The Russian Revolution of 1917 cost the lives of millions of white Gentiles, including the Romanov family, brutally shot down at close range in the basement of the Ipatiev House, on the orders of Jewish Bolsheviks. It’s been an open secret about the Jewish nature of Bolshevism and Communism that cost far, far more white, Gentile lives than any Jew Holocaust™ ever.
Continued from: There’s No Business Like Shoah Business…(II)
Now, I know that many of you are yelling “how could you possibly be saying all this was a lie when it’s obvious as hell, just by looking at all those photos that it had to have occurred – just like they say.” But are you so sure? Most of those photos you’ve seen, are of people who died from starvation or typhus, when Germany was in the throes of collapse due to American and British bombing, much of it unnecessary like the Dresden bombing. The railway infrastructure was gone and food was hard to come by. Many, many more Germans died from starvation than Jews because of all that.
After the war was over, some 3 million Germans literally starved to death and this stark fact was only recently admitted to.
And I’ve been reading and studying this material for many decades now and it always seems that the most egregious Holocaust stories are like moving targets in history; photos are altered, details change, things disappear, what was once horrific suddenly becomes non-existent. It appears that a phasing out of the more ridiculous claims; such as the soap made from Jews, bone furniture, lampshades made from human skins and even shrunken heads, was quietly dropped in the 60′s and 70′s, and similar ”history” even today is being reconsidered about other parts to the Holocaust™ story.
Like the so-called ”fire trench” story, supposedly used by the impossibly evil Nazi to throw live people and babies into, is now undergoing a phasing out in our history books. At least, most of the mainstream ones. You can see other stories being phased out too, like the one once put out by Elie Weisel about all the decomposing bodies of Babi Yar: ”Eye-witnesses say that for months after the killings the ground continued to spurt geysers of blood.” Right. And I never could believe those stories about the vats of acid used to kill the Jews in Russia. Yet books written by the Jews still yammer about all of it.
Now, I do know of the incredible death and destruction in WW II and that the Jews were persecuted horribly. But other, non-Jews were murdered as well. Nazis were not the only killers, either. Ukrainians, Poles and even other Jews, as Kapos or Policeman, assisted the Nazis. Some Europeans, like the Hungarians, even carried out massacres completely by themselves, without any Nazis ever being a part of it.
No matter what the numbers really are, anything thing like this is horrid. However, this kind of brutality has been done in plenty of places elsewhere in human history, by all sorts of different people. 15 to 25 million white gentiles died in the Soviet Union (more below). 3 million Germans starved to death after WWII. Asians killed 3 Million in Cambodia for Pol Pot. Blacks killed more than 800,000 of themselves in Rwanda just recently. Turks killed 1.5 million Armenians. Even Americans massacred a small share of Indians (not counting the millions from disease).
And how many Palestinians have the Jews killed and are killing right now? Somehow, I doubt any Hollywood star will say one word about it.
Humans kill, no matter who, when or where. Our evil is universal, no matter the race or the religion. Americans do not like any of this and for the Jew to use our own altruism on us, is incredibly devious, considering all the casualties we suffered to fight the Nazi during WWII.
Many Jews have never forgiven any white gentiles for the Holocaust,™ no matter what country they’re from, even the US, for chrissakes. Just like slavery — it’s all white people to blame. Forget about all the dead US soldiers on the beaches of Normandy. Forget about dead frozen Americans at the Bastogne. We’re white and all prone to being Nazi in the end so they don’t really give a dam!
And all the Jews conveniently ignore the Commie’s horrible crimes in Russia, where some 15-25 million white gentiles (admitted to by the Soviets in 1957), who were systematically shot and starved under the Jew Lazar Kaganovich and his Jew CHEKA henchman; yet consider only themselves as the perpetual victims of us savage, bestial gentiles. They’ve played this victim role, now for centuries and have become quite adept at it.
