I can’t tell you all the stories I’ve heard, even stuff that I’ve seen with my very own eyes about Negroes in swimming pools, or out of them. I don’t care one bit if you think it’s all racist or not, but I’d never, EVER swim in a pool used by Negroes, knowing what I know. After reading this, I doubt you will either.
I remember this one time I was walking down a busy city street during the middle of the day, when something off between two parked cars caught my eye. At first, I thought it was somebody needing help, so I stopped to render assistance (how White of me). Looking closer, I saw that it was a fat, middle-aged Negro woman in a dress, squatting down while doing her vile business in a loud and nasty way. She looked up at me and smiled smugly.
I’ll never forget that expression nor that stupid feathered hat she wore and I promise you that I did not stick around long enough to find out how she cleaned herself off, or even if she did. I’m still highly traumatized by what I witnessed that day.
Please do NOT read the following if: You have a weak stomach and just ate, suffer from some Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder (OCD) involving cleanliness, or you’re one totally braindead Multicult!
It’s just like that scene in “Caddyshack,” but disgustingly all too real!
This older, White lady friend of mine used to manage this decent city-owned, public recreation facility. It had exercise rooms, table tennis, crafts, along with a nice indoor swimming pool. For many years things were cool, until this one neighborhood nearby slid downhill, as troupes of Negroes moved in with Section 8 government hand-outs and no credit, subprime mortgages.
She said that the blacks started to come by early to drop off the kids while they went on to work, the welfare office or just kicked back with the homies drinking malt liquor. They figured out a loophole that allowed them to use the place much like a day care — worthless Negroes always know how to work the system!
Once they started arriving in force, most of the White patrons immediately steered clear of the place, for some reason.
My lady friend told me she used to be a big-time hippie liberal girl back in the sixties, but since all this “crap” went down, she’s had second thoughts about the whole liberal deal. I could see she was pained to admit it. Of course, I explained that she had nothing to be ashamed of (biting my tongue) and that once you put away the falsely-instilled White Guilt, everything will be so much easier to understand. She’s even hip to the Jewish role in all this now.
Anyway, she was telling me that almost every single day — not just occasionally now — they would have to fish out human feces from the pool. That’s right, the little Negroes (even many in their teens) would take a dump while swimming!
As a public health measure, she had to run tests every so often on the water and chlorine levels, sometimes having to replace the water; even 24 hour filtration and chemical warfare wasn’t always enough. What most people don’t realize is that urine eats up chlorine — the more peeing, the less effective chlorine becomes and the more you have to add.
It was a never-ending struggle for her and her staff. The city health inspector — taking pity on her — would call her at home to warn her of any impending “drop-in” visits, just so she had time to draw the pool water down 50% and refill with clean water so they could pass the tests.
The main problem that kept on recurring was something called cryptosporidium, or “Crypto,” a hardy protozoan that lives in the intestines, usually of animals — how appropriate. The defecated cysts (yuck) can readily survive chlorinated pools and if you swallow some water, the bug will make you sick as a dog, or worse, for two weeks or longer. She never once saw it in tests when mostly Whites used the pool, but it became a frequent discovery after Negroes turned the place into a Congolese watering hole.
It’s really not all that surprising when you consider some uncomfortable facts about Negroes and diseases. A survey in the early nineties discovered that 48% of Blacks overall and 56% of young Negro women have Genital Herpes. Nearly half of all AIDS-afflicted are blacks, but that’s now rising fast to over 60% of all new AIDS cases (back in 2006, it’s probably more today). Black babies are 3 times more likely to have strep than Whites. And blacks often fail to take antibiotic prescriptions for the proscribed period, fostering the rapid evolution of medicine-resistant diseases that soon cross over into the White population.
But the miscreants at this public pool were not just microscopic — no way. Even keeping lifeguards on staff was a constant battle for her. They were turned into not only babysitters, but rodeo cowboys and sanitation workers too. Naturally, they would do whatever they could to stay out of the water while on duty and would never, ever swim during off-hours. And the girl lifeguards were in living hell, constantly having to fend off the sexual gropings from little Negro boys trying to be “playas,” just like their rarely-seen daddies.
One day this young girl lifeguard came running into the office all worked-up into a frenzy and wanting to quit right then and there. When asked what happened, the girl said she caught some Negro kid peeing on another kid’s head from the diving board!
