An old Palestinian man walks past the cruel Zionist ”separation” wall in Bethlehem, where Jesus Christ was born. Jesus later fought the Roman and Jewish high priest’s (Sanhedrin) oppression of the poor people in the countryside. The contempory wall behind this old man sports a poster of a mocking Jew from some French “art” project , most likely of a Eastern European Jew (Ashkenazi) — bitterly ironic since today’s Palestinians are now victimized by the same evil belief system, or ”Meme,” that Jesus once was. It’s also quite probable the old Palestinian man is genetically more “Hebrew” than his tormentors!
“No population remains pure over a period of thousands of years… But the chances that the Palestinians are descendants of the ancient Judaic people are much greater than the chances that you or I are its descendents.”
— Ashkenazi Jew, Professor Shlomo Sand in the book “When and How the Jewish People was Invented.” The Ashkenazim are the Eastern European Jews, mostly a Turkish/Hunnish (often called Mongol) race called “Khazars.”
First off, let’s make this one thing perfectly clear. When you see the word “Jew” around here, technically I mean “Talmudic Khazars.” Sound complicated? Yeah, it does, but it shouldn’t. These people use the confusion about this on Whites to hide behind. It’s easy for them to do, especially since they actually believe they are the Jews of the Bible — so it doesn’t take much acting to play the part if you’ve been raised to think that from the get-go!
Furthermore, the term “Judeo-Christianity” is a complete non-sense word because Judaism, soon after Christ, has really been the worship of something called the Talmud, which is NOT the same Old Testament of the Bible (the Torah displayed in Synagogues is merely symbolic, a totem no longer even read). And the word “anti-Semite” is a oxymoron as well, since the majority of Jews are descendants of a non-Semite people from the steppes of Eurasia — far from the Semitic peoples of the Middle East! Even the actual word “Jew” did not exist until the 1700′s. This messed-up situation is due to a long-ago transfer of a religious “Meme” (more below).
The majority of ”Jews” in the US and Israel, are a non-Semitic people, a bastardized, mixed-up Hunnish/Turkish group called the Khazars of the Caspian-Black sea area, who long ago converted to Judaism (usually described as Mongol/Turkish). Eventually, to get rid of remnants of them, Christian Russia forced them into an area of southern Poland and Russia called the Pale of Settlement. Some of them did migrate and travel into Germany and back again (which accounts for the German in the Yiddish language). They also moved into other Eastern European areas like Hungary and Romania. From these places, they immigrated into America in the late 1800′s. We now see how that’s turned out for this country as a whole.
These Khazars did not convert to the same Judaism of the people of Moses (the Old Testament), but to a power control system created by the High Priests of the Levites and the Pharisees of Jeruselum — the very same group that later turned Jesus over to the Romans, according to the New Testament. The arrogant Talmud however, can’t even allow credit for that evil act to go to the Romans, bragging that it was the Pharisees themselves who executed Jesus; by strangling him in the same Golgatha trash heap where the word for hell comes from.
That same, often hateful, Talmud even says that “Yeschua Hanotsri” (Jesus of Nazerine), sometimes obliquely referred to as ”the magician from Egypt,” now boils in a vat of excrement in hell (Gittin 57a).
Today’s so-called “Jews” are over 85% a mixed race of eastern European and southern Russian people called “Khazars,” who have inherited the Pharisee’s control and belief system called the Talmud. When you see photos of Orthodox Jews next to Palestinians in Israel, you will distinctly notice just how much they stick out like a sore thumb in this part of the world — these are not the same Israelites of the Christian Bible!
It’s important to understand that the Talmud was a set of books created by the descendants of the Pharisees and Sadducee’s of Jerusalem during the time of Jesus. In fact, this kind of rabbinic thinking was exactly what Jesus was fighting against during his short ministry on earth. The Pharisees sought to control every little thing in the Israelite’s lives and if you did something against or didn’t do something they had a tiny rule about, than you committed a sin against God! Call them the ultimate in control-freaks.
