Photo montage created from a snapshot taken together of two Jews leading in the destruction of America: Anti-anti-Semite enforcer, non-White immigration promoter and Holocaust™ propagandizer, Abe Foxman, of the ADL (Anti-Defamation League of the B’nai B’rith) and Henry Kissinger, principal NWO Globalist. Both are Zionists, Israel-Firsters and members in the CFR. It’s men like this who keep the White race divided and distracted, while they work to destroy the sovereignty of the US for the Gods of the Jew World Order [INCOG].
By James Buchanan
Throughout history Jews always invaded the richest nation, that is willing to let them in. For thousands of years, Jews moved from Egypt to Persia to Babylon always in pursuit of a rich host population that they could exploit. Jews always try to ingratiate and entrench themselves in their host nation. Jewish women try to become the wife or mistress of the king, emperor or president. Jewish advisers worm their way up, trying to become powerful advisers. (Remember Henry Kissinger, Paul Wolfowitz, Robert Reich). American presidents from FDR to George W. Bush have been surrounded by Jewish advisers.
Jews pushed the world into a war with Germany and then smeared Germans with the Holocaust lie.
The Jews are a race, not a religion. They have alien characteristics and morality. There is a much greater proportion of homosexuals in the Jewish population. Jews — almost universally — believe that homosexuality should be protected and tolerated while in most of Europe for thousands of years homosexuality was seen as an extreme perversity that was punished severely. The Jews only seem to feel comfortable if they are surrounded by dozens of other races or “Diversity” as they like to call it. Most White people would be perfectly happy to live in an all-White society, but Jews keep using their political influence and power to invite millions of Latinos, Africans and Hindus into America –- against the will of the White host population.
The Jews are typically middlemen, lawyers and usurers who grow rich off the host population, often reducing the host people to poverty. Sometimes the host population rebels against the Jews. One famous example involved the Persians. Persian nationalists grew tired of Jewish usurers and they had persuaded the Persian king to set a deadline for the Jews to leave Persia. Jewish historians claim that the Persian nationalists wanted to “kill” the Jews. This — by the way — is another characteristic of the Jews. They always exaggerate their suffering or the threat to their population. The Jews don’t want to admit that one nation after another has expelled them as “undesirables.” Instead, according to the Jews, “hateful irrational” people throughout history have repeatedly persecuted them “for no reason.” A Jewish woman, Esther, seduced the Persian King, who then executed all the anti-Semites, who wanted to expel the Jews. The Jews celebrate this slaughter of their enemies as the Feast of Purim.
The Jews have been expelled from every nation in Europe at least once. Spain expelled the Jews in 1492. The Spanish people then enjoyed a Golden Age of exploration and discovery once the Jews were gone. Germany removed the Jews from power in 1933. Germany then enjoyed a great cultural renaissance and was the first White nation to pull itself out of the Great Depression.
The Jews of course could not tolerate a White nation — free of Jews — enjoying prosperity while the Jew-controlled nations of the world were still locked in a depression. The Jews began a propaganda campaign against Germany. The Jewish World Congress declared war on Germany in 1933. The Jews began using their media in Britain and France to push for war against Germany. Territories stolen from Germany after World War One were stubbornly withheld. Poland held a rich coal field in Silesia as well as a “corridor” that cut off East Prussia from the rest of Germany. When Poland refused to return these German territories in 1939, Hitler invaded Poland to recover that territory. Britain and France then used this incident as an excuse to declare war on Germany.
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion was discovered by a Russian spy and translated into English in 1905. The Protocols are a master plan by which Jews control Gentile nations and push them into war for Jewish interests. The great inventor and industrialist Henry Ford studied the Protocols and said that they “fit history.” Protocol 7 proclaims “Throughout all Europe, and by means of relations with Europe, in other continents also, we must create ferments, discords and hostility. Therein we gain a double advantage. In the first place we keep in check all countries, for they will know that we have the power whenever we like to create disorders or to restore order. All these countries are accustomed to see in us an indispensable force of coercion. In the second place, by our intrigues we shall tangle up all the threads which we have stretched into the cabinets of all States by means of the political, by economic treaties, or loan obligations… We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.”
So if the Jews are thrown out of power in a Gentile nation, their response is to use their control of the mass media and political influence to push other nations around the world into a war against that nation (and its allies). The Jews pushed Britain and France into a war against Germany. The Jewish collaborator in America, Franklin Delano Roosevelt continually provoked the Japanese until they attacked Pearl Harbor, giving America a back door route into World War Two.
