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Top: Jewish Intellectual Assault: Australia: Intellectual Terror--Right to Privacy Violated

Australian Jewish magazine
names 2,000 One Nation party members

This Report Was Published on Internet at Nando Times, July 9, 1998

[JEW WATCH WARNING & NOTE: In this story, the Jews allegedly break the laws of Australia, human rights in general, and ethics, claim the unclaimable--That their intellectual assault on non-Jewish people--which is in reality a form of ADL terrorist racism against members of their Jewish host nations--is all right as long as Jews are the ones doing it. When Germans, Americans, or Australians do the same thing--by identifying Jews in the government, film, or business, for instance, it is wrong. I might add that although only 2,000 One Nation party members names were published, the entire 8,000 names of One Nation party members, which were allegedly stolen from One Nation ,have probably already been handed over to the Israeli Mossad and Shin Bet which are known international terrorist organizations with a long history of continuous murder, assault, robbery, and assassinations around the world. The Jews have thus put 8,000 innocent citizens of Australia at risk of murder, assault, economic devastation, and other dirty tricks of the Mossad.and Shin Bet. At the same time, the ADL's asset, the Australia/Israel Review, is allegedly serving as an unregistered representative of a foreign power, something most Jewish organizations are allowed to do; whereas, non-Jews are not. --Mohammed von Goldstein, Jew Watch Historian/Librarian]


Jewish Intellectual Assault Against Non-Jews in Sydney
That which is not allowed for other Australians, the Jews allegedly claim the right to.
Has a special "dispicable behavior license" has been given to Jews alone, because they are so special?

SYDNEY (July 9, 1998) - A Jewish magazine Thursday defended publishing 2,000 names of One Nation party members who were depicted by the Australian media as a mixture of neo-Nazis, pensioners and migrants.

The move by the Australia/Israel Review has provoked anger and division among the Jewish community here and ignited fierce debate about the tactics being used to curb the far-right party's rise.

Editor Mark Leibler said the public interest had been "well-served" but other Jewish organizations questioned its ethical value while One Nation members said it opened the door to harassment and victimization.

"In a democratic country, which thank God Australia still is, it's a bit of a worry," said Marika Weinberger, president of the Australian Association of Jewish Holocaust Survivors.

The decision to publish follows reports that One Nation senior adviser David Oldfield and party director David Ettridge had refused leader Pauline Hanson access to the list amid fears it would reveal infiltration by extremist groups.

Under a page one headline "Leibler's List," the Sydney Daily Telegraph identified one member as the lead singer of Neo-Nazi skinhead band Blood Oath -- also a former member of the far-right group Southern Cross. Among Gideon McLean's historical heroes listed on the band's website is Adolf Hitler and "all men and women who died for race and nation."

Other members are less controversial and include many retirees and migrants.

Among those quoted in newspapers here Thursday were accountants, pest controllers, World War II veterans and merchant seamen.

Many were unconcerned at being identified as One Nation supporters, but others blasted the move as an invasion of privacy and voiced concern for their safety.

"Now I know where to go if my house gets fire-bombed," casino worker Laura Hanson -- no relation to the One Nation leader -- told The Australian .

Another member, Karoly Nagy, said: "I think I made a bad mistake joining the party so I am upset that my name is in the magazine."

The Australia/Israel Review said it obtained the list from senior figures within One Nation dissatisfied with the control wielded by Ettridge and Oldfield.

Leibler said the magazine had abandoned its plan to publish the names of 8,000 more members following the uproar.

"The objective that we set ourself has been achieved."

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