US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the AIPAC conference in Washington, DC, 22 March 2010. (Nicholas Kamm/AFP)
Stephen Maher, The Electronic Intifada
The speeches at AIPAC, the pro-Israel lobby group, on Monday by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Netanyahu’s subsequent meeting with US President Barack Obama are widely seen as drawing to a close what Israeli ambassador to the US Michael Oren called the “most severe crisis in US-Israel relations” in decades. This rapprochement comes on the heels of a series of seemingly angry statements top members of the Obama Administration released, after Israel announced construction of 1,600 new illegal housing units in occupied East Jerusalem while US Vice President Joe Biden was in the country.
The lousy Jews have long had the US government under their fat and greasy thumb — if any politician, or anyone for that matter, dares say anything about it, then the Jew-controlled press will just ignore them, or turn them into a pariah in the eyes of a gullible and unaware public, if need be. [INCOG]
In fact, the basis for the Obama Administration’s criticisms of the settlement announcement — as well as the significance of the crisis itself — has been widely misconstrued by both supporters and critics of Israel. AIPAC and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) were “shocked and stunned” that Biden and Clinton called the Israeli announcement “insulting.” AIPAC urged the administration to “take immediate steps to defuse the tension with the Jewish state” and “move away from public demands and unilateral deadlines directed at Israel.” Meanwhile, the ADL mused, “One can only wonder how far the US is prepared go in distancing itself from Israel.”
Voices more critical of Israel, such as Richard Dreyfuss of The Nation, suggested that “this is not just the reaction to an insulting announcement during the visit of Vice President Biden,” but rather “the Obama Administration is beginning to realize that Israeli intransigence … is a major obstacle to US policy in the region.” Dreyfuss predicted that this “might turn into the most significant confrontation between the United States and Israel” since the 1956 Suez War.
Contrary to both of these positions, the Obama Administration merely reacted to a diplomatic affront it was dealt by the Israeli government. Israel’s announcement came on the same day that Biden had arrived in the country to proudly confirm the US’ “absolute, total and unvarnished” commitment to its ally, and commence indirect talks with the Palestinians. Following the announcement, protests and violent clashes broke out in Jerusalem and elsewhere throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Responding to this pressure, the Arab League threatened to cancel its endorsement of the indirect negotiations, with Secretary Amr Moussa even announcing that the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas had decided not to participate in the talks. As the endorsement was the only political cover Abbas had to re-enter negotiations, the US administration took careful notice of these events as pressure on Abbas to abandon talks from within the territories mounted. With the Arab world outraged and Biden humiliated due to the degree of US complicity that the timing of the announcement revealed, the Obama Administration was forced to react.
Clinton said the timing of the announcement was “insulting,” while top aide David Axelrod [right] called it an “affront” that “seemed calculated” to undermine the peace talks. The Obama Administration hopes that this PR display will allow the US to fortify its farcical claim to be an “honest broker” in the peace process, provide Abbas the political cover to re-enter negotiations, and send a message to the Israeli government that American leaders are to be treated with respect. As CNN reported, Netanyahu has now set up a team to investigate why the settlement construction announcement was made during Biden’s visit.
Netanyahu may well have been telling the truth when he claimed to be “surprised” by the public criticisms by the US government. The day before, one day after US envoy George Mitchell arrived to broker newly-announced “proximity talks,” the State Department explicitly approved Israel’s construction of 112 new apartments in an illegal settlement outside Bethlehem. The assent came despite Netanyahu’s declaration of a “moratorium” on settlement building, which he has insisted cannot include such illegal construction in Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem, a position the US has accepted.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has also chastised Israel for its “provocative actions,” including record-high rates of stripping Palestinians from Jerusalem their residency rights and infringements on Palestinian religious sites that are clearly designed to incite a Palestinian response or otherwise make it impossible for Abbas to return to the negotiating table. Yet even when the administration was at its most critical of Israel, following Obama’s speech in Cairo last year, Israel was reassured that the actions taken by the US would be “largely symbolic.” Indeed, Obama unconditionally re-authorized the loan guarantees program and massive US aid — conservatively estimated at $7 million per day — has continued without threat of reduction.