In addition to this, the priestly class of the Levites believed all other nations and peoples should be utterly destroyed (all the smoting of men, women and children, even livestock, etc. etc.); that only the Judahites (besides the small tribe of Benjamin to survive to that point) were favored in God’s eyes (the Chosen people stuff). These Jews would one day inherit the entire world. This incredibly violent streak against other surrounding peoples and religions was codified (see Deuteronomy and Numbers) and passed down to today’s world. Ask the Palestinians and Lebanese all about it.
This is the real evil that Jesus, John the Baptist and the mystery cult of the Essenes (Dead Sea scrolls) were up against. The Pharisees and Sadducees were, at this point, a part of the Edumean (Edomites) power structure (Herod Antipas came from them). The High Priests had long since corrupted the law of Moses (if he ever even existed) for their own benefit. This group acted as tools, or puppets, of the more militarily powerful Roman overlords and worked to enrich themselves at the expense of the poor people of the countryside — those that only wanted to follow God’s basic commandments and live in peace, without getting taxed to death. Some things never change!
Jesus was a peaceful, non-violent revolutionary against these evil Roman tools, the Edumean Pharisees. That is until he went into the Temple area on the day before Good Friday and saw all the money changer’s tables and scam operations of those who sold animals for sacrifice. The sight of that turned him ballistic on the spot — he knew these money-grubbers were in cahoots with the High Priests and that sent him into a rage.
The Romans later themselves had quite enough of the stiff-necked, intransigent Jews and in 70AD and later in the Hadrian destruction of 130AD, they laid waste to Jerusalem, razing the Second Temple and kicking the corrupted Jews out. Most Jews in the countryside just hunkered down and tried to continue on with their lives (later to become the Palestinians). But the High Priest class, the Pharisees, escaped to places like Alexandria, Egypt and Baghdad, Babylonia because these were city dwellers, not country people (this was the real Diaspora). They took with them all their painful Talmudic control systems and books. Talk about baggage!
Reverend Ted Pike discusses the Khazar history in his movie “The Other Israel.”
The Jews had always been in Baghdad, ever since the days of enslavement by Nebakanezer (another Matrix movie parallel) and the High Priests found harbor in this left-behind Jewish community. There, they finished the Babylonian Talmud in 499 AD, incorporating many bizarre beliefs of the surrounding non-Jew cults.
Many scholars who study the Talmud have remarked on occult superstitions found in the Talmud. Some actually believe that it contains Satanic or Molech worship (an early G-d of the people in that part of the world), human sacrificial rites (including the Blood Libel). All this may account for Jewish behavior and the state of today’s world:
“Judaism is the religion of the Pharisees and the patrimony of Babylon, from whence the Talmudic and kabbalistic traditions of Judaism ultimately derive. Orthodox Judaism’s other major sacred book, the Kabbalah, is filled with astrological teachings, fortune-telling, gematria, necromancy and demonology…Orthodox rabbis place curses, cast spells and imagine they have powers greater than God, derived from their study of the Sefer Yezriah, a book of Kabbalistic magic.”
– Michael Hoffman, “Strange Gods,” p.81
These Babylonian Tamudic priests had trade route contact with other Jews who migrated westward to Egypt, like the famous Jewish rabbi, Maimonides of Alexander, who stole the concept, or meme of Legos (“the Word”) from the White Greek Stoics or philosophers. This back and forth transmission of ideas among various Talmudic rabbi groups moved further west and north into the Iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal). These were the Sephardic Jews, who were indeed Semitic and, to some degree, genetically the real descendants of the tribes of Moses.
Eventually, the beliefs of the Pharisees and Levite High Priest class in Babylon influenced the Khazars, due north of them near the Caspian sea and converted them to the Talmudic version of Judaism in the 8th Century AD. The Khazars were a mixed race of Huns, Turkish people and some Slavs, but mostly were Asiatic and completely different from the Semitic races of Abraham to the south and west.
It is an inarguable and historically-proven fact (like the Schechter and Kievan Letters) that these people converted to Rabbinical Judaism around 740AD, under King (called Bek) Bulin and his grandson, Obadiah. This was not, as some would try to tell you, a mere off-shoot of the minor Karaite sect, nor was it only confined to the ruling class. It was due to real Hebrew influences on a large population from a variety sources, such as Crimean Jewish outposts, Radanhite Jewish merchants and religious refugees from the Christian Byzantine and Muslim Persian empires.
