“We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.”
— Jewish Author Maurice Samuels, p. 155 in “You Gentiles”
The science writer noticed the commotion down by the Dias as he sat in the auditorium waiting for the scheduled talk to begin. It seemed that some staff person was arguing with a videographer, evidently telling him he could not tape the upcoming event; so the video guy angrily tilted the tripod-mounted video camera lens up towards the ceiling and walked away. Seeing this interaction, writer knew something was coming up and quickly reached for his notepad and pen.
The man due to give a talk was a bearded, long-haired old Jew named Dr. Eric Pianka, named the “Texas Distinguished scientist for 2006″ and the speech was before the 109th meeting of the Texas Academy of Science at Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas. The man in the audience was Forrest M. Mim III, a popular science writer and editor of the bi-weekly journal, The Citizen Scientist.
What the writer soon heard scared the living daylights out of him.
The totally evil Jewish Scientist Pianka. The sick bastard thinks it would be great to see you excess Goyim die horrific deaths, bleeding out of every hole in your body as you writhe around in gran mal seizures — probably while him and his Jew chums hunker down in some secret Jew hideaway.
The bearded Jew began his talk by slamming “anthropocentrism” or the idea that man occupied a privileged position in nature. Exclaiming to the audience “man is no better than bacteria,” he argued that mankind is destroying the planet, with his overpopulation and industry. He warned that earth would not survive unless 90% of humans were killed off.
The old Jew scumbag then openly wondered: “Now when you get to these viruses — Ebola Zaire has potential. It kills nine out of ten humans. It’s never gotten out of Africa cause its so virulent it kills everybody before they can move. I mean it kills you within a day or two.”
Mim was shocked. Didn’t Pianka know just how terrible the deaths were from African Ebola?
You would take several days dying, bleeding from every orifice of your body: Nostrils, anus and even tears of blood from your eyes. Further along, your whole body will spasm uncontrollably from gran mal seizures — a grotesque evolutionary method of the hot virus to spread itself through sprays of blood onto new hosts close by. You would live right on up till the time your organs putrefied to bloody mush inside you.
It’s all exactly like something from the most horrible of alien sci-fi movies.
Woe is humanity if Ebola ever evolved or was created in a laboratory to be an airborne pathogen. How anyone could wish such a thing on people was beyond Mim’s comprehension. Or did the Jew even care? Read more about Dr. Pianka’s speech
Now, we’ve seen a new and potentially horrible pandemic has started in Mexico and is spreading out into the world (H1N1). It might be called ”Swine Flu,” but it’s not a mere pig bug, it doesn’t even bother them. Here’s the difference: this particular flu virus contains not only viral elements from pigs and people but, apparently, an almost impossible to believe third component: The Avian flu. That’s right — H5N1, the deadly flu bug that many scientists have been watching concernedly for in Southeast Asia.
Make clear note of that: This virus not only incorporated influenza DNA from pigs and humans, but also viral strands of a deadly pathogen from across the pacific!
Now a lot of people have been yukking it up about “conspiracy theorists,” those who may call this a purposeful man-made threat, but the reality is that it could easily have been done, by all kinds of people and not just governments, too. The techniques behind DNA splicing has been around for a long time, the technology readily obtainable; the laboratory equipment can be bought from mail order catalogs and literally fedexed to you overnight.
Back in the 90′s, two Australian researchers spliced together Mousepox (all mammals have a pox, like Horsepox and Smallpox for humans), with mouse genes that mimicked the Interleukin 4 proteins of White blood cells; which effectively camoflaged the pox from the mouse body’s self-defense forces, creating a virus with virtually 100% mortality. They then stupidly published the exact process and equipment to do all this on the Internet, allowing just about anyone to download. This scared the pants off the world scientific community.
Another thing, someone’s already created a combined human flu (supposedly non-viable) and H5N1 avian flu. That’s right, you didn’t hear a word breathed about the story in the mainstream news, but the Austrian branch of Baxter labs shipped out this very thing to 18 countries just last year. As usual, they blamed it all on a lab mistake, but ask yourself this: how could they possibly do such a thing? Read more here
In the months following the Anthrax terror event of 9/11, some harpie Jewess named Dr. Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, pointed the finger at a decent Gentile man, Dr. Steven J. Hatfield, telling the FBI it was him who was the Anthrax perp. Hatfield, his career now destroyed, bravely fought off the Jewess’ allegations and non-stop scurrilous press; eventually being awarded a huge settlement of your tax dollars for the sorry Jew affair.
The FBI ended up blaming it another White Gentile named Bruce Ivins (right), who was then promptly and conveniently suicided (they had to find someone). The US media completely skipped by the part where the guy was found out to be a total Zionist, as well as a top vaccination research scientist. Ivins was obviously decided upon as the final fall guy for a Mossad plot in conjunction with 9/11 — to further boost paranoia in the US populace.*
One very important point to make about Dr. Ivins, is that he was also a major scientist in the research for something called “squalenes” or ”adjuvants,” an extremely dangerous additive to vaccination shots that these evil people have been fooling around with.
US troops were purposefully injected with this stuff back in the first Gulf war, without their full consent and thousands have suffered from odd maladies to crippling illnesses ever since. The soldiers were literally used as human guinea pigs for the DOD and God knows who else; the exact kind of shots they received has been kept carefully hidden from the public and the traitorous, Zionist media stays mum about the whole thing.
Ivins may have known way too much to begin with, along with conveniently being used to close the 9/11 Anthrax case — quite possibly a two-fer wet job. They would definitely not have allowed this guy to speak in public, once he realized he was being set-up. Think about it!
All of this “adjuvant” or squalenes business is little known (few have even heard of this stuff), but may be the big secret in the upcoming Swine flu vaccination program, most likely this coming fall. Plus, there’s a lot of strong evidence that the vaccinations will become mandatory, as police, US soldiers, the National Guard or maybe even foreign soldiers force you at the point of a gun to accept these extremely dangerous shots (if they use squalenes or worse).