Obviously, the Obama Administration is hardly concerned about Israeli violations of international law, previous agreements it has signed, or the human rights of the Palestinians. The implication throughout is that had the announcement come a week before Biden visited (or even a day before, as the Bethlehem announcement did) there would have been no problem. Indeed, just one week later, after the Israeli government announced construction on an additional 426 East Jerusalem settlement homes, Clinton “bolstered her support for the Jewish state,” according to The Washington Post. The Israeli army then opened fire on peaceful protestors in Gaza twice in two days, and carried out air strikes on targets in Gaza, while Clinton issued another statement saying that the steps offered by the Israeli government to resolve the dispute were “useful and productive.”
The escalating repression continued Sunday, when the Israeli army shot and killed four Palestinian youths in 24 hours in the West Bank, two aged 18 and two 16. Simultaneously, Netanyahu issued a statement proclaiming that Israel would never cease building illegally in East Jerusalem as Ban Ki-moon arrived in Israel. Clearly, recent condemnations of these projects as “illegal” by Ban and the European Union did not stop Obama from welcoming Netanyahu to Washington on Monday with a private meeting, nor Clinton from proudly sharing the stage with him at the AIPAC conference to reaffirm the US commitment to support Israel’s rejection of the international consensus for resolving the conflict. Though she did say the settlements “undermine mutual trust,” she did not acknowledge their illegality and mostly stressed the threat that US support for them poses to its “credibility” as an “honest broker,” thus urging Israel to refrain from such flagrantly provocative behavior while reinforcing that the US-Israel relationship is “rock solid.”
The US hopes that this pretended outrage will lend its role as “honest broker” enough credibility to keep the “peace process” moving, itself merely a PR facade that shields Israeli crimes from public scrutiny. If it does not, the US will undoubtedly pay little mind to the harsh words spoken this week and do as it has done before: blame the Palestinians for its failure and support Israeli repression.
Stephen Maher is an MA candidate at American University School of International Service who has lived in the West Bank, and is currently writing his masters’ thesis, “The New Nakba: Oslo and the End of Palestine,” on the Israel-Palestine conflict. His work has been appeared in Extra!, ZNet and other publications. His blog is
Judas Goat Lindsey Graham Kisses Jew Ass!
Lindsay Graham (R-SC) pandering to AIPAC, urging a war with the Persians, making it obvious the Washington Consensus means to take the nation to war and giving the lie to the absurd notion that Obama represents a change from America’s Israel-centric foreign policy. If we do not attack Iran, Graham says, “tolerance” will suffer a huge a blow and another holocaust will follow. Madness.
Liberal Republican Lindsey Graham spoke to AIPAC a few days ago. AIPAC is the umbrella organization for the massive Israeli foreign lobby. Once again we see Graham pledging his loyalty to another minority interest lobby in Washington. Graham promises to seek war against Iran on behalf of Israel.
Israel has the largest foreign lobby in Washington. AIPAC acts as an umbrella for a network of over 100 smaller pro-Israel PACs. Together they dish out millions a year in campaign funding. AIPAC was a leading advocate of the Gulf War and the Operation Iraqi Freedom. Several members of the Obama administration, including Hillary and Obama himself, are members of AIPAC.
Where in the constitution does it say that America should go to war on behalf of the largest bidder?
Comments feed for this article
March 31, 2010 at 11:40 am
Whitelandia? HAHAAHA don’t you mean Fed-land-ia?
Which of the White Power leaders haven’t been found out to be Feds, or J-ws?
Kind of a sadly transparent thing to do, call someone a J-w because you don’t agree, or are being outargued.
You want to find the J-ws, they are the ones who can’t hold their own with reason, so they say you must be a J-w.
I don’t call usually people J-ws, but I figure most of the White Power pushers are F-ds:
Like Maynard, the big white power tough guy, calling down the niggers, spics and Kikes… turns out he has a Mexican wife and mestizo offspring..
Now he is so embarrased he has turned his blog ‘invite only’.
“Dave sounds “White”. ”
That’s great nemnuts! As we know all white people are of one personality and you can tell them by their typing.”Dave sounds “White”. ”
The point is, we know the signs to look for, with the Feds.
Is Nemesys a 300 lb pregnant Mexican J-w? Could be. She “sounds like” one to me.
March 31, 2010 at 11:42 am
“Mel Gibson apologize publicly to the jews”
March 31, 2010 at 12:06 pm
George Lincoln Rockwell and Dan Burros both Jews pretending to be Nazis and working for the feds.
March 31, 2010 at 12:39 pm
Anachore is another devious character who tries to present Maynard as a jew because he knows that Maynard has circumstances which make it dangerous for him to defend himself due, I think, to a bitter child custody hearing. I don’t know Curt Maynard, but I have seen his postings and they seem consistently on target against jewish trickery.
