In this topsey-turvey, screwed-up world the Jews have turned our countries into, it seems like every five minutes someone on my blog is accusing so-and-so of being a disinfo agent for the Jews (like me), screaming about a commentator “dissing” them or maybe even someone not being ”White enough.” So why do I have so much infighting and name calling here?
The core problem is all the “hate” business. This is the framework to the whole Politically Correct business and effectively corrals the thinking and speaking of White people in our lands. We have long been under a secretive and gradual assault by the Jewish NWO, to limit the possibility of us Whites organizing, seeing their Agenda for what it truly is and effectively working with each other to put a stop to them.
Hell, this stuff has been going on so long now that it’s ridiculous most White people have yet to get it through their thick skulls and put two-and-two together. The frustration of Awakened Whites often boils over and has us yelling at each other over the various descriptions and interpretation of the perp’s motives. Need I remind you that proving motive is unnecessary in a court of law?
A person does not have to hate when he knows he’s being victimized in some fashion. If there is plenty of evidence that something is going on, normally a sane person would do something to protect themselves (call the police, your lawyer, or sit in the dark with a loaded shotgun). It doesn’t mean you’re filled with hate. When it comes down to it, it might help some though (more in a minute).
It’s a really fine line to follow when talking about all this stuff. Some try to say “I don’t hate all of them, just the Zionists…” Sure, you can take that route. Others just take the simpler approach and hate them all. I probably fall into that category (ha ha), even though I’m not really as intense as I sometimes sound. It’s hard to stipulate a lot of caveats first as you try to smack people up-side the head.
One big problem is religion. I have the Atheists and Pagan commentators here. I have Christian Identity and the off-shoot “British Israelites.” I have Protestants, Baptists and Catholics, but haven’t yet had any Buddhists, Anabaptists or Zoroastrians (that I know of). Everybody has a different take on the God business. I can’t keep it all straight.
Another big problem is that they are some Jews on the Internet who love to play-act the hard-core Whitey bit and attack Whites for not being White enough, just to spark fighting among ourselves. This is not idle conjecture on my part: I once had the opportunity to look over their shoulders, so to speak, and that course of action titillated the Jews I observed.
Let me stress that some elements of Jewry do indeed take devious personal enjoyment in working up the White masses. You really have no idea, unless you take special efforts to find out (like doing a blog or impersonating one of them, for example).
Jews have tens of thousands in groups specifically organized by a foreign country (Israel), geared to go on the Internet and spout the Jew line without breathing a word of who they really are. Called Hasbara, they embed themselves within Internet chat rooms or work resource places like Wikipedia so they can change, obfuscate or mitigate what the foolish Goyim read.
Other Jews, perhaps a little less sneaky but no less subversive, greatly fear White solidarity so they work to push liberal agendas (especially non-White issues and immigration into our countries). They pose as “concerned humanitarian” Whites following a wide variety of Jewish agendas. Agendas that the hypocrite Jews blatantly reject when it comes to precious Israel.
These are the Pied Pipers to the White liberals, who equate any Jew talk with Nazi genocide. They fail to consider the possibility they are being used to further the racial agenda of the Khazar “Jew” — who are the real racial hypocrites, ”supremacists” (the Chosen Ones, remember) and war mongers of the world. They’ve been kicked out of every single country they’ve ever lived, for good reasons.
Anti-White PC slanders are the simply the verbal tools all these people use to silence Whites, even those of us who don’t mention a word about the Jew!
It’s true: Patriotic American groups that never talk about the Jew, who only try to put a stop to illegal immigration are targeted as ”racist” by these Jew groups and the liberal, Jew-owned media. The Jews know what we should all know, and openly work to head off such thinking at the pass.
You just don’t know how many apparently White people are really Jews to begin with. You can’t go by the names or some made up Internet “handle” to spot these people.
