Eugene Terre’blanche was beaten to death by two blacks on his farm.
Here, I’ll copy what a SA commenter said on My SA Sucks. Some of the words may not be completely understandable by an American audience, but the sentiment rings loud and clear: WHEN THE F–K WILL YOU GET IT?
Love him or hate him, Eugene (Oom Eugene) Terre’blanche was a powerful force in Afrikaner politics. There will be time aplenty for appropriate eulogies in the future to recognize the accomplishments of this man.
As the IOL report printed here quotes “…is being fuelled by irresponsible racist utterances by the leader of the ANCYL Leader Julius Malema and the North West Cosatu Secretary, Solly Pheto”
I have no doubt that ET’s murder was inspired and incited by the shit that the baboon Malema has been uttering these past few weeks and I have to ask myself this question: At what point have White South Africans had enough? At what point do you say “to hell with sunny skies, braaivleis, rugby and Chevrolet?” Are you at the tipping point yet? Was Anika Smit’s gruesome murder not enough for you? Now that ET, our only visible leader is gone, will this motivate the masses in self-defence? Are you going to let Malema enjoy his victory in the sun? Who amongst you will be next to be murdered by these cowardly kaffirs. Tell me that?
Put down the fucking Klipdrift, forget about Sunday’s braai with your dof brother-in-law and start thinking about how you are going to defend your people.
Malema must pay for his actions.
Start thinking my friends, start thinking and for Christ’s sake, wake the fuck up.
– Gonville.
Pretoria – A father arrived home from work on Wednesday to discover the body of his teenage daughter, naked and with her hands hacked off.
That morning, Johan Smit had said goodbye to his only child, 17-year-old Anika, before he left their home in the north of Pretoria for work.
When he got home she was dead and had presumably been raped. Her hands were cut off between the elbow and wrist and were missing.
“When I saw the dining room chairs were overturned, I knew something was wrong,” said Smit, 54, from Theresapark, as he fought back his tears.
“I called her, but she didn’t answer.”
Body in bedroom
Moments later, Smit discovered his daughter’s body in her bedroom.
Nothing was stolen.
Comments feed for this article
April 11, 2010 at 2:19 am
The jewess said: YOU ARE JEWS on this website
It appears the oriental has a partner in his struggle here.
April 11, 2010 at 2:31 am
The gig is up. You can’t fool Thermo, she’s got ya’lls number! Hail the Victory! Half White Power!
April 11, 2010 at 2:49 am
They should have built a gated community like the jew does in new york to keep the niggers out.
They had the man power to do it …. just to stupid to build a white land with a wall around it fenced off …… all niggers must have id to get in and out of the land.
It doesn’t cost much to build a sandbagged wall. So many niggers were doing nuthing… now the whites are upset…. you only had thirty years of absolute power to do this…. white fortified communities.
April 14, 2010 at 7:33 pm
Must read!
South Africa: Life in Azania
April 14, 2010 at 8:31 pm
They tell me I am dead pig in Israel?
Let me tell you jackasses something, I could eat bacon, and IF I did, I could eat more of it, faster, stronger, better with MORE vigor than ANY of you here.
BOLSHEVIKS, Bolsheviks—-bOlShEvIkS is the problem stupid incog and morons.
Orion is the ONLY MAN here that IS a man. The rest…just vertically challenged LITTLE man-childs.
April 14, 2010 at 8:38 pm
Aww, get over your fat Jew self. The only reason Orion says anything nice about you is cuz you’re a big laff.
Hell, that’s the only reason I let you stay out of SPAMblinka.
Bolsheviks WERE Jews! About 450 out of the 550 who took over Russia were Jews. About 300 where from Brooklyn, not too far from where your fat ass used to sit (oh, I know you’re down with your brother). Throw in a few Armenians, Turkmens, psychotic Whites, even a few Negroes and there you have it.
You and your tough bitch act is a joke.
April 14, 2010 at 8:41 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
You are right about everything. I freely admit it.
Your move!
April 14, 2010 at 9:04 pm
GDL/White Master
One day I was flipping through satellite channels just to see what kind of garbage was being shown on the ole Jew tube and I saw a program on some channel (who really gives a damn) about Israel’s women warriors. I’m thinking WTF. Is that Rahmbo in his ballerina costume or something?
Jewess thinks she is a Jewess warrior….LMAO!
