Why do they make it illegal to question the Holocaust? Why are people physically attacked and imprisoned over this subject? Truth has no need for enforcement. Never has.
When I was in college, years ago, I had an interesting experience. Late, one night, there was a knock at my dormitory room door. When I opened it, there stood a fellow class-mate with a brown paper grocery bag (no plastic in those days). As I let him in, he said that he had heard that I was interested in WW II subjects and had something that might interest me. Curious about his bulging bag, I let him on in. He explained to me that his father or grandfather (I can’t remember which) had worked for the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal and that the bag contained photos that had actually been used in the trial!
Incredulous of him actually having such things — I mean, who wouldn’t be? Immediately I started pulling out the photos. I looked at them very closely and I could see they were actual continuous tone (no printed halftone dot), darkroom prints and in excellent shape. I mean, they looked brand new! Almost like they were done the day before (maybe they were?). Evidently, the investigators had access to the original negatives and had made enough prints for his daddy to have kept a nice little horde.
Some photos were the exact same images I had seen published in many books. Some, I had never seen before. Like the one of an American Airman who had his skull crushed open, evidently with the wooden mallet lying beside his body. Most of the shots were of piles of bodies, dead from Typhus, taken in Dachau by the liberating armies. Although I knew that most of those dead had occurred around liberation (Germany was totally destroyed) and not by purposeful execution, the effect was still chilling.
But let me make this perfectly clear right up front: The Jews (and others) did indeed suffer some horrifying things at the hands of the Nazi. No question. Mass murder, starvation, ghettos. There can be no denying it by anyone that knows anything about the real history. But the degree has been purposefully blown way out of real historical proportions by the callous Zionists in their on-going political machinations. That sentence alone, may one day cost me my freedom, or even worse, should these people have anything to say about it — like they’ve managed to do in Europe and Canada. Look up the story of Ernst Zündel, David Irving and so many others.
Now, I know that the Holocaust™ is an extremely contentious subject and I hesitate to even broach the subject. But it must be understood in it’s context with the present day. One reason that I’ve avoided the matter, is that I thought it self-evident — occurring so long ago – that it should not be used to keep us from looking at current events seriously.
But nothing could be more naïve. The Holocaust™ is an ever present reality, today. It’s more important in today’s politics and geopolitics than the whole war itself ever was. That’s right. The Holocaust is being endlessly replayed as a blatant form of mass-media conditioning against the white race, as a political tool for the support of Zionist Israel and as blackmail for callous financial gain. It’s meant for you to be sympathetic to Zionist causes because “we just need to let those Zionists get away with murder now, since Hitler so mistreated those poor Jews, victims always…”
Not even the fact that US soldiers went over there and fought a bloody war means JACK to any of these people. Same thing with the Civil War. They fail to even mention any of this when the Jews play the race card against this country on a constant basis. 600,00 whites died in that war and well over 300,000 US soldiers in WW II Nazi Europe – all of it means absolutely zilch to them. They’d just assume that everyone still considers us white people to be evil slave drivers and Waffen SS to this very dam day! We’re sick and tired of it.
And the whole dam story of the Holocaust™ has been rife with inconsistencies, revisions and even outright fraud, from day-one. When I was a child, the history books told us about the evil Nazi making lampshades and even bone furniture, if you can believe it, out of Jewish people. They told us that soap was made out the Jews. Curiously, I noticed that such stories had disappeared from the mainstream history books by the ‘70′s. I could find no mention of why this was done — not even a footnote.
The more I dug deeper into the history over the years, the more evidence of manipulation I found in our accepted, mainstream, history. This kind of thing had even gone back to WW I and is still with us to this very day. Woodrow Wilson was elected to office on the promise that he would not engage the US in a European war. Everyone thinks that the sinking of the Lusitania was the driving force to Americans wanting to join the fight in Europe. But like all things in the world, it was a much more complicated affair than just that particular event.
Hollywood movies, even today, are still pushing these things on Americans when the real truths were much different. Yet the movie, “Legends of the Fall” with Anthony Hopkins and Brad Pitt, does touch on the mind-set of Americans during this time. Set in the time of the first World War, the family is gathered at the dinner table. Hopkin’s propagandized sons want to go and fight the evil Huns, and Dad cannot say anything to dissuade them.
Atrocity propaganda, like this, flooded the US to enrage Americans to go fight the Evil Hun. Besides the Hun, somethings never change. Think about it.
What happened was the British were getting low on cannon fodder and the Zionists (Rothschilds) stepped in and offered to help out. They volunteered their efforts in American media, in Finance and Politics to get the US into the war. Many of Woodrow Wilson’s close advisors were Jewish and the Zionists counted on their help in convincing Wilson to get into the war.
In return, the Globalist Zionists would get something called the “Balfour Declaration,” a promise about British-controlled Palestine that would allow the Jews to immigrate there and eventually start the take-over from the Palestinians living there. Quite a deal, huh? Even then they had enough control to get American boys to go die for their reasons. Just like today in Iraq.
The US was blanketed by Globalist Zionist media propaganda against the Germans, one that used blatant lies to enrage Americans and make them clamor for war!
They bombarded the American people with stories of German atrocities in places like Belgium, where they bayoneted little babies and raped countless, innocent women. One story, created by the Jewish British media, was that the Kaiser of Germany had set-up a mobile factory that processed their own dead German soldiers into soap. This was exposed as propaganda in the ‘20′s. What is it about Germans and soap that makes it so irresistible to the media propagandists to use?
We’ve been propagandized by Zionist mass media manipulators for an entire century! Can you believe it? Those evil bastards must be yukking it up over the whole sorry affair. They don’t give a rat’s ass about the Goyim — never have. They’ve been playing these sorry mind games on us all for so long that we can’t separate out the truth anymore. This same kind of thing is going on right now, as we speak. Turn on your TV and you’ll see it in action. Every 5 minutes we’ll have something about al-Qaeda in Iraq or Iran’s terrorist efforts, all to get people worked up about Zionist enemies.
The Holocaust™ business (and it is a very big business, too) is something that they cannot ever come clean about. Ever. It’s gone on way too long to ever go back to the real facts. What, do you think that the World Jewish Congress will issue a press release saying: “Sorry, we need to take some of it back?!” No way, Jose.
And these people well know that America is waking up to the facts of life over such things as the 9/11 lies and the traitorous creation of the North American Union. As such, their only course of action is a full-on silencing of Freedom of Speech in the US of A. That’s why you have the Congress and Senate passing bills like the Patriot Act and the new thing S-1959. To hold back the eventual tidal wave of indignation, they are steering a course to eventually shut us all up, if we do not toe the Globalist Zionist line.
They’re playing with nitro-glycerin and the fuse is being lit!
– Phillip Marlowe
Continued “There’s No Business Like Shoah Business…(II)”
Go to this site and watch some of the videos (at least) and you’ll see what a bunch of BS is being played on us all: One Third of the Holocaust. So strong, the Jews went overboard to get it removed from Youtube!
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