In fact, the whole Swine flu thing may have been engineered just to get you to take this particular shot!
There was always direct evidence that linked an extremist, Zionist Jew who did have access to the exact same strain of militarized Anthrax spores that was used in the 9/11 letters. Dr. Philip Zack (right) was caught, way before 9/11, on a security camera accessing the area were it was stored during off hours, but never punished. He had only later run into trouble when he sabotaged and harassed a fellow Arab scientist just for being a Muslim.
But all that was totally ignored by the FBI as well as our owned Zionist media, who didn’t have the least problem dragging Hatfield or any other Gentile through the mud. It’s seems quite obvious that Zionist Zack was what is called a ”Sayan,” or citizen spy for Israel and the Mossad, stealing a deadly bioweapon for later Zionist perfidy.
As we see, this new Swine flu coming out of Mexico could have been man-made, very easily. Although we’ve never seen this particular combination of man, pig and bird virus before, a similar deadly outbreak occurred, but minus the improbable H5N1 avian sequence. This was the deadly pandemic known as the Great Spanish Influenza of 1918.
A historian of the influenza, Alfred W. Crosby, said it killed more people than any other disease in human history by far, including the Black Death of the Middle Ages. This pandemic killed 20 to 100 million people (the total can never be fully ascertained). 500,000 Americans died from it, equivalent to around 20 million today.
In the late 90′s, viable pathogens were dug-up from graves of long-dead Eskimos, frozen in Alaska since 1918, and the genes were later mapped by US Army bioweapon experts from Fort Detrick, headed by Dr. Jeffery Taubenberger in 1997-2003. Who knows where the fruits of this genetic research finally ended up?
Once you have the DNA sequencing of a pathogen, you can take specific bits from one and combine it with bits from another. Some are indeed saying that this bug has the traits of a man-made, engineered virus or what is called “recombinant.”
The investigative Journalist, Wayne Madsen, says some scientists think it might be human engineered.
Did the Global Zionists create a superbug to kill off the pesky Goyim masses plaguing what they consider to be their God-given world? Perhaps they think they have enough technology and creature comforts to make a fresh start in the world; now they’ll push a giant restart button, wiping the slate clean.
THE TALMUD: Minor Tractates. Soferim 15, Rule 10. This is the saying of Rabbi Simon ben Yohai: Tob shebe goyyim harog (“Even the best of the gentiles should all be killed”).
Not only do the Zionists have US soldiers, but they also have unlimited numbers of other human guinea pigs at their disposal: thousands of Palestinians locked away in Israeli prisons — little different from concentration camps — where they’re treated worse than dogs and sometimes even tortured. How many of them would it take to check the lethality of a particular strain of engineered virus? Who would ever know?
The Japs once did bioweapon research in WWII with a special unit in Manchuria that used not only Chinese prisoners but White European POWs. Their discoveries were quickly classified by the US government and used to further US bio-weaponry and, very probably, Israel’s.
We also know that World-wide population reduction and even decimation has always been on the wish list of these evil bastards.
One national security document surfaced in 1990, NSM200, written by the genocidal Globalist, Henry Kissinger, outlined a plan for secret population control (but by limiting birth) in third world countries. He conspired to use the United Nations and other multinational organizations (IMF and World Bank) to disguise who was really behind the efforts, just like what he did over many decades to gain control the finances of sovereign nations all across the globe for the NWO International Banking class. Folks, this kind of thing is exactly what conspiracies are!
Georgia Guidestones: In 1979, a mysterious stranger named R. C. Christian paid cash upfront to have a stonemason company install these monuments on some property in rural Georgia. No one seems to even know who officially owns the land. Carved on the face of each block is a message in several languages (including Hebrew) that has the admonition that the earth’s population is to never be more than 500 million, requiring 6 billion people to now die. Some say it’s Masonic and others point to a shadowy Globalist group called the Committee of 300, behind something called the Global 2000 Agenda that calls for a massive human die-off to protect themselves.
Are they capable of something like this? Like hell yeah, they are. These kind of people have no compunctions whatsoever when it comes to other human beings. Never have.
Scroll back up and look at that scientist, Dr. Pianka, once again. He wouldn’t bat an eye seeing your bloated corpse piled up by the roadside along with millions of others. Hell, this kind of Jew might even crack a satisfied grin beneath that beard over the sight.
Historically, Jews have been the most genocidal race this planet has ever seen. The Nazis don’t hold a candle to these people. That’s one of the great secrets of history.
That’s right: Commie Jews under Stalin purposefully starved to death at least 7 million in the Ukraine (10 million across Russia) during the winter of 1932-33. They also executed Gentiles with mass shootings and other enforced starvations since the Red revolution in 1917 — long before Hitler was even a blip on the screen. All told, some 20 to 40 million Gentiles died at the hands of the Goyim-hating Commie Jews and criminal pals (some say 66 million). Crypto-Jews called the “Young Turks” instigated the genocides of Armenians in Turkey by driving them into the desert to die (at least 1.5 million there).
Back in the US, stealth government Zionist Jews like Henry Morganthau Jr., treasury secretary under the Crypto-Jew Franklin Delanor Roosevelt, conspired with Eisenhower to let die 1.1 to 1.7 million German POWs in open-air prison camps and to purposefully starve another 5.7 million German civilians in the years after WWII. That’s not even mentioning what Stalin’s Commie Jews did to the German civilians too.
The evil Zionist Jews and Neocons of the US government were behind the 9/11 False Flag operation that killed 3,031 people and the Anthrax mailings that killed 5 and crippled a score for life. Killing off billions of humans would only be a matter of scale to these people. And besides, the Talmud promises the entire World for them when their Mosiach (Messiah) appears: Will they one day call this superbug the Jewish Messiah?
The danger to the US has never been Christianity nor a “Caliphate of Muslim fanatics” (what a sorry joke all that is), but the one bunch nobody is supposed to breath a word about or get called a Nazi bastard! Sen. Richard Gephardt sponsored the Seven Noahide declaration in 1991 and almost all Americans never heard a thing. America’s New Government Church
Most Americans have little idea that the people behind all this Jewish Messiah business, their associates in the media and the massively-financed Jewish political machines, have long held too much power in the land.