To cover up the insidious origins and scheming that went into causing World War Two, the Jews created the Holocaust story. The Holocaust effectively smears anyone critical of the Jews as a “potential mass murderer” by making the claim that the anti-Semites in Germany were mass murderers. The Holocaust story was invented largely after World War Two ended. It is intended as war propaganda to justify the war and to give the Jews a “Get out of Criticism Free” card that they have endlessly used since the war. The Holocaust story however is a gigantic fabrication. The world Jewish population did not significantly change from 1939 to 1945, remaining stable at about 15 million. Half a million Jews remained in Paris largely unmolested which makes no sense given the Jewish claims of extermination. Other facts refuting the Holocaust can be found here and here.
America is currently swirling around the bowl, looking at a possible Second Great Depression as our economy creaks and groans under the weight of 100 million Third World people. All attempts to close our borders to Third World immigration have been frustrated by Jewish control of our politicians. The Jews want a large non-White population in America. The Jews want to destroy the White race by encouraging race-mixing with these non-Whites because Jews fear that a pure White population might rebel against them.
Only the expulsion of the Jews will get America on the right track to save our nation. Once the Jews are gone, we will be free to expel the non-Whites. We will be able to create a currency that isn’t undermined by runaway inflation. We will no longer be running up our National Debt as we occupy Muslim nations and fight wars for the sake of Israel. White creativity, labor and productivity will all be richly rewarded. Jewish middlemen, lawyers and usurers will no longer plunder the wealth of the nation.
The Jews instinctively, to a man or woman, greatly fear Americans figuring all this out. This is why the Jews are always at the forefront of pushing for “Hate Crimes” legislation and to end Free Speech under the excuse of protecting Blacks and Homos or in fighting the “War on Terror.” But it’s really to protect them. I won’t be here forever, sooner or later Jews will get WordPress to shut me down. They’ve done this in Canada, Europe and in the UK. They want to do the same here in the good old US and ASAP. — INCOG
Comments feed for this article
July 10, 2008 at 8:36 am
I enjoy this blog very much. You are discussing very important topics here and I hope that you continue writing.
I recently started a website which is focused solely on The Jewish Question and I hope you’ll come by sometime and read or comment.
My website is located at:
- Zsidozas
July 10, 2008 at 9:54 am
Thank you Zsidozas, I will check it out. Please feel free to come here, anytime.
The Jewish Question is THE most important topic confronting us. Hitler said that after they were defeated, America would have to deal with the Jewish Question in 25 years. He was wrong about the time when we would finally get around to it, but right in a way. 1965 was a turning point for Jew perfidy when they managed to change our immigration policy from mostly White preferences to mostly non-white.
If you readers think about the history of the US from around that time, you’ll realize just what kind of Jewish subversions we’ve been undergoing. It’s past time that we did something about it.
The concept of America and the entire White race depends on it.
July 12, 2008 at 1:28 am
African Man
WHITE SUPREMACISTS are controlled opposition! They serve a purpose. To enact hate laws and start race wars.
I can easily prove this. Go to White Supremacist sites and read about 9/11. Most of these idiots think Arabs did it.
Another thing, you guys have a “nigger fetish”? You talk about niggers a lot.
Are the jews not using you to kill arabs? Does not the Jewish media make you hate arabs?
How is that different from what you allege niggers are doing to whites.
July 12, 2008 at 1:33 am
African Man
As you can tell I dont like White Supremacists! F*ck them! They are not truth seekers.
They even believe the Jewish propaganda about “arab terrorism” when its really false-flags by mossad/cia.
Incogman is closer to truth-seeker than White Supremacists.
Incogman, are you white supremacist?
July 12, 2008 at 1:58 am
Nah, not really. Truth of the matter: I don’t even own a German helmet. Wanted one when I was a kid, but I guess my folks didn’t want to get me one.
I do like Rebel stuff a lot.
Yeah, you’re right, kind of, about the Arab crap and 9/11. Most real White Nationalists are truthers or stay out of it, but suspect the Jews of at least knowing in advance and keeping silent.
June 13, 2009 at 11:10 am
Whenever a western nation goes through dark chapters in its history you will almost always find the usual suspects.
My wife is German by citizenship and her father was Hitler Youth and grand father was SS.
The stories my mother in law told me of the Jews in Europe then would make think that they brought the holocaust upon themselves.
