![CCTV IMAGE Will the last image of you be on a CCTV camera?](http://incogman.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/cctv-image.jpg?w=262&h=185)
Will the last image of you be on a CCTV camera?
I sometimes write here about totally vicious crimes against White people by the other races, mostly because I get justifiably irate about the crime. But it’s not only the individual crimes that gets to me, but the way the media works to keep us White people in the dark to the whole issue. They don’t want you to hear about it, wanting you to think that all the other races are just like you and me. Right.
The real powers that be don’t want us Whites to get angry, with the resultant groundswell of White public opinion that will surely lead to the realization of what they have been doing all along to the White countries of the West. In short, they would just assume us to remain asleep while they continue with their agenda.
It seems that every week we see some new horrible crime where one only needs to reverse the race of the victim, or even more illuminating, just change the perp to White. Then, we would see the crime in the mainstream media 24/7. Think about it! Read on.
![TRISHA BABCOCK Trisha Babcock](http://incogman.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/trisha-babcock.jpg?w=242&h=280)
Trisha Babcock
The beautiful 24 year-old Flint, Michigan women, Trisha Babcock (right), was sitting in her car in Detroit (not the place for Whites to be anymore), minding her own business when a 6′ 2,” 12 year-old Negro boy came up to her out of the blue and fired a round into her chest — killing her.
She probably never knew what happened. The skinny black stranger was yapping away some kind of street gibberish and pointing something at her that went pop. She may not even have heard the shot as she felt something odd punch her in the chest. Feeling a hot liquid running under her clothes, she was seized with utter fear as she realized it was her very own blood and had just been shot with a real gun. An icy cold welled-up deep within her, she sensed a clock running down and could hear people shouting something nearby. Her vision grew black with stars right before she lost final consciousness and her life.
As usual, the media portrayed it simply as another ”attempted robbery,” as if that makes it so understandable. Never any other reason, except maybe being poor. But we don’t know that: The murderous young Negro may have just up and decided to put a cap into a Whitey and Trisha just happened to be nearby. It may even have been a Gang initiation.
Now, no one will ever see and talk to her again. She’s dead and gone forever.
The woman was well-loved by her family and friends. Her father: “She had her whole life ahead of her, you know. She never had the chance to meet her soul mate … I never had a chance to hold a grand baby,” Steve Babcock said. “We’ve lost so many things.”
Watch this heart-breaking video on Trisha.
Detroit is long gone. Once considered one of the most beautiful American cities, now it’s literally a Third World hell-hole, run by corrupt and idiotic Blacks, as the streets and neighborhoods often look like African war zones. Parts of Detroit are even reverting back to the wilderness, just like on that History Channel show, “Life Without People.” Take the time to go to the Detroit is Crap blogspot to see just how bad it’s become.
And they had such bright futures…
Or how about this recent story: Three black football players were recently arrested for gang rape in Finland, of all places. The details are sketchy, but we can reasonably assume it was a local Finnish girl, most of whom would be very White. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the US media to report anything on it, unlike the way they reported the White girl on trial for murder in Italy (the actual killer was an African to boot!).
This reminds one of those completely phony charges against the Duke Lacrosse players a few years ago, where the media went haywire since the “victim” was a Negro woman and covered the hoax non-stop. Yet, the Finnish crime will never see the least mention in the mainstream media, just like the case where 4 Black Oklahoma Football players raped a 12 year old White girl and one of them even got a scholarship after being charged. Or the University of Minnesota Football players, led by Dominic Jones, who gang-raped a passed-out White girl and video-taped it on their cellphones.
![christiannewsome christiannewsome](http://incogman.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/christiannewsome.jpg?w=262&h=224)
Channon and Christopher were both tortured and sodomized repeatedly in front of each other and violently murdered.
In the last week or so, the trial for another one of the Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom Torturers has been going on in Knoxville, Tennessee. In case you haven’t heard anything about this crime (you would not unless you saw it on the Internet) go HERE for the background.
One new detail to emerge: Letalvis “Rome” Cobbins actually left the house of horrors to go get Viagra, so he could continue his raping of the poor White woman, Channon. While still alive and conscious, they wiped down her privates with caustic bleach and poured it down her throat to eliminate DNA evidence (guess from where), before strangling and putting her in a trashcan to later die. Can you believe all this?
In this latest trial, the majority of jurors selected were Black, even though Knoxville is over-all 16% Negro. People are now paying close attention to see if this Letalvis gets his well-deserved punishment (he should have hung by now), even though Black Jurors often spit in the face of White people like at the trial of OJ Simpson, or when Lauretta Codlington refused to convict a fellow Black, Orange Taylor, of the strangulation of University of Michigan coed Laura Dickenson, after incontrovertible evidence Taylor did it.
![Christina_Long Christina_Long](http://incogman.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/christina_long.jpg?w=213&h=267)
Christina Long's aunt holds up her photo.
Silentconsort, at her blog The Spoils of War is covering the trial in detail and I suggest everyone go and read what she has to say. She sure as hell doesn’t pull any punches.
How about the sad story of the 13 year old White girl, Christina Long? Lured from her Connecticut home by flattery over the Internet from an illegal alien from Brazil; he then rapes the girl in his car in a mall parking lot and strangles her to death. The dead little girl was later dumped face-up in a secluded creek on his way back home to New York.
Upwards of 80% of all violent crimes in America have long been at the hands of Blacks and Hispanics, mostly illegal Mestizos up from Mexico, Central and South America. It’s getting worse and worse by the day, regardless of Obama being elected and all our fine social efforts.
British Whites have the exact same problems as America, compounded by Muslim immigrants. Did you know that Islamic Sharia courts have been allowed to operate freely? They often are even allowed to supersede British law! British Whites have been criminally victimized not only by Blacks, but also gangs of street Muslims from Pakistan and elsewhere in the Mideast and Africa. What happens to Britain, always comes here.
White countries are now being turned into Third World Hells, much like some futuristic, Orwellian nightmare.
America used to be a fine country — a great place to live and raise a family — but no longer. Our major cities have been taken over by Negroes always voting for “people of color,” and yet they still cry “racism” at the drop of a hat. They’ve been given boat-loads of special interest, affirmative action and media attention and what do we get? Murderous violence, almost always blamed on White people for “oppressing” them.
Never do these people accept any blame.
It might not be you, but a dear loved one who gets brutally murdered just for being White and “at the wrong place at the wrong time.”
What is the common denominator here? Sure, Blacks are violent and prone to crime, etc. etc., but they’ve been turned into monsters far worse then what would be “normal,” even for them.
It’s the Jew who has done this to America and ALL White countries today. Jew social manipulations (“PC”) and the media brainwashing of White people has kept us shut-up and frightened of being called “racist” for virtually anything we might say. We’ve been turned into a race of cowed sheep, just so the Jew can feel comfortable that we won’t go all “Nazi” on them. They’ll continue with the Jew line until America is turned completely into a Third World hell-hole, just like Brazil is today and where Jews live richly in protected enclaves.