The Chabadist-Lubavitcher, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson (above, bottom right), was once considered the Jewish Messiah, until he died and stayed dead. The US government made his birthday, March 26, officially “US Education Day” and even declared in 1991 that the United States was founded on his Jewish group’s “Seven Noahide laws!” Did you even know? Can you believe that? And they’ve been gradually changing the fundamentals to our legal system ever since (go to the link in the caption).
And you thought we had separation of Church and State? That’s for Christians, you chumps!
The Jewish soothsayers tell other Jews that we are now in the final generation before all their hopes and dreams for world domination come true. They believe the time is now, that the 70 nations of the Goyim have been fully infiltrated by their secret Jew agents. Here, read this from one of the many Chabadist-Lubavitcher’s websites, make note that the term ”Israel” is considered to be all Jews anywhere — not just the geographic country in the Mideast.
“The Biblical boundaries of the Land of Israel are outlined in the Book of Numbers 34:2-12. (in the Artscroll Stone Edition p.923 you can find a map).
However, while Abraham was promised ten lands (Genesis 15:19-21), his descendants only received seven of them. The other three – Ammon, Edom and Moab – were temporarily given to the descendants of Lot and Esau [us], but will return to the Jews with the coming of the Messiah (see Deuteronomy 19:8).
The Midrash tells us that Israel will miraculously expand and will be the size of the entire globe!” Chabad Lubavitcher site
The bracketed copy “us” is from them. Curiously, they consider Esau, father of the Edomites and not Jacob, to be their ancestor. This is an important difference to understand, because they feel the world was stolen from them by the tricky Jacob (normally consided the ancestor of Jews) and have been promised to get it back.
Folks, they have the means, motive and morals to do precisely this kind of thing. Calling it all far-fetched is just being plain naïve when it comes to Big Jewry and the crazed Talmudic Zionists. And no, regular Jews are not in on the whole thing and should be equally fearful of having millions of themselves dying as well.
Jewry has willingly sacrificed their own many times in the furtherance of Zionism and their overall race. One example: The Israeli terrorist group Irgun (Rahm Emaneul’s father belonged to them) back in 1947, deliberately sunk the SS Patria and drowned hundreds of Jew refugees from Europe just to embarrass the British in control of Palestine. Another example: The Zionist and Globalist Banking Jews (like the Warburgs) secretly financed Hitler when rose to power, so as to scare all the little German Jews into moving to Palestine.
“If I am asked, could you give from the UJA (United Jewish Appeal) monies to rescue Jews, I say, no and I say again no!” He would go onto state, “One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Poland!”
— Zionist Izaak Greenbaum, head of the Jewish Agency Rescue Committee, in a speech to the Zionist Executive Council Feb 18, 1943
This is the exact same Big Jewry that really considers all the rest of us “Niggers” anyways. White, Black, Brown and Yellow. They could care less about you living and breathing, let alone anything else.
The few hundred Globalist Jew elites behind all of this, could quickly relocate to protected enclaves, while the rest of us died horrible deaths; never knowing what these people were up to. Do we even know now? They could end-up comfortably ensconced somewhere, maybe in West Virginia’s Greenbrier hotel, NORAD’s Cheyenne Mountain, or on a previously bought Bahama island — all well-stocked with Matzo balls and cavier, too sweet Manishevitz wine and celebratory Kristol champagne.
They may even have created a vaccine in advance to inoculate themselves and are only hiding out from the carnage brought on by our civilization’s death throes.
The poorer Jews would be in the same boat as us, or maybe the Globalist Jews would set-up a last minute rat-line for them and only alerted when common knowledge could not effect the exodus of the privileged inner core. They might be told at the synagogue and at the Jewish Masonic lodges (oh yeah, they exist all over), or even contacted directly by specialized “Sayanim” crews, those who already know how to keep a lid on things.
The little Jews would be allowed to pack a few bags and told to be ready first thing in the morning to join a convoy to regional collection points, maybe even the infamous FEMA camps; these would act as initial quarantines, along with running Jew verification programs and briefing sessions. Finally, before being allowed on the buses and leaving for the final Jew hideouts, they would be checked again for signs of contamination, perhaps with a simple temperature scan as they filed onto a bus, like at a airport screening.
The most fanatic of Jews would already be pre-positioned in our military and Homeland security to act as sacrificial soldiers — willing to die for the Chosen race and on the look-out to sabotage any possible Goyim retribution during the mass panicks in the final days of our civilization. They would bank on secrecy, as usual, just before they stabbed us Goyim in the back one last time.
Sure, none of this is for certain — we can only speculate here on all the plans. We do know that Whites in the Western countries have been kept in the dark on so many levels over the decades that anything is possible, especially from a race that has committed far too many Genocides in the past without most Whites even having the least clue — so far.
We know that the Global Zionists are more than willing to see us die for them in foreign wars of aggression, like in Iraq and Afghanistan. But what else is possible, if their personal power is ever threatened and they know the jig is up? Or, more ominously, these people may have believed all the Jewish Messiah and Kabbalah business from day-one and have been working towards this very day. We already know their religious people and the Talmud promises Jewry that when their Messiah makes his appearance, the borders of Israel will magically expand to encompass the whole world and the hated Goyim smote for good.
So, are we really so sure that they won’t use modern biotechnology to hurry along the process?
— Phillip Marlowe
GO HERE TO READ MORE: H1N1 Vaccinations: Globalist Jew’s Trojan Horse?
*And don’t forget that failed false-flag attempt in Mexico City, where two Mossad agents were actually nabbed in the act and identified, but totally ignored by the Zionist-controlled US mainstream media, as usual.
Anesthesia and the compenents of waking up by John Kaminiski
For several years now, scientists have been mysteriously turning up dead all over the world: Dead scientist listing. You be the judge.
