“Off-sur, dem ebil rasis’ Whites kidnabbed me. I beez raped. Dey also make me bark de ‘N word’ lik a dawg, an’ eat rat doo-doo offa dirty floor — I swear!” Lying West Virginian, Megan Williams, with her momma at the police station back in 2007. Six Whites are in prison over it.
Another Reverend Al Sharpton-style hoax case goes up in smoke. Remember the Tawana Brawley case? Or, how about all that non-stop news BS out of North Carolina in the Duke Lacrosse case, where some crack-head party dancer accused three good White kids of rape? Man, the anti-White crap that came out of Jew TV every five seconds for about a year was ridiculous. Remember?
Where the hell is that big-mouthed, bug-eyed Negro “Reverend” now?
I’ve had it with these worthless liars sucking up precious oxygen and squandering America’s wealth; all the while constantly raising Cain about “racism” this and “racism” that. Hell, absolutely anything they might screw-up, or if a natural disaster befalls them, or even when they commit a crime has them screaming: ”Dose ebil Whitey RASIS’ diddit! Ahs innacint becuz ah’s jus’ an oh-pressed Africanus-American, off-sur.”
Here’s the case: Back in 2007, some 20 year-old West Virginia Negress* named Megan Williams said that seven Whites tied her up and raped her for a week. They made her eat rat and dog droppings and beat her. They also made her bark “the N word” like a dog. God, not that!
Report: Woman to Recant Torture Testimony
The Charleston Gazette reported that Megan Williams plans a Wednesday news conference in Columbus, Ohio, that she lied about the 2007 incident in which she said she was assaulted by a group of whites in Logan County.
“She has decided she has been living this lie for approximately two years and she has decided to tell the truth,” Williams’s attorney Byron Potts told the Gazette.“She fabricated the story and she did this in retaliation because she was having a relationship with one of them.”
Negroes pretended to be all irate when they heard the original story, as usual, but there was a curious damper on the whole thing, like maybe they didn’t quite believe it anyways; but they never had the guts to say so in public. I know I thought it was another Negro load of crock right off the bat.
Still, many loud-mouthed and militant Negroes complained that it didn’t get enough outraged attention and how that was obvious evidence of the prevalence of ”racism” in America. Everything is evidence of racism to these people, anymore.
This West Virginia phony rape case was in the media and did receive substantial coverage compared to the very real and unbelievably horrible Rape/Torture/Murder case of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, or the Wichita massacre where five innocent Whites were shot in the back of the head execution-style in a frozen, snow-covered field after being raped and robbed. You see where this country is now at and what a bunch of lousy, big-mouthed Prima Donnas, Black people have become?
Then you had all those White Liberals and Jews jumping all over the story like it was the most terrible crime of the century. It had a poor, downtrodden Negro victim and West Virginian Whites, whom we all know are inbred trailer park trash to begin with. It had a female victim of rape, another travesty by those raping, evil White men. On top of that, they made her say “the N word” and eat rat doo-doo!
Of course, they wanted to charge them all with a “Hate crime” initially, but since state rape and kidnapping charges carried life in prison, they didn’t bother for most of them. One had another 10 years tacked on for stabbing her in the ankle and saying (according to her) ”this is what we do to Niggers around here” (the “stabbing” was obviously a self-inflicted scratch). The Whites got prison terms of 10 to 45 years each and I believe are still suffering in prison today. All on BIG FAT LIES.
Some of these Whites did know and party with the woman. One pervert White, Bobby Ray Brewster (middle top row), may even have had sexual relations with her. You should never, ever deal with these people like this. They will bring you down to their level, maybe even destroy your life in some fashion, sooner or later. I feel sorry for those Whites sucked into the whole lying mess, or didn’t know any better, like the mother (top left).
“…For whenever a white man seeks to live among them as their equals they will either destroy him or devour him. And they will destroy all of his work… Never fraternize with them as equals. Never accept them as your social equals or they will devour you. They will destroy you.”
— Dr. Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Peace Prize Winner (1951) in his book “African Notebook,” 1939
I’ve actually seen this happen to White people and believe me, it’s never pretty.
The real facts of life, dear reader, are that Negroes commit rape far, far more than Whites. In 2006, astute people figured out from the Department of Justice crime stats for 2005 and found that Negroes rape over 100 White women per day; while Whites committing any kind of sexual crimes on Blacks was somewhere between 0 and 10 over the course OF THE ENTIRE YEAR. In fact, the actual number may have been ZERO (statistically).
Then we have the Nation Wrecking Jew in all this, as usual. The former prosecutor for this lying West Virginia mess (the one usually most responsible for pursuing criminal cases), is Jew boy Brian Abraham, and is now saying the Negress is lying in her recantation and that it’s all nothing but a publicity stunt. This Jew doesn’t care about truth and justice, and he certainly does not care one iota about any Whites in jail (who were forced into making statements of guilt and accepting plea bargains based on scurrilous evidence).
