Top: Jewish Genocides Today and Yesterday: Jewish Palestinian Genocide
Assennara [Arab Israeli journal] learned from reliable sources that the Israeli government in the late 50s and early 60s prepared a plan to limit the "birth rate" of the Arabs who remained in the country [after the 1948 war] in an effort to solve the demographic problems resulting from the increasing growth ratio among Arabs; which the Israeli government though of as a security danger that threatened the demographic balance in the country. The sources said that the Israeli government under the leadership of Ben Gurion and with consultations from experts reviewed a proposal of "birth control" among Arabs, not for the sake of the Arab family welfare but in order to limit their numbers and banish whatever the government could amidst concerns of low numbers of Jews in the country, then. Assennara learned that these documents are classified as "top secrets" that have not been published yet despite their decades ages. We also learned that certain documents were not allowed access to pertaining the plan although other parts were allowed access to for researchers and academicians. For that reason, we spent all day yesterday asking top [Israeli] security officials that dealt with the Arabic affairs. But all of them strongly declined the story. One of the former advisors said "I never heard of or thought of a proposal like that. Even if the someone proposed it, I suspect that others would have executed it, or could have executed it." Assennara submitted a written questionnaire to three former officials:- Former Prime Minister and Ben Gurion aide Shimon Peres who was, hitherto, the Defense Minister; former President and ex aide and secretary to Ben Gurion, Yitzhak Navon; and to Haim Yisraeli, a senior officer in the Defense Ministry who obtained the Medal of Israel this year for his contribution to the security of the state. The questionnaire was submitted in writing based on the requests of their secretaries. The questions were:- 1. Is it true that the the government of Israel in the 60s, or at any other time, prepared a plan to birth control the Arabs? 2. Is it true that the basis for that plan was to distribute birth control pills for Arab women? 3. Is it true that imposing drugs for birth control on them was examined? Yitzhak Navon answered us verbally by saying that "This story is a baseless lie. My suggestion to you and your newspaper is not to bemired with this story." Haim Yisraeli's response was obtained after several follow ups where he was quoted saying that "the subject is different." When we requested more information, an official spokeswoman told us that "He did not know. The entire subject is different." We requested a written response, but none was received till today. Shimon Peres did not respond either. Upon contacting other officials who were outraged, we were told that they had nothing to do with the Arabic affairs or they were outside the country then on diplomatic missions. But Assennara avers that it is quoting the story from reliable sources who stressed that the proposal was evaluated by political and security authorities in the government but after detailed discussions and perusal the proposal was dismissed by the majority. Ben Gurion Was Entertained With The Idea of Judaizing The Arabs One of the series of the TV show "The Enlightenment" produced by the Israeli TV on the 50 anniversary of the establishment of Israel is dealing with the Arabs. Yitzhak Navon is supposed to appear in one of the episodes; that has not been aired yet; that deals with a plan to solve the demographic problem. According to the show, there was a plan called "Jonathan Campaign." The plan was aimed at banishing the Arabs in the Galilee to South America. A top official (Yitzhak Navon- Assennara) was sent to Argentina to examine the possibility of trading Jewish land in the region of Mendusa with Arab lands in the Galilee. In his comments, Navon says:- "Since Israel was created, Jews will come to it from Argentina, as they said... They have too much land in there and Arabs could be settled in it.... I said that first I will travel and examine the issue... and this took a long time.... we examined the issue and found it impractical and unrealistic.... because the Jews who settled there (Argentina) and were peasants are no peasants anymore..... and the Arabs in here (Galilee) will not rush to live there." The above was a verbatim quotation of Navon in the show. It is worth mentioning that Assennara published years ago a piece of news from a book titled "More Lands, Less Arabs" by Nurdin Masalha (page 34) about an Israeli government plan to exchange Arabs with Jews from Argentina, which Navon confirms these days. The host, before Navon reads his comments announces the following:- "After the birth of the state in 1948, more than 150,000 Arabs remained in the country who were considered by the Israeli and army leader as a dangerous "mine" with dual loyalty. Many different thoughts were proposed about their future. Even Ben Gurion was entertaining (himself) by ideas of Judaizing the Arabs or banishing them to South America." top of page List of Palestinian Localities destroyed after the creation of the State of Israel (1948) by Christoph Uehlinger publ. by Association for the Reconstruction of Emwas
