Quote of the Week
"Americans need not be focusing their energy and attention on bigfoot, aliens, or the end of time when they do not even know how to explain what is going on in their own GD country.
Many Americans know absolutely nothing about why their freedom dwindles more and more by day, why the economy in the greatest country on Earth is in the pits, why politicians seem like they care nothing about the people, why there is supposedly no such thing as race, but at the same time everything is about race, why they feel depressed, anxious, and frustrated, why society has gone to hell, why the youth are a mess, why bad is now considered good and good bad, why they are looking forward to an end time or an escape fantasy to begin with.
-- GDL
From those who work to confuse and silence us:
"Reading your redneck bullshit is one reason why I hate Christians. Stick all of your bullshit up your ass as you would probably like it there. I would sooner go to hell then share heaven with worthless cocksuckers like you. Fuck whtie supremecists, fuck the klan, fuck Jesus and fuck you.
God bless President Obama."
-- Nonjewish Christ Hater
Please visit the sites below for more on the subjects here. Hover your cursor over the link for a brief description of the site. Also, speak up every chance you have about these things and to all you know. Remember, every single one of us can add up and that will make a big difference!
And don’t forget…
...to tell all those SICKOS and SODOMITES; VIOLENT, SPOILED and MILITANT NEGROES; BRAINDEAD WHITE LIBERALS and JEWISH, ZIONIST BACKSTABBERS to shut their big, foul traps and to leave for whatever foreign land they're always yapping non-stop about or crawl back under that slime-covered rock they came out from — 'cause it's high-time WHITE AMERICA does some SERIOUS house cleaning!
> Let 'em have it, right in their fat, gibbering faces — tell 'em THE JIG IS UP and THE INCOG MAN sent you!
Comments feed for this article
May 11, 2010 at 9:01 am
Cannibal Rabbi
Monday, May 10, 2010
While America Is On The Verge Of Total Economic Collapse, President Soetoro Continues To Supply His Zionist Jewish Masters With Advanced Weapons
Right now, the American economy is in shambles, and is in serious danger of a total collapse that could happen sooner than later. However, in spite of this impending collapse, the United States is going forward with spending billions of US taxpayer dollars, and providing their masters in Israel with advanced American weaponry. Here is a great article from http://www.uruknet.info that gives details about some of the weapons given at American taxpayer expense freely to the criminal state of Israel:
May 11, 2010 at 9:09 am
kerdasi amaq
Very funny Cannibal Rabbi. Nothing sacred in English humour; as long as it makes it point. Lynda
May 11, 2010 at 9:52 am
Cannibal Rabbi
kerdasi amaq.
Some days are better than others.
I chuck all i can get my hands on at the devils, and hope some of it hits.
I don’t forget for a minute though, that it is an essentially sad state of affairs we find ourselves in.
But you can’t let them get you downhearted, or they win.
THAT is unthinkable.
May 11, 2010 at 10:38 am
I just heard from an old Jewish friend, who messaged to gloat (I guess) about Kagan’s nomination, and throw in some sarcastic comments about mad antisemitic fantasies about Jewish power.
Strange to gloat about Jewish power at the same time one is denying it.
Anyway, I called him up and started cataloging all the ways in which Jewish power brokers or elites are perverting the economy, politics, culture.
I asked him, “If there’s anything good about Jewism, please let me know.”
All he could come up with was “look at all the Jews who are doctors and scientists!”
1. Maimonides wrote that Jewish doctors should kill the goyim when possible or let them die.
2. Corruption.
3. Monopolization of medicine.
4. Big profits, etc.
Anyway, even if all Jewish doctors were wonderful and dedicated, so what!? I said, “That’s like saying that Hezzbollah are good because they run hospitals, or Hitler was great because he got the trains to run on time, Would those arguments fly in the Zionist Entity?”
Another ex-friend, I guess.
He doesn’t even deny Jewish corruption and drive to control. He just says, “Well, it’s not our fault if others can’t keep up to us.”
It’s not about “keeping up”, or not being able to “keep up”. Most people DON’T WANT to have to constantly compete to acquire acquire acquire consume acquire buy and sell acquire manipulate and acquire like a constantly feeding shark.
May 11, 2010 at 10:46 am
post script, re: I called him up and started cataloging all the ways in which Jewish power brokers or elites are perverting the economy, politics, culture. AND how most Jews will run interference for them or make excuses for them, even if they disagree with them or don’t even benefit. They do it because they’ve been conditioned to be terrified about giving ammunition to “antisemites” and to always kowtow to any Jew with money or power.
It’s a mad filthy cult that does nothing good at all.
“What about all the Jewish doctors helping mankind?”
Samuel Roth: “The Jews, instead of giving honest unselfish medical service…improved, as usual, on the opportunities to gain their own ends. The stern fact is that they practiced medicine, as they practiced money-lending, entirely for personal gain, and without contributing to the advancement of the science itself.”
May 11, 2010 at 11:12 am
Cannibal Rabbi
“It’s a mad filthy cult that does nothing good at all”.