July 9, 2009 at 4:18 pm
this is sick.
explain to me what a jew or black person ever did to you. NOT TO SOMEONE ELSE.
okay a jew might have robbed you, but i’ve been robbed (twice!) by the same ALL WHITE ALL AMERICAN man.
im white and american.
i think all races have people that do bad things, but not everyone in that group is ‘bad’.
As far as homosexuality goes, its an illness. something we need to work on a cure for. i dont hate homosexuals i just think they should chose to be cured.
again i believe in equality for all GOOD people, good people who stick to rules and work hard.
July 9, 2009 at 4:43 pm
Stupid ass, you must be a JEW, because nobody is THAT dumb.
July 10, 2009 at 5:09 pm
no im not a jew im catholic u retard.
and what did a jew ever do to you and why do u hate them so much?
racist bastard.
July 10, 2009 at 6:36 pm
The important thing is that you came back a day later. Perhaps you’re coming around!
July 10, 2009 at 6:51 pm
Just keep doing your research Anonymous. It will become crystal clear.
Start with the USS Liberty, the Federal Reserve board. WW1, WW2 and all the other jew made wars to kill Whites just to make money.
Then look at who leads the Gay and lesbian movements, the feminism movements and every anti-White movement on the planet.
Look at the way the American media has portrayed your people. They have reduced our founding fathers to nothing but racist slave traders. News Flash – they built America and America was great when it was a White nation.
Since the advent of civil rights, diversity, tolerance etc… this country has gone to shit. And there is a jew behind everyone of those ideologies.
Does Israel allow non jews to immigrate there? NO! It is jews only in Israel. Doesn’t that seem a little hypocritical?
Mossad did 9/11 and the jews have kept Whites killing each other for centuries. It stops NOW!
Being racially aware does not make you a racist. Please research. The truth is antisemitic.
~ dtk
July 10, 2009 at 7:32 pm
White Master
Many of us have been where you are. Desensitize yourself to the word racist. It is pure bullshit!
You know deep down inside we are telling the truth. Accept it, fighting the truth only delays the inevitable.
You came here and back again because you know something isn’t right. Seek the truth and it will find you. Knock and the door will be opened.
African man,
Seriously dude, you aren’t here trying to get in good with the White men so you can try to get with White women are you???
July 11, 2009 at 9:32 am
what have you all been smoking?
first ye explain how ye hate jews, gays blacks whatever, but u say u hate feminists! u hate girls too, and u proclaim ur hetrosexual!
i have reaserched this, its still wrong, people shouldnt b judged by religion, but by character.
and i come back becase im appaled by all the hate you all harbor.
did your mommie not love you?
one more thing, jesus was a jew, do u hate him!?
July 11, 2009 at 9:41 am
one more thing, i reaserched this. So much of it is bullshit, i agree wit u (germans made soap from jewish corpses and killed jews wit steam and electricity)- but what has happend in your life to make you think jews are the thorn in mankinds side?
July 11, 2009 at 9:50 am
Why don’t you go on to another post and read that? This one is a year old. How about 9/11?
I believe you’re a JEW, playing the DUMBASS role to the hilt, but you can comment some more — for now.
July 11, 2009 at 10:43 am
Alpha Wolf
Anon is an OBVIOUS JEW ‘PRETENDING’ TO BE A RETARDED DUMBFUCK – incogman has your number jew.
I know McDicks is owned by kike scum and I guess Nigger King is too:
Burger King: Now Selling Blow Jobs! Thursday, June 25, 2009
July 11, 2009 at 10:59 am
Steve in TN
Thanks for the NFTW link AW!
July 11, 2009 at 11:58 am
“I won’t be here forever, sooner or later Jews will get WordPress to shut me down.”
Incogman – The old fart Nazi white supremacist redneck whiner goes again.
Listen Nazi, you are NOT going to be closed down, so spare your whining and saint suffering glory show.
We need you Nazi’s to be concentrated in few blogs, so we can control you and make America read your ridiculous crapt.
So keep on doing your good work and shut up whiner……………………
July 11, 2009 at 11:59 am
Now HERE is something EVERYBODY should download. It’s bug free (ran a virus scan on it), and looks very, very interesting.
July 11, 2009 at 12:11 pm
That’s okay, gammajew. We need jews like you to keep posting here so people can read your nonsensical lies and how you go about subverting the truth. Thinking people will compare what you say to what’s on this blog and decide for themselves. That’s what free speech is all about, right, jew? And why your kind is so desperate to suppress it.
July 11, 2009 at 12:20 pm
I’m very familar with that manual, as I am an advocate of armed resistance to our enemies. I have the full 4 volumes of Poor Man’s James Bond available for download on my blog.