The Jews did the same thing to South Africa, too. White-hating, Marxist Negroes now rule the roost, while Jews fill the occasional management positions, so that the casual observer (i.e. not Jew-wise) may think they are merely Whites sharing in the power structure. Regular Whites are often horribly victimized by roving Negro gangs in their own homes and farms, but you never hear one word about any of it in the media, the same way they do with whats now going on in America.
As far as Big Jewry is concerned, all of us are “Niggers” to them anyways and they could care less. If they could breed us Whites away into a some dumb-downed mud race, so much the better.
All of this stems from the Jew’s religious beliefs that they will one day soon rule the World. White people who will not willingly go along with their plans have to be sidelined in such a fashion that rest won’t notice before it’s too late. According to the Jewish religious book called the Zohar, the Black man is supposed to be a slave to the non-Jewish Whites and Asians, while us Whites serve the Chosen Ones. With race-mixing, the more coloreds they make, the more slaves.
You think immigration of non-Whites is because they are so concerned with people trying to find better lives for themselves? You must be joking. Open immigration kills two birds with one stone for these people: Cheap labor and the gradual marginalization of White racial demographics.
With the eventual institution of Jewish Noahide laws, all of us will be turned into mere slaves of the Jewish State (we already are, in a way, with the Federal Reserve). We’ll have absolutely no Constitutional Freedoms, no freedom of religious worship, nor even the least time off from work. It’ll be the worse dictatorship imaginable.
Little Jewry, like that nice Jewish dentist down the street, have been going along with all this, simply because they’ve been so propagandized by the holocaust business that they fear Whites organizing in any fashion. To them, any racially-awakened Whites could easily become goose-stepping Brown Shirts, who will one day form Nazi parties and reenact Kristallnacht. That’s why he’s always at the forefront of political efforts to attack all pro-White groups, why he’s for immigration of non-Whites and getting Blacks all worked up about evil Whitey, etc. etc.
Liberal Whites have sucked all the Jew egalitarianism and can’t bring themselves to call a spade a spade, often even when they have been victimized themselves. They can’t see that Blacks are caught up in a endless loop of violence and foolishly fuel all this by going along with all the White “racism” and economic “oppression” excuses. Instead of showing solidarity with other Whites, they reserve their ire for Whites who dare speak up.
And please don’t think Gun Control is the answer. Negroes will use anything to commit crime and besides, criminals will get guns, one way or another. Look at Britain and Australia. After making it illegal for gun ownership, almost all foolish Whites turned in their weapons and then crime rates shot way up. Let’s be real here, unarmed Whites make for easier targets to rob, rape and kill. That’s the “law of the Jungle” in action, regardless of any high-minded, egalitarian wishes.
In addition to which, if and when Whites are disarmed, the government will have greater power over us and no longer will they fear us banding together to violently throw them out (as they deserve). This is the main reason for our Founding Fathers to have included the right to bear arms in the Constitution.
White Americans do not deserve what we are now seeing done to our country. If you are a White person reading this, I implore you to reevaluate your stance and join with other racially-awakened Whites and start speaking out forcefully to all you know. I realize this will be hard at first, but it will get easier soon enough.
As other Whites realize that it’s safe to speak openly, they’ll look on you as a leader and shining example that it’s OK to voice what they have always thought anyways, but were too scared to. You will immediately be a hero to many. Those who attack you are nothing but traitors and make sure you tell them so in no uncertain words.
Liberal Whites are mostly spineless individuals who bend whichever way the wind blows. Once they realize the Jig is up, they’ll reinvent themselves miraculously overnight. Or hide in their closets among their Birkenstocks.
Also, start arming yourselves and form small cliques. Know who your friends are and have them do the same. We may soon be faced with having to openly rebel against the traitorous Zionist Jew-owned US government. Don’t let this dissuade you; they are actually quite weak because they base their whole power structure around lies and smoke. Once the police and military realize what they are being used for, they’ll desert in droves.
That’s why you can see the Zionists and Shabbos Goys (Whites corrupted by them) now following a careful, stealthy line, as they institute new Hate crime legislation, censorship and gun control laws, all unreported by the mainstream media. The more we give up, the more of our rights will sure to follow. If they have your name registered as owning a semi-auto gun, they’ll come looking for you once they decide to confiscate all of them.
Make hay while the sun shines. We are now rapidly approaching the End Game and it may only be a matter of months — perhaps even weeks — with all this business about the economy, Iran and very possibly another Zionist false-flag ops.
The more Whites you awaken now, the easier it will be to put a stop to these evil people later. And trust me, we will. Once Whites get it, we always come out swinging — hard. They know this about us and it’s this fear that nags at them.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Good luck.
— Phillip Marlowe
Comments feed for this article
August 25, 2009 at 9:45 am
Are you kidding? Dont chuck your T.V sets! we just bought a new one,thats right. They make excellent computer monitors,a wireless mouse and keyboard and you can read/write/network from your seat rather than watch that jew garbage.
August 25, 2009 at 6:12 pm
There is no such thing as a ‘white’ country you fool.
Irish, German etc yes but not white, white is not a race.
I want all foreign peoples out of Germany I don’t care what color they are Brits, Irish, Scots fuck off and get the fuck out!
When Hitler said Germany for the Germans he had the right idea and you stupid fucks who come here taking jobs and shit are not fucking Germans you god damned stupid Brits and Frenchies!
Maybe you and the United States can drop another nuke you barbarians – a bunch of continent stealing liars.
August 25, 2009 at 6:13 pm
All I know is that I want other races out of Germany.
I want you Brits, Irishmen, Frenchies and others to GTFO.
If you are not German by blood get the fuck out of Germany you work stealing, bank crashing aholes!
August 25, 2009 at 10:40 pm
Very interesting article.
A white friend linked me to it.
I have to say that I’m not white, I’m mexican.
And before you say anything, no, I’m not an alien living in the US.
I have gone to the states with my tourist visa, and I do agree America is losing it’s edge.
This IS due to the black and illegal hispanic immigration.
And the PC bullshit
I’ll link you from my blog, to get your word out.
August 25, 2009 at 11:55 pm
America has had blacks since it’s inception. –America is losing it’s dominance because it has a massive empire that it can no longer afford, just like the Roman Empire did.
The United States also signed up to GATT which means the U.S taxpayer must foot the bill for all corps that leave and set up in China until they make a profit. No shit, go read the GATT treaty.
America is also losing it’s edge because it’s acting like a complete douche bag nation.
But then again that is the history of the Anglo/Americans. – Get something for nothing.
Israel is an American/Brit creation – Like Father like son huh!?
America still litters it’s bases all over Germany, they have not left since WW2 — WTF!? GTFO!
Oh wait, we are all white right?
August 26, 2009 at 12:42 am
Ha Ha
August 26, 2009 at 10:15 pm
This is What Happens | Spirit/Water/Blood
[...] happen. We “racists” have a larger goal in mind; we are determined to put an end to these needless tragedies. The path before us is clear. The only question is whether we, as a people, have the courage to [...]
