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Top: Jewish Atrocities: Jews Against Jews: Politics: Rabbi Joshua Hecht

Son Says Israel Owes Hecht an Apology
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Tuesday March 24 3:47 PM EST

WASHINGTON, March 24 (UPI) - The son of a U.S. rabbi accused of calling for the death of former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin says his father will not travel to Israel, although a ban on his entry has been lifted.

Joshua Hecht tells United Press International today that his father, 77-year-old Abraham B. Hecht, never called for Rabin's murder or said he regretted not having the privilege of killing Rabin himself.

Hecht said, ``This has not been written or published anywhere.''

Rabin was assassinated in 1995 by a right-wing orthodox Jew. Abraham Hecht has been quoted as citing Jewish scripture to justify the killing.

Joshua Hecht said, ``If anything, the state of Israel owes a tremendous apology to Rabbi Abraham B. Hecht for distorting his words, for quoting him out of context, for doctoring his TV interviews, for broadcasting comments that he made way before the tragic assassination.. .as if he had said them the day after the assassination.''

Hecht said his father had sent a letter to Rabin clarifying his remarks a month before Rabin's death.

Hecht said his father is ``very pleased'' the ban against him has been lifted but has no plans to travel to Israel.

He criticized the Israeli government for trying to discredit ``an outspoken voice for the Jewish conscience.''

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