The manual needs to be updated, however. Take fingerprints. They now have the technology to pull prints even after they have been wiped. It has something to do with the acids in the sweat. This is how they busted Mahon. The advice in the manual is still good, but if you’ve touched bullets or a gun, you could be screwed.
I’m sure there is a way to remove even the acids, but just a heads up out there to future insurgents.
July 11, 2009 at 12:28 pm
White Master
Same old broken record from these idiots.
Can you damn Jews not come up with anything else to call us besides hateful White supremacist Nazi rednecks?
Desperate, desperate Jews.
Talk and act now because you know your time is running out!
You are living in FEAR!
July 11, 2009 at 12:31 pm
White Master
Sounds to me like many non-whites have a Nazi White supremacist redneck fetish guys.
July 12, 2009 at 10:12 am
Alpha Wolf
Roy Beck: ” NOW is the time to mobilize everything we have” July 11, 2009
“Most of you are shocked by the Senate’s passage of 4 strong immigration enforcement amendments that would open up hundreds of thousands of jobs to unemployed Americans over the next year alone. Maybe even millions of jobs!
The Sessions E-Verify amendment. The DeMint fence amendment. The Vitter no-match amendment. The Grassley E-Verify amendment.
Rightfully, many of you are skeptical. You are asking us: Did the Senate Democratic Leadership — that has opposed everything that favors unemployed Americans over illegal aliens — suddenly “allow” us to win as a kind of trap? What’s the trick?
First, you really do need to take a minute to celebrate (just a little). Your pressure has caused the Democratic leadership to retreat a bit. The fact that congressional leaders believe that they have to concede some victories to us shows that your efforts are having some effect.
But, based on our information from inside Congress, we should expect that Senate Majority Leader Reid, House Speaker Pelosi and Pres. Obama have every intention of killing these amendments in a backroom maneuver when the joint Conference Committee negotiates the final bill to be sent to the President.
If you win in keeping these enforcement amendments in the DHS bill, hundreds of thousands of jobless families will once again have income, benefits and the hope of not having their houses foreclosed. Is that enough incentive?”
July 12, 2009 at 11:37 am
July 12, 2009 at 1:55 pm
Nice link Alpha, thanks.
October 2, 2009 at 10:25 am
Mechanical Engineer (Proofread Version / Re-Post)
Whites are TERRIBLE at Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Without Asian/Eastern and African immigrants into the U.S. most of whom hold PhDs’ in Engineering and Medicine, America, Europe and the entire Western World would still be full of rednecks dying at 25 and using second-rate equipment.
Even Henry Ford’s top Engineering recruits were Hindus and Arabs prior to the 1965 Immigration Act’s open door policy. Henry Ford despised the Jews though, who have wrecked everyone’s nations, both White and non-White alike.
But just remember that these pesky Jews are all controlled by the Vatican. The Jews are the Vatican Bankers. The Yamlaka beanie cap the Jewish men wear is really Roman in origin. That is why the Pope wears one, the solid white one, meaning he’s the top dog who even instructs the Jews on what to do.
Hopefully the ignorant rednecks in America understand that their entire Corporation the USA is completely owned and operated by the Vatican. There has never been any “elections” but only selections of the Presidents of the USA Corporation. But as long as people don’t know this and think the politicians are all “against” each other when they’re all controlled by the Pope, and are all related to each other by blood, then so be it. The Vatican makes you think you’re free when you are really deluded slaves. The best slaves are the ones who don’t know they are slaves.
But go ahead and revolt, the U.N., Vatican, and Jews have 13.2 million foreign U.N. Troops in the USA right now. All militaries on Earth have been united into one, and the real U.S. Troops have all been illegally shipped out of the U.S to bogus wars, including the U.S. National Gaurd, so that they never come back, except for a few. The rest of the U.S. Troops will be dead or crippled from all the Depleted Uranium from Bunker Buster Bombs they’ve been exposed to and also the forced swine flu “vaccinations” on the U.S. Troops.
The Iraq 1 War Veterans are all crippled, can’t even do one pushup and are dead now, lol. The Iraq 2 Veterans are ALL going to get it far worst. By that time, the U.N. will be the new Security Force within America.
They know the White bred Americans are going to revolt with a few 12 gauge pump-action shotguns, .357 magnums, .30-.30s’, Uzi 9mms’, Remington 870s’, even stockpiled M60 7.62mm portable machine guns.