Rue du Centre 74 The aim of the list presented here is to give an overview on Palestinian localities which were destroyed during or after the Israeli-Arab war of 1948. The information contained in the list has been brought together by a systematic study of various graphic documents or published writings, i.e. official topographical maps prepared by the British Mandatory Government of Palestine and by the Government of the State of Israel as well as three lists of destroyed Palestinian villages, one complied by the Palestinian geographer Kamal Abudlfattah of Bir Zeit University, another compiled by the Palestinian historian and geographer Aref El-Aref and published by the Israeli scholar Israel Shahak, a third one published by Walid Mustafa, the former head of the Geography Department of an-Najah University (Nablus). Such a documentary approach offers considerable advantages: First, the study of official graphical maps allow a rather detached look on the object of our enquiry, i.e. on a certain number of Palestinian localities attested to before 1948 which are later mentioned as 'destroyed', which change their names or which disappear completely from the map. Moreover, the fact that these maps are official documents confer a certain objectivity to our list. At last, indicating all documents used as well as precise topographical coordinates for each site mentioned allow for an easy verification of any data contained in the present list. However desirable, it has not been possible for us to make an enquiry concerning these data on the very spot. Moreover, it is necessary to underline one most important limitation to this list: Topographical maps never mention neither reasons nor circumstances of the destruction and/or desertion of a house or a village. Our list thus cannot render even a fraction of the human suffering on both sides (remember, among others, the destruction of the Jewish quarter in the Old city of Jerusalem) which marked the events that finally led to the desertion and destruction of hundreds of Palestinian localities. In order to denote the sites of destroyed settlements, we have consciously avoided the word 'villages' which could arise confusion. The present list makes reference to towns as well as to villages or even hamlets. However, indicating the number of inhabitants in 1945 (given in parenthesis after each toponym) may give an approximate idea about the relative importance of these localities (source: Statistical Abstract 1945, British Mandatory Government of Palestine, cited after Shukri Arraf, Al-qarya al-arabiya al-falastiniya ["The Palestinian Arab Village"], Jerusalem [Arab Studies Society] 1985, pp.163-279). We want to draw attention to the fact that the present list does not mention all the Palestinian towns (as, e.g., Safed/Zefat, Tiberias, Haifa, etc.) some of which have not been destroyed but are today inhabited almost exclusively by an Israeli population. The official topographical maps issued by the State of Israel in the 1950s (1:100'000), inherited from the period of the British mandatory government but overprinted in Hebrew, mention almost 300 destroyed Palestinian localities. Each Palestinian locality having been in a state of destruction and abandonment at that time is marked on these maps by the Hebrew overprint HAROUSS which means 'destroyed, demolished'. These maps alone establish thus with absolute certainty the destruction of a great number of Palestinian localities. They present the most important evidence for our list. (...) In our list, the first column gives the names of destroyed Palestinian localities, with the number of inhabitants in 1945 mentioned in parentheses (x= no information available). The second column gives precise topological coordinates referring to the Palestine/Israel Grid (established by the Survey of Palestine [British Mandatory Government] and taken over by the official maps of the State of Israel). The third column indicates the sources which attest to the destruction of a given locality (official topographical maps, earlier published lists). The fourth column mentions the Israeli settlement existing today in the immediate vicinity of a given destroyed Palestinian locality, and which has, more often than not, inherited (sic) the land of the latter. With regard to the last point, the list is however not exhaustive. As a complementary information, we have mentioned whenever these Israeli settlements were founded after the 1948 war. Please draw our attention to any possible error which could be contained in the present list. Christoph Uehlinger Fribourg, Switzerland, March 1989 NOTE: In the following list posted to the World Wide Web, the third and fourth columns of the published list have been omitted. Those interested in these details can obtain the published list from the Association for the Reconstruction of Emwas (see address above). