Yeah, that’s right: You can’t handle the truth, even when it’s staring you right in the face, America.
No, I’m not talking about all the fine folks who come here that have already made the connection to what’s truly going on. Don’t worry. You people are the real patriots, anymore. No, I’m talking about all the brain-dead people — conservatives and liberals – who see the evidence and pooh-pooh it all away like it all means nothing. Or they’ll simply parrot all the anti-White slogans made up by the very same people who are behind the whole damn mess to begin with!
Oh, it’s something, alright. Just look down below for a giant, tractor-trailer-size load of hard, in-your-face truth!
It’s just like 9/11 for crying out loud. Here we have tons of evidence that says something is just not right about the whole event, but still you suck down the entire government and media line of BS.
And you know what? The real reason for it is that you just can’t believe that your government could be so callous, so evil as to do anything like that. It’s impossible, you try telling yourself. You can’t even be bothered to look at the real evidence* because of what it might mean to your precious little world view. You’re afraid it might convince you and make you get off that fat duff of yours and do something really patriotic, instead of just putting on bumper stickers, for a change.
And then you have the 9/11 Patriots (I hate the term “truthers”) who do think the government did something or other but will go overboard not to name the Jew. Maybe they knew about it in advance, they’ll say (which is still absolutely back-stabbing), or maybe they played some kind of supporting role in conjunction with some evil “Bush-Cheney Cabal for Big Oil” plot. Anything but the obvious because you can’t handle the truth!
But there’s a few things you’re forgetting about all this, right homies? One: The US government could never, ever get away with something like this — not in a million years — without the complicity of the Global Zionist-owned media to not investigate and report any of the new revelations to the American public. Like the interview of the former Italian president who said that the CIA & the Mossad did it!
It’s been the Zionist media, corporate-down orders, all along –to spin it to the public as nothing but crazy, “tin-foil hat” talk. And you damn well know that’s the real deal, Jack!
Or two: How about all the evidence of Zionist involvement from beginning to end? Yeah, you know exactly what I’m talking about. All the Jews, who’s names keep popping up and being linked to this and that: Dov Zakheim, Philip Zelikow, the Dancing Israelis, Shalom Yuran, Magdy Elamir, Arnon Milchan, Michael Goff, Michael Chertoff, Michael Mukasey (the new Attorney General, for chrissakes!), and the list keeps going on and on. Add it all up along with my little on-the-spot list (below) and whatta you get staring you right in your little face?
Just think about it here: Are you living the disconnect life or what? I mean, how much math do you gotta do, anymore, to figure out the real score? What evidence will it take to convince you? The stuff out there now is simply so overwhelming in scope and points to one very big, shocking conclusion: Yeah, turns out those damn Skinheads were dead right about the whole lousy thing!
Just look at this list (I hardly know where to start) for a cold, hard slap in the face — that is, if you have any guts left to read it:
The Israel Lobby and the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has totally corrupted our political process • We have Mossad spy cases up the ying-yang going back decades • We now shell out about 10 Billion a year in tax money to Israel • The news media conglomerates are owned and staffed by Globalist Jews and Zionist lackeys • Jews have been behind changing the Immigration laws since the 19th century • Jew Activist groups are supporting Illegal Immigration groups, even the anti-white racist La Raza • Jew Communists started labor and racial strife ever since coming to our shores back in the 1880′s • The Israel Lobby’s only real care is for a foreign country and does not have the US’s best interests in mind • The Zionist Dov Zakheim, comptroller of Pentagon, oversaw a trillion dollars or more of Military equipment being illegally transferred to Israel • Rumsfield announces the Zakheim 1 trillion dollars missing –conveniently on 9/10/01– that’s right, the day before 9/11! We’ve heard zilch about it since • Jews think “Diversity” is just dandy for White nations but patently reject that for Israel • Jews legally operate white prostitution slavery rings in Tel Aviv • Globalist Jews are the majority stock-holders for Banks in the Federal Reserve, International Banking and the government is in hock to them • Jews are always pushing for the New World Order • Globalist Jew Billionaires like George Soros work assiduously to undermine our politics with lefty-commie groups while living in the Bahamas or some such place • Capital Hill is justifiably considered Zionist territory by many • Jews have been kicked out of every country they’ve ever lived in before, sometimes even twice • The Holocaust™ blackmail games and getting governments to jail any historians for questioning it • Jew organizations like the ADL, SPLC and the ACLU suing localities to prevent them from passing laws in dealing with Illegal Immigrants • Uprooting and even commiting massacres of Palestinians • Talmudic anti-Christian writings • The Seven Noahide Laws that will destroy your Freedoms and Christianity • Hollywood Jew Elitists mock Whites and Christians in the media • The White House “Mega” Mole never found • Jacob