Just like America itself, the beautiful Texas girl, Holly Maddux, foolishly allowed herself to fall under the spell of a full-time Jew con-man named Ira Einhorn and paid the ultimate price.
Ira Einhorn or, as his German name means, “The Unicorn,” was a fast-talking, counter-culture Jew Scamster from Philadelphia, who harangued his audiences about anything and everything back in the 1960′s and 70′s. He described himself as a “guru,” or sometimes ”planetary enzyme,” and telling everyone the lie that he was the inventor of “Earth Day.”
He was a popular figure in the burgeoning late-sixties and seventies counter-culture scene and hobnobbed his way with rich liberals all over. Sometimes he worked as a consultant to various corporations, showing them how to be “with-it,” how to curry favor with the hip generation and sharing methods on how to manipulate young people’s minds. He thought himself an expert on every subject and arrogantly insisted on being the center of attention at any gathering.
One day, he sweet-talked his way into the life of a beautiful young Goyim girl, Holly Maddux, from Texas. But he continually belittled her in front of his audiences. Eventually, she tired of his continual “Shiksa” treatment and his big-mouthed Jew ways and tried to leave him. When she returned briefly to retrieve some possessions, in a fit of jealousy he lost it and beat the living life out of her and then stuffed her body into a trunk. She may even have still been alive according to the medical examiner.
He then put her out of his arrogant Jew mind and left her to rot in that trunk for almost two years. Until the day Philly police finally paid him a visit at the constant urging of a detective hired by Holly’s middle class family back in Texas.
Holly Maddux had her head bashed in, left to die and then decompose in a trunk in Einhorn’s apartment for 18 months — while he still lived there.
When he was finally discovered and arrested, the big-time Jew lawyer, Arlen Specter (currently a US Senator), managed to get him out on the ridiculous low bail of $40,000, of which only $4,000 was needed up front. Once free, he promptly fled the country.
For years the incredibly rich Jewess Barbara Bronfman, Montreal Socialite of the Seagram’s liquor empire of Canada, funded him on his run in Europe, along with providing him with European Jew and Zionist contacts. She cared nothing about justice for some dumb Shiksa’s family in Texas.
The Bronfman family are at the top tier of the Globalist Jews — owning major liquor and major media corporations in Canada and Jew York City. The head of the clan, Edgar Bronfman, Sr. was once ruler of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) and for many decades blackmailed entire nations for Holocaust™ reparations to Israel and fellow Jews. His son, Edgar M. Bronfman, Jr., a global media mogul who lost a public fight to be the top-Jew dog of the WJC to another Billionaire globalist Jew named Ronald S. Lauder.
Thanks to his rich Jew friends, Einhorn spent years running free of Goyim justice in Europe, all the while conning and brainwashing even more Goyim girls from Ireland to the Continent.
Only by lengthy, expensive efforts of that Goyim (White Gentile) family back in Texas, along with the patience of an Italian prosecutor in Philadelphia, was the Jew finally located in France. And even then it was difficult to get him extradited back to this country, requiring major legislative effort on the part of the state of Pennsylvania to promise the French he would not get the death sentence. He now sits in a prison cell and still blames the CIA for setting him up, even planting the rotting corpse in his trunk while he lived there. The scumbag has never, to this day, acknowledged killing that beautiful Texas girl.
Jew con-men, like Ira Einhorn and his ilk, have been in on the counter-culture game forever. They really came out of the woodwork in the sixties, with anti-establishment figures such as Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin and Alan Ginsburg, who made attacking everything and anything American and White, as a hip ”lifestyle” statement with the younger generation — a lifestyle statement that is still heavily promoted by the media to this very day.
Now, some people ask how the Jews could possibly have such a wide-ranging conspiracy — to undermine the white gentiles — as supposedly suggested by all the Jew-talk lately and, of course, such thing would be clearly impossible. It’s never proposed by anyone with half a brain. In all of this, there’s no secret communications going on with any of the everyday regular Jews, that you know and maybe even like.
It’s just that a lot of the everyday Jews are natural, big-mouthed, activists for all of the so-called “Social Causes.” Like Ira Einhorn once was.
And with these Jews, it’s literally been non-stop over the years: First, civil rights, then radical feminism and gay rights. Or any other possible cause, or combination, that can be made. All with the express purpose of attacking White families, morality and solidarity. On and on, and more of the same, day-in, day-out. It’s been a Jew career path. We’ve had nothing but this for the last 40 years or so — in case you haven’t noticed.
None of the social changes over the years, none of the laws, none of the things that have been done, NOTHING has ever been enough for them. It’s this continual gamesmanship of social outrage that they really get off on –- propelling them to act-up on any social issue, to prove to themselves and those around them of their own personal self-worth.
Of course, these kind of Jews are naturally and totally corrosive to nations, world-wide, and they love to take the liberal, left-leaning side to things — even on issues that may be bad for him in the end, like Illegal Immigration. But it’s his instinctual nature to attack any non-Jewish, white institutions or organizations — even any patriotic concerns or cares are worthy of his condemnation. He arrogantly feels that his perspective on things must be your perspective, too. In this, he’ll appeal to your softer side, by playing on your emotions for all the downtrodden races of the world.
