French President Nicolas Sarkozey may have been a Mossad asset. And still may be judging by his actions in support of Israel.
Continued from: You’d Think There’s a Jew Behind Every Bush
And why does the Jew sometimes make such purposeful, sneaky efforts to hide behind others — using Gentile front people to allay any suspicions? Why do they go to such efforts to create Human-Potemkin villages appearing innocent of Jew control? Because the Jew knows he’ll be looked at for signs of his influence and control, so he tries to hide his open involvement whenever possible, especially in the media these days; since all the mainstream media conglomerates are now owned by globalist Jew Elites. That’s why the huge lies of 9/11 are still with us and blatantly ignored.
Like for instance, Time Warner put up a Black CEO (Dick Parsons — just fired last week), when the real power was well known on the street, to be the “crypto-Jew” or a serious Jew wannabe (the Jury is still out) Jeffrey Bewkes, (who’s now expected to become CEO outright) and who also just happens to be on the board for the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) — the real driving force behind all these globalist gambits and stealth schemes to institute the North American Union (oh, it’s for real, alright). You know how many presidential candidates are not CFR members? Just one: Ron Paul. Do you wonder why the media goes to such efforts in marginalizing him? He’s not on the team!
Such front-office image gambits have been employed by Civil Rights groups like the NAACP for decades (check out the separate Legal Defense fund) and are now copied widely by groups like the NY Coalition of Immigrant Rights. They use Hispanic and Asians names up-front, but the serious Jew efforts are in the back-room, right along with all the in-coming Liberal and Jew philanthropic money.
And with all this, you’ll find the perfidious Jews lobbying alongside the Gentile traitors like Teddy Kennedy (fat lapdog of the major globalist Jew Nation-wrecker, George Soros); supporting any anti-White racist groups like La Raza — dedicated to invading this country with illegal brown hordes. This group, thanks to the Jews and traitorous white liberals, even has International Corporations help fund them and, get this, actual tax payer’s money is paid to them — your hard-earned money goes to those that hate you and wish to evict you bodily from our own American Southwest! All with the help of the Jew Supremacists and their elite, traitorous Gentile lackeys, of course.
In the past, such Jews even changed their names, like Scooter Libby’s father. Scooter, thought to be the Mossad spy “Mega” (by people in the Intelligence community) and who once worked with the Jew Neocon Paul Wolfowitz in the State Department (himself arrested for Israeli spying back in 1979). Or Jews may slightly alter their names, like Bush’s Chief of Staff, who’s full name is really Joshua Bolton but goes by the Gentile sounding “Josh.” How nice. Other Jews know full well that they are birds of a feather — that’s how they get where they are — it’s just not picked-up on by us regular old Americans.
Sometimes they’re called “Crypto-Jews” or they might even be something called “Sayan” or Mossad helper spys: Like the new president of France, Nicolas Sarkozey, who is now being reported as such by the French paper Le Figaro and the subject of an investigation by the French police. This story is being patently ignored by the rest of the world’s Jew-controlled press. And make note how France’s Foreign policy has taken a decided pro-Israeli and anti-Iranian turn, since he’s been in office.
Sarkozey is a Sephardi Jew with family connections to the Algerian Jews, through his Zionist grandfather mentor. The Algerian Jews were heavily infiltrated by the Israelis Mossad during the late fifties, enlisted to spy on the Algerian Independence movement as a favor to France for help in building the first Israeli Nuclear installation, capable of Plutonium production.
In recent times, the Jews have been less apt to change their names and go with the flow, since the Anti-anti-Semite attack organizations have become so powerful anymore — who go into attack mode at the drop of a hat over anything the least bit anti-Zionist. Plus, most Americans do not know anything about Jew names in the first place, for example the Jews Morris Dees and Mark Potak of the Southern Poverty Law Center, who continue the financially-lucrative Jew attacks on any pro-American groups like the Minute-Man Border Security people or any anti-Illegal Immigration group at all, by calling them KKK or Neo-Nazis and, of course, the newly minted term “Nativist.” Just being a Native now has negative connotations created by these people.
The fact that any of these groups express American patriotism and understandable civic anger over illegal immigration, matters not one iota to the Jews over at the SPLC. It’s is nothing more than a White Attack Corporation — totally after donations from white liberals and other Jew activists — along with any opportunity for Dees and the Homosexual Jew Mark Potak to look so sensitive and caring for the “victims of all the evil white racists” as well as having the usual Jew-agitating fun. They now have assets of over 213 million. They’re just like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and other Jew anti-White corporations, like the Simon Wiesenthal Centers. All pretty good Jew schticks, that they have going on.
And all the Jews support one another in whatever ways they can, openly or otherwise. Not a mention of the fact that NY Senator Charles Schumer, one Jew, who puts forth the name of another Jew, the dedicated Zionist Michael Mukasey, as our next Attorney General, top-dog for our entire Justice system. And Bush goes smilingly along with it all. Probably because the Global Zionists own him too.
Now, it appears that this guy, Mukasey, supports Big Brother spying on us and Soviet-style water torture techniques. For this, he has come under some fire for his ambiguous answers to such things. Of course, the Jew Senators Schumer and Diane Feinstein rushed right on to his defense, regardless of any typical liberal, humanitarian leanings that Jews usually claim when it suits them. He’s a fellow Jew, after all. What an unmitigated joke, that the Jewish supremacists can do whatever, whenever. And all because the mainstream media will not dare touch them, no matter how much they lie to the American public. Jews put Mukasey in!
