Do the “powers that be” have any secret leverage, that gives us the kind of politicians that we have? Of course they do. And we know that our media has purposefully ignored certain stories like the NAU and 9/11. But how far does it extend to people like the Bushes and Clintons? Or, conversely, are their practical realities in this world that it’s in our best interests to be kept in the dark about?
“There are sources, who ask not to be named because their lives would be endangered, who claim that the Mossad is holding on to its knowledge as a trump card should Washington increase it’s pressure for the Mossad to cease its intelligence activities within the United States.”
— Gideon’s Spies, Gordon Thomas, 1999*
Does the Israeli Mossad know things about the Bush and Clinton families, which we in this country can only find out about through the Internet, if at all? It does appear that our mainstream media has standing orders to ignore, as much as possible, the Bush Dynasty’s real history. Did you know that grandfather Prescott Bush and his father-in-law, George Walker, had Nazi connections with “Hitler’s Angel” Fritz Thyysen, the German corporation I. G. Farben through the US Union Bank?
But is this really all the skeletons in the closet?
It appears that George W. Bush may have planned to attack Iraq from the very first week of his presidency (see Paul O’Neil’s book: The Price of Loyalty). Could Dubya have been placed into office, in order to accomplish this particular goal and many others that we can only guess about?
It is the Christmas season of 1988. George H. W. Bush, Sr. has just won the election and is now president-elect. As vice president, Bush exhibited a degree of independence and felt that Reagan was “too dewey-eyed about Israel.” Remembering that the Israel Lobby (AIPAC) had stopped a major 1.9 billion arms deals with Jordan, Bush tells his transition team that he would not tolerate any interference in “the right of god-fearing Americans to do business with whom and where they wished.”
On the night of December 21, 1988 high above the Scottish town of Lockerbie, a Boeing 767 — Pan Am Flight 103 — explodes into a fiery ball, throwing 259 innocent people to their deaths, 31,000 feet up in the frigid, Scottish skies. 147 passengers actually lived through the explosion, but most were probably rendered unconscious by the lack of oxygen before hitting the earth. However, a young mother was found holding her baby, a couple was found holding hands. A flight attendant and a male passenger even survived the fall and impact with the ground, but only for a brief period before finally succumbing to their injuries.
Also dying in the crash: CIA Beirut deputy station chief, Matthew Gannon; three other CIA agents; four members of a US Army Hostage negotiation team and led by Major Chuck McKee. At the request of the CIA, a Mossad “Katsa” or agent is dispatched from London, within hours, to the site of the crash. Dozens of CIA agents (maybe even the DEA) quickly followed and all were sent expressly to locate McKee’s suitcase and/or one that may have been a part of a drug run. McKee’s suitcase was emptied of sensitive evidence, or heroin was located — it’s unclear — before being returned to the Scottish investigators to be logged in as empty.
Gordon Thomas says that the Mossad sent a high-level agent from London immediately after the downing of Pan-Am 103, to oversee CIA efforts to locate McKee and Gannon’s suitcase that contained documents that implicated the CIA in a highly illegal and immoral program.
A private investigator hired by the families of the Pan Am victims, a Jew named Juval Aviv and who once worked for the Mossad, “concluded that the attack had been planned and executed by a rogue CIA group [or even a bona fide operation, my note], named COREA, based in Germany and who provided protection to a drug smuggling operation from the Middle East to the US via Frankfort.”
Ahmed Jibril, a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine based in Syria, knew of this COREA operation and took advantage of it to place a bomb in the luggage compartment. According to Aviv, he clandestinely met one of COREA’s dope smugglers in Bonn, early in December and this was confirmed by German surveillance and photos that have “since disappeared.” The unknowing smuggler’s luggage was swapped out with one containing the bomb, resulting in his death along with the rest of Pan Am 103′s passengers.
This group or operation called COREA, was said to have been instrumental in the underworld weapons dealing between the US, Israel and Iran as part of the Iran-Contra, Arms for Hostages affair. One weapon Iran received — from Israel no less — were thousands of “Katyusha” Rockets, a crude WW II battlefield weapon that the Soviets had given or sold to Israel years earlier (Israel and the Soviets were closer than you even know). Ironically enough, Iran later sent them back to Israel — via the Hezbollah launching them from Lebanon to explode among Israeli civilians during the last few years.
Talk about what goes around, comes around!
At first, the Mossad denied Juval Aviv was ever employed by them, not surprisingly. Some members of the passenger’s families considered him a con-man, but others didn’t. His story about being a hit-man for the Mossad (it’s true) was made into the book “Vengeance” on which the movie “Munich” by Stephen Spielberg is based. Aviv was the main protagonist, who ended up beset by doubts and guilt over the bloody assassination work that the Mossad tasked him to do, in revenge for the horrific 1972 Munich Black September killing of 11 Israeli Olympians.
A documentary about the whole Lockerbie/Drug story called “The Maltese Double Cross” by Allen Francovich may be seen on the Internet by downloading or watch here. It’s low-res, long but interesting. It would be on PBS except for what it may tell America about the real deal.
Could he have had anything at all right, or maybe even the whole story? Things behind Iran-Contra always seem to be broaching the surface over the years. Like the BCCI fiasco (another story, another day). Nixon’s Watergate pales to nothingness compared to any of this.