I’m assuming you didn’t use spellcheck on that?
I learned early in life, you don’t negotiate with the violently mad.
What you do is hit them hard, fast and preferably, unexpectedly, with everything you have, not stopping ’til they are of a paste consistency.
Then, and only then, do you cogitate on the rights and wrongs.
From a position of safety.
If wrong? Live with it, and endeavour not to place yourself in an
analogous situation again.
Never tiptoe around a bastard.
Head on. Full on.
May 11, 2010 at 11:58 am
Radio K.A.O.S.
That photograph, at the top, reminds me of this episode of South Park…
I’d say Cartman did more research to turn himself into a retard, than Kagan did to become a Supreme Court judge.
May 11, 2010 at 1:07 pm
My Name
I like to call this one:
Some Times To Get The Job Done,
You Just Have To “Cut Cornors”
Motives and Evidence For the U.S. and Israeli
Governments’ Involvement in the 9-11 Attacks
“Note: I am Jewish. I am not antisemitic in any way. The evidence
for Israeli government involvement in 9-11 is, unfortunately, real.”
Motives of the U.S. wealthy elite, who control our government,
news media, and economy:
Seize the major oil resources of the planet.
Transform the U.S. into a Fascist police state; gain total
control of the population.
Further the goals of Israel. The Neoconservatives who control
the Republican Party, and their partners the Democratic Leadership
Council who control the Democratic Party, have dual loyalties,
and in some cases dual citizenship, in the U.S. and Israel.
Extend U.S. military power further into central Asia and the
Middle East. Surround Russia. Terrorize and dominate the world.
Make hundreds of billions of dollars on weapons sales.
Fulfill JudeoChristian bible prophecy by creating Armageddon –
nuclear war in the Middle East.
Motives of the Israeli government:
Have the U.S. severely weaken the other countries of the Middle East.
Complete the expulsion of the Palestinian people from Palestine (“Israel”).
The state of Israel was created by deception, robbery, and mass murder.
The sad fact is, Zionism is a Jewish form of Fascism.
See: The Hidden History of Zionism
Expand the territory of Israel to the extent declared by Theodor Herzl,
the founder of Zionism, and presented to the United Nations in 1947.
Evidence of U.S. involvement:
The Defense Stand-Down
Examination of the Pentagon after the attack showed that
explosives had been planted there.
Arab terrorists could not have done that.
An extensive coverup of the facts.
Evidence of Israeli involvement:
Israeli spies (Mossad) filmed the attack on the World Trade Center
and celebrated when it fell.
Larry Silverstein
Mossad agents were arrested several times in the U.S. with maps
of nuclear sites, in vans that smelled of explosives.
Mossad agents were arrested in the Mexican congress building
carrying explosives!
May 11, 2010 at 1:51 pm
Hey Rebbe, that last one is good, scrumptious, I love it!
May 11, 2010 at 1:58 pm
Can you imagine what the Kaganess would look like with no clothes on???
May 11, 2010 at 3:21 pm
Tthe-hidden-history-of-zionism-the-whole-book-full-text online
This little book is MANDATORY. Just read the book!!!
May 11, 2010 at 3:36 pm
lncoglaand will soon break 1,6 million hits:
1,573,895 Visitors to INCOG LAND.
@ lncog: We got the right concep here. You post up new articles and we flog the Lying Jew Scumbag in the comment secdtion 24-7. Spamblinka was the key to kick out the obnoxious Lying Jew Scumbag. Now we ladies and gentlem men are in c´harge. lncogland is what a judenfre, jewfree world would be like.
May 11, 2010 at 3:54 pm
That’s right, ‘Hoff’, and when I get a few minutes, I’ve got some ideas to share with Incogman and the others to optimize our time, not only on this site but all the others too.
May 11, 2010 at 5:45 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
No Name.
That is a great post.
Just the picture even, which shows clearly, the supports have been sheared at an oblique angle, with what appears to be molten steel, dried hard, dripped down the front, like candle wax.
I’ve never seen that before.
May 11, 2010 at 6:01 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
American success story, or anti-American ethnic collectivism? Jewry’s long history of anti-assimilation, Zionist bigotry, and nepotism within the U.S.
The Jewish Path to Success
The news that Senator Joseph Lieberman had his two children on the campaign payroll as fundraisers with six-figure salaries raised some concerned eyebrows last month in the American Jewish community. Sure, Matt and Rebecca Lieberman are hard and effective workers, and since then have even taken a conspicuous pay cut — but couldn’t their father get them a job in a less conspicuous place?
The Connecticut senator, though, is only doing what dozens of other politicians have been doing of late: bringing his children into the family business.
To be honest, Jews aren’t really upset about the fact that Lieberman hired his children or even that he paid them high salaries. The discomfort with the personnel choices of the first Jewish candidate to make a serious run at the presidency is that his behavior is subjected to a higher level of scrutiny by the general public. In a word, what Jews fear is how it looks to the goyim: clannishness and underlying hypocrisy about meritocracy and nepotism.
