White Americans are once again told to dig into their pockets for the Spoiled Ones.
The Haiti Victimhood Fest is now in full swing! As the mainstream media goes into blitz coverage about the Haiti earthquake and how all the poor, downtrodden Haitians are always so unjustly victimized by fate; they take it for granted that us Whites will cry about it all. And the talking heads never forget to tell you every few minutes on how you can send your hard-earned money for Haiti relief: “Go to our website and click on the ‘HELP NOW’ button to send a donation!”
This kind of thing is nothing new. It’s been going on and on and on — seemingly forever. From Africa, Haiti and the US. We have to give our tearful concern and money to the poor, desperate, the always so “innocent and oppressed” Negroes suffering from racism, AIDS, starvation, drought, civil wars, dictators, corruption, coups, crime, gangsterism, child rape, malaria, typhus, infestations, locusts, STDs, more famines, hurricanes, earthquakes. With these people, every five minutes it’s something, somewhere.
Folks, no matter what happens, we just keep giving and giving to them. They want you, the White American, to pay and yet still feel guilt about things hundreds of years ago that your ancestry probably had nothing to do with. Not only that, but sometimes even if Mother Nature strikes, or when they themselves fail miserably — all too often gets turned around to be racist Whitey’s fault. Read on.
You watch: These poor Haitian victims will be fast-tracked into the US and Canada. Florida is now gearing up for massive waves of Haitian immigrants flooding the state. Already plane loads of Haitian refugees are arriving in Montreal, Canada as we speak, even though earlier immigrants went haywire just last year and torched neighborhoods over “police brutality.”
Like blacks anywhere in White countries, Haitians soon start acting however they please and scream bloody murder about racism should anyone dare say something. Whites wishes are being ignored there, just like here in the US.
And Obama just last week signed a new law allowing anyone with HIV (Aids) to gain entry into the US and putting all of us at risk. We’ll see thousands of disease-ridden Haitians making their way here (possibly near you) to collect social services and benefits, while spreading sickness. But it will be YOU — the White person who reads this — who will end-up paying for it all, right along with seeing your neighborhoods turn into little Haiti’s. Had enough yet, White person?
Hollywood elites fashionably act all concerned about the Negro, apparently to ameliorate rich self-guilt. Whenever some disaster or trouble happens to black people (never Whites), you can be sure that plenty of photo ops and fund raisers will soon follow. This is your typical Jew-inspired White lunacy — they’ve done this to White countries just so we don’t go all Nazi on them. I’ve had it.
Back in the 1990′s, Jew pop singer Bono hosted those “Live Aid” concerts where American MTV kids poured money into Africa to help with famine relief. Youngsters all over America broke open their piggy banks. Funny, most of it ended-up in the pockets of corrupt tinpots and criminal gangs in those African countries. The criminals pretended to be NGO’s and took the free stuff from us White dummies, or officials demanded to distribute the food, making the poor villagers pay for it.
These kind of people didn’t care one bit about their own countrymen, only that they could make a tidy profit off the deal!
During the campaign of 2008, some liberal White girl from San Francisco named Krysten Brydum (right), was travelling the country and stumping for Obama. While in New Orleans she happened to ride her bike through a black neighborhood late one night and the locals caught her. One of them emptied his whole magazine into her head. Literally. Him and his chums are probably still laughing about it (the crime is still unsolved).
Her splayed-out body was ignored by other blacks in the neighborhood for hours. Later that day, a church group of White volunteers clearing house debris leftover from the Katrina hurricane (how typical), came across her and called police. It took Whites cleaning up for lazy local blacks to pick-up a phone.
The national media stayed very silent about the crime, coming so close to the elections and Obama winning. They couldn’t mess that one up. But imagine the media coverage if it was a black campaign worker in a redneck White neighborhood in the south? They would still be yapping away.
These people do not care one bit about us Whites. Never have. None of these people, White liberals and the media included, are not interested in any White suffering. Certainly not the Jews. You’re just some schmuck who has to pay his taxes, donate to Negro suffering and keep his mouth shut. Haven’t you figured that out yet?