So Anachore attacks him knowing this and that he is disadvantaged from defending himself and mounts attacks against him because of his wife and children, who are often irrelevant to a man’s beliefs. You are a low scumbag, Anachore. I’ve seen you try to peddle your poison other places, such as at Patrick Grims latest post, where no one buys your garbage either, but you have served your ultimate purpose of infiltrating and spreading propaganda to take away from the messages of effective people:
You seem to have too long a history here at Incogman, too. [Scroll down to Anachore's 6:12 comment]
“…meaningless talking about a group that is multi-racial.”
Jews try to avoid generalizations because they are so often true and are usable against them. jews may be multi-racial and are, but they are still jews. Not plain and simple jews, but complicated and devious jews who use any means to avoid being pegged – like Anachore, who I think denies being a jew. (His argument: They aren’t born jews, they are “victims” (again) of their “religion” and their “jew rabbies” developed after the mutilation their little pee-wees and the subsequent Rabbi sucking imposed on them at birth). Jews hate simplicity because that can show them for who they are.
As for his statement, ” I don’t shirk from the truth ever, unless it’s bullshit.”, that may be true since his entire online personna is bullshit. Anachore knows and tries all the classic mind games used by jews. He just isn’t very good at doing it. All he does is occupy space with useless comments which sometimes have a hint of reasonableness mixed with mounds of disinfo and diversion.
March 31, 2010 at 12:47 pm
Right on, Flanders. ‘analsore’ comes here constantly denouncing others. He knows Maynard’s hiatus has ZERO to do with “being exposed” as having a Mexican wife. Old news, and nobody cares except a race baiting JEW-rat.
Let’s see what analsore has to say about ‘morris’ and his grim prospects for terrorist, shithole, Israel.
March 31, 2010 at 1:56 pm
Biker- 10:28 am
“pass out the Incards Rock! i tell alot of people about this blob myself.. alot visit but still dont have the balls to comment”
Aint that a bitch!
I have a freind who beleives and understands everything here and says;
“Well I’m fine. I have a decent job and a nice house. Whats it to me?”
I have trouble wraping my brain around that mentallity.
How do you fight complaicent self- centerdness?
In the end, People get what they deserve.
Prepared I am Biker..
March 31, 2010 at 2:12 pm
Rock, Some of the brain-dead will never awaken. Some will. Be prepared to help them when and if they do and plant a few seeds as you go along.
“While reading an article about a band, the band was called disparagingly the “whitest band in the world.” The band was composed of a Persian and a Jew and two Whites proper.
I myself have been so conditioned to be shocked and even angry when I see a photograph featuring an entirely White group of individuals, partially because I know that someone – including that long dead liberal influence inside me – would think the photo needed diversity, when looking at a picture of a group of Japanese I would not think the same.
Things will not get better between the races until the non-white population manages to get its massive chip off its shoulder about not being White, and be able to summarily leave Whites alone. Otherwise individuals will become more and more agitated and extreme.
Need I remind you that the more agitation is caused in and to the White community by external groups, the more reactionary it will become. Meaning that people such as me, former laissez-faire Whites with little to no racial awareness, have now become completely dedicated to bolstering the White population and raising my children to hate liberals and enemies of decency. It stands right now that white nationalism is the only philosophy that would manage to drive sixteen year old kids to not act like degenerates and in turn seek to have successful, large families, while the main opposition is composed of angry “Green” liberals that not only hate themselves, but hate children.” [Continues]
More media to explore:
March 31, 2010 at 2:34 pm
Rock, I didn’t intend to sound so complacent with that last comment. People have to be shaken. Time is too short and things can move too quickly if more people don’t wake up. If they choose not to see that they are threatened and are threatening the rest of White America, then while they may be inactiive, thier inaction is treacherous. Some like the ones you mention are going to have to understand that there is no fence-straddling in the coming days. If they are not active White proponents or supporters, they will be an enemy, not because we choose it but because their choice threatens all of us. For now they choose saftey which they view to be with the existing power arrangement, but it is treachery to complacently support those who oppose Whites and constitutional America.
Biker’s idea of passing out Incogcards is a great one. Anything containing simple messages to bypass media could be great if done correctly. Tune the message to the market you are delivering the message to and give at least one, but not too many references where they can obtain more information. I’m sure others here probably have better ideas.