Thanks to Curt Maynard’s Blog for heads-up story on Pianka.
Comments feed for this article
May 12, 2010 at 2:36 pm
Anon (Not Dave),
When I said you are obviously clever, what I meant is that you are able to spell, and you have covered yourself with much of the superficial knowledge and the Masonic propaganda that passes as “education” in the Jewey West.
However, in real terms you are, unfortunately, a moron.
Re: “[Yiddish] came about from the Jewish people who lived in Germany much like various creole languages came about in places where foreign languages collide for long enough with the local language for them to pick up the influence of it.”
Obviously you are an idiot, since you are unaware that Yiddish shares nothing with any creole language. All creoles retain the syntax and many other grammatical features of the speakers’ original language(s). Yiddish is a of a purely Germanic structural origin, with mostly Slavic and some Turkic lexical elements. The Hebrew terms used in Yiddish are only of a religious nature, and have no bearing on expressions of everyday life, or common referents such as numbers or colours, indicating that they were added to the language after widespread religious conversion.
Since most people aren’t very familiar with most creoles, the Irish and Scottish dialects of English would be useful to look at. The Celtic linguistic roots come through in practically every statement made by the native Irish. No such “Hebraic roots” can be found in Yiddish.
May 12, 2010 at 2:44 pm
Anonymous Jewslave: “Jews have been discriminated against enough and for a long enough time, back as far as Summerian times actually. The Holocaust was just one event of many that have occurred and will continue to occur.”
Setting aside the Holohoaxy Hollowco$tianity nonsense, why would Jews have been “discriminated against…back as far as Summerian times actually”?
Why would that be?
Why would “The Holocaust” [sic] be “just one event of many that have occurred”?
And why such “discriminatory” events “continue to occur”?
Why would that be?
Could it have anything in common with that phenomenon whereby, child-rapists, for example, are shunned by most people and are often compelled to move on from one unwelcoming locale to another?
May 12, 2010 at 2:48 pm
Anon (Not Dave),
Won’t you concede that most normal people naturally and understandably recoil in horror when they detect a “666″ inscribed upon a person’s forehead?
May 12, 2010 at 2:51 pm
(Same person as the last Anonymous post)
@ Cannibal Rabbi: I have no idea what is possessing you to assign me Professor Sand’s first name so I’ll just regard it as irrelevant to the discussion, since it probably is. I really don’t see what you’re trying to get at by responding anymore anyhow as you are no longer really contributing to the discussion.
@ 正教会の智 (by the way, is that meant to be Japanese or Chinese? I have yet to study Chinese characters to any extent, but I’m aware that a good portion of it is the same or similar to Japanese Kanji)
The antisemitism I mentioned earlier mainly had to do with the strong anti-Jewish sentiments and poorly made arguments within the article above. I am aware that Jewish people are not the only semitic people, but they are the particular group of semitic people being targeted in this instance.
As for race, Jewish people are categorized by both ethnicity and religion. While that ethnicity may have once been quite various way back in history, it has become much more homogenous over time due to the religious traditional expectation that Jewish people marry others of their own religion. It is quite possible for someone who is ethnically descended from one of the early groups of Jewish people to have maintained racial purity if their bloodlines had not mixed with the others, but this tends not to be the norm. As it stands, Jewish people are recognized throughout the world as both an ethnic group and a religious group. It is true that some people are of the Jewish ethnicity but do not follow the religion and choose to ignore those cultural traditions in favor of, say, American culture and traditions. As the writer did not specify in the article whether or not he was using “Jewish” to refer to the ethnicity or the religion, it is possible that he selectively opposed to the religion and the beliefs therein rather than the people, but upon reading a few other things he has written on the site, this appears not to be the case.
May 12, 2010 at 2:52 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Shit fer brains doesn’t seem in too much of a rush to get back to you on that.
oh well.
Rot in Hell.
May 12, 2010 at 2:59 pm
Anonymous Jewslave,
Whether you’ve been inducted into that Satanic cult, or whether you’ve been dehumanized into instinctively sucking Jew knob, you have my sympathy.
Why would people have “strong anti-Jewish sentiments”?
And you are an idiot, Jews are not Semitic.
Re: “Jewish people are categorized by both ethnicity and religion.”
You mean ethnicity OR religion?
Why would that be? You mean, categized as one or the other as it suits them?
What would that “religion” be?
Re: “Jewish people are recognized throughout the world as both an ethnic group and a religious group.”
You mean “or”?
They are not recognized as a “tribe” and/or a Satanic cult?
Why wouldn’t they be? That would surely be the most sensible way to regard them.
Re: “It is true that some people are of the Jewish ethnicity but do not follow the religion and choose to ignore those cultural traditions in favor of, say, American culture and traditions.”
This is more Jew-fuckery, no? After all, isn’t American culture unfortunately mega-Jewed?
May 12, 2010 at 3:01 pm
(Same person as the last Anonymous post)
“Won’t you concede that most normal people naturally and understandably recoil in horror when they detect a “666″ inscribed upon a person’s forehead?”
rather than recoil in horror, It would make more sense that most people’s initial reaction would simply be to wonder why someone would put digits (let alone those notoriously symbolic digits) on their forehead. And then they would perhaps go on to wonder if it was merely written on or if it was in the more permanent form of a tattoo.
May 12, 2010 at 3:07 pm
(Same person as the last Anonymous post)
Also, I do not mean “or” at all. They are both “Jewish” and are merely two different types of groupings, one religious, the other ethnic. It is not an either or scenario as one can be both ethnically and religiously Jewish at the same time.
May 12, 2010 at 3:11 pm
(Same person as the last Anonymous post)
You continue to assert your opinion that Jewish people are a satanic cult, but provide nothing to back that.
Also, unless you’re actually going to try to argue that Jewish people don’t speak Hebrew or some language in which Hebrew is a component, they are Semitic in the sense of the commonly used linguistic term as defined earlier.