They want the monopoly of victim-hood, in fact, they insist upon it and make every effort politically and legally to make sure that we go along with it. They will not stop with this thing, ever. It’s been too good of a schtick for them, in more ways than one. That’s why the Jew likes it so much. The Jews should be the World’s biggest Hitler fans, bar none!
How did all of this start? Where did all the BS begin and why? Why they hell do we have to live with this history day-in, day-out now, for something we were never responsible for and was over 60 years ago? Why is the Holocaust™ increasingly more and more in our faces? What the dam hell is going on with these big-mouthed Jews!
When the Nuremberg Trials got under way, the investigators asked the Red Cross about the numbers of Jewish victims. Since there was no real way of getting an accurate number with all the displaced persons, the Red Cross supposedly told them 5.8 million, which was rounded off in history to 6 million. But there is good evidence that the Zionists decided on this figure well before the war was even over.
The prominent and probable Head Soviet Jew propagandist, Ilya Ehrenburg, published the 6 million figure in 1942 –before the supposed mass gassings even began. And in October of 1919, American Jews said that 6 million Jews had just died in a Holocaust™ in Europe after World War I, with an article in the magazine The American Hebrew by the Jewish Governor of NY, Martin Glynn. This was 20 years before WW II, while Hitler was poor, struggling veteran of WWI because of the true Zionist perfidies of the war! It appears that this 6 million figure has been fixated upon by the International Zionist Jew for quite some time, now.
Recently, most historians (those that wish to stay out of jail, anyways) say it’s 4.5 to 5.1 million. They can get away with these numbers but just barely. And there is strong evidence, that this number is significantly lower, quite probably less than 2.5 million. But Jew organizations like the B’nai B’rith (backed by Global Zionists) wish to criminalize anyone, everywhere, who disagrees with that sacred 6 million figure!
In 1979, the sign outside of Auschwitz, with the number of victims, was quietly changed from 4 million down to 1.2 million. This came after the Catholic Pope visited and blessed the souls of the 4 million. Although the figure of 4 million was never seriously believed (Soviet propaganda), it was well known for some time that the actual figure was much, much less. One Jewish historian even says it was 500,000 to 800,000 (but that’s still wrong). But no corresponding deduction has ever been made to that 6 million figure, ever!
The 1948 Jew worldwide census numbers even shows a small increase in global Jew numbers compared to the 1938 figures. And there’s something like 4.5 million Jews, living in Israel, who are still receiving pensions from Germany today! Like, what’s the deal there?
Now, the Jews are actually trying to increase the numbers of dead from 6 million, on up another 1.3 million! That’s absolutely right. They are attempting to convert Soviet NKVD mass murders into Jew victims of the Nazi. See MSNBC Video Here! This is all apart of a recent scheme to extort some more money out of Germany, along with the continual furtherance of Holocaust™ politics on the entire world.
The Jews have taken the Holocaust™ and have made a huge commercial business from it. It’s a 100 million dollar a year business just in the US, alone. Your tax money is actually a big part of it. They’ve callously used this terrible event and the bodies of their own people to make serious money off the world. A Jew once remarked: “There’s no business like Shoah Business…” with the Shoah being the Hebrew term for the Holocaust™ and a play on the Broadway show tune. Read here
And they’ve literally extorted billions out of the Germany (61.8 billion so far) and the US over it. A few years ago, they were exposed in a plot to do the same to the country of Switzerland. And, of course, they’ve also made tons of dough with the movies and books about it, over the years.
Not only have they used this Holocaust™ for making huge profits, they’ve used the whole thing to advance their political agenda on all of us, by labeling us as “Nazi” if we even dare to question Jewish behavior in this day and age. If we say the least thing, they immediately cast us as genocidal murderers! Not only that, they’ve worked tirelessly to create laws, laws that if we even question historical facts and events, we can be sent to prison in Canada and Europe over it. The Jewish group B’nai B’rith has worked tirelessly to have such laws imposed through-out the Western world.
They cannot have anyone questioning any facet of this subject. Ever.
