraid of facing the truth about America’s racist history and present day racism, because you’re scared of the reality of it. It terrifies you, so you prefer to blame Black people for the guilt and shame you impose on yourself. That’s the reality that you run from. I sleep well at night, because at least I don’t fear any truth about this country’s history or present day wrongs, nor am I afraid to stand up to those wrongs.
November 23, 2009 at 4:40 pm
GDL/White Master
Yeah, Jews do sleep well at night, even though they shit on everyone. That is all coming to an end soon….thats the reason these Jews come here in the first place, not because Jew jokers like Reynolds cares about negroes, but instead they fear the waking White race.
November 23, 2009 at 4:40 pm
We are all “slaves” to the American system, which continues to divide us racially/economically/socially/politically, and that we need to wake up and pay attention, so-to-speak.
You are so blind. We are NOT slaves to a system which seeks to divide us. It is GENETICS which naturally divides us. We are slaves to an artificial construct of ruthless, evil one-worlders, who seek to unit us despite our natural inclination to segregation.
Desegregation will NEVER work; it has NEVER worked and it has always destroyed nations. The Jews know this and it is why they brought slaves here in the first place. Jews are a destroyer race and they must be destroyed once and for all. And they will be!
November 23, 2009 at 4:44 pm
Now you are making off-the-wall generalized statements about Jewish people playing victims, and making comments about your people not paying or owing Blacks anything. What century are you in and where do you get this information??
November 23, 2009 at 4:48 pm
It is the responsibility of every individual to make the “effort” and take personal responsibility to educate themselves on the many groups of races/ethnic/religious group, that share the same space on this planet with them.
Why…’cause you say so? I don’t think so. Besides, every time some negro comes on here, they’ll tell us they’ve invented everything from peanut butter to brain surgery.
I spend MY time studying the history of MY people. And it isn’t made up to make my race look better either. Why should we. We actually did invent peanut butter and brain surgery!
November 23, 2009 at 4:49 pm
we dont owe blacks SHIT! WTF with the entitlement complex? OHHHH the JEWS put that shit into your head huh? lookey here rufus, alot of my blood went down wearing a BLUE uniform in the civil war. YOU owe ME!
November 23, 2009 at 4:52 pm
MONSANTO Family Were Jewish Slave Dealers And Owners
The following Jews were known dealers, owners, shippers or supporters of the slave trade and of the enslavement of Black African citizens in early New York …
Jews, Slaves, and the Slave Trade: Setting the Record Straight …
One outcome of this has been a re-invented history of the Jewish participation in the slave trade which asserts that Jews were the majority of slave owners …
Jew Watch – Jewish Atrocities – Slave Trade – Jewish Slave Ship Owners
Their are a number of flaws with the idea that we are somehow “responsible” for the African slave trade. First of all, very few White people even owned …
I can present MANY more links as this is a verifiable historical truth with MANY documents.
November 23, 2009 at 4:58 pm
GDL/White Master
Do yourself a favor, STFU, stop embarrassing yourself. If you want to owe blacks something, than do as I said and mosey down to the nearest negro shit hole neighborhood….and make your payment to da homeboyz buttmunch!
November 23, 2009 at 5:00 pm
GDL/White Master
I’m hardpressed to believe a White person could be this GD dumb. Reynold’s unreasonable persistence reeks of Jew. I figure braindead Whites would have taken off by now.
November 23, 2009 at 5:01 pm
Extremely ignorant, dismissive and racist views.
November 23, 2009 at 5:02 pm
You’re afraid of facing the truth about America’s racist history and present day racism, because you’re scared of the reality of it. It terrifies you, so you prefer to blame Black people for the guilt and shame you impose on yourself.
You’re an arrogant little twit. You have no authority to presume what other people are “feeling”. You are like so many communists and OWG types; arrogant, mindless and without the first inkling of historical understanding except what you’ve gleaned through jewish propaganda.
You are mindless. The jews TELL you what to think and then you regurgitate it like a drone. I’ll bet you think you’re smart too.
November 23, 2009 at 5:03 pm
Jewish people are consistently well under 1% of the global population for millennia, you teach the world amazing things about internal support and the place of faith in thriving amid adversity.
November 23, 2009 at 5:07 pm
GDL/White Master
“Extremely ignorant, dismissive and racist views.”
Thats right Reynolds, you have described yourself perfectly, you anti-White bastard you!
November 23, 2009 at 5:09 pm
I figured he was a JEW HASBARAT. That last comment of Reynolds proves it. Readers: Please take note that the Jew masquaraded himself as a Negro. Plus, his anti-White blog doesn’t reveal his Jewry.
That’s how subversive these lying bastards are!
November 23, 2009 at 5:11 pm
Extremely ignorant, dismissive and racist views.</i
You lied on two accounts.
