“You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?
– Matthew 7:16
You’ve might’ve seen all the apocalyptic programming about the “End Times” on the “History” Channel, maybe even heard some preacher man wailing away in the pulpit, or on the TV, right before hitting you up for more dineros. Yeah, it’s getting kind of old now. But did you ever stop to think that the USA might just be the real “Beast,” written about in Revelation?
One of my favorite writers, Mark Glenn, in his blog article “Calculating The Number of the Beast…” tells of receiving an urgent email from Bishop Hagee’s site asking for donations to support Israel’s Haitian relief efforts. Hagee asks for $18 out of us stupid schmucks, since that has some kind of special religious significance. In his article, Glenn wonders about the multiples of 3 sixes (mark of the beast) as well as the Jew’s insistence on the 6 million figure of the holocaust.
Think about it for a minute: The American evangelist Hagee is asking his flock to give money to Israel, just so that country can turn around and act all humanitarian to the world! I should hope people see what a crock of BS that is, right off the bat. Already, we give Israel upwards of 8 billion a year of US taxpayer’s money (many peg it at 15 billion). It’s obvious that the cheap Jews are trying to off-set PR image expenses via their ”shabbos goy” preacher toady and brainwashed Christian Zionists, once again.
Now, we know for a fact that the Jews have used this 6 million figure long before WWII, even right back to WWI. You can see documents where they use the number HERE. According to the Birdman (God rest his soul), Kaballah Jew rabbis say that 6 million Jews were needed to be roasted in ovens before the State of Israel could come into existence. That’s one reason why common Jewry (and the rest of us) have been so throughly brainwashed about the sacred 6 million number, regardless of any actual evidence.
But what of the possibility that Israel is the Beast of Revelation? Or is the entire race of Jews, world-wide, the Whore of Babylon? Perhaps it’s time to consider both these possibilities. Here’s how the book of Revelation describes the Whore of Babylon:
17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
17:6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
Pretty trippy, huh? Note that during the decades following Jesus’ execution, the early Christians were mercilessly attacked and killed (martyrs of Jesus) by the Sanhedrin. Also, according to some biblical scholars, Rome is what the author of Revelation, Saint John of Patmos, is talking about here. But what if these scholars are wrong? Let’s look at a few things that really stand out.
First off, remember that it’s not just the country of Israel. Jewry considers all Jews wherever they may live to be the nation of Israel. In other words, the entire race is Israel. They may be spread out to the four corners of the world, but they are all Israelis (which explains a whole host of other things, too).
Also, read this one famous quote from Revelations:
“Behold, I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”
This quote tells us that one day these evil fake Jews will be brought to bay and put at our feet because they embraced Satan. It will be us who fight against this evil that will prevail. This quote also points a giant finger at the fact that many Jews are not even ”Israelites” to begin with. The evidence is extensive for this possibility and should be looked into by everyone, not just Christians. Read more here
This majority percentage of Jews are called the Ashkenazim and are decendants from the Hunnish/Turkish race (sometimes described as Mongol/Turkish) from southern Russia called the Khazars; who mass-converted to the Judaism of the Talmud in the mid-8th century AD. They were introduced to Judaism from rabbis and traveling merchants from Babylon (make note), just south of their Kingdom.
This very same Talmud was part of the control system of the Jewish elite and passed on to Babylon after the Romans kicked out all the Pharisees and Sadducees from the Temple Mount. According to the New Testament, Jesus saved the world by offering humanity (Gentiles and Jews) a way out from these evils. It was this same priesthood class responsible for the Talmud who forced the Romans to put Jesus on the cross (modern Jewry even made the US government classify the New Testament as “anti-Semitic”!).
The Jews had a community in Babylon ever since the Chaldeans under Nebuchadnezzar II destroyed the first Temple of Solomon and brought back to Babylon the enslaved ten tribes of Israel, while the other two tribes of Judah, Benjamin (small and usually not counted) and the Levite priesthood (in their own Kingdom), survived under the rule of foreigners. Some of this Levite priesthood went on to Babylon after the destruction of the second Temple by the Romans in 70 AD.
