Prof. Tony Martin
Blacks and Jews at Wellesley News

Broadsides published by Professor Tony Martin

Broadside #1 (March 1, 1993)

Editorial Comment
After having been villified for several weeks in the Wellesley News and after having been denied the opportunity to defend myself therein, I now resort to publication of this broadside series, in an effort to let the record reflect more than my detractors' point of view. Issue No. 1 consists solely of my defense of myself, which the Wellesley News refused to print. Subsequent issues will deal with other aspects of the controversy surrounding my teaching of The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews.

The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews (Historical Research Department, Nation of Islam, 1991) is an excellent study of Jewish involvement in the Transatlantic slave trade and African slavery. It demonstrates that Jews were very much in the mainstream of European society as far as the trade in African human beings was concerned. While numerous other studies have dealt with the role played by Christians, by African collaborators and by Muslims (especially in relation to the slave trade to Asia), there has hitherto been no effort to synthesize available information on Jewish involvement. This is perhaps surprising, since Jewish domination of the other major Transatlantic slave trade has received adequate Jewish coverage -- I refer here to "white slavery," the international prostitution of (mainly) Jewish women, by Jewish entrepreneurs in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. (See Edward J. Bristow, Prostitution and Prejudice).

The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, using primarily Jewish sources, shows that Jews were fully involved in every aspect of the African slave trade. They were heavily invested in the Dutch West India Company, a multinational corporation (to use modern terminology) specializing in all aspects of the slave trade. They were major slave importers and dealers in places such as Curaçao, Brazil and Barbados. In their Surinamese town of Jew Savannah and elsewhere, they owned substantial numbers of slaves and were zealous participants in European wars waged against slave runaways and maroons. Like their Christian counterparts, they engaged in the full gamut of atrocities visited upon the unfortunate Africans, from whipping to dismembering to rape and murder. In an incident not related in The Secret Relationship, J.G. Stedman, a British veteran of Dutch wars against African maroons in Suriname, detailed the story of the African maroon leader Jolly Coeur, who as a young boy was a horrified witness to the rape of his mother by a Jewish slaveowner, one Schults. As an adult Jolly Coeur avenged his mother's rape by flaying Schults, using his skin to keep his powder dry and employing the slaveowner's head to play bowls on the beach. (J.G. Stedman, Narrative of a Five Year's Expedition Against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam).

For the United States, The Secret Relationship cites U.S. census figures to show that Jews, on a per capita basis, often owned more slaves than non-Jews. They owned slave ships that plied the Atlantic and actually owned all the rum distilleries in Newport, R.I. (Rum, distilled from slave-produced molasses, was an important item in the slave trade.)

Jewish abolitionists were few and far between, and the exceptional Jews who opposed slavery were sometimes subjected to the opprobrium of their co-religionists. There is no Jewish counterpart in the United States to the organized Christian abolitionism of the Quakers, Methodists, Baptists and others. Jewish writer Jonathan Kaufman in Broken Alliance admits that "The Jews who first came to America in the seventeenth, eighteenth, and early nineteenth centuries were heirs to a conservative political tradition that tended to embrace the status quo...." Slavery, of course, was a major part of that status quo.

The Larger Context

The full force of Jewish fury has been unleashed against The Secret Relationship. The book has been denounced as "anti-Semitic" and on a par with the greatest racist works of all time. At Wellesley College, the Wellesley News has called on students to come forward and testify against it, so that it may be forcibly removed from my syllabus. Wellesley's Academic Council rewarded with polite and prolonged applause the chair of Africana Studies, when, in heart wrenching emotional terms, he, too, denounced the book as "anti-Semitic."

For an explanation of the frenetic response to this quite normal scholarly work, one must look at the history of African American/ Jewish relations in the twentieth century. For much of this century, Jews have been a prominent element in the liberal wing of white North America. According to Kaufman, this switch to seeming liberalism (very different from the slavery and earlier post-slavery eras), was facilitated by the development of the Reform Movement in U.S. Judaism in the late nineteenth century, by Jewish involvement in communism and socialism, and by the pursuit of an enlightened Jewish self-interest. In the words of Kaufman, the Jewish "struggle for equality and fair treatment was linked to the struggles of blacks for greater opportunity. It was not a struggle of equals; Jews did not consider their plight equal to that of blacks. But they recognized in the black struggle for rights elements that could benefit them and conditions with which they could sympathize."