And it’s not some giant conspiracy going on. They understand that virtually all Whites can’t logically see that happening and use ridicule to keep them from looking into things deeper. It’s really a deep-seated, atavistic racial hatred of non-Jews that manifests itself in a multitude of forms that keep the White race confused and divided.
It’s not just the liberal Jews who do these kinds of things. Oh no. The conservative Jews too. In fact, virtually all of them are little more than Israeli agents living in our countries, working together across the board to advance the goals of that rogue nation of Israel. Conservative or otherwise, Jews are basically traitors to the American concept.
One major factor is the so-called “holocaust.” This event has been callously milked by Big Khazar Jewry to gain sympathy for the State of Israel and guilt blackmail. They’ve resurrected old WWII propaganda and lies over the last 40 years, with no end in sight. Of course, all this Jew suffrink propaganda has affected little Jewry in big ways right along. After-all they just couldn’t come out and say “this is only meant for Goyim consumption,” now could they? This has resulted in a little Jewry paranoid to the extreme about a resurgence of the “evil Nazis.”
If you look back, all this started happening back during the 1970′s. I believe it might have been Big Jewry’s reaction to the 1973 Yom Kippur war where Israel was surprised by the Arabs. The 1967 war was secretly started by Jews so they could take Jerusalem; they sucked the Arabs in, got them riled-up and then attacked them out of the blue.
Back to my blog: Some Whites who come here are really hard core about the Whiteness bit. That’s cool with me. But why do these people get all bollixed up when I let non-Whites have their say? Surely, they must realize that other races may have insights into the Jew Question or another perspective on what’s being done to us White people.
If you are a total White race kind of person, then your views are important to me too. Maybe more so. Don’t leave here in a huff just because someone makes a comment you disagree with, or the commentator is not a White. I need all the help I can get!
And I can’t always tell if someone is a Jew, or merely contentious. My Jewdar is not always so perfect. Another big thing to remember is some Whites are just waking up and may still sound Jewy in what they say. We should try to offer them a helping hand (I try, but I’m not always so good either).
I’m not that smart of a guy about the whole business. I wrestle with things just as much as the rest of you. If you are a White person who insists I be some kind of Hitler SS kind of guy and one-drop race arbitrator, you might get disappointed on occasion. But please don’t get all irate.
Or, if you are a Mr. Nice Guy about the races, don’t be offended when I say something a little too hard-core about the other races. Don’t worry: I’m not some blogger guy off someplace wearing a pointed White hood as I type my screeds. Chrome-plated Nazi helmet with a point on top, maybe.
The word “racist” is a political tool, created by a Jew (Trotsky) and named by a Jew (Hirschfeld). In the end, it’s really meant to silence White people from broaching the Jew subject and what they want to do. Once a White ignores the anti-White term, he or she will feel a surge in awareness and clarity that will be surprising. Try it sometime.
On the subject of race, let’s get this out on the table: I really don’t give a rat’s ass if you find oriental or Spanish chicks hot, or have a buddy who’s a big fat Negro. In fact, I’ve talked with a few Negroes over the years who are much more Jew-wise than White people out there. No lie, sad to say.
But the idea of hooking up with a black frankly, sickens me to my stomach. Besides the eventual ruination of White genetics (genocide, actually), it would be a lot like sleeping with a STD-ridden bonobo chimpanzee. Bestiality is not at all welcome here at INCOG LAND.
Let me reiterate: Blacks are generally a worthless bunch. Sorry if that offends you. If left to their own devices, they rapidly become violent and lazy — devolving into the usual forms of Negrotude that fill up our prisons and tax our courts. Sure, some might be good, but those few usually end-up victimized by other blacks, sooner or later.
And these totally vile people rob, rape and viciously murder members of MY RACE. The numbers and kinds of crimes are purposefully blacked-out nationally by the liberal Jew media — all to keep us Whites from seeing black’s true nature and getting justifiably pissed (which could present problems for the real power structure).
The law of the jungle runs deep in these people. Just look at Africa or even our own American cities — for crying out loud — to see incontrovertible proof of what I say. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand the reality about this race.