April 15, 2010 at 12:58 pm
Bolsheviks WERE Jews!
April 15, 2010 at 5:10 pm
Paulette LMAO!!!
How do you eat bacon with “great vigor?” Why not wander down to Nathan’s and go straight for the hot-dog eating contest. I heard a little Japanese girl won it last year…I bet she could make you look like a kosher fool with bacon, hotdogs, or any other processed meat product. I think she ate 52 dogs in ten minutes…that equates to about 10 packs of bacon or so wouldn’t you say?
Deal with that vigor Paulette!!!
April 15, 2010 at 5:18 pm
Maybe she meant vinegar. !
April 16, 2010 at 6:17 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Goldstone banned by SA Zionists
Richard Goldstone, a former South African judge, has been effectively banned from attending his grandson’s bar mitzvah which is to be held in Johannesburg next month.
Goldstone, who authored a UN report on the war crimes committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip, has been barred by the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) from attending the event, South African and Israeli newspapers reported on Thursday.
April 16, 2010 at 8:17 pm
You and your tough bitch act is a joke.
—-Nope, it aint a joke, fartass. I was clocked 3 years ago @ 84 MPH fastball. I just beat the store-owner (gun store) here even/steven in an arm wrestle.
Go ahead, you can see my IP, Call one of the gun stores here, there are only a few.
I can kick your scrawny ass, no problemo, incogDIPSHIT.
And Marsh, whatever the f-ck ever. Anything you all can do, I can do it better.
April 16, 2010 at 8:19 pm
I just watched that stupid Vid.
The Notorious Kartas are FOR Obama you dummy.
April 16, 2010 at 8:29 pm
The nuclear threat if from TERRORIST ISRAEL, not iran:
April 18, 2010 at 7:11 pm
I feel sad; even though it’s one less liberal in the world!
April 26, 2010 at 9:08 pm
apparently armadinnerhacket and mgarbage are dating regarding the uranium in those zimbabwean hills…..
April 26, 2010 at 9:17 pm
KKK: “I just beat the store-owner…in an arm wrestle. … I can kick your scrawny ass, no problemo, incogDIPSHIT.”
I have no doubt about that. I know you’re a big bearded hairy-assed hairy-backed Khazar heifer.
What’s the point about “a GUN-STORE owner!” What, does some need big muscles now to sell a gun.
Whatever, we all know your one of those mannish things. Didn’t Dave say, “her…thing…is bigger than mine!”
May 2, 2010 at 3:59 am
gonville was a jew with a mission/agenda. he wanted to create a problem in s.a. i exposed him then he shut his site down. on his site you could pick every nation, race, religion etc, but wait for it jews…. haha when i exposed him, whanm bam, he shut it down. typical jewish behaviour. there are many in s.a.
May 2, 2010 at 6:23 am
Joost, Thanks for confirming what I had suspected to be true. I had seen many mild comments about jews and how they affected South Africa. The commenters were razed by Gonville and a certain few.
How is the site doing now? I suppose it is under new management since I was recently allowed to make a comment there, after being initially attacked, followed by an apology.
I’ve been planning to go back to see if there is a lasting improvement, but haven’t had the time.
May 9, 2010 at 5:27 pm
All Smiles
Yes! Im soo glad this man is dead! One Down millions more to go!!!
May 9, 2010 at 8:15 pm
kerdasi amaq
You bastard!
May 21, 2010 at 1:15 am
Stop the Boer genocide! Demonstration in Stockholm.
” The protest march by the Swedish Resistance Movement, under the slogan Stop the Boer Genocide!, took place in Stockholm on Saturday 17th of April, without any major disturbances. Following here is a brief report on the event.
Once gathered, participants flanked the street with flags, a banderole, shields and signs. Both the Resistance Movement´s own flags, as well as the Vierkleur flag was represented. The banderole read Stop the Boer genocide! and the signs showed a portrait of the murdered leader of the AWB, Eugéne TerreBlanche, who was honoured today as well.”
The honorable Eugene TerreBlanche is paid a fitting tribute.
May 21, 2010 at 1:26 am
All Smiles, a cynical, contemptuous smile is all you will ever have in the communalized world in which you are merely a small, smiling cog.
You will never experience the depths, nor the heights, of true civilized emotion that a real man has for a country which is his, commonly held with other indviduals for the good of all.