Probably the biggest hands-on killer in history, Soviet Major General Vasili Mikhailovich Blokhin was responsible for personally shooting tens of thousands (upwards of 50,000) people to death. For any reasonable and logical American reading this right now, one might think this story (and more below) would provide enough material for a few History Channel documentaries. Curious.
Just during the Katyn Forest genocides of Polish officers and intellectuals alone, Blokhin personally shot 7,000 in 28 days using a small caliber German Walther pistol, both for reliability and deniability — in case any graves were unearthed, they could accuse the Nazis (which they did, backed-up by lies from the Western powers).
Blokhin (right) and his murderous NKVD minions had it all down to a science. Blokhin would dress appropriately for his grisly task: a leather butcher’s apron, cap and shoulder-length gloves to keep his evil black Commie uniform free from blood and gore splatter.
First, the victim was brought to a red painted room (appropriately called the “Leninist” room), where his identity was checked before he was hustled into a nearby specially constructed Satanic little room; sound-proofed and with a concrete floor sloped to funnel blood down into a drainage pipe. Read on.
Just as the victim entered the killing room, Blokhin would come from behind, push the victim up against a log wall and fire a bullet into the back of the victim’s skull. Every three minutes during a 10 hour shift he shot a man dead and then went off to get drunk on vodka with his killer NKVD cohorts.
The bodies were thrown into a truck twice a night, driven out to bulldozed mass graves and covered up by morning. Certainly not all of the victims died right off, a few probably ended-up bleeding and smothering to death. Also, the NKVD shot many right at the edge of the pits, in broad daylight. In 1959, KGB Director Alexander Shelepin released a report stating 21,857 Poles were shot on Stalin’s orders.
Remember all this when some Jew goes on about Nazi war crimes.
Blokhin received promotions and all the medals of state, but was stripped during Kruschev’s de-Stalinization campaigns of the ’50′s Later, he may have gone insane and drank himself to oblivion in Moscow. Few people in the West have even heard of the guy, but that’s not too surprising when just about everything bad to do with Jews is carefully censored out by millions of Jews all across the media and even now on the Internet (see below).
Was Blokhin Jewish? Knowing the makeup of the NKVD, it’s very possible. This guy could also have been some non-Jew psycho murderer, dredged-up at a prison or asylum and good at taking orders — a sort of ”Jason” Golem (monster created by rabbis to kill the Goyim) assigned by the Commie Jews just for this task. No one seems to even know where the guy was born. His whole background is strangely blank and appears to have been purposefully erased long ago, probably due to his “work history.”
Contrary to what you might think, Jewish names are not always so apparent and makes research problematic. For instance, Miller is the third most common name for Jews in the United States, as well as a name used by many Gentiles. Don’t forget, Jews often change names for political and criminal scam reasons (most people have no idea how extensive this is). Also, Imperial Russian officials before the revolution changed Jew names to Russian-sounding ones, much like what American immigration authorities once did to foreign immigrants on Ellis island in the 19th century.
But they are Jews from the Vitebsk region of Byelorussia and in the Ukraine who are listed with the same surname as Blokhin, such as this Jewish guy (right) from around the same time, Rudolph Blokhin of Odessa, who bares more than a passing resemblence to the Killer Commie above and may be related.
Two of V. M. Blokhin’s bosses, Genrikh Yagoda and Nikolai Yezhov were Jewish. The third, Lavrenty Beria, was from the mysterious Georgian race called the Mingrelians who, like Stalin, was supposedly raised in a Christian Orthodox family. One thing you might notice when reading bios of such people (like on Wikipedia), great stress is often made on a so-called Christian upbringing, even to the point of lying about it.*
One of the biggest controversies of all time is Stalin being Jewish. Some have said his real Georgian name, Djugashvili, means “son of a Jew.” He may have Jewish blood (he looks it) and possibly two of his wives were Jewish (disputed), one the sister of Lazar Kaganovich, another truly genocidal Jew. We also know that the country of Georgia is currently a NWO/Israeli puppet state, so there may be some kind of major league crypto-Jew thing going on there. Another strong possibility is that Stalin the “Gentile,” could have out-jewed the Jews, stealing the hard efforts of International Jewry right from under them (which explains a lot of other big things).
A) Joseph Stalin as a young revolutionary. B) The Jew, Yakov (Yankel) Yurovsky headed the execution team of the Czar’s family.* C) Genrikh Yagoda looking Hitleresque in Red Square. D) Lazar Kaganovich, NKVD boss and brains behind the Holomodor. These men caused far more misery in the world than Hitler, yet you never hear a word in the US media. Why is that?