Actually, having Whites in control makes life a whole lot better for blacks. The way I see it, blacks are around 30,000 years behind White evolution (uh oh, the creationists will now hate me). Why do they prefer to live in America in the first place and not immigrate back to Africa?
The whole bit about “equality” actually means bringing Whites down to their level, not the other way around. Regardless of all the nice and heroic black actors you see on Jew TV.
But if I was really smart and Jew-devious, I’d ignore all the black crime, TNB stories, etc. and work to agitate them against the Jew. But it’s practically impossible for me to keep quiet when I see my fellow Whites horribly victimized by “these people.”
One thing you notice when doing a blog like this, is that blacks never, ever comment on articles not dealing with the black race. Why? Because they don’t read them, that’s why. Blacks are extremely self-centered creatures and generally could care less about non-black subjects, including America’s future. Unless it’s a black telling them about it.
Also, make note that I allow commenting here on subjects that many other blogs dealing with these issues refuse to do. I think it’s important that your views can and should be made. I don’t extend that courtesy to Jews, since they can freely attack us just about everywhere else.
I could just come out and beg all you people to be nice to each other, or SPAMblinka the mean ones (putting them in my SPAM que). But that would be the wuss way out, and I certainly don’t like the idea of sounding like Rodney “can’t we all just get along? King. That’s not happening with this SOB!
The point I’m trying to make is that I can’t sit here and police everything. There’s going to be a lot of infighting and name calling. I try to avoid SPAMblinking people, but I do once in awhile when things get out of hand. But only when I’m fairly sure I got a Jew on my hands. But that’s hard to say a lot of times.
I might also accidently SPAMblinka a true White once in while by mistake. My apologies in advance.
Another thing: Some people (including moi) are naturally big SOBs, itching to show our assholiness. I can’t be going around being Miss Manners and stuff; especially considering I’m about the worse one here (another great reason to have a blog). If you’re the sensitive type, maybe it’s best for you to go read some blog on tulip gardening or organizing your spice rack.
Yeah, I’m kind of a big time SOB. I sort of let it all hang out here. I wouldn’t say most of these kinds of things at a hoity-toity cocktail party or bar mitsvah (ha ha), believe me. It’s fun, too, to say what you think, so I try to let everyone else coming here do the same without pissing off too many real Whites (that I’m sure of).
When all is said and done, Jews are the biggest problem for Whites, by far. Jews are a spiteful and tricky race. We would not be having so many problems as a country if it were not for the Jews. Jews will end-up being the death of our race should we let things go on. They also may mean the death of civilization if we let them spark another world war.
And it’s not just Zionists, either. If not Zionism, it would be Marxism or some other kind of ISM with this bunch. Jews have been THE major source of ISMS in the whole world, when you think about it.
Another thing about Jewry is that they go ballistic when a fellow Jew gets victimized by a non-Jew. These people remember shit going back thousands of years and still want payback. It’s insanity! Ironically, it’s another people who suffered and mostly disappeared long ago, and not the Khazars of eastern Europe who call themselves Ashkenazi “Jews.”
I can’t list out all the things that Jewry in general are doing to US, Canada and Europe. Even writing a single sentence on each thing Jews are involved in, suddenly becomes 1500 words. You readers new to the Jew Question simply must check out the things people are saying, both here and elsewhere.
The short answer to why INCOG LAND is often so contentious? Jewry’s little head games on all us White people going back decades in America and maybe even centuries elsewhere, reaching right down into all of us.
We attack each other here because it’s a microcosm of what the Jews have done to America’s head over-all. Yep, even the vitriolic commentary at INCOG LAND is directly tied to the effects of Jewry on this country. Ripples of Political Correctness fostered and created by the Jew reaches right down into my little blog. Hell, it’s in everyone’s dining and living rooms today.
