Did Annie Leibowitz rip-off a famous WWI propaganda poster for her interracial propaganda cover shot? The WWI recruitment poster is believed to have been the inspiration for the movie King Kong. Blacks might be all torqued-up over the simian similarities but read up on what David Duke has to say about the real deal for White, European people in today’s media [INCOG].
By David Duke
New Information: After I posted this article, a reader pointed out me some important new information on the origin of this disgusting cover of Vogue. The photo of Gisele Bündchen and Lebron James was done by the Jewish supremacist (for a time she even went to live on an Israeli Kibbutz) and long-time White hater, Annie Liebowitz! Liebowitz was the lesbian lover of fellow Jewish supremacist, the late Susan Sontag (real name Susan Rosenblatt). Sontag was the most well-known, undisguised hater of White people in the world.
Sontag wrote that “Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Balanchine ballets, et al. don’t redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history.” –Partisan Review, Winter 1967, p. 57.
Sontag, had no problem referring to the White race as the cancer of history because Jewish radicals like her see don’t see themselves as White, but as a distinct people superior to all of humanity. For these Jewish supremacists, there are only two kinds of humanity, the Jewish “Chosen,” and all the rest of the world’s people who are collectively defined as Gentiles or “Goys.”
The depth of her abject hatred of European mankind and civilization can also be seen in her “apology” for the remark. Sontag didn’t apologize for saying her “cancer” remark was hateful and vicious against White people, she apologized for it being insensitive to cancer victims! In perhaps a cosmic apportionment of justice, Sontag herself became cancerous in a literal sense and died in 2004.
Wikipedia says the Vogue cover’s photographer, Annie Liebowitz, has a style “marked by a close collaboration between the photographer and the subject,” so it’s probable to assume she directed James & Bündchen’s poses as an “in your face” affront to White males and a clear lesson for White women (who are not lesbians as she is) to let themselves be taken by Black men. As the article shows, this vicious anti-White photograph on the cover of the world’s leading fashion magazine, one owned and controlled completely by Jewish supremacists, is part of hateful pattern against White people seen throughout the Jewish-dominated news and entertainment media.
— Dr. David Duke
Vogue magazine is the premier publication of American fashion and is considered by most people in the fashion industry as the standard for the whole European World. The Problem for us is that Vogue is not owned by Europeans or those who identify with European heritage as such. It is owned by extremist Jews who consider themselves as a people that did not come from Europe and see themselves in conflict and competition with the European people. The S.I. Newhouse family owns Vogue as part of its magazine, newspaper and broadcasting empire. It is one of the largest media empires in the United States and across the world. A quick survey of Jewish mainstream literature reveals its deep antipathy for the European people. Whether one delves in the Jewish Encyclopedia or simply dabbles in the deluge of Holocaust material churned out by the many media outlets of the Newhouse empire, one finds that Jewish resentment against Gentiles is ubiquitous, intense and deep-seated.
Jewish supremacists Samuel Newhouse, Jr., Vogue cover photog Annie Leibowitz, former lesbian lover to Susan Sontag (Rosenblatt) – the Jewish writer who once described the white race as “the cancer of human history.”
There seem to be an inexhaustible supply of articles, movies, documentaries, books, plays, remembrances and other vehicles that chronicle historical Gentile anti-Semitism. In recent decades many Jewish writers and Jewish-owned publishing houses have gone out of their way to blame the Holocaust not simply on German National Socialists but on all Europeans, and they even go so far as to blame the American people for not doing enough to “prevent” the Holocaust. Thousands of other Jewish books and articles blame the Holocaust on collective, inherent European evil or even on Christianity because the Gospels have numerous “anti-Semitic” passages. Millions of Jews are raised with a chronic recital of Gentile evil and anti-Semitism. Of course, the media never exposes the viciously racist, anti-Gentile character of the Jewish supremacist Talmud.
In his article for The Jewish Quarterly, Prof. Nathan Abrams boasts how Jews have been the driving force behind the mainstreaming of hardcore pornography in America, and he quotes porn moguls boasting of their “atavistic hatred” of Gentiles as a motivation in promoting what they themselves recognize as defilement and degradation of Gentiles. If anti-Gentilism can motivate Jews to promote Gentile defilement with hardcore pornography, one does not have to look far to spot other forms of Jewish revenge against the White Christians. In much Jewish literature, there is both fear, fascination and even jealousy of the fair European aesthetic. One can point for example to Phillip Roth’s book detailing strange combination of Jewish self-loathing combined with a malevolent misanthropy directed against European men and women, Portnoy’s Complaint.