August 27, 2009 at 8:25 am
Danke, Wolfgang.
It is with bated breath we wait for the day all those invading US bases get properly fumigated and the stinking invaders swept out unto the street to be “chastised” by the people.
August 27, 2009 at 9:06 pm
Fleur de lis
Detroit TNB baby:
August 27, 2009 at 9:21 pm
Fleur de lis
Detroit third world. Wrong place at the wrong time? Fuck that excuse!
August 27, 2009 at 9:22 pm
Fleur de lis
Detroit toddler killed for wettin on a negroes pants.
August 31, 2009 at 2:26 am
hey INCOG MAN, would you mind emailing me the source of that wickedly cool Obama+Michelle pic? I left you my email addy. A .PSD or something a bit bigger would look awesome in…..ah I better not reveal my idea to the Jewish enslavers. They won’t know what hit them! hahahaha! Keep up your awesome work on behalf of the human race.
September 3, 2009 at 3:13 am
To Wolfgang
I agree with you to some point, but deal first with the Turkish-muslims-greywolves (gun and drug -heroin- dealers and terrorists) that have conquered you and save brits, irish and scots for last………….
And never forget that Israel-Turkey and USA is the unholy alliance.
September 3, 2009 at 10:08 pm
Fleur de lis
This story did not make the national news. This is not a hate crime apparently.
September 5, 2009 at 8:16 am
Crime levels among Turks in Germany is pretty low, it’s Kurds who holds Turkish passport that raises crime levels, it’s also Kurds who deal drugs. If you would bother crime levels among Turkish minority since 60′s you will see it’s not even near high until Kurds starts to migrate Germany. About Grey Wolves, you just believe whatever you read in novels. Grey Wolf is a term that describes supporters of a specific party in Turkey. There’s no organization called Grey Wolf. Drug traffic through Afghanistan to Europe is controlled by CIA and the Turkey station of traffic is controlled by PKK (Kurdish), an organization that recognized as terrorist by UN.
September 5, 2009 at 6:47 pm
hey you motherfucker…you about 3 post up..stop using my nick you mangy fucking degenerate jew bastard.. you stinking filth of an excuse for a human being.. go fuck your jew mother you god damn poser…
filthy jew swine… get your own nick… better yet get the fuck off Incogs site ..BITCH!
September 10, 2009 at 2:02 am
Michael H
I’ve lost a lot of respect for this blog after reading this article just based on the reason you brought up individuals in Islam. Are you fucking stupid INCOG man? If you goto the middle east you will see less than 1% of crime. You can actually walk the streets with being accosted. Even in a white area you cannot get that type of respect. Your no moral character yourself. White people continue to commit crimes because they have a religion that isn’t based on much, purely speculative. You goto church one a week and your cured of sins. Sure gives people a lot of incentive not to commit crimes. They aren’t close to blacks but they sure as fuck aren’t better.
September 10, 2009 at 4:16 am
Muslims go ass-up before the pagan moon idol Allah – it’s lunacy, throw rocks at, burn, and hang people without giving them a fair trial, molest child brides, raise their kids as suicide bombers, and cut people’s genitals and heads off with knives … OK, harsh penalties reduce crime, but being a middle eastern Muslim doesn’t, it only provides an opportunity and incentive for it.
Check out the horror …
September 10, 2009 at 4:30 am
Tell it like it is JR.
And if these Muslims are so ga-ga over their so-great society, what the hell are they doing here?
If the Muslims think they are going to turn the White Western nations into Islamic shit holes, they’d better think again. I have absolutely no problem putting a bullet hole into non-white who threatens my kin or my culture.
September 12, 2009 at 12:33 pm
kerdasi amaq
“Had artistic gift”. That’s a polite PeeCee way of saying”is a nigger”!
17 year old negress get shot in San Francisco.
September 13, 2009 at 8:29 pm
kerdasi amaq
September 13, 2009 at 10:19 pm
Fleur de lis
ACORN infiltrates big DC rally and deceptively tries to sell ‘Dont tread on Me” flags for their profit
September 13, 2009 at 10:38 pm
Fleur de lis
Michael H should read this and shut the ‘F’ up
Muslim rape concern in Sweden and Norway
Alarmed at last week’s police statistics, which revealed that in 68% of all rapes committed this year the perpetrator was from an ethnic minority, leading Muslim organisations have now formed an alliance to fight the ever-growing problem of young second and third-generation immigrants involved in rape cases against young Danish girls.
September 14, 2009 at 12:04 am
Fleur de lis
Crack smoking negroid (Kanye West) suddenly appears out of nowhere onto the stage and steals the show from a beautiful white woman and fucks everything up.
An anagram of his name is Kenya. Story sounds all too familiar these days.
September 14, 2009 at 12:17 am
That nigger should have been arrested. Lousy inbred monkey.
September 14, 2009 at 12:59 pm
kerdasi amaq
I enjoyed that video of Acorn getting the boot. How much commission was that Acorn flag-seller on, do you think? I doubt she was doing it for free!
September 14, 2009 at 1:01 pm
kerdasi amaq
That video of Kanye West went down fast.
September 14, 2009 at 1:19 pm
How much commission was that Acorn flag-seller on, do you think? I doubt she was doing it for free!
Probably so. As you already know, ACORN is a die-hard communist group and those hypocrites will talk about being willing servants to the communist state, but when their government funded activities are accounted for, they are paid more than the average union worker. They are like lazy whores with their hands out always ready to bilk the actual productive workers in this country.
I call ACORN the country club welfare recipients.
September 25, 2009 at 4:17 pm
kerdasi amaq
September 27, 2009 at 10:21 am
Fleur de lis
Check out this atrocity……This stammers my mind.
October 5, 2009 at 10:26 am
Helen Suzman, the veteran Jewish member of parliament in old-regime South Africa who died recently, was the recipient of numerous international honours and awards for her implacable anti-Apartheid stance over many years. These honours included honorary doctorates from Harvard, Oxford and more than twenty other universities.
She was characterized as a remarkable bastion of liberalism.
Nevertheless she ‘believed that everything Israel has done has been retaliatory’ (Fair Lady magazine 22 May 2002 p39) in spite of the fact that the Israelis – with support from Zionist Jews across the world, particularly in the US and its government – have been able to take over Palestine with absolute impunity, disregarding with total, absolute and violent contempt the lawful rights of the Palestinians. The South African Zionist Federation delegated Suzman to explain the fine ethical principles of Zionism to Nelson Mandela, whom she regularly visited in prison and who remained one of her friends to the end. Perhaps this helps to explain Mandela’s very muted stance on Palestine.