Jews like this only care about their precious Jew “Chosen Ones” reputation.
Hell, the Jews are the ones who got us in all this mess to begin with. Their whole diversity monstrosity arose from Jews back in the 1950′s (or before) as a way of destroying the White racial backbone of this country and for them to hide behind. Ever since then, they have been playing the race and change business non-stop in the media.
Every week some terrible crime gets committed on White people and you never hear a single word breathed about it in the US mainstream media. Like the recent case where six Negroes gang-raped and poured something down the throat of a White woman student on the campus of the University of San Diego. You think it couldn’t happen to you? How come this doesn’t make the national news?
They want us Whites to stay asleep!
Or how about the terrible case in Britain where a beautiful White woman, Katie Piper (right), was raped and then had sulphuric acid thrown in her face by a violent and vengeful former Negro boyfriend? Besides almost dying that day (can you imagine the pain?), she has suffered over 30 operations and will never, ever look as beautiful she once did — all because she had fallen victim to the ”diversity” brainwashing fed to her by lying, social engineering Jews and liberal Whites in the media.
This kind of thing happens all the time. You just don’t know it. Go to my “Black Crime” topics section on the left and you will see. Oh, you will see, alright.
For every lying Negro story about us “evil racist Whites” they come up with, they are hundreds, probably thousands, of incredibly brutal crimes committed by them, on us. Stories that would be on the news non-stop if it wasn’t Negro perps and White victims. It’s literally so bad anymore that I can’t keep up on the cases.
Get it straight — Whites are NOT the evil monsters out there. Far from it. It’s always been them who are most likely to commit foul crimes. You know that, too.
I don’t know about you, but I have had quite enough of the BS. We desperately need to take back this country and put a stop to all these shenanigans out of the Jews and Negroes. Like most White people, I’m sick and tired of the race games, lies and all the “diversity is good” nonsense. Negroes have become spoiled, violent children, who kill each other and sometimes innocent White people far too much. These people need some serious ”tough love.”
White people in America are being played for suckers and it’s long since past the time we came out swinging.
– Phillip Marlowe
*Now, some people ask me why I call Negroes “Negroes” here. They don’t deserve to decide what WE have to call them. I figure they haven’t done JACK to improve their attitudes since the 1960′s and they certainly don’t appreciate ANYTHING Whites have ever done (think now), so I’m going to use the term that was used way back then. “Negress” is the female version. Besides, it sounds funny as all hell and I like that. They should be happy that I don’t use some other terms.
Comments feed for this article
October 23, 2009 at 10:15 pm
all out of gum/gtrman
hey, Incog, is that “live traffic feed” feature available on wordpress? And if so, would you consider it on your blog? Just been to dawg-land. yawn. If theres a good bit, give us a link
October 23, 2009 at 10:18 pm
I don’t think so, gtrman. I’m not sure I’d put it in. Makes people paranoid.
October 23, 2009 at 10:34 pm
all out of gum/gtrman
fair enough!…………nottingham,england……caucasian male…….born ********************* (redacted for reasons of international insecurity)
October 23, 2009 at 10:40 pm
White Master
rawdawg’s site sucks! No wonder he’s pissed off.
October 23, 2009 at 10:42 pm
White Master
All the anti-Whitey’s get all worked up when they come here to Incogland because there is no bullshit, no grey area, just truth…The bobbleheads just don’t how to handle the shock of the truth.
October 23, 2009 at 10:51 pm
God, it’s so typical. He’s got all kinds of stupid internet tags saying he’s a top Jiggro blogger (his Alexa rankings say otherwise) and lousy articles, full of non-sensical Negro jibberish. I just left him a comment under his top article. Note the cheap SKS he’s holding in a photo. What a worthless Negro.
October 23, 2009 at 11:16 pm
White Master
Incog, I just left a comment under yours on dawg’s top article.
October 23, 2009 at 11:34 pm
Yeah, I saw your comment White Master. I just left 2 more. I bet the worthless Negro deletes them.
October 24, 2009 at 12:35 am
From the website:
The new site describes the list as a “catalogue of Jewish names” and claims its 19 volumes are a way for people to know if someone is Jewish, even if their name is not “obviously” Jewish-sounding.
Illustrator Natalie Ferstendik accidentally came across the site recently. “I realised I was on this list,” she said. “I felt quite sickened. I looked through and was horrified by what I saw.”
I’d be horrified too if I found out I was Jewish.
October 24, 2009 at 2:11 pm
June 12, 2010 at 4:59 pm
omg…. :(
June 12, 2010 at 5:12 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
June 12, 2010 at 5:16 pm
Look at that worthless Al Sharpton in that photo. He prays off of White guilt and makes a living off of it. Really that worthless negro should be running around in the Congo wearing face paint and diapers…..taking golden showers from livestock.
I don’t know whose more pathetic….Sharpton or the White guilt trippers.
I do know one thing, the Jew is the one hiding behind the curtain orchestrating this mess.