But none of those worthless small arms firearms are going to stand up against Stealth Bombers, Helicopter Gunships and F-117A Tactical Fighters dropping their laser-guided bombs, firing Air-To-Ground missiles, 30mm chaingun bursts of 200 rounds per second of 1 lbs rounds on you the ignorant redneck civilian population.
You all will be the next Iraqis if you dare revolting against the Vatican and Jew-controlled U.S. Government. That is EXACTLY what they want you to do, revolt!
They can’t wait till you White males revolt, and end up getting cut up into hamburger meat and burned marshmallow ooze. lol
You the angry White males will end up like the Blacks and American Indians that your ancestors mass-murdered. When this happens, the ENTIRE planet will celebrate and laugh when the White American Terrorists are finally destroyed.
There is so much you deluded rednecks do not know about. So take this as a warning, and start to make friends with other poor people like yourselves. Or else America will be full of dead honkies and more Asian/Eastern/African Engineers & Scientists will replace you.
Whites are horrible at Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Without the Hindus, Jews, Persians, Asians and Africans, America wouldn’t have anything more technology than the primitive rednecks which adorned the 1800′s America. Even the Jews gave jobs to the wives of American Soldiers overseas during World War II, in their aircraft & munitions factories. It wasn’t like a bunch of illiterate and math-fearing Whites suddenly were developing P-51 Mustang & P-38 Lighting Fighters. They all came from Arab, Persian, Jew and Hindu scholars, a few here and there in the European-UK-US conglomerate of Corporations during World War II.
Don’t think Whites suddenly “got smart” and “developed” all of the World War II Technologies.
Whites have always been the pawns of the Jews their Babylonian Vatican Masters.
Maybe if Whites all were highly-educated like many of the overseas immigrants, they would still have their “White Nations free of non-Whites”. But it’s hard to get a White person to sit down with you for 15 hours straight working out Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry equations and problems.
Because Whites are so poorly educated and incompetent, more intelligent Races and Cultures such as Hindus, Jews, Africans, Persians, Chinese, Japanese and Babylonian High Catholic Priests have taken over redneck America.
White males only have themselves to blame for all that. No need to be poor sports about the fact that more intelligent Races & Cultures have beat you.
White Supremacy is a complete myth, dreamed up by mentally disturbed people. If anything Asians/Easterners/Jews have the right to claim Supremacy, they completely either dominate all money, technology, finance and media.
Whites only dominate the whining, burger-flipping, and taking out loans and using money they can’t possibly pay back.
The Super-Power Status of the USA is solely due to the non-White immigrants who know how to design and build Space Vehicles, Atom Smashers, and more advanced Powerplants. The original Piston and Turbine Engines as well as the Firearm, was actually all of Moorish, Persian, Hindu and Mongol origins. They introduced these concepts to the backward and savage Europeans. For the Moors and Tatars ruled over Europe for 750 years and civilized the backward Whites.
After they left Europe, the Whites laid claim on all that was taught to them by their former non-European rulers. This is when the “European” Renaissance came forth, which was nothing more than the fraudulent White-Washing of Asiatic and Moorish technologies by Whites.
If Whites don’t like the state-of-affairs in the USA, they can always go back to Europe or the UK.
The Blacks built America for free by White-terror domination and slavery on their backs, along with genocide perpetrated upon them by Whites. 150 million Blacks were murdered by Whites.
100 million American Indians were mass-murdered by the White Terrorists to steal America. While the non-Whites and everyone else actually worked and accomplishing something more than robbery, theft, murder and fraud that Whites are only capable of doing.
The Whites do nothing, they used Affirmative Action for over 195 years out of 233 years to make a living, even though they were never qualified for nearly any jobs. Only because they were White they were hired.
Non-Whites gave White America what it has by accomplishing real work. Now all the RICH WHITE BUSINESS LEADERS are sick of common White people and want them gone.
The RICH WHITE BUSINESS ELITES are the ones working under the orders of the Vatican to let more intelligent non-Whites into America, as to purposely displace the less intelligent and virtually useless White males.
So if you want to complain about something Mr. Angry White Male, you go to the Rich White Anglo-Saxons Elite, and gripe to them. They will tell you to go get your advanced degree in Engineering or Medicine first, before they’ll even consider you anything less than a rat.
Just because Whites are lazy people, who don’t want to get educated and do any honest work or any real work for that matter, doesn’t give them the right to take out their jealousies and frustrations on more intelligent non-Whites/Jews.
