James Stenzel
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900 Quotes By and About Jews
Compiled by Willie Martin
VOLTAIRE (Francois Marie Arouet) 18th century
French philosopher, writer:
"Why are the Jews
hated? It is the inevitable result of their laws; they
either have to conquer everybody or be hated by the
whole human race..."
"The Jewish nation dares to display an irreconcilable
hatred toward all nations, and revolts against all
masters; always superstitious, always greedy for the
well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous - cringing
in misfortune and insolent in prosperity." (Essai
sur le Moeurs)
"You seem to me to be the maddest of the lot. The
Kaffirs, the Hottentots, and the Negroes of Guinea
are much more reasonable and more honest people than
your ancestors, the Jews. You have surpassed all nations
in impertinent fables in bad conduct and in barbarism.
You deserve to be punished, for this is your destiny."
(From a letter to a Jew who had written to him, complaining
of his 'anti-Semitism.' Examen des Quelques Objections...dans
L'Essai sur le Moeurs.)
"You will only find in the Jews an ignorant
and barbarous people, who for a long time have joined
the most sordid avarice to the most detestable superstition
and to the most invincible hatred of all peoples which
tolerate and enrich them." ("Juif,"
Dictionnaire Philosophique)
"I know that there are some Jews in the English
colonies. These marranos go wherever there is money
to be made...But whether these circumcised who sell
old clothes claim that they are of the tribe of Naphtali
or Issachar is not of the slightest importance. They
are, simply, the biggest scoundrels who have ever dirtied
the face of the earth." (Letter to Jean-Baptiste
Nicolas de Lisle de Sales, December 15, 1773. Correspondance.
"They are, all of them, born with raging
fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and
the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be
in the least bit surprised if these people would not
some day become deadly to the human race." (Lettres
de Memmius a Ciceron, 1771)
CANNOT, E. 19th century French reformer. In La
Renovation, journal of the socialist school of CHARLES
FOURIER: "Jews! To the heights of your Sinai...I
humbly lift myself. I stand erect and cry out to you,
in behalf of all my humble equals, of all those whom
your spoliation has brought to grief, who died in misery
through you and whose trembling shades accuse you:
Jews! for Cain and Iscariot, leave us, leave us! Ah,
cross the Red Sea again, and go down there to the desert,
to the promised land which is waiting for you, the
only country fit for you; o you wicked, rude and dishonest
people, go there!!! ("Israel")
"I participated with Herzl in the first Zionist
Congress which was held in Basle in 1897. Herzl was
the most prominent figure at that first Jewish World
Congress. He worked to achieve an object which had
been fixed beforehand. Just as Isaiah foresaw, decades
before the event occurred, the victorious power of
Cyrus before anyone else, so did Herzl foresee twenty
years, before we experienced them, the revolutions
brought about by the Great War, and he prepared us
for that which was going to happen. He foresaw the
splitting up of Turkey, and he foresaw that England
would obtain control over Palestine. 'We may expect
important developments in the world.' These were the
words spoken by Herzl twenty years before the Great
War. He added that the events would offer the Jewish
people fresh opportunities." (The Judisk Tidskrift,
No. 6, Aug.-Sept., 1929, written by Dr. Ehrenpreis,
Chief Rabbi of Sweden).
"Hitler will have no war, but he will be forced
into it, not this year but later..." (The Jewish
Emil Ludwig, Les Annales, June, 1934)
"Whenever an American or a Filipino fell at
Bataan or Corregidor or at any other of the now historic
spots where MacArthur's men put up their remarkable
fight, their survivors could have said with truth:
'The real reason that boy went to his death, was because
Hitler's anti-Semitic movement succeeded in Germany.'"
(The American Hebrew, July 24, 1942).
"Kill the Germans, wherever you find them!
Every German is our moral enemy. Have no mercy on women,
children, or the aged! Kill every German -- wipe them
out!" (Llya Ehrenburg, Glaser, p. 111).
"The millions of Jews who live in America,
England and France, North and South Africa, and, not
to forget those in Palestine, are determined to bring
the war of annihilation against Germany to its final
end." (The Jewish newspaper, Central Blad Voor
Israeliten in Nederland, September 13, 1939)
"Germany is the enemy of Judaism and must
be pursued with deadly hatred. The goal of Judaism
of today is: a merciless campaign against all German
peoples and the complete destruction of the nation.
We demand a complete blockade of trade, the importation
of raw materials stopped, and retaliation towards every
German, woman and child." (Jewish professor A.
Kulischer, October, 1937)
"Step by step, I have arrived at the conviction
that the aims of Communism in Europe are sinister and
fatal. At the Nuremberg Trials, I, together with my
Russian colleague, condemned Nazi Aggression and Terror.
I believe now that Hitler and the German People did
not want war. But we, {England}, declared war on Germany,
intent on destroying it, in accordance with our principle
of Balance of Power, and we were encouraged by the
'Americans'{Jews} around Roosevelt. We ignored Hitler's
pleading, not to enter into war. Now we are forced
to realize that Hitler was right. He offered us the
co-operation of Germany: instead, since 1945, we have
been facing the immense power of the Soviet Empire.
I feel ashamed and humiliated to see that the aims
we accused Hitler of, are being relentless pursued
now, only under a different label." (Ashamed and
Humiliated The British Attorney General, Sir Hartle
Shawcross, said in a speech at Stourbridge, March 16/84
"Our fight against Germany must be carried
to the limit of what is possible. Israel has been attacked.
Let us, therefore, defend Israel! Against the awakened
Germany, we put an awakened Israel. And the world will
defend us." (Jewish author Pierre Creange in his
book Epitres aux Juifs, 1938)
"Judea declares War on Germany." (Daily
Express, March 24, 1934)
"Germany must be turned into a waste land,
as happened there during the 30-year War." (Das
Morgenthau-Tagebuch, The Morgenthau Dairy, p. 11).
"The fight against Germany has now been waged
for months by every Jewish community, on every conference,
in all labor unions and by every single Jew in the
world. There are reasons for the assumption that our
share in this fight is of general importance. We shall
start a spiritual and material war of the whole world
against Germany. Germany is striving to become once
again a great nation, and to recover her lost territories
as well as her colonies. But our Jewish interests call
for the complete destruction of Germany..." (Valadimir
Jabotinsky, in Mascha Rjetsch, January, 1934)
"In fact, about 600 news-papers were officially
banned during 1933. Others were unofficially silenced
by street methods. The exceptions included Judische
Rundschau, the ZVfD's Weekly and several other Jewish
publications. German Zionism's weekly was hawked on
street corners and displayed at news stands. When Chaim
Arlosoroff visited Zionist headquarters in London on
June 1, he emphasized, 'The Rundschau is of crucial
Rundschau circulation had in fact jumped to more than
38,000 -- four to five times its 1932 circulation.
Although many influential Aryan publications were forced
to restrict their page size to conserve newsprint,
Judische Rundschau was not affected until mandatory
newsprint rationing in 1937.
And while stringent censorship of all German publications
was enforced from the outset, Judische Rundschau was
allowed relative press freedoms. Although two issues
of it were suppressed when they published Chaim Arlosoroff's
outline for a capital transfer, such seizures were
rare. Other than the ban on anti-Nazi boycott references,
printing atrocity stories, and criticizing the Reich,
Judische Rundschau was essentially exempt from the
so-called Gleichschaltung or 'uniformity' demanded
by the Nazi Party of all facets of German society.
Juedische Rundschau was free to preach Zionism as a
wholly separate political philosophy -- indeed, the
only separate political philosophy sanction by the
Third Reich." (This shows the Jewish Zionists
enjoyed a visibly protected political status in Germany,
prior to World War II).
"...In Germany the Jews occupy the principal
rìles and are first-rate revolutionaries. They
are writers, philosophers, poets, orators, publicists,
and bankers, and on their heads and in their hearts
all the weight of ancient ignominy! They will one day
be terrible for Germany...probably followed by a morrow
terrible for them." (Rougeyron, 1861; Metternich,
1849; The Trail of the Serpent, Inquire Within, Miss
Stoddard, p. 93).
"Those who stand too close to the canvas of
history while it is being woven will error in their
estimate of forces. Minor setbacks will take on the
aspects of decisive defeats, minor advances the aspects
of major victories. Only in the perspective of all
our history - the longest perspective of which any
people can boast - shall we be able to estimate the
significance of recent events. Today the hearts of
the Jews are oppressed by the bitter events in Germany;
let them, while they extend help to the victims of
a cruel rÇgime, recall that governments and
rulers change, the Jewish people remains. In other
lands than Germany there smolders still a dangerous
threat against Jewish life. Let the Jews be prepared...Let
their fears be tempered by an understanding of their
long past, and their hopes be rendered sober by an
appreciation of the long future before them. Let them
measure all tasks, all difficulties, and all prospects
by the standard of a world-wide outlook." (The
Visionary on the Mountain Top).
"He speaks of the War throughout as a German,
and gives the impression that Germany ought to have
won, and it would have pleased him. He speaks at length
of the violation of Belgium, but says not a word of
condemnation. He explains the Bolshevist system; he
apparently approves of it, as he gives as his own opinion
that only the workers ought to have rights, capital
is wrong and ought to disappear; means of a living
must not depend on work, etc. When you buy a coat,
with your money you are buying men's work, and he condemns
it! Money should be allowed to buy only goods. (He
does not explain the contradictions).
A work of art is, say, in Rome; a 'bourgeois' (capitalist)
can go there to see it; his money will command the
work of many railway men, etc...to enable him to enjoy
the sight of that work or art. Why should a poor worker,
to whom it belongs as well as to the bourgeois, not
see it? The works of art should be brought to the workers
everywhere. Money left with compound interest in a
bank will double itself in fourteen years, and yet
the capitalist will have remained idle. Money is the
power of commandeering other men's work!
There are in England occult societies which inspire
English politics. They know the course of evolution
for the next few decades, and are using their knowledge
for the material advantage of England. The English
will try and keep the people east of the Rhine (Middle
Europe and Russia) in a weak state by keeping up socialistic
institutions among them, in order to exploit their
work as slaves, for the benefit of the British Empire
as Masters.
It is the English occultists who have caused the Tzar
to be overthrown and Bolshevism to gain power. They
are making socialistic experiments at the expense of
Russia and Middle Europe. But as the English-speaking
people (England and America) will only be able to evolve
materialistic occultism which ultimately would destroy
their evolution, they will make use for their advantage
of the other kinds of occultism which their victims
will evolve, the hygienic occultism of the German and
the eugenic occultism of the Russian and the Asiatics.
The English occultists are already in possession of
knowledge which will soon enable employers to work
their machines by some force which will do away with
most workmen. The masses of idle workmen will revolt
in anger, but the English occultists know of the means
which will subdue them. (Steiner does not explain the
means!). The cause of the present unrest in Europe
is the kind of stuff a 'lazy' clergy has been preaching
in the churches for a long time, because its preaching
has no connection with men and lives. Steiner explains
at length what the Bolshies want and what they have
done. While he never misses a chance of insulting the
churches he is very polite about the Bolshies and is
careful even to say that he is not criticizing them.
When explaining what they have done with their opponents
he does not use the word 'murder' or even 'execution';
he says they have 'chased them away' or got rid of
About British politics he says they are very powerful,
and will succeed in ruling the world because they are
essentially selfish; he says that selfishness must
not be criticized, as it is part of the evolution,
the development of self-consciousness. The French are
finished, because their qualities of logic, intellect,
reason, etc., are merely the perfecting of the Roman
civilization. The only nation in the world that knows
right from wrong is the German Nation (1918)! Steiner
is apparently so anxious to show that he means what
he says, that he adds: 'The other nations do not understand
anything about it at all.' German politics are always
The telephone, wireless, express trains, and other modern
conveniences have been placed at our service at the
cost of misery to millions of workers. It was very
easy for the early English Theosophists in the second
half of the nineteenth century to take kindly to the
new teaching in their comfortable rooms well-heated
with coal extracted in the terrible conditions to which
they never gave a thought. Humanity as a collective
whole is on the verge of going over the threshold more
or less consciously, and this momentous step will be
done by the proletariat. If proletariat thinking is
still chaotic and wrong, it is because it is still
imitating bourgeois mentality.
As far back as 1880 the Anglo-American occult leaders,
directing the political leaders, knew about the coming
World War and prepared for it. The German leaders knew
nothing, and would not take warning, that is why they
lost! The physical war was easily won by England, but
it will be followed by a spiritual war between East
and West (East - India, Russia, and German; West -
Anglo-America), which will be much more dangerous for
the West. For instance, India, which is half starving
(according to Mrs. Besant!), will rebel and be helped
by powerful spiritual forces our of her past. Germany
must fulfil her mission, otherwise the European civilization
will be ruined." (Rudolph Steiner, lecture given
at Stuttgart in 1918; Light-Bearers of Darkness, by
Inquire Within, pp. 78-79).
"That German Jewry could raise the Star of
David -- Emblazoned Zionist Flag..." (Nuremburg
Laws of 1935)
"I know in expressing with this frankness
my ultimate opinion of the Jews, I expose myself to
enormous danger. Many people share it, but very few
dare to express it publicly, for the Jewish sect...constitutes
today a veritable power in Europe. It reigns despotically
in commerce, in the banks, and it has invaded three-quarters
of German journalism, and a very considerable portion
of the journalism of other countries. Woe, then, to
him who has the clumsiness to displease it!" (Study
of the German Jews, (1869).