This ‘antiracist’ but radically-racist hypocrisy is more or less the norm in the Zionist community which forms the overwhelmingly dominant part – perhaps 95% – of South African Jewry, but during her time in active politics her Jewish nationalism – Zionism – was never publically discussed for reasons relating to press ownership and commercial-financial power. She represented a party on parliament that was bankrolled by Harry Oppenheimer, virtual controller of the gold and diamond industry in southern Africa and a large part of the economy of apartheid South Africa. This control included the English newspaper monopoly in which any discussion of the negative aspects of Zionism, just like the phenomenon of black migrant labour on the gold mines, was verboten. Official Apartheid (unlike the unofficial version which was standard policy and practice in the Oppenheimer Empire) was presented in ‘liberal’ Oppenheimer newspapers as a uniquely evil phenomenon absolutely unmatched by anything anywhere else in the world. The strange irony is that Suzman, the recipient of so many international honours, has in fact for long been an apologist for and supporter of a far more violent and virulent form of ethnically-based nationalism than was ever espoused by the erstwhile Apartheid regime.
Helen Suzman, born Helen Gavronsky, died on 1 January 2009 (born 7 November 1917) and will always be remembered as a staunch anti-apartheid activist and dedicated politician in South Africa.
She gave up teaching for politics, being elected to Parliament in 1953 as a member of the United Party. She switched to the liberal Progressive Party in 1959, and represented the Houghton constituency as that party’s sole member of parliament, and the sole parliamentarian unequivocally opposed to apartheid, from 1961 to 1974.
She visited Nelson Mandela numerous times in prison, and was at his side when he signed the new constitution in 1996. She spent a total of 36 years in parliament. Helen Suzman was awarded 27 honorary doctorates from universities around the world, was twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and received countless other awards from religious and human rights organizations around the world. Queen Elizabeth made her a Dame Commander (Civil Division) of the Order of the British Empire in 1989.
October 5, 2009 at 10:30 am
Jews and Communism
For 34 years the Jew Markus Wolf was the chief of East Germany’s foreign
intelligence service, a branch of the STASI. Wolf’s autobiography is
titled, “Man Without a Face” and subtitled “The Autobiography of
Communism’s Greatest Spymaster.” Most intelligence experts agree that
the subtitle fits. What was a Jew doing in charge of a feared
organisation dedicated to the downfall of the West?
The Jewish author Chaim Bermant in his book The Jews (Weidenfeld and
Nicholson 1977, Sphere Books 1978) devotes a chapter to an aspect of
Communism that is hardly generally known today, or at least not usually
mentioned in the history books and encyclopaedias. The author, himself
Jewish, writes with a certain authority and familiarity concerning his
subject and can hardly be accused of the charge of ‘anti-Semitism’ which
is always leveled at anyone who offers any criticism, no matter how
justified, of Jews and their ways. What does Bermant say?
“No people is so averse to change yet none in recent times has
dissipated more of its energy on revolution.. Although Jews formed less
than five percent of Russia’s population, they formed more than fifty
percent of its revolutionaries..
“It must be added that most of the leading revolutionaries who convulsed
Europe in the final decades of the last century and the first decades of
this one, stemmed from prosperous Jewish families.. They were perhaps
typified by the father of revolution, Karl Marx.. Thus when, after the
chaos of World War I, revolutions broke out all over Europe, Jews were
everywhere at the helm; Trotsky, Sverdlov, Kamenev and Zinoviev in
Russia, Bela Kun in Hungary, Kurt Eisner in Bavaria, and, most
improbable of all, Rosa Luxemburg in Berlin.
“To many outside observers, the Russian revolution looked like a Jewish
conspiracy, especially when it was followed by Jewish-led revolutionary
outbreaks in much of central Europe. The leadership of the Bolshevik
Party had a preponderance of Jews and included Litvinov (real name
Wallach), Liadov (Mandelshtam), Shklovsky, Saltz, Gusev (Drabkin),
Zemliachka (Salkind), Helena Rozmirovich, Serafima Gopner, Yaroslavsky
(Gubelman), Yaklovlev (Epstein), Riaznov (Goldendach), Uritsky and
Larin. Of the seven members of the Politburo, the inner cabinet of the
country, four, Trotsky (Bronstein), Zinoviev (Radomsky), Kamenev
(Rosenfeld) and Sverdlov, were Jews.”
October 5, 2009 at 10:32 am
Against the international background of heavy Jewish involvement in Communism, did the South African experience show any parallels? Perhaps the best way to gain an insight into this topic is to quote from four books, three of which are by Jewish authors.
A History of Communism in South Africa by Dr Henry R Pike (published by Christian Mission International of South Africa, Germiston, South Africa (1985, 1988).
A large number of Jews have worked to promote Communism in South Africa, as Pike’s book indicates. Many of these Jews were involved in the organization of trade unions, particularly black trade unions. Some of the names mentioned by Pike are A Z Berman ‘a noted Marxist’ who headed the Industrial Socialist League in Cape Town; the communist writer David Shub, Solly Sachs, secretary of the Garment Workers Union and expelled from and then readmitted to the South African Communist Party, Bennie Weinbren who directed the Non-European Trade Union Federation, Issy Diamond, Abraham Levy, Hymie Levin, Issie Wolfson, Julius Lewin, Louis Joffe, Dr Max Joffe, Molly (Zelikowitz) Wolton, Lazar Bach, Rebecca (Notlowitz) Bunting, Fanny Klenerman, Michael Harmel, Sam Kahn, Katy Kagan, Eli Weinberg, Yetta Barenblatt, Hymie Barsel, Leon and Norman Levy, Lionel Forman, Jacqueline and Rowley Arenstein, Errol and Dorothy Shanley, Monty Berman, Bertram Hirson and Neville Rubin.
Dr Pike (p 212-3) quotes from a South African Government Gazette Extraordinary (vol VI 16 Nov 1962 pp 2-28) which listed ‘persons who have been office-bearers, officers, members or active supporters of the Communist Party of South Africa’. The list included 66 ‘clearly identifiable as Jews’, 61 ‘white non-Jews’ and two uncertain. At the time, the South African population was approximately 3 million whites, while the South African Jewish population was 110 000 (World Almanac 1958 p270). So there was approximately one Jew for every 26 white non-Jews in the country. If there had been an equal distribution of Communist involvement between non-Jewish whites and Jews, the Jewish membership of the Communist Party should have been one-twenty-sixth the white Gentile representation. Instead, we find slightly more Jews as members. In other words, Jews were almost thirty times more likely to become members of the Communist Party than were white Gentiles. If Jews with non-Jewish names were also counted, the ratio would be likely to have been considerably higher.
In theory this could be explained away as simple Jewish concern for the welfare of the underdog, the lowest classes, and in the South African context, evidence of Jewish sympathies across racial barriers, or non-racism. In testing such a hypothesis to see whether this is indeed the case, we can look at another instance. Such concerns have been notoriously, and very conspicuously, almost totally absent in the protracted conflict in the Middle East. There, international Jewish support has been overwhelmingly and steadfastly in favor of the Jewish Israelis, and not of the Palestinians who have lost their country, and in thousands of cases their lives, to the violent settlers from Eastern Europe and America. After all, the entire territory was under Palestinian political control until 1947. The Jewish population of the area in 1917 was a mere 7% of the 700 000 inhabitants. The other 93% were Arabs. In 1947 the United Nations under tremendous US pressure gave the Zionists, who owned only about 6% of the land, 56% of the territory of Palestine. Since then, there has been a steady take-over of the remaining territory by force, violence, warfare, bribery and stealth.