March 31, 2010 at 3:20 pm
Incogman wrote quote:
American wrote “He knows Maynard’s hiatus has ZERO to do with “being exposed” as having a Mexican wife. Old news, and nobody cares except a race baiting JEW-rat.”
“American” defends Maynard, as he has a Mexican Wife and Mexican kids too.
What kind of Whites are you…………………………Awakening whites for me are those who fight to keep our race pure white.
March 31, 2010 at 3:26 pm
Uh oh, Robson, not only are you incorrect, but now I’ll have to drop some TERRORIST ISRAEL videos on you! Stay tuned.
March 31, 2010 at 3:34 pm
Crazy JEW attacks a FEMALE reporter from behind:
March 31, 2010 at 3:37 pm
you know what? while in West Texas i discovered that the people that hate illegals the most were LEGAL Mexican Americans! they had to work, fill out the forms, made all the right moves, speak English and pledge allegiance to OUR flag, not the Mexican flag. these criminal illegals slip under the fence, and not only get everything free that the legals worked for, but give the legals a bad name. i had a buddy last name of Guitierrez (sp?) that used to say in his Texas drawl “effin wetbacks”.. it was strange to say the least.
i dont get it either Rock! the house is on fire! “well, the fire isnt in MY part of the house” WTF?! WAKE UP!!!
March 31, 2010 at 3:41 pm
Excuse me for the error, that was another video. There’s just so much material exposing terrorist Israel that it can get overwhelming!
Here’s the JEWattacking a lady from behind:
March 31, 2010 at 3:48 pm
ISRAEL’s “break the bones strategy” of Rabid Rabin, proves Israel is a failed state:
March 31, 2010 at 3:55 pm
Just like “apartheid” is too kind a word to describe Israel’s murder and theft of Palestinians, I think calling JEW thieves “settlers” is inaccurate:
I’m confident Israel’s best days have passed, and that JEWRY isn’t far behind. The internet continues to expose the truth faster than JEW-rigging can keep up.
March 31, 2010 at 3:56 pm
American are you ashamed of your Mexican wife and kids, you declared on this blog that you have a Mexican Wife.
White traitor………. And a LIAR too.
Waiting for incogman to save you and delete my comment.
March 31, 2010 at 4:05 pm
Sabrosky: JEW-agent, or not? Who cares, because the fact is Israel did 9/11.
March 31, 2010 at 4:08 pm
You’re just a little Jew brat who escaped SPAMblinka. Back you go.
March 31, 2010 at 4:20 pm
“What kind of Whites are you…………………………Awakening whites for me are those who fight to keep our race pure white.”
Robson, Awakening Whites to the jew who is behind the attacks on Whites in America and elsewhere is what I understand our function to be. You are surely welcome if your beliefs are in the purity of the White race and in the advancement of that knowledge, but so are other Whites who don’t focus on purity so much as exposing jewry and ridding Whites, American or otherwise, of the disinformation and propaganda that the jewish union and it’s leaders has used to treacherously subvert our governmental processes and White culture. We are after White unity and awakening, but not with a particular focus on the various valid White sub groups who have their own unique but limited interests (purity, religion, etc.). We try to welcome all who respect other Whites and work for this goal.
That is my understanding at least and maybe others, including Incog Man, will want to fill in what I may have missed.
March 31, 2010 at 4:24 pm
Besides, my “wife” isn’t Mexican, but Israel is the world’s asshole.
March 31, 2010 at 4:25 pm
Sorry, Incogman I didn’t see the rats second comment so I couldn’t tell whether Robson was a jew. Thanks for rounding him up. Give him an extra spray of Zyclon for me.
March 31, 2010 at 4:32 pm
Rock: “Akira is [a] brilliant…dick.”
Yep. That’s what she said last night.
+ + +
Re: “Hutoree incident. I’m sure Incog will do us an article soon”
If so, in case you missed it, please check here for some collected documentation of Hutaree’s Zionism:
+ + +
Robson attacks Curtis for not having kept his “race” “pure white”.
I guess he’s supposed to shove his kids back up into their mom’s womb and demand his sperm back.
Robber’s Son goes on: “you declared on this blog that you have a Mexican Wife. White traitor”
They do have White people in Mexico.