The Babylonian Talmud was adopted as the ”holy books” for a race that never, ever lived in the holy land.
Actual remnant Hebrews did come into Khazaria and interbred with the locals over time. This accounts for the presence of some Semitic DNA in today’s Ashkenazi Jews and reveals a bottle-neck, or what is called a “Founder Effect” at precisely the number of generations ago that this conversion took place (more below).
The transfer of the Talmudic Meme: This is the course of the belief and control system of the Pharisees, expelled from Jerusalem by the Romans (“the Diaspora”), and later became became the religion of the Khazar kingdom. This meme resulted in the Ashkenazim Jews that now plague the Palestinians and the rest of the world today. The early Christian meme, followed similar outward path into the Roman and Byzantine worlds via Turkey (like with Paul of Tarsus), but the Byzantine world smartly outlawed Jews from civil service, intermarriage and education. They would eventually come back in a round-about fashion to haunt Christianity — oh yes, they would.
With the transfer of the Talmudic control system to the Kingdom of the Khazars, what we see is the movement of an idea or concept — a meme — from one racial group to another. The various religions of the world can be considered the ultimate “Memes” in human history.
Memes are:
- An idea that, like a gene, can replicate and evolve.
- A unit of cultural information that represents a basic idea that can be transferred from one individual to another, and subjected to mutation, crossover and adaptation.
- A cultural unit (an idea or value or pattern of behavior) that is passed from one generation to another by nongenetic means (as by imitation); “memes are the cultural counterpart of genes.”
Today’s Jews go completely haywire over the whole Khazar business and hate it when us Gentiles talk about it (as usual, calling us “anti-Semites” or ”Nazis,” if we dare) — because it logically calls into question their “ownership” of Palestine, the raison d’être of that outlaw State of Israel, as well as them wearing the precious mantle of being called “Israelite” and a “Chosen One.” This is one of the biggest “forbidden” subjects in history. They vigorously denounce it all as too “fantastic” to have occurred. But is it?
In fact, this kind of transfer of religious ideas from one racial stock to another has happened many, many times in history. Look at how Christianity diffused through-out the Roman Empire at the exact same time as the Talmud moved elsewhere. See how White Northern European peoples later accepted Christianity and turned against the Catholic church, evolving their own contrasting version (Protestant). Make note of Shinto Buddhism of Japan, which later formed the backbone to a Supremacist and Militarist ideology that had much to do with the origins of WWII. The correlations are many.
And it’s not at all unbelievable crazy man talk. Let’s say you were born into a society 1300 years ago that had no books, magazines, photos or TV. You had nothing to go on but what your parents, your fellow yurt dwellers and the neighborhood local leaders (rabbis) told you. It would only take a few generations for everyone to believe they are descendants of the ancient Israelites, or whatever religious group.
Although it can be described as Judaism, the Talmudic meme is not the same religion of Moses or the Israelites. It’s the anally compulsive mind-set of the Pharisee class, those that controlled every aspect (the dogmatic Halakhah Law) of the Jew’s life, keeping themselves in power. This same rigged game is played out to this very day, where untold numbers of rabbis live the lives of the indolent Talmudic “scholars,” not working and breeding large Jew families.
The Talmudic Khazars have always been more comfortable living segregated in the cities — such as Brooklyn, NY — where the orthodox (Hasidic) men study the Talmud all day and don’t hold jobs that contribute to America as a whole. Those that do work, usually ply Jewish trades like diamond merchants or scam ops like the Kosher rackets (which you pay into all the time and don’t know it), right along with the more secular-looking Jews who go out and practice usurious banking tactics on the surrounding Goyim populations.
What’s really bad is that a giant part of it concerns you but you don’t have a clue. Oh yeah. They believe that only by corralling you under political control (the NWO), and by forcing you to follow their special commandments for non-Jews, will G-d make the Jews one with him and bring back the rest of secular Jewry to the Talmudic code. This is called the “Seven Laws of Noah,” but secretly includes another 66.