Perhaps you might think Dr Pike is just ‘anti-Semitic’ and his approach is biased. But have a look at the next author:
Jews and Zionism: the South African Experience (1910-67), by Dr Gideon Shimoni (Oxford University Press, 1980).
This book appears to have been written for a Jewish readership.
Two extended quotes from the book will serve as a summary of the situation some decades ago.
[Dr Shimoni was born in South Africa to parents from Lithuania, but settled in Israel where he lectured at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and where he gained post-graduate degrees in Jewish history. While bitterly contemptuous of South Africa under the apartheid system, Dr Shimoni in effect identifies with the concept of geographically based ethnic groupings that was the basis of the South African system. This kind of irony, not to say hypocrisy, is typical of Jews opposed to ‘racism’ in Europe, the US or South Africa.]
Dr Shimoni writes of ‘..the extraordinary salience of Jewish individuals in the white opposition to the regime of apartheid. Throughout this period Jewish names kept appearing in every facet of the struggle: amongst reformist liberals; in the radical Communist opposition; in the courts, whether as defendants or as counsel for the defense; in the lists of bannings and amongst those who fled the country to evade arrest. Their prominence was particularly marked in the course of the Treason Trial which occupied an important place in the news media throughout the second half of the 1950’s. This trial began in December 1956, when 156 people were arrested on charges of treason in the form of a conspiracy to overthrow the state by violence and to replace it with a state based on Communism. Twenty-three of those arrested were Whites, more than half of them Jews. They included Yetta Barenblatt, Hymie Barsel, Lionel (Rusty) Bernstein, Leon Levy, Norman Levy, Sydney Shall, Joe Slovo, Ruth (First) Slovo, Sonia Bunting, Lionel Forman, Isaac Horvitch, Ben Turok, Jacqueline Arenstein, Errol Shanley, Dorothy Shanley. To top it all, at one stage in the trial the defense counsel was led by Israel Maisels, while the prosecutor was none other than Oswald Pirow. The juxtaposition was striking: Maisels, the prominent Jewish communal leader, defending those accused of trying to overthrow White supremacy; Pirow, the extreme Afrikaner Nationalist and former Nazi sympathizer, defending White supremacy.’ (pp. 227-8).
‘In this extended five-year period between the emergence of violent opposition and its effective suppression, the prominent involvement of individual Jews was in the public eye more than ever before. This was even more so than in the dramatic circumstances of the ‘Rivonia arrests’. On 11 July 1963 the police raided the home of Arthur Goldreich in Rivonia near Johannesburg, where it captured, by surprise, the leadership cadre of the Umkonto we Sizwe underground. Seventeen people were arrested.. Five of those arrested were Whites, all of them Jews. They were: Arthur Goldreich, Lionel Bernstein, Hilliard Festenstein, Dennis Goldberg and Bob Hepple.. [There was an] overwhelming impression that Jews were in the forefront of the White radicals who were trying to overthrow the system of White supremacy in South Africa. When the secret African Resistance Movement (ARM) was crushed during 1964, it again became evident that many Jews were involved. One of its founders was identified as Monty Berman.. others were Adrian Leftwich and Bertram (Baruch) Hirson. Among those who were associated with ARM were Neville Rubin and Michael Schneider [and ] others implicated were Frederick and Rhoda Prager, Raymond Eisenstein and Hugh Lewin..’ (pp. 232-3).
Dr Shimoni records with obvious distaste the wording of an Afrikaans letter in a newspaper criticizing this fundamentally hypocritical proclivity of Jews: ‘They (the Jews) themselves are the most exclusive apartheid people, yet they exert themselves here for integration.’ While Jews themselves have shown no intention to integrate or merge with the African masses, they have been hyper-critical of mainstream whites who are reluctant to follow this route, criticizing churches with segregationist policies, while their synagogues have remained ethnically 100% Jewish.
Cutting Through the Mountain: Interviews with South African Activists Edited by Immanuel Suttner (Viking-Penguin, England and USA 1997).
This book also appears to have been written for a Jewish readership. It is a thick expensively bound book of over 600 pages, financially supported by the Liberty Life Foundation created by the Jewish mega-capitalist Donald Gordon. Suttner says ‘a disproportionate number of individual Jews played a part in transforming South Africa into a more just society. There are two streams: those who fought ‘within the system’ as jurists, members of parliament, via the media, or in civil society, and those who entered ‘illegal’ organizations which were socialist, communist or mass-based in character.’ (p.2) He says the book ‘welcomes (these Jews) back not only as worthy South Africans, socialists, communists or liberals, but as worthy Jews’ (p.3). Some of the ‘remarkable people’ (page vii) who are heroes of the book include:
Taffy Adler who was involved in the 1970s and ’80s in the ‘formation and consolidation of the black trade union movement’. His father was a Lithuanian Jew who emigrated to South Africa in 1926 and who ‘was tremendously loyal to Stalin and Russian communism’ right up to the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989. His uncle, Michael Harmel, became general secretary of the South African Communist Party.
Ray Alexander (Rachel Alexandrowich) arrived in South Africa from Latvia and joined the SA Communist Party five days later. She played a leading role in the organization of trade unions. She was married to Jack Simons, a ‘devoted communist’ and lecturer at the University of Cape Town.
Pauline Podbrey (Podbrez) born in Lithuania came to South Africa at the age of eleven. She joined the Communist Youth League, run by Max Joffe, and the related Labor League of Youth, run by Hilda Bernstein. Of the Communist Party she says ‘the majority of the members were Jewish…looking back on it now, it seems as if everybody was Jewish.’ (*p52). She married a prominent Indian trade unionist and Communist Party leader, resulting in her mother being ostracized by the South African Jewish community, although it has been and still is normal practice for this community to depict white non-Jews as despicable prejudiced racists.
Joe Slovo born in Lithuania, came to South Africa where he joined the Young Communist League at the age of sixteen. He became a central member of the Communist Party of South Africa and a ‘hard-line Stalinist’, becoming general secretary in 1986. He concentrated on building up Umkhonto we Sizwe, the ‘armed wing’ of the ANC (African National Congress), becoming its chief of staff and head strategist in the campaign of bombings directed at civilian targets and other acts of terror. He only abandoned his commitment to Stalinism and Soviet-style communism when the Soviet bloc started falling apart in the late 1980s and it became necessary to do so. A key strategist representing the ANC in the negotiations with De Klerk’s government in the hand over of power, he became a minister in Mandela’s Cabinet.
when the ANC came to power in 1994. He died of cancer a few years later. His daughter published an autobiographical book describing her father’s affair with a Jewish Communist friend’s wife and his utter refusal to acknowledge the son born of this relationship.