+ + +
@ Biker, about the US-Citizen Hispanics opposed to illegals:
Yes, in the propaganda war that is being waged 24/7, it’s always useful to get Blacks to see (and say) that cheap illegals threaten Black workers the most, and for Jews who aren’t crazy for ‘goy’-blood to start trashing the Elders of Zion and so on.
I don’t mean that Whites can’t make the same arguments without some “minority cover” (like the militia and patriotard and tea party types who always try to get some black or Hispanic media rep, ’cause they’re afraid of looking ‘racist’), but I mean in addition to whatever else is done.
For example, their was an Indian guy on the BBC who trashed the Jew David Milliband for Labour’s immigration policy. He was saying that the government was trying to destroy British culture. The Jew Milliband was speechless.
Of course any White Briton should have been able to say the thing without being labeled a ‘racist’, but that’s the way it is.
If more non-White Britons stand up and say, “No more immigration!” then all that matters is that the tide can start to turn, and more Whites will start to think more clearly without fear of slander.
+ + +
@ Jeneanne Garolfolo’s Itchy Varange,
In what way would Biker be a narcissist? I have never detected any symptoms indicating such a diagnosis. Here’s my gift to you. But remember that this “do” looks best disheveled and sprinkled with crystal meth:
March 31, 2010 at 4:34 pm
Thanks for those vids, American. Just watched this one there:
Tips for video-making /up/downloading etc. from a fine German fella.
March 31, 2010 at 4:46 pm
That model was everything Ms Winehouse is not! Arrooooooooga !
March 31, 2010 at 4:47 pm
Akira – any link to a vid of a “speechless” Milliband? Id love to see it.
March 31, 2010 at 4:50 pm
Frank Fredenburg
I just found this over at What Really Happened.
Hutaree Militia Is An Israeli Mossad Zionist Front Group – True Sons Of Liberty Exposed Them In 2007
March 31, 2010 at 5:01 pm
Akira- Well no one can say you don’t have a sense of humor.
March 31, 2010 at 5:03 pm
The Great Reneger
March 31, 2010 at 5:07 pm
I agree with your 2:12 comment, Flanders,
A big part of my own awakening was the realization that a lot of white men, in their efforts of being non-judgmental and politically correct, became mentally emasculated. Brain death soon followed and they now choose to bury their proverbial heads in the sand… In their delusions they’ll equate their fundamental right of speaking their mind to things like being rude or talking out of turn…. They were fooled long ago into believing the world they wanted, the world they thought of as best for their children to grow up in, was the wrong thing to think. Even if they still wish for that world in their heart, their mind tells them its wrong to speak up about it. The group think mentality has gotten the best of them and they mostly sit quietly on their porch diluting the bitterness with a beer and a cigar.
When I talk to people like this, it’s with compassion more than anything else. I think we’ve all sat amongst them at some point in our life. And although it’s delivery may change, my message to them is always the same: “WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU DUMB SONUVABITCH, GET OFF YOUR ASS AND START BEING A FRICKIN’ MAN! OPEN THAT MIND OF YOURS AND LEARN ABOUT THE SNAKE THAT IS ISRAEL, THEN SPEAK LOUDLY OF THE CHANGES YOU’LL WANT THIS NATION TO MAKE, FOR THERE ARE MANY.”
March 31, 2010 at 5:15 pm
How ironic that last statement is.
American- said he has a ‘Spanish wife’ – sounds like a euphemism for Mexican to me!
Speaking of ‘race baiters’, isn’t that what the phony WN Curt Maynard was trying to be?
Wouldn’t you be happier hanging with multicultural Adam Austin? You can go on a double date to Peurto-whatevah…
I couldn’t care less about your Mexican wife American, I just love exposing FRAUDs and liars.
March 31, 2010 at 5:24 pm
Oh bullshit, you just want to get some whiteys worked up a little. Most real White Americans could give a rat’s ass about having a Spanish wife. Hell, John Wayne had a thing for Hot Tameles himself. Besides, the Spanish ARE Whites.
I do believe the whole business of race baiting is a one distinct sign of Jewry.
And none of us knows what the deal is with Curt Maynard, he just might want to take a little hiatus. Perfectly understandable. He’s proven his bona fides, far as I’m concerned.
One more GD peep outta you Anarchore on this tack and you’re in SPAMblinka.