Now, getting back to the “hate” thing: Hate clarifies the situation and is entirely natural, considering what’s going on. Yep, you heard me. Totally evil people think they can literally get away with lies, hypocrisies and murder somehow expect you to stand idly by, simply by calling you “the hater.”
These people clearly deserve the justified wrath of an aroused and angry White population who have had quite enough of the continual BS.
I’m just telling you like it is. I wish all this wasn’t so. If it wasn’t, I’d be here blogging about fishing, Civil War history and tips on yard work (damn, my yard looks good right now). Or drinking my White ass off.
And yeah, I know that my signature “regular guy” schtick may seem like an act to some. But hell, all I’m doing is trying to write like I might talk to another White person in real life. The cool thing about blogging and the subject matter at hand, is that I don’t have to lie and make stuff up out of thin air. The material is plenty good enough all by itself.
So, let’s not cry the blues if things are not always to your liking at INCOG LAND. I’m doing the GD best I can and that’s no lie!
– Phillip Marlowe
Comments feed for this article
April 26, 2010 at 6:50 pm
My reallity is waking up to a history full of lies and deceit.
My reallity is waking as manny up as possible.
Your reallity is towing the line for your masters.
Your reallity is intolorance of any other point of veiw. Or else.
Your reallity WILL come back and eventually destroy you.
Your reallity is FUCKED! And so are you.
Have a nice day.
April 26, 2010 at 6:55 pm
Incog Man will you please say whether you’re a Mason or a member of another NWO friendly organization? You seem to have ignored my question.
The hand sign is associated with serpents especially when Shiva is shown using it in Indian depictions. Shiva is usually pointing the hand sign toward a cobra.
April 26, 2010 at 7:02 pm
Sorry about forgetting your question.
No, I am not a Mason or some other NWO friendly group. Nor am I affliated with Satan, Beezlebub, Lucifer, Shiva or Oprah. I do like drinking moonshine from Mason jars, however.
April 26, 2010 at 7:05 pm
Ok thanks for answering that question. It needs to be asked of everyone claiming to be against the NWO. Still, look at what Ron Paul has done. Not only did he turn around and say MLK was his hero (a disgrace), but he pretends to be against the new world order agenda and yet he’s caught flashing all the hand signs associated with it. Why do so many WNs praise this guy? By the way Sarah Palin was also caught doing it.
April 26, 2010 at 7:09 pm
Let’s not be so quick to judge Ron Paul. He knows that he has to play the game or get tossed by the Jew. Already, they look at him with suspicion. Palin is a Zionist whore, straight-up. Looks like Rand is playing the game, too.
April 26, 2010 at 7:20 pm
There’s another thing I have a difficult time understanding. I really want to ask this question because I’ve had a very hard time trying to puzzle it out.
Why do WNs always equate “zionism” as being the same as “liberalism”? It’s true that many Jewish people are extreme leftists and have been involved in horrible, destructive social movements. George Soros is a big example of such an evil person.
However it seems that Zionism itself would have nothing to do with this, as it’s about a people (aka a nation) returning to a certain geographic region (a country), and living within those borders. If a nation is defending a territory for its own benefit, then Zionism seems to be the exact opposite of leftist/NWO thought. It’s the left wing Jews in Israel that want to divide it and create a Palestinian state, not the right wing nationalist Jews. The right wing nationalist Jews want to expand the settlements and defend their territory from another people/nation (the Arabs). The right wing Jews seem to be following “Zionism” a lot more closely than the left wing ones.
However, when I listen to WN radio programs or read WN material, zionism and liberalism and NWO is used almost interchangeably. Could you please explain to me why you don’t consider zionism to be a right wing nationalist movement? People who want a two state solution don’t seem to be Zionist at all, and all of Israel’s leaders right now seem to be left wing and want a two state solution.
April 26, 2010 at 7:25 pm
It’s simple for me: I can’t stand anything about the Jews. I’ve had it with the whole bunch, regardless of politics. They are White people’s enemies. Look at history over the last 100 years. One war after another. It should be readily apparent it’s all been a big Jew game.