The cover of Newhouse’s Vogue April 2008 is simply a expression of Jewish latent hostility to our people. Basketball star Lebron James is shown clutching the blond, Brazilian (actually German) supermodel Gisele Bündchen in a pose that appears he is shouting in victory. It is a not so subtle image that he has command over the most beautiful White woman in the world. And, of course, the supermodel is posed to appear that she really enjoys being in his clutches. The cover is a clear message from the top fashion magazine in the world, one read by millions of White women, that having a Black sex partner is the most fashionable, coolest thing there is. It is also a direct affront to every White man, with the depiction of a Black male shouting his capture of the White woman on the cover of the world’s leading magazine for women.
Ironically, because of the truly animalistic appearance of Lebron next to an aesthetic, angel-like Gisele, some leftists complained that the cover was reminiscent of the old King Kong Movie posters. Not really, for White women never had to worry about being raped by a fictional King Kong, but in modern America they must be concerned about Black rape, for it is an ever present danger in our sick society.
Just like movies such as Stanley Kramer’s Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, and Rick Rosenthal’s new film, Greta, (both promoting White women with Blacks and both produced by Jewish activists) Vogue and a thousand other Jewish publications are incessantly working for the intermarriage and dissolution of our people. All this is at the same time that every major Jewish organization around the world has programs to prevent Jewish intermarriage with Gentiles. And while Jewish extremists promote race-mixing for Blacks and Whites, Israel does not even allow a legal marriage between a Jew and and a non-Jew.
–- David Duke
Rep. David Duke, P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, Louisiana
Call to order books: (985) 626-7714
DavidDuke.com European American Unity & Rights Organization (EURO)
Read more of David Duke’s thoughts about the Jewish supremacist’s anti-White attacks in the media and efforts to promote interracial sex for White people here: The Defilement and Death of a White Girl
Comments feed for this article
April 4, 2008 at 9:43 pm
These sneaky little Jews love to promote interracial Sex for the Goyim. What white people don’t get, is that Jews DO consider themselves above and separate from all you whites.
Whites are mostly oblivous to it all, thinking Jews are just white people with some old-timey religion and left-leaning politics. Don’t you believe it! They want you to think that way, because it gives them cover to do what they will.
Oh sure, they think you’re better than the “schwartzes” but they still think they’re holier than sh-t and smarter than you. They take inner pleasure in seeing Gentiles screwed up about sex or anything else, for that matter.
I’m sick of all this. Everytime I turn around it’s some new interracial promotion in the media. Haven’t you noticed the uptick in the last few years? It’s been going on now for way too long. Us whites had better put a stop to this continual Jew hatred of us.
April 4, 2008 at 10:14 pm
I was very upset about the picture when I saw it, because if it’s on the cover of Vogue, then miscegenation is now being promoted as “fashionable” in a very blatant way.
April 4, 2008 at 11:09 pm
Rob Chapman
This crudely manipulative cover is yet one more example of the endless pounding of the Jewish drum-beat: It is not only acceptable for White girls to date Negroes, it fashionable and preferred.
If the reader has not yet had the chance to discover “The Culture of Critique” by Kevin Mac Donald Ph.D, please allow me to urge you to do so now.
Professor Mac Donald goes in great detail about the causes, conditions and motivations behind the Jewish push for race mixing for the Goy. The introduction (to the first paperback edition) alone is a thorough eduction about Jewish pathology and psychosis when it comes to Goy, perceived anti-semitism and Jewish ethnocentrism.
April 5, 2008 at 7:20 pm
I’m curious Incog. I noticed that you’re correct when you say there’s been a sudden uptick in the propaganda. Why do you think that is? Why is it all happening now?
The brainwashing and manipulation of the white Gentile in America has been going on for decades now. Why has it suddenly gotten so intense?
The Jewish supremacists and evil traitorous whites that work with them or at least for the same purposes are just saturating everything with mixed couples, gay stuff, kumbaya globalist nonsense, and everything else.
I can’t even flip to National Geographic, without a culture that commits regular infanticide being described as “peaceful”.
You said something to me a long time ago about how when I began to open my eyes to some of these things you talk about that I’d see things in the media with a clarity I never did before. You were right.
Stormfront has changed me enough that I can’t really go back to thinking the old way I did even if I do want to think the best of people.
April 5, 2008 at 7:45 pm
It sucks waking up from the Matrix, eh? Look at it this way: While others scratch their heads and wonder WTF is behind everything these days, you’ll know.
As far as the uptick goes: Of course, no memo is going around saying they must increase the brainwashing! I think the Jewish Supremacists are becoming more and more arrogant (internally and overtly, even) as they gain more political and social power. And having military might and the bomb in Israel cannot be casually ignored.