While living among the Jews of Babylon, the Levites finished the Talmud around 500 AD. This is why it’s often called the Babylonian Talmud. Scholars remark on the strange superstitions and magic found in another set of Jewish books called the Zohar (the Kaballah) and think demonic-like beliefs may have been incorporated from surrounding ancient Babylonian cults.
Some even speculate, with good reason, that a hidden form of Satan or Molech worship has been secretly passed on to this day!
The Whoring of America
Madonna, calling herself the Whore of Babylon. 1) With PM Shimon Peres of Israel. 2) On her way out to celebrate the Jewish festival of Purim at the Kaballah Centre last year. 3 and 4) Some typical stage antics. Note the hanging dead blond.
As per Revelations, the Whore of Babylon is the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth. This part today should be easy to spot. Look at the predominately Jewish Hollywood and all the filth the media promotes nowadays (even the non-religious will notice). Being a media whore is big business. Everybody sees it, they once even used to make a big stink.
Look at Madonna, raised a Catholic Italian girl, who found big-time success as a singing slut. Now she’s completely a Judaized monstrosity. She also belongs to the New Age Kaballah Centre and is on personal terms with Israel’s elite Zionist masters, like PM Shimon Peres. She even called herself the Whore of Babylon for one of her concert tours and freely mocked the crucifixion of Christ (above).
Madonna is an easy example, but not the only one, by far. One only has to turn on the TV to see the latest Jew Media Whore of the hour; for example: Cyndi Lauper, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Gwenn Stefani (right), or you can now gag on “Lady Gaga.” These are just the tip of the iceburg — thousands upon thousands of deluded young women are out in southern California waiting in line to prostitute themselves for the media — sometimes even having to resort to the real thing.
The Jews in the media love these harlots, showering them with money and awards, breathlessly telling us where they were last seen at, who they are screwing and what outrageous outfits they wear in public. One merely has to turn on the Jew Tube after the dinner hour to hear some Hollywood reporter excitedly showing video after video of this open sleaze.
And it just keeps getting sleazier, as the shock effect bar must continually be lowered. The exceptional, but suppressed French writer Céline discussed all this back in 1937 and the same thing goes for today, but on steroids:
“The Kikes that rule the Universe, they understand them, those secrets of public opinion. Hidden in the corners, they have all of the wires in their hands. Propaganda, gold, advertising, radio, press, the cinema… Through radio and the cinema! One creates new gods for them! By the same stroke, more new idols are needed every month! ever increasingly more asinine and vapid! …How, I ask you, do they create the idols which populate the dreams of today’s generation? How can the most wretched idiot, the most disgusting freak, the most pathetic slut, be transformed into gods? …and goddesses? …received by more souls in a day than Jesus Christ over the course of thousand years?… So at one stroke, the crowd is force-fed, and it just dies for more… And the more unremarkable, the more of a nullity the chosen idol is at the beginning, the greater are her chances to triumph in the hearts of the crowd…
– Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Trifles for a Massacre, p. 37
Every day the media gets a little more disgusting, a little more explicit and vile. They now even have homosexual encounters on daytime soaps, for crying out loud — unthinkable only a few years ago. What do they want next for our countries? Bestiality?
Saying anything about this kind of thing makes a person risk being considered some kind of Old Testament Ogre, a mean and sexually-repressed individual. But why? Why can’t we insist on some level of decency anymore? Why must we meekly accept our path to the gutter?
And just who really is the God these latter-day, phony Israelites follow? Could it be the devil himself from the very beginning and passed down to the modern day?
‘Then I heard the LORD say to the other men, “Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked. Show no mercy; have no pity! Kill them all – old and young, girls and women and little children. But do not touch anyone with the mark. Begin your task right here at the Temple”.’