Stalin’s secret police executed at least 800,000 people with the bullet in the back of the head routine. This does not include the millions starved to death, hung or shot in mass. Isai D. Berg, a Jewish section chief in the NKVD, even invented the mobile gassing van in 1937, but you only ever hear about a supposed Nazi version. All these things occurred during decades of civil war, purges and political suppressions.
Case in point: The Holodomor of Ukrainian Kulaks and other Russians in 1932/33 alone killed off 7 to 10 million, using enforced and protracted starvation — a cheap and still lethal method long favored by murderous Jewry, not just in Russia but also in the Armenian genocides by the crypto-Jewish Donmeh “Young Turks” as well.
In 1957, Soviet authorities admitted 20 to 40 million overall had died since the October “revolution” of 1917 (more like a Jewish coup d’etat). Alexander Solzhenitzyn said his demographic source in the Kremlin pegged the number at 66 million dead from Communism.
Also, according to Solzhenitzyn, at least 60% of the Commie secret police were Jews. Others say it was higher. Stalin was said to be paranoid by not trusting the Jews (maybe Staling knew something?) and thought they were out to kill him (the “Doctor Plot”). Also, Stalin wanted to kill any Jews allied with Trotsky (real name: Lev Bronstein), his long time political enemy. Jews today use these Jewish Trotskyite victims as proof that the Soviet Union was anti-Semitic, but the real fact of the matter is that the real power structure was predominately Jewish in the Bolshevik “revolution” and up until Stalin’s death (at least). Any Jew victimization was merely the result of internal gangster squabbles.
“Anyone who had the misfortune to fall into the hands of the Cheka,” wrote Jewish historian Leonard Schapiro, “stood a very good chance of finding himself confronted with, and possibly shot by, a Jewish investigator.”20 In Ukraine, “Jews made up nearly 80 percent of the rank-and-file Cheka agents,” reports W. Bruce Lincoln, an American professor of Russian history.21 (Beginning as the Cheka, or Vecheka) the Soviet secret police was later known as the GPU, OGPU, NKVD, MVD and KGB.)
The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia’s early Soviet Regime
A) Trotsky killer Ramón Mercader released from Mexican prison and given a big Commie welcome by Fidel Castro in Cuba. B) Trotsky’s real name was Lev Bronstein and was financed by rich capitalist Jew bankers out to take over Christian Russia. C) Trotsky on his death bed and Mercader beat up by his bodyguards. Trotsky stopped them from killing Mercador by shouting “this man has a story to tell!” D) The ice axe weapon. E) Doctors checking out Trotsky’s bashed-in brain.
As a side note, Stalin later had Trotsky killed in Mexico city in 1940 when he dispatched the assassin Ramón Mercader (Marrano Jew). He seduced the unattractive Jewish American Princess and Trotskyist, Sylvia Ageloff (daughter of a NY real estate tycoon), so he could get close enough to Trotsky to drive an ice axe into his skull from behind.
Stalin is thought to have used his Jewish secret police for his “wet work” because he could not trust his army to have the same racial hatreds and contempt of the Goyim as his nasty little Jewish secret police. Some try to say the Jews were also victims and that’s true to a point, but hardly in the same numbers as Gentiles. For example: Out of 22,000 Katyn Forest Poles killed by Stalin, perhaps a measly 300 were Jews, including the head rabbi of the Polish army.
Lenin also liked to use Jews to do his dirty work. Lenin (partially Jewish) and the president of the first Soviet, Jacob Sverdlov (Jew), dispatched a crew of criminal Jew killers headed by a Jew named Yakov (Yankel) Yurovsky* to liquidate the entire family of Czar Nicholas II and Alexandra.
As the doomed family sat in chairs in the cold basement of the Ipatiev house (a rich Jewish merchant), they were told to wait for a last minute photograph before being taken to another prison. Yurovsky came in, read a statement in front of the family and immediately pulled out a large caliber revolver and shot Czar Nicholas right in the face while the family watched in stunned disbelief. The rest of the Jew killers came in and blew away the family at point blank range with machine pistols. Mother and father, four beautiful teenage girls, a little boy. Also killed were the family’s maid, cook, waiter and doctor. Some concern for workers, huh? All of them died from multiple gunshots or were finished off by clubbing and stabbing by bayonet. Read more here
One thing to bear in mind is that today’s Jewry does everything to becloud any Jew guilt of such crimes, partly to uphold the sacred holocaust mythos (only they can be victims) and partly to hide these things from becoming common knowledge among the oblivious American Goyim.