Do you ever see groups of blacks travelling to a scene of disaster? Think about it here. How about when White people in a midwest town get hit by a river flood? Have you ever seen blacks from other parts of the country rushing there to help fill sand bags? Hell, they don’t even go to help other blacks! They would rather stay at home, playing on the X-box while eating Popeye’s chicken.
Whenever a disaster happens to where blacks live, they sit around waiting for us Whites or the government to rush in with food and water (they still go on about Katrina!). When it’s over, they also expect us to pay for the rebuilding and clean-up. After that, they expect the government to feed them and give them still more money. If we’re not all fast enough to satisfy these big-mouths, they raise hell about us Whites being secretly racist!
You never see them working to improve their lot. No serious efforts to organize themselves and establish clean governments lasts long. Criminal gangs, maybe. Infrastructure? Hell, they can’t even put in functional systems for water and sewage. They’ve received plenty of assistance to do such things, but far too often they turn around and sell the construction materials for quick pocket change.
And whatever does manage to get built, is threatened later on — like copper wiring theft. This is a big reason why neighborhoods quickly go to pot in cities where the majority are black; because the local blacks go into abandoned houses and buildings and pull out all the wiring so they can resell the copper. This makes house renovation difficult, or even impossible. On occasion, these black thieves get electrocuted trying to cut away high power electricity wires (above right).
Just saying anything about it will get the White man branded as a racist. They can’t handle the least kind of criticism, even when it’s well-deserved. They would prefer you to shut your mouth and just hand them your wallet.
When Pat Robertson said that a “pact with the devil” ritual might have something to do with all of Haiti’s troubles, liberals like the women on the TV show “The View” jumped all over him like he committed mass murder. Can’t be messin’ with the downtrodden brotherman and saying that kind of thing!
But blacks do easily devolve into barbarism, satanic rituals and even voodoo. Think that’s a lie? Human sacrifice is now on the rise in Uganda, with over 100 children and adults missing due to murder for voodoo ceremonies. South Africa has the same problem. Haiti is indeed a well-known voodoo hotspot in the Western world and they even perform the ritual Pat Robertson mentioned. Remember: What happens in Africa jumps to Haiti and then into the US. Just like vectors for jungle diseases.
Let’s face the facts: Besides the Blacks in Africa and Haiti, the ones in America are a vile plague and a giant drain on Whites. They are way bad enough. Think about Affirmative Action, us losing jobs and promotions to lesser-qualified blacks just because they are “people of color,” and a multitude of other special assistance programs like Food stamps, Welfare and Section 8 housing for them to take advantage of in the US. They all know how to milk the system, too.
And don’t forget how violent and crime-ridden they are and how dearly they cost our countries just for police and prisons all over the place, to say nothing about the non-stop crime and violence. These ”Gangstas” are often proud about the mayhem on the street they cause.
While busy calling us evil and racist, these people are also killing us Whites left and right. In America we sometimes see unbelievably brutal slayings of innocent White people, all of which are carefully ignored by the national media. Like the Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom torture murder or the five Whites executed in the Wichita Horror. And it’s not only on the rare occasion either; just this last November, 2009, the Gentry family, an entire family of five were brutally murdered and burned in their home, just so some Negroes could steal a set of rims and a flat screen TV.
Just go to my black crimes topics to see plenty of horrible crimes perpetrated on Whites over the last few years. Crimes that the media obviously prefers Whites not to know a thing as they relentlessly propagandize us about “diversity.” To them, only White people can be evil, as they keep on bringing up ancient crimes against “people of color” and slavery non-stop.
South African White farmers and even those living in urban settings must constantly be on guard, or risk black gangs robbing, raping and sometimes torturing and murdering the whole family. 3,100 Whites have fallen victim to a silent genocide so far since the end of apartheid in the ’90′s. The American media never breathes a word.
It’s very obvious that these people have lost all respect for Whites. You can see this in how black comics openly mock Whites in America. Whites are portrayed as goofy-acting idiots, ridiculously polite and well-mannered. They now spit in our faces daily on TV and no one has the guts to say a word.