"In no place so much as in Germany do the
Jews [in finance, industries and commerce] hold such
an important, almost preponderant part. Therefore it
might easily be said that all the newly-rich and war-
profiteer, is an ancient of a thousand years...The
immense majority of the influentials in Austrian Socialism
were and are still Jews (1921)...finally, in a certain
sense the Jews oppose themselves to non-Jews, above
all in the rìle they play as initiators and
actors in the extreme-left parties as internationalism
opposed to nationalism." (Le Probläme Juic,
(1921), Georges Batault).
"The Communist desire to 'liberate enslaved
nations' will come as a surprise to the enslaved nations
of Eastern Europe, and the goal of maintaining 'integrity
of their territories' rings strangely in view of the
Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia, Afghanistan, and
other oppressed nations. Like other announced goals
of World War II, the Atlantic Chapter and the Four
Freedoms, Stalin's program achieved only one goal,
'the destruction of the Hitlerite regime,' the only
government in the world which had opposed the spread
of Communist aggression with its military forces. The
'abolition of racial exclusiveness,' which has (also)
been official U.S. Government policy since 1945, was,
quite simply, the Jewish Marxist goal of planned genocide
of the White Race, because the White Race remained
the only possible opposition to the total domination
of the world by international Jewish Marxism. No African
or Asiatic nation has ever mounted a successful counter-revolution
against a Communist regime, nor have they ever desired
One hundred million White People died violently during
World War II, but the only Asiatic people to suffer
serious losses were the Japanese, who were known as
'the Aryans of the East,' because of their aggressiveness
and their highly developed technological abilities.
Because of their well known opposition to Communism,
the Japanese people were selected by Jewish strategists
as the guinea pigs for the testing of the new Jewish
Hellbomb, a weapon so horrible that when Hitler learned
his scientists had begun work on it, he furiously ordered
them to halt its development. He refused to allow his
name or the name of the German people to be associated
with such an inhumane operation. This allowed the Jews
to develop their atomic hellbomb in Los Alamos for
Roosevelt and Stalin, with no competition from anywhere
in the world. They developed it in order to exterminate
the entire German people, but, with the unlimited funds
provided by American taxpayers, they turned it into
a typical billion dollar Jewish boondoggle which dragged
on until after Germany's defeat. Fortunately, the homicidal
maniacs still had one anti-Communist nation left on
which they could conduct their atomic experiment, the
island of Japan.
Like most historic Jewish military operations, the great
massacres of World War II occurred, not on the battlefield,
but in peaceful neighborhood communities. This was
in accordance with the dictate of the Book of Esther,
which directs the Jews to massacre women and children,
and to exterminate the families of those who dare to
oppose them. Thus it was in Dresden, a historic German
cultural center, where many thousands of German women
and children, refugees from Communism had gathered.
They were assured by the Red Cross that they would
be safe, even while the Jewish generals were preparing
to murder the men. The blood-maddened Jews desired
not only to murder as many White civilians as possible
but also to erase from history all evidence of Western
civilization, the greatest examples of White culture
which had been gathered in Dresden, the irreplaceable
procelian, the priceless paintings, the baroque furniture,
and the rococo mansions with their poetry carved in
stone. All was laid waste in a mass bombing attack
in which some 300,000 German civilians died in a city
which was not even a military target! The responsibility
for this horrible slaughter, in which helpless non-combatants
died horribly by flame and explosion, rests with, who
else, 'the Americans.' At the last minute, the Soviets
prudently withdrew from what was planned as a 'joint-Allied'
venture. Today, the Soviets denounce the United States
for the annihilation of Dresden.
Like Dresden, Hiroshima was also an ancient cultural
center, with no visible military objective. Its non-
combatant families also died horribly by the hundreds
of thousands. Many were pulverized instantly by the
first atomic bomb ever used in a military operation,
but thousands of other victims lived on for years,
mangled and burned, their limbs and organs slowly rotting
away from radiation poisoning. Even while the Japanese
officials were desperately suing for peace, the Jews
hastily ordered the dropping of a second atomic bomb,
this one on Nagasaki, bringing off a second 'test'
of their Hellbomb against helpless non-combatants,
as prescribed by the Book of Esther. Again, hundreds
of thousands of civilians died horribly.
At last, the Jews had achieved the weapon which they
planned to use to terrorize the entire world into subjecting
itself to their insane frenzies and their frequently
voiced goal of world domination of the 'animals,' or
non-Jews. As Chaim Weizmann boasted, 'We will never
actually have to use this atomic weapon in military
operations as the mere threat of its use will persuade
any opponent to surrender to us." (Eustace Mullins,
Foreword, War! War! War!)
"Propaganda mostly in hands of Jews, who control
almost 100 percent radio, film, daily and periodical
press. Although this propaganda extremely coarse and
presenting Germany as black as possible, nevertheless
extremely effective since public here completely ignorant
and knows nothing of situation in Europe...Situation
here excellent platform for public speakers of all
kinds for emigrants from Germany and Czechoslovakia,
who with great many words inciting public, with most
various calumnies. They are praising American liberty
which contrasts with totalitarian states. It is interesting
to note that in this extremely well-planned campaign
which conducted above all against National Socialism,
Soviet Russia almost completely eliminated. Soviet
Russia if mentioned at all mentioned in friendly manner
and things presented in such way as if Soviet Union
co-operating with block democratic states. Thanks to
clever propaganda sympathies of American public completely
on side of Red Spain. This propaganda war psychosis
being artificially created. American people are told
that peace in Europe only hinging bread...that in case
of world War America must take active part in order
defend slogans of liberty and democracy in world. President
Roosevelt was first one to express hatred against Fascism.
In doing so he was serving double purpose; first, he
wanted to divert attention of American people from
difficult and intricate domestic problems, especially
from...struggle between capital and labor. Second,
by creating war psychosis...he wanted to induce American
people to accept enormous armament program...As to
point two I can only say that...Roosevelt, as clever
player of politics...speedily deviated public attention
from domestic situation in order to fasten it on foreign
policy...Reigning hatred against everything which in
any way connected with German National Socialism is
further kindled by brutal attitude against Jews in
Germany and by emigree problem. In this action participated
Jewish intellectuals, for instance Bernard Baruch,
Governor of New York Lehman...judge of Supreme Court
Felix Frankfurter, Secretary of Treasury Morgenthau
and others who are close personal friends of President
Roosevelt. They want President to become champion of
human rights, freedom of religion and speech, who in
future shall punish trouble mongers. This group, people
who want to pose as representatives of 'Americanism'
and 'defenders of democracy' in last analysis are connected
by unbreakable ties with international Jewry. For this
Jewish international, which above all is concerned
with interest its race, was putting of President of
United States at this 'ideal' post of champion of human
rights was clever move. In this manner they created
dangerous hotbed for hatred and hostility in this hemisphere
and divided world into two hostile camps. Entire issue
is worked out in mysterious manner. Roosevelt has been
forcing foundation for vitalizing American foreign
policy and simultaneously...to procure enormous stocks
for coming war for which Jews are striving fully consciously..."
(Document dated January 12, 1939, from Polish Ambassador
in Washington).
"World War II was a war to renew Jewish domination
of Germany and Central Europe and for the maintenance
of the power and glory of the British/Jewish Empire.
The conspirators in America, England and France are
responsible for the greatest tragedy the world has
ever known and their names will be dishonored and execrated
in history. It never would have started had not Roosevelt
and the half Jew Bullitt guaranteed to Britain and
France all of America's resources, which meant, first,
repeal of our neutrality act and supplying them with
munitions and bombers without stint; second, in time
the extension of unlimited credit; third the use of
our fleet in the Pacific to protect British, French
and Dutch interests; if these did not suffice for victory,
then our young men as air pilots and our fleet to be
sent to Europe; and lastly, if World Jewry and the
British/Jewish Empire could not win without them, millions
of our lads to die in Europe's babbles. The premeditated
killing of human beings by another, save in self defense,
is murder, a crime against Christianity, morality,
humanity, and civilization, and this applies with greatest
guilt to the wholesale slaughter by one nation of the
people of another who have not attacked or harmed them.
After this illegal, secret plot was negotiated, Roosevelt,
the Jews and the war-mongers of this country, of England
and France sought to overthrow the Chamberlain government
and to replace it with the Jews Churchill, Eden, Hore-Belisha
and Duff Cooper. They plotted to get Bonnet out of
the French Cabinet and to substitute the Jews Reynaud,
Blum and Mandel. The ardent but unsuccessful courtship
of Stalin and Soviet Russia was insisted upon by Roosevelt,
World Jewry and war-mongers of America, England and
France. One of the reasons for the Roosevelt/Eden plot
to overthrow the Chamberlain government and remove
Bonnet from the French Cabinet was because they would
not agree to pay the price Stalin demanded to encircle
and defeat Germany. At Roosevelt's and the Jews' insistence,
England and France guaranteed the boundaries of Poland
in order to encircle Germany and renew Jewish control.
This guarantee of the boundaries of Poland was the
direct cause of World War II, it knowingly necessitated
it." (War! War! War!, by Cincinnatus, pp. 188-189)
This will be difficult for many to believe, one
can hear them say, what:, England do that to this country?
Why they are our greatest ally, we could not do without
them. Let us look at the record and see just how much
love there is for us in this pretended friendship.
To begin with, when we were at war with Spain, this
great Churchill, "Churchill entered British Army
1895, serving with the Spanish forces and fired on
the American forces. It was a little embarrassing when
the Honorable William Langer of North Dadota made this
announcement on the floor of the United States Senate.
Mr. Churchill was in this country, because you know,
we never hit a man behind his back, he was going to
speak in Boston, a little more of the Churchillian
propaganda. Learning that this statement had been made
by the patriotic Senator Langer, Mr. Churchill was
a little upset, he sent a telegram to the Honorable
Tom Connally denying the fact. Good Friend, as he was,
Senator Connally rose to his feet and read the telegram
to the Senate.
Little did they realize that the records were available,
that already these facts had been read to the Senate
and were in the Congressional Record. Once again Senator
Langer read the record to the Senate. Mr. Churchill
is a brilliant man, but how stupid to try to deny what
he has sanctioned in his biography, for you will find
the record in World's Who's Who and a very good account
in International Who's Who. The preface to these books
states "This volume contains an authentic record
of notable men and women throughout the world, page
114, 1940 edition: 'Winston Churchill...He entered
the British Army 1895, serving with the Spanish forces
against the American forces in Cuba."
International Who's Who, page 158, published by Europe
Publications Ltd. London, 39 Belford Square, W.C. 1
the 13th edition, states: "Churchill entered the
army in 1895, served in Cuba with Spanish forces against
the Americans. The preface in this book states, 'We
wish to express our thanks to all those who, by completing
questionnaires or by correcting proofs sent to them
have enabled us to bring information up to date and
to remind others that unless proofs are returned, no
responsibility can be accepted for the accuracy of
their biographical records."
In 1946, the Biographical Encyclopedia of the World
repeats: "Churchill entered the British Army 1895,
serving with the Spanish forces in Cuba."
Webster's Biographical Dictionary, 1st edition by G.
& C Merriam, publishers, Springfield, Mass., also
states that "Churchill served in Cuba with the
Spanish forces."
Current Biography, 1940 edition, published by H.W. Wilson
Co., 950 University Avenue, New York City also states:
"Churchill: He was with the Spanish forces in
Cuba." It was repeated in 1942. It is here that
we find Churchill quoted: "He had always thought
it a pity that it all had to be so make believe, and
that the age of wars between civilized nations had
come to an end forever, now he, at least had an opportunity
to join civilized Spain in a war against uncivilized
Robert's account of Winston Churchill, 1928, Robert
H. McBride, publishers, page 32, through Sir Henry
Drummond, ambassador at Madrid, (Spain) Churchill:
He joined the Spanish forces in Cuba in 1895. Spain
conferred the 'Order of Military Merit, 1st class.'"
While the New York Times, which prints "all the
news that is fit to print," in their issue of
September 19, 1945 states: "Churchill fought with
Spain in Cuba." (And Men Wept, by Catherine Palfrey
"My work in those years was essentially of
a propagandist nature. I was too young and unknown
to play a part in the leading circles of Germany, let
alone of world Zionism, which was controlled from Berlin."
(My Life as a German Jew, Nahum Goldmann, p. 121).
"Ardent propagandists lashed the British public
into a fury at the work of German Zeppelin and aeroplane
raiders raining death and destruction on defenseless
women and children ...The carnage caused by allied
airmen in German towns has been kept very quiet, but
two instances will be enough to show its quality. In
June, 1916, British and French pilots bombed Karlsruhe
during the Corpus Christi procession, killing and wounding
26 women and 124 children. In a second raid in September
they caused 103 casualties inthe same city...Already
the pitch has been reached in Great Britain where it
is considered bigoted or reactionary to do other than
praise the Jews for their industry and ability. Few
papers will risk any attack on the Jews, however, well-founded,
for fear of appearing even distantly anti-Semitic.