The Jews know all of this and some will even admit to it. But not in America — they know it’s far better to keep Israel’s big old dummy, a dummy.
That’s right. For example, we have this article published on a Israeli website, written by the Jew Steven Plocker called “Stalin’s Jews”. Although he tries to obfuscate some things (like Yezhov not being a Jew and the real percentages of Jews in the secret police), he generally gives an account that you will never see on the History Channel:
“…An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name “Genrikh Yagoda,” the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the “bloodthirsty dwarf…
…Stalin’s close associates and loyalists included member of the Central Committee and Politburo Lazar Kaganovich. Montefiore characterizes him as the “first Stalinist” and adds that those starving to death in Ukraine, an unparalleled tragedy in the history of human kind…
…Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We’ll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD’s special department and the organization’s chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist…
…Turns out that Jews too, when they become captivated by messianic ideology, can become great murderers, among the greatest known by modern history…”
Remember that the Soviets admitted in 1957 that 20 to 40 million were killed since 1917. No one can really know exactly how many. Back then people died like flies, or shot down like dogs by bloodthirsty and criminal Commies.
Plocker said Jews constituted 38.5% of the secret police (that number seems a little too pat). Solzhenitzyn pegged it at 60% (he was there and knew many in the real power structure). He also described all the commandants in the brutal Gulag system as Jewish. His last book on the subject still remains unpublished in America. Funny, huh?
But let’s be conservative and say only half of the Commie killers were Jews. That’s being more than fair. And if we took the low end figure of 20 million killed, that would put at least 10 million bloody corpses on Jewry’s doorstep. That’s a whole lot more than the 6 million Jews killed by the Nazis (if you included the falsehoods of industrial gassings). The real number of dead Jews by the Nazis is probably somewhere between a half million and 1.5 million.
Also, keep in mind that Red politics are Jew-instigated to begin with; Marxism was the creation of Jew intellectuals and subversives (plus a few screwed-up Gentiles), who teamed-up with rich banker Jews in the West willing to pay the freight to overthrow the Goyim Monarchy of Russia. The New York banker, Jacob Schiff of Kuhn and Loeb, actually financed the whole thing with 200 million in gold and chartered a ship to take Trotsky and about 300 ”American” Commie Jews to Finland, and then on into Russia by train. Funny that one never hears a word about this side of history, eh?
This whole Jewish Commie business later went on to kill tens of thousands in Eastern Europe too; like the murderous Hungarian communist Bela Kun (Cohen) and the evil Jew dwarf, Matyas Rakosi of the 1950′s (right). Even a lot of innocent people and Christians in places like Spain, Cuba and South America fell victim to the poisons of Jewish Marxist thought.
And let’s not forget the tens of millions more in China (maybe 70 million) and Indochina (Vietnam and Cambodia), and Indonesia were infected with this Jew Commie propaganda. One could even go so far as to say the 50,000 Americans who died in Vietnam were indirect victims of Jew Marxist thought, and the International Jew bankers in the West profited greatly financing the Military/Industrial complex. Same killing/money scam is going on right at this very minute. Think about it!
Will America soon get it’s very own taste of this horrible Jew Commie behavior? The way things are going, it’s not so impossible to imagine as some might say. Hell, we very well may deserve it.
Now, if you take into account the fearful amount of dead Germans during and after WWII (whether you think they deserved it or not), all of that was the result of Big Jewry’s efforts to bring down a country not under their Globalist Central banking financial thumb. This was because Germany was rapidly becoming quite successful without having Jew parasites scam the economy, like they are now doing to America.
Jew commissars in the Red Army and propagandists like Ilya Ehrenburg, exhorted the troops to rape and waste any German civilian found. At least 600,000 German civilians died from targeted allied saturation bombing. Even “Ike” Eisenhower himself purposefully allowed around a million German POWs to die from starvation and exposure after the war. Another 5 million or so German civilians died from starvation. The Secretary of Treasury under Roosevelt, the Jew Henry Morganthau, Jr., actually had a written plan to execute Germans without a trial and raze Germany’s industry to the ground.
If you add to this all the dead Gentiles in the Soviet Union during the last century, any clear-headed person just might make the observation that Jews have been the biggest genocidal race on this planet — ever! Yep, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what a destructive race Jewry has been to humanity.
Makes a person wonder why we always have so many movies and documentaries on the goose-stepping Nazis, now doesn’t it?
You could take the tack that might say Jews have been just as bloodthirsty as everyone else and call the whole thing with the Nazis a wash. In other words, up until 2000 it was pretty much tit for tat, so now we don’t need to hear any more crap about the “holocaust.” Wouldn’t that be a blessed relief?