Jews have real problems with putting themselves in other people’s shoes. They can’t understand why we don’t just whole-heartedly accept their enlightened world views and ignore the obvious hypocrisy. Instead, they lash-out with the anti-Semitism slur should we say something, anything.
One thing you need to always remember is that other races do not think like us or each other. Race is very real and to ignore it for a rosy-color view of the world only makes things get worse and worse for someone, maybe everyone down the road.
That’s why I can’t stand white liberals. Their beliefs actually will exacerbate matters because it allows, probably even spurs other races into taking advantage of us, hence a point in time where we roll over or fight back. Do I make myself clear?
April 5, 2008 at 10:06 pm
I wouldn’t say it sucks because the truth is always better even if it might be difficult to transition to accepting it. Just because it’s better doesn’t make it easy.
I was a biology student (hope to study more in that way later) and as I learned more about biology, fossils, DNA, phylogeny, etc. I came to the inevitable conclusion that evolution was the best explanation for the diversity of life on earth, including how humans evolved as a species. No amount of “apologetic” by weak pseudoscientists would cut it.
Now, I found ways to reconcile that with my faith, but I always look to science for answers to questions about the natural world.
Now having gone through that transition it makes it easier for me to accept other things that go against the grain of what I’ve been previously taught. I want the real deal.
As a scientist I learned to always follow the evidence where it leads, and abandon even the most precious hypotheses if they’re proven invalid.
I also try to test everything I encounter and may be slow to accept concepts as valid, but once I see sufficient evidence to remove reasonable doubt, then I accept them wholeheartedly. I’ve seen a heck of a lot of evidence over the past year and I’m still trying to take it all in, so I apologize if my conservative nature when it comes to paradigm change is making me seem a bit slow on the uptake. I’ve absorbed more than I sometimes let on.
I can assure you that I’m not one of those “white liberals” and I would not betray our race. I apologize for saying anything that may have made it seem that way.
I believe that our race IS civilization. Without us, the entire world would be nothing but third worlders, with a few more advanced villages among the Asians, but nothing like what we’ve been able to accomplish as a people.
I do want to be cautious to keep my head cool and proceed rationally however. I see the problem, but I don’t see the strategy we need to survive. Time is getting short, and I’m getting more concerned by the day.
If it comes to rolling over or fighting back, I’d rather fight back. I just hope when the SHTF I’ll have the means to do so.
April 5, 2008 at 11:09 pm
Apologies by the way for the long reply. If I had time maybe I should start my own blog with the way my posts are getting in length here. Heh. I don’t see how I could say much you’re not already saying though.
April 6, 2008 at 7:30 am
Well, why don’t you write an article about it? Confessions of the newly awakened. Hell, I used to think just like you about it not that long ago. Yeah, I knew a lot of the BS for many years but refused to accept the overall picture out of my fear of what it all means.
April 6, 2008 at 11:24 am
You know I see all kinds of stuff written on the web about the problems that we whites are having about almost every part of our culture and system of values. Yet, I see no one anywhere making a suggestion on what to do about it. All I see is a bunch of complaining. If all anyone is going to do is complain then we get what we deserve. Why doesn’t someone somewhere come up with some sort of plan, some sort of action that can be actually carried out and executed.
It does little good to yell about the sinking boat if you don’t know where the life boats are and can show others how to get to them. You’re just adding to the confusion otherwise.
April 6, 2008 at 3:12 pm
Incog, maybe I will try to do that when I get a chance to pretty soon.
Ovenbuilder, I am frustrated by the same thing. I’d like to do something more than just try to talk to people.
I think the main thing is getting enough people to wake up to racial realities and to put a stop to the propaganda machine going on. Somehow to me it seems as if creating an alternative media doesn’t really cut it. It’s a nice start, of course. We also need to get rid of the mass media we’ve got so that the “alternative media” we’re all hoping for can simply be referred to as “what’s on tv”.