Schiff’s financing of the Bolshevik revolution • Commie Jews killed millions of Gentiles during the Russian Revolution but remind you constantly about the Holocaust • The not-too secret desires of Jews to have their own law courts, separate from you • Russian Mobsters (Thieve’s World) are predominately Jewish • Jews use blatant smear tactics to intimidate anyone who criticises Israel • Israeli-funded, high-tech telephone routers (COMVERSE Info Systems) having back-door access to the numbers we dial • Israeli Zionists taking our tax-payer’s “Aid to Israel” money and refusing to tell us what they do with it all –possibly even using some of it to corrupt our own politics • JDL Thug Squads who attack people on the street who don’t toe their line • Mossad agents high-fiving each other while watching the twin towers burn and being there with full knowledge in advance • Israel purposefully set-up an intelligence gathering operation called LAKHAM to steal US technological secrets • Zionist Apartheid policies in Israel are worse than South Africa ever was and is mostly ignored by liberal media • Jews privately and often-times openly mock Christians but still expect them to support Israel • Israel stole fissile materials from us to make nuclear bombs • Jew social engineers foisted the whole “Multicultural” travesty on us • Jews have been behind all the race baiting and Civil Right frictions since day-one • A lousy 17 American Jews have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan in our military service • The Jew media is now demonizing Iran • The supposedly American lobby group, AIPAC, had spies passing secrets to Israel • Commie Jews stole our nuclear technology and then gave it to the Soviets • Jews support Radical Homosexuality and Transgenders • Jews promote race mixing for everybody else but not for them • They consider you nothing but cattle (Goyim) • They have dedicated groups, like the ADL and SPLC to attack and gather any intelligence on private US citizens • Mossad has “Honey-Pot” scams to blackmail our US politicians and other strategic targets • The Mossad has tens of thousands of Zionist collaboraters in the western countries called “Sayan” • The Jews were heavily involved in the African Slave Trade • The Jew-led ACLU attacks Christmas or any Christian symbols and yet erects their menorahs everywhere on public property • The Jews are all for the NAU, which means absolutely the end of America as we know it • The number of Israelis killed (3) on 9/11 was statiscally impossible, even more Columbians died that day • They consider only themselves when it comes to Genocide victim-hood, even though many millions more white Gentiles died at the hands of Jew-led Commies • Jews decided quite on their own to turn the US into what they call the world’s first “Universal Country” turning us rapidly into a Third World cesspool • Jews support any illegal Mestizos in this country but kicks out any Black Dafur refugees from Israel • The Jews in control of our Federal Reserve are now rendering the dollar worthless for the Amero to take it’s place • The Jews are now trying to pass a bill (S-1959) to silence us all • The Lavon Affair where the Jews purposefully tried to bomb our Embassey in Egypt –to get us involved in a war • Israelis willfully attacked one of our Naval ships (USS Liberty), trying to sink it and to get us into a war • Mossad neglecting to warn us when they knew that Hizbollah was going to bomb the Marine barracks in Beirut –trying to involve us in a war • Jewish involvement in 9/11 was a way to get us into, uh, let’s see; another war, maybe?! • etc., etc., ETC!
What’s it going to take for you fools to finally wake up and get the big picture? Does any of the above make one lick of difference to you, anymore? Add it all up and what does it say?
I’ll answer it for you since the Jews evidently stole your brain and tongue right along with everything else in America: Zionist Jews have been nothing but big trouble for this country since day-one. These back-stabbers now spit in our face all the time and laugh about it!
I’m not talking about the Jews of the Bible, either. No true Israelite is being called on the carpet. I’m talking about all those Khazari interlopers to the Hebrews of old. That sneaky little group that has cloaked themselves in Jewish History to give them THE BIG-CON — the biggest Con-Job in all of history – by calling themselves the Holy People from the Bible. They’ve snowed millions of Christians all over. It’s this same Khazari group from the 8th century AD from southern Russia, who’ve plagued mankind forever and are still at it to this very damned day!
Many of those Khazar Jews know exactly what I’m talking about. Hell, even many of the actual Israelites left over, the Sephardi know all about this, too. Oh, some of them are going along with the whole con-game, sure, but some are indeed fighting back against those so-called Jews, who are busy running their big-time con-jobs all across this planet.
And it’s bad, alright. Ever since the Khazar Jew was allowed to emigrate (from southern Russia) into this country in the 1880′s and was classified as white, they’ve been doing everything they possibly can to screw up the good ol’ USA without being too obvious about it. Many of them know full well that’s true. Why do you have so many feeling all guilty about it and trying to play down being Jewish or doing whatever they can to shut people up by supporting censorship and new “Hate” speech laws? Or how about the new blatant bona fide Jewish Plot to pass Senate Bill S-1959, that may just call you a “Idealogical Terrorist” should you finally figure out these people?