– Ezekiel 9:5-7
Read that back a minute and think real hard. Would the same God of Jesus be this evil? It was the Levite Priesthood who put these words in God’s mouth. Ever think that a Satanic group could have taken control and told everyone a bunch of lies ever since? Make clear note on how different the New Testament is from the Old. Today’s orthodox Jews in Israel sometimes burn the New Testament whenever they find a copies given to other Jews by Christians. It’s like vampires when they see a cross!
Who Let The Beast Out?
Now, a lot of Christian dispensationalists quote the biblical scripture of Daniel, specifically chapter 2. In this, Daniel says that 4 civilizations will come to pass before the final one in the the end times. As interperted by these folks it goes like this: 1) The Babylonian empire (Nebuchadnezzar). 2) The Medo-Persian (Xerxes). 3) The Greek Empire (Alexander). 4) The Roman Empire (Caesar).
The final empire, before Jesus is supposed to come down from the sky, is usually interpreted as the European Union. For various reasons, they base this on Daniel 2:41: “And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters’ clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.”
Right now the European Union is indeed coming to fruition, right before your eyes. It’s remarkable how obvious the mainstream US media is ignoring recent developments in this very big story. Perhaps they don’t want Americans to get any worse about conspiracy theories these days?
But let’s play along and take a look at another possibility. Since the early days of Israel, the Zionists and their Talmudic rabbis said the country will one day ”stretch from the Nile to the Euphrates.” The Euphartes is modern day Iraq. They wrote about it, put out propaganda posters (right) and even minted coins to the effect. So we know these people are very serious about it, even today.
Us Americans are obviously being used to further regional ambitions of Israel today. Most reasonable Americans should at least consider this possibility in view of Iraq and Afghanistan.
We also know the Jews have shamelessly used the holocaust to advance Israel at the expense of America’s sense of fair play. Since the industrial gassing part of the holocaust is made-up, perhaps this is the giant lie or “feet of clay” in Daniel’s prophecy. In other words, the empire of Israel is made from Iron (American military equipment) and clay (the falsehoods of the holocaust).
Now, let’s make sure that you keep the prophecy of Daniel separate from the Revelation of Saint John of Patmos who wrote this long after Daniel. His Revelation says the Whore of Babylon will be riding on top of “The Beast” and this could mean that Israel — as a International race, not as a country — will have the real control of the European Union.
Yet another possibility is that America herself is The Beast of Revelation! Think about it here: We’re all over the world warring and killing people of other lands at the behest of Jewry. The Jews are the Whore of Babylon and the bitch is riding us!
The False Prophets in the pocket of Israel
For eyes to see, money-grubbing Christian Zionist preachers like Paul and Jan Crouch of Trinity Broadcasting, may be the False Prophets that the New Testament warned us about.
But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
– Matthew 3:7
Now, getting back to Bishop Hagee and his ilk: Doesn’t the New Testament warn us of False Prophets during the End-times? Look at all the money-grubbing tele-evanglists and Christian Zionist denominations across America today. Some of these people have even incorporated Jewish rituals and push observance of the Noahide laws.
The Noahide Laws (laws for the sons of Noah of the Ark) are specifically meant for non-Jews, and place us in a subservient role to them — the Chosen Ones. If they get their way, these arrogant orthodox Jews say the rest of us should be subject to punishment — even execution — should we be caught reading the books of the Talmud or even having the cross of Jesus around our necks (idolatry)!
These preachers in the service of Zionist Israel only seem to want more of our money, forever telling the poor people of the countryside to send in donations, while they live large with private Jets, cars, big mansions and flashy suits. Israel openly works such people; flying them to Israel for vacation junkets, feeding their egos with public awards and handing out expensive presents, like the jet they gave Jerry Falwell when they brought him to heel.
They may even be slipping them money under the table, possibly making veiled threats of media exposure, or to take away satellite feeds if they speak out on Israel. How could we ever really know what happens behind the scenes?