Modern-day Talmudists also believe that us non-Jews are really ”Amalek,” the eternal enemy to the Jews. The last mention of this was in the Bible 500 years before Christ. Today, almost all Christians have no idea they may belong to this secret enemy army of Jewry. You may actually be under a death sentence, just for being born! And they call us racists? Michael Hoffman explains “Amalek” here in this video link. The Amalek document he discusses in the video: Rationales Justifying Collective Punishment.
Although many Jews claim to be Atheists, the Talmudic mind-set is still a big over-all part of of Jewdom because of a real life ”Supremacy” in how they think of themselves as a racial group, vis a vis the rest of the planet’s citizens. But it’s not YAHWEH whom they worship, but the Talmudic meme of Judaism that says they are mini G-ds themselves. Call it the overall gestalt of the modern day Jews:
“The Talmud is to this day the circulating heart’s blood of the Jewish religion. Whatever laws, customs, or ceremonies we observe — whether we are Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, or merely spasmodic sentimentalists — we follow the Talmud. It is our common law.”
– Herman Wouk, “This is My God.”
One way to see all this going on is to ask yourself this: Why do you not see the Talmud ever mentioned in the mainstream media, like in History Channel religious documentaries? Sure, you have the Torah (Tanach, or Old Testament) talked about, but never the Talmud. Oh, they might briefly mention the Zohar (Kabbalistic occult Jew gibberish), or Midrash (overly-imaginative rabbis dreaming up more crap about the old crap), but never the Talmud!
They simply wish to keep this whole subject in the dark with the Goyim masses because they don’t want our curiosity piqued and for us to dwelve deeper. The subject matter has obviously been made taboo for the mainstream media.
One of the most common arguments (like in the heavily Jew-edited Wikipedia) against the Khazar business was a Hebrew University DNA study* done on the Paternal “Y” haplotype of male Jews which disproved the matter, but that’s a totally false description of the study.
In fact, the Y chromosome study confirmed that a influx did occur from a Central Asian source into present day Ashkenazim Jews. It indicated something called the “Founder Effect,” where a haplotype gene called R-M17 from a very small group of Middle Eastern men must have interbred within this Central Asian gene pool in the distant past and henceforth became a distinct part of Ashkenazim today. This was undoubtedly the Jewish traders and Talmudic rabbis who came up from Babylon and interbred with the Khazars during the conversion period of the 8th century (700-800AD). See Nature article PDF here.
In a book written by David Keys in 2000, he discusses this very thing and correlates it to historical evidence. Some important excerpts from Keys’ book:
“DNA tests on Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews have revealed the possibility that at least one key section of the latter community may have genetic evidence of a potentially large-scale or even mass conversion which must have taken place sometime after around A.D. 700… the only known mass conversion within that time frame and in that geographical area was that of the Khazars in the eighth century… What seems to have happened is not only a potentially large-scale conversion of non-Jewish people, almost certainly Khazars, to Judaism, but also the adoption of Levite (Assistant Priest) status by a substantial number of the Khazar converts… A tenth-century letter of recommendation from the Jewish community of Kiev to Jewish communities outside Khazaria was signed by Jews with traditional Turkic names whose almost certainly Turkic Khazar ancestors had adopted second names… indicating that they saw themselves as descendants or close associates of the ancient tribe of Levi… Adoption of Cohenic or ordinary Levitical status by converts was and is expressly forbidden by rabbinical law, so the Khazars had to develop a mythic national history that gave them the right to Levitical status. They claimed that they were the descendants of one of the lost tribes of Israel and were not converts at all but merely returnees to Judaism. Furthermore, the tribe they claimed ancestry from was that of Simeon, the brother of the founder of the tribe of Levi….Probably it was the old pre-Jewish Khazar priests — the qams – who at the conversion had become Levites en masse…” (excerpts from pages 99-100)
David Keys. Catastrophe: An Investigation Into the Origins of the Modern World. New York: Ballantine Books, 2000. Keys summarizes the genetic findings of M. G. Thomas, Karl L. Skorecki, H. Ben-Ami, Tudor Parfitt, Neil Bradman, D. B. Goldstein, “Origins of Old Testament Priests.” in the magazine, Nature 394 (July 9, 1998): pg. 138-140. (you have to purchase the Nature article)
Note very carefully here the information in Key’s summary above, that the Turkish Khazars took the names of the Levite priesthood, who must have passed down the violent racial ideology and separatism from the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy against any neighbor or stranger — the other races living nearby.
