Watch the above video on the supposed terrorist attack on the Pentagon to see evidence that proves beyond a doubt that a carefully contrived False-Flag event was staged by elements within the US government on 9/11. The video is 81 minutes long, but absolutely well worth every minute of your time to watch.
It persuasively shows that the official version of Flight 77′s approach was always a complete fabrication. What is more startling, is that the plane must have pulled up over the Pentagon right before an explosion from something entirely else (but the video doesn’t speculate on what that was).
Make clear note that the NTSB provided “Black Box” data (below) supports the witnesses’ accounts and refutes what the government and traitorous media says was the direction of Flight 77. The downed light poles are in complete contradiction to this data and tells you that: 1) The NTSB data was fabricated, or 2) the path of the Jet was NOT what they say. Those light poles are a GIANT piece of evidence that something else is going on. Watch the video.
The direction the government says Flight 77 hit the Pentagon, after striking the light poles. Compare this to the Black box data (video below) and what the witnesses reported in the video above. Not only does the initial damage to the facade not match the plane (as seen above), but also the “angle of attack.” Someone is lying – big-time!
Quite possibly a smaller, unmanned aerial vehicle or cruise missile was on a parallel course, slightly behind the commercial aircraft that witnesses were busy watching, or maybe a previously positioned explosive was detonated at the precise moment. I know that sounds crazy, but it is easily within the realm of current technology to have done precisely that.
Go to their site (link below) and read more. You can also download the video to your hard drive and create a DVD, should you wish.
Flight 77 Black Box data released from the NTSB shows it could not have struck light poles or the Pentagon because it was on a different path and 480′ too high (and data just happens to end 1 second before supposed “impact”). The NTSB refuses to answer any questions about these discrepancies. This means: The data was falsified or 2) something else happened that day. Go here: Pilots for 911 Truth for more info and a video on them trying to get answers but being snubbed by the NTSB.
From the Citizen Investigation Team site:
To whom it concerns, i.e., everyone:
In 2006 Citizen Investigation Team launched an independent investigation into the act of terrorism which took place at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. This exhaustive three-year inquest involved multiple trips to the scene of the crime in Arlington, Virginia, close scrutiny of all official and unofficial data related to the event, and, most importantly, first-person interviews with dozens of eyewitnesses, many of which were conducted and filmed in the exact locations from which they witnessed the plane that allegedly struck the building that day.
Be forewarned: Our findings are extraordinarily shocking and frightening. They are also deadly serious, and deserving of your immediate attention. This is not about a conspiracy theory or any theory at all. This is about independent, verifiable evidence which unfortunately happens to conclusively establish as a historical fact that the violence which took place in Arlington that day was not the result of a surprise attack by suicide hijackers, but rather a false flag “black operation” involving a carefully planned and skillfully executed deception.
If you are skeptical of (or even incensed by) this statement we do not blame you. We are not asking you to take our word for it, nor do we want you to do that. We want you to view the evidence and see with your own eyes that this is the case. We want you to hear it directly from the eyewitnesses who were there, just as we did.
9/11 has now proved to be, without a doubt, the most evil and gigantic False Flag operation ever perpetrated on a population. I cannot believe that anyone who looks into all the details (like the above video) can possibly believe the business about 19 idiot Arabs with boxcutters, sent forth by cave-living Jihadists, pulling-off this whole thing.
And the evidence of involvement of Zionist Jews, Neocohens and pro-Zionist ”Americans” is equally compelling. These people are patently evil and must be stopped by any means we can.
These are the same people pushing for the NWO and running this country into the ground as we speak!
If any of you still believes what the government and media wants you to believe, than I spit in your face for your utter stupidity. It’s fools like you that enables this kind of evil to happen and such people to get away with this sort of thing. Thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of other people have died horrible deaths because of all this.
Wake the flock up, fools!
— Phillip Marlowe
Was there any aspect of 9/11 that was a conspiracy? The Pentagon certainly was!
Wiki disinfo on NTSB data from Pilots for 9/11 truth. Apparently, intelligence people are twisting facts on Wikipedia to deceive the public about all this.
Comments feed for this article
August 30, 2009 at 8:00 pm
Ummm…. Incogman, we all know by now that the US Government is nothing more than puppets to the Zionist Jews…. 9-11 was a pre-planned and orchestrated false flag operation in cooperation between the Mossad, and the CIA! Israel got their minions in America to kill thousands!
Great video though….
August 30, 2009 at 8:18 pm
Yeah, I know Northern. But all my efforts are devoted to awakening the sleeping masses.