May 12, 2010 at 3:14 pm
You are going on and on about absolutely nothing. Take your BS somewhere else. If someone has 666 on their forehead they must be a damn idiot!
May 12, 2010 at 3:15 pm
(Same person as the last Anonymous post)
If you don’t like the American culture example because you think it’s too Jewish already, there are Jewish people in China that don’t follow the religion and live and act just like the non-Jewish Chinese population.
May 12, 2010 at 3:15 pm
“の” is Japanese.
Your failure to recognize that there is nothing Israelitish in Yiddish or in most Jewbos marks you as a person unworthy of engaging in conversation.
The following questions are merely for you to ponder and mull over in your Jewed excuse for a brain. I wouldn’t expect any sensible response from you at this point in time. You are clearly seeing everything through the Jew-filter that has been installed in you by your Jew-conditioning.
I repeat myself because you have been stupefied by your Jew masters to the point that only possibility of reaching through to your possibly still un-Jewed soul is through patient repetition of the Socratic method.
Anonymous Jewslave: “Jews have been discriminated against enough and for a long enough time, back as far as Summerian times actually. The Holocaust was just one event of many that have occurred and will continue to occur.”
Setting aside the Holohoaxy Hollowco$tianity nonsense, why would Jews have been “discriminated against…back as far as Summerian times actually”?
Why would that be?
Why would “The Holocaust” [sic] be “just one event of many that have occurred”?
And why such “discriminatory” events “continue to occur”?
Why would that be?
Could it have anything in common with that phenomenon whereby, child-rapists, for example, are shunned by most people and are often compelled to move on from one unwelcoming locale to another?
Won’t you concede that most normal people naturally and understandably recoil in horror when they detect a “666″ inscribed upon a person’s forehead?
May 12, 2010 at 3:18 pm
On the Satanic cult of Jewism:
May 12, 2010 at 3:34 pm
(Same person as the last Anonymous post)
Ok. Strange, but now you seem to be quoting and arguing from an Anonymous post that was made before I started posting and cannot be held responsible. My posts were the very last “Anonymous” post and the ones with the same heading as this one.
Furthermore, I recognized that character. I merely asked about the language because I was uncertain as to whether or not it was strictly used in Japanese or if, like many other Japanese characters I am familiar with, they are also used in Chinese (often with the same or similar meaning, pronunciation, etc.).
I’d additionally like to inform you that I have no “master” in the way to which you are referring. Neither the extremist Jewish people and their forms of propaganda nor people like you and the others who support this site and all of its fallacies and opposing propaganda have me convinced. I find similar errors in the reasoning on both sides.
You keep claiming that Jews are a satanic cult. So where’s the satan worship? Because their religious rites and rituals appear to be as much focused on their God and praising him as any other religion I’ve seen.
And yes, there are perhaps some people who are superstitious or have a strong belief in the supposed symbolism of “666″ and may perhaps be offended. I seriously doubt many people would be so dramatic as to “recoil in horror” as there’s just a lot of weird people out there with crazy tattoos. I think you overestimate how much “666″ has been downplayed over the years to the point where it is little more than an oddity or a lame joke much of the time.
May 12, 2010 at 3:46 pm
(Same person as the last Anonymous post)
Anyway, it’s been interesting discussing the finer points of your extremist views with you all. Believe it or not, but I actually see no reason why Israel has any more right to exist than Palestine does. That being said, I don’t see any reason for you to be so hateful of an entire group of people just because a few of the crazed individuals piss you off.
You all just need to chill out and realize that human beings are so varied that it really doesn’t do to judge people based on generalized categories they may or may not fall under.
Well, I, for one, have things that are perhaps more important to do and are definitely at least better for me in terms of monetary gain.
Good luck figuring out how to deal with your anger in constructive rather than destructive ways. For the sake of humanity, I hope you learn someday that hate never leads anywhere nice and really only goes in circles.
May 12, 2010 at 4:06 pm
The Jews’ god is the Jew, your master.
May 12, 2010 at 4:06 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Tell the million and a half Iraqi dead, Tell the dead afghani’s. Tell the dead Pakistani’s. Tell the dead from the first and second world wars. Tell the Iranian’s you wish to murder wholesale. Tell them to chill out.
All dying as the sacrifice to kike hegemony, you pompous POS.
Don’t worry, you and your’s will be chilling out soon enough.
You’re going underground.
And not the London one you bombed, you filthy peice of kike, trash.
May 16, 2010 at 3:19 am
stan kohls
Jews have been discriminated against because of their continual and adamant refusal to accept the dominant religion, whether it be some version of Christianity or Islam. There are many instances of entire Jewish communities being exterminated for refusing to convert, often being burned at the stake, crowded into a synagogue which is set ablaze, hung, clubbed to death, etc.
During the Roman occupation of Palestine, Jewish towns were sometimes exterminated for refusal to eat pork, worship a statue of the emperor, or even put a pinch of incense on an altar. Later, many Christians suffered the same fate.
May 16, 2010 at 3:37 am
It is not religion, Stan Hasbarat, and it never has been – and you know it. It has never been discrimination, either. It has been an application of common sense and practical self-defense. The jew has been driven out of so many countries that it is almost impossible to count today.
It has always been because of the way that they practice usury and engage in devious methods in self-serving ways to the detriment of the native peoples of those countries. Satanism of a jew-centric orientation is the true jew religion and more people are learning that every day. Go peddle your stories to the zionists who call themselves “judeo-Christian” who ignorantly support the ongoing ravages of the jew against the rest of the people of the world as they engage in monopolistic financial scams while doing so.
May 16, 2010 at 4:18 am
stan kohls
If Israelis believe the piece of real estate they occupy was given to them by their god, isn’t that religious?
If they believe their arcane dietary laws come from that same god, isn’t that religion?
If they believe their god handed down some rules for them to their patriarch from Mt. Sinai, isn’t that a religion?
If they believe they are forbidden by that god, from doing any work between sunset Fri. to sunset Sat., isn’t that religion?