This whole shebang is part and parcel of the Zionists in today’s world, and is at the root of all the evils now plaguing America and our geopolitics. The closer you study this whole matter, the more that this will become readily apparent to you and is at the root of what is called: “The Jewish Question.”
The “Y” haplotype report,* cited by Wikipedia as proof the Jews are really ancient Israelites (any other evidence is always carefully ignored by embedded Jew editors). In reality the report says the question remains unresolved on Ashkenazim Jews, who are the majority of today’s Jewish population. Here I quote directly from it:
“To address the degree to which paternal gene flow may have affected the Jewish gene pool, we estimated approximate admixture levels in our Jewish samples from Europe. This question remains unresolved in particular for the Ashkenazi community.” — Page 5 here
Many other scientists considered the sample data in this Y study as statistically extremely questionable in the first place, combining far too many countries, like Britain, Germany and Russia, all of which could not exclude Sephardic DNA, undoubtedly incorporated over the past centuries. The testing also had far too few samples of DNA (less than 60!) to begin with. Another big problem was that it centered around the paternal (male) gene; while Jews are a maternal race (the priestly class was originally paternal long-ago), meaning you’re not considered Jewish if your mother wasn’t.
As a side note, the Y-chromosone report found only the barest amounts of ”semitic” genetics for the so-called Ethiopian Negro Jews, imported into Israel back in the 1970′s because of all the King Solomon and Bethsheba biblical stories. Most of those Negroes have long since left, because of real racism against Negroes in Israel. They also didn’t have the same Talmudic background (Solomon was long before the Khazars); so the current day Talmudic Israelis actually forbade them from performing sacred rites in Israel, as well as not allowing intermarriage with “White” skinned Israelis, or even much else beyond manual labor.
Ashkenazim Jews are absolutely the biggest race hypocrites, ever!
But the most important truth that negates all these angry Jews against the whole Khazar history and Middle Eastern DNA question, is that it just does not matter! That’s right, the Jews as a whole are really expressing that Supremacist Talmudic meme, which is at the heart of the matter now facing the White race!
This meme has had disastrous effects on the world: Geopolitics (Zionism, War, Iraq, 9/11 and other Mossad perfidious acts), the Geo-Economy (Central Banking, fiat money, immigration, the coming New World Order), inner racial hate for Muslims and the White people of the Western World (Islamofascism, the Holocaust Hoax, media slanders, “Multiculturism,” race and victimhood politics).
Whether they are this or that back then, makes little real difference when you take in the here and now!
So, let’s restate the issue here. The Ashkenazim Jews are not the original Israelites of the Bible, but usually believe themselves to be and want the surrounding Gentile populace to think so. They are a separate racial group, one that may look something like Whites and uses that fact against us when convenient or not, if that’s good for them, too. This race is based on a sometimes bizarre and hateful religious meme called the Talmud, created by the descendants of the Pharisees who had Jesus executed. This is NOT the same as the Old Testament Torah, like they want you to believe. And last, but certainly not least, today’s Jews that may not appear religious in outward behavior, have ingested the superiority meme promoted by the Talmudic Jews and pretty much all think they are “God’s Chosen people!”
— Phillip Marlowe
*The major sponsor for the “Y” Haplotype study was the Hebrew University, based in Jerusalem. They obviously had a built-in bias going back to Zionist history creation in the last century, or even before:
Sand suggests that the denial mechanism was rather orchestrated and very well thought out. The Hebrew University decision in the 1930’s to split Jewish History and General History into two distinct departments was far more than just a matter of convenience. The logos behind the split is a glimpse into Jewish self-realisation. In the eyes of Jewish academics, the Jewish condition and Jewish psyche were unique and should be studied separately. Apparently, even within Jewish academia, a supreme status is reserved for the Jews, their history and their self-perception. As Sand insightfully unveils, within the Jewish Studies departments the researcher is scattering between the mythological and the scientific while the myth maintains its primacy. Yet, it often gets into a stalling dilemma by the ‘small devious facts’. — Gilad Atzmon review HERE.