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ District of al-Quds (Jerusalem): 37 localities Al-Jura (420) - [Ora] District of al-Khalil (Hebron): 15 localities Ajjur (3730) District of Gaza: 45 localities Al-Faluja (4670) District of Tulkarm: 10 localities Kafr Saba (1270) - [Kefar Saba] District of Ramleh: 54 ocalities A.. Fadl as-Sautariya (x) District of Jaffa: 19 localities Al-Haram (520) - [Reshef] District of Haifa: 45 localities ? Ein Ghazal (2170) - [Ofer] District of Akka (Acre): 25 localities Ad-Damun (1310) District of Nazareth: 4 localities ? Indur (620) District of Jenin: 6 localities Al-Lajjun (1103) - [Megiddo] District of Beisan (Beth Shean): 22 localities Al-Ashrafiya (230) - [Sheluhot] District of Taburiya (Tiberias): 24 localities Al-Hadatha (520) District of Safed (Zefat): 76 localities Abil al-Qamh (330) - [Yuval] The Jewish View of a Kingdom--Racist Tyranny, Racism, Genocide, Apartheid top of page The truth of how Jews view the entire inhabited world will be made manifest in this post. Below is a House Concurrent Resolution in which Jewish Charles Schumer wants the United States Congress to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of a Jewish kingdom. This document does not exclude gentiles per se but notice that it only addresses worldwide Jewry. "There are no English, French, German or American Jews, but only Jews living in England, France, Germany or America." Chaim Weizmann, Zionist Leader, on August 29, 1897, at the First Zionist Congress at Basle, Switzerland. (There will be those that complain that this bill is from the 104th Congress BUT that was when the "3000th Anniversay" took place. This is evidence of the power of AIPAC, The Jewish Lobby, on American Congress!) FILE hc36.ih
Gentiles do not have any stand The Jews do not recognize the New Covenant nor do they acknowledge its presenter, Jesus Christ. The Jews still adhere to the Old Covenant as presented by Moses. Jews still view themselves as the "chosen people" and they still view the Gentiles as lessers. To appreciate the Jewish view and how they view the current physical and Earthly Jerusalem let's consider the following: Acts 10: 28 Deuteronomy 6: 10,11 Isaiah 60: 9-12, 16 Isaiah 61:5,6,9 Isaiah 62:1 [Our modern 20th century Jews still believe the Old Covenant promises made to them. You only need to look at how they "seized" Palestine in 1948. The Jews now live in houses which they did not build, they've occupied cities which they did not build and they eat the fruits of other's labor, as if all of it is owed to them! This belief would also explain the Jewish leaning towards communism which holds the same desires for its ruling elite.] On Jewish Racism as described in the Bible: Acts
10: 28 John 4: 9 Ezra 9: 1,2 Ezra 10: 10 Nehemiah 7: 61,64 To achieve this Jew World Order the Jews have to remove "their sub humans" from their "Holy City" and this is how they seek to make Jeruslaem Arab free. Subject: Israeli agression against Palestinians continue
and the Environment
Today ten homes were demolished in Jerusalem and the West Bank, in a stunning attack on Palestinian homes during the visit of US peace envoy Dennis Ross. The homes were demolished for having no permit, although both the Israeli military authorities of the West Bank and the Jerusalem municipality only very rarely issue building permits to Palestinian residents. Therefore Palestinian residents must build illegally to alleviate extreme overcrowding, particularly in refugee camps. Because they cannot take advantage of the low mortgage rates or the low-interest loans available to the Jewish settlements of the West bank and Jerusalem, {"He [the Jew] should not press his fellow [Jew] for payment.. the foreigner [Gentile] you may press for payment..." Deuteronomy 15: 2,3 "You must not make your brother pay interest, interest on money, interest on food, interest on anything on which one may claim interest. You may make a foreigner [Gentile] pay interest but your brother [fellow Jew] you must not make pay interest." Deuteronomy 23: 19,20} they must invest their life savings into their homes, adding to the economic as well as human devastation caused by these demolitions. These demolitions follow the construction of thousands of new units in the Jewish-only settlements of Jerusalem and the West Bank. In Jerusalem: All 8 of these houses lie on the very edge of Shu'fat Refugee Camp, which faces the Jewish settlement of Pisgat Zeev. This illegal settlement, which houses 30,000 Jewish settlers, has recently enjoyed a building boom onto the lands of neighboring Shu'fat and Anata villages, and construction in this settlement is subsidized by the Jerusalem municipality. The Shu'fat Refugee Camp is the sole refuge for nearly 8000 Palestinian Jerusalemites and their children who were expelled from their homes in 1948. The comparison between this beautiful housing area and the refugee camp reveals the appalling neglect resulting from the discriminatory policies of the Israeli Jerusalem Municipality.In Anata, two homes also were destroyed. In the West Bank: In the past week, the Israeli government demolished 32 Palestinian homes. This large-scale attack on Palestinian homes comes in the wake of the US government's demands on President Arafat to crack