By Phillip Marlowe
Yeah, that’s right, real monsters do exist. Here you are, watching horror movies at home and just outside your door can be bona fide monsters roaming around the city streets. Sure, they can be some white monsters out there, as well. But far, far more Negroes are out there killing and maiming innocent people, Black and White, left and right.
Did you know that the Federal Bureau of Investigation tells local Jurisdictions, across America, to classify Latinos, Arabs and Jews as white? What does that tell you about the real situation in this country, anymore? This artificially skews the stats to close the gap between whites and blacks and is obviously done on purpose. They’ve kept the separate headings for Native Americans and Pacific Islanders and we well know that those figures will be negligible. I mean, how many murderous “kahunas” are out there? Read More Here
Just think about it. In 2004, there was 545 Black-on-White murderers convicted, versus 270 White-on-Black convictions (and others). Now, I don’t know but I would expect that many of these crimes are actually committed by Latinos and, to a lesser extent Arabs. Let’s say 75% are really white (which is conservative). That means for 545 Black murderers of whites, we’ve have a total of around 202 White-on-Black murderers for the year 2004. And it will only get worse as the Black population increases and society feels the influx of Mestizo illegal aliens.
These figures show us that the average black commits murder about 9.5 times more than the “average” white.
He commits interracial murder 18.4 times more often than the average white.
He kills a white 21.2 times more often than the reverse.
(Source: Today’s Lesson in Black Violence
You need to understand all of this in the context of population percentages: The Black numbers approximately 13.5% of the US population and are committing crime and murder in excess of a white population of about 69%. This means, when you figure out the per capita rate and if white people murdered at the same rate –we’d have more dead Blacks (over a 10-year span) than the total numbers of dead US soldiers from the entire Vietnam war!
And we have to listen to them complain all the time about us? I’m totally sick of that shit, anymore.
One question to keep firmly in mind is why does the Department of Justice consciously do such a thing (merge data on other races with the whites) in the first place? Is it because they don’t want us to get a mite upset about it?
The media blatantly decides to ignore such real stats or any horrible crimes committed on whites like the Knoxville Torture murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom or the brutal slaying of that little girl, Emily Haddock, in North Carolina. These horrific murders of whites are “hushed up” or ignored by the national news people.
And why does the media purposefully try to keep us in the dark about the real deal? I think they don’t know quite how to present it, in such a way that will not conflict with the Jew Multicultural Political line. They don’t want us to get worked up about it all. And they couldn’t get away with such a thing if the national news was not so totally under the sway of the Jew and White liberals in the editorial suites.
So yeah, when you’re comfortably at home, watching that horror movie on your new high def screen and the movie has some mutant white monster whipping around a chain saw, just think about the real monsters the Jew media and the government doesn’t want you to consider at all. And check to see if the door is bolted shut and you have ready access to a weapon of your choice.
Real monsters do exist in this country.
Comments feed for this article
October 31, 2007 at 8:47 pm
The title should read, This Halloween: Watch Out for the Real-Life Spooks out there… instead of
This Halloween: Watch Out for the Real-Life Monsters out there…
October 31, 2007 at 8:50 pm
Man, I think you might have something there. I may change it. It is a good play on words!
October 31, 2007 at 9:49 pm
LOL….real-life spooks! Good one Scot! Those are some nasty looking ‘humans’ for sure Yikes!!
October 31, 2007 at 9:52 pm
Honestly be damned when Diversity Perversity is the plan of the day.
We know that one of the ways Elites from time past kept power over their large group of people was to keep them ignorant of the reality around them.
The same tactics are being used today on Whites around the world. If nothing else we should be honest that for a larger section it is working even though it has in the last few years showing signs of decay. Only time will tell for sure the whats, whens or hows that change will take place to fix and clean up the nasty mess we Whites find ourselves in.
October 31, 2007 at 11:13 pm
ugghh!….you made me nearly lose my cookies with these
pics of black killers.
Black Spooks in Da’ Hood!!!
Don’t want no monsters comin to my door!
When i see them coming on Halloween I turn off the lights
lock, bolt and baracade ma door.
Don’t want no dam black Spooks na more.
November 3, 2007 at 11:14 am
Keona Wright
What a sad story! Bless this angel!
April 25, 2009 at 12:03 am
April 25, 2009 at 12:20 am
Yeah, right, Negro. How come they are so many of you in the slammer? Because you’re all so “oppressed” right? How come 32% of you will have or will one day spend time behind bars? How come 9 out of 10 murders in the US is committed by you violent Negroes?
You are violent. You are spoiled. You are usually pretty stupid. Especially you!