Gill Marcus, the daughter of parents involved with the Communist Party, a long-time member of the Party and of the ANC, is now a Deputy Governor of the South African Reserve Bank after being a member of the first Mandela Cabinet.
Ronnie Kasrils became a central figure in the South African Communist Party and head of military intelligence of the ANC’s military wing. He became Deputy Minister of Defense in the Mandela government, and is now Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry.
Traitors’ End: The Rise and Fall of the Communist Movement in Southern Africa by Nathaniel Weyl (Arlington House, USA, 1970).
‘For the most part, the Jews had come to South Africa from Lithuania at the turn of the century.. They had been popular at first, but by the mid-1930’s this was no longer the case. The Jews had become heavily urbanized. In Johannesburg, they constituted 17 per cent of the population and were sufficiently conspicuous so that the metropolis was sometimes referred to, not as Jo’burg, but as Jewburg. They aroused envy and some rancor during the years of depression because they controlled a large part of the business of Johannesburg and other cities.. Anti-Semitism was fed by the economic discontent.. A perhaps more important ingredient was the prominence of South African Jews in finance, mining and the other economic command posts of the nation, on the one hand, and in revolutionary and racial reform movements on the other. From the outset, the Jews had been prominent in the Communist Party and its various fronts. They were equally conspicuous in the various movements that sought to break down the barriers separating the White from the non-White population. South African anti-Semitic propaganda.. depicted the Jew as a deracinated element who sought to destroy White civilization and nationalism with the twin weapons of Communism and international finance. Given the visible prominence of Jews in both areas, this doctrine fell on receptive ears.’
The famous Rivonia Trial of the 1960’s resulted from a raid on a farm near Johannesburg in which many of the top leadership of the Communist party were detained. The White defendants were virtually all Jews, including Dennis Goldberg, ‘a civil engineer who served as commander in a Communist camp that trained young guerrillas’, and Lionel ‘Rusty’ Bernstein, the only prisoner to be acquitted. A Johannesburg architect, Bernstein ‘admitted to having been a Communist for 25 years, but successfully alleged that he had left the party, without, however, changing his revolutionary convictions.’ (Weyl pp 122-3). Amongst those implicated during the trial were the Jews Joe Slovo and his wife Ruth First, Bob Hepple and Michael Harmel. ‘Operation Mayibuye [a plan for guerrilla warfare, armed invasion of South Africa and Communist conquest of the country] was drafted by Arthur Goldreich, perhaps the most important of the men captured by the South African Police at Rivonia. Goldreich managed to bribe his way out of prison.. During the trial, Goldreich was referred to by Nelson Mandela and other defendants as a military expert who served as an officer in the Israeli war for independence.. Goldreich’s plan was modeled on the guerrilla strategy of the Chinese Communists.. Goldreich’s notebook shows constant preoccupation with the practical details of revolutionary war. He goes into the types of explosives and fuses needed and their characteristics…’ (Weyl pp124, 127-8).
‘On December 16, 1966, the United Nations branded Rhodesia “a threat to international peace”. President Johnson’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Arthur Goldberg, immediately pledged United States support for sanctions against Rhodesia “in order to drive home to the illegal regime (of Ian Smith) that the international community will not tolerate the existence of a discriminatory system based on minority rule in defiance of the United Nations and its principles.” Ambassador Goldberg’s logic was extraordinary, to say the least. Over half of the 122 UN member states had governments not based upon majority rule As for the United Nations statement that Rhodesia threatened international peace, the statement simply reversed the facts of the matter. Rhodesia was exposed to attacks by guerrillas, armed, financed, trained and abetted by Black African member states of the United Nations in flagrant defiance of the UN Charter.. Ambassador Goldberg had shown on previous occasions that, where racial issues were involved, he practiced a double standard of morality in favor of Black demands.. Ambassador Goldberg was not alone in his fanatical hostility to White rule in Africa..’ (Weyl pp 162-3).
Jews in South Africa in the main and those mentioned above in particular have all been pushing for a majoritarian government in which population numbers effectively mean that whites have no say over their own affairs. The new ANC-dominated South Africa is proclaimed to be a ‘democracy’, although a leading political scientist, Professor Hermann Giliomee has described the election system as a simple ethnic census. Whites, for example, have no effective power over the government as far as their own interests, such as schooling for their children or their language rights are concerned. The Constitutional Court, supposedly the custodian of these rights, has an over-representation of Jews who have shown little sympathy for white non-Jewish rights. Even the traditionally English South African game of cricket is being transformed – the Jewish former director of the cricket board, Dr Ali Bacher, did everything in his power to turn cricket in the country into a black-dominated sport.
There are various kinds of hypocrisy at work here. Authors such as Immanuel Suttner perhaps unwittingly communicate their clear belief that Jews are morally better than South African whites, because of their political stance. This in itself is not only racist but also not true. We can study the attitude of South African Jews to Middle Eastern issues to see whether they really do display a genuine moral superiority. Until a few years ago South African Jews gave more per capita to Israel than any other Jewish community in the world, including that of America (Suttner p. 420).
‘When Ronnie Kasrils, a leader of the ANC’s armed campaign against apartheid South Africa, returned home after 27 years in exile, he was lionized by a local Jewish establishment belatedly eager to associate itself with the struggle. His picture was put in the Jewish Museum in Cape Town and his name in the Book of Honor. The Jewish community basked in his reflected glory’ (Fair Lady 22 May 2002 p.37). South Africa’s Chief Rabbi Cyril Harris officiated at the funeral of Joe Slovo, calling Slovo ‘a better Jew than most’ (ibid p.39). Who was Slovo? He was general secretary of the Communist Party of South Africa and chief of staff of the armed terrorist wing of the ANC (African National Congress). When Kasrils, in an awkward position because of his cabinet post in the ANC government which includes several very influential Moslems, became one of a very small number of Jews to speak out against Israeli policies against the Palestinian people in Palestine, his name became mud. He signed a petition along with 286 other Jews to the effect that Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians does not have their blessing. The South African Zionist Federation quickly organized a rival petition in support of Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon, and collected 11500 signatures. Helen Suzman, the veteran anti-Apartheid Jewish member of the South African parliament and consequently the recipient of numerous international honors and awards, ‘believes that everything Israel has done has been retaliatory’ (ibid p39) in spite of the fact that the Israelis, with support from Jews elswhere particularly in the US and its government, have been able to take over Palestine with absolute impunity, disregarding with absolute and violent contempt the lawful human and property rights of the Palestinians. This hypocrisy is very common, not to say dominant, in the Zionist community which forms the overwhelmingly dominant part of South African Jewry.