down harder on his own people. These demolitions demonstrate once again Israeli PM Netanyahu's total contempt for his Palestinian "partners", for the American mediator, and for the negotiations as a whole. top of page Ha, how about 50 years of injustice? By Charley Reese This is the 50th anniversary of the Palestinian catastrophe, when Zionists 'ethnically cleansed'' Palestine of 720,000 of its residents. Those people and their descendants have never been allowed to return and have never been compensated for the land, the businesses, the farms, the shops and the money they had to leave behind. This is particularly ironic in view of the World Jewish Congress's attempt to extort billions of dollars from the Swiss government and banks on the grounds of compensating Jewish refugees from Europe. The crime against the Palestinians was carried out in 1948, in the words of one historian, by a campaign of psychological warfare and terror punctuated with a few well-timed massacres, such as the one at Deir Yassin where villagers were slaughtered by gunmen from the Irgun and the Stern Gang terrorists. This wrong done to a people who were peaceful and largely agrarian is the root of the conflict, the violence, the deaths and the suffering of the past 50 years. You will note, as American Zionists celebrate Israel's 50th Anniversary, that they will take great care to ignore Palestinians. One television show has already trotted out the old Zionist lies -- Palestine was a land with no people for a people with no land, and the Jews made the desert bloom. Palestine was well-populated with Palestinians long before the British decided to colonize the area under the guise of assisting Zionists. And the Palestinians had already made the desert bloom with citrus, olives and other fruits and vegetables. The birth of Israel, far from a miracle, was just the culmination of another European colonization plan based on the racist belief that indigenous people simply didn't count. There had not been a Jewish state in that area since 135 A.D. The worst thing the Zionists did, however, was to blame the victim and, with incessant propaganda, attempt to make the Palestinians nonexistent. For years, Zionist propaganda studiously used the word ``Arab'' rather than Palestinian. The existence of Palestinians presents the Zionists with a problem. If they exist, then their land was stolen, and they were ejected from it. Better to foster the myth of an ``empty land'' -- or the other lie, when the empty land ploy became untenable, that Palestinians were just Arabs who moved in to enjoy the economy created by the Jews. If that had been true, then Jews would have owned more than only about 7 percent of the land as late as 1946. (John Chapple's Jewish Land Settlement in Palestine, 1964.) ``We came and turned the native Arabs into tragic refugees,'' said Nathan Chofshi, an honest and compassionate Zionist. ``And still we dare to slander and malign them, to besmirch their name. Instead of being deeply ashamed of what we did and trying to undo some of the evil we committed ... we justify our terrible acts and even attempt to glorify them.'' (Chofshi was quoted in an article published in the Spectator, May 12, 1961). Tragically, 37 years later, the situation has not changed. Israel's government has no interest in making peace. It feels confident that, with the backing of the Jewish Diaspora, Israelis can continue to act, to paraphrase one Jewish critic, more like Prussians than Jews. But let's at least inject one bit of honesty into this foreign- government-sponsored propaganda festival. The celebration is the 50th anniversary of the proclamation of Israel. It is not a celebration of 50 years of independence, for Israel has never been, and isn't now, an independent state. It has from day one depended on superpowers (initially both the Soviet Union and the United States) and still depends on billions of dollars of annual subsidies from the American taxpayers, from German taxpayers and from Diaspora Jews. Prepare for another 50 years of conflict. There is no escape. No justice for Palestinians, no peace for Israelis. Goes on Trial in Israel BEIT EL, West Bank, Wednesday, Dec. 9, 1998, By Laurie Copans (AP) - The trial of an 18-year-old American-born Palestinian charged with membership in an Islamic militant group opened Wednesday in an Israeli military court. Hashem Mufleh's lawyer argued the crimes his client is accused of - membership in the Islamic militant Hamas group and distributing Hamas leaflets - would not hold in the United States, where Mufleh would be protected by the First Amendment, which guarantees free speech and assembly. Israel and the Palestinian Authority, as part of the U.S.