This has gone on far, far too long, people. If anyone ever brings up the Holocaust™ to you, you just reach around to your back pocket for your wallet or into your purse and say to them: “Let me just give you some money right here and now, so please spare me another Holocaust™ harangue because I’ve been listening to people like you and paying for this my entire life and I’d just assume we’d save a little time right now, thank you.”
Go to this site and watch some of the videos (at least) and you’ll see what a bunch of BS is being played on us all: One Third of the Holocaust. So strong, the Jews went totally haywire and overboard to get it removed from Youtube!
“Anyone who had the misfortune to fall into the hands of the Cheka,” wrote Jewish historian Leonard Schapiro, “stood a very good chance of finding himself confronted with, and possibly shot by, a Jewish investigator.” In Ukraine, “Jews made up nearly 80 percent of the rank-and-file Cheka agents,” reports W. Bruce Lincoln, an American professor of Russian history. (Beginning as the Cheka, or Vecheka) the Soviet secret police was later known as the GPU, OGPU, NKVD, MVD and KGB.) Read more here
Comments feed for this article
February 20, 2008 at 1:17 am
I wrote the FBI about mexiscums and such being classified as white and they answered me with a flimsy excuse, pushing the blame off on the few jails that do the reports. I imagine I am on a watch list now and will be red marked for the death at the FEMA camp. I hear helicopters right overhead and know they have technology that can see straight into your house with a black and white picture, so maybe they check on me and see me laying here on the bed with the laptop studying all the crime they do. Not that they’ll get me if trying to take me to a camp where people are going to be executed anyway. I’ll take as many out as I can before taking myself out. I wouldn’t leave my dog under any other circumstance. Look up how many of these camps are being built lately. One is 16 miles! How many will that hold?
They plan on putting dissenters against this New World Order in there and anyone else who breaks their new laws by speaking wrong or something. If oly we could get someone to make a film showing the camps footage and allthe FIs and cops in their blak boots and helmets with their big guns and get the passed out to mexico sayng the camps are only for the mexicans and will be exterminated. That would help top the invasion. I’m going to write Ales Jones and ask him to do it under a fake name because he has the greatest footage and I guarantee any illegal seeing it will spresd the word like fire. If they think another Nazi Germany is coming to get rid of them (they don’t trust their lying gov anymore than we do now) they’ll stay in Mexico. The camps are scary as hell. Like prisons with highly controlled grounds even though no one is there yet and barbed-wire and guard towers everywhere. Google them.
And that micro-chip is coming folks. Get your supplies started now as you won’t be able to buy anything without it. No job either. If you own your home, you can’t pay taxes without it. I don’t know if you can pay them years ahead, but if so, I’ll be doing that to hold them off from stealing my property I hope. Get out of the city too. They’ll be the first hit by their plans of population control,
February 20, 2008 at 1:18 am
That article above was supposed to go under black crime! Arggg
February 20, 2008 at 1:31 am
I will add that most of the starving naked jew pictures you see are actually those of those white gentiles in Russia whe they quit letting the trains in with food for them. If you look clsely you can see they don’t look jewish. All those bodies being bulldozed into pits were dead gentiles! I kow some bad things happened to some jews but even the almanac for the year after the war eded showed that their population increased from the time the war started and after it ended. How could that be if 6 million were killed? They weren’t reproducing. Even the ‘Diary of Anne Frank’ is a farce. written in pen which hadn’t even been invented at the time she supposedly wrote it. Jews a liars and there might be one or good out there, but for the most part they are evil. There is a great German story for children about Poisonous mushrooms and how they are like jews. You got to read it! It is so dead on.
February 22, 2008 at 8:51 am
barney frank is ann frank’s uncle hank…. hank frank stank at real estate marketing……franfurters suck also….the ankh is an egyptian swindle symbol….. BANK = son of ank……..see the ankh in all those names ??? E”gypt” = jewish jippers … mote it be !!!!
February 23, 2008 at 10:15 pm
I copied and pasted that comment LW37 into the right post!