My blog page above on this: The Wandering Who?
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Two Hundred Years Together: From the Beginnings in Khazaria
Arthur Koestler’s 13th Tribe on-screen images, downloadable Free PDF Here Resource for Turkic and Jewish History
Read: “The Jews of KHAZARIA” by Kevin Alan Brook (Jew) published by Jason Aronson, Inc. in 1999. This is something the Jews often talk about among themselves but do not want the Goyim to even know about it.
TED PIKE’S ”THE OTHER ISRAEL” KHAZAR SECTION WAS DELETED BY JEW ADL YOUTUBE MONITORS! The Jews don’t want this history to become common knowledge. The whole video may be watched on Google embedded above (for now). The small segment (below) on the Khazars was undoubtedly taken down by ADL Jews on the bogus excuse “terms of use violation.” Watch the embedded video above (58 minutes but worth it) and ask yourself “why?”
Comments feed for this article
April 27, 2009 at 4:48 pm
maxi: ”
“You nutz dont get that God is not with you. God is angry with you, your leader, Duke, and God says in both Torah, Tanach and the New Testament that he will destroy the nations that turn on Israel, America included. ”
Does your rabbi know you’ve been reading the New Testament?
Oh, and the Judahites turned on Israel a few thousand years ago. Is your God wrong, in which case he couldn’t, by definition, be God.
“God doesn’t change no matter how much you are trying to force him too..that is what the faggots do.”
Thanks for the update on “what the faggots do.”
“God also doesn’t suffer fools, idiots and incogs”
Then, how do you explain you?
I think I need a nap….
April 27, 2009 at 4:56 pm
The founder of the evangelical Christians Martin Luther wrote about the jews and their lies. Yet we see modern evangelicals giving their left nutz to the jews. He warned them and they are oblivious because of jewbag infiltration.
April 27, 2009 at 5:01 pm
The swastika as a good luck symbol was widely used in American architecture up until demonized by the Jews in the 1930s. One of the first modern shopping centers in the USA was the Country Club Plaza district in Kansas City MO.
It was built during the 1920s. A lot of the walks and outside walls were tiled in an artistic manner. There were a lot of little swastikas. Sometime during the 1970s, these offending tiles were quietly removed .
April 27, 2009 at 6:02 pm
the NAZI swatstika is from the Native Americans.
April 27, 2009 at 6:15 pm
Great article, Incog. Now I know what a “Meme” is. I’d never heard the word before. I don’t know much about the khazar business, other than that there appears to be some lively debate on the subject.
The only statement I would take issue with would be your reference to “shinto buddhism.” Sounds kind of like “judeo-christian”: I may be wrong but I doubt that there is such a critter.
Shintoism is an ancient Japanese pantheism, communing with the spirits of trees, rocks, and dead ancestors. It certainly played a role in sustaining Japanese militarism.
Buddhism came out of India about 25 centuries ago, and has a strong tradition of non-violence. I don’t see how it could inspire militarism.
Anyway, very informative article.
April 27, 2009 at 6:19 pm
Thanks, gncarlo. Yes, shinto was pantheistic and combined with buddhism out of China gave the Japs ancestor worship. That’s why they fought to the death so junior would still respect them.
April 27, 2009 at 6:29 pm
Another thing, gncarlo, I’ve never seen religion described as meme before, but I think it fits to some degree, especially when a thought pattern moves from one race to another (Talmud of the Pharisees to another non-Israelite race, Khazar or not).
April 27, 2009 at 6:32 pm
Mad Jewess: The Swastika came from many earlier cultures, the Anastasi and Himilayan buddhists.
It originally was thought of as a good luck symbol and once again will be when we throw you types out of the country.
April 27, 2009 at 7:28 pm
I have no idea of whether Hitler ever read Madame Blavatsky or not. From the impression I got of his mindset, in Mein Kampf, I rather doubt it. He didn’t strike me as being much of an introvert. Boring, melodramatic writer; incredible (self-taught) public speaker.