April 7, 2008 at 7:50 pm
Oooh that cover is hawt! =)
May 20, 2008 at 3:43 am
Joe Jussac or Yusuf bin Jussac
Hi, Peace, Shalom or Salaam (same root consonant, Hebrew and Arabic, the SLM). I shall be back later. Find ur homepage critical of all Jewish things. I am a Muslim, hate not the entire Jews, because I read the Holy Qur’an that tells us Muslims a lot about the “Israelists” u call Jews now. There are, dsefinitely, upright, reasonable and good Jews. Google this: tjoaginsing, and you will bump into my old, long “articles” or opinions on the INSANE GWB et al. C u all next time. PEACE. Joe, the insignificant chap who even the ‘sophisticated’ US N.S.A. take trouble to classify (me) as DANGEROUS that it (the Silly N.S.A.) put my name and profile in its “ABOVE COSMIC” files that even the US Presidents do not have the access to )read them). The catchword is BEYOND COSMIC. That is TWO LEVELS above TOP SECRET files in the NSA STUPID!!! For your info people, in less than three months, the US NSA “upgraded” my level to 3rd Rank from the 4th Rank (in the lists of those, globally, the STUPID moron NSA regards as dangerous chaps who dare to bit by bit expose the “FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE”. Sorry to say, the slogan WE TRUST IN GOD, in fact, should be read IN DOG WE TRUST! May ALlah the Almighty help you guys good Americans who are not ANTI ISLAM. Amen. Joe
July 12, 2008 at 4:56 pm
David Duke e la verità sulla politica americana - Page 2 - Giovani.it - Forum
[...] | The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD Vogue: Jew Expression of Anti-White Hatred Vogue: Jew Expression of Anti-White Hatred INCOG MAN: Sick of all the BS, anymore… Accademici e professori universitari dichiaratamente contro i bianchi negli USA (dal sito di Duke) [...]
February 9, 2009 at 12:28 pm
Why couldn’t the Jew photographer just use her REAL boyfriend? It’s not like he’s some ugly weakling Jew (Newhouse). The answer is simple, they are always working to destroy Goyim at all times. They have no interest in reality, only working to form yours.
February 28, 2009 at 3:58 pm
It’s humorous to see people so full of crap. But at the same time, it’s sad to think that any of you actually believe the crap you spout.
February 28, 2009 at 4:18 pm
Icey Key
I’m glad “Anonymous” was able to see through the crap the drive-by zionists and their friends post here. ; )
Too many people are so brainwashed or have such low IQs that seeing the truth makes them cringe or run because it upsets their comfort zone. A comfort zone that has them walking straight to their own slaughter like mindless sheep.
March 5, 2009 at 7:57 pm
When we look back thru history; we find that countries who hosted Zionist Jews all wound up morally and financially bankrupt. Look at the trash Hollywierd puts out as “entertainment”. This “entertainment” is a form of subliminal propaganda and hate speech promoted by Nazi Zionist Jews that teaches our children to rape, murder and HATE anyone the state targets. As a high school senior during the June ’67 Nazi Israeli war of aggression, my Zionist Jew classmates said they would fight for Nazi Israel but not in Viet-Nam for America. They have ruined our once great country. There is a Nazi Zionist Jew behind every bank and major corporation that now seek to be “bailed out” with OUR “goyim” money. People like Bernie Madoff should be killed; not “locked up” in a $7 million penthouse that was purchased with STOLEN funds. None of this will stop until people like that scum start getting “offed” with a 9mm. If you’ve ever seen the traitor Barbara Streisand WITHOUT MAKE-UP; you will realize just how ugly that entire “race” really is.
There is no viable argument proving “they” are “Gods Chosen”. Anyone who believes that false dogma or the big lie about a “Holocaust”; supports a racist “God” and an inbred sub-human species that serves no justifiable purpose.
March 5, 2009 at 8:26 pm
Big Duke 6
Chosenoid video LOL!!!
March 5, 2009 at 9:22 pm
Well said, kimwssmith.
Jews are their own “proud race”, but when caught red-handed, they try to blend with whites, sullying our reputations. When necessary, jews are just a “religous people”, even though 95% don’t even practice. When it serves them, they attempt to intimidate, as if the strongest force to be reckoned with, and in the same day they cry out in victimhood. Almost none of them denounce Israel, yet they’ll cast stones at sites like this.
They are at the top of ALL the biggest scams in history. Like true Gypsies, they have NO loyalty to anybody, except those that MUST be loyal to them.
When will people learn that when they say Goyim are to be abused, they really mean it.
And the holoHOAX? It is more lie than truth.
March 5, 2009 at 10:33 pm
Big Duke 6
You know Incog…there is an actor named “Ron Perlman” who looks like a living representative of a neanderthal man to start with, but WOW this guy makes me almost believe in evolution!!! He says he used to work at a carnival. Imagine taking 3 hours out of your day to get dressed up as “Hellboy,” only to kick the crap out of “evil nazis” what planet are these people from? LOL!!!
August 23, 2009 at 11:10 am
Poor Annie!
9/8/09 can’t get here fast enough.
I love how “budget does not enter into her consciousness.” Must be something in her DNA, I guess.