He knows that some of us are getting around to figure out the real deal and he’s mortified that our message might spread. Each one, it seems, works overtime to shut us up. If it was all nothing but crazy talk he’d just laugh it off and go on about his business but he knows that all of this is very true so he’ll come up with any excuse that he can to justify the actions of his brethren. But what justifications can he possibly give for enormity of it all? That tired, old excuse of altruism for the other races? Please. Everything he does is for his benefit and his alone. Always has. His pretend patriotism for this country only extends far enough for us to fight wars against his enemies and die for his only real country: Israel.
Some of them are undoubtedly laughing their asses off that most of us have yet to figure it all out. But the Jews know that sooner or later their little “Jig” will be up in this country. That’s why we see all the shenanigans going on right now. He’s gone into over-drive to prevent us from finally coming to our senses.
But people all over are talking about it. 9/11, the Dancing Israelis, the Israel Lobby and Iraq. Chat rooms all across the nation are humming away. Brainwashed whites are flummoxed by it all, but some are now thinking twice about their erstwhile Jew liberal allies. And the big-mouthed Jews are all yapping and typing away, calling us all anti-Semities and that BS term they made up for us whites who don’t go along with them: ”White Supremacists;” or they’ll use whatever instinctual Jew tactics to confuse, obfuscate and deny the real facts. He’ll fail. Sure, his agents in high-places will soon get us into another war but people will have had enough BS by then and will come down off the fence, finally.
And then the Zionist will be seen in the harsh light of an awakened and angry America. He’ll scurry to and fro and then try to instigate a race war to cover his sorry, skinny ass — his final ace up his sleeve. That’s right. He may very well open up his media to a full scale propaganda campaign designed to finally get whitey all pissed off about the Blacks and start a race war between us.
He’s already been keeping it at a steady simmer, for years. He may be on the verge of that exact thing right now, with all his race baiting, lately. But, then again, he might direct his propaganda or manipulation tactics in any direction: A severe economic melt-down (wait till next year), a war for the Southwest (the Mestizo take-over is underway), a war for our inner-cities (Black crime is now sky-rocketing). Anywhere, but in his direction or over anything to do with his sacred State of Israel. The Zionist Jew has always been the real culprit to the demoralization and destruction of this country since the very beginning.
Yep, everyone knows that something just ain’t right with this country. They’ll just sit there and scratch their heads like big ol’ dummies and listen to FOX news as if they’ll ever get around to telling them the real deal. What a joke. They can’t or won’t consider the Jew even if the evidence is right smack in front of them, even if history has shown us this very thing. Their little heads have been so brainwashed over it, that they just go along with everything — including giving up on everything that once made this country great!
Pretty pathetic bunch, I’d say. Now, drop and give me twenty!
I just thank God that some Americans out there still have common sense, a straight backbone and can see right through all the lies! To those of you that have figured out the real score: Thank you, thank you. Stick around, because we’ll finally get to see all those brain-dead come face-to-face with reality in a big damn way. That’s about the only thing worth it, eh?
–Phillip Marlowe
See how they’ve been doing it to us without us even knowing it or having any secret, wide-spread conspiracies –that you try to tell yourself explains things. And check out this great article about it all: I want to hear America scream Also: Jews will kill themselves.
*Forget all the planted crazies or real-life loons they have out there. Go read David Ray Griffin’s book “Debunking 9/11 Debunkers” or go to 9/11 websites like: Patriots Question 9/11, Pilots for Truth or a totally revealing evidence Timeline: Cooperative Research Timeline for 9/11, or the media’s connections: The Mossad’s Man in the Middle. And get this: Former Italian President Says CIA & Mossad did it!
Or the new Globalist Zionist efforts at silencing any talk (S-1959): Bona Fide Jewish Plot
NOTE! All the Jewish Extremists and Zionists spoken about here are mostly from the Turkish/Hunnish Khazar kingdom originating in southern Russia (usually called the Ashkenazi), who converted in the 8th-9th century, AD. NOT the true Israelites of the Bible. These are Asiatic KHAZAR interlopers, who donned the cloak of Judaism in the misty past, yet retained ancient criminal and parasitic functions among Gentile host nations. Over the centuries, their subversive behavior has caused the Gentile populations to eventually rise up and throw them bodily out, or worse. This has happened at least 79 times (some say 109). Now, a semi-hidden Globalist oligarchy has almost total control of important and powerful parts of America and other White, European nations, as well as having their own stolen country in the Mideast that we are brainwashed and coerced into supporting — no matter what they do to us or what they make us do to the world for them. According to their books of the Talmud (never, ever talked about by the US mainstream press), we are nothing but “Goyim” or cattle to them.
Comments feed for this article
December 3, 2007 at 9:55 pm
Great work on this blog
Il bookmark it
December 4, 2007 at 12:02 am
Nice Blog Incog! keep up the good work.