March 31, 2010 at 5:26 pm
Rabbi perv list:
Les Visible:
” Most of what is going on at the moment is a distraction. When it is not a distraction, it is a prelude. The key to what is intended can be discovered by studying changes in the laws. There are the evidences of intent. We know that 9/11 was done by Israel in concert with willing elements in the US and UK governments. All the changes they made in the laws to protect us from foreign and domestic enemies [which they happen to be] have been geared toward where they have brought you and where they are taking you. Anyone who claims to be informed and is in the public eye and does not acknowledge what is true is working for them in some capacity or too scared to be honest and then… should probably shut up because they are doing more harm than good.
When someone comes along and tells you that the Saudis control Hollywood and points your attention to ‘everyone but’ Zionist Israel, then that person is in their employ. That person is making a whole lot of money by telling you lies. The United States has no greater enemy than Israel and the solution is to remove from government everyone who supports Rothschildlandia and to cut off ties with Israel and toss everyone who is from that criminal organization out of the country and forbid their return.”
March 31, 2010 at 5:26 pm
Ahhh, ‘analsore’ wants to see more videos! Btw, Adam Austin is married to a very nice lady (White).
You sure hate us White guys!
March 31, 2010 at 5:42 pm
Here’s what July 4th will look like in the US, if we don’t send the JEWS to their beloved terrorist Israel:
March 31, 2010 at 5:50 pm
Analj-wbore: “Spanish sounds like a euphemism for Mexican”
So El General Generalissimo Franco and St Teresa were Mexicans in your bizarro universe?
“I just love exposing FRAUDs and liars.” Respectfully, have you considered looking in the mirror?
+ + +
Whatever happened to the Jew Pearlman? On the JSM they reported that he’d been captured in Afghanistan (as “Adam Gadahn”), then they said it might not have been him. They confused him with another Jew? Just how many Jews are there in al-Qaeda HQ?
+ + +
Regarding this assertion that I come here because nobody goes to my site. That is slander of the highest order, and bearing false witness. I have had 1,027,395 visitors/hits at my humble site. I used to get 3,000/day until I started Naming the Jew. Now it’s about 1,000/day. I don’t care that much. It’s there. I’m doing my part.
I used to be very popular with the Jews, and pseudo-Conservatives, when I was on a ‘crusade’ to counter the lie that “Islam is a Religion of Peace” and that “we all worship the same god.”
Then, after gradually coming to see the Jewey Masonized hidden hand, with its death grip on God’s creation, I became, supposedly, “an Islamophobe and a Homophobe and a Nazi!” Now of course I’m, supposedly, “an Islamophobe and a Homophobe and an Antishemite and a Nazi!” Is that progress? I wouldn’t know. I don’t believe in progress.
+ + +
gtrman “any link to a vid of a “speechless” Milliband”
Yes. He usually stutters like Hugh Grant and then ponces on about something entirely unrelated to whatever he was asked, but here you can see from his ratty eyes that he calculates that any response he gives would be pointless or counter-productive (he’s been out-PC’d], so he just shuts up and lets the panel continue, marking the Paki in his list of people to be ritually slaughtered after the coming of the Jewbo’s Earthly “messiah”:
“Even Pakistanis know that Judeo-Communists like Milliband have wrecked Britain”
March 31, 2010 at 5:52 pm
One Palestinian child was killed, 16 others injured, one critically when Israeli troops opened fire at Land Day protests at deferent locations in the Gaza Strip.
In one of the Protests people gathered at the Israeli-bulit wall near the International airport in Rafah city, southern Gaza Strip. Troops opened fire at civilians killing 15 year old Mohamed Al Faramawi.
At the same time another protest marking land day started at Khan Younis town, south east of The Gaza Strip.
People reached the buffer zone at the borders with Israel. Soldiers stationed at the borders opened fire at protesters injuring 16 civilians. Among those injured was nine year old Ra’ed Abu Namous; he was critically injured when a live round hit him in the head, Medical sources reported.
March 31, 2010 at 5:54 pm
Here we see Rahm “tinkerbell” Emmanuel wants to disarm Americans, while we’ve all seen videos of Israelis running around in sandals and yarmulkeys, terrorizing defenseless Palestinians. And let’s not forget we also fund their military with cash, and machinery sold as “surplus” by dual citizenship JEWS infesting our government:
March 31, 2010 at 5:56 pm
Thanks Akira. I always think that both Millibands ( and some others ) sound like Blair disciples, similar “coached” vocal mannerisms, “man of the people” glottal stops and the odd dropped “h”.
In ten or twenty years, with the right moustache, Milliband will be the “Big Brother ” face.