Accordingly, several rich and powerful Jews, among them prominent leaders of the U.S. Zionist movement, co-founded, led and financed the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. (The NAACP, founded in 1909, got its first African-American chairperson only in 1975, after the death of chairman Kivie Kaplan, a Boston Jew. The NAACP's highest honor, the Spingarn Medal, is named after one of its early Jewish leaders, Joel Spingarn.) Jewish influence in African American affairs climaxed in the Civil Rights era of the 1950's and 1960's when, according to Kaufman, three-quarters of the funding raised by the three major Civil Rights organizations (the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, the Congress of Racial Equality and Martin Luther King's Southern Christian Leadership Conference), came from Jewish sources. Jewish influence in the movement was personified by Stanley Levison, one of King's two closest advisors (the other being Andrew Young). Levison drafted King's speeches, handled his finances and served as his chief strategist.

This coalition of unequals came under severe stress after the mid-1960's, when Black Power came to town, emphasizing self-reliance and African American control over their own organizations.


Jewish influence in African American affairs was reflected also in the realm of scholarship. Jewish scholars came to occupy a powerful position within the area of African American Studies. Names such as Melville Herskovits, Herbert Aptheker, August Meier and a host of others came to be considered by many as the leading authorities on African American history and culture. (The fact that African Americans, unlike Jews, did not own any major publishing companies, doubtless contributed to this state of affairs).

With Black Power came the rise of Black Studies, a greater influx of African Americans into the academic community and a desire for greater control over scholarly interpretations of their own experience. The rise of Afrocentrism and the establishment of African American publishing houses are recent developments in that ongoing struggle.

Jewish Offensive

By the late 1960's the momentum for African American struggle had definitely moved away from the traditional Civil Rights organizations (in which Jews exercised great influence) to the newer groups and individuals favoring a more self-reliant approach to African American struggle. This had serious consequences for Jewish participation in African American affairs. While the powerful NAACP Legal Defense Fund continued under its long-standing Jewish leader, Jack Greenberg, the expulsion of all whites from SNCC and CORE inevitably removed direct Jewish influence from these bodies.

These African American assertions of independence did not sit well with Jews who had grown accustomed to overlordship of the Civil Rights movement, not to mention great influence in the economic life of African American communities. While pockets of Jewish liberalism remained, the dominant Jewish posture was now characterized by the demise of benevolent paternalism and its replacement by an aggressive hostility to continuing African American progress. The new policy brought some impressive Jewish victories, as Jews leveraged off of their great influence within the United States polity, to thwart the rising ambitions of African American folk.

In 1968 Jews defeated the efforts of African Americans in Brooklyn, New York to control the education of their own children, in the Ocean Hill-Brownsville affair. In 1977 the major Jewish organizations intruded themselves as "friends of the court" into the Bakke case, to defeat affirmative action programs for African Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans and Native Americans. Jews became the major opponents of Jesse Jackson in his two presidential bids. After Minister Louis Farrakhan defended himself against Jewish charges of being an African American Hitler, they raised a hue and cry of "anti-Semitism." The major Jewish publication, Commentary, hid behind the first amendment to allow the bigot Arthur Jensen to spew forth his garbage on the supposed genetic inferiority of African Americans. This pseudo-scientific racism reached new heights in 1990 when Jewish City College (New York) professor Michael Levin became the new standard bearer for white supremacy. "On average," he declared, "blacks are significantly less intelligent than whites" (New York Times, April 20, 1990). When Nelson Mandela visited New York shortly thereafter, some Jewish elements threatened to disrupt his appearances. Ted Koppel and other Jews on ABC's Nightline program (staged at the very same City College), hinted broadly to Mandela that he had better succumb to Jewish pressure or risk losing U.S. support. Mandela had to explain to the Jews that "Your enemies" (in this case Yasir Arafat and the Palestine Liberation Organization) "are not my enemies."

