Palestine, today. Trust me: You will be on the right side and we will win!
We all know how commercialized Christmas has become. Getting consumer goods, watching stupid stuff on TV and working in jobs that we don’t care about, wondering if there is more to life. You know there’s more, you just can’t seem to focus on what it might be. Why has society become like this today? Is there not anything bigger than all the unnecessary wants and hokum that fills our daily lives?
Is there not anything beyond the presents that we open on Christmas morning and forget? Yes, there is and it’s something that goes beyond each of our own religious views or even lack of, this coming Christmas day.
Now, everyone knows the story about baby Jesus on Christmas and his later time on earth. People all across the globe have been moved by the stories of the Nativity, the Sermon of the Mount and the miracle of the loaves and fish. But there’s another much bigger message about Jesus’ life and one that you may not have even stopped to consider. But it first takes a little understanding.
Just think on this for a minute: Here’s a man that lived 2,000 years ago. He died a gruesome death at around 33 or 34 years of age. His own friends turned their backs on him, then a common criminal (Barabas) was given freedom instead of him when the crowd was asked to decide. Only His immediate family and His disciples mourned his death and even then some pretended not to know him at all (the Jews were persecuting them).
All things considered: We should not even know of this man’s very existence, whatsoever (yes, there is historical proof that he once walked the earth). This coming Friday morning many of us will celebrate his birthday. Billions will.
And the one message of his life that people sometimes forget or overlook? That’s the enormous influence his very short life had on human history to this very day. It’s incredible when you think about it. Ponder that one for a minute or two!
This often overlooked message can be shared by even the non-Christians out there. And that very message is: Everyone, including you, can make a giant difference in the world, after-all. Sure, you may not have miraculous powers, but you really can do surprising things, nevertheless, in the modern world.
One person can, indeed, change history by his actions. There’s a saying: Good men can make a difference just by standing up and speaking out. Sure, you may only be one person and all, but if enough of you “one persons” get together — than it suddenly becomes much more than “just one person.” Some real changes can be accomplished.
No, you don’t need to go out and march around town with placards hanging in front and back, but you have to make some kind of effort. It’s actually pretty easy to do and won’t take you a lot of time. In can fit in one sentence: Learn what you can about all of these issues and don’t be afraid to talk openly about it to the people around you. That’s really not a whole lot.
Just this alone will get to the bottom of all of this mess. Sitting on the sidelines is much worse because it allows real evil to progress and grow silently in the dark until we and our children are faced with it.
Now, I write a lot of things here and I may not have everything perfect but I do try to get it right. There’s plenty of links here from other sources (look on the left) that will help far more than I ever could. Intelligent people like Patrick Grimm and David Duke are out there. But I’ve thought about these things too, for years before deciding to try to do something, anything to change things. And all simply because I believe strongly in what I have to say.
And isn’t that my whole point?
Chances are virtually certain that in another 2,000 years no one will even know my name. But that will not dissuade me. Even if I’m spat-upon, cursed, censored, ostracized, jailed or even killed, I will still say what I say because it’s the truth and if I reach just one of you, then my efforts will not be in vain. But will Jesus Christ’s name be still with us then? Will those forces that literally seek to deny his very existence succeed in eradicating his name for future generations? Look around: Some are even banning the word “Christmas” and Nativity scenes are now outlawed on any public property.
And no, my message is not of hate. It’s a message of standing up for ourselves, for the White race to show some backbone, to say enough is enough. A message of warning to my own people, to get them to at least sit-up and take notice. Not to blindly hate, but fight against the real evils that seeks to destroy our kind. Only by recognizing things for what they are together and voicing our concerns loudly then maybe, just maybe, we can avoid some kind of real life hate thing.
They say Jesus wanted you to turn the other cheek when slapped in the face. Yet we readily see that Jesus must have been a true revolutionary spirit, by his preaching and living with the little people; his fight against the evil powers that enslaved his own people. He did not stand idly by and keep quiet, when he saw Satan’s hand.
Before the man was hung on the cross, he went into the temple area and overturned the Money Changer’s tables. He saw a real Evil presence — the exact same evil Pharisee mind-set that has now ensnared our politicians, media and economy today.