August 30, 2009 at 9:15 pm
Both of our efforts are devoted to awakening the sleeping masses! Your work is great, and I hope that mine does at least a small part too.
Keep up the fine work, my friend…
August 30, 2009 at 9:39 pm
There are two hoaxes far greater than 9/11 that the Jews have pulled off.
The first and most egregious hoax is they are the (self-appointed) Israelites of the Bible whereas they are Edomites bastard sons of Esau and exposed by Yahshuah (the Christ) in John 8 verse 44.Please read it.
The second outrageous hoax is mostly germane to the 20th century and it is the holocaust(holohoax) myth that never happened.See Wannsee conf.
We also have Jewish communism(90% of CP) and Nazi party, also about 90% of the high command; Jewish.
August 30, 2009 at 9:54 pm
The entire race is built on lies, one has a hard time deciding on which one is the biggest.
Thanks for being a guest here, Bill.
August 30, 2009 at 10:25 pm
Everytime you see someone on the jewsnews say anything about anyone who has anything to say about 911 being a “conspiacy”(if they say anything at all). They always have that smug little smerk on their face. And being that its one of the largest disasters in history you’d think all information and documentery would be on the history/discovery channels. When they do have something on TV, Its just footage of the events with sad music. Its the same sad music they use for the holohoax propamenteries. The musics from the “Jews greatest hits @” album.
August 30, 2009 at 10:31 pm
Is that your picture on the left side of the page.No pun intended.
It seems like I have seen that picture before;could it be G.Orwell?
August 30, 2009 at 10:43 pm
Fleur de lis
Here is the negro cab driver confession concerning flight 77 at the Pentagon. This is amazing video of a man lying about his role in a ‘black operation’ (funny pun). This video is entertaining too.
Incog, notice the ancient egypt caskets in this dudes living room. hahahah.
August 30, 2009 at 10:58 pm
Repitition is the key to getting through to people.Gives me a greater certainty on issues.Blasting through all the lies takes some time. I was recently amazed by some of the data on super thermite use in the destruction of the towers. Chris Bollyn did some nice work exposing this aspect.
August 30, 2009 at 11:28 pm
I guarantee you that Negro cab driver copped himself a few Gs for his work that day. The so-called “silent” man who helped him, was probably part of the team that put that light pole through his windshield right then and there. Looks to me like they anticipated the approach vector a little wrong — and then went with the planted evidence. Watch the video.
August 30, 2009 at 11:31 pm
I was just reading about the open air starvation fields, used to kill off Germans AFTER WWII, created and implemented by American born Jews, for revange. I read so much stuff nowadays that I can’t track down the article, that provides the names. Arrrghhh.
Can any-one help?
August 30, 2009 at 11:37 pm
Wow. The young guy in the video, confronting Lloyde, looks just like me ex. Before my ex got fat and slobby.
August 30, 2009 at 11:55 pm
How about this one?
August 31, 2009 at 12:01 am
How about this one?
INGLORIOUS BASTERDS! A great American movie. I just saw it and couldn’t wait to tell you about it.
Run out and see this one, especially you “American”.
WARNING! Jew Spew detectors are registering high on the above line of bull. Please consider carefully before swallowing.
August 31, 2009 at 12:09 am
I’ve got a review coming up on this JEW sadistic porn movie. Of course, I didn’t see it nor will I. I do everything possible not to line the pockets of Hollywood Jews. You Jews are SICK, sadistic people. Your lack of morality is proven by your gleeful love of this movie.
Back when I wasn’t awake, I suspected their was a underlaying sickness going on with you Jews and it’s been fully confirmed since.
August 31, 2009 at 12:11 am
Oh yeah, this sick Jew mentality is precisely why such things as 9/11 can and do happen. Jews could care less about the suffering of any non-Jew in the world.
Got that, canadiJEW?
August 31, 2009 at 12:12 am
La Rossa
I wish we could get a better voice over than some gay-sounding college student.
August 31, 2009 at 12:15 am
La Rossa:
This is because they don’t have the moolah for such things. American citizens are doing all this quite on their own.
The owned Jew media surely won’t. This is grassroots investigation. SPREAD IT!
August 31, 2009 at 12:18 am
We know all about “Psychotic Bloodcrazed Joo Bas-TARDs”
I’m gonna watch “Triumph of the Will”, in instead
I won’t give one more willing dime to Kike sickos.
What’s Ellie Roth’s NEXT flick called?
“Gutting Gazan Toddlers!”
The exciting story of brave, prancing, overly-made up IDF soldiers, protecting the good and devout population of IzraHell, from murderous 2 year olds…..trying to steal Jewish ice cream cones.