This is more than true in America where it is dangerous
to mention any truth derogatory to the Jews, and in
New York it has been made a crime)...It has been estimated
that of the world Jewish population of approximately
fifteen millions, no fewer than five millions are in
the United States. Twenty-five percent of the inhabitants
of New York are Jews. During the Great War we bought
off this huge American Jewish public by the promise
of a Jewish National Home in Palestine, held by Ludendorff
to be the master stroke of Allied propaganda as it
enabled us not only to appeal to Jews in America but
to Jews in Germany as well...All over the world, and
especially in the U.S.A. Jews will be active against
Germany, and the Jew is a natural and energetic propagandist,
though perhaps not a very far-seeing one. There are,
however, cross- currents in the tide of World Jewry,
the identification of Russian Jews with Communism,
for example, and Palestine, another of our war propaganda
hens which may come to roost! Which should warn us
not to rely too much on having it entirely in our favor...I
have said already that the Jew is a more energetic
than a skillful propagandist, but he is undoubtedly
energetic. At present we are with traditional readiness
giving shelter to large numbers of persecuted Jews
from Germany and Austria. It would be against nature
if these immigrants, whether permanent or in passage,
did not harbor resentment against the countries which
had expelled them, and it should not be grounds for
a charge of anti-Semitism to point out that a great
many of them are making an active propaganda to incite
feeling against Germany...The U.S.A. will simply supply
the world (with moving pictures, practically all owned
by the Jews) Not only is she far and away the greatest
producer, but, much more important still, she largely
control the machinery of the world film distribution...they
(the Americans) can perhaps be expected, inthe security
of their own detached hemisphere, to see European affairs
realistically. For one thing, the American is the great
champion of the oppressed, and frequently of the oppressed
which may explain why he is so frequently taken in
by the 'hard-luck' story of London confidence tricksters!
Secondly, the American peoples are still under the
influence of much of the Great War propaganda. They
are more susceptible than most people, to mass suggestion,
they have been brought up on it, and since 1918 they
have shut themselves off from reality. Thirdly, they
are at this moment the battle-ground of an active propaganda
of Labels." (Propaganda in the Next War, by Sidney
Rogerson, pp. 86-148; War! War! War!, by Cincinnatus,
pp. 191-193).
"Although the Jews have appeared in the histories
of other nations throughout the centuries, they were
never able or willing to establish a nation of their
own. They remain forever desolate in this regard. The
only way the Jews got possession of Palestine was by
using other people to steal it from the Turks and Arabs
for them. The so-called 'Israeli' state is nothing
but a parasitic state, since it is occupied by parasites.
The Jews get billions of dollars from Germany as 'reparations'
and 'restitution payments' for its alleged 'war crimes'
against Jews. They get billions more every year from
the United States. It (Israel) has to steal or buy
technology from Western nations as the Jews have not
the creativity to develop their own. The Jewish state
of Israeli would collapse in a minute without the continued
support, protection and assistance from Jacob/Israel
(The White Nations of Christendom). It is not, never
has been, and never will be a self-sustaining nation."
(Charles A. Weisman, Who is Esau-Edom?, pp. 27-28).
"The German revolution is the achievement
of the Jews; the Liberal Democratic parties have a
great number of Jews as their leaders, and the Jews
play a predominant role in the high government offices."
(The Jewish Tribune, July 5, 1920)
"I hope every German west of the Rhine River
and wherever we attack, will be destroyed." (R.F.
A report from Europe carried the following speech
of Rabbi Emmanuel Rabinovich before a special meeting
of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest,
Hungary, January 12, 1952: "Greetings, my children;
You have been called her to recapitulate the principal
steps of our new program. As you know, we had hoped
to have twenty years between wars to consolidate the
great gains which we made from World War II, but our
increasing numbers in certain vital areas is arousing
opposition to us, and we must now work with every means
at our disposal to precipitate World War III within
five years [They did not precipitate World War III
but they did instigate the Korean War when on June
25, 1950 they ordered the North Korean army to launch
a surprise attack on South Korea. On June 26, the U.N.
Security Council condemned the invasion as aggression
and ordered withdrawal of the invading forces. Then
on June 27, 1950, our Jewish American President Truman
ordered air and naval units into action to enforce
the U.N. order. Not achieving their full goals, they
then instigated the overthrow of South Vietnam Ngo
Dinh Diem, Premier under Bao Dai, who deposed the monarch
in 1955 and established a republic with himself as
President. Diem used strong U.S. backing to create
an authoritarian regime, which soon grew into a full-scale
war, with Jewish pressure escalating U.S. involvement].
The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for
three thousand years is at last within our reach, and
because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves
us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold.
I can safely promise you that before ten years have
passed, our race will take its rightful place in the
world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave
(Applause from the gathering). You remember the success
of our propaganda campaign during the 1930's, which
aroused anti-American passions in Germany at the same
time we were arousing anti-German passions in America,
a campaign which culminated in the Second World War.
A similar propaganda campaign is now being waged intensively
throughout the world. A war fever is being worked up
in Russia by an incessant anti-American barrage while
a nation-wide anti-Communist scare is sweeping America.
This campaign is forcing all the smaller nations to
choose between the partnership of Russia or an alliance
with the United States. Our most pressing problem at
the moment is to inflame the lagging militaristic spirit
of the Americans. The failure of the Universal Military
Training Act was a great setback to our plans, but
we are assured that a suitable measure will be rushed
through Congress immediately after the 1952 elections.
The Russians, as well as the Asiatic peoples, are well
under control and offer no objections to war, but we
must wait to secure the Americans. This we hope to
do with the issue of Anti-Semitism, which worked so
well in uniting the Americans against Germany. We are
counting heavily on reports of anti-Semitic outrages
in Russia to whip up indignation in the United States
and produce a front of solidarity against the Soviet
power. Simultaneously, to demonstrate to Americans
the reality of anti-Semitism, we will advance through
new sources large sums of money to outspokenly anti-Semitic
elements in America to increase their effectiveness,
and we shall stage Anti-Semitic outbreaks in several
of their largest cities. This will serve the double
purpose of exposing reactionary sectors in America,
which then can be silenced, and of welding the United
States into a devoted anti-Russian unit. (Note: --
Protocol of Zion No. 9, para. 2, states that anti-Semitism
is controlled by them. At the time of this speech they
had already commenced their campaign of anti-Semitism
in Czechoslovakia). Within five years, this program
will achieve its objective, the Third World War, which
will surpass in destruction all previous contests.
Israeli, of course, will remain neutral, and when both
sides are devastated and exhausted, we will arbitrate,
sending our Control Commissions into all wrecked countries.
This war will end for all time our struggle against
the Gentiles.
We will openly reveal our identity with the races of
Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the
last generation of white children is now being born.
Our Control Commissions will, in the interests of peace
and wiping out inter- racial tensions.
Forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The White Women
must cohabit with members of the dark races, the White
Men with black women. Thus the White Race will disappear,
for the mixing of the dark with the White means the
end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy
will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an
era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the
Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over
the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable
us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples.
Question from the gathering: Rabbi Rabinovich, what
about the various religions after the Third World War?
Rabinovich: There will be no more religions. Not only
would the existence of a priest class remain a constant
danger to our rule, but belief in an after-life would
give spiritual strength to irreconcilable elements
in many countries, and enable them to resist us. We
will, however, retain the rituals and customs of Judaism
as the mark of our hereditary ruling caste, strengthening
our racial laws so that no Jew will be allowed to marry
outside our race, nor will any stranger be accepted
by us. (Note: Protocol of Zion No. 17 para. 2, states:
'Now that freedom of conscience has been declared everywhere
(as a result of their efforts they have previously
stated) only years divide us from the moment of the
complete wrecking of that [Hated] Christian Religion.
As to other religions, we shall have still less difficulty
with them.')
We may have to repeat the grim days of World War II,
when we were forced to let the Hitlerite bandits sacrifice
some of our people, in order that we may have adequate
documentation and witnesses to legally justify our
trial and execution of the leaders of America and Russia
as war criminals, after we have dictated the peace.
I am sure you will need little preparation for such
a duty, for sacrifice has always been the watchword
of our people, and the death of a few thousand lesser
Jews in exchange for world leadership is indeed a small
price to pay. To convince you of the certainty of that
leadership, let me point out to you how we have turned
all of the inventions of the White Man into weapons
against him. His printing presses and Radios are the
mouthpieces of our desires, and his heavy industry
manufactures the instruments which he sends out to
arm Asia and Africa against him.
Our interests in Washington are greatly extending the
Point Four Program (viz. Colombo Plan) for developing
industry in backward areas of the world, so that after
the industrial plants and cities of Europe and America
are destroyed by atomic warfare, the Whites can offer
no resistance against the large masses of the dark
races, who will maintain an unchallenged technological
superiority. And so, with the vision of world victory
before you, go back to your countries and intensify
your good work, until that approaching day when Israeli
will reveal herself in all her glorious destiny as
the Light of the World." (Note: Every statement
made by Rabinovich is based on agenda contained in
the "Protocols of Zion.")
The war time Premier (Winston Churchill) said he
"thought the problem of a National Jewish Home
in Palestine was too big to be handled by one single
nation alone. Favors joint inquiry." I am strongly
in favor of a joint inquiry by the United States and
Great Britain." adding "As you probably know
I am a Zionist from the beginning." (Philadelphia
Record, January 11, 1946; And Men Wept, by Catherine
Palfrey Baldwin, p. 83).
"Sirs, you are doubtlessly intelligent people,
however, I have a problem understanding how you found
a place in prophecy for those I know to be void of
a even a single drop of Hebrew blood - without any
cultural or historical ties to the Holy Land and in
fact simple converts to a base form of Judaism. Clinton
eulogized Rabinowitz (Yitzhak Rabin) as a son of David
and a son of Solomon. You must know that this man was
a Khazar of Turko- Mongolian lineage, and can in no
way represent a 'return' since his southern Russian
ancestors never made it down to Palestine until 1948."
(Christian Radio Talk Show in Birmingham, on which
Dave Hunt appeared as a guest. Dave was promoting his
book, A Cup of Trembling).
"Propaganda mostly in hands of Jews, who control
almost 100 percent radio, film, daily and periodical
press. Although this propaganda extremely coarse and
presenting Germany as black as possible, nevertheless
extremely effective since public here completely ignorant
and knows nothing of situation in Europe...Situation
here excellent platform for public speakers of all
kinds, for emigrants from Germany and Czechoslovakia,
who with great many words inciting public, with most
various calumnies. They are praising American liberty
which contrasts with totalitarian states. it is interesting
to note that in this extremely well-planned campaign
which conducted above all against National Socialism.
Soviet Russia almost completely eliminated. Soviet
Russia if mentioned at all mentioned in friendly manner
and things presented in such way as if Soviet Union
co-operating with block democratic states. Thanks to
clever propaganda sympathies of American public completely
on side of Red Spain. This propaganda war psychosis
being artificially created. American people are told
that peace in Europe only hanging on thread...that
in case of world War America must take active part
in order defend slogans of liberty and democracy in
World. President Roosevelt was first one to express
hatred against Fascism. In doing so he was serving
double purpose; first, he wanted to divert attention
of American people from difficult and intricate domestic
problems, especially from....struggle between capital
and labor. Second, by creating war psychosis...he wanted
induce American people to accept enormous armament
program...Unemployed today already number twelve million...Only
huge sums running into billion which treasury expends
for emergency labor projects are keeping certain amount
of peace in country...As to point two I can only say
that... Roosevelt, as clever player of politics...speedily
deviated public attention form domestic situation in
order to fasten it on foreign policy...Munich Pact
came to...Roosevelt as God-sent...Reigning hatred against
everything which in any way connected with German National
Socialism is further kindled by brutal attitude against
Jews in Germany and by emigree problem. In this action
participated Jewish intellectuals, for instance Bernard
Baruch, Governor of New York, Lehman...judge of Supreme
Court Felix Frankfurter, Secretary of Treasury Morgenthau
and others who are close personal friends of President
Roosevelt. They want President to become champion of
human rights, freedom of religion and speech, who in
future shall punish trouble mongers. This group, people
who want to pose as representatives of 'Americanism'
and 'defenders of democracy' in last analysis are connected
by unbreakable ties with international Jewry.
For this Jewish international, which above all is concerned
with interest in its race, was putting of President
of United States at this 'ideal' post of champion of
human rights was clever move. In this manner they created
dangerous hotbed for hatred and hostility in this hemisphere
and divided world into two hostile camps. Entire issue
is worked out in mysterious manner. Roosevelt has been
forcing fountain for vitalizing American foreign policy
and simultaneously...to procure enormous stocks for
coming war for which Jews are striving fully consciously..."
(Document dated January 12, 1939, from Polish Ambassador
in Washington, War! War! War!, Cincinnatus, pp. 173-174).
"Another World War, plotted by Roosevelt and
World Jewry, the Jewish controlled American press and
radio, the British-Jewish Empire and the French Empire
with a large proportion of their press and banks owned
by the Jews, is being fought as these words are put
This is a war to renew Jewish domination of Germany
and Central Europe and for the maintenance of the power
and glory of the British-Jewish Empire. The conspirators
in America, England and France are responsible for
the greatest tragedy the world has ever known and their
names will be dishonored and execrated in history,
It never would have started had not Roosevelt and the
half Jew Bullitt guaranteed to Britain and France all
of America's resources, which meant, first, repeal
of our neutrality act and supplying them with munitions
and bombers without stint; second, in time the extension
of unlimited credit; third, the use of our fleet in
the Pacific to protect British, French and Dutch interests;
if these did not suffice for victory, then our young
men as air pilots and our fleet to be sent to Europe;
and, lastly, if World Jewry and the British-Jewish
Empire could not win with them, millions of our lads
to die in Europe's battles.