April 26, 2010 at 7:33 pm
“It’s the left wing Jews in Israel that want to divide it and create a Palestinian state, not the right wing nationalist Jews.”-AntiNWO
My personal take is that both the liberal (left) JEWS and the neo-con, zionist (right) JEWS are wasting my country for their benefit, and that’s all I have to know.
Besides, there must be a whole lot more “zionists” in Israel that lefties, as most (upwards of 90%) think JEWS killing innocent Palestinians is ok.
April 26, 2010 at 7:38 pm
The NWO is everyone’s enemies, not just white people’s. I don’t believe there should be any type of global community. Only among people of similar national background or heritage should there be any sense of community that crosses a country’s borders. Diplomatic relations should be there to a degree, but not to the point of foreign aid, etc.
For example Haiti’s problems are not our problems. Africa’s problems are not our problems. If the people there can’t take care of their own, then that’s their own affair. They should rely on themselves and on God to help them, not the USA or other countries which are not their kin.
Think about how the NWO agenda would affect Israel. By destroying Israel’s borders, and insisting on assimilation and intermarriage between all peoples, there would be no more Jewish people. It’s just not in their national interest to go along with the NWO. Some of their leaders do, but those leaders are leftists. If the Jewish people/nation are to survive as a distinct people, they must become the most ardent opposers of such an agenda. The Settlers, who do oppose this agenda, are put under terrible persecution by their own leftist government.
I think all nationalists have more in common with them than we do with so-called right wing people like Ron Paul who are really NWO agents.
I see it this way. NWO = world community, mixing, assimilation, persecution of nationalism, open borders, etc.
Anti-NWO = nationalism, kin-based communities, taking care of your own first, recognizing national sovereignty, strong borders, marrying within your own kind, etc.
Which one of these does Zionism more closely resemble?
I’m sorry that you hate all Jews Incog Man but I see Zionism as nationalism. While I’m not Jewish I do support their efforts to remain a separate and distinct people as I would for any people who wants to remain separate and distinct from others.
April 26, 2010 at 7:43 pm
Well, sure, you’re right. But it’s the White race that has to be managed first. We’re the ones who present the most danger to these people’s ambitions. This is why we have all the BS directed at us. Think it out!
April 26, 2010 at 7:44 pm
If Ron Paul will dissolve the Fed, and end wars that I have to pay for, I’ll vote for him.
Hey, How do we overcome criminal cowardice while defending America from JEWRY?
April 26, 2010 at 7:50 pm
You are aware that 70% of JEWS continue to choose to live OUTSIDE Israel in host nations they exploit, right?
I agree with you, JEWS should all go to Israel. It’ll be easy, since they have dual-citizenship, whicch by the way, is not afforded to any other citizens in the US.
April 26, 2010 at 8:02 pm
It’s true that white people are targeted for genocide. White people are being heavily targeted for assimilation with other races and white nations are being flooded by third world immigrants, such as Muslims, Mexican and Central American peasants, Turks, etc. I think it’s imperative that white people stand up as a race and look out for their own racial interests, just as every other race is allowed to do.
The other races are also in eventual danger (through mixing into one big blob of a world community), but whites are being particularly targeted right now.
I would like to remind you of what I reminded David Duke of in the comment section of one of his videos. Some of the biggest promoters of this agenda are also Gentiles. Ted Kennedy for example did more to promote and advance the NWO agenda than all of the left wing Jews in New York put together. Ted Kennedy had the gall to say that his ideas about immigration would not change the ethnic makeup of the USA. What a liar! I’m so glad he’s dead. Maybe Mary Jo Kopechne (A Polish-American he murdered in cold blood) is allowed to torment him for what he did to her.
There is also Ted Turner, who donated massive amounts of money to the UN.
Hmmm, better watch out for those evil “Teds”, wouldn’t you say they’ve been quite the problem?
I’ll leave it at that. Thanks for allowing me to post my opinion on your blog even though it contradicts yours when it comes to your demonization of all Jews.