If these preachers are so concerned with morality like they say, then how come they support a country so clearly immoral? Israel is the leading country in the world involved in White Slavery and prostitution. Homosexuals throng there for vacations and Tel Aviv once even declared itself Faggot Capital of the World. Jews everywhere are seen front and center in the homo rights business, along with a significant percentage of Jews outright homos themselves. Jews are also heavily involved in pornography of all sorts; the X-rated movie industry frequently holds international conventions in Tel Aviv.
Orthodox Jews in Israel sometimes even spit in the faces of Armenian orthodox priests on the streets of Jerusalem!
How could any Christian preacher not know of these things and still remain mute? Because they know if they dare breathe a word, than the Jews will come down on them like a ton of bricks. This is exactly how they control our political process in America and all the other White countries. The Jew never allows his sins to get publically discussed; this is why our media and Capital Hill is absolutely silent on the matter and the Jews continue to get away with murder.
When you think about it, what better camouflage does the Whore of Babylon need, as she marshalls her satanic forces on this plane?
Let’s list out the pertinent facts:
- The Talmud was originally finished in Babylon around 500 AD.
- The Talmud’s book of the Zohar contains superstitious cult and demonic references. In addition, the Talmud contains hateful passages about Jesus.
- The majority of Jews are descendants of a Hunnish/Turkish race called the Khazars, who converted to the Judaism of the Babylonian Talmud in 740 AD.
- The Khazar kingdom was just to the north of Babylon. This history is actively suppressed by Jewry today.
- The Talmud is considered the law and heart and soul of today’s International Jewry.
- International Jewry is at the forefront of immoralities like homosexuality and pornography.
- America’s morality is increasingly being destroyed.
- The Jew-controlled Hollywood and the media often hatefully attacks Christianity.
- Jewry considers Jews everywhere to be the “Nation of Israel.”
- Some orthodox Jews even say the entire Jewish race itself is their Messiah (Mossiach). In other words, all of them will fill the role of Jewish prophecy (which doesn’t bode well for the rest of us).
- The country of Israel is obviously the major source of the world’s problems.
- Israel often behaves in unbelievably evil ways, treating and killing the Palestinians.
- Israel is the Mideast regional superpower and wants to expand it’s borders dramatically.
- Daniel’s prophecy of the final empire’s feet made from iron and clay and how that relates to holocaust falsehoods.
- Jews demonize the Muslims and have led America into wars in the Mideast, committing war crimes.
- Jews are at the forefront of globalization, the NWO, immigration and the establishment of the European Union.
- America may in fact be The Beast of Revelation, because of our continous warring for the State of Israel.
- With the paranoia they are creating over Iran, they may spark another World War killing millions, perhaps billions.
- Their writings (not just the orthodox) makes it readily apparent these people care nothing for the lives of others on the planet, hence are evil.
Of course, I’m only speculating here on the theology and Revelations (maybe a bit wildly, sure). Christian Zionists tell us that current events are proof of the End Times (dispensationalism), but never can seem to put their fingers on anything concrete (except for the PC safe target and the Zionist’s current enemy: the Muslims). It’s always some ambigous Anti-Christ who is supposed to reveal himself when the time comes (note that everyone will already know who he is).
This begs the question: Has this Anti-Christ already made his appearence? It is also said that he will be a man of the world, i. e. one of all nations. Is there not a better description of International Jewry?
We know that Muslims have little real control of Western Nations. Sure, they are many Muslim immigrants allowed into our countries and the rich Saudis own a lot of infrastructure. But these people have nowhere near the political, economic and media power that modern day Jewry has. To say that Muslims do is pure nonsense. Alex Jones once said the Saudis controlled Hollywood and everybody laughed (they do bankroll films but have little to no content control). That’s certainly not the case for Jewry.
Now, you may not be much of a religious type and think this End Times business is all claptrap written by some crazed bearded hermit in a cave long ago. But it could be a giant “self-fullfilling prophecy,” meaning humans, not God, will take it upon themselves to make it happen.
Also, think about it for a minute: Other people do believe these things and the convergence of nutcases with other, more worldly forces could end-up creating a “perfect storm” for the rest of us regular, decent folk.