All people wish to protect themselves, to prosper and survive; while passing our DNA to succeeding generations. It’s natural. It’s a part of our physical makeup and in our genes themselves. We have a duty — each of us — to do everything we can to ensure a better world in the future. Why do we even have children to begin with?
All the hopes for my own people, the very ideas that I express here, are slandered and called “hate” by those who wish to advance their own racial hate and heritage at the expense of ours. These people use clever subterfuges, mind games and high-sounding social engineering to attack our race, but still expect us to shrug it off, not notice a thing. When we do and say something, are we not attacked and slandered on an automatic basis? How can they expect us to keep ignoring these things?
But they do!
One only has to look at all the on-going efforts in egalitarian “Diversity” race politics, all the media’s efforts in keeping us White people in the dark, the continual immoralities, the financial and government travesties. Compare all of these Jewish efforts to corrupt the White countries of the western world while they, at the same time, work ceaselessly for the Jewish race and religion. You should now see the blatantly evil hypocrisy.
Some people who read my words may wrestle with the ideas expressed and what it might mean for their world view. You have to keep in mind, always, that such things are not about every Jew out there. Never has been. This is precisely why the problem is so difficult, so elusive, so soul-searching. Some see it clearly and take the easy way out and brand all of them.
And sure, it hasn’t been all of them. It’s only been those arrogant ones who have used race politics and divisiveness against the White Gentile to advance themselves, their ambitious power, greed and religion; those who would label you, slander you and maybe in the future, even jail you, for talking about any of these things. They seek to enslave your mind, confuse and blind you. Some even wish to create a world where they themselves are the open rulers over you.
Those responsible are the Jewish Extremists and Zionists — those who brazenly work non-stop to keep up the Jewish strangle-hold on White countries. They want you to stay confused and in the dark, while they go on promoting social changes that will turn us into a powerless minority in our very own countries.
What we have is a hidden enemy — a hidden war, really. Yes, that’s exactly what is going on. These kinds of things in history have a terrible habit of coming back in violent, uncontrollable ways. The resulting “blowback” does not know any who have stood idly by the sidelines.
Do you want to be a force for true peace and justice, or do you just want to go play video games, or watch “Dancing with the Stars” tonight?
And remember this: If Jesus could affect history to such a degree over 2,000 years, then you, at the very least, can spend a little time reading, looking into all of this and talking openly to all you know. You needn’t worry about the slanders some will point your way — parroted words are nothing compared to the truth or the pain of the cross.
Refuse to tell yourself that your efforts don’t make a difference. Jesus showed us that’s wrong. You can do it. All of us — all of you!
Merry Christmas from INCOG MAN!
– Phillip Marlowe
“Tolerance is the virtue of men who no longer believe in anything.” – G.K. Chesterton
“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.” – Plato
“Be the change you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Comments feed for this article
January 12, 2010 at 4:42 pm
GDL/White Master
Hang the Jew, the backstabbing teacher, and send the race traitor to the Congo to see what their mate is really like!
Face Paint,
But hell that could describe Jews/Israel also!
January 12, 2010 at 5:04 pm
kerdasi amaq
well, yeah, do you think that race-mixing came from nowhere? That it’s happening all by itself? There has been a 50 year or more, propaganda campaign to make race-mixing acceptable. Some people seem to think that the victims of this propaganda should be punished: instead of the promoters.
What’s the obsession with Akira anyway?
January 12, 2010 at 5:20 pm
kerdasi amaq
“Some people seem to think that the victims of this propaganda should be punished: instead of the promoters.”
So your logic says………. Lets Hang the promoters and let the Victims now fuck around with Blacks and Yellows and Muds and Jews…………… and then what …………..
Look back and say……… we were smart, we hanged the promoters great, now there is NO white race anymore. That’s real sense ?!?
“What’s the obsession with Akira anyway?”
Akira is the Only Yellow Jap that hangs around here preaching race mix, so I gave her as an example .
January 13, 2010 at 12:03 am
Hey jewcrap, why don’t you get over here
and be all witty and brave, and enlighten all us evil naziracisthatemongers, with your 2 cents(don’t worry, no money involved you can keep that).