The premeditated killing of a human being by another,
save in self defense, is murder, a crime against Christianity,
morality, humanity, and civilization, and this applies
with greatest guilt to the wholesale slaughter by one
nation of the people of another who have not attacked
or harmed them.
After this illegal, secret plot was negotiated, Roosevelt,
the Jews and the war-mongers of this Country, of England
and France sought to overthrow the Chamberlain government
and to replace it with the half Jew Churchill, part
Jew Eden, Jew Hore-Belisha and Duff Cooper. They plotted
to get Bonnet out of the French Cabinet and to substitute
Reynaud, Jew Blum and Jew Mandel. The ardent but unsuccessful
courtship of bloody Stalin and Soviet Russia was insisted
upon by Roosevelt, World Jewry and war-mongers of America,
England and France.
One of the reasons for the Roosevelt-Eden plot to overthrow
the Chamberlain government and remove Bonnet from the
French Cabinet was because they would not agree to
pay the price Stalin demanded to encircle and defeat
Germany. At Roosevelt's and the Jews' insistence, England
and France guaranteed the boundaries of Poland in order
to encircle Germany and renew Jewish control. This
guarantee of the boundaries of Poland was the direct
and proximate cause of the World's War; in face, it
knowingly necessitated it." (War! War! War!, Cincinnatus,
pp. 188-189).
"Already the pitch has been reached in Great
Britain where it is considered bigoted or reactionary
to do other than praise the Jews for their industry
and ability. Few papers will risk any attack on the
Jews, however well-founded, for fear of appearing even
distantly anti-Semitic." (This is more than true
in America where it is dangerous to mention any through
derogatory to the Jews, and in New York it has been
made a crime). (Propaganda in the Next War, Sidney
Robertson, p. 92; War! War! War!, Cincinnatus, p, 192).
"There is no doubt that the...Jews aided the
Persians with all the men they could muster, and that
the help they gave was considerable. Once Jerusalem
was in Persian hands a terrible massacre of Christians
took place, and the Jews are accused of having taken
the lead in this massacre." (A History of Palestine
from 135 A.D. to Modern Times, James Parkes, p. 81;
The Iron Curtain Over America, John Beaty, p. 194).
"We have the Israelis coming to us for equipment.
We can say we can't possibly get the Congress to support
a program like this. And they say don't worry about
the Congress. We will take care of the Congress. This
is somebody from another country, but they can do it.
They own, you know, the banks in this country. The
newspapers. Just look at where the Jewish money is."
(General George S. Brown)
"The people who own and manage national impact
media are Jewish and, with other influential Jews,
helped create a disastrous U.S. Mideast policy. All
you have to do is check the real policy makers and
owners and you find a much higher concentration of
Jewish people than you're going to find in the population.
By national impact media I am referring tot he major
news wire services, pollsters, Time and Newsweek Magazines,
thye New York Times, Washington Post, and the International
Herald Tribune. For example, CBS' Mr. (William) Paley's
Jewish. Mr. Julian Goodman, who runs NBC, and there's
a Leonard Goldenson at ABC. Mrs. Katherine Graham owns
the Washington Post and Mr. Sulzberger the New Yor
Times. They are all Jews!
You go down the line in that fashion...not just with
ownership but go down to the managing posts and discretionary
posts... and you'll find that through their aggressiveness
and their inventiveness, they now dominate the news
media. Not only in the media, but in academic communities,
the financial communities, in the foundations, in all
sorts of highly visible and influential services that
involve the public, they now have a tremendous voice.
Our policy in the Middle East in my judgement is disastrous,
because it's not even handed. I see no reason why hearly
half the foreign aid this nation has to give goes to
Israel, except for the influence of this Zionist lobby.
I think the power of the news media is in the hands
of a few people...it's not subject to control of the
voters, it's subject only to the whim of the board
of directors." (Former Vice President Spiro Agnew)
"Christianity, therefore is unhistoric and
unmoral." (A Program for the Jews and Humanity,
Harry Waton, p. 121).
Another famous betrayal of a country bit its Jews
took place in Spain. In his History of the Jews, Vol.
III, p. 109, Professor Graetz relates: "The Jews
of Africa, who at various times had emigrated thither
from Spain, and their unlucky co-religionists of the
Peninsula, made common cause with the Mahometan conqueror,
Tarik, who brought over from Africa into Andalusia
an army eager for the fray. After the battle of Xeres
(July, 711 A.D.), and the death of Frederic, the last
of the Visigothic kings, the victorious Arabs pushed
onward, and were everywhere supported by the Jews.
In every city that they conquered, the Moslem generals
were able to leave but a small garrison of their own
troops, as they had need of every man for the subjection
of the country; they therefore confided them to the
safekeeping of the Jews. In this manner the Jews, who
but lately had been serfs, now became the masters of
the towns of Cordova, Granada, Malaga, and many others.
When Tarik appeared before the capital, Toledo, he
found it occupied by a small garrison only, the nobles
and clergy having found safety in flight. While the
Christians were in church, praying for the safety of
their country and religion, the Jews flung open the
gates to the victorious Arabs (Palm Sunday, 712 A.D.),
receiving them with acclamations, and thus avenged
themselves for the many miseries which had befallen
them in the course of a century since the time of Reccared
(The 'miseries' which the Jews claimed prompted them
to treason was explained by Professor Graetz. King
Reccard 'the most oppressive of all was the restraint
touching the possession of slaves. Henceforward the
Jews were neither to purchase Christian slaves nor
to accept them as presents.' (History of the Jews,
Vol. III, p. 46)) and Sisebut (The 'miseries' of King
Sisebut was that he was annoyingly determined to convert
them to Christianity. History of the Jews, Vol. III,
p. 46)). The capital also was entrusted by Tarik to
the custody of the Jews, while he pushed on in pursuit
of the cowardly Visigoths, who had sought safety in
flight, for the purpose of recovering from them the
treasure which they had carried off.
Finally when Musa Ibn-Nosair, the Governor of Africa,
brought a second army into Spain and conquered other
cities, he also delivered them into the custody of
the Jews." (History of the Jews, Professor Graetz,
Vol. III, p. 109; The Iron Curtain Over America, John
Beaty, pp. 194-195).
"It has been estimated that of the world Jew
population of approximately fifteen millions, no fewer
than five million are in the United States. Twenty-five
percent of the inhabitants of New York are Jews. During
the Great War we bought off this huge American Jewish
public by the promise of the Jewish National Home in
Palestine, held by Ludendorff to be the master stroke
of Allied propaganda as it enabled us not only to appeal
to Jews in America but to Jews in Germany as well."
(Propaganda in the Next War, Sidney Robertson, p. 147;
War! War! War!, Cincinnatus, p. 192).
"Meanwhile our Christian? Government unites
with the British-Jewish Empire, in a plot to starve
not merely German women and children (that has had
our active support since the war started), but also
the women and children of France, Belgium, Holland,
Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Hungary,
Italy; in fact, all of Europe except Britain until,
by provoked revolution, it is hoped general chaos will
come. Germany will be destroyed, and the British-Jewish
Empire once more put in control of Europe.
The starvation of men, women and children has been the
most approved English method of warfare since the Jews
became dominant there - Ireland, China, India, the
Boers, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy and now France,
Holland, Belgium, Norway and Spain. England and the
Jews, with our help, in the name of civilization and
Christianity, have illegally made food contraband against
friendly peaceable nations and call it economic warfare
- viz: Jewish warfare - the Four Horsemen." (War!
War! War!, Cincinnatus, p. 242).
"The story I shall unfold in these pages is
the story of Germany's two faces, the one turned towards
Western Europe, the other turned towards Soviet Russia...It
can be said, without any exaggeration, that from 1921
till the present day Russia has been able, thanks to
Germany, to equip herself with all kinds of arms, munitions,
and the most up-to-date war material for an army of
several millions; and that, thanks to her factories
manufacturing war material in Russia, Germany has been
able to assure herself not only of secret supplies
of war material and the training of officers and other
ranks in the use of this material, but also, in the
event of war, the possession of the best stocked arsenals
in Russia...The firm of Krupp's of Essen, Krupp the
German Cannon-King (Kanonenkoenig), deserves a chapter
to itself in this review of German war-industries in
It deserves a separate chapter...because its activity
upon Soviet territory has grown to tremendous proportions...The
final consolidation of the dominating position Krupp's
occupy in Russia, was the formation of a separate company
'Manych' to which the Soviet Government granted a liberal
concession...Negotiations concerning these concessions
for the company were conducted in Moscow, for several
months...Gradually there was formed in Russia a chain
of experimental training camps, and artillery parks
(ostensibly eliminated by the Treaty of Versailles).
These are under the management of German officers, and
they are invariably teeming with Germans either arriving
to undergo a course of training, or leaving after the
completion of the course...At the time of writing (1932)
interest is growing in the rising star of Herr Adolf
Hitler, the Nazi Leader. Herr Hitler is regarded as
the protagonist par excellence of the Right against
the Left in Germany, and, as a Hitlerist regime is
anticipated before long, it may perhaps be argued that
the Third Reich of the Nazis, the sworn enemies of
Communism, would not tolerate the Reichswehr-Red Army
connection. Such a conclusion would be inaccurate to
the last degree ...Stalin, the realist, would have
no qualms in collaboration with the Hitlerist Germany.
But more important than this are the following facts:
The Reichswehr Chiefs and their political allies amongst
the civilian politicians and officials have succeeded
in nursing their Eastern orientation, their underground
military collaboration with the Soviets, in spite of
all the changes of political regime in Germany since
the end of the war. It has made little or no difference
to them whether the Reich Government has been composed
of men of the Right, the Center, or the Left. They
have just continued their policy uninfluenced by political
change. There is no reason to suppose that they would
change their course under a Hitlerist regime, especially
when it is remembered that most of the aims, in external
policy, of the Nazi leaders, are identical with those
of the Nationalists and the military leaders themselves.
Furthermore, there are the great German industrialists,
of Nationals color, who are amongst the principal collaborators,
on the war material side, with the Reichswehr Chiefs,
and who are, therefore, hand in glove with the directors
of the 'Abmachungen' (Agreements) plot. Many of these
great industrialists are contributors on a big scale
to the Nazi party funds. A hitlerist Germany would,
therefore, have no qualms in continuing the collaboration
with Soviet Russia...The Reichswehr chiefs who are
conducting the Abmachungen delude themselves that they
can use Bolshevist Russia to help them in their hoped-for
war of revenge against Europe, and then, in the hour
of victory, hold the Bolshevists at bay, and keep them
in their place. The more subtle psychologists at the
Kremlin, of course, know better, but are wise enough
to keep their knowledge to themselves. The fact, however,
that this German-Russian plot will, in the end, bring
about the destruction of Germany, will not in any way
reconcile Europe to its own destruction at the hands
of Germany and Russia together." (The Russian
Face of Germany, Cecil F. Melville, pp. 4, 102, 114,
117, 120, 173-174, 176).
"When we come to the Babylonian Gemara, we
are dealing with what most people understand when they
speak or write of the Talmud. Its birthplace, Babylonia,
was an autonomous Jewish centre for a longer period
than any other land; namely, from soon after 586 before
the Christian era to the year 1040 after the Christian
era - 1626 years." (Rabbi Hertz, English Edition
of the Babylonian Talmud, the Soncino Talmud (1935),
p. XXI, Rabbi Hertz).
"The Greeks had had vast experience in this
world, their imagination had been fertile and they
had created much...that, in these circumstances, they
should fall in with a people imbued with a calm and
sometimes stolid and bucolic certainty where its spiritual
possessions were concerned, barbarians with no sculpture
or breeding, necessarily tinged their contempt with
impotent wrath. The inevitably logical result of this
attitude on the part of the Greeks was the growth of
anti-Semitism, of hatred of the Jews." (Josef
Kastein, History of the Jews, p. 92).
"The customs of the Jews are base and abominable
and owe their persistence to their depravity. Jews
are extremely loyal to one another, always ready to
show compassion, but towards every other people they
feel only hate and enimity. As a race (the Jews are
not a race, because they have mingled with the other
races to the point that they are only a people, not
a race), they are prone to lust; among themselves nothing
is unlawful." (Roman Historian Tacitus).
"To the Jews, Rome constituted the quintessence
of all that was odious and should be swept away from
off the face of the earth. They hated Rome and her
device, arma et leges, with an inhuman hatred. True,
Rome had leges, laws, like the Jews. But in their very
resemblance lay their difference; for the Roman laws
were merely the practical application of the arma,
the arms...but without the arms, the leges were empty
formulae." (Josef Kastein, History of the Jews,
p. 192).