March 31, 2010 at 5:59 pm
At the 35th second the host turned to Milicent and asked, “Do you want to answer”". Milicent obviously must have shaken his head or said “no”, because the host then turns back to ask the Paki another question.
+ + +
Correction. Above, I meant that after Naming the Jew, I went from being called “an Islamophobe and a Homophobe and a Nazi!” to being called “an Islamophobe and a Homophobe and an Antishemite and a Nazi!” In fact, I’m a very kind and gentle soul, with love for every one.
+ + +
Another classic Jew-Gob-Stopping Moment:
“Michael Sheuer wipes dumb grin off Bill Maher’s hatchet-face”
March 31, 2010 at 7:04 pm
Is the “European” “little Israel” involved in the Moscow massacre? Nikolai Patrushev of the Russian FSB intends to check whether they are.
“We have had information that individual members of Georgian special forces support contacts with terrorist organisations in the Russian North Caucasus. We must check this also in relation to the acts of terror in Moscow.”
March 31, 2010 at 7:24 pm
Cops had her arms pinned behind her after she showed her driver’s license, but the negro woman dropping off her kids refused to sign a ticket, which she equated with an admission of guilt.
“A federal appeals court says three Seattle police officers did not employ excessive force when they repeatedly tasered a visibly pregnant woman for refusing to sign a speeding ticket.”
Read More
March 31, 2010 at 7:50 pm
This is JEWmerica:
March 31, 2010 at 7:55 pm
Since somebody brought up Adam Austin, here’s a great video for those who serve in the American military. It is the terrorist JEWS that call our returning veterans “potential terrorists”. The REAL citizens here would never do that!:
March 31, 2010 at 8:12 pm
Holy politics, Batman! Nicolas Sarkozy and Barack Obama leap from a White House press conference yesterday
Read more:
March 31, 2010 at 8:41 pm
Funny that I don’t see the usual suspects saying that J-wish descended Sabrosky is a Talmudic liar… interesting!
Meet Dr. Alan Sabrosky, a brave man, a USMC Vietnam vet, an American of Jewish ancestry and someone devoted to the security of the United States at any cost. Ask any Jew what it takes to stand up against the most powerful and ruthless group in the world, the Israeli lobby inside the United States.
March 31, 2010 at 8:46 pm
Wrong again, Manticore.
I said that as much as I believe he’s sincere, and like what he says, I have to wonder why he associates with the most anger-mismanaged of the 3 monkeys and his stage-Oirish sidekick.
Of course, I’m an unusual suspect.
March 31, 2010 at 8:48 pm
Well, sure, some Jews will tell the truth. How many is the question. 10 out of a thousand? Why don’t you argue with God on how many decent people live in Sodom and Gomorrah before he brings down the hammer?
And that hammer is coming down, JACK!
March 31, 2010 at 8:48 pm
Sabrosky isn’t lying, so why would Gentiles accuse him of it?
He’s nothing like you, ‘analsore’.
March 31, 2010 at 8:56 pm
Sabrosky’s line is that the Jew-State drags all Jews down, with its immorality and its genocidal machinations. He says that Jews have many fine things to be proud of, many great achievements. But anyway, he doesn’t much care, because as far as he’s concerned, being Jewish just means enjoying the dubious pleasures of the Ashkenazi cuisine.
Of course, he’s deluded about these “Jewish achievements”, but nobody’s perfect. At least he has the decency to say that his pledge to defend the constitution overrides any Jewey affiliations he may have been born into. Not bad, for a Jewbo. He’s a credit to his race.
March 31, 2010 at 9:37 pm
GDL/White Master
Jews are good at one thing…RUNNING THEIR MOUTHS!
March 31, 2010 at 9:39 pm
I’d like to dump all the bastards — right into the Congo.
April 1, 2010 at 2:00 am
At present, I think the Western nations are still in a window of opportunity for a ‘hands up – who wants to be an American, an Australian, a Canadian’.
The time is now for people to come forward and make common cause.
The Mexican Americans Biker refers to – they have made sacrifices to become naturalised, who obey American laws that are legitimate (constitutional) – they have every every reason to make common cause with the penalized White majority. Ditto for the Jews who want out from under Jewry and the local Beit Din. They don’t want to be a state within a state – they want to be Americans.
Jewry, of course, will try to bust up these alliances.
Whites are still the largest demographic in the U.S. and can still reach out to anyone who wants to defend traditional American ideals.