And if you have the temerity of disagreeing with his plans for the country, that’s when he’ll brand you a “Xenophobic Nativist,” or the good old standbys: “Nazi” or “Bigot.” All social weapons backed up by the media — who may well broadcast those accusations to the world.
Oh sure, they have a lot of gentile, white allies, too. And it’s understandable, since it’s all couched in words that appeal to American’s sense of fair play, but in the end are totally destructive to this country and whites – and invented by forces that we can only guess at. Media brainwashing and educational institutions takes care of the overall indoctrination. To the Jew, these white Goyim sheep are the audience he plays to, the emotional strings he plucks as he runs his con-man games out on the weak-minded. It makes little difference as to the issue, or even any final resolution, only the attention that he can get when attacking anything involving the Goyim — the good or the bad.
It’s been an on-going, never ending thing for decades, now. Nothing, absolutely nothing will ever please these people because it’s the process of being jerks all the time that they get off on. That’s why we still have to listen to all of this talk about racism, constantly even after 40 years or so of Affirmative Action, etc. etc. It’ll never stop because it’s the been the Jew thing since day-one!
And then he has the nerve to explain away all of this — by telling you the reason for it all in the first place — that they just happen to be left-leaning liberals and you need to be understanding about it. Meanwhile, this country keeps getting beat over the head with the race frying pan and may finally end up in some big Jew trunk for good.
The real insider globalist Zionist, understands all this and by tapping into this Jew thing of theirs, the social activism that some of his brethren are so much involved in, then the seriously elite Jews can advance themselves and their real Agenda on the world. He knows that when the Goyim is divided and demoralized over everything, he can keep them from coming together and presenting any kind of unified front against his machinations. In the meantime, he can become filthy rich and even more powerful. So, he has no problem allowing social agitators, like Einhorn, from running amok and doing their little Jew thing on the rest of us.
That’s why so few people are really required to be in on the real thing –- that of the globalist Zionist and his select few traitorous, elite gentiles. Just the ones with the huge International Banking money and media power and the foresight to take advantage of things as they see them happening or, if needed, nudge them in certain directions.
And it’s relatively easy, with the judicious use of money to such big-mouthed Jew agitators out there, funds to population-manipulators like the Ford and Rockefellar Foundations and steering his media to give these Einhorn-types and their issues media time. Or taking the other tactic: Having his media ignore any of those who propose logical alternatives or anything that might expose these globalists eventual goals.
And, sometimes, they even do a lot more than just a simple nudge, if they think that they can get away with it and still stay in the shadows or that you might be too distracted to sit up and take notice. Or if they need your patriotism to start a foreign war.
And that’s what he’s doing right now, he’s distracting you with all this paranoia over ”the War on Terror” and al-Qaeda, while he puts together his little Jew trunk, the one with his Police State powers, his “stealth” initiatives in creating the North American Union and the New World Order or even his Mideastern wars for the Zionist State of Israel, Big Oil and the Military/Industrial complex. All the while, the public sits blankly there and watches the newscasts about Britney Spears losing her custody battle or who’s singing tonight on American Idol and thinks he knows what’s what.
— Phillip Marlowe
Comments feed for this article
February 9, 2008 at 10:53 pm
Poor Holly’s parents. Boy, that Einhorn sure is ugly!! Foul looking. I hope he gets it good.
May 11, 2009 at 10:00 pm
Wow, and this article is over 2 years old. You’ve been cranking out some major content for awhile and it’s starting to pile up!
Great piece on another jew criminal. Thanks for pointing it out, I hadn’t seen it before.
May 12, 2009 at 10:18 am
i never knew seagrams was jew juice,not that it matters i dont drink booze.
boy,this ira einhorn was a real piece of shit.
maybe someone should stuff arlen specter into a trunk to rot,he’s half dead already:)
May 12, 2009 at 1:10 pm
Rocketman, Seagram’s=Bronfmans. Hmm…wonder who is intimately involved in the production of “gangsta-rap”…all kinds of Seagram’s products can be marketed that way, didn’t you know? LMAO!!!
YO homey be’s grabbin’ a tall Seagram’s malt liquor beverage, an’ firin’ up da “blunt”!!! Grab yo’ nearest fat ugly white bee-yatch ho…and crank up da MTV fo’ some rappin schnizzle mah nizzle whizzle drizzle!!! YO!!!
May 12, 2009 at 2:53 pm
Steve in TN
Thanks for the history lessons Incogman. From Columbine to Spektor and the rest of the clan.
December 27, 2009 at 3:41 pm
Perfect. I hope you know about a guy named Alan Watt? This entire planet has been subdued by evil. Old, old evil. This time they have no where new to run & so we get the carbon tax , mother earth worship BS.
December 27, 2009 at 4:34 pm
“Einhorn is currently serving his sentence of life without the possibility of parole in the state prison at Houtzdale in central Pennsylvania.” JEWpedia
Let’s hope a Gentile inmate can assist Einhorn with a Madoff-like flight from his top bunk.
And the Bronfmans are pleading for a bullet in their yarmulkuz.