-brokered peace accords, have been cracking down on Hamas, the group that opposes peace and has carried out deadly attacks against Israel. As part of such measures, Israel arrested Mufleh, who has lived with his mother for 16 years in the West Bank city of Ramallah, in August as he tried to board a flight to the United States to attend college in Gallup, N.M., where his father lives. A few days after Mufleh's arrest, the State Department protested his detention, his interrogation and the conditions under which he was being kept. His family said because of the intervention of U.S. officials in Israel, Mufleh's prison conditions have improved. ``It's ironic that Americans are getting Palestinians to crack down on Hamas and they totally support these military orders and military courts, and then they find an American citizen who is being arrested and held without bail, basically for practicing American freedoms,'' Mufleh's attorney, Jonathan Kuttab said. At his trial in an Israeli military court in Beit El in the West Bank, Mufleh was accused of membership in Hamas, throwing a stone and other objects at Israeli vehicles, distributing Hamas leaflets and participating in a demonstration commemorating Hamas bomb-maker Mohyedin Sharif, who was killed in an explosion earlier this year. Wearing a Miami Dolphins T-shirt, glasses and Nike basketball shoes, Mufleh fingered Muslim prayer beads as he listened to the Arabic translation of the proceedings, which were conducted in Hebrew. ``I'm not involved with Hamas. I'm religious. I'm a Muslim,'' he told The Associated Press. Two Israeli policemen testified that Mufleh had confessed of his own free will but Kuttab claimed the confession was ``extracted under torture.'' Moshe Levy, a police officer who took Mufleh's statement after he was questioned by interrogators from Israel's Shin Bet security agency, said Mufleh did not appear to have been ill-treated. ``As far as I remember, he looked fine. I don't remember seeing any marks on him,'' Levy told the court. His mother, Itaf Mufleh, said her son ``studied the Koran and prayer. Does that mean he belongs to Hamas?'' Kuttab argued that Mufleh's actions would have been legal in the United States and would be protected under the Constitution. Kuttab's request to release his client on bail was denied two weeks ago by a military judge. A Brutal Routine WASHINGTON POST Friday, January 3, 2003; Page A18 THERE HAS BEEN a lull recently in Palestinian attacks against Israelis; a shooting attack that killed four in a West Bank settlement last week was the first major incident in a month. But almost every day, Palestinian civilians, including many children, are being killed by the Israeli army and police. An 18-year-old high school student named Amran Abu Hamediye was found beaten to death in the West Bank town of Hebron on Monday; family and neighbors say he had been detained by Israeli forces a few minutes before. On Sunday, an 11-year-old boy was shot and killed by troops in the town of Tulkarm. The day before, a 9-year-old girl was killed as she played outside her home in the Gaza Strip. At least four other Palestinian children under the age of 16 were killed by Israeli fire in Gaza during the past month. In one case, an 11-year-old girl was shot in the chest and killed as she leaned out her bedroom window to watch the funeral of a teenage boy who had been gunned down the previous day. Israeli explanations of this grinding carnage long ago acquired a routine quality. Youngsters are often accused of having thrown stones at troops; in other cases, soldiers are said to have been responding to sniper fire in the vicinity. Investigations are invariably said to be underway -- but rarely are results reported. According to the Israeli human rights group B'Tselem, only one Israeli soldier has been convicted of brutality since the latest Palestinian uprising began 15 months ago. During that time, some 2,000 Palestinians have been killed, compared with 700 Israelis. Israeli officials point out that their forces, unlike the Palestinian suicide bombers, do not deliberately set out to kill children and other civilians. That is mostly true; but reports of calculated brutality by soldiers have been growing ever since the army reoccupied the West Bank six months ago. In Hebron, where Palestinian terrorists ambushed and killed a dozen Israeli soldiers and security guards on Nov. 15, Israeli paramilitary forces have reportedly been operating something they call "the lottery," in which they detain Palestinians and order them to choose from pieces of paper labeled with punishments such as "broken leg" and "smashed head." The practice was reported by an Israeli newspaper on Dec. 22, more than a week before Amran Abu Hamediye was beaten to death. But Israeli authorities as yet have taken no action in response to the reports. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ordered the reoccupation of Palestinian towns and territory, and the destruction of most of the security infrastructure of the Palestinian Authority, after Israeli forces failed to stop waves of suicide bombers from assaulting Israel. Now running for reelection, Mr. Sharon is claiming success: Suicide bombings are less frequent, and beleaguered Palestinian militants are discussing the possibility of declaring an end to attacks inside Israel. Mr. Sharon recently promised that his tactics would lead to "victory" over the Palestinians. But he and his army cannot give Israelis real security in this way, only a relative respite -- and at a high cost in Palestinian lives. © 2003 The Washington Post Company