December 8, 2009 at 6:57 am
April 18, 2010 at 1:42 am
Fuck you you have no right to comment on a people who have struggled for thousands of years and proceed out the abyss of hatred and enter the summit of power and brought down by the racism of a simple minded fuck like you
April 18, 2010 at 1:50 am
I am a proud ZIONIST JEWISH AMERICAN and I will not stand by and watch as my people are targeted by racist scum. Without the Jewish people you be nothing. Israel and America are lands of freedom and equality and they do not accept people like you. People who refuse to adapt to modern society. People who lag behind like a lost generation of fools like you. In conclusion:
April 18, 2010 at 1:55 am
t herzel
Incogman i don’t know who you are but i do know that you are ignorant and uneducated, jews have dealt with so much hatred throughout history and we don’t need you to aid that. FUCK YOU.
April 18, 2010 at 1:57 am
American born
“people who refuse to reform to modern society”
I think you mean people who refuse to conform to jew controll…
April 18, 2010 at 2:05 am
American born
jews bring on world hate thru their activities. Much of the educated world hates jews as well as the common man or woman. The majority of the world sees your race as distastefull for good reason…
April 18, 2010 at 2:07 am
Let’s see what anonymous jew is telling American people:
“Fuck you you have no right to comment ….”.
That’s the same message we hear from every other jew, anonymous. Here is what Americans have to say:
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
April 18, 2010 at 2:21 am
Fuzz zion, “…lands of freedom and equality and they do not accept people like you.”
Are you speaking about Americans not being accepted in America, you zionist geek? YOU are the one who doesn’t belong here, in a land built by a free people, with your dual “citizenship” (made in China, or Israel along with other cheap counterfiets before being shipped to America) and your single loyalty – a loyalty that is NOT to America. Go back to whatever little communal hole you crawled from and leave decent people in peace.
April 18, 2010 at 2:27 am
If your smart enough to understand this “Icey Key” or “American” or “Chet”
than you’ll read this. I’m sad for you. For your ignorance that plagues a sea of intolerance. In the end of your life you will see a path that will be closed to you because of your intolerance. Others move on with the rest of the world towards a future that is filled with opportunities that will be closed to you because of your hatred to a people who only offer quality of life and endless contributions to the US or Britain and the rest of modern society. To believe that your racism is truly reality than god help you. Regardless of your mental state and your emotional functionality you are not excused for the comments that you express on a people. Bernie Madoff is no Jew he is not a representation of our people and neither are you “American”. You have right to represent America or call yourself american. America is a country of strength not weak racism.
אלוהים מכה השנאה שלך לשלוח אותך לעזאזל. לקבלת אלוהים לא לאשר השמצות ושנאה.
April 18, 2010 at 2:37 am
American born
The jew greatly weakens America with porn, anti White propoganda, destruction of our economy, and wars for israeli intrests. The jew is no ally to America. The jew spits on our Christian heritage and greatly envys our ability to have a nation. israel is a fake nation which survives on the back of American aide and military strength. israel is an anchor bringing down America and our cultral as well. The jews have done a great deal of destruction to American pride thru the denegration of classic American ideals in the media and jew produced movies. The world now sees us as fighting jew wars and despises us. The Iraq war was a jew war. jews are a danger to all Americans including those whom they pit against us Whites.
April 18, 2010 at 2:40 am
American born
With sites like this an hundereds of others people are awakening to your jewish ways of subversion and deciet. Your time of controll is nearing to an end. Where will you go??? The whole world hates you…
April 18, 2010 at 4:59 am
Cannibal Rabbi
m dayan.
And the rest of you hook nosed, pot bellied, cross eyed poofters.
Don’t waste time worrying about us. Concentrate on finidng an aids-free mohel to tear half the penis from your offspring with only the help of his bright green teeth! Or on finding non-kike children to murder, so that you can eviscerate them of their organs for future use by a peadophile mohel.
The great circle of life eh.
You’re going down kike.
It wont go well for you.
Detestable scum.
Bastard people.
April 18, 2010 at 8:21 am
It was good to see the Security Exchange Commission charge Goldman Sachs with fraud. Between them and Lehman Brothers we finally can show the less informed who caused our financial collapse, beyond a reasonable doubt. That fact is now so clear that even a cave man can see it! These scum, their families, and the other filthy kikes like Bernie Madoff should be offed for what they did.
Lose your house? Lose your job? lose your unemployment benefits? it is all caused by Nazi Zionist jews. This is a deliberate Nazi jew conspiracy to destroy the U.S.A.
The board members and families of these banks, exchanges, and money laundering syndicates should be hunted down and permanently disposed of, just as a rabid dog would be put down.
Until and unless this vermin begins paying with their lives: the looting and destruction of America will continue.
“Alqeda” = Nazi israel. Ronald Reagan financed Alqeda for the jews to be used as the “bogey man” to make the U.S. population think those “muzzies” are “out to get us”. This is just as much of a false flag as the USS Liberty incident and 911 They are not Arab; THEY ARE NAZI JEWS!