There were many more assaults on African American interests, but perhaps the most memorable was the offensive against Andrew Young. Young was one of the most sacred icons of the African American integrationist, traditionally pro-Jewish establishment. Yet Jewish pressure on President Jimmy Carter cost him his job as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. His "anti-Semitic" indiscretion consisted of a meeting with a PLO representative. The result was a 1979 summit meeting of the African American political integrationist establishment. Everybody from Coretta Scott King to Jesse Jackson to the NAACP's Benjamin Hooks was there. The Congressional Black Caucus, women's organizations, fraternities and sororities and everyone else deplored the treatment of Andrew Young and issued a "Declaration of Independence" against external control of African American organizations.

The Secret Relationship and Wellesley College

The Jewish scholar Nathan Glazer sought to provide intellectual justification for this onslaught. In his Affirmative Discrimination (1975) he turned history upside down to argue that white ethnic groups (such as Jews) who had arrived "post-1880" (as if no Jews had arrived before 1880), "were not particularly involved in the enslavement of the Negro or the creation of the Jim Crow pattern in the South...or the near extermination of the American Indian.... There is little reason for them to feel that they should bear the burden of redressing a past in which they had no or little part...." B'nai Brith repeated these falsehoods in its brief for the Bakke case.

This falsification of history is now corrected by The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, which documents Jewish involvement, not only in African slavery but in the extermination of the Native Americans as well. The predominant Jewish response has been, all too predictably, to denounce the book and all who use it (myself included), as "anti-Semitic." "Anti-Semitism," once presumably the anguished cry of an oppressed people, has become, for the privileged and powerful U.S. Jewish leadership and their unthinking Negro stooges, a bludgeon to subdue dissent, stifle discussion, deprive African Americans of a living and perpetuate historical lies.

"Anti-Semitism" has also become a clever smoke screen for a burgeoning Jewish intolerance of truly Stalinist proportions. Last year my esteemed Wellesley College colleague Mary Lefkowitz, Andrew Mellon professor (the same one who did not know that Herodotus had referred to the doctrine of the immortality of the soul; the same one who recently insulted our Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial speaker, Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannon, in the college chapel), launched into a sudden and unprovoked attack on my "Africans in Antiquity" course. She became displeased at the suggestion that Africans had pioneered civilization and influenced Ancient Greece. She took the unprecedented step of intriguing with the dean of the college to rewrite the description of my course in the preliminary college catalog, without my knowledge or consent. She also attacked the course in the conservative Jewish-owned New Republic and in the Chronicle of Higher Education, where she described Afrocentrism as an irrational development. (Neither publication allowed me to respond). Several years earlier the resident Jewish Studies expert in Wellesley's Religion department had written the Curriculum Committee in an unsuccessful attempt to prevent me from teaching this course at all. On February 21, 1993, two days after my return from a lecture engagement at Gettysburg College, Lefkowitz despatched a memo to contacts there warning them against Afrocentric scholars in general and Dr. ben-Jochannon in particular. "It seems to me," she wrote, "that the promulgation on college campuses of this type of 'information' is a very great danger to our subject, since it is often delivered to students in contexts where no competent historian of the ancient world is welcome or able to be present." And now I learn from the Wellesley News that Hillel students not registered in my African American survey course sat in, unknown to me, in order to monitor my references to The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews.

This type of mindless intolerance is clearly not acceptable. Despite their recent victories, Jews have nothing to gain in the long run from picking fights with an aroused and conscious African American population. They must realize that slavery has ended. It ended some time ago. And even though some handkerchief heads will always be among us, the cozy paternalism of the Civil Rights era has run its course. It is not too late to reverse the current trends, but any rapprochement between African Americans and Jews will have to be predicated on mutual respect. And mutual respect will entail reparations from both Jew and Gentile for four centuries of unrequited toil. Nathan Glazer argued that "Compensation for the past is a dangerous principle," but it is unlikely that he found fault with the billions in reparations paid by Germany to the Jewish state of Israel. The day of Africa's reparations must come.

Begining of Broadside #1


Broadside #2 (December, 1993)

Editorial Comment

Barely a week after the publication of The Jewish Onslaught, Wellesley's new president, Diana Chapman Walsh, has taken the extraordinary step of issuing a formal denunciation of the new book. In a December 9, 1993 statement disseminated to all students, faculty, staff, alumnae and "friends of the college" she declares as follows - "We are profoundly disturbed and saddened by Professor Martin's new book because it gratuitously attacks individuals and groups at Wellesley College through innuendo and the application of racial and religious stereotype."