January 13, 2010 at 1:47 am
RE: the reaction to:
“Akira is the Only Yellow Jap that hangs around here preaching race mix, so I gave her as an example.”
As Akira said, “Don’t shoot the messenger.”
January 13, 2010 at 11:30 pm
@Suzanne McCarthy
The imposition of Christianity:
“The Aztecs accepted Christianity as a cult, not because their hearts were touched by doctrines of love and mercy, but because Christianity was the religion of the White men whose bronze cannon and mail-clad warriors made them invincible.” — Revilo P. Oliver
Savitri Devi made a similar observation regarding Charlemagne’s slaughter of the Saxon nobility. It wasn’t the power of Christ that compelled the pagan conversion of Europe: it was the extermination of their ruling and priestly castes by fire and sword.
Himmler was trying to revive a European warrior caste with the creation of the SS. Despite the armature of Christianity that Hitler’s public persona never fully divested itself of, the European revolution of 1933-1945 was a revival of the ancient virtues, a form of ancestor worship. I am certain it was this that led to the Golden Age of Classical Greece, circa 600 BCE: The Greeks trusted in their ancestors in a mediatative profundity that we now know led to early computers, such as the Antikythera mechanism. A prominent academic I knew once said, “At its apex, Greece was 50 years away from nuclear fission.” I think in ways yet abstruse, they and others of our lineage may have surpassed it.
The results of this imposition:
Vivekananda said of scriptures, “There is some truth in some of them, and a lot of untruth in all of them.” Whites were not the first people unable to distinguish between the two. The most egregious result of Christianity for Whites has been the paralysis it has induced in our will to live. One cannot realistically live up to the negations required by Christianity. Life is struggle and struggle is life, but Christianity induces a schism, rendering one unable to do battle on the field of life. The warrior monks of the Crusades were an anomaly, and what was their chastity but a negation; a vow against life itself. Their only alternatives were homosexuality or miscegenation, either one a genetic death.
Where we are:
“For fifteen centuries the religion of the Western world has been Christianity, Western Christianity, and there is no other religion now known or even imaginable that could take its place. But it is simply an historical fact, which we must deplore but cannot change, that only a small part of our population today, 12 or 15 per cent., really believes that Christ was the son of God, that the soul is immortal, and that our sins will be punished in a future life. That means that the religious instinct, which is a part of our nature, finds in the majority of our people no satisfaction in an unquestioning faith; so that those frustrated instincts are available for exploitation by any halfway clever scoundrel, as the shysters and punks who now occupy the majority of our pulpits well know. When faith is lost, what Pareto calls the religious residue in a people becomes its most vulnerable point, its Achilles heel. It is the unsatisfied need for an unquestioning faith in a superior power.” — Revilo P. Oliver
This leads us to what we need now, and where that will take us:
“Only immature individuals see the Gods as actual beings, or as not existing at all: The Gods are manifestions of psychic forces.” — C.G. Jung
Atheism leads to solipsism and despair, one shrinks before the emptiness and horror of infinity. Polytheism was recognized by our ancestors as the only intelligent reconciliation of theodicy, which obviously cannot exist in monotheism and leads to the schisms already noted.
Character produces religion, not the other way round.
I propose an ancestor worship based religion for Whites, with long periods of purposeful, reverential meditation for elites to foster a Renaissance of culture and technology. The precedents of Ancient Greece and Vedic India show us that this is a formula that works. This is our salvation; our vocation. We have already painted ourselves into a corner with our forgetfulness. If we don’t establish a link to our past we will literally have no future.
January 13, 2010 at 11:58 pm
Every single one of the quotes you site were made by people who do not even know what true Christianity is. They are not alone. 99.99% of Christiandom haven’t a clue the true rendering of the scripture.
The scripture concerning the love of our neighbors or turning the other cheek has not ever and does not now apply to anyone but the White Adamic race and how we are to deal with one another.
The scripture concerning salvation did not then and does not now concern anyone but the White Adamic race.
Yahshua said that HE came ONLY for the White Adamic Race and specifically commanded HIS apostles to go ONLY to the White Adamic race and that is exactly what they did; traveling ONLY to the nations of the White Adamic race.