May 11, 2010 at 6:53 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
I noticed that in his comment on that piece at judeofascism, the blogger chris moore, attempts some spurious analogizing, vis a vis Nazi Germany,ethnocentrism, two sides of the same coin etc.
All very analsore. All very jewy.
I would have given him a slap, but you have to sign up to blogger, or google. Screw that.
Worth a glance for instructive purposes, if you can be arsed.
May 12, 2010 at 8:02 pm
Given the unreported abet widespread support within US legal and political circles for racist organizations such as Chabad Lubavitch, doesn’t logic dictates Prof. Kagan’s infatuation with criminalizing the 1st Amendment boomerang on ZOG’s proponents?
From http://www.davidduke.com/general/1861_1861.html
“What is Chabad Lubavitch? It is worldwide, ultra-orthodox Jewish extremist organization with members in every leading nation of the world. If you are not familiar with the organization, its racial supremacism will shock you.
Chabad Lubavitch teaches that Gentiles are unclean, inferior creatures whose sole purpose on the earth is to serve Jews. Various Chabad rabbis maintain that Jews are literally the DNA of God, while Gentiles are the “supernal refuse of creation.[1]” They often teach that it is no sin, and is in fact righteous, to kill or cheat a Gentile. Some readers may not want to believe this, but any quick research on the Internet to official Chabad sites and the writings of numerous Chabad rabbis will bear out every word that I say. You will find that everything in Jewish Supremacism is thoroughly documented and referenced.”
Oh, I’m sorry, that conclusion requires the application of intellectual honesty and integrity in the course of interpreting the law, of which the aforementioned are woefully lacking.
June 22, 2010 at 5:13 pm
Ahhh YESSSS how sweet it is!!! Some days I do love fast news…Chosenoid Rabbi goes down for 27 long, glad they got him before Kagan got her mitts into this case
Sholom Rubashkin to receive 27-year prison sentence
Blog post by Grant Schulte • gschulte@dmreg.com • June 21, 2010
Sholom Rubashkin will receive a 27-year federal prison sentence on Tuesday for his leadership in the financial fraud scandal at Agriprocessors Inc., a judge declared today.
U.S. District Judge Linda Reade will impose a 324-month prison term for the former eastern Iowa meat plant mogul, followed by 5 years of supervised release, according to a ruling filed this morning.
She also will order Rubashkin to pay $18.5 million to First Bank Business Capital, the plant’s largest lender; $8.3 million to MB Financial Bank, another lender; and $3,800 to Waverly Sales, Inc., which received late payments from the plant for cattle.
Rubashkin was convicted of 86 financial fraud charges last November for leading the scheme to defraud the banks. A South Dakota jury concluded at trial that Rubashkin had ordered employees to create bogus financial documents to collect advances on a revolving loan.
The plan collapsed shortly after a May 2008 immigration raid at Agriprocessors in Postville, when the slaughterhouse plummeted into bankruptcy.
Reade rejected defense arguments that Rubashkin lacked the authority to stop the criminal conduct at the Postville slaughterhouse founded by his father. She cited 11 examples from his trial, including testimony that he directed employees to create false sales records, and helped illegal immigrant employees secure false work papers.
Rubashkin’s “degree of control and authority was close to absolute,” Reade wrote in the 52-page ruling. “He told his employees when, where and how to commit the various crimes.”
Reade said Rubashkin lied at his trial when he testified that he never told employees to create fake sales records and customer checks. His testimony conflicted with former employee accounts that were more believable, she said.
She also rejected defense arguments for a lesser sentence because of his charitable work, his relationship with his 17-year-old autistic son, Moishe, and other family responsibilities.
“Defendant devotes a substantial amount of evidence and argument to his contention that his offenses of conviction were not motivated out of a sense of personal greed, but rather, out of a sense of duty to maintain his family business for religious purposes,” Reade wrote.
“No matter Defendant’s motive, he defrauded the victim banks out of millions of dollars. He unlawfully placed his family business’s interest above the victim banks’ interest. His family business and he personally benefitted at the expense of all the victim banks’ innocent shareholders.”
She later added: “Additionally, it is entirely possible that a number of Defendant’s charitable deeds were funded with proceeds from his crimes. It is far easier to be generous with someone else’s money instead of one’s own.”
Prosecutors had asked Reade to impose a 25-year sentence. Rubashkin’s attorneys requested no more than six years.
Bob Teig, a spokesman for the U.S. attorney’s office, said prosecutors can collect the restitution by seizing and selling Rubashkin’s assets. Teig said it was too early to tell whether the full amount would be repaid.
Defense lawyers said they plan to appeal Rubashkin’s conviction and sentence.
“We believe that the sentence is greater than necessary,” said Rubashkin lawyer Guy Cook, of Des Moines. “It’s even greater than the government asked for. It’s unfair and excessive. It’s essentially a life sentence for a 51-year-old man, and it’s not in the public interest.”
Reade said she will read her sentence memorandum in federal court Tuesday in Cedar Rapids. Prosecutors and defense attorneys have scheduled press conferences afterward to speak about the case.