"We come now to the libel involving the gold,
the Jewish gold. This is obviously why the present
case is being tried close to the Aurelian Steps. It
is because of this particular charge that you have
sought out this location, Laelius (the prosecutor),
and that mob (referring to the noisy crowd of Jews
whom Laelius had assembled to create a commotion at
the trial). You know how large a group they (the Jews)
are, and how influential they are in politics. I will
lower my voice and speak just loudly enough for the
jury to hear me; for there are plenty of individuals
to stir up those Jews against me and against every
good Roman, and I don't intend to make it any easier
for them to do this. Since gold was regularly exported
each year in the name of the Jews from Italy and all
our provinces to Jerusalem, Flaccus issued an edict
forbidding its exportation from Asia. Who is there,
gentlemen of the jury, who cannot sincerely commend
this action? The exportation of gold had been forbidden
by the Seanate on many previous occasions, and most
strictly of all during my consulship. Further, that
Flaccus was opposed to this barbarous Jewish superstition
was proof of his strong character that he defended
the Republci by frequently denying the aggressiveness
of the Jewish mobs at political gatherings was an evidence
of his high sense of responsibility." (Speech
of Cicero, which is one of the few revelations of Jewish
subversion which survived the burning of libraries.
The great consul of Rome, Cicero, had to lower his
voice to avoid stirring up the Jews. A Roman aristocrat,
Flaccus, was removed from office and dragged back to
Rome to face a false charge. Why? Because he had tried
to enforce the Roman law banning the Jewish traffic
in gold. The outcome of this trial was that Flaccus
ban on the shipping of gold was removed. Thus the Jews
won their objective, and Flaccus was lucky to escape
with his life after he had opposed them. Harry J. Leon
of the University of Texas, p. 3, Jews of Ancient Rome).
"National Governments must go in the interest
of World Government, World Police and World Currency."
(Lord Cecil, At a formal luncheon given in his honor
at the Hotel Astor, New York City, November 19, 1937).
"...it is self-evident that the higher aspirations
of Pan-Slavists would meet with decided opposition
on the part of our Empire.The famous expression, Constantinople
c'est l'empire du monde, appears to us practical Germans
of course as a Napoleonic phrase, but all the same
the Bosphorus remains a highly important strategic
position. To subjugate that natural heritage of the
Greeks to the Russian Empire would be tantamount to
substituting a new foreign domination for the Turkish;
it would be tantamount to transferring the center of
gravity of Moscovite power from territories where it
has healthy natural roots, thus creating morbid conditions
which wold be no less pernicious to Russian than to
us." (Heinrich von Treitschke, "Germany,
France, Russia and Islam," English Ed., G.P. Putnam's
Sons, p. 88, New York, 1915. The same views were expressed
in the notorious book of Dr. Karl Jentsch, "Neither
Communism nor Capitalism," published at Leipsic
in 1893, which became the real gospel of the Pan-German
League. Therein the fact was admitted that "In
the East, quite naturally, lies the war danger, not
because Russia wants the Golden Horn, but because Germany
wants Russia's land." Also in a later Pan-German
volume, "Problems of Germany as a Great and World
Power," by Otto Delffs (1900), it is specifically
stated that the "high mission" of "Germanizing
the terrestrial globe" must have the Meciterranean
for its starting point and that this mission must bd
accomplished "before Russia becomes stronger."
"Constantinople must belong to Western European
Christendom and not remain under the Turks or go to
the Russians. May Austria act as supreme arbitrator
between the Balkan States, for which position she is
especially fitted. May it have the glory of planting
again the Catholic Cross on St. Sophia! It truly deserves
this glory after its centruy-old strife against Islamic
culture. Good luck to you Austria! Don't let yourself
be disturbed! England is afraid of us. Russia is rent
by revolution. France has spoiled powder, and has not
invented new powder, and Germany stands behind thee.
Now or never Russia's game may be spoiled." (Das
Katholische Deutschland, October 6, 1912; The Inside
Story of Austro-German Intrigue, by Joseph Goricar
and Lyman Beecher Stowe, p. 96, Double day, Page &
Company, New York 1920).
"Now, just think, to accuse me of such a crime.
Think of it! I, who have for twenty-five years single-
handed struggled against the invasion of the Russian
Government into American money markets, and to this
day stave them off. Think of it! Who, as I, have been
foremost in the past for agitation and insisted to
the President of the United States; as some of you
must know, that our treaty with Russia must be abrogated."
(New York Times, June 5, 1916. Articles entitled, Jacob
Schiff Quits Jewish Movements."
"Under the pressure of international finance
the atmosphere in Europe became very congested. Instead
of using the huge money resources for cultural purposes,
the international banking houses urged unlimited armaments
of European States, and sometime deliberately precipitated
military adventures. In this connection it is of interest
to recall a statement of Israel Zangwill, the well-known
Zionist leader, to the effect that it was Mr. Jacob
Schiff who financed 'the Japanese War against Russia,'
(See Israel Zangwill's "The Problems of the Jewish
Race," p. 14, The Judaic Publishing Company, New
York). as well as another statement, that of Mr. George
Kennan, revealing the fact that it was the same banker
who financed the revolution among Russian war prisoners
in Japan (Compare the report on a Socialist meeting
held in Carnegie Hall on March 23, 1917, to celebrate
the Russian Revolution, as recorded in the New York
Times, March 24, 1917). Immense munition plants, such
as Krupp and Szkoda, Poutiloff, and Manfred Weiss,
Deutsch & Son, and Schneider, were all controlled
directly or indirectly by high finance, forming part
of the interlocking system. Nor should it be forgotten
that the same group of cosmopolitan bankers invariably
have given their support to varioius enterprises which
helped the Central Powers to further their imperialistic
plans. Thus, soon after the annexation of Bosnia and
Herzegovina, when the Dual Monarchy began her war preparations
against Italy, it was this bankers' group which loaned
300 million kronen for the expansion of the Austrian
navy, with the result that the new battleships were
christened by one part of the European press as "Rothschild
dreadnaughts." (The World at the Cross Roads,
Boris Brasol, pp. 11- 12).
"Not a single one of the doctrines of Marx
has ever been accepted by any economist or any philosopher.
But what of it? It was necessary that Gaiseric should
convince economists or philosophers that there were
sound reasons why he should capture Rome. He and his
followers wanted it, and they had the power to take
it." (Professor Thomas Nixon Carver, Introduction
to Socialism vs. Civilization, by Boris Brasol, p.
10, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1920).
"The class consciousness of the masses must
be transformed into action and class power; and the
arming of the masses is the form of expression of this
transformation, the instrument for conquering the bourgeoisie
and crushing counter-revolutionary manoeuvers...The
proletariat alone is the revolutionary force, the proletariat
alone msy wage the uncompromising struggle for the
overthrow of Capitalism, the proletariat alone is the
maker and the preserver of the Revolution; and it is
necessary that this proletariat shall be armed, that
it shall itself directly, consciously, energetically
and dynamically, constitute the state, the army, the
police and th ejudiciary, shall itself usurp and discharge
the functions of the 'state.'" (Jewish Italian
Communist Louis C. Fraina, thecounder of the American
Communist Party, Boston, The Revolutionary Age Publishers,
p. 49).
"The Jews were now free to indulge in their
most fervent fantasies of mass murder of helpless victims.
Christians were dragged from their beds, tortured and
killed. Some were actually sliced to pieces, bit by
bit, while others were branded with hot irons, their
eyes poked out to induce unbearable pain. Others were
placed in boxes with only their heads, hands and legs
sticking out. Then hungry rats were placed in the boxes
to gnaw upon their bodies. Some were nailed to the
ceiling by their fingers or by their feet, and left
hanging until they died of exhaustion. Others were
chained to the floor and left hanging until they died
of exhaustion. Others were chained to the floor and
hot lead poured into their mouths. Many were tied to
horses and dragged through the streets of the city,
while Jewish mobs attacked them with rocks and kicked
them to death. Christian mothers were taken to the
public square and their babies snatched from their
arms. A red Jewish terrorist would take the baby, hold
it by the feet, head downward and demand that the Christian
mother deny Christ. If she would not, he would toss
the baby into the air, and another member of the mob
would rush forward and catch it on the tip of his bayonet.
Pregnant Christian women were chained to trees and their
babies cut out of their bodies. There were many places
of public execution in Russia during the days of the
revolution, one of which was described by the American
Rohrbach Commission: 'The whole cement floor of the
execution hall of the Jewish Cheka of Kiev was flooded
with blood; it formed a level of several inches. It
was a horrible mixture of blood, brains and pieces
of skull. All the walls were bespattered with blood.
Pieces of brains and of scalps were sticking to them.
A gutter of 25 centimeters wide by 25 centimeters deep
and about 10 meters long was along its length full
to the top with blood.
Some bodies were disemboweled, others had limbs chopped
off, some were literally hacked to pieces. Some had
their eyes put out, the head, face and neck and trunk
were covered with deep wounds. Further on, we found
a corpse with a wedge driven into its chest. Some had
no tongues. In a corner we discovered a quantity of
dismembered arms and legs belonging to no bodies that
we could locate.'" (Defender Magazine, October
"The Red Terror became so wide-spread that
it is impossible to give here all the details of the
principal means employed by the [Jewish] Cheka(s) to
master resistance; one of the most important is that
of hostages, taken among all social classes. These
are held responsible for any anti-Bolshevist movements
(revolts, the White Army, strikes, refusal of a village
to give its harvest etc.) and are immediately executed.
Thus, for the assassination of the Jew Ouritzky, member
of the Extraordinary Commission of Petrograd, several
thousands of them were put to death, and many of these
unfortunate men and women suffered before death various
tortures inflicted by cold-blooded cruelty in the prisons
of the Cheka.
I have in front of me photographs taken at Kharkoff,
in the presence of the Allied Missions, immediately
after the Reds had abandoned the town; they consist
of a series of ghastly reproductions such as: Bodies
of three workmen taken as hostages from a factory which
went on strike. One had his eyes burnt, his lips and
nose cut off; the other two had their hands cut off.
The bodies of hostages, S. Afaniasouk and P. Prokpovitch,
small landed proprietors, who were scalped by their
executioners; S. Afaniasouk shows numerous burns caused
by a white hot sword blade. The body of M. Bobroff,
a former officer, who had his tongue and one hand cut
off and the skin torn off from his left leg.
Human skin torn from the hands of several victims by
means of a metallic comb. This sinister find was the
result of a careful inspection of the cellar of the
Extraordinary Commission of Kharkoff. The retired general
Pontiafa, a hostage who had the skin of his right hand
torn off and the genital parts mutilated.
Mutilated bodies of women hostages: S. Ivanovna, owner
of a drapery business, Mme. A.L. Carolshaja, wife of
a colonel, Mmo. Khlopova, a property owner. They had
their breasts slit and emptied and the genital parts
burnt and having trace of coal.
Bodies of four peasant hostages, Bondarenko, Pookhikle,
Sevenetry, and Sidorfehouk, with atrociously mutilated
faces, the genital parts having been operated upon
by Chinese torturers in a manner unknown to European
doctors in whose opinion the agony caused to the victims
must have been dreadful.
It is impossible to enumerate all the forms of savagery
which the Red Terror took. A volume would not contain
them. The Cheka of Kharkoff, for example, in which
Saenko operated, had the specialty of scalping victims
and taking off the skin of their hands as one takes
off a glove...At Voronege the victims were shut up
naked in a barrel studded with nails which was then
rolled about. Their foreheads were branded with a red
hot iron FIVE POINTED STAR. At Tsaritsin and at Kamishin
their bones were sawed...At Keif the victim was shut
up in a chest containing decomposing corpses; after
firing shots above his head his torturers told him
that he would be buried alive. The chest was buried
and opened again half an hour later when the interrogation
of the victim was proceeded with. The scene was repeated
several times over. It is not surprising that many
victims went mad." (S.P. Melgounov, p. 164-166;
The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon
De Poncins, p. 151-153).
"The overthrowing of imperialsic governments
by armed uprisings and the organization of an International
Soviet Republic is the way of the international dictatorship
of the working class. The most forceful way to maintian
the international revolution is by the organization
of the armed forces of revolution...The workmen of
all Europe will do, and in fact are already doing,
the same...Sooner or later we will have the Internaitonal
Republic of Soviets." (Memorandum on Certain Aspects
of the Bolshevist Movement in Russia, p. 46, Issued
by the Department of State, Washington, D.C., 1919).
"Being ill, Raskolinkoff dreamt that the whole
world was doomed to a peculiar but dreadful, unknown
plague, sweeping from the depths of Asis towards Europe.
Everybody had to perish with the exception of several,
very few chosen. There appeared some kine of new germs,
microscopical creatures which penetrated into human
Men who were affected by them immediately became possessed
with a devil, falling into madness. But never, indeed
never, did men feel themselves more clever and more
firm in their beliefs than those affected by the disease.
Never did men consider their judgments, their scientific
conclusions, their moral convictions and faith more
steady and firm.
Entire communities and cities, whole peoples, became
affected by this disease and acted as insane. Everybody
was alarmed and nobody understood, each being convinced
tht the truth was in him alone, and everybody suffered,
looking at others, beating their chests and wringing
their hands in despair. It was not known who would
be persecuted, nor how, nor what should be considered
as being evil or good. Neither was it known who should
be accued, who should be defended. People slew each
other in a state of irrational fury. Armies were raised
against each other; but while on their march they suddenly
began to tear themselves to pieces, their ranks became
destroyed, and soldiers attacked each other, killing,
biting and devouring one another. In the cities alarm
bells were rung all day long. People were calling together
but nobody knew who was making the appeal nor for what
purpose and everybody was alarmed.