The private investigator, Aviv, also found out that McKee had proof of COREA drug running and of the connection between COREA and a man named Monzer Al-Kassar, who was an arms supplier for Colonel Oliver North’s Nicaraguan Contras in 1985-86. Also, Al-Kassar had contacts with the Abu Nidal organization, based in Syria, and his brother-in-law was also the head of Syrian Intelligence.
It’s probable that the whole thing was a retribution attack, run by the Palestinian terrorist Ahmed Jibril and Syrian proxies for Iran (as payback for the downing of an Iranian Airbus by the US Vincennes in July of that year)purposely targeting a known CIA/COREA drug run and also killing, coincidentally or not, US intelligence assets.
The CIA and George H. W. Bush knew about, or were even apart of this COREA operation and did nothing because the group provided logistical help in the Iran-Contra affair. The method of drug smuggling, used by COREA, was a simple luggage switch operation in Frankfort, Germany. A Syrian terrorist knew of this method and may have wished to kill those US intelligence operatives aboard, took advantage of it to get a bomb on board.
The Libyans, in the end, were framed for this, or may have only been the bomb makers working in conjunction with the Syrians. They accepted blame, sacrificed a man to get the onerous UN sanctions over with, but have never admited complicity in the plot to this day.
Joel Bainerman, who has written analyses for the Wall Street Journal, The Christian Science Monitor and Britain’s Financial Times said that “Twenty four hours before the flight, the Mossad tipped off the German BKA that there could be a plan to plant a bomb on flight 103. The BKA passed on their tip to the COREA/CIA team working out of Frankfort who said they would take care of everything.”
That may mean COREA knew about the plot, but horribly let it proceed, simply to kill McKee and Gannon who threatened them with exposure. Pretty cynical way of dealing with the problem.
Pan Am’s Attorney subpoenaed the FBI, CIA, FAA, DEA, NSC and NSA but the Government squashed all requests on the grounds of “National Security.” Aviv was never interviewed by the FBI or Scottish authorities on the grounds that he had no “real evidence.”
Connected to all this, is the story of the Jew, Amiran Nir, working as Israel’s terrorism consultant to PM Shimon Peres (big-time NWO figure). He was given the job of working with the US on the Iran-Contra, Arms for Hostages deal; jointly run by the US and Israel. Teaming up with Col. Oliver North in these efforts, he once flew into Tehran in a failed attempt to get the Iranians to let the Embassy hostages released (similar efforts were later made over Americans held hostage by the pro-Iranian group Hezbollah in Lebanon).
Later, Nir had a falling out with the Israeli Intelligence community and PM Shimon Peres, and left his rich, well-connected Israeli wife and moved to London. There, he took up with a woman believed to be a CIA plant and a job as a rep for a Global Mexican agricultural corporation.
Thought to have incriminating evidence on Bush, Nir was lured to Mexico to die in a mysterious plane accident. The Mossad believed it to have been a well-executed CIA operation to ensure that Reagan and Bush would not be embarrassed; or to possibly save Robert Gates (currently Secretary of the Defense Department!) from indictment from revelations that could come out at the trial of Oliver North. North supposedly refuses to speak about Nir to this very day.
A US Navy commander has since claimed that the then VP, George H. W. Bush, Sr. and Amiran Nir met at Jerusalem’s King David Hotel on July 29, 1986 to brief him on the Arms for Hostages deal. According to Joel Bainerman: “Nir was secretly taping the entire conversation. And this provided evidence linking Bush to the Arms for Hostages deal. At the meeting were McKee and Gannon, who would die in the Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie.”
Sometime later, Nir’s former Israeli home would be professionally burgled and his widowed wife would say that certain tapes and documents were the only items stolen. This information, she said, would implicate powerful people. Just who stole it, is an unanswered question. Was this a Mossad black bag job to gain solid evidence that could show big daddy Bush’s involvement in Iran-Contra and maybe even to the shadowy COREA drug smuggling group?
— Phillip Marlowe
Don’t forget to see how all this ties in with the Clintons, too: The COREA Connection? Part II
You think that it’s all a coincidence that Huckabee came out of Arkansas and was used by the media as the dark horse to further marginalize Ron Paul? The Rockefellars have used Arkansas as a mid-west outpost for quite some time, now!
*Much of the CIA COREA connection and Nir’s story is from the book: Gideon’s Spies, the Secret History of the Mossad, Gordon Thomas, St. Martin’s Press, 1999. The Israeli government made a major effort to prevent the publication of this book.
Bainerman, Joel. The Crimes of a President: New Revelations on Conspiracy and Cover-Up in the Bush and Reagan Administrations. New York: S.P.I. Books (Shapolsky Publishers), 1992.
Comments feed for this article
January 3, 2008 at 12:18 am
The Bush family has also been friends and bussiness partners with the Bin Laden family for over 50 years. They were next-door neighbors to the Hinkleys (which the son is in a mental hospital for trying to assassinate Reagan and Bush actually let him out not too long ago to visit his family for a few days). The rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper……
May 6, 2008 at 7:26 pm
A Good White Person
Yes, the Jews had WordPress censor your material as “Mature” because they don’t want the youth to be indoctrinated by anything other than the Jewish lies.
Keep the message from the young. Brainwash them while they are in high school and then it reduces costs of college level re-education.
That’s the Jewish Gulag information education system. Wake up wordpress.