ANYONE, whether pagan or JEW-DOO-DOO Anti-CHRISTian who believes otherwise has fallen hook, line and sinker for the fables of the Jews.
Titus 1
13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;
14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.
15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.
January 14, 2010 at 12:49 am
I’ve already stated that I admire the unapologetic Wille zur Macht — Will to Power — that CI evinces in replacing the Jews.
I’ll further state that love inside, hate outside the tribe is an obviously paramount guideline for a people to become viable, let alone great.
I stress that these two separate injunctions are guidelines because hate outside the group is not always necessary, or even productive; and needless to say, Whites have a long time to go to implement rudimentary loyalty, let alone love.
Has it never occured to you that CI is just a reaction to Judaism? If Jews hadn’t been dominant, would Whites’ status as Adamic Man really have been discovered?
About 3K years ago a miserable tribe of murderer-robbers told a lie about themselves: that they were “chosen” by The Gods (they started out polytheists). There is no way Whites could emulate their genocidal depravity, but nevertheless, I don’t want to see Whites make the same mistake.
January 15, 2010 at 12:13 am
If Jews hadn’t been dominant, would Whites’ status as Adamic Man really have been discovered?
Yes, because archeological truth is still truth; as are the other various disciplines used to support this truth.
About 3K years ago a miserable tribe of murderer-robbers told a lie about themselves: that they were “chosen” by The Gods
It was actually only a little over two thousands years ago. And they did this by overturning the government of White Israelites. The same pattern can be found throughout history. Infiltration, alienation, assassinations, subterfuge and finally destruction.
What the jews are doing today to the nations of the West is not new. It is a time proven means of destroying the White race. No other race on the planet has gotten this “special” treatment from the jews.
Without the truth of our history, people are bound to miss this deliberate, repeated pattern, which has gone on for at least 4,000 years; not just since the middle ages as most assume.
Further CI did not adopt anything from the Jews in response to the Jews. Rather we went back to the original Greek manuscripts. The bible today uses manuscripts which are dated to 700AD+. This 700 year gap gave the subverters of the truth more than ample time to rewrite history and subvert the original meaning of the text.
January 15, 2010 at 12:39 am
What if you were fighting a battle that you have already won?
“Roots of Evil in Jerusalem” is a search term for ya. Jeremy Golden, a Jew.
They have already lost. People around the globe will show them up for what they really are in the days to come.
January 15, 2010 at 2:56 am
There aren’t many spot on statements coming from Zahi Hawass, but this is one of them. It’s been common knowledge for many, many years that the pyramids were not built by slaves — let alone Jewish slaves.
Egypt tombs suggest pyramids not built by slaves:
January 15, 2010 at 2:02 pm
What if you were fighting a battle that you have already won?
Unless the jews intend to commit mass suicide, the problem will remain. This is not the first time the jews have caused problems for the White Race and as long as they live and breathe, the danger is ever present.
In the past, our people dealt with the jew by expelling them or confining them in ghettos. This has only ever been a temporary reprieve from their insidious behavior.
This time, the solution MUST be permanent! They are well past their third strike.
January 15, 2010 at 5:56 pm
Suzanne McCarthy
Sure looks like CI is just a reaction to Judaism, since as long as there are Jews they feel unsafe, meaning all their belief is based on something that involves a connection to judaism, that cannot be a base belief for the white race.
I do accept your idea that we need an ancestor worship based religion for Whites where its holders envisaged unity in a continuous and never-ending stream of lives, perpetuating itself in succession through the ages, and out of which and back into which individuals arise and sink, an idea in direct contrast to the modern view that the individual is the most important factor in life.
January 16, 2010 at 12:40 am
Sure looks like CI is just a reaction to Judaism, since as long as there are Jews they feel unsafe, meaning all their belief is based on something that involves a connection to judaism, that cannot be a base belief for the white race.
It is not becoming of those of our race to belittle or even conjecture about things which they obviously know NOTHING about.
And it is obvious that you know little if anything about Christian Identity by that statement alone.
I am being kind because I am assuming that you are White and non-Jewish. We have already had one jew on this site who tried exactly what you are trying.
Try acting a little more White.