The usual trade was discontinued because everybody insisted
upon his own thoughts, presenting his own amendments,
and no agreement could possibly be rached. Agriculture
was suspended. In some places men gathered in groups,
agreed upon something and took oath not to part, but
immediately after that they began to do something quite
different from what they themselves had anticipated
and then they began to accuse and to slay each other.
Fires broke out and famine started." (Crime and
Punishment, Epilogue, Translation from the Russian,
Raskolinkoff Dostojevsky; The World At The Cross Roads,
Boris Brasol, pp. 37-38).
"Indeed, what remains of the foundaitons of
pre-war civilization? The national ideal has been discredited
while nothing has been crated instead. The vague conception
of internationalism is still alien to the minds of
the vase majority. The habitual methods of diplomacy
have been declared by diplomats, themselves, as being
contrary to the contemporaneous aims of statesmanship;
but new methods have not been discovered. The statesman
of the old type has disappeared. The great crisis has
failed to produce great characters. In the place of
Napoleons, Bismarchs and Gladstones of former times,
the world is being governned by Lloyd Georges, Wilsons
and Trotzkys. Monarchs have been deposed, their crowns
stamped in political mud, their Empires torn into piecs.
But new States born out of their ashes are weaklings
not because they are young, but because they are unhealthy
and artificial in their make-up. Inded, the politican
has replaced the statesman and the very conception
of historical tradition has been obliterated."
(The World At The Cross Roads, Boris Brasol, pp. 38-39).
"The Franco-Russian friendship was an historical
fact, the influence of which was felt throughout Europe
for a quarter of a century. There was a feeling among
the Russians, and the Frenchmen as well, that the Franco-Russian
Alliance was not merely a commercial or financial scheme,
but that it was the supreme guaranty of the unhampered
development of the two nations, and an indispensable
condition of European equilibrium. The French Party
of the Revanche which in spite of the dreeyfussade
and a series of radical ministirs, kept Fench public
opinion under firm contro, was the fist to realize
that without Russia's help, 'the wrong done to France
by Prussia in 1871 in the matter of Alsace-Lorraine'
could never be repaired. The Russians, on the other
hand, had but little sympathy for Great Gritain, both
because of her pro-German policy and on account of
her traditional fear of Russia's expansion. 'England's
pro-Germanism dats as far back as the middle of the
nineteenth century. Lord Palmerston laid the foundation
for the British policy of building up a stron German
Empire to keep in check 'the giant of the North.' In
1849 the European press revelaed a political cheme
known as 'Lord Palmerston's Plan for the Reconstruction
of Europe.' Therein it was specifically stated: 'The
plan...pertain to a new configurationof Europe, the
erection of a strong German Empire which may act as
a wall separating France from Russia as well as the
establishment of a Polish-Magyar Kingdom designed to
complete the scheme directed against the giant of the
North...'(See N. Deschamps, SociÇtÇ,
Vol. II, pp. 312-313, third ed., Paris, 1880. It will
also be recalled that the Berlin Treaty of 1878 was
a clever Disraeli-Bismarck conspiracy against Russia.
Russia, whose armies were at the gates of Constantinople,
had won the war but lost the peace. Finally, the pro-German
and anti-Russian policy of Great Britain during the
Russo-Japanese War is a generally known fact) (The
World At The Cross Roads, Boris Brasol, p. 46).
"By sending Lenin to Russia our (German) Government
had, moreover, assumed a great responsibility. From
a miliaty point of view his journey was justified,
for Russia had to be laid low. But our Government should
have seen to it that we also were not involved in her
fall. The events in Russia gave me no cause for complete
satisfaction. They considerably eased the military
situation, but elements of the greatest danger still
remained." (Luden dorff's Own Story, Vol. II,
pp. 126-127, Harper & Brothers, New York, 1919;
The World At The Cross Roads, Boris Brasol, p. 67).
"There was not a politcal organization in
the vase Empire which was not influenced by the Jews
or directed by them; the Social-Democrats, the Revolutionary
Socialist Parties, the Polish Socialit Party, all counted
Jews among their directors; Plehve was perhaps right
whe he said that the combat for political emancipation
in Russia and the Jewish question were practically
identical." (The Pioneers of the Russian Revolution,
Dr. Angelo Rapport).
"Among them" narrates Princess Radziwill,
"was a man named Kameneff, whose name was found
later on among the signatures at the bottom of the
treaty of Brest-Litovsk and who introduced himself
as a confidential friend of both Lenin and Trotzky.
This Kameneff was another repulsive Jew, but undoubtedly
an intelligent creature whose only principle was to
enrich himself at any price and in the shortest of
time. He was eager for action, because he realized
that it was only through some upheaval or other that
he wouod be enabled to lay his greedy hands on the
Russian public exchequer. Captain Russtenberg heard
afterwards that when it came to the partition of the
millions which Germany paid for the betrayal of Russia
to the Bolsheviks (Jews), Kameneff was the man who
got the lion's share." (Princess Catherine Radziwill,
The Firebrand of Bolshevism, pp. 203-204, Small, Maynard
& Company, Boston, Mass., 1919. Kameneff, whose
real name was Rosenfeld, was one of the most notorious
Soviet officials. He replaced Krassin as Chairman of
the Bolshevist delegation to Great Britain, which was
dispatched to conduct negotiations for the resumption
of trade relations between England and Soviet Russia.
Rosenfeld-Kameneff is said to be a brother-in-law of
Trotzky (Bronstein); The World At The Cross Roads,
Boris Brasol, p. 68).
"During the summer of 1916 a secret report
was received by the Russian General Headquarters from
one of its agents in New York. This report, dated February
15, 1916, reads in part as follows: 'The Russian Revolutionary
Party of America has evidently resumed its activities.
As a consequence of it, momentous developments are
expected to follow. The first confidential meeting
which marked the beginning of a new era of violence
took place on Monday evening, February 14, 1916, in
the East Side of New York City. It was attended by
sixty-two delegates, fifty of whom were 'veterans'
of the revolution of 1905; the rest being newly admitted
members. Among the delegates were a large percentage
of Jews, most of them belonging to the intellectual
class, as doctors, publicists, etc., but also some
professional revolutionists...The proceedings of this
first meeting were almost entirely devoted to the discussion
of finding ways and means to start a great revolution
in Russia as the 'most favorable moment for it is close
at hand.' It was revealed that secret reports had just
reached the party from Russia, describing the situation
as very favorable, when all arrangements for an immediate
outbreak were completed. The only serious problem was
the financial quesiton but whenever this was raised
the assembly was immediately assured by some fo the
members that this question did not need to cause any
embarrassment as ample funds, if necessary, would be
furnished by persons in sympathy with the movement
of liberating the people of Russia. In this connecton
the name of Jacob Schiff was repeatedly mentioned.'
It was further added in the report that: 'The soul
of this new revolutionary movement is the German Ambassador
in Washington, Count Bernstorff. Dr. Albert, the financial
agent attached to the German Embassy in Washington,
is manager of this revolution which took place in Mexico.
He is aided in his task by the first Secretary of the
German Embassy.'" (The World At The Cross Roads,
Boris Brasol, pp. 69-70).
"Indeed, this was more than a German plot;
it was a world-conspiracy, first against Russia and
next against Christian civilization at large. The following
two documents throw a peculiar sidelight upon the nature
of this sinister enterprise.
1. Copenhagen, June 18, 1917. Mr. Ruffner, Helsingfors.
Dear Sir: please be advised that from the Disconto-Gesellschaft
account 315,000 marks have been transferred to Mr.
Lenin's account in Kronstadt, as per order of the Syndicate.
Kindly acknowledge receipt: Nilandeway 98, Copenhagen,
W. Hansen & Co. - Svensen.
2. Stockholm, September 21, 1917. Mr. Raphael Scholan
Haparanda. Dear Comrade: The office of the banking
house M. Warburg has opened in accordance with telegram
from president of Rheinish-Westphalian Syndicate an
account for the undertaking of Comrade Trotzky. The
attorney (agent) purchased arms and has organized their
transportation and delivery up to Luleo and Varde.
Name to the office of Essen & Son in Luleo, receivers,
and a person authorized to recieve the money demaned
by Comrade Trotzky. - J. Furstenberg. (The German-Bolshevik
Conspiracy, issued by The Committee on Public Information,
Washington, D.C., p. 27, October, 1918. The documents
as above quoted were never repudiated by the Disconto-Gesellschaft
or the Rheinish-Westphalian Syndicate).
"It will be recalled that Furstenberg, who
also assumed the name of Ganetzky, together with his
Jewish friend Rdek, alias Sobelsohn, became later prominent
members of the Soviet Government. In March, 1917, Furstenberg
took an active part in the 'defeatist' propaganda in
Russia, and it was through his medium that part of
the money contributed by the German-Jewish bankers
to the leaders of the destruction of civilization was
forwarded to Russia. The documents above quoted reveal
the active participation of international banking organizations
in the 'undertaking of Comrade Trotzky.' The Disconto-Gesellschaft,
the Rheinish-Westphalian Syndicate, the international
banking firm of Warburgs, the various subsidiary banking
institutions in Scandinavia, such as the Nya Banken,
all of them were working in harmonious accord with
the red generals of the world-revolution. This was
the 'one big union' the aim of which was the complete
destruction, if possible the annihilation , of 'holy
Russia'' the corner-stone of European Christianity."
(The World At The Cross Roads, Boris Brasol, pp. 71-73).
"Only now, after the terrible events...it
has become possible to appreciate fully the accuracy
of the information presented in the secret report of
Count Lamsdorf, former Russian Foreign Minister, to
Emperor Nicholas II, dated January 3, 1906, on the
international aspect of the first revolutionary outbreak
in Russia in 1905. Some of the passages in this report
are so striking that we feel it necessary to quote
them in extenso: 'The events which took place in Russia
during 1905, and which assumed especially acute forms
at the beginning of October last, when after a series
of strikes, they brought about an armed revolt in Moscow,
and many other towns and localities of the Empire,
plainly indicate that the Russian revolutionary movement;
apart from its deeper, internal, social-economic and
political causes, has also quite a definite international
character...The most decisive indications which warrant
this conclusion are given by the circumstances that
the Russian revolutionaries are in possession of great
quantities of arms which are imported from abroad,
and of very considerable financial means, because there
can be no doubt that the leaders of the revolution
have already spent on our anti-government movement,
the organization of all sorts of strikes included,
large amounts of money. Since, however, it must be
acknowledged that such support given to the revolutionary
movement by sending arms and money from abroak can
hardly be ascribed to foreign governments (with very
special exceptions, as, for instance, that of Sweden
supporting the revolutionary movement in Finland, and
of Austria which helped the Poles) one is bound to
come to the conclusion that there are foreign capitalists'
organizations which are interested in supporting our
revultionary movement. With this conclusion the fact
must be confronted that the Russian revolutionary movement
has the outspoken character of a movement of the heterogeneous
nationalities of Russia which one after another, Armenians
and Georgians, Letts and Esths, Finns, Poles and others,
arose agaisnt the Imperial Government...If we add to
the above, that, as has been proved beyond any doubt,
a very coniserable part among these hererogeneous nationalities
is played by Jews, who, individually, as ringleaders
in tthe other organizations, as well as through their
own (the Jewish Bund in the Western Provinces), have
always come forward as the most bellicose element of
the revolution, we may feel entitled to assume that
the above-mentioned foreign support of the Russian
revolutionary movement comes from Jewish capitalist
circles. In this respect one must not ignore the following
concurrences of facts which lead to further conclusions,
namely, that the revolutionary movement is not only
supported but also to a certain degree directed from
abroad. On one hand, the strike borke out with special
violence and spread all over Russia not before and
not after October, that is, just at the time when our
government tried to realize a considerable foreign
loan without the participation of the Rothschilds and
just in time for preventing the carrying out of this
financial operation; the panic provoked among the buyers
and holders of Russian loans could not fail to give
additional advantages to the Jewish bankes and capitalists
who openly and knowingly speculated upon the fall of
the Russian rates...Moeover, certain very significant
facts, which were also mentioned in the press, quite
confirm the obvious connection of the Russian revolutionary
movement with the foreign Jewish organizations. Thus,
for instance, the above-mentioned importation of arms,
which according to our agents' information was carried
on from the European Continent through England can
be duly appreciated if we take into consideratikon
that already in June, 1905, a special Antlo-Jewish
committee of capitalists was openly established in
England for the purpose of collecitn money for arming
fighting groups of Russian Jews, and that the well-known
anti-Russian publicist, Lucien Wolf, was the leading
member of this committee. On the other hand, in view
of the fact that the sad consequences of the revolutionary
propaganda affected the Jews themselves, another committee
of Jewish capitalists was formed in England, under
the ldeadership of Lord Rothschild, which collected
considrable amounts of contributions in England, France
and Germany for the officially alleged purpose of helping
Russian Jews who suffered from pogroms. And lastly,
the Jews in America, without thinking it necessary
formally to distinguish between the two purposes, collect
money for helping the pogrom sufferers and for arming
the Jewish youth.'" (The World At The Cross Roads,
Boris Brasol, pp. 73-76).