People like: 1) The Christian Zionists, who blindly think the country of Israel is the sign of Jesus’ return. They fail to even consider that Jewry in general is evil and could really be the earthly minions of Satan. 2) The Jews, who think God promised them the world and work behind the scenes to accomplish this goal. 3) The power-hungry and greedy globalists, looking for the next high and who could care less about nationhood, religion or even their own race.
All these forces coming together may soon turn your little world to hell!
Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember?
– Mark 8:18
If you are the religious type, did you ever stop and consider that the whole business of being Politically Correct, let’s not be “anti-Semitic,” haters, etc. would be just the ticket for Satan’s designs to progress on earth without getting called out by people? Also, make clear note that the New Testament says that belief in Jesus is the New Covenant with God and the Jews lost any and all previous Covenant claims when the Pharisees and Sadducees mocked Jesus before having the Romans crucify the man.
“Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord.”
As a true Christian, or if you are merely a person of good conscious and morality, how can you not raise your voice to what these people are now doing to the world? Standing on the sidelines as evil progresses is just what evil wants and you know that’s true deep down inside. People of real moral clarity are needed on these issues and the person who has read so far may be just the one who makes a difference — the final straw that awakens all the rest and puts a stop to true evil.
– Phillip Marlowe
The Jewish Kaballah: Root of Mideast Violence
This just in: On March 29th Truthtellers posted the same conclusion: Babylon is the Great Whore and backed it up with scripture far more than my attempt above. Please go there and read it!
Comments feed for this article
March 16, 2010 at 11:11 pm
Naw gtr, never was, never have been “Jewish”, Jewish, J-wish nor Jiwish, and neither have any of my family.
And I thought my post on geometry would establish my aryan credentials(not that I care what certain people think)! Aren’t J-ws only supposed to be interested in numbers with dollar signs, or Hebrew letters attached to them?
Hah… checking that last thought and dangit!
The real world, it isn’t a place for hardcore bigots to reconcile with easily, is it?
March 16, 2010 at 11:20 pm
Ive wondered sometimes, if there is any truth to the “jewish” intellectual superiority ( i dont buy it personally ) if it doesnt come from inbreeding and just getting rid of their dimwits from the gene pool.
They seem to have sacrificed their “soul” part of the brain, though.
Thanks for the straight answer.
March 18, 2010 at 3:59 pm
There is no intellectual superiority with them, it is all stolen from gentiles. Research Nikola Tesla and Mileva Maric vs Albert Einstein.
March 24, 2010 at 9:03 pm
end times jibber jabber.
April 7, 2010 at 6:41 pm
KA Telegraph
April 7, 2010 at 7:22 pm
“Gtrman – Ive wondered sometimes, if there is any truth to the “jewish” intellectual superiority ( i dont buy it personally )”.
I don’t either, Gtrman. The jews are shrewd, but not particularly intelligent. They have a sharpness and a shrillness which gives them an edge. An embarassing squeeky wheel grating with jew-centered self interest is the closest they usually come to being “intellectual”.
They use that jew-centeredness by promoting a false intellectualism. The falseness is based on requiring documentation and source materials which are often available only through jewish controlled sources. That gives them some illusion of intellectual superiority and believe me they use it. They build block upon block of documentation which are usually available only from allied groups and jewish controlled outlets, for the views they want to be seen and heard.
Common-sense is the best defense against these perverters of truth. They will try to make you sway from using common sense by citing extensively from their chosen documentary jewish sourced materials. You may not even be able to recognize that it came from those sources, since most people fail to look for the ultimate source.
How intellectual is it to get your asses kicked out of every country you have ever been in?
June 29, 2010 at 1:50 am
Funny, all these comments have crossed my mind in one form or another and
my own supposed consience is accusing me of being anti-semstic, but it all makes sense. The talmudic ties to Babylon; Revelation 17 & 18 are not
referring to the roman empire or the roman catholic church, but to the synagogue of satan and the ancient babylonian religion the jews have adopted.
There is a massive conspiracy, but people are asleep and the the world will burn before they even know what happened.