Ignorant: A lie. I can tell you the history of my people going back for thousands of years. I can also tell you the history of the jews for a equal number of years. The Aryans and the jews have been locked in this battle far longer than you, THROUGH IGNORANCE, realize.
Dismissive: Again, a lie. If you were being "dismissed", no one would even bother to respond to you. Obviously, you need a lesson in the English language.
Racist: Ahhh, for once you have reached a correct conclusion. Yes, I am PROUDLY racist. I do not apologize to you or anyone else that I am a racist. I am WHITE and for being WHITE I am not allowed to be proud of my race? WRONG! The art, culture, ideology, history, architecture…what is there to be ashamed of? NOTHING! Other races are jealous of us. That's the bottom line.
November 23, 2009 at 5:15 pm
White people have been absolutely horrible to other races for hundreds of years, especially black people.
November 23, 2009 at 5:16 pm
Please send his JEW SNAKE, DOG, VIPER ass to the gas chamber Incog. I’ll try to reason with any White (even the occasional half intelligent negro) but the jew must ALWAYS be put to death!
November 23, 2009 at 5:18 pm
Your people are going to die soon Reynalstein. Can you “feel” it?
November 23, 2009 at 5:18 pm
The same thing goes on in the gay world. The more masculine gay men or the “straighter” looking gay men do not get near the shitty treatment that the more obvious ones do.
November 23, 2009 at 5:18 pm
Keep up the Negro angle, Jewboi. You sorry bastards have been behind jacking them up for the last hundred years. Time for you to live in Africa for good, courtesy of White America, the US airforce and parachute factories.
November 23, 2009 at 5:19 pm
its all
That’s all they have to say
A bunch of morons, wasting their fucked up life in this blog.
November 23, 2009 at 5:20 pm
Sorry, Jewboi Reynolds is now in my SPAMblinka camp for Jews who bore us. You’re next.
November 23, 2009 at 6:06 pm
GDL/White Master
Why don’t you blah blah blah us with your own personal holohoax survivor tale of courage and bravery?
November 23, 2009 at 9:33 pm
Some links for Reynolds:
The Anatomy of Ethnic Conflict
Ethnic Conflicts Explained by Ethnic Nepotism
November 24, 2009 at 1:19 am
your a fucken slave and you dont even know it.
November 24, 2009 at 3:16 am
Annie Oakley
Reynolds and the rest of the muds or self-hating white lurkers – it’s apparent to me, you want to continue to apologize for the muds and the Jews.
You see – it’s not a 2-way street. White have bent over and kissed their own ass to the muds for years.
I tried solution A for many years. Being kind, nice and accomodating to muds and gays. It didn’t work. It ONLY works if you agree with their lifestyle and their hatred of the white race and this country.
But the minute you disagree with any of their stances (no matter how much you’ve done for them), you’re a hater, bigot and homophobic. Call me all the names you want, I’m immune to the racist card name calling.
Nothing is ever good enough for the muds. Nothing. You can give them free housing, gobbles of affirmative action, foodstamps and other help and they’ll still continue to be an ungrateful lot. It’s like the evil stepchild who never cuts the step parent slack, it’s always what their biological mom and dad can do better.
So now I’m at Solution B. I’m not mean to muds or gays, I’m indifferent to them. I have absolutely nothing in common with the muds or gays as I’m a heterosexual white female.
Blacks want reparations? Please. It would be a bottomless pit. You’d never pay the debt off according to them. You would continue to jump through countless hoops to please them.
Go to any government office. It’s ran by the Jews, then managed by either a nig or a mestizo or some asian from either Vietnam or the Phillipines. You think they like whitey? Hell no.
So, we whites have been nice ad nauseam. The muds don’t play well in the sandbox. They steal the toys and blame us if they kick sand in their own faces.
I’ve kicked them out of the sandbox and I want them out of my nation. That’s it, that’s who I am. I’m not a hypocrite, if they want their own nation and their own set of rules, good for them. I just don’t want any part of their culture whatsoever.
November 24, 2009 at 5:40 am
Reynolds – get your pampered arse to Africa and do something useful – like saving these kids from your enlightened brethren. Oh, I forgot…white folks do that:
November 24, 2009 at 5:41 am
November 24, 2009 at 5:49 am
And just to echo Bikers point, im sick of this idea that whites have somehow had it easy. My ancestors were coalminers . England was hell for working people, from the time of agricultural peasants, through to the satanic mills and workhouses of the 19th century, up to the derelict smack riddled shit-holes of despair and unemployment of today. Its pricks like YOU who are selective with your version of “history”.
December 5, 2009 at 1:37 pm
look into this and see how much further operations run underneath our goy noses.
December 5, 2009 at 7:26 pm
DAMN Red Baron.. its ALL EXIKIEL EMANUEL, or whatever the hell his kike name is..
January 20, 2010 at 1:19 pm
.25 $5,000 or $10,000 dollars a year. In two years this could be the equivalent of a nickel or a dime! less than chump change.