On the fifteenth day of March, 1917, Emperor Nicholas
II abdicated from the Russian throne for himself and
for his son. Six days later the following Army Order
No. 371 was issued by General Alexeev, Chief of Staff
of General Headquarters: 'Emperor Nicholas II, who
abdicated the throne, before his departue from the
region occupied by the army in the field, addressed
the troops with the following farewell words: 'For
the last time I apply to you, much beloved armies.
After abdicating for myself and my son from the Russian
throne, the ower was transferred to the Provisional
Government which was established on the initiative
of the Imperial Duma. Let the Lord help it to lead
Russia in the path of glory and prosperity. Let the
Lord help you, gallant troops, to protect our fatherrland
against a wicked foe. For two and one-half years continuously
you rendered hard battle service. Much blood was shed.
Many efforts have been made and the hour is close when
Russia, tied to her gallant Allies, by means of one
combined effort towards victory, shall break the last
resistance of the enemy. This unprecedented war must
be pursued to a final victory. He who at present thinks
about peace, he who strives for it, is a betrayer of
his country; a traitor. I am confident that evey honest
soldier is of this belief. Therefore, perform your
duty, bravely protect our great country, obey the Provisional
Government, obey your superiors, and remember that
every weakening in military discipline is to the advantage
of the enemy. I am firmly convinced that you boundless
love for our great country is not extinguished. May
the Lord bless you, and may St. George, the martyr
and the victor, lead you to final victory. Nicholas.'"
(The World At The Cross Roads, Boris Brasol, pp. 88-89).
"The Revolution is on. We received today the
only cheering news within the last three years of the
bloody World War. The hearts of every working man and
woman burst with joy and gladness at this news. Nicholas
is overthrown. The Duman has taken the Government in
its hands and the liberal government rules. Hurrah!"
(The Forward, a Jewish daily paper published in Hew
York City).
"He considered the Rvolution a victroy for
the Jews, which opinion, he said, prevailed on the
East Side where rejoicing knew no bounds. We felt,
added Mr. Cahan, that this is a great triumph for the
Jews' cause. The anti-Jewish element in Russia has
always been identified with the anti-revolutionary
party. Jews having always sat high in the Councils
of the revolutionists, all of our race became inseparably
linked with the opponents of the government in the
official mind." (New York Call, March 17, 1917,
Upheaval in Russia Is Fight for Liberty, Abraham Cahan).
"...It was in England, the home of the Jews,
says Mr. Pitt-Rivers, that the Tsar's Government was
always systematically vilified, for years made out
as the blackest home of tyranny and oppression in the
world. although there were English writers like Mr.
Stephen Graham who, years ago, went out to Russia to
live there because he considered it the freest country
in Europe. It was, of course, the least commercialized,
while England, one of the most commerciaized countries;
and the greatest loverrs and entertainers of Jews,
in the world, in consequence, sees no merit in a simple
agricultural existence. Neither is it surprising in
view of her cult of unlimited industrialism, and its
consequences; an ever expanding industrial and urban
population, free commercial exploitation by all and
sundry middlemen, usurers, Jews; and the translations
of all values into money-values, by which alone can
be realized that ideal of personal equality, dad-levelness
and compulsory mediocrity in which she glories under
the name of Liberalism and Democracy. Can England with
her tradition of three hundred years of Jeww-loving
free-mammonism, democratic-shopkeeping, Puritanism,
and obsessional urban-industrial expansion, in any
case understand the healthier ideal of rural simplicity
and paternal government, which, in spite of the obvious
shortcomings of his successor, was the ideal of Alexander
III." (George Pitt-Rivers, The World Significance
of the Russian Revolution, with preface by Dr. Oscar
Levy, pp. 20-21, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1920).
"Wrangel pretended to combat the Bolsheviks,
Bolshevism is Jewry. In order to retain the favor of
the Jews holding the real power in England, France
and the United States, Wrangel showed to the Jews signs
of his submission to them. Thereafter the Russian masses
abandoned Wrangel as a traitor or as a comedian. It
is impossible simultaneously to be an auxiliary of
the Jew and an enemy of the Bolsheviki who are Jews.
Be it incoherence or treason, Wrangel deserved the
same fate as Denikin and he got it." (La Vieille-Fraonce,
No. 200, December 2, 1920, article entitled The Enigma
of Wrangel Explained; The World At The Cross Roads,
Boris Brasol, p. 342).
"The time will come when all Christians will
become mature, they will all embrace Judaism, and they
will all justify themselves by deeds. Then the Christians
will become Jews." (A Program for the Jews and
Humanity, Harry Waton, p. 174).
"With deep insight into history Jesus foresaw
what would happen to the Christians, that they would
waste the treasure with harlots, but in due time the
Christians will come back to Jehovah, and Jehovah will
be glad to receive them." (A Program for the Jews
and Humanity, Harry Waton, p 176).
"A rabbi cannot teach you your Christian duty to
the Jewish people."
"Jewish Rabbis Should Not Teach Christians;
in the ecumenical mania that grips the churches, Judeophiles
especially are scurrying about trying to outdo one
another in inviting Jewish speakers to their pulpits.
It's almost a fetish. While darkly contemplating this
prima facie evidence of blissful ignorance, a refreshing
breath of oxygen floated across this writer's desk.
It came from an unexpected, therefore a more greatly
appreciated, source. The headline of the newsletter
asked this question: 'Should your Church Invite the
Rabbi? In the center of the front page the box below
The newsletter was from Jews for Jesus. The article
was written by Moishe Rosen, founder of Jews for Jesus.
Although the organization is operated by 'Jewish Christians'
some of whom are probably Zionists, Mr. Rosen did a
good job in advising churches that they should not
invite rabbis to teach them. In response to a woman
whose church had invited a rabbi, he stated: '...I
will first say that I am very pleased that your church
cares about the Jewish people. I'm impressed that your
minister has become friends with the local rabbi. As
always, I appreciate any kindness to the Jewish people
because I know how very much Jews need demonstrations
of Christian kindness. Nevertheless, in all honesty,
I'm chagrined that the rabbi was invited to speak at
the church. He is a teacher who wants you to learn
why he doesn't believe in Jesus. He will tell you:
'If you really respect the Jewish people, you must
not proselytize or presume that we Jews need your religion.'
How could I be pleased about the church receiving that
"'The Jewish Establishment": 'In the
early 1930s, Wlater Duranty of the New York Times was
in Moscow, covering Joe Stalin the way Joe Stalin wanted
to be covered. To maintain favor and access, he expressly
denied that there was famine in Ukraine even while
millions of Ukrainian Christians were being starved
into submission. For his work Duranty won the Pulitzer
Prize for journalism. To this day, the Times remains
the most magisterial and respectable of American newspapers.
How imagine that a major newspaper had had a correspondent
in Berlin during roughly the same period who hobnobbed
with Hitler, portrayed him in a flattering light, and
denied that Jews were being mistreated, thereby not
only concealing, but materially assisting the regime's
persecution. Would that paper's respectability have
been unimpaired several decades later?
There you have an epitome of what is lamely called 'media
bias.' The Western supporters of Stalin haven't just
been excused; they have received the halo of victim
hood for the campaign, in what liberals call 'the McCarthy
era,' to get them out of the government, the education
system, and respectable society itself.
Not only persecution of Jews but any critical mention
of Jewish power in the media and politics is roundly
condemned as 'anti-Semitism.' But there isn't even
a term of opprobrium for participation in the mass
murders of Christians. Liberals still don't censure
the Communist attempt to extirpate Christianity from
Soviet Russia and its empire, and for good reason,
liberals themselves, particularly Jewish liberals,
are still trying to uproot Christianity from America.
It's permissible to discuss the power of every other
group, from the Black Muslims to the Christian Right,
but the much greater power of the Jewish establishment
is off-limits. That, in fact, is the chief measure
of its power: its ability to impose its own taboos
while tearing down the taboos of others, you might
almost say its prerogative of offending. You can read
articles in Jewish-controlled publications from the
Times to Commentary blaming Christianity for the Holocaust
or accusing Pope Pius XII of indifference to it, but
don't look for articles in any major publication that
wants to stay in business examining the Jewish role
in Communism and liberalism, however temperately."
(The Jewish Establishment, Joseph Sobran, September
1995 issue).
"...An exact representation of the universe,
of its evolution, of the development of mankind and
of the reflection of this evolution in the minds of
men, can only be obtained by methods of dialectics."
(Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, p. 48).
"Christianity does not concern itself about
the material world its sole concern is immortality;
it does not concern itself about conduct, its sole
concern is faith." (A Program for the Jews and
Humanity, Harry Waton, p. 118).
"I cannot help feeling that Communism, whatever
its exponents may say, has recovered that essential
core of a real belief in God, which organized Christianity
has in our day largely lost." (A Program for the
Jews and Humanity, Harry Waton, p. 125).
"I am gong to show that real religious persecution
is uniquely Jewish...In the time of Justinian, in the
sixth century, the Jews massacred Christians in Caesarea
and destroyed their churches. When Stephanus, the governor
attempted to defend the Christians, the Jews fell on
him and slew him. In 608 A.D., the Jews of Antioch
fell upon their Christians neighbors and killed them
with fire and sword...About 614 A.D., the Persians
advanced upon Palestine and the Jews, after joining
their standard, massacred the Christians and destroyed
their churches. Ninety thousand Christians perished
in Jerusalem alone." (The International Jew, Henry
Ford (1922), pp. 171, 173; Who is Esau-Edom? Charles
A. Weisman, p.100)
Under the heading of "A brief History of the
Terms for Jew" in the 1980 Jewish Almanac is the
following: "Strictly speaking it is incorrect
to call an Ancient Israelite a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary
Jew an israelite or a Hebrew." (1980 Jewish Almanac,
p. 3).
"This regenerated and true Christianity must
identify itself with Marxism and Communism." (A
Program for the Jews and Humanity, Harry Waton, p.
"Our bourgeois philanthropy, whatever form
it may take, is really only the effort to give back
to the workers a little part of that which our whole
social system, systematically, robs them of, and so
to prop up that system yet a little longer...
It is the workers who produce all values, but the lion's
share of what they produce falls to the lion, the capitalist
class, and enables the capitalist arbitrarily to decide
what he will do with it and whether or not he will
use a part of the spoils for the good of the despoiled,
a part of the plunder for the good of the plundered;
and, however, disinterestedly individual men and women
may devote themselves to this task of restitution,
the fact remains that, for the capitalist class as
a whole, all philanthropic effort is a work of restitution
for self- preservation...
Shall I cast my lot with the oppressors, content to
patch and darn, to piece and cobble at the worn and
rotten fabric of a perishing society? Shall I spend
my life in applying palliatives, in trying to make
the intolerable endurable yet a little longer?...Shall
I not rather make common cause with these, my brothers
and sisters, to make an end of such a system?...
As loyal members of the ruling class, our work must,
I repeat, be merely palliative. For a radical cure
of the social disease means the end of the system of
exploiting the workers...Another of the indispensable
books is 'The Condition of the Working Class in England,'
by Frederick Engels, which is especially valuable for
American readers, because the conditions described
in it as they prevailed in England at the time of its
appearance in Germany are reproduced upon a still larger
scale in America now, at the moment of its publication
in an English translation. It is the best introduction
to the study of modern scientific political economy
and of the fundamental work par excellence thereof,
'Capital,' by Karl Marx." (Address by Florence
Kelley, May 14, 1887, before the New York Association
of Collegiate Alumnae, entitled "The Need of Theoretical
Preparation for Philanthropic Work.")
"America: Submerged in a Sea of Zionism. Will
history remember America merely as a major captive
nation of Zionist world conquest, ignoring the lustrous
ascendance and near triumph of the glorious potential
of free man? Will Zionist scorched-earth shots to the
heart of all that is wholesome buy them their long-sought
victory for Babylonian humanism with its showy irreverence
and the glorification of all that is sordid? Will all
of the goodness, wholesomeness and productivity of
our unique Christian Republic, which millions forfeited
their lives to give us, be purged from the world, leaving
man to enter the 21st century enslaved to the least
of God's creations? Must Americans forever witness
Zionist self-promotion and self-portrayal as our best
and brightest, as our most deserving and selfless citizens
suffering a society of lesser humans with intellectually
inferior pursuits? Will God allow animal cunning, arrogance,
greed and self-aggrandizement a final victory over
With 'political correctness' based upon Zionist fascism
in the ascendance, with the American media system largely
a Zionist tool, with Foundations and Zionist Political
Action Committees spreading legislative dollars and
providing selected candidates massive financial support,
with two parties and political commentary dominated
by the Zionist International, can traditional Americans
hope to reverse the current course of history? Can
we develop a formula to reclaim our Republic and the
tools of a productive society, recapturing or rebuilding
the essence of a nation one deservedly the noble and
gracious leader of the world's nations?