God cones.
“G-d C-n-s”
Special Ice cream, made by G-d, for his Chosen. (Paid for by American Shabbos Goy JudeoXians, of xourse)
August 31, 2009 at 12:25 am
If you must see “Vainglorious Cowerds” go to and see it free. I warn you in advance, it’s boring and it sucks. They even managed to slip in a white woman/black guy couple into the film in WW2 France LMAO!!!
August 31, 2009 at 12:26 am
Thanks Incogman. I may post that – but I am looking for the names of the 2 American born Yids that created and implemented the killing fields plan.
I thin ki saw it on Sunic’s blog. I have been running through his site. I turned up Morgenthau, of course. But there was some article that specifically named names. I’m gonna ask him.
August 31, 2009 at 12:31 am
affirmative…the Morganthau Plan, easy google
August 31, 2009 at 3:22 pm
Although your information is most compelling and I am searching for answers like everyone else and do not trust the government’s explanation at all, I still must reject what you say because of your anti-Semetic leanings. By your side bar you set off a red light, and I wonder if you are not somehow part of the Government mind games.
August 31, 2009 at 3:35 pm
Aren’t you going to hide my email address+
August 31, 2009 at 4:22 pm
White Master
If any of you still believes what the government and media wants you to believe, than I spit in your face for your utter stupidity. It’s fools like you that enables this kind of evil to exist and get away with this kind of thing. Thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of other people have died horrible deaths because of all this.
Wake the flock up, fools!
Hey Incog,
Talked with a guy today who believes that Arabs are to blame for everything, even our economic situation. I talked about Jews, but he had no words for me. I said the enemies are within our own gates, but he said he disagreed. I wanted to smack the hell out of the goofball.
Roman, if you are not a Jew yourself, then grow a damn brain and learn to use it!
August 31, 2009 at 4:52 pm
I never swallowed the line about the 9-11 terrorists Incog. Even right after it happened. The entire thing was always fishy with me from the beginning, just like the Oklahoma city bombings as well. Remember how our government treated Randy Weaver and killed his wife?
Not only are the Jews mentally ill, they’re sick Satanic demons, pure and simple. Didn’t Jesus cast the demons into the pigs and they ran into the sea? That’s what I’d like to see to see with these sick Kikes.
Until a few months ago, I had no idea how deeply entrenched these sick bastards are all over the world. Education and awakening our Aryan race is the only answer.
On a side note – went surfing today. Since most of the little mongrel brats are in school, the beaches are lot less busy and cleaner. I saw a lot of white families with little ones and single people like me down there, just enjoying the waves and the sunshine. You could tell all the people down at the beach today were in a good mood. That is what America would feel and look like if all the darkies and Jews were gone.
I do feel a different attitude with white folks in the air. It’s palpable. We’re all fed up with the BS that is happening to our country and our race and most of us are waking up. Now I know why I was depressed, bummed out and sad the last couple of years, it’s the economy and the slow dismantling of my country. Now since I can put a reason to it, I’m even more determined than ever to take this country back for us.
I made sure and smiled to every white person I saw today, man, woman and child and they smiled back. Even if I have to telepathically (I know that sounds odd) tell them to stand a little taller and be proud of being a White American, maybe it will sink in.
August 31, 2009 at 6:08 pm
Hey Romansky – it’s the Jews, stupid. The sidelinks set off warning about the JOOOOS.
How stupid are you?
September 1, 2009 at 5:04 am
Steve in TN
LaRusso… you obviously know a lot more about the sound of gay college students than most. oman you are still lost. Duh.
September 1, 2009 at 8:50 am
Let me get this straight -
Are we saying here that we doubt the Official Conspiracy Theory carved onto stone tablets and delivered to us from on high at Tel Aviv Hill in Washington?
How can we possibly doubt that 19 Arabs armed with plastic knives, who were incapable of competently flying a Cessna training plane, conspired to not only successfully hijack four gigantic airliners but then merrily (and very competently) fly them around the most heavily militarily guarded airspace in the world for over an hour, unmolested of course by any pesky ol’ US Airforce fighters and then not only find, but with perfect precision hit, three of their four targets – all whilst being controlled by another Arab sitting in a cave in Afghanistan with a laptop and a love goat!
You doubt that?
You ever consider there was probably a copy of Flying A 757 For Dummies in the cockpit of each of those airliners? I believe it! Me and Hagee, we both believe it. Me, Hagee and Abe Faux-man believe it for sure.
That conspiracy theory is just so believable that even Schlemielberg couldn’t have dreamed it up, surely.