Due to President Walsh's newness on campus, it can plausibly be surmised that she has relied heavily on the opinions of her advisors. The baleful influence of these shadowy figures is plainly evident in the palpable one-sidedness of the presidential proclamation, in its reliance on sweeping derogatory generalizations and in its inability to support its assertions with documentation of any sort. In all these ways and more the presidential statement is reflective of official and quasi-official approaches of the last twelve months.

Our new president has squandered a golden opportunity to bring fresh leadership and even-handed tolerance to the present controversy.

The Jewish Onslaught was published as a response to the unprincipled attacks, defamatory statements, assaults on my livelihood and physical threats directed against me for several months. These emanated principally from the Jewish community and its agents and were triggered by my classroom use of a work detailing Jewish involvement in the African slave trade. In The Jewish Onslaught I sought to put my subjective situation into the context of deteriorating Black-Jewish relations of recent decades. I also attempted to evaluate the tactics used against me in the context of the well-documented dirty tricks that the Jewish groups have used against Andrew Young, Jesse Jackson, David Dinkins, Minister Louis Farrakhan, Len Jeffries, Black parents in Ocean Hill-Brownsville (Brooklyn) and any number of Euro-American individuals and organizations.

The Jewish Onslaught is a book of analysis supported by normal scholarly documentation. There is not a single "stereotype" or generalization in it that is not buttressed by evidence, either from my personal experience of the last year or from the historical record. I challenge President Walsh to move from her broad derogatory generalizations to specific instances to prove otherwise.
President Walsh, like many of the Jewish spokespersons, has a problem with my "recurrent" and allegedly "gratuitous" utilization of "racial or religious identification of individuals...." This is her way of saying that Black people are not allowed to respond to Jews as Jews. Even after being attacked primarily by the Hillel Foundation, American Jewish Committee, Anti-Defamation League, American Jewish Congress, Jewish Community Relations Council and every Jewish newspaper and spokesperson for miles around, I am supposed to maintain the fiction that the onslaught against me is ethnically and religiously indeterminate.

A recent article in Black Books Bulletin mentions over twenty books on Black-Jewish relations in the personal library of its author. The author is aware of only two books by Blacks on the subject. If President Walsh (and the Jewish community) are to have their way, then this will forever remain a one-way discourse. I therefore ask again, as I asked in The Jewish Onslaught, "What makes Jews so special? By what dispensation in Adam's will do they enjoy monopolistic privileges over a debate that concerns Blacks as well as Jews? Who has placed them beyond the reach of scholarly enquiry and ethnic identification?"

President Walsh claims that The Jewish Onslaught "violates the basic principles" of, among other things, the "norms of civil discourse." Yet, in her zeal to uncover "innuendo[es]" in my work she seems to have missed the blatant lack of civility in the many articles attacking me. Is she not aware of Professor Marcellus Andrews' Wellesley News reference to me as a "racist Pied Piper?" Did no one show her his description of Wellesley's Black women as "intellectually weak and morally lazy?" Did Mary Lefkowitz, Mellon Professor in the Humanities, neglect to send President Walsh a complimentary copy of her article in Measure (No. 118, September/October 1993), wherein she maliciously and scurrilously alleged that I called a student "a white fucking bitch?" Lefkowitz alleged further that "The young woman fell down as a result of his onslaught and Martin bent over to continue his rage at her." Did President Walsh not see, in her reading of The Jewish Onslaught, the text of a racist cartoon by a Wellesley alumna in the Boston Jewish Times? The cartoonist designated Black women as "Ms. Washington" (no different than the "Hymietown" remark that Jews claimed to be so scandalized by) and seemed to suggest that Black students be taught from the works of segregationists, Ku Kluxers and pseudo-scientific racists. Did President Walsh not read the Jewish hate mail reproduced in The Jewish Onslaught ? "I hate niggers to my very bone marrow," ran a typical sentence. "Not all Jews debate apes. Some of us want them all to die." I have been a veritable oasis of civility in the present debate.