It is alleged that the CEO of Lehman Brothers sent BILLIONS of $ to Nazi israel. The “jewelry” that Bernie Madoff sent to “family” members while under investigation were actually bags of BLOOD DIAMONDS he sent to Nazi israel. None of these so-called “people” who are U.S. citizens support the U.S. All they support the U.S. for is demanding the BILLIONS in U.S. welfare they use to finance the murder of children for their internal organs, and to finance their human trafficking network.
Ever wonder about Natalie Holloway, and where she is? She was more than likely taken by these bastards and sold to a whore house somewhere in South East Asia. The coward who said he “dumped” her body in the ocean is a jew who has been caught attempting to traffic other victims since then. Slavery and the slave trade is legal in Nazi israel, as is trafficking of the internal organs from the children they murder on a daily basis.
It is time to drive these seditious traitors and the illegal aliens they support and encourage to destroy our country into pits where they can be turned into fertilizer. Their only purpose for their support of the illegal aliens is it furthers their aim in the destruction of OUR COUNTRY. None of them belong here. They should be treated with suspicion and hostility, at the very least.
The southern border should be militarized and the drones used to kill women and children in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and numerous other countries; be turned on the illegal invaders here where the real threat is. The southern border is where the terrorists are entering OUR COUNTRY.
April 18, 2010 at 10:22 am
M. Dayan,
The last we heard from you was when you said that “Israelis” [sic] biggest problem is that they believe their own propaganda.
You also said, didn’t you, that you Zionist terrorists learned all you know from the madman Wingate, naked with only an onion round his neck, screaming at you to bayonet the Arab babies. That was before the Jew Amory brought him to Burma.
Aaah … the madness of Zion.
April 18, 2010 at 10:32 am
Cannibal Rabbi
OI reckn theyz not roit in thee ‘ed loike.
April 18, 2010 at 10:36 am
Moshe Dayan:
“Israel cannot afford to stand against the entire world and be denounced as the aggressor.”
“Most important, don’t do anything you don’t want.”
“Using the moral yardstick mentioned by [Moshe Sharett], I must ask: Are we justified in opening fire on the [Palestinian] Arabs who cross [the border] to reap the crops they planted in our territory [stolen from them]; they, their women, and their children? Will this stand up to moral scrutiny . . .? We shoot at those from among the 200,000 hungry [Palestinian] Arabs who cross the line [to graze their flocks]—- will this stand up to moral review? Arabs cross to collect the grain that they left in the abandoned [i.e. ethnically cleansed] villages and we set mines for them and they go back without an arm or a leg. . . . It may be that this cannot pass review, but I know no other method of guarding the borders.”
“The only method that proved effective, not justified or moral but effective, when Arabs plant mines on our side [in retaliation]. If we try to search for the Arab, it has not value. But if we HARASS the nearby village . . . then the population there comes out against the [infiltrators] . . . and the Egyptian Government and the Transjordan Government are driven to prevent such incidents because their prestige is assailed, as the Jews have opened fire, and they are unready to begin a war . . . the method of collective punishment so far has proved effective.” (1955)
[At a funeral:] “Let us not today fling accusation at the murderers. What cause have we to complain about their fierce hatred to us? For eight years now, they sit in their refugee camps in Gaza, and before their eyes we turn into our homestead the land and villages in which they and their forefathers have lived. We should demand his blood not from the [Palestinian] Arabs of Gaza but from ourselves. . . . Let us make our reckoning today. We are a generation of settlers, and without the steel helmet and gun barrel, we shall not be able to plant a tree or build a house.” (1956)
“All that is required [to divide and conquer Lebanon] is to find an officer, even a captain [later to be Sa'ed Haddad] would do, to win his heart or buy him with money to get him to agreed to declare himself the savior of the Maronite population. Then the Israeli army will enter Lebanon, occupy the necessary territory, create a Christian regime that will ally itself with Israel. The territory from Litani southward will be totally annexed to Israel, and everything will fall into place.” (1956)
“We want [Palestinian] emigration, we want a normal standard of living, we want to encourage emigration according to a selective program.” (1967)
“The proposed policy [of raising the level of public service in the occupied territories] may clash with our intention to encourage emigration from both [Gaza] Strip and Judea and Samaria. Anyone who has practical ideas or proposal to encourage emigration—-let him speak up. No idea or proposal is to be dismissed out of hand.” (1968)
“Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist, not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushu’a in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not one single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population.” (1969)
“Never mind that [when asked that Syrians initiated the war from the Golan Heights]. After all, I know how at least 80 percent of the clashes there started. In my opinion, more than 80 percent, but let’s talk about 80 percent. It went this way: We would send a tractor to plough someplace where it wasn’t possible to do anything, in the demilitarized area, and knew in advance that the Syrians would start to shoot. If they didn’t shoot, we would tell the tractor to advance farther, until in the end Syrians would get annoyed and shoot. And then we would use artillery and later the air force also, and that’s how it was. I did that, and Laskov and Chara [Zvi Tsur, Rabin's predecessor as chief of staff] did that, Yitzhak did that, but it seems to me that the person who most enjoyed these games was Dado [David Elzar, OC Northern Command, 1964-69].” (1976)
“Our American friends offer us money, arms, and advice. We take the money, we take the arms, and we decline the advice.”