December 7, 2007 at 8:08 pm
You are aware that there is more than one form of the word “Jew”, correct?
December 7, 2007 at 8:14 pm
Oh, and for your edification, since you’re so into racial supremacy, demonstrate that the Jewish race isn’t simply superior. I’m not saying that it is, I’m simply deducing a conclusion based on your reasoning, not mine. It’s not my opinion, but it could easily concur with yours.
December 7, 2007 at 8:40 pm
Here we have such a nice little example of Jewspeak brought right straight to our door! Read that last comment: Oh, I’m all into RACIAL SUPREMACY, now. The Jew will always, always try to cast you as the Nazi Aryan Racist Super Gotterdamarung Man or some dam thing or other. How about plain old American Patriot there, Snodgrass? I guess that would be too much for you to drop the Nazi crap, for once?
And then he asks me to prove they are not, in fact, superior to begin with (they love to send you out on homework assignments). How’s that for an example of Jewish Supremacy? He calls me a racist and the very next sentence shows us that he’s one!
And then we come to a bunch of Jew double-talk: “It’s not my opinion (oh, sure) but it could easily concur with yours.” Help me out here people; is he saying Jews are all superior based on what I say or what he may say later based on what I say?!
For the record: I could care less what these people think of themselves. It’s when they start doing things to all of the rest of us is when we sure as hell better wake the hell up and put a stop to them!
December 7, 2007 at 10:30 pm
Well, racial supremacy is not one of my opinions. IMO, people are individualized, racial generalizations are invalid. Now, small, small groups of interrelated individuals may be subject to generalization, but not races.
And your whole blog is about racial supremacy. Demonstrate how it’s not.
December 8, 2007 at 2:48 am
I demonstrate it in every dam article I write, Schmo. You go read the article “I’m Sick of the Hitler Schtick” and then go stick it.
Point being: The Jewish Supremacist in the US of A has outlived his welcome by his on-going anti-American and Racist behavior (not to mention his blackmail tactics). He needs to be frog-marched right on down to the border with Mexico and then given a big steel-toed boot right in the backside, right on across.
Hell, all the Jews secretly know all this, they all just wonder why we all haven’t gotten the message yet. Seems like these people get an inch and then they take a mile. Been that way all across Europe, for centuries, for one set of them: The Ashkhanazim or Khazari branch.
Folks, these are the ones that are truly the trouble, not the Jews of the Bible. I call on all Sephardi to reject those interlopers on your rich heritage.
December 8, 2007 at 12:54 pm
Jewboy up there is definately saying that he/she thinks jews are superior. How pompous! They sure get a balloon head over at the syna of SATAN, now don’t they? How they could think they are superior shows they do not know history or anything in the Bible. The posts jewboy did is so typical. It must stink to know you come from the loins of Satan and that no matter what you do you cannot change that. You are not the Chosen as you have been pumped to believe, jewboy. The Bible and history are clear on that. Maybe you ought to study the truth.
Incog, “it” is probably some smarmy, over-paid, pain at the ADL or SPLC. How else would a jew find this blog so fast? We all know they have billions of dollars to sit around and harrass truth-tellers as their “job”.
December 10, 2007 at 1:37 pm
Ooh, “it”. That really stings. Ouch. I’m just going to lie awake all night thinking about being called “it”. Throws your debating skills into fantastic relief.
I have no ties to the ADL or the SPLC. It’s called “using the internet”.
December 10, 2007 at 4:18 pm
You, sir, are a blind, arrogant imbecile whose reading comprehension/discernment skills are apparently so abysmal that I’m shocked you have the capacity to write at all, even in the atrocious grammatical style you utilize.
I would recommend that you review the fallacy of ad hominem, if I was of the belief that your mental capacity would enable you to understand it. As such, I recommend that you don’t approach the subject, lest you damage yourself.
December 27, 2007 at 4:36 pm
You, sir, are a blind, arrogant imbecile whose reading comprehension/discernment skills are apparently so abysmal that I’m shocked you have the capacity to write at all, even in the atrocious grammatical style you utilize.
I would recommend that you review the fallacy of ad hominem, if I was of the belief that your mental capacity would enable you to understand it. As such, I recommend that you don’t approach the subject, lest you damage yourself.
L., all I can say is pwnd. No wonder he didn’t reply to that.
May 15, 2008 at 11:24 pm
You Can’t Handle the Truth! « Pragmatic Witness
[...] Source: INCOG MAN [...]
March 28, 2010 at 3:44 am
Incog, if you believe all of what you have written can you please explain why? You never seem to provide hard evidence just your word… Could you please go through point by point and give tangible evidence to back up what you say? Because without evidence you are just a ranting preacher like so many homeless…