I like the Indian music in the link. Since the Chosen do not yet have their fangs as firmly set in the Indian financial system as they do here, there is a more open discussion of Jewish machinations in the media. I have seen a few discussions on Indian TV of Jewish control of Hollywood, for example. You would never see anything like it here.
Ghandi was an anti-white lawyer in South Africa before he was a non-violent protestor in India. I always remember the funny story about one of the wealthy Englishwomen who surrounded and apparently worshipped him. Her father, back in England, complaining of her constant requests for money, groused: ” It’s costing me a fortune to keep that little wog living in poverty” !
April 27, 2009 at 10:58 pm
Khazars are Turk, telling Jews are Khazar almost same thing to say that Jews are Turk (or partly Turk).
April 27, 2009 at 11:13 pm
Incog SWEET THANG…you wont throw SWEET ME out! You LOVE and ADORE me.
kiss baby. BIG JEWcy KISSES.
April 28, 2009 at 12:08 am
Icey Key
Bleda and PC_11, what does it matter in the end? The term used by many describing the Khazars is Turko-Finn, but the jews are definitely not of any “Finnish” blood, so I need to cut that inference off at the pass. I’m actually not quite sold 100% on the Khazar story myself, truth be told. I’m only 99% sold on the theory.
Yes, I’ve read Koestler (an atheist) – who caught crap not only for the Khazar story but for also stating that jews should either move to Israel or assimilate with the communities in which they live. I have to wonder if the venom spewed Koestler’s way by the jewish “community” helped create the stories of Koestler being a serial rapist. He may very well have been a rapist though. That’s actually a crime jews commit at a higher than average rate but it’s never mentioned publicly. Just ask any cop involved in sex-crime investigation. Anyway, supposedly one of Koestler’s reasons for producing “The 13th Tribe” was because he thought it would help stop anti-semitism. Nope. Jewish behavior keeps the dislike of jews alive and well no matter what happens.
By the way, even though Koestler is noted for the Khazar theory, he was not the one who created it. More than a few jews do in fact believe in the theory – but they don’t like to admit it in public:
(scroll down the page) PART 3. Notable modern Jews and Jewish communities who claim Khazar ancestry: ” …in the 1990s a genealogical expedition hired by my Transylvanian Jewish acquaintance found confirmation of the tradition that these Jews are Turkic. That does not prove that they were Khazars. They could have been Tatars or Kipchaks (Cumans) or Oghuzes. But most likely they were Khazars, as the Khazars converted to standard Judaism in larger numbers than any other Turkic group…”
“… There are also isolated cases of Jews from certain towns in Ukraine and Lithuania who claim Khazar ancestry. Stories like these help to contradict the opinion of Leon Wieseltier in “You Don’t Have to Be Khazarian: The Thirteenth Tribe, by Arthur Koestler” (New York Review of Books, October 28, 1976) on page 34 that there are no memories of a Khazar heritage among any modern Jews.”
April 28, 2009 at 11:21 am
Israel / Jews are Blood Sucking Parasites of the World,
they are nothing more then Leeches feeding on Mankind.
The sooner this World is rid of them the better.
“Die Israel Die”
April 28, 2009 at 11:44 am
Who gives a DAMN about ISRAEL!!!!!!!!!
Look what this friggin BOLSHEVIK RAT BASTARD is doing- NO MORE FREE SPEECH on the NET. Why do you MORONS think I support your sorry asses?? Loss of FREE speech on the NET!!!!! WAKE THE HELL UP AHOLES!
April 28, 2009 at 12:39 pm
Keyboard warrior
April 28, 2009 at 1:33 pm
“Every day, I think less and less what others are going to think. . . . What are they going to say about me? . . . That I’m wrong about the way the world really is? That I’m an evil, murderous mastermind? That I’m too extreme? That I’m a greasy, slimy, Jew-Gypsy roustabout who looks at the world through a carny’s eyes?” — Father of modern Satanism Anton LaVey, quoted by Blanche Barton, The Secret Life of a Satanist: The Authorized Biography of Anton LaVey (Feral House: Los Angeles, 1990), pp. 225-226.