I agree with Justice Holmes, as quoted by President Walsh - "The best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market." The Jewish onslaught has consistently striven to stifle the "competition of the market" by its defamatory rantings and its demands for my dismissal. The present presidential proclamation regrettably ranges itself alongside this ignoble campaign.

But "the competition of the market" has yet managed to assert itself, as can be seen in the steadily shifting positions of the onslaught. From an initial denial that Jews had any role in African slavery at all, there slowly emerged a reluctant admission of minor and peripheral involvement. As the debate intensified and the Jewish denial of the undeniable threatened to expose its adherents to ridicule, the Washington Post (first among major newspapers, to the best of my knowledge), was finally permitted to admit the full extent of Jewish culpability. In a carefully staged (and not at all pro-Black) article of October 17, 1993 the deniers of Jewish involvement in the African holocaust were shown to be as wrong as they could be.

The present controversy demands honest dialogue, not crude attempts at demonization. If President Walsh desires to extricate herself from the hole into which she has fallen, let her collaborate with me (and with interested students), on the convening at Wellesley College of a serious scholarly conference on the role of Jews in the African slave trade. She can invite Skip Gates, Cornel West and anyone else acceptable to the Jewish establishment to argue their case. I will nominate an equal number of scholars to defend the perspective which I endorse. The spirit of Justice Holmes will be lifted.

As my mother used to say, "One hand can't clap." As Ray Charles was wont to soulfully sing, "It takes two to tango."

Begining of Broadside #2

Broadside #3 (March, 1995)

Critical Acclaim for

Despatches from the Wellesley Battlefront
by Tony Martin

The Jewish attack on Black progress reached Wellesley College in 1993, when more Jewish organizations than you could shake a stick at issued a call for the dismissal of Dr. Tony Martin from his tenured professorship at the elite women's college. His crime? - including readings on Jewish involvement in the African slave trade in an African American history course. With rare insight and biting wit, Martin replies to his detractors and offers a historian's analysis of the escalating Jewish onslaught against Black people.

Best Book of The Year
The Jewish Onslaught was named "Best Book of the Year, 1994" at the annual Black Literary Awards held in Hampton, Virginia. The awards are sponsored by UB and US Communications Systems.

Jewish Onslaught is #1 Bestseller
The Jewish Onslaught spent several months in 1994 at the top of the Black book industry's bestseller list. The list is compiled monthly by Your Black Books Guide, most widely circulated publication of the Black Books Movement. The book is the fastest-selling title published by The Majority Press to date (though not the biggest seller in absolute terms). From the Wellesley College Bookstore to after-lecture sales around the United States, The Jewish Onslaught has been a massive seller everywhere.

Best Polemic Since
David Walker's Appeal
Dr. Molefi Kete Asante
Temple University

"Occasionally one reads a monograph that establishes a genre of literature, or at least makes the reader feel that he or she is in the presence of a new literary event. On reading Tony Martin's The Jewish Onslaught: Despatches from the Wellesley Battlefront, one senses the incredible power of the writer to defend himself against those who would limit his freedom of speech while expanding theirs. This is a polemic of the highest order and it might be considered the best such example of an African answering critics since David Walker's preemptive Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World.

" is only by reading The Jewish Onslaught that one can fully appreciate the brilliant mind of Tony Martin. His defense of his right to free speech and academic freedom will certainly become one of the best known documents in the history of African people's intellectual self defense."

From The Journal of Black Studies, XXV, 1, Sept. 1994.

Compared to DuBois'
Souls of Black Folk
Professor Raymond A. Winbush,
Vanderbilt University

"Tony Martin's book, The Jewish Onslaught, should only be read by two groups of persons--those who want to understand the politics of teaching Afrocentricity at either the college or university level, and those who wish to understand the intellectual issues at stake between Blacks and Jews....

"Martin describes the reaction of various Jewish organizations, most notably Hillel and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith, on the use of the Nation of Islam's book, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, in his class on African American history at Wellesley. In what can only be described as an onslaught, Jewish organizations waged a campaign of intimidation that eclipses the Leonard Jeffries case at City University of New York. Martin details circumstances that should be viewed as ominous by all Black scholars in that news organizations, particularly newspapers, have excoriated him and provided only rare opportunities for rebuttal and/or op-ed pieces.