And these kids were always trying to steal stuff, breaking into offices and rummaging around, going through the staff’s purses and the like. If they got caught, the very first thing out of their mouths was to yell ”RACISTS!” Then the staff would have to find the parents, arrange to have them to come pick-up the kid and the first thing out of the parent’s mouths was “RACISTS!”
You just can’t win with these people!
The parking lot was a scene of constant trouble. She witnessed several altercations; not only between kids, but the parents of the children even went at it over the stupidest things. After a couple of gun-related events (a shooting or two), the city decided to dedicate full-time police officers to the place.
It was such a day-to-day nightmare that the poor woman eventually took early retirement. Who can blame her, knowing how most Negroes really behave?
If I’m at a motel on a blisteringly hot day and I see Negroes swimming in the pool (usually they come in giant tribal masses), I’ll just stay the hell out. I can’t even hang out nearby, because they’ll run around screaming and yelling like wild hip-hop banshees. The children too, I might add.
I always like it when you go to a pool with Whites who act all liberal and multicult. They’ll leave the pool when Negroes show up, just like me. You ask them why and they’ll give you some line of bull: “I don’t feel like swimming anymore” or some lame-ass excuse. If you press them, they’ll get very defensive. I love it!
Yeah, I just don’t bother with keeping up pretenses (as you can see). I’ll tell liberals point-blank: “I can’t stomach the idea of swimming in a pool where Negroes swim, either. Too nasty and I prefer not coming down with crypto, cholera, or some new, disgusting Haitian flesh-eating bacteria, thank you please.”
This kind of open talk might shock liberals, but hell, they need some shock therapy. And damned if I want to see some mutated, protoplasmic organism, grown fat on a steady diet of Afro-Sheen hair oil, cast adrift in a weak chlorine sea and then finding harbor in the crotch area of my Birdwell Beach Britches!
PS: If you think I’m being all “racist” here, guess what? I could care less! At least I got my health.
The Great Private Pool Scandal
by Jeff Davis
Almost 60 years on, it seems this whole integration thing still isn’t playing with a lot of White people. Nasty reality keeps intruding. A news article from NBC Philadelphia reports: “More than 60 campers from Northeast Philadelphia were turned away from a private swim club and left to wonder if their race was the reason. ‘I heard this lady, she was like, ‘Uh, what are all these black kids doing here?’ She’s like, ‘I’m scared they might do something to my child,’ ‘ said camper Dymire Baylor.”
And young black teenagers would never ever pull off bathing suit tops or fondle young half-naked White girls in the pool or try to drown a White boy? Oh, perish the thought!
The NBC article goes on: “The Creative Steps Day Camp paid more than $1900 to The Valley Swim Club. The Valley Swim Club is a private club that advertises open membership. But the campers’ first visit to the pool suggested otherwise. ‘When the minority children got in the pool all of the Caucasian children immediately exited the pool,’ Horace Gibson, parent of a day camp child, wrote in an email. ‘The pool attendants came and told the black children that they did not allow minorities in the club and needed the children to leave immediately.’ The next day the club told the camp director that the camp’s membership was being suspended and their money would be refunded.’ ”
Comments feed for this article
June 19, 2010 at 11:06 am
“The Populist
May 23rd, 2010 at 10:54 pm
I disagree with this post.
I don’t link to Incogman because of his racist views. However, he has written some excellent pieces about jewish power in America. I don’t have to agree with everything he thinks or writes to acknowledge that.
You are accusing him of being a shill? Based on the fact that his writing “seems to be from the heart”? What kind of an argument is that?
You provide no evidence that he is secretly a zionist shill. You are implying that he is adding racism to his anti-zionist message so that the disinformation will spoil the truth. Yet you have no proof of that.
You also imply that the white nationalists and racists who also hate jews area divisive force. They’re not. Someone can hate jews, blacks, mexicans, chinese ect.
What difference does that make to me, or you, or anyone else with the intelligence to make up their own mind?”
June 19, 2010 at 1:23 pm
Care of Disasters
Suggest a new blog application.
To speak to various diseases and accidents.
To have the knowledge to go around the other.
June 19, 2010 at 6:56 pm
wow…nice mate….
June 25, 2010 at 9:46 am
Summertime Advice: Don’t Go in the Water! « The Devil's Door
[...] This older, White lady friend of mine used to manage this decent city-owned, public recreation facility. It had exercise rooms, table tennis, crafts, along with a nice indoor swimming pool. For many years things were cool, until this one neighborhood nearby slid downhill, as troupes of Negroes moved in with Section 8 government hand-outs and no credit, subprime mortgages. Read on to finish this disigusting story! [...]