If you are new to the “Jew Question,” ask yourself this: Why is it we never see very much of this side of history in the mainstream media? Coincidence? No, they’ve do not want us Americans to put two and two together and draw inconvenient conclusions about a history that has lead America into wars upon wars for this bunch.
What’s the reason for Jewry’s fixation on killing? Arrogance and pure hatred of non-Jews, taking up space on a planet that the Talmud says God promised them. Add to that a “Death Cult” of gargantuan porportions — just look at how obsessed they are about the “holocaust.”
This Jew Death Cult is so big that most people simply can’t get their heads around the whole thing, even if they know parts of the picture — like what the Jews have long been doing to the Palestinians and getting us Americans to do to everyone else.
The real question facing Americans today is when and how are we going to get these murderous, manipulative people off our backs.
– Phillip Marlowe
Quick video synopsis
* The Jews at Wikipedia have been busy changing everything they can get away when it comes to Jews. They are now even going so far as deleting the smallest references or questions mentioning Jews in the editing history. People are talking everywhere on how obvious this has become.
They found some website (probably a Jew site) that declares Yurovsky (executioner of the Romanov family) was brought up in a Russian Orthodox (meaning Christian) family. They used the single site as reference, even though history has long documented Yurovsky as being Jew. Even his real first name (Yakov) is a common Jewish Russian first name and Yankel is definitely the Yiddish diminuitive for Yakov (they missed that).
Screen capture by INCOG MAN (@9:38 PM EST 4/23/10).
In addition to which, the Russian historian Boris Sokolov personally took depositions from his mother Esther Moisseiva Yurovskaya, and his brothers Eli Meyer, and Leyba Yurovsky (very Jewish names) and they told him the family was Jewish and that Yankel had converted to Lutheranism sometime around 1900 (probably to mask his revolutionary activities from Czarist police, long clued-in to Jewry’s subversive nature).
This whole thing illustrates well how manipulated by embedded Jewry Kikepedia truly is. Tell a friend!
Comments feed for this article
May 22, 2010 at 9:02 pm
White Wolf, Howdy brother and thanks I read almost the entire article, got to pick up my wife in a few!!! Are you aware of all the STANDING AT THE READY FEMA EXTERMINATION CAMPS right here in Jew S.A.??????Marshal law is when they will begin the TERMINATIONS!!! I like to look at how many people google the same DATA as me and its surprising !!!!Today I googled == ISRAEL WILL DO ANOTHER ATTACK ON AMERICA… The number of similar hits on this was a astounding===== 19,000,000 !!!!!!!!!!!! Thats a lot of Americans LIKE US……The hard part is getting us all together in Washington DC at the same time!!!!Organization is where we as people opposed to the Jew Criminal Mafia are sooooooo weak……I wish I knew how to make a all pro white major media….The Jew is tops in this vital area but that doesnt mean there isnt a way to spread the real truth…..It takes money lots of it!!!
June 4, 2010 at 1:34 am
Cannibal Rabbi
Communists Are Amazing (Yes, you lilhavanaboys)
June 19, 2010 at 10:31 am
briar cavendish
You are brave and intelliigent. Its criminal that the few white people who stand up against black supremacy and their plans for white slavery/genocide have to walk that road alone.
In a world of white sheep, you are a wolf.
We should form thousands of wolf packs for self defense and then for the extension of white history and tradition.
I am sick of the white cowardly christians who mutter two things when I call on them to stand up for their race and religion.
1. Christianity is love. (They are too stupid to know any more about Christianity.)
2. Jesus will come save us if we do nothing. (They are too depraved by cowardice to be worthy of any God!)
Most white Christian pulpets are insane hells which exist only to justify defeat, weakness and cowardice wrapped in the false cloth of arrogant yet non-existant religion.
June 19, 2010 at 10:37 am
I see that while the author of this site seems sane, most of his commentors are the same old cowards and infiltrators screaming “the jews are bad,”.. ignore black supremacy’s danger. THey are diversionary scum!
They are the same weaklings who have subverted pro-white collectives for over a century. For all their hundred years of jew hating they have never done anything about the jews. They only write evil little exposes, read by so very few.
Yet, for a century, they have succeeded in sabotaging any effort to destroy black supremacy. Black supremacy is the weak spot of Bolshevism’s New World Order, and the place to strike FIRST. First you damn fools and cowards!
Do not be distracted by the ignorant, shit eating mouths of fools and phoneys.
June 19, 2010 at 10:57 am
Hey Cannibal, good to see you are back!
June 30, 2010 at 12:20 pm