“There is no more Palestine. Finished . . .” (1973)
[Dayan's Masada vision:] “A new State of Israel with broad frontiers, strong and solid, with the authority of the Israel Government extending from the Jordan [river] to the Suez Canal.” (1973)
April 18, 2010 at 9:20 pm
The JDL does not have time for this, these lies brought on by hatred. The Jewish people are a proud race. Erezts Yisrael is the land of our people that was take from us. Theodore Herzl, Moshe Dayan, Hannah Szenes are the representation of a true Jew one that is not afraid to stand up for Zion and give the one place in the world were Jews can have a home. America is a country of freedom and expression. Where Jews are still treated like the cause of every issue that occurs. Its common for people to unite and find a enemy. In this case the Jewish People who have done no damage what so ever to any people. we are singled out because we have done nothing wrong and the opinion of a public internet forum is no insult to us. You only waste your time proving to each other who can probe the most, bother the Jew, send him to his breaking point. These are not political views these are expression of common hatred. People have the right to assembly and express their opinion together. But it is fair in a debate for there to be an apposing argument but if you can’t except what the internet is, a public forum than there is no reason to continue wasting time with people who’s arguments based on racism and slander. Christianity is an amazing religion the strides it has made are incredible. The same goes for Islam who both remember were our brothers once. And all this Anti-Israel ignorance that is pulled from the racism of “white” america. If your saying America is closed to us Minorities. Than god help you.
April 18, 2010 at 9:38 pm
GDL/White Master
Dayan must think we are really stupid or something, or else he is trying to sway new readers.
April 18, 2010 at 9:45 pm
GDL/White Master
I for one am not impressed one bit by a Jew and his lies. Jews always leave cracks in their lies though that is all they do and what they do best….they still can’t do it perfectly.
All lies have one ultimate destiny and that destiny is to be uncovered and discarded out in the trash or FIRE!
The truth is snowballing and there is nothing a whiney Jew like M.Dayan can do about it. Play the poor-Jew victim mentality all you want because all that does is piss the Jew-aware off that much more against you. Jewish supremacy is on its death bed and that is FINAL!
April 18, 2010 at 9:58 pm
Moishe Dayan: Stopped by for a little gibbering fun, Jew?
Funny how you can spout the crap and then turn around and piss on Whites like it’s nothing. Or kill the Palestinians taking up the land you decided to steal.
Guess what, Jew? America is quick becoming sick of your big words and hypocrisy. Got that, Jew?
April 18, 2010 at 10:07 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
I don’t have any problem with m dayan on the board. He/she has declared their perspective and bias clearly, and i don’t fear debate with any psuedo-jew.
He/she appears to be about twelve years of age though.
Akira has started the ball rolling so….
m dayan.
Palestine wasn’t taken from you. You have either been brainwashed or are a liar.
The vast majority of “jews” hail from Central Russia. Why do you refuse to grasp this commonly accepted fact.
Why do your people take such satisfaction from the brutal murder of children.
Is there no concept of shame among your people?
April 18, 2010 at 10:09 pm
Stiff-Necked Dayan: “The Jewish people are a proud race.”
A race? Is Campbell Brown a racial Jewess? How about the Jewess Elizabeth Taylor and the Jewess Marilyn Monroe?
By the way, in the Bible that the Jewbos reject it says that pride goes before a fall.
Racist Dayan: “Theodore Herzl [is] the representation of a true Jew.”
Herzl promised the Pope that he would have all the Jews of Austria baptized in to the Roman Catholic Church if the Church would support the Jewish invasion and colonization of Palestine. Some representative!
April 18, 2010 at 10:27 pm
The Jew is not going to reply. He’s off somewhere patting himself on the back for setting us straight. Jews are too high up to hear anything but their own chatter.
April 18, 2010 at 10:31 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
It can still be fun ripping the piss, (mocking ) out ‘o them.
April 18, 2010 at 10:33 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Like i said . No problems debating a self identifying jew.
It’s the poseurs who grind my gears.