And look at the Zionist Jew Michael Chertoff, our so-called “Homeland Security” Czar. Again, most regular Americans don’t know he’s a Zionist Jew who holds dual citizenship with Israel. And his mother is allegedly a former Mossad asset. Chertoff allowed the 9/11 Dancing Israelis to return to Israel and, just recently, gave US Jewish nonprofit organizations a whopping 19.6 million dollars out of the 24 million available of the tax-payer’s money, the lion’s share at 81%, that was supposed to help all US citizen groups in protecting themselves against “terrorism.” Now, what kind of insider dealing BS is that? The Jews just laugh about it all, in our faces, anymore. More on Chertoff’s Gift to the Jews
Even Barack Obama knows the real deal.
And even the most expensive to American tax-payers, of the special-interest, lobbying organizations in this country; The American Israelis Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), is virtually unknown to exist by the rest of America, least-wise outside of the Washington beltway. People have no idea about the degree of influence and control that they exert on our election campaigns and in our law making in Washington. They don’t know about the concerted efforts they make to ensure that no American is ever allowed to be elected, or to stay in office for long, should they dare utter a word of criticism about the precious State of Israel.
Nor have many Americans heard anything about the big spy case involving them, where they now claim it was patriotic and on behalf of the our government to spy for Israel! Can you believe the nerve of those people, anymore? And the whole story about the spies and AIPAC itself, is off-limits for mainstream media to cover, although you might see some carefully-crafted piece in the Washington Post or Time magazine, both Jew-owned media outlets. Even the latest news about the subpoenas of Bush officials is being played as some kind of Alberto Gonzales thing from the past. What total BS.
The problem of Jewish power has been growing for a long time and is definitely getting worse every year, because these people have gained such control, that it seems to be growing exponentially. Our entire Foreign Policy is geared to the American Jew’s interest in the State of Israel, not of any other American interest in the world. Whatever they want, they get, regardless of whether it’s any good for Americans of other races or religions, as a whole. And on top of all that, they feel free to enforce their social-engineering views on our society, attack our institutions and race, all right along with the blind support of a Zionist Israel. I’m sick of the BS from these people, anymore.
These Jews are always ready to pounce, whenever somebody, anybody dares to even mention these things or questions anything they do — even if these Jew’s activities directly affect all our personal lives, this country’s future or our image in the world. They’ve made obvious, blatent efforts to use the Holocaust and anti-Semite accusations to intimidate and silence us for their own purposes, to force their own Agenda on the rest of us.
It’s like they got us in a headlock and are holding tight and fast and we can barely breathe, let alone speak to each other.
The Jews must find this whole thing laughable among themselves — just what more can he can get away with, nowadays? He’s got a name for us all: “Goyish-kopf” or stupid-head. He’ll look right at you and think just what do we have to do or you to see, before you Goyish-kopf finally figure it all out?
But he knows that we will figure it out, sooner or later, so now he has to sprint for that final goal — go all out for the finish. That’s why you have him behind the flooding of our countries, both in Europe and here, with other non-white races, in last few years. He can’t allow the white majority status any longer at this critical juncture — can’t allow them to come to their senses — right when he may have that final big dream of his: The marginalisation of the White race and the Jew-World-Order.
Yep, you might think that the Jews are behind an awful lot of “Bushes,” alright. And, you know something? You’d be absolutely right. Forget the damn Muslims.
— Phillip Marlowe
Comments feed for this article
November 4, 2007 at 7:52 pm
please come to stormfront and ask questions on french jewery in the French section. you will get complete listings in english if you post politely.
November 5, 2007 at 7:36 pm
Steve G
Jeff Bewkes is not Jewish and you are nuts. (But not necessarily in that order.)
November 5, 2007 at 7:57 pm
Did you check out the Vanity Fair article on the most 100 most influential people? How about the Jew article that references it while bragging about the Jews being at 51% of the list? If Bewkes is not Jewish, he sure as hell acts like one. You should see his campaign donatations. All Jews and Left-wing operations. I think the guy is a crypto Jew or next worst thing: a traitorous gentile. If he’s not a Jew, he sure wants to be one.
Check out this article where some smarmy Jew is bragging about the Vanity Fair list. It’ll make you “bewke.”
November 6, 2007 at 12:39 am
Our Country
You should at least mention the fact that the Democrats in Congress and the Senate do not have the votes available to override a Veto by Bush.
George Bush has his ways of skewing the Dems by slinging his bullsh*t whenever the Dems propose a bill to stop the War in Iraq by cutting funding. Bush will say the Dems hate the troops, and the Dems will FOLD UNDER PRESSURE!
I believe a good majority of the United States is counting down the days until the next election, but only hoping we aren’t looking towards a candidate that will flip on their promises.
November 6, 2007 at 12:56 am
About the only candidate worth anything is Dr. Ron Paul. The rest of ‘em are nothing but Insiders and empty suits. Giuliani’s staff has Jew Neocons coming out of his ears, his law office is handling the lucractive business for the North American Union, etc. The Jew Media has so much real dirt on the Clintons that Hillary will be just fine, too. In fact, Bush has made behind the scenes connections to Hillary to keep their acts together. It’s all BS.