No candid discussion of the issues raised above was permitted to take place in South Africa before the fall of white rule owing to the ownership pattern of the newspaper cartel. There has been much talk of a ‘Jewish Capitalist-Communist nexus’ – we have to recognize that monopoly capital has an affinity with Communism. According to Antony Sutton (Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution) international bankers funded the Bolshevik Revolution. In 1917, Trotsky and 200 revolutionaries were literally transferred from New York’s Lower East Side to St. Petersburg to foment the revolution in Russia. Jews are internationally synonymous with hyper-capitalism or monopoly-capitalism, where ever-greater financial power is continually being sought, and there is the impression that the hunger behind this urge is insatiable. Media control is an important part of this program, because criticism must be stifled at all costs. These powerful people are ever-seeking to instruct or coerce non-Jewish people of European ancestry in the direction of non-discrimination, but always supporting their own country with its fundamental racial discrimination whereby Palestinians born in Jerusalem have no rights, while even atheistic Jews born in Milwaukee or Miami have full citizenship rights in Israel.
The large reserves of gold, diamonds and other natural wealth attracted Jews in large numbers from Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Russia. The discovery of gold in the Boer republic of the Transvaal turned out to be tragically unfortunate for the Boers. According to J A Hobson, an English liberal-socialist thinker and correspondent who reported on the Boer War, ‘a little ring of international financiers’, mainly Jews, led Britain into the war for their own selfish capitalist interests. (Hobson, The War in South Africa – its causes and effects (New York, Macmillan, 1900, pp194, 184, 190). Boer farms and towns were burnt to the ground. Boer women and children were herded into concentration camps, where 26 000 died through epidemics and unsanitary conditions. But the Jews gained a wonderful ascendancy in the gold and diamond industry, with leading names including Barney Barnato, Solly Joel and Lionel Phillips. Eventually the Oppenheimer family, with financial support from Rothschild interests, controlled not only the largest gold mines in the country but also the world diamond cartel De Beers and a very large part of the South African economy, as well as the English language newspaper monopoly. De Beers in recent decades has been often implicated in trading in ‘blood-diamonds’ from war zones in Africa. (The international diamond trade in New York and Amsterdam is also largely Jewish-controlled.) The Oppenheimer press cartel normally depicted white efforts in South Africa to find political self-determination, including the apartheid policy of parallel or separate development, as totally and utterly reprehensible and unacceptable. At the same time the cartel ensured that the Israeli State did not come in for parallel criticism for its incomparably inhumane and violent oppression of the native Palestinians. The Jews have found it useful to their ethnic agenda to exacerbate tensions between white and black in South Africa, with the clear objective of subverting the apartheid idea of ethnic self-determination for a situation in which non-Jewish whites would be subject to unfettered black political and social control. Since this goal has been achieved, Jews have been emigrating in large numbers, primarily to the United States. Although scornful of white non-Jews for racism during the apartheid era, none of these Jewish emigrants are known to have moved to any African country. As Immanuel Suttner says ‘The Jewish community.. will likely continue to shrink through emigration, and those Jews who choose to stay in South Africa, and choose to involve themselves fully in South Africa’s unfolding story, face a difficult period of redefining their role and finding a niche in which they believe they are relevant and useful.’ (Cutting Through the Mountain p.4).
Why are Jews prominent as political activists in all western countries, but definitely not on behalf of the Palestinians, as fifty years of history have shown? Why were US Congressmen Stephen J. Solarz and Howard Wolpe, instrumental in securing financial sanctions against the South African apartheid regime, but ‘unwavering in their commitments to Israel’ (ex-Congressman Paul Findley, They Dare to Speak Out: People and Insttutions Confront Israel’s Lobby (1985) p70-71). Are hidden tribal-racial agendas a factor in “liberal” American universities and, above all, in politics?
October 13, 2009 at 6:43 pm
I believe “Wolfgang” is a jew and is here trying to discredit white nationalism. He has said nothing productive or worthwhile, just slander, spew senseless violence and division between whites
Here in the states whites are coming together once again, we do not care if you are Irish, Scot, English, German, French, Scandinavian, etc.. just that you are white and willing to fight for our people. I even recently met a white Cuban man who is an ardent WNist. He is 100 X more valuable to our race than “Wolfgang” [if Wolfgang is really white, which I doubt, I think he may be wearing a yarmulke]
We will restore this nation by fire and sword, while Europe sadly remains in chains
October 13, 2009 at 8:38 pm
lt’s the same thing in all western countries, with the exception Denmark. ln the mid 90s the danish media started to write fronpage articles about danish people being robbed, beaten and raped by gangs of immigrants. lt started in Copenhagen. From there to Malmo, the 3 town in Sweden, pop 250.000 it takes less then a half hour by car via the the bridge.
ln the “swedish” papers there was not one single article about gangs of immigrants attacking swedish people for being white. Sweden has 3-5 times as many immigrants per capita to Denmark. All the rotten immigrants went to Denmark and only good ones came to Sweden?
This was before the internet. When l went from Denmark to Sweden it was as bizarre it could get. Main danish paper was full of articles of gangs roaming the streets of Denmark. ln Sweden there was not one single article about gangs roaming the streets.
Most swedish people can’t understand a word of danish. When l got on the net in 98 l started to translate to swedish from danish papers. There was many from Malmo and the south of Sweden online that was telling about the immigrant gangs in Malmo. The town Malmo has many immigrants, especially from the arab world. lt’s close to Germany and Copenhagen. Good for smuggling of contraband.
That the “swedish media” was lying the swedidh public in their face was above any debat. This lasted to Feb 2.000. That was when the first widely published gang rape in Sweden by immigrants. The rason why it went public was because the then nationalistic party SverigeDemokraterna, SD (SwedenDemocrats) published the names of the rapists on their homepage.
Because of this the whole “swedish media” and “swedish politicians” went nuts. Not because the immigrants had gang raped two young girls, under 15 years. Hell no, the problem was that the SD had said loud what really happend.
Then you start to ask yourself: ls this only Sweden? No, it’s the same thing in every single white western country – except Denmark. So who is behind this keep it in the dark and don’t tell?
Who owns the whole propaganda-machine in the western world? The jews and they couldn’t care less if every single white person was extinct.
Every year 35.000 white women are raped by niggers and hispanics. That is three, 3 zeros. Less then 10 to zero black women are raped by white people. You diden’t know that did you? Well, that is because the “american media” is just like the “swedish media”, the jews lie to you on a scale you just can’t comprehend.
First the jews who owns and controls all “media” lie to your face and on top of that you give the jews good money for reading and watching the Lying Jew Scumbags “media”. How stupid can you get? There are nothing more stupid and retarded then white commi-liberals.
October 13, 2009 at 8:49 pm
The first time l heard about a gang rape was a friend of my ex-girlfriend. She was gang raped in America by three niggers. Have you ever mee gang raped women face to face? l have and l still wouder if she will be normal again. We was in the biggest hotel in town. Lot of staff. what could possibly happend there? She was looking over the shoulder all the time. lmagen when she is in a dark place?
There is a easy solution to the nigger raping white women and that is called a noose. Just hang a few niggers and tell all the other niggers what will happend to rapists. ln no time the niggers raping white women will be less then ten cases a year. A good noose, hang a few and case solved.
June 17, 2010 at 5:40 pm
using crime to push your own agenda is wrong.