If you kick out all the non-Whites, then you won’t even have the Internet or any computers anymore. Your grandmother will die, because her pace-maker no longer has the hexadecimal algorithms being downloaded to her pace-maker to keep her heart going. This technology was invented and advanced by East Indians, Persians, Arabs, Africans, Chinese and Jews.
I’m not surprised if this site is a Coin-Tel-Pro (Counter-Intelligence Programming) site by the Vatican, trying to blame everything on the Jews to start the revolt of angry White males the Vatican wants, so they can impose their New World Order. Call up Kissinger and listen to that scorpion tell them how to sting you in a million ways.
Or maybe, perhaps this is just another poorly-educated, deluded and worthless White male who doesn’t want to do any real work, but expects everyone to kiss his worthless White behind.
If you’re not willing to keep up with demands, someone else will. You have NO RIGHT to complain about anything. Especially when your White Race has done so much damage to everyone else.
Everyone else if they weren’t so nice, should have, by now rounded up every White person on Earth and executed them. In the likes of what Josef Stalin did to the cry baby Whites whining in the former Soviet Union.
You might want to try growing up and getting a better attitude, or your life expectancy ain’t gonna be very long Mr. Angry White male and White female.
October 2, 2009 at 11:27 am
wooooohoooooo mechanical engineer is the greatest rock band ever(aplause)(aplause)(standing ovation)Hey play freebird!!! Yeeehaaaw!!! (onchore)!!! Duuuuude, I got the proofread version, it sounds waaaay better. Hey you guys rock. Dont let yoko break you up.
October 2, 2009 at 11:52 am
And WE’RE the angry ones! LOL
The Vatican? This JEW, no matter how he tries to blend with all the other “great races”, still oozes his JEWish Supremacist attitude. He should know by now that it’s Gentiles against JEWS, not Whites.
If he loves Muslims so much, how come he supports their murder in Palestine?
And of course he offers up the obligatory “disinfo” comment, suggesting sites like this are counter-intelligence. JEWS are a one-trick pony.
October 2, 2009 at 12:02 pm
Oh wait a minute American, I think this is what our response is supposed to be-”wat the hell jew say mekanik, i’m gone kick yer ass you sumbich!come own!”
October 2, 2009 at 12:12 pm
Whites are TERRIBLE at Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Without Asian/Eastern and African immigrants into the U.S. most of whom hold PhDs’ in Engineering and Medicine, America, Europe and the entire Western World would still be full of rednecks dying at 25 and using second-rate equipment.
OMG! LOL! That’s a good one. (These are the lies niggers and rag heads tell one another when they want to feel good about themselves.) God knows it’s the only thing they can do.
October 2, 2009 at 12:20 pm
And of course the one trick pony wont come back as the snake spent all of its venem. blah blah blah blah blah sameoh sameoh….
October 2, 2009 at 12:30 pm
JEWS want to talk about anything BUT their criminal nature. Religion is one of their favorites, but they’ll talk for other races, or about mathematics, and on and on…..just don’t hold them accountable for their actions!
Besides his obvious hatred, I also sensed fear in his comment, kind of like he doesn’t believe his own bullshit.
October 2, 2009 at 12:44 pm
You know I think “mekanik” is right. That would explain all of the white street gangs flashing they’r gang signs and playing that loud white rap music and the whole white gangsta lifestyle. We didnt land on plymouth rock plymouth rock landed on us. The man is keepin us down yo. White panthers UNITE!
October 2, 2009 at 1:06 pm
Yeh bro, yassup? I mean like we didn’t even know de wazza wheel befoe da niggaz showed us; know wha I’m say’n?
October 2, 2009 at 1:15 pm
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee……………..t. You right dog. Word! Weeez just ignint white folk. Way we be widout other racistes. excuse me I gots a tick on my neck.
October 2, 2009 at 2:09 pm
White Master
“Mechanical Engineer” sort of reminds me of someone…..hmmmm.
These Jews are so damn desperate it is pathetically hilarious…Anyone with half-a-brain knows that post was pure bullshit.
The TRUTH is gaining momentum and they are scared, ALL of their lies are coming undone, the TRUTH will always defeat lies/deceit in the END….BYE BYE JEWS!
October 2, 2009 at 2:36 pm
Good article.
October 2, 2009 at 3:58 pm
JEWboy forgot to add that his people are clearly the most handsome on the planet, as well as most loved! LOL.
October 2, 2009 at 10:02 pm
l forgot where l posted the McDonald video.
jewish-involvement-in-shaping-american-immigration-policy-1881-1965-a-historical-review. Based on Chapter 7 of The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements. MacDonald, K