"What is paradoxical about the Jewish onslaught to Martin's book, the Jeffries case and other attacks on Afrocentricity, is that some of these same organizations and individuals claim to be avid defenders of the First Amendment. Mary Lefkowitz, in a recent issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education (January 19, 1994), called for a holy war against "false theories in the classroom." Her hysterical article all but advocated a repeal of the First Amendment when it comes to dealing with what she perceives as the false claims of Afrocentricity.

"Martin's chapter entitled 'Afrocentricity' deals directly with the reasons why such vitriol is being heaped on Afrocentricity, and is probably the most important chapter in the book. His analysis of Martin Bernal's Black Athena series is a brilliant analysis of the politics of Jewish organizations' pressures to suppress scholarly inquiry into African history.

"Professor Martin at long last deals with the Henry Gates/Cornel West attacks on Afrocentricity. Many Blacks have talked about, but few have written anything on, the rise of the ubiquitous Henry "Skip" Gates and Cornel West as a function of their being used in denouncing Afrocentricity. Martin provides a solid analysis of the historical use of Blacks by whites to discredit original Black thought deemed unacceptable by non-Blacks....

"I compare The Jewish Onslaught to the classic third chapter of DuBois'
The Souls of Black Folk entitled "Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others." That essay dealt with a specific issue concerning Black leadership, but is timeless in terms of its application to current events in the Diaspora. I believe that Martin has written a book that years from now will be considered a classic in terms of understanding the historical relationships between Blacks and Jews. It is simply a must reading on a controversial subject that needs greater airing than some of the more timid political attempts of recent years."
From The Voice of Black Studies, XVIII, 5, Winter 1994.

A Balanced Jewish Perspective
Steve Bloom, New York

"Wellesley, Massachusetts, is a peaceful New England town, home of Wellesley College--a prestigious women's institution that is among the most academically acclaimed of this nation's small liberal arts colleges. It hardly seems like the setting for a confrontation in the 'Black-Jewish conflict.' And yet, as the title of this book suggests, that is precisely what took place there beginning in early 1993.

"At the center of the controversy is Tony Martin, a Black scholar whose academic achievement and reputation would seem to make him a natural choice for an institution such as Wellesley....He is widely acknowledged as the world's foremost authority on the life and work of Marcus Garvey and is the author of eleven books. In addition to his duties at Wellesley he has been a visiting professor at the University of Minnesota, Brandeis University, Brown University, and The Colorado College.

"Then, one day in January, Martin's class on African American History was monitored for a single period by three officers of the Wellesley Hillel Club. The visit was prompted when Jewish students noticed that a book published by the Nation of Islam, entitled, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, was on a reading list for the class. Based on that single visit, and that single fact, the campus Hillel Club launched an attack on Professor Martin for disseminating what its spokeswomen characterize as "hate literature." The Secret Relationship, they say, is an anti-Semitic work.

"This accusation is made on the grounds that The Secret Relationship documents Jewish involvement in the African slave trade (using predominantly Jewish historical sources to do so)....

"Martin shows that he has been the victim of a vicious slander campaign by those who use a Jewish identity demagogically, insisting that because they are Jews all others must uncritically accept their denunciation of Martin, or anyone else.
"Exposing this reality is Martin's purpose in writing The Jewish Onslaught, and it seems to this reader that he adequately makes his case....

"The perception that Jews are somehow better than other groups of whites in their relationship to simply false. Jewish establishment support to the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s flowed from its own material interest in helping to further open American society. That was achieved, and it helped to establish a substantial 'Black middle class' of professionals and small proprietors. But an even larger proportion of Jews were able to successfully 'integrate' themselves into the more privileged strata of U.S. society. And this 'Jewish integration' makes it quite outmoded to consider that Jews continue to be the victims of oppression in the U.S., in any sense of that term.

"But these two myths--of Jews as an oppressed people and a special 'friend' of Black liberation--nevertheless maintain a tenacious hold. They give a particular credibility to Jewish spokespeople's denunciations of Black leaders for 'anti-Semitism.' This has, in fact, become a standard, and extremely effective, way to discredit Black activists.