Next you’ll be telling me that Atta’s paper passport didn’t survive the flaming fireball inferno of the jet’s impact with the WTC and float safely to ground, falling gently at the feet of Schlomo Grubberg, Wall Street carpetbagger. Come on guys, you know that is exactly what happened. Your dual-citizen government representatives told you so. Don’t doubt them, they are sensitive people.
I hope you won’t be finding fault with three huge steel and concrete skyscrapers collapsing at – FREE FALL SPEED – into their own footprints in a pile of convenient truck length pieces of steel and concrete dust due to a few fires on some floors. What’s wrong with that? Just because it’s never happened before or since should not be a reason for doubt.
Are you so jaded you can’t believe in miracles? Hasn’t the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy visited your house recently? How about ET? He’s really real too. Schlemielberg told me so.
Speaking of miracles, 9/11 sure was a magical day for miracles. How about the Miracle of the Vaporizing Planes, in Shanksville and the Pentagon. Almost like Have We Got A Deal For You – Two Vaporizing Planes For The Price Of One!
I’ll take a Vaporizing Plane Miracle any day over a Burning Bush Miracle. (Well, actually, there are a few Bush’s I’d like to watch burn, but that’s another story, maybe.)
Come on guys, if you start doubting the Official Conspiracy Theory you may end up doubting the wisdom of our Freedom Loving Politicians decision to bring Democracy to the needy peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan by murdering them all just as quickly as possible, man, woman and child.
What the hell’s the matter with that? Surely it’s better to be democratically murdered by the million than live out your life the way you thought you wanted to live it. 60 million White Russians and Ukrainians loved being murdered for freedom early last century, I’m sure our Arab friends are loving it too.
Next thing you’ll be trying to convince me good old Lee Harvey Patsy didn’t murder John F Kennedy with the magic bullet. Me and Jakob Rubenstein know it was him for sure. Once you begin to doubt the infallible word of your self-Chosen government you never know where it might end.
I think you all need to go back to Official Conspiracy Theory boot camp for a few months (FEMA has some vacancies).
Now, repeat after me, “19 Arabs, armed with plastic knives . . . ”
If the jews are God’s Chosen People, God sure has got lousy taste.
September 1, 2009 at 9:48 am
that’s a great post,whitefella. i heard on the news yesterday that the new “iraqi” government want to impose a,wait for it, ‘smoking ban’ in all public places! sound familiar? all countries being of course,individual sovreign entities,of course…
so thats what over a million people were killed and maimed for…the freedom to be told what they cant do…go,team democracy…
about 6 pubs close every week in uk since ‘our’ smoking ban. keep that workforce healthy eh?
September 1, 2009 at 10:33 am
Yes gtr, Me, Jawg Dubya, Onegro, Bill & Hil Cunton, Hagee, Faux-man, Schlemielberg and so very many others would hate for sheeple to begin thinking politically incorrect thoughts such as –
“Hey! There are almost as many holes in the Miracles Of 9/11 Myth as there are in the Holey Holoco$t®™© Myth.
That would be such a tragedy. (and bad for business)
Maybe we need stiff prison sentences handed out for 9/11 Miracle Denial.
That’ll convince those doubters that it’s all the Gospel Truth, for sure.
September 1, 2009 at 10:45 am
Either that, gtr, or suggest to them that they and their entire families will be democratically murdered for freedom if they don’t shut the hell up.
Say, with white phosphorous bombs, for example. Works pretty good on Palestinian babies in Apartheid Palestine. Never hear a peep outta those babies once they are burned alive by the courageous jew.
September 1, 2009 at 10:57 am
This may be what you are looking for -
“In 1945, during the post-World War II period, American foreign policy was largely in the hands of a small group of very powerful Zionists based in Washington, D.C. This secret, invisible government, which has controlled America for over fifty years, was headed then by Sen. Herbert Lehman; Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, and Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau. They drew up the “blueprint” for a plan, which the enthusiastic Eisenhower carried out in Europe, which was the most monstrous policy of hate and vengeance known in the annals of civilized history.”
I’m thinking God needs to admit His error and make a new choice.
February 2, 2010 at 1:11 am
You have to first realize that satellite and vehicle supplied data is not entirely accurate. Yes the data given by the NTSB may be off by a short distance, but the plane is still headed towards the point of impact. The angle of the plane was most likely altered by the ‘pilot’ at the last second. The video was also most likely cut short due to the fact that information is not updated and saved instantly. There is only a moment of data that was not compiled by the time the computer, ‘black box,’ ceased.