January 16, 2010 at 5:23 pm
You’re being dismissive and condescending again. This is how we got off on the wrong foot. If critique of your belief system elicits only hostility, there might be something wrong there, don’t you think? Chesterton said, “The test of a good religion is whether you can make a joke about it.” It goes without saying, CI cannot brook being teased even a little.
Is Suzanne McCarthy anti-white? Quite possibly; the internet is the perfect medium for liars. I also know a million people have hit this site, that people are actually reading this. I suspect that’s why she’s here. Akira is vociferously anti-white, yet his nonsense his tolerated because he’s Christian. I’m willing to extend the same courtesy to Ms. McCarthy.
@Suzanne McCarthy
“an idea in direct contrast to the modern view that the individual is the most important factor in life.”
This is probably the key factor why nationalism and self-determinism in the West have been subverted so thoroughly, compared to the East, where these essential components of nationhood; of a people’s viability, are still relatively strong, though under attack.
Western Whites have been led by the nose into a corral of “personal liberty.” Once there, they find neither personal nor group determinism. The Eastern mind, and, until recently, the European mind, have understood that liberty, at least in the adolescent American sense, does not exist. You’re free to agree, and stick as much pie in your face as you want in America. The US is a land of dangerous illusions, and I think it will reach a point of critical mass. Even Paul Craig Roberts, the paleocon, recently admitted to Alex Jones that it’s the only thing that can save us. Undoubtedly, he’s right. The US is a fastrack to the abattoir for Whites. Collapse won’t benefit most Whites at all, but those who survive will be a vanguard.
January 16, 2010 at 8:04 pm
From The Forgotten Soldier, by Guy Sajer. Captain Wesreidau addresses Sajer’s company in the Gross Deutschland division: Russia: Autumn, 1943.
Is he talking about Russia 1943, or the US and Europe today? Note the prescience.
That’s why you’re fighting,” Hauptmann Wesreidau, our captain, said to us one day. “you’re nothing more than animals on the defensive, even when you’re obligated to ttake the offensive. So be brave: life is war ,and war is life. Liberty doesn’t exist.”
‘Germany is a great nation. Today our difficulties are immense. The system in which we more or less believe is every bit as good as the slogans on the other side. Even if we don’t always approve of what we have to do, we must carry out orders for the sake of our country, our comrades, and our families, against whom the other half of the world is fighting in the name of truth and justice. All of you are old enough to understand that. I have done a good deal of traveling – to South America, and even to New Zealand. Since Spain, I have fought in Poland and France, and now Russia – and I can tell you that everywhere there are the same dominating hypocrisies. Life, my father, the example of former times – all of these taught me to sustain my existence with rectitude and loyalty. And I have clung to these principles in spite of all the hardships and follies which have been my lot. Many times, when I could have responded with a thrust of the sword, I only smiled, and blamed myself, assuming that I myself was the cause of all my troubles.
‘When I had my first taste of war, in Spain, I thought of suicide – it all seemed so vile. But then I saw the ferocity of others, who also believed in the justice of their cause, and offered themselves up to acts of murder, as to a purification. I watched the soft, effete French shift from terror to toughness, and take up the arms they couldn’t use when they needed them, once we had restored their confidence, and offered them the hand of friendship. In general, human beings don’t accept the unaccustomed. Change frightens and upsets them, and they will fight even to preserve situations they have always detested. But a slick armchair philosopher can easily arouse a rabble to support an abstract proposition – for instance, “all men are equal” – even when the differences between men are obviously as great as the differences between cows and roosters. Then those exhausted societies, drained by their “liberty,” begin to bellow about their “convictions” and become a threat to us and to peace. It’s basic wisdom to keep people like that well fed and content, if one wishes to extract even a tenth of the possible return.