April 28, 2009 at 1:45 pm
Please read and listen…
April 28, 2009 at 1:46 pm
Blood libel? LOL Here’s an actual account of Jewish Ritual Murder:
April 28, 2009 at 1:47 pm
Please read and listen…
April 28, 2009 at 1:58 pm
Professor Slomo Sand claims that Sephardim are Berbers who converted; only Oriental Jews are aboriginal; that is why they are genetically similar to Palestinians and why they have lived in such places as Iran for hundreds of years without causing trouble unlike the fake Jews.
April 28, 2009 at 2:15 pm
“When the truth comes into light, the lies will hide in the dark”… Ponce
I came up with the above because of the Khazar Jews, the more that we learn about them the more that we know as to who they really are.
April 29, 2009 at 1:04 am
al ka ee da
The occupying “Jews” are actually the descendants of Gog and Magog. Visit for more information.
April 29, 2009 at 2:40 am
That is true,the jews from Israheell are converted Khazars.Bible,,Revelation 2:9 I know thy works,and tribulation,and poverty,(but thou art rich)and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews,and are not,BUT ARE THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN. Revelation 3:9 Behold,I will make them of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN,WHICH SAY THEY ARE JEWS,AND ARE NOT,BUT DO LIE,behold,I will make them to come and worship before thy feet,and to know that I have loved thee. The jews are the children of their father(satan)..Read ZECHARIAH 2:1,,,2:2,,,2:3,,,2:4 You will see who are the chosen people(Caucasian-European).
April 29, 2009 at 9:07 am
Hey Marshall – I know the Blood Libel – the factual accounts of the murder of Christians, by the Vampires. I actually waded through the accounts, a few months ago. The people of the Middle Ages were much more sophisticated than they are given credit for. The English records are VERY detailed. The testimony was not that of blubberig morons, raving about witches and demons, etc (like some damned African). The witnesses spoke simply, directly and sanely. There was no hysteria. The bodies of Christian kids were turning up infrequently, for about a century. The decade before the Expulsion, they started turning up every single year, around Passover. So it took the English around a hundred year’s worth of evidence, to react. That’s way beyond “fair”.
April 29, 2009 at 11:18 am
Yeah it’s true Nemesys!!! Recently, we saw Vicki Polin on Oprah telling it like it is…
She also runs a support network for survivors-
You have to think…where all these kids who disappear every year going? Are the majority of them GENTILE? Look at the Jew control of international sex slavery…not too hard to connect some dots there, is it?
April 30, 2009 at 12:03 pm
On a historical note: In what year did Columbus set sail for the New World?
Hmm…there appears to be a correlation to this event perhaps LOL!!!
The Alhambra Decree, issued March 31, 1492, ordered all Jews to leave Spain by the end of July 1492. July 31, 1492 was Tisha B’Av. Note that if you use a Jewish calendar converter to check this, it may show July 31 as the 27th of Tammuz. If so, the converter has failed to take into account the Gregorian Reformation, which skipped 11 days on the calendar. If you add the 11 missing days and convert August 11 instead of July 31, you will see that “August 11″ 1492 is 9 Av.
May 22, 2009 at 10:05 pm
”I’m not religious, and I’m not “racist””
very true, AmeriCANT, you are just an asshole
May 23, 2009 at 1:21 am
Incog, you can’t throw out our Thermonuclear half white jewess! She’s going to be our insurgent Mata hari, gathering intelligence so we can win the war!
Nuemburg rules apply here. After the revolution, she gets 40 acres and a mule for her revolutionary activities, tax free!
September 8, 2009 at 1:44 pm
accidentally stumbled across this shithole site
…and found a slew of phuckers this world would be better off without.
…koolaid drinking, uninformed, unintelligent pukes.
WARNING! Jew Spew detectors are registering high on the above line of bull. Please consider carefully before swallowing.
April 11, 2010 at 1:33 pm
John Smith
The 85th AKA the Custer Division had the swastika as their emblem until the 30s.
April 11, 2010 at 2:03 pm
John Smith
45th. They were mistakenly called the 85th elsewhere and I mistakenly copied this.