If they believe they’re required to cut off the tips of their male babies’ penises as an offering to their god, isn’t that religious?
Isn’t the entire ridiculous idea of being a “Chosen People” a religious notion? Chosen by who–the tooth fairy?
By their invisible, non-existent god, of course…which makes it a religion.
In fact, Jews were driven out of EVERY country where they lived at some time or other, except for the USA, and were eventually allowed back in, because they filled an essential economic niche, being money lenders, which was forbidden to Christians and Moslems by their religion. If you read the documents at the time, it’s clear the Jews were always expelled because they refused to convert to the dominant religion. In fact, they were often encouraged to engage in money lending, since Christians and Moslems were forbidden to do so by their…religion. And no one forced anyone to borrow money from Jews. In many cases, Jews were the only ones lending money. This was not the fault of the Jews, but of the leaders of the dominant religion of the time. Jews were simply filling a necessary niche, to allow commerce to flourish and develop, the fruits of which we all enjoy…unless, of course, you advocate Communism….or barter.
Your hatred has distorted your knowledge of history, and the only thing you’re good at is simple name calling.
May 16, 2010 at 4:39 am
American born
The jew practice of “lending” money was foriegn to host societies in the past. It lead to corruption. Your race is corrupt and is seen as corrupt to this day. The only way your race of gypsies/jews stay in power is thru the manipulation of currency. Its a good scam, a good jew scam.
As far as israel, You as a jew should be ashamed of your race. Stolen land from the citizens of Palestine. STOLEN LAND. And your people achieved it thru manipulation of Whites. Now your race has the terrorist IDF to sustain your “nation” Killing the natives daily. You should take a look at your history. A history of hatred and deceit.
Your race should try being amonst the human race and not be such a seperative race. But a jew is a jew is a jew. No matter what nation they infect. Its why you have no nation.
As much as you hate this, the Palestinians will defeat you in the end. They will destroy israel. And you, in your corrupt, murderous heart fear them. When the tables turn, as they always do, israel is done. The same blood shed inflicted on them shall be returned to israel.
May 16, 2010 at 4:56 am
stan kohls
I actually have nothing to do with Israel. Whether the Palestinians destroy Israel or not is of little concern to me. This is something that will have to be worked out between the parties in the area. But I wonder where you live, and who that land was stolen from. Every piece of land on this planet was stolen from someone, who stole it from someone before that, on and on throughout history. It seems to me that the Israelis are all too human: they use force to get what they want, and use force to hold on to it, like every other human group from the Chinese to the Arabs have done for the past 10,000 yrs or so.
Unless, of course, you’re a Sioux Indian (who stole the land from the Kiowas and Comanches a century earlier).
If you weren’t so consumed by hate and so interested in name-calling, you might have learned a bit more history, instead of that made-up mythology you spout.
Have a nice day, asshole.
May 16, 2010 at 5:08 am
American born
I never called you a name first off. Second you defend modern day theives and nation wreckers. Can you honestly look in the mirror and admit to yourself the crimes of your race in Palestine dont exist?
If you can you are deluded in your so called jew superiority. They are people too. Im sure you see them as inferior. According to your so called religion anyone who isnt a kike is inferior.
Your on borrowed time jew. You should know about borrowing. Its a niche right?
The same game displayed by jews will come full circle right back to the source. Good luck kike.
Have a nice day kike.
May 16, 2010 at 6:42 am
JEWS like to justify their crimes by pointing out others, as if what somebody did hundreds+ years ago makes it alright for him to terrorize and murder defenseless children in Palestine.
This illustrates the JEWS’ depraved indifference. By that logic, we should expel the JEWS and put them in work camps, ain’t that right ‘stan kohls’?
May 17, 2010 at 7:05 am
stan kohls
The point is that what Israel is doing in its defense isn’t unique in the world, not now, not in the history of our species. I’d be interested in seeing what you would do if some Apache or Seminole or Tlingit would fire a few Kassam or Scud missiles into your neighborhood. And of course, the lucky folks in Arizona and Texas are happy to let some poor Mexicans die in the desert from exposure, or lack of water and food.
Of course, as a dedicated Jew hater, you condemn Israel for doing precisely what many other countries are doing. I suspect you don’t get similarly upset by what China has done to the population of Tibet, or what the Syrians did to the city of Hama a few years ago, when its Shiite population began to complain about being oppressed.
May 17, 2010 at 7:16 am
stan kohls
There is only one human race on this planet. No group or nation is superior or inferior. What is happening in the MidEast is a tragedy that is repeated many, many times through history and currently. I am no more responsible for what is happening in the MidEast than I am for what the US is doing in Afghanistan or Iraq, or what Russia did in (ex-Soviet) Georgia or Chechnya.
While there are racist Jews who think Arabs are inferior, there are also Arabs and Moslems who think they’re superior. And the only people in the US who feel that way are racist skinheads, white supremacists, Nazis and Christian Identity morons.
May 17, 2010 at 8:26 am
Israel is a terrorist state, and there is plenty of video on this site to prove it. I’m not a skinhead or white supremacist, as I like all Gentiles. JEWS are a problem for us all, just ask the Palestinians.
Have any videos to share that might prove your point, ‘stan’, or are just another parrot?
May 17, 2010 at 8:28 am
Like this, for example. It’s not only the genocide of Palestinians, JEWS are terrorist parasites in other ways:
May 17, 2010 at 8:48 am
Or this video on an actual Supremacist Noel Ignatiev (JEW), a professor at Harvard!
May 17, 2010 at 9:37 am
Stan Kohls-
Interesting you bring up Communism. Everybody in Incogland knows who created and currently perpetuates Communism, so you put your foot in your mouth on that one. Regarding Israel’s behavior…if they want to conduct genocide on Palestinians they should do it with their own weaponry not the USA’s. Claiming that it’s a recurring phenomenon amongst all races is somewhat true, but that doesn’t make it right does it? America must dump the Israeli “tar-baby” or we will be dragged into hell with them.