April 1, 2010 at 5:11 am
This piece of cabalistic filth on the first link below has the power to ban anyone it likes who it deems as a ‘nazi’. It does so much for it’s holohoax cause but true to form being the parasite it is, CHOOSES to live in England as a “lord” (sic)..
America may be bad but England certainly went to the dogs a very long time ago…
April 2, 2010 at 8:40 am
Bill Maher is a fool.
April 2, 2010 at 9:22 am
Why can Billary not just retire gracefully? Talk about a phucked out old broad!!! I mean, how desperate for attention can anyone get?
April 2, 2010 at 12:25 pm
What the fuck do you fat ass americans know about Israel?
April 2, 2010 at 12:33 pm
Dear Lewis, we all know it is a U.S. funded welfare state which is murdering a lot of Palestinian women & children. Tax dollars down the rathole.
April 2, 2010 at 12:43 pm
Jewis said,
“What the fuck do you fat ass americans know about Israel?”
We know that the host is getting sick of the parasite.
Can the parasite survive on its own?
April 3, 2010 at 3:12 pm
Jewis: “What the fuck do you fat ass americans know about Israel?”
You’re right, Jewis.
Most non-Yid Americans (even the skinny ones) really know nothing about the Zionist Entity in Palestine.
Therefore, they shouldn’t allow their tax dollars to go to something they don’t understand, right?
April 3, 2010 at 3:45 pm
“Therefore, they shouldn’t allow their tax dollars to go to something they don’t understand, right?”
Istead it should go to Akira, who is begging those whites for a kick in the ass to fly him back to his rat hole in Japan, so he can commit 腹切り
April 3, 2010 at 3:50 pm
ohhhh LEWIS!!!! what about the Lavon affair, or the USS Liberty asshole?! not to mention Irgun, or all the other terrorist operations/events Israhell is built on. why dont you spin a chicken, kill it, and drink the blood you satanic fuckin JEW piece o shit.
April 3, 2010 at 3:53 pm
waiting on a response ya asshole JEW. explain the U.S.S. Liberty, or go FUCK yourself somewhere you chicken spinning KIKE.
April 3, 2010 at 5:05 pm
Wrong Jew, I’m not begging. I said that if any person (any person — Yid, Nip, Paleskin, Negro, Paki, Nip, Pom, Paddy, Towelhead, who-or-whatsoever) contributes to the Send Akira Back To Japan/Asia Fund, then I will campaign there o have any Jews, Muslims, Yanks or Brits barred from entry, and for Slavemasons to be suppressed with extreme prejudice.
And yes, it would be better for Americans to give me at least 3 billion dollars a year, than to give it to the Zionist Entity in Palestine.
In fact, I might just start a website to promote that very idea.
April 4, 2010 at 7:53 pm
@Lynda – “At present, I think the Western nations are still in a window of opportunity for a ‘hands up – who wants to be an American, an Australian, a Canadian’.
The time is now for people to come forward and make common cause.
The Mexican Americans Biker refers to – they have made sacrifices to become naturalised, who obey American laws that are legitimate (constitutional) – they have every every reason to make common cause with the penalized White majority. Ditto for the Jews who want out from under Jewry and the local Beit Din. They don’t want to be a state within a state – they want to be Americans.
Jewry, of course, will try to bust up these alliances.
Whites are still the largest demographic in the U.S. and can still reach out to anyone who wants to defend traditional American ideals.”
I too share this sentiment. With full recognition of history’s story concerning the conquest of the nation’s land and my descendant’s brave abet ultimately losing fight to keep it I am first and foremost an American and I’ll defend the well of freedom from whatever or whomever wishes to poison it. For proof I have firmly and proudly raised my hand in solemn oath to support and defend The Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies, both foreign AND domestic.
There are many in positions of power who’ve taken such oaths lightly, or disregard them altogether, because of the fact their thirst for personal gain or ingrained loyalty towards foreign nations and tribes surmounts pledged loyalty to the nation. I spit upon them.
As a person of mixed European/Apache Indian ancestory I am a product of American expansionism, of Manifest Destiny. I cannot change who I am and do not apologies for it either. All I can state is this; above the narcissitic trappings of wealth and power I value truth, honesty, integrity, and most of all, freedom. I seek the company of the like-minded. I offer my moral and physical support to the fight against evil. There is iron in Incogman’s words of truth. If this is not enough then so be it, and goodbye.