‘Something of this kind is happening on the other side. As a people, we are fortunate in being less indolent than they. If someone tells to examine ourselves, we at least have the courage to do it. Our condition is not absolutely perfect, but at least we agree to look at other things, and take chances. We are now embarked on a risky enterprise, with no assurance of safety. We are advancing an idea of unity which is neither rich nor easily digestible, but the vast majority of the German people accept it and adhere to it, forging and forming it in admirable collective effort. This is where we are now risking everything. We are trying, taking due account of the attitudes of society, to change the face of the world, hoping to revive the ancient virtues buried under the layers of filth bequeathed to us by our forebears. We can expect no reward for this effort. We are loathed everywhere: if we should lose tomorrow those of us still alive after so much suffering will be judged without justice. We shall be accused of an infinity of murder, as if everywhere, and at all times, men at war did not behave in the same way. Those who have an interest in putting an end to our ideals will ridicule everything we believe in. We shall be spared nothing.
Even the tombs of our heroes will be destroyed, only preserving – as a gesture of respect toward the dead – a few which contain figures of doubtful heroism, who were never fully committed to our cause. With our deaths, all the prodigies of heroism which our daily circumstances require of us, and the memory of our comrades, dead and alive, and our communion of spirits, our fears and our hopes, will vanish, and our history will never be told. Future generations will speak only of an idiotic, unqualified sacrifice. Whether you wanted it or not, you are now part of this undertaking, and nothing which follows can equal the efforts you have made, if you must sleep tomorrow under the quieter skies of the opposite camp. In that case, you will never be forgiven for having survived. You will either be rejected or preserved like a rare animal which has escaped a cataclysm. With other men, you will be as cats are to dogs and you will never have any real friends. Do you wish such an end for yourselves?
‘…Once the fighting begins, I will not tolerate doubt and defeatism. We shall be suffering not only in the interests of ultimate victory, but in the interests of daily victory against those who hurl themselves at us without respite, and whose only thought is to exterminate us, without any understanding of what is at stake.
January 17, 2010 at 12:07 am
@Suzanne McCarthy
“Sure looks like CI is just a reaction to Judaism, since as long as there are Jews they feel unsafe…”
And as long as there are non-jews, Jews feel unsafe. Your observation is a illustration of why Whites supplanting Jews in their solipsistic cult — not merely as the dominant paradigm — is not a good idea.
We need to emulate the Jews in tribalism, not in paranoia and narcissisim.
‘Dr. Hutschnecker likened the Jewish need to be persecuted to the kind of insanity where the afflicted person mutilates himself. He said that those who mutilate themselves do so because they want sympathy for themselves. But, he added, such persons reveal their insanity by disfiguring themselves in such a way as to arouse revulsion rather than sympathy.
‘Dr. Hutschnecker substantiated his claim that the United States was no longer a mentally healthy nation by quoting Dr. David Rosenthal, chief of the laboratory of psychology at the National Institute of Mental Health, who recently estimated that more than 60,000,000 people in the United States suffer from some form of “schizophrenic spectrum disorder.” Noting that Dr. Rosenthal is Jewish, Dr. Hutschnecker said that Jews seem to take a perverse pride in the spread of mental illness.
‘There is no doubt in my mind,” Dr. Hutschnecker said, “that Jews have infected the American people with schizophrenia. Jews are carriers of the disease and it will reach epidemic proportions unless science develops a vaccine to counteract it.”
January 17, 2010 at 1:08 am
You’re being dismissive and condescending again.
How so? Suzanne said Sure looks like CI is just a reaction to Judaism
It is obvious by that statement that she doesn’t understand what CI is about. We are not “a reaction” to anything but the truth. As a White man, I will not ignore factual archeological findings, ancient writings of Assyrians, Greeks, Romans and yes Israelites (White ALL) simply because of my hatred for a dirty vile race who has stolen our inheritance. That would be foolish; in the worst traditions of my people.
And since I have actually studied CI, it is fair to say that I can critique that statement justly (or I would not critique it at all). It is not condescending, it is a matter of fact. Furthermore, our race has been conditioned to make knee jerk statements; based on either our love of hatred of the jews. How sick is that? I can assure anyone here that I would be CI with or without the creature called the jew.
Akira is vociferously anti-white, yet his nonsense his tolerated because he’s Christian. I’m willing to extend the same courtesy to Ms. McCarthy.
I have not advocated sending Ms. McCarthy to spamblinka. If she is White, her views should be heard, HOWEVER, we should correct one another with love and never allow our kinspeople to speak lies or tread in unfamiliar territory with authoritative, albeit false statements. And we should be willing to show one another when we have unwittingly adopted JEW-defied attitudes.