Make no mistake…genocide is their goal, unless you think David Ben Gurion is just “whistling Dixie” in the quotes below. Without American military power, Jews couldn’t “conquer” their way out of a wet paper bag. We should have left them to their own devices way back in the 50′s. Now the whole world views us as stupid accomplices in Israel’s plans for remaking the entire Middle East as “Greater Eretz Israel” which is the actual goal that the PNAC planning is merely a visible reflection of.
Ben Gurion states his MO very clearly. So Stan, are you saying you APPROVE of this sort of behavior? Your previous argument just seems to be a long-winded way of saying, “Everybody does it, so what’s the big deal?” Didn’t you learn in kindergarten that if everybody is jumping off a cliff, it doesn’t mean you should too?
“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti – Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”
“We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population.”
“We must expel the Arabs and take their places.”
“Israel has created a new image of the Jew in the world – the image of a working and an intellectual people, of a people that can fight with heroism.”
“Anyone who believes you can’t change history has never tried to write his memoirs.”
May 17, 2010 at 9:46 am
“I suspect you don’t get similarly upset by what China has done to the population of Tibet”- stan JEW kohls
And I suppose you don’t get upset that the Israeli army (IDF) hands out t-shirts to terrorist JEWS that suggest killing pregnant women is a “bonus” b/c one shot=two kills?
JEWS are not only terrorists, they’re hypocrites. DUMP ISRAEL=SAVE THE WORLD!
May 17, 2010 at 9:49 am
Seems to me that JEWS are the real evil racist haters. Its obvious America is fighting wars against people who JEWS hate.
Its obvious that Stan is an evil racist hater of White people….being that he brings up the whole “skinhead” type crap. That method is of the Jews….the satanic haters of the White race.
May 17, 2010 at 2:40 pm
stan kohls
As a matter of fact, the Israelis warned Bush and Co. not to get involved in Iraq, that the nexus of terrorism was Iran for the organization and leadership, and Saudi Arabia for the financing.
Anyway, some of my best friends are white people.
May 17, 2010 at 3:10 pm
Still no content, hey ‘stan’?
Prove your statements with video, or at least go yap about Israel with the only people that care, JEWS and traitors.
May 17, 2010 at 3:57 pm
Are THESE some of those Israeli’s who were warning Bush, Stan? Your hasbarat duties overwhelm your prejudiced intellect.
May 17, 2010 at 4:18 pm
stan kohls
These pics appear to be from the small segment of “black hats,” known as Hadarim. They are orthodox, Chabad Lubavitchers, Satmars, etc. It’s unlikely any of them have any special political knowledge, I’m guessing that most of them have no idea where Iraq is. They have political power in Israel far exceeding their numbers (about 10-15%), and are increasing in numbers, because they tend to have lots of kids.
The folks who warned Bush that there were no WMD’s in Iraq, and that it would be an expensive quagmire for the US were the Mossad types, who are mostly secular, like most Israelis.
It’s nice to see Bush being nice to the orthodox folks, who are contemptuous of everyone who’s not a member of their particular sect, many of whom are certainly racist.
May 17, 2010 at 4:49 pm
stan kohls
p.s. It appears you attach some special significance to these pics. What could that be?
As an adamant Jew hater, you’re probably offended by the very sight of these superstitious old farts hob-nobbing with Bush. I must admit to not being particularly delighted by the sight, since I’m a strong supporter of church-state separation; but it’s the kind of thing politicians do all the time, making nice with people they have very little in common with, in order to garner votes and contributions, and to make it look like everyone is getting along swimmingly. As our ONLY reliable ally on the world stage, Israel gets the royal treatment by US politicos. It’s unlikely you’ll ever see a sight like this in the Obama White House, so count your blessings.
May 17, 2010 at 4:54 pm
For someone who says, “I actually have nothing to with Israel”, you certainly seem to have an intimate knowledge of Israeli detail, Stan, the hasbara jew. I’m tired of feeding dialogue to you, since your agenda should be clear to any and all. You are engaging in the same thing that you jews accuse the Islamics of doing, lying. It is jews [the Russian Khazars who deceptively call themselves jews] who are massively engaging in taqiyya – not the Islamics.
I’ll leave some words from Col. Jack Mohr which will illustrate quite well the strategies of political deception engaged in by jewry. It is not a specific instance so much as the chronic rule of the treachery employed by jews to advance jewry and to confuse those who are unaware. The general scheme of jewry should be obvious to all with open eyes and a rational mind.
“Why is it that in a Christian nation, so called and designated by the Supreme Court, our advisors in every phase of government are faithfully represented by names such as: Baruch, Kahn, Strauss, Breziznski, Morgenthau, Goldenweiser, Margold, Bachnach, Frankfurter, Worlfsohn, Cohen, Lowenthal, Lehman, Rosenblatt, Warburgh, Rosenmann, and the ever present Henry Kissinger?
Many of these Jews are and have been open advocates of Communism, Socialism, and the Zionist New World Order. Many like Kissinger, would have been tried, convicted and hung for treason at an earlier time in our nation’s history. Now they are revered by the Democratic Party, and many Republicans.
The government officials of the United States have been reduced in many instances to servile degradation by these infamous, gold and power hunting aliens.
Like the ugly Lenin, Trotsky, and Beria of the Soviet Union, where 3% of the population (Jews), kept the other 97% in servitude to their desires, so in the United States, at least since 1913, their patriotism has been measured by the yardstick of money and power. They are cowards in war and traitors in peace! Our flag, once the proud emblem of a strong nation, means nothing to them, since they have no permanent loyalty for anything except gold and possibly the occult symbol on the flag of the Israelis. History has proven, over and over again, that Jews are every ready to sacrifice the blood of patriots to racial miscegenation, if it furthers their purpose. This is their tribal instinct at work! Their hatred of everything good and everything which stands in their way, is undying and merciless, as shown by their silence economic war waged against Spain, a nation which had given them refuge; and again against Germany, where they had been treated with respect. Always in the annals of history, Jews have been known for biting the hand which fed and nourished them!
