Video set to a 1999 recording of Dr. William Pierce (below “read the rest” button)
“The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races…and by the establishment of a world republic in which everywhere the Jews will exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the Children of Israel…will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition…”
– Karl Marx in a letter to Baruch Levy, Review de Paris, June 1, 1928, p. 574
I FIRST READ ”The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” about 10 years ago, after stumbling upon it as part of another book called “Behold a Pale Horse” by William Cooper at the local library (later removed by thought police). It was a bit difficult to read since the language was stilted and 19th century, but I worked hard to finish it. The thing that stood out so clearly on just about every page was how astoundingly prescient for what has happened and is still happening to our world. Surely, if this was the work of hoaxers, Nostradamus is nothing compared to this person or persons.
Reading whatever I could find about the origins of “The Protocols,” both for and against being genuine, told me that the book could indeed be real and not a “forgery,” as I was supposed to blindly accept. I noted that they always called it a “forgery,” which actually meant it was an unauthorized copy of something real (maybe they suspected it was possible). Lately, they’ve been making special efforts to call it an “anti-Semitic” hoax.
Jewry also seemed to take it for granted that one should not even bother to read it in the first place. For me, it was too late.
All the naysayers could do was vaguely ascribe it to Czarist agents (various ones are named) who plagiarized a banned French book from the 1860′s called “Dialogues in Hell” by Maurice Joly, yet no one could put up any comparison quotes to prove that thesis. And it seemed that those who denied it was real, were more intent on ridicule, or accusing you of being “anti-Semitic,” than presenting any facts. I also noted that rebuttals from Gentiles, were from people who never even read it in the first damn place.
Historically, many things in the last 100 years (or even longer) matched well the diabolical plans outlined by the speaker in the book. It definitely was some frightening reading. Little wonder why Jewry goes so far overboard to dissuade people from checking it out.
Just watch the 2 videos below and think hard on all that has occurred in the White Western world in the last hundred years. Won’t take you but a lousy few minutes. The videos are interesting, well-done and thought-provoking. They may not last long on Youtube because of that.
– Phillip Marlowe
Part one.
Part two.
The Protocols in Modern day English
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December 29, 2009 at 8:04 am
Re: “i recently finished “the good soldier” by Alfred Novotny, the story of the surrender, capture, and 5 years in the Soviet gulag by a young soldier from Austria of the Gross Deutschland division.”
Maybe Stefan Schpiiiielberg and Tom Hanks will make a movie out of it …
December 29, 2009 at 9:17 am
HA! fat chance! how would they cast the “every other soldier is a jew in an American uniform that sacrifices himself and saves the day” ??
it would/could show only German suffering, at the hands of the Slavs and thier bolshevik jew masters..
not happenin’ …lol!
December 29, 2009 at 9:27 am
I hear they’re making “Inglorious Basterds II”, in which German-Americans are recruited by the US Army to save Germans in Eastern Europe and carve Stars of David into the foreheads of Jewish Soviet Commissars.
December 29, 2009 at 10:21 am
THAT i would re-mortgage my house to see!!!
February 20, 2010 at 5:40 pm
I heard that a new movie about the Israeli involvement in the JFK assassination is in the works. Apparently it goes into detail about the conflict between JFK and Israel over nukes. And it goes into the incredible “coincidence” linking JFKs assassination to the “amazing” total policy reversal concerning the Israeli nuke program post JFK.
Should be a good one.
April 7, 2010 at 12:12 am
Apocalipsis 2:9 Yo conozco tus obras, y tu tribulación, y tu pobreza (pero tú eres rico), y la blasfemia de los que se dicen ser judíos, y no lo son, sino sinagoga de Satanás.