“an idea in direct contrast to the modern view that the individual is the most important factor in life.”
This is probably the key factor why nationalism and self-determinism in the West have been subverted so thoroughly…
AMEN! and Amen! One thing that many White Christians miss when reading the Bible (IF they even bother to read the Bible) is that YHWH (call HIM the ALL FATHER, if you will) did not just judge that actions of individuals. In fact, that was not HIS primary focus. YHWH judged the NATION; the collective whole of the White Race.
The idea that we are individuals and “do your own thing” was totally foreign to our forebearers. When the Founding Fathers stated that “all MEN are created equal”, they had no intention of applying that to anyone but those of the White race. It was a 1960′s jew perversion of “individualism”, which DOOMED our race. But it is not the first time they have used that tactic to the detriment of our people in their long historical battle against us.
January 17, 2010 at 1:30 am
Octo, you use your time at a nationlistic minded site to criticize that which is a guiding force for many of our people. You are either intentionally attempting to split unity, attempting to learn by posing as an earnest questioner/skeptic, or are seeking to find a justification in order to build a philosophy around your own intellect. Why do you strut around as if your views are the supreme views and that others views are based on quackery? If you are trying to invent God for yourself – go ahead. Just quit picking at the God of a great number of good White men.
I have no problem with the views of others. Just don’t try to force me to listen and respond to those views when it is plain that you are not interested in learning them for yourself. I remind you that I have no problem with David Lane or with Oliver, both of whom based their views on thoughts that were rational for them, and both of whom were positive influences in awakening others to the perils faced by all Whites. If you want to write a blog expressing your views, I will likely want to read it. It is tiring, however, to see those views used in creating anomosities.
There were two-hundred years of Whites of differing opinions working together, and disagreeing respectfully and thoughtfully, about thier beliefs in America, before the organized jewish/communist conversions. I once was sickened by Jehovah’s Witnesses trying every Saturday to change my and other’s opinions with their household calls, as well as the exhorting TV “evangelists”, who were of the same caliber.
Now, it is the agnostics who seem intent upon becoming athiests who do the same thing. You strike me as being one of those. I know that even if you are sincere in your questioning then I must question whether it is because of your youth or whether it is because of your delusion.
If the former, then I suggest you try to do more learning. If the latter, try questioning whether you may fall within the growing group of current misguided people who are identified as follows:
“The Apostle Paul speaking about anti-christ and the people who will believe it’s lies.
“Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”
People do not want to hear the truth for they love their pleasures in unrighteousness more.”
January 17, 2010 at 2:04 am
Christ was not Aryan. Aryans weren’t born in Bethlehem. Therefore, for a Christian, it’s blasphemous.”
How do you know? You do not have the slightest knowledge of the history of my race. We once inhabited Egypt well before niggers and mud shit Arabs. That is provable. The Aryans most definitely did inhabit Bethlehem; long before the Arabs. In fact, all of North Africa was White before the Turko-Mongolian and Moorish invasions. Again, that is a provable fact.
January 17, 2010 at 2:19 am
PS: Aryans is Hebrew and it means Mountain of YAH.
Also, you do not know the definition of “blasphemy” as evidenced by the way you used the word.
January 17, 2010 at 2:26 am
I don’t think there’s unity in Christianity for Whites because it produces a schism, which I think I’ve explained pretty well. Nationalism and Christianity are at odds, and you know it. The former is particularism amd the latter is universalism. That’s one thing Akira is right about — not to mention honest — there can be no tribalism in Christianity. It isn’t Christianity then. What good could possibly come from trying to reconcile irreconciliable opposites?
There’s unity for non-whites in Christianity, because belief is irrelevant and social services are paramount. As far as my capacity to “strut around” imposing my “supreme views”: I had some things to say and I said them. Suzanne McCarthy asked for my opinion, and a lot of what I had to say was leading up to that selection from The Forgotten Soldier. If you got nothing from that, fine, but I thought we were beyond personal attacks by now.
January 17, 2010 at 2:27 am
I forgot to sign the above, Flanders.