The Jew tolerates no opposition of any kind, whether in business or in politics. In accord with the unscrupulous methods taught in their Talmud, much of their religious life is taken up, not in preparing there people to meet God, or in helping their fellowman, but in acquiring a monopoly over everything which will give them power. From the smallest retail store, to the greatest department stores in the nation, the Jewish idea of the gelts the thing, is paramount.”
Why is it that in a Christian nation, so called and designated by the Supreme Court, our advisors in every phase of government are faithfully represented by names such as: Baruch, Kahn, Strauss, Breziznski, Morgenthau, Goldenweiser, Margold, Bachnach, Frankfurter, Worlfsohn, Cohen, Lowenthal, Lehman, Rosenblatt, Warburgh, Rosenmann, and the ever present Henry Kissinger?
Many of these Jews are and have been open advocates of Communism, Socialism, and the Zionist New World Order. Many like Kissinger, would have been tried, convicted and hung for treason at an earlier time in our nation’s history. Now they are revered by the Democratic Party, and many Republicans.
The government officials of the United States have been reduced in many instances to servile degradation by these infamous, gold and power hunting aliens.
Like the ugly Lenin, Trotsky, and Beria of the Soviet Union, where 3% of the population (Jews), kept the other 97% in servitude to their desires, so in the United States, at least since 1913, their patriotism has been measured by the yardstick of money and power. They are cowards in war and traitors in peace! Our flag, once the proud emblem of a strong nation, means nothing to them, since they have no permanent loyalty for anything except gold and possibly the occult symbol on the flag of the Israelis. History has proven, over and over again, that Jews are every ready to sacrifice the blood of patriots to racial miscegenation, if it furthers their purpose. This is their tribal instinct at work! Their hatred of everything good and everything which stands in their way, is undying and merciless, as shown by their silence economic war waged against Spain, a nation which had given them refuge; and again against Germany, where they had been treated with respect. Always in the annals of history, Jews have been known for biting the hand which fed and nourished them!
The Jew tolerates no opposition of any kind, whether in business or in politics. In accord with the unscrupulous methods taught in their Talmud, much of their religious life is taken up, not in preparing there people to meet God, or in helping their fellowman, but in acquiring a monopoly over everything which will give them power. From the smallest retail store, to the greatest department stores in the nation, the Jewish idea of the gelts the thing, is paramount.”
May 17, 2010 at 4:59 pm
stan kohls
Ooops, my mistake.
On closer inspection, it appears that the bearded “Black Hats” are members of the Chabad-Lubavitch sect of Hassidic Jews, who are the most pro-Zionist orthodox sect (many orthodox are virulently anti-Zionist, like the bunch who were recently in Iran as part of the Anti-Zionist coalition, believing that Jews must wait for the coming of the Messiah to establish their own state). Chabad establishes centers all over the world, for Jews to visit when they need a place to get kosher food, celebrate the Sabbath, etc.
It was the Chabad House in Mumbai that was attacked last year by Al Qaeda terrorists, who murdered several people there. At the time, they were on their cell phones to their handler in Pakistan, who reminded them that killing a Jew is worth 50 times what killing anyone else is worth.
It might be a good idea for you to check out your bedfellows…
May 17, 2010 at 5:02 pm
Stan Kohls: “It’s unlikely you’ll ever see a sight like this in the Obama White House, so count your blessings.”
TOTAL BULLSHIT, JEW. Obama is now doing seder dinners in the WH. Obama is totally under the Jew thumb, maybe not some specific sect, but ALL the rest of you bastards. TAKE A HIKE, KIKE.
May 17, 2010 at 5:06 pm
Screech loud and Screech often! The old jewish trick of how to get your way when there are only contrived factual situations to support you. Isn’t that right, Stan?
May 18, 2010 at 12:16 am
stan kohls
Those sneaky, tricky Jews again. Certainly no one else would ever act like that. Neither Chinese nor Africans, Brits or Russkies never, certainly not White Americans, who don’t ever screech loud or often. Those Tea-baggers, for e.g.; always quiet, polite, reasonable, humble, modest, and oh-so pure.
LOL…what a joke!
May 18, 2010 at 12:25 am
stan kohls
So, if Obama is “totally under the Jew thumb,” how is it he stopped the building of 1600 apartments for Jews on the Palestinian West Bank? As a matter of fact, in a recent interview on Oprah, Sarah Palin supported the building of these units. Maybe she’s a Jew also, just like Eisenhower, Lenin, Mao, Castro, etc.
As that long-eared Jew Bugs Bunny often said, “What a maroon.”
June 2, 2010 at 9:15 am
A giant fucking menorah on the White house lawn, Obama totally surrounded by jews , ( some dual-israeli ), the Seder dinners, Obama in the skullcap at the wailing wall etc. etc……
Makes these words of “Stan” seem very silly : ” “It’s unlikely you’ll ever see a sight like this in the Obama White House, so count your blessings.”
June 17, 2010 at 2:53 pm
you people are all fucking insane
June 17, 2010 at 3:05 pm
person – “you people are all fucking insane”
I’m reminded of a favorite quote from one of Clint Eastwood’s more lighter hearted movies, Bronco Billy:
“maybe they’re just sane people in a crazy world.”
Taking a look at the world as it exist today…yep.
June 17, 2010 at 3:17 pm
Hey “person”, want to know what crazy is? Keeping the southern border wide open for passage of persons and agricultural products during the midst of a rapidly spreading, cross-species pandemic of unknown etiology. I’ll tell you what else is crazy. Crazy is a popular TV physician and his crew first being barred from entering a mexican hog farm located within spitting distance of Ground Zero and then retreating from the site without a mere mention of why on his blog along with removal of previously broadcast video and comments questioning his journalistic integrity. Now that’s crazy! Crazy brought to you by a government and media who is supposed to serve the people’s best interest. Apparently they’re more interested in pandering to political and commercial interest, both foreign and domestic.