June 17, 2010 at 5:59 pm
Manipulating statistics is wrong. Burying black-on-white crime is wrong.
So much is wrong.
June 18, 2010 at 1:27 pm
This site is bullshit and the people on here our idiots..makes me ashame to be an american
June 18, 2010 at 1:33 pm
Thanks for stopping by and calling us idiots….BTW genius, thats “are idiots”, not “our idiots.”
June 18, 2010 at 1:35 pm
“makes me ashame to be an american.”
Then make a b-line for the Congo…we won’t miss you!
June 27, 2010 at 8:38 pm
All you righteous whiteys! What about the fact that Native Americans were systematically killed, raped, intentionally infected with disease and had their homelands stolen (in “exchange” for oklahoma–nice) by WHITES?
Why isn’t that on the news?
Are you proud of that HERITAGE?
Where’s your outrage? Why don’t you stand up for Indians?
Oh yeah–because you’re living on land that once belonged to Native Americans and you “can’t be bothered.” Damn Indians lost–not my fault… Is that what you say?
Well, your whole argument is that Whites are somehow morally superior. As even your stupid brains must allow–having guns when fighting folks with bows and arrows has nothing to do with being morally superior. It means Whites were damn lucky to have guns.
But were Whites morally right to steal everything from the Indians?
Jesus wasn’t White either and, news flash, He didn’t speak King James English. Try to find that on the news… or sitting in your damn pew.
Do you think Jesus would say “Amen” to your racist trash? You think Jesus would be racist?
Why don’t you neandertal’s go back to your Germanic caves and be happy thinking you’re the real shit. Because you are: shit.
June 27, 2010 at 8:41 pm
What about the fact that Choctaws and Mushulatubbee held nigger slaves? Who do I fell sorry for now??? I’m supposed to feel sorry for people right? I am an evil German now.
June 27, 2010 at 8:47 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
You’re no German.
I don’t live on Indian land.
I’m not even on the same continent , ya dopey cunt!
June 27, 2010 at 8:47 pm
tonto is a Jew-rat pretending to care about Native Americans. He wouldn’t dare talk about his beloved terrorist Israel and their atrocities upon all of humanity.
June 27, 2010 at 8:53 pm
Cannibal rabbi said,
You’re no German.
— — —
OK, now let’s go ahead and presume that what you say is true. Now, lets go ahead and presume you are British. It must just kill you to speak a Germanic language (English) as your native tongue. As your “sensei” has instructed you… Germans are jews, right???
YOU ARE A JEW rabbi. RIGHT? Aren’t all of us that post here???
June 27, 2010 at 8:55 pm
Cannibal Rabbi and Dave are to shut up about one another. No more BS back in forth or both of you to SPAMblinka.
June 27, 2010 at 9:02 pm
INCOG? hrrrmmm…
You always seem to show up after I made a decent point. Amusing if nothing else.
June 27, 2010 at 9:07 pm
I don’t need backtalk from either one of ya.
June 27, 2010 at 9:17 pm
Have no fear INCOG, I respect you in a distrustful kind of way.
If I met you in the real world I’d probably punch you in the face and then offer to buy you a beer. Regretably, that is the way it is and that is the way it will be.
Keep up the good work! Oh, and I got one for ya
June 27, 2010 at 9:23 pm
You sure have a wierd way of complimenting.
I could care less about what you think of me. You had just better keep your comments to the topic at hand or keep it zipped.
June 27, 2010 at 9:28 pm
“You sure have a wierd way of complimenting.”
— — —
Whatever! Suck it up! You should have told me that a long time ago. This blog of your’s is highly infected with kikery. I no longer expect you to somehow censor out those that cause division or endorse those that bring unity to the White race. Get off my ass!
June 27, 2010 at 9:34 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
When is the last time you posted ANYTHING of import, you sapsy twat?
Even I had to post the Germany result against England, you total FANNY!
Some fucking German YOU are!
I’m off.
June 27, 2010 at 9:37 pm
Per CR’s request, my comment from a few minutes ago:
“What about the fact that Choctaws and Mushulatubbee held nigger slaves? Who do I fell sorry for now??? I’m supposed to feel sorry for people right? I am an evil German now.”
June 27, 2010 at 9:41 pm
Count Cherep
DOJ official resigns over Obama’s racism
June 26, 11:34 AM
Department of Justice attorney J. Christian Adams has now officially resigned over Obama’s racist refusal to allow the prosecution of armed Black Panthers who openly intimidated voters during Election 2008.
In a letter to the Washington Times, he called the case “the simplest and most obvious violation of federal law” he had ever seen in his entire career at the Justice Department and condemned Obama’s bigoted, dishonest handling of the case as “corrupt” and “indefensible.”
From the letter:
Based on my firsthand experiences, I believe the dismissal of the Black Panther case was motivated by a lawless hostility toward equal enforcement of the law. Others still within the department share my assessment. The department abetted wrongdoers and abandoned law-abiding citizens victimized by the New Black Panthers. The dismissal raises serious questions about the department’s enforcement neutrality in upcoming midterm elections and the subsequent 2012 presidential election.
What was that about the “post-racial,” “post-partisan” candidate for “change?”
From the Comments section:
This is just a typical example of the anti White hatred prevalent in America today. To read a good news source that considers a high class White American point of view, go to http://www.whitenewsnow.com .
June 27, 2010 at 10:01 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
“What about the fact that Choctaws and Mushulatubbee held nigger slaves? Who do I fell sorry for now??? I’m supposed to feel sorry for people right? I am an evil German now.”
That’s convinced me.
I take it ALL back.
June 27, 2010 at 10:12 pm
You are but a sorry divisive fool CR. I never cared to convince you of anything. Anyone can read what we type here. I suggest you take that into consideration when you open your mouth. Yes, you open your mouth like an opinionated and liberal woman. Only a few care what you say here. Only a select few care for your degenerate nature. You do less for the cause than this (obvious jew) “Dick Stallion” does. WAKE UP!
June 27, 2010 at 10:21 pm
Count Cherep
Realization: Fireworks or Not, Detroit is Definitely Still Crap
“I think I was just away from the reality of Detroit for too long. I did something the other day I wouldn’t have even considered doing a year or two ago. I don’t know if I just had a momentary lapse in my understanding of the complete niggerfuxation of Detroit or if I just blocked it out in the desire to do something traditional in the city that my parents grew up in and loved.
I woke up for work on Monday morning and turned on the jewtube to see the shining white face of a local reporter giving me the morning news. It was a bright shining morning and the reporter was on assignment from the Detroit River’s edge and informing me on the sprinkle of “folks” who were already setting up for the massive annual fireworks display on the Detroit River. The scene through the news camera showed a nice white family setting up their blankets and chairs, ready to tough out a long hot day for a prime spot to see the show.”
Read the rest:
June 27, 2010 at 10:21 pm
“INCOG? hrrrmmm…
You always seem to show up after I made a decent point. Amusing if nothing else”
Dave, Incogman isn’t HAL 9000