April 18, 2010 at 10:48 pm
Yeah, those that use the term “Rabbi” and brag about their knowledge of the talmud and their ability to recite it at will get on my nerves too…
April 18, 2010 at 10:50 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Dave is a kike name . No?
April 18, 2010 at 10:56 pm
To the best of my knowledge it is an Israelite name. I share it with many others, Dr. Duke included. Don’t waste your time causing division over such foolish things, friend. It is my given name, I use it because of that. Whatever, surely we can “disagree to agree” on something here without your foolish divisive behavior, no?
Don’t allow yourself to serve our enemy’s purpose.
April 18, 2010 at 11:08 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Find More lyrics at http://www.sweetslyrics.com
Soon I discovered that this rock thing was trueJerry lee lewis was the devilJesus was an architect previous to his career as a prophetAll of a sudden, I found myself in love with the worldSo there was only one thing that I could doWas ding a ding dang my dang a long ling longDing dang a dong bong bing bongTicky ticky thought of a gunEverytime I try to do it all now babyAm I on the runWhy why why why why babyIf it’s so evil then? Give me my time, with all my powerGive it to me all again (wow)Ding a ding a dang a dong dong ding dongEvery where I goEverytime you tell me babyWhen I settle downGot to get me a trailer parkAnd hold my world aroundWhy why why why? Ding ding donga dong dong ding dongDingy dingy son of a gunHalf my time I tell you babyNever am I all for sureWhy why why why why babySicky sicky from withinEverytime I stick my finger on in yaYou’re a wild wild little town bitchNow how ’bout ding a dang dong dong dong ling longDingy a dingy dong a downEverytime you tell me babyWhen I settle downGot to get me a trailer parkAnd hold my world aroundWhy why why why? In my dang a ding a ding a ding dongA sticky sticky son of a gunDing a danga danga dong dong ding dongWhy why never knowWhy why wack a dong a dang ding dongThen you take it on the billDing dang dong don’t dongWhoa!I wanna love ya!Why why why, why why darlingDo you do you tell me to play? Half the time I talk about it all now babyYou know what I’m talkin’ about I saidWhy why why it’llTicky ticky ticky tickySon of a gunDing ding dong a bong bong bing bongTicky ticky thought of a gunBing bing bang a bang a bang bing bong bing a bing bang a bongBinga bing a bang a bong bong bing bong bing banga bongBing bing bang a bong bong bing bing binga binga banga bongBing bing bang a bang bang bing bongAarrrhhhh…Ding dang a dang bong bing bongTicky ticky thought of a gunEverytime I try to do it all now babyAm I on the runWhy why whyIt’ll ticky ticky ticky ticky ticky tickyDawn of a gunBing bing bang a bong a bong bing bang aTicky ticky thought of a gunBing bip bip a bop bop boom bamTicky ticky through the dayIf you got a doubt ’bout babyThe memory is on the bedWhy why why why whyDarlin’ uh it don’t knowWhen my time is onMight tell me never do it on his ownIf my time was all as is yoursMake me burn a wishWhen my time with you is brutishNo I’ll never not everWhy why why why why why baby heavy hellAlone and it’s here it’s this thunderThe thunder oh thunderOh!Jesus built my carIt’s a love affairMainly jesus and my hot rodYeah, fuck it!
April 18, 2010 at 11:17 pm
Interesting and informative response, Cannibal Rabbi. You should know that intelligence is NOT an exclusive trait of the ashkenazi/kike, my friend.
Intelligence, my brothers, is not just the hoarding or propagation of information but the capability to use it in a beneficial way. You all have that ability, I have faith you will put it to use!
April 18, 2010 at 11:50 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Dave, yours was the interesting response.
When i referred to poseurs i wasn’t referring to you.
You reacted as if i was.
As it happens, i don’t think youare a jew.
But you are a know it all.
There are guys on here who could buy and sell you and ME, when it comes to their depth of background knowledge etc.
Humble yourself a bit.
Leave the arrogance for the yids.
your whole schtick sounds like this guy to my ears.
April 19, 2010 at 12:54 am
As you know, M. Dayan
“The borders of Israel are whereever the Sahal will go”
David Ben Gurion
April 19, 2010 at 1:29 am
That’s a good point! I also think that the borders of my people’s home are defined by where they reside. Many before me also had that thought. I suppose that makes us all jews… unless they run for the hills, right?
Disinformation slash Division propaganda central here I see.
May 16, 2010 at 2:31 am
dont worry because here it comes
June 15, 2010 at 2:40 pm
This is crazy! If you go to any other country, you’ll see much more dignity for their people in the media. We are blatantly under attack. It’s obviously undemocratic. People need to lobby to stop allowing business to publish this kind of filth in the mass media.