April 26, 2010 at 8:38 pm
kerdasi amaq
“Ted Kennedy for example did more to promote and advance the NWO agenda than all of the left wing Jews in New York put together. Ted Kennedy had the gall to say that his ideas about immigration would not change the ethnic makeup of the USA.”
What a load of rubbish. Ted Kennedy put his name to the bill, you don’t seriously think it was all his idea to introduce it. That bill was a jewish triumph, written by a jew, and a traitor shabbos goy, got the credit/blame for it.
April 26, 2010 at 8:52 pm
Seriously, you haven’t a clue what Zionism or NWO are.
NWO = JWO = Zionism
Here’s the heart of your misunderstanding:
“Zionism [is] about a people returning to a certain geographic region, and living within those borders. If a nation is defending a territory for its own benefit, then Zionism seems to be the exact opposite of leftist/NWO thought.”
Complete rubbish. Wake up.
1. Nobody’s “returning”. 2. The Zionist Entity doesn’t have borders. 3. It’s not the Jews’ territory.
RE: “it’s the left wing Jews in Israel that want to divide it and create a Palestinian state”
“Israel” wouldn’t be divided. There is no “Israel”. Palestine is and would be divided to accomodate colonialist Jews.
Re: “The right wing nationalist Jews want to expand the settlements and defend their territory from another people/nation (the Arabs).”
You just said a minute ago that they want to just defend “their” borders. Now you say they want to expand the,
How can they be “defending” themselves against Arabs? Arabs are not invading Jewish land. Vice versa.
“The right wing Jews seem to be following “Zionism” a lot more closely than the left wing ones.”
There is no left in Zionism.
And Zionism is not about Jewish nationalism. They could have easily bought massive territory in Alaska or Texas or Argentina and by now have had a successful autonomous Jewish territory.
Zionism means Jews have a nation, an ethos, an ethnos, a land; and everyone else get’s the globalstate, global cult, global army etc. Nationalism for Jews; Communism for everyone else.
Zionism is about Jewish global domination, by proxy.
And Zionism has nothing to do with Jewish self-sufficiency. It’s ESSENTIAL in Zionism to have a imperial sponsor. That’s why America is now the Jews’ bitch.
Got it?
April 26, 2010 at 9:03 pm
“JEWS should all go to Israel”
Besides the fact that there’s no such place…
No they shouldn’t all go to Palestine. It’s the obligation of the people they live amongst to manage them better. Moving them on should be a crime.
How could any decent person in good conscience inflict the Jew on other innocent?
It’s just not right.’
Besides, it backfires.
Look at Russia. Millions of Jews left there and invaded Britain and America, then used their new “homes” to try to destroy Russia.
Drive them from America and they’ll just start planning for China or wherever to go to war with their new Amalek, America.
Their leaders have no conscience. Triumph of the Will. They’d set off a nuke in SF and frame the China. Or in Shanghai and frame the US.
No, it’s a sin to deport Jews, and thereby burden others.
April 27, 2010 at 1:00 am
The communists have always targeted the destitute and provided them a false sense of identity through violence. Blacks in the US are victims of a succession of socio-political phenomena that creates unfortunate divides along racial lines. I have no axe to grind with black people. Their ancestry has been here much longer than mine. However, you post provides interesting insight reading between the lines.
April 27, 2010 at 1:14 am
The zionist state is a counter-intelligence front of the US that was used during the Cold War to make contact with the Soviets and formulate a new global order merger the assets of both empires. The European Union is one example of this joint venture to rule the world. Let’s outline the facts and understand that individuals may inevitably fall in an arbitrary fashion on either side of a political divide along racial, religious, ethnic or other ideological lines. You don’t have to trust any jew in an abundance of caution, but you shouldn’t conclude every member of a certain groups has identical interests. September 11 was the work of counter-intelligence’s global paramilitary arm that runs straight through Israel into the old USSR and even into red China.