"The question of Jewish involvement in the African slave trade represents a particularly imposing threat to the idea of an historic 'Black/Jewish friendship.' That is why a major campaign has been launched to make sure that this subject remains out of bounds. Once the accusation of anti-Semitism is raised, any reasoned debate or discussion becomes impossible....

"Finally, those Black intellectuals who do speak out against 'Black anti-Semitism' tend to echo the white power structure's sweeping denunciations of honest inquiry as well as real prejudice. It seems reasonable to believe that this attitude is shaped by the desire to maintain relatively privileged positions in academic or political life. And this can only be done by pleasing the white establishment which remains master in these areas.

" would be wrong to simply dismiss Martin's call on Jewish religious and cultural institutions today to renounce [the Hamitic Myth, the Talmudic notion that Africans were recipients of a Biblical curse.] If prominent Jewish scholars and religious institutions were to explicitly reject the Hamitic myth, that fact could play a positive role in opening up new possibilities for dialogue and overcoming the genuine anti-Black racism that exists among Jews....

"[The Jewish Onslaught ] is compelling reading. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to better understand what creates the antagonism between Blacks and Jews, not only in Crown Heights but in Academia as well...."
Prepared for Third World Viewpoint (forthcoming).

A View from England
Spartacus R.

" don't have to say or do anything specifically about the Jews for them to attack. All you have to do, like our great ancestor Marcus Garvey, is dare to have independent thought....

"A good example of this is the vicious attack on Tony Martin, the renowned Garvey biographer and teacher who was terrorized by these people non-stop...after using The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews in one of his courses.

"His experiences, recalled in the Jewish Onslaught, are an indictment on the despicable behavior of the Jews...."

From Global Africa Pocket News (London), I,5, May 1994.

From Jamaica
Truth is a Hard Taskmaster
Carl Wint
Gleaner Associate Editor

"Truth is a hard task master, and this was to come home forcefully to Tony Martin....An expert on Marcus Garvey, he has written, compiled or edited eleven books and is highly regarded in academic and intellectual circles....

"Tony Martin has been forced to delve into the relationship between the Jews and Blacks and, in the process, he has distilled a work that is informative, fascinating and one which will heighten the consciousness of Black people everywhere.

"The role of Jews in the African slave trade foreshadowed, too, the manipulative role of the Jews in the American Civil Rights Movement of the Sixties....

"In The Jewish Onslaught, one is struck by the sensitivity of the Jews to their role in the affairs of Black people. And, this against the background of academic work put out for decades about the role other groups played.

"These groups ranged from whites to Black Africans. Where the conclusions drawn were in doubt, these were challenged, but certainly not with the vitriol and the paranoia the Jewish community seem to have exhibited in reaction to Black historians putting out academic work from their own perspective, and which deals with the Jewish role. This is a good read."

From the Sunday Gleaner
(Jamaica), Feb. 6, 1994.

Garvey's Disciple
Yusef Salaam, New York Amsterdam News

"By his dedication to Garvey scholarship...Martin has inherited the struggle to keep Garvey's ideas alive and to continue the struggle against his historical enemies, Blacks and Whites, who are still in the forefront of destroying the progress of African people.

"Martin's recent book, The Jewish Onslaught, is vitally important because it is the first published report that chronicles what happens when one dares to speak the truth--as one has researched and studied it--about Jews being among the criminals who had leading roles in the buying and selling of African people and in the genocide of at least 100 million of them during the holocaust of enslavement....

"The Jewish Onslaught offers frightening insight into the psychological pogrom that Jewish organizations conduct to instill fear, to break the mind and spirit, castrate the character and to kill the career of anyone whose ideas they deem to not be kosher."
From New York Amsterdam News, Feb. 12 & 19, 1994.

A Degraded Book
Diana Chapman Walsh - President, Wellesley College

"The increase in your salary for next year does not include a merit award....the recent degradation of your scholarship...warrant[s] a statement of disapproval and concern....
"...the lack of intellectual balance in The Jewish Onslaught, the polemic you wrote and continue to affirm as legitimate scholarship, has been communicated to you repeatedly."

From annual salary letter, Diana Chapman Walsh to Tony Martin, June 8, 1994.

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