Whatta ya think about all this business in the news lately about racism? Do you buy all the nonsense that White racism is so rampant across the country? Why so many stories these days about things like nooses turning up on people’s doorknobs or the “N-word” being used? And how about that crazy Jew college girl caught painting swastikas on her own door? All of the minority groups seem to be on some kind of roll these days– or is it something else?
Just what the flock really is going on, anymore?
We have the professional Race Hucksters like the Reverends Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson or the corporate “Diversity” outfits, out fear-mongering business into signing on to their programs. All these people make lucrative livings, for themselves and the legions they have working for them, by rustling up any made-up outrage so they can get media time and public gravitas; this helps them blackmail corporations and rustle up donations from cardigan-wearing white liberals and the activist, big-mouth Jews.
These hucksters are always on the lookout for any two-bit story to get all pissy over should they find one and, with the media at their beck and call, are always ready and willing to expose the evil whitey, once again!
Have you noticed the uptick in the media on race issues in the last year or so? Coincidence? I don’t think so. All of the recent stories about white racisim such as the nooses in Jena, LA; Imus’ stupid “Nappy-headed Ho’s” fuss right when the news about the Duke/Lacrosse players where being exonerated; and the most recent: Dog the Bounty Hunter using the “N-word,” like it’s such a big deal. All of this crap is blown way out of proportion, for crying out loud. This is all just nonsense for you to sort out in your head while the real agenda continues unabated by those who have the media control. Pat Buchannan on the Jena 6 and other Hoax crimes
Here we have the powers that be, all clamoring to go to war with Iran and getting the illegals legal. And now all these new race incidents flooding the news. No, I’m not saying they don’t have anything ever, about Iran (ominous) or immigration (usually pro or ambiguous) on the airwaves. But it’s funny how they play it: We have this race thing here, we have that race thing happening there, but what about the really important stuff? All of the critical issues get lost in the sauce, because many Americans just don’t put enough effort into sorting it all out or even giving a dam, anymore.
And what about all our colleges and school districts busy attacking made up BS like “White Privilege” and “Stealth Racism?” These are simply ripples out from the epicenters of manipulation and glomed onto by the savvy intellectual-style race hucksters, desperate to make names for themselves in the Ivory towers. They’ve turned racism into some kind of Maoist-like Cultural Revolution against the White. This bogus white racism is too good of a deal for all these hucksters and serves well, the real powers that be, in keeping any Whites from coming together and figuring out what’s what:
“Racism was a concept invented by Leon Trotsky, a communist mass murderer, to demonise his opponents and stop people talking about certain issues. And that’s been taken on by the Labour party and by the BBC and the British people have been cowed, so they feel they can’t talk about these things.” Nick Griffin Newsnight 25/5/07
Let’s look at the way they play this Race crap on us: See how we have that 9 year-old murder story of the dragging death of a black ex-convict in Jasper, Texas by a white ex-convict, still being served up by the media and liberals to prove that whites are so evil? Do you really believe that crap anymore? And how many of those very same people know that a perfectly innocent white women, Patricia Stansfield, was dragged to her death by a black ex-convict in Streator, Illinois at around the same time? More on this media travesty here
And how many white people died in the Civil War? 600,000 (about 210,00 from battle deaths and the rest to disease). Surely, that counts for at least something against this continued slavery guilt trip still being fostered on whites to this very day. I’d hope you would agree. Hell, many Blacks say they’re glad for slavery, in the first place, so as to have been born here, when you really get them to talk.
And note that recent thing in Jena, LA. Here we have some White kid being beaten by 6 Black thugs, one standing on his head as they kicked him viciously into unconsciousness. Then they invite 2 of them, as some kind of heroes, to the Jew-owned Black Entertainment Television (BET) awards ceremony. Another outright slap to the faces of White people, everywhere. It’s just so un-frigging-believable, these days, how they spit in our faces!
I’m sick and tired of all this Bullshit– are you yet?
What’s is the common denominator to all of this? What group of people, through-out history, have been kicked out of every country they’ve ever been in, sometimes more than once? What group of people have elucidated such hatred as to cause entire countries to go haywire on them? You think the Crucifixion story from 2000 years ago could do such a thing? No, it is much more than that, for sure. We have to seriously consider the possibility that, yes, it’s these people that have always been THE major-league pain in the ass to whites and for quite some time, now.
The globalist, International Jew is the one behind all this ”divide and conquer” strategy–all this racism bullshit– for decades now in the US and even longer, elsewhere. The Jew Trotsky, mentioned above, was a major player in the Bolshevik revolution, financed by New York Jew Banker Jacob Schiff. This resulted in the deaths of millions of white people (at least 20 million or more) –far, far more than the Holocaust Jews of WWII– all at the hands of the Red Bolsheviks, who were in fact mostly Jewish, which they don’t tell you about.
This bit of history is not talked about in the mainstream media because they don’t want to be called anti-Semites by the Jew Attack corporations. One book that does talks about it is by Rabi Marvin S. Antelman in his two volume, To Eliminate the Opiate, that also revealed the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) and –who we’re now seeing– all the big sluggers in the media and in the New World Order belong to this traitorous group.
This Jew media brainwashing has been designed to distract us with continual race frictions, right along with all the inane, mind-numbing cultural crap like Britney Spears or American Idol– all of it is being created and promoted by a media who wants the American ”Silent Majority” to doze sleepily in those big, old easy chairs and not take any notice of the real serious shit going on– things like this country being flooded with non-whites, the North American Union replacing the US and your freedoms slowly stolen away like a thief in the night.
Yet they still want you to get patriotic and gung-ho when they need to, when they need more Goyim cannon fodder for their nasty Mideast wars. So they use the same media techniques to get you outraged, to get you angry, to get those flags a’furling and those bumper stickers proclaiming your fierce American patriotism and loyalty to the troops. They use these same media manipulations to trot out all kinds of things that you just have to believe in since they’re all the experts and they know these things, right? And why would these people ever lie to us, anyways?
All of these race hucksters and media shysters are truly screwing around with this country’s head for their own, selfish and devious purposes. Have been for quite some time, it seems.
Now, you might dismiss me as some harmless old coot, but just ask yourself this: Could he really have something here, or am I just dismissing him out of hand because of what I want to be true– instead of what truly is?
By Phillip Marlowe
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June 11, 2009 at 11:11 pm
Fleur de lis
“I’m sick and tired of all this Bullshit– are you yet?”
It’s getting real thick now. Yes I am sick of it