But we have to be careful not to offend these Highnesses of Color with anything we might say. Even the smallest awkward comment we might make on the job or in public will result in all kind of trouble. See all the brouhaha about the Harry Reid’s ”Negro dialect” comment about candidate Obama in 2008 that just came out last week? He said nothing, really (not that I care for Reid, a big-time Shabbos Goy).
And it has nothing to do with being poor, either. How many times do you read about some rich rap star, “promising” black executive, or sports figure committing some heinous crime or losing it all to drugs? How many poor Whites commit crime in America? I’m telling you: These black brats are one worthless bunch!
We have ourselves a spoiled, violent and backwards race who have been turned into major league prima donnas by the Jewish social engineers and White liberal do-gooders. They never raise themselves up, never work hard to improve their lot in life and still, to this day, prefer to blame the White man for any of his problems. They do it in America and everywhere else, even places Whites don’t even live anymore.
Isn’t it time for us to call a spade, a spade (sorry for the pun)? We need to come to the logical conclusion that these people are the most worthless race on the planet, and the best thing we can possibly do for them is to give them a big dose of “tough love.” We should hand them a book on farming, business fundamentals and maybe a book or two (with pictures) on the history of the White civilization and then say get to work! And if you mess up this time, tough damn shit!
In this day and age, White people had better start looking after ourselves instead of spending all our time and efforts on other races. One, it’s obvious they never learn; two, they don’t seem to work real hard raising themselves up and three, they never appreciate much that we’ve done, or are too proud to say anything. It’s easier for them just to call us all racists until the next disaster hits them and they come begging with outstretched hands.
I know that all this may seem a little mean, or ”racist” and White “supremacist,” but there you have it. They want us White Americans to not ever say a word, so that’s why they intimidate you to keep it zipped for fear of being called those things. That’s the deal, man.
You just go ahead and give them another $50 dollars of your hard-earned money and pat yourself on the back for being so caring if you want. You can call yourself a real “global citizen” and all that jazz. I’ll be certain that the personal mob cronies of whatever Dictator-for-life they have, will love to put that fifty to fast use in some fancy casino while vacationing in the south of France or Vegas.
— Phillip Marlowe
White people: Are we going to stay stupid forever?
Haitians are now using dead bodies for road blocks and looting. Everybody knew it would come to this. Barry Soetoro and Billy Bob Clinton have already alluded that this “might” happen, because they know what kind of people they really are.
Black racist AP writer is angry about White heroes portrayed in the movie Avatar. Here’s a great comment from the blog “Why Blacks Suck,” bringing us this story:
Anonymous said…
USA aid pledged to Haiti in response to the earthquake: $100M.
Chinese aid pledged to Haiti: $1M.
Who are the fools here?
Blacks are the worst of breeds, incessantly biting the hand that feeds (rhyme not intendend). And we whites just keep on handing them steak after steak. When will we learn?
Comments feed for this article
April 25, 2010 at 7:45 pm
KA Telegraph
“If you’ve tears (of laughter) to shed, prepare to shed ‘em. Yes, in these dark days that are upon us, occasions for joy are rare. But now I bring you one in the person of Amanda Kijera (seen here with her two sprogs) ‘civic journalist and activist in Haiti.’”
“Not once did I envision myself becoming a receptacle for a Black man’s rage at the white world, but that is what I became. While I take issue with my brother’s behavior, I’m grateful for the experience.”
I begged him to stop. ….He didn’t care that I was a Malcolm X scholar. He told me to shut up, and then slapped me in the face. Overpowered, I gave up fighting halfway through the night.”
“But it gets even better. It seems white men are to blame for this rape”
I’ll bet she’s jewish!
April 25, 2010 at 8:01 pm
KA Telegraph, that is incredible, ironic, funny and despicable all at once.
And the dumb n*ggerfuxated whore writes about this experience to blame whites.
“Not once did I envision myself becoming a receptacle for a Black man’s rage at the white world, but that is what I became”
That is all you are whore…..a sperm receptacle of stupidity. You were simply being ‘muh-dik’ed’ and you blame white people for that.
It just never ends with these libtarded people!!!
May 26, 2010 at 11:08 pm
bill james
worthless niggers….all of them!
May 29, 2010 at 6:18 pm
thank you for reporting the truth