Can we collectively observe that our governmental processes
are captive to Zionist appointees at every level, that
our State, Treasury and Commerce Departments as well
as the Presidency are operated by Zionists who take
their order from Zionism? Can we perceive that almost
all of the national information-flow reaches us only
through a Zionist filter and pro-Israel/Zionist propaganda
machine? Have we not discovered the demise of education,
the growth and development of crime, the decay of our
cities and our rapid decline as a united people have
happened concurrent with the intrusion of Zionists
and Zionism into the American system? Have we not noticed
that today it is increasingly difficult for ordinary
people, Jew or Christian, White, Black, Yellow or Brown,
to live together in 'live and let live' affection and
respect, as the ADL the ACLU and the AIPAC attack society's
pillars, move to destroy the Christian history of America
and indoctrinate our children with ideas and philosophies
that most of the world holds to be reprehensible, society-destructive,
and beyond civility? Have we not noticed the fear in
our church bodies, the manipulation of them to amend
and mutate the teaching of Jesus' word to men?
Here we have history's master victimizers, representing
themselves as the victims, as betrayed and sinned against,
demeaned and tormented because of society's jealousy;
a colony of Culicidae (insects such as mosquitoes and
gnats) decrying the occasional angry slap by those
that have been stung. We observe the creators of much
of man's sordid and duplicitous record artfully and
deceitfully altering, amending, abridging and censoring
the record to point the finger of responsibility to
others, begging society's pity and solace for pain
suggested to have been shared by no other people and
never publicly recognizing, though surely perceiving,
that it has been their centuries-long manipulation
of their fellow man and their self-ordination as gods
that has cause the animosity they correctly sense.
Consider an alien system with such a firm hold on American
policy mechanisms that they are capable of having American
citizenship granted overnight to one of Zionism's most
energetic employees and then have him named as American
ambassador to his former employer nation and confirmed
without a word from our 'illustrious Senate,' including
that great defender of American interests, Mr. Jesse
Helms? And consider a President's cabinet with 80%
Jewish Zionist members and a President, himself a Rhodes
Scholar (but unable to finish at Oxford) and a member
of the Zionist International; a Trilateralist, Bilderberg
secret communist.
Consider an alien philosophy carefully scheming to own
and control America's newspaper and broadcasting systems,
then combining its now massive propaganda and reinstruc-tional
capabilities with the movie, entertainment and documentary
producers of Hollywood, in short order reducing life
to drugs and sexual fantasies and living to a succession
of mindless escapades and romps in the hay; surely
and continuously changing Americans then America...finally
creating such irresponsible and chaotic conditions
in our lives that we then welcome massive regulation,
police restraints and New World Order socialist oppression
just to get order again; forget morality or social
ethics, productivity or national focus.
Consider the raw source of energy and money for the
pro-abortion and homosexual lifestyle movements, the
illegal immigration madness, loss of personal heritage
identity, multi-cultural disarray and the move to make
our precious English subordinate to the first choice
of everyone's original homeland language. These are
funded, not by the grassroots but by single source
money ...given in every case to reduce our influential
Christian nation to helplessness; Babylonians filled
with hate for the Christian people who bade them welcome,
spending enormous effort and endless dollars to destroy
our once wholesome influence on an ugly world. Witness
the altered state of church in America; intimidated,
compromised, fearful and spiritless. Are they winning?
Look and listen to the new mores of our changed society.
Consider which nation is our number one recipient of
'loans' and aid. Note that they take what they want
from our military arsenal and then without apology
copy and sell it around the world, wherever money is
to be made or counties subverted. Note their demand
for U.N. (American) troops to clear away the enemy
which surrounds their homeland and as stalking horses
for their political influence thought the world. From
the Pentagon, State, Presidency or the United Nations,
their influence and numbers overwhelm any possible
opposition and America increasingly does what they
demand of us.
And then, dear friends, we have just witnessed once
again their absolute mastery over our financial affairs.
They own Banking, Investment Banking, the control of
every major corporation, of course the 'Fed' and control
of the Treasury of the United States. As we have just
seen in Mexico, they do as they please, manipulating
conditions, loaning then withdrawing support capital
and grasping control of the resources of nations one
by one, sometimes for profit but always for control.
And then there is the depreciating dollar and Americans
and the humble Mexicans are about to be enslaved by
its demise.
When we add thought-control (political correctness)
emanating from our college campuses and the continuous
flow of Marxist ideas from Zionist professors to the
'hate crimes' laws and the massive effort to close
down unwelcome publishers and Republican ideas, we
can see that our Zionist fascist New World Order elitists
have left no scheme destructive of Christian freedom
left unutilized.
Consider then the 'we-are-in-charge' arrogance of the
'Justice' department's 92 Waco murders, followed by
official lies and media cover-up, to be followed by
massive raids on the citizens' militias that resulted...and
national martial law, orchestrated and controlled by
our Zionist fascist President in collaboration with
the ADL.
Finally, we can watch with dismay as black-shirted,
hooded world police power is deployed in America, computer
programs are prepared for our personal control and
prisons are readied for any who would underscore their
First Amendment rights by using them. And huge funds
of propaganda and money are expended to take from us
our last hope of freedom; the Second Amendment and
our guns.
And 90% of Americans haven't a hint, a clue. So brainwashed
are they that when push comes to shove, most of them
will unknowingly side with this enemy. So we who perceive
must do the work of thousands." (Ameirch Focus,
Commentaries on America).
"Ambassador Henry Morgenthau declared 'America
is our Zion.'" (America Our Zion, Says Morgenthau
Assailing Zionism, The World, June, 27, 1921, p. 22).
"Between the Christians and the Communists
there is a life and death struggle because the Christians
regard their idea of co-operation as being right, true
and good, while the idea of co-operation of the Communists
the Christians regard as wrong, false and evil."
(A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Harry Waton,
p. 136).
"The Jews welcome this revolution in the Christian
world, and the Jews should show an
example. It is not an accident that Judaism gave birth
to Marxism, and it is not an accident that the Jews
readily took up Marxism: all this was in perfect accord
with the progress of Judaism and the Jews." (A
Program for the Jews and Humanity, by Rabbi Harry Waton,
p. 148).
"The Communists are against religion (Christianity),
and they seek to destroy religion; yet, when we look
deeper into the nature of Communism, we see that it
is essential nothing else than a religion (Judaism)."
(A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Harry Waton,
p. 138).
In his novel Coningsby (London, 1844), Disraeli
drew a picture form the life of the Jews ruling the
world from behind the thrones as graphic as anything
in the Protocols of Nilus. Many believe, and it has
been proved to most, Coningsby was a plagiarism of
a Byzantine novel of the XVIIth century. The passage
in which Rothschild (Sidonia) describes this is as
follows: "If I followed my own impulse, I would
remain here," said Sidonia. "Can anything
be more absurd than that a nation should apply to an
individual to maintain its credit, and with its credit,
its existence as an empire and its comfort as a people;
and that individual one to whom its laws deny the proudest
rights of citizenship, the privilege of sitting in
its senate and of holding land; for though I have been
rash enough to buy several estates, my own opinion
is that by the existing law of England, an Englishman
of Jewish faith cannot possess the soil.'
'But surely it would be easy to repeal a law so illiberal.'
'Oh! as for illiberality, I have no objection to it
if it be an element of power. Eschew political sentimentality.
What I contend is that if you permit men to accumulate
property, and they use that permission to a great extent,
power is inseparable from that property, and it is
in the last degree impolitic to make it in the interest
of any powerful class to oppose the institutions under
which they live. The Jews, for example, independent
of the capital qualities for citizenship which they
possess in their industry, temperance, and energy and
vivacity of mind, are a race essentially monarchical,
deeply religious and shrinking themselves from converts
as from a calamity, are ever anxious to see the religious
systems of the countries in which they live, flourish;
yet since your society has become agitated in England
and powerful combinations menace your institutions,
you find the once loyal Jew invariably arrayed in the
same ranks as the leveller and the latitudinarian,
and prepared to support rather than tamely continue
under a system which seeks to degrade him. The Tories
lose an important election at a critical moment; 'Its
the Jews who come forward to vote against them.
The Church is alarmed at the scheme of a latitudinarian
university, and learns with relief that funds are not
forthcoming for its establishment; a Jew immediately
advances and endows it. Yet the Jews, Coningsby, are
essentially Tories. Toryism indeed is but copied from
the mighty prototype which has fashioned Europe. And
every generation they must become more powerful and
more dangerous to the society which is hostile to them.
Do you think that the quiet humdrum persecution of
a decorous representative of an English university
can crush those who have successively baffled the Pharaos,
Nebuchadnezzar, Rome, and the feudal ages?
The fact is you cannot destroy a pure race of White
organization [Here is the secret, and a Rothschild
is telling us why the Jews are trying to destroy the
White Race. It is because the Jews know, if the race
is kept pure, it cannot be destroyed; because it will
be protected by Almighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ!].
It is a physiological fact; a simple law of nature,
which has baffled Egyptian and Assyrian kings, Roman
emperors, and Christian inquisitors. No penal laws,
no physical tortures, can effect that a superior race
should be absorbed in an inferior, or be destroyed
by it. The mixed persecuting races disappear, the pure
persecuted race remains. And at this moment in spite
of centuries, or tens of centuries, of degradation,
the Jewish mind exercises a vast influence on the affairs
of Europe. I speak of their laws, which you still obey;
of their literature, with which your minds are saturated;
but of the living Jewish intellect.
You never observe a great intellectual movement in Europe
in which the Jews do not greatly participate. The first
Jesuits were Jews; that mysterious Russian diplomacy
which so alarms Western Europe is organized and principally
carried on by Jews; that mighty revolution (of 1848)
which will be in fact [followed] by a second an greater
Reformation, and of which so little is as yet known
in England, is entirely developing under the auspices
of Jews, who almost monopolize the professorial chairs
of Germany. Neander the founder of Spiritual Christianity,
and who is Regius Professor of Divinity in the University
of Berlin, is a Jew. Benary, equally famous and in
the same university, is a Jew. Wehl, the Arabic Professor
of Heidelberg, is a Jew. Years ago, when I was in Palestine,
I met a German student who was accumulating materials
for the history of Christianity and studying the genius
of the place; a modest and learned man. It was Wehl;
then unknown, since become the first Arabic scholar
of the day, and the author of the life of Mohamet.
But for the German professors of this race, their name
is legion. I think there are more than ten at Berlin
I told you just now that I was going up to town tomorrow,
because I always made it a rule to interpose when affairs
of state were on the carpet. Otherwise, I never interfere.
I hear of peace and war in the newspapers, but I am
never alarmed, except when I am informed that the sovereigns
want treasure; then I know that monarchs are serious.
A few years back we were applied to by Russia. Now
there has been no friendship between the Court of St.
Petersburg and my family. It has Dutch connections
which have generally supplied it; and our representations
in favor of the Polish Jews, a numerous race, but the
most suffering and degraded of all the tribes, have
not been very agreeable to the Czar. However circumstances
drew to an approximation between the Romanoffs and
the Sidonias. I resolved to go myself to St. Petersburg.
I had on my arrival an interview with the Russian Minister
of Finance, Count Cancrin; I beheld the son of a Lithuanian
Jew. The loan was connected with the affairs of Spain;
I resolved on repairing to Spain from Russia. I travelled
without intermission. I had an audience immediately
on my arrival with the Spanish minister Senior Mendizabel;
I behold one like myself, the some of Nuevo Christiano,
a Jew of Aragon. In consequence of what transpired
at Madrid, I went straight to Paris to consult the
President of the French Council; I beheld the son of
a French Jew, a hero, an imperial marshal and very
properly so, for who should be military heroes if not
those of the Jewish faith.'
'And is Soult a Jew?' 'Yes, and others of the French
marshals, and the most famous Massna, for example;
his real name was Mannasheh: but to my anecdote. The
consequence of our consultations was that some northern
power should be applied to in a friendly and mediative
capacity. We fixed on Prussia, and the President of
the Council made an application to the Prussian minister,
who attended a few days after our conference. Count
Arnim entered the cabinet, and I beheld a Prussian
Jew. So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world
is governed by very different personages from what
is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.'"
(pp. 249-252)
"The goal of Russia is in the first instance
a World-Revolution. The nucleus of opposition to such
plans is to be found in the capitalist powers, England
and France in the first instance, with America close
behind them. There follows a certain community of interests
(of Russia) with Germany, which is being threatened
by the demands of these powers. The most profound animosity
of Russia is directed against Poland, the ally of the
world Powers and Russia's immediate neighbor. Herein
lies the point of Russia's closet reapprochment with
Germany...The fact that the Western Powers, by helping
Russia, expose themselves to a great danger is too
obvious to require further proofs...As far as we are
concerned, this danger exists considerably nearer,
but nevertheless our position between France and Poland
compels us to try to remain in constant touch and in
close understanding with Russia in order not to fall
into complete dependence upon the Western countries.
This position will remain compulsory for us no matter
whether the present regime in Russia continues or not."
(General von Seckt, Speech delivered on January 24th,
1931, before the Economic Society of Munster, in Westphalia.
by C.F. Melville, The Russian Face of Germany, pp.
158-159; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, pp. 20-21)
"The Jews have always been with Jehovah, and
all that Jehovah has belongs to the Jews." (A
Program for the Jews and Humanity, Harry Waton, p.
"Only Judaism is a historic and moral religion:
all other religions are neither historic nor moral."
(A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Harry Waton,
p. 131).
"I shall use such influence as I have in emphasizing
the basic truths common to all denominations, in lowering
denominational barriers and in promoting effective
cooperation among Christians of whatever creed."
(John D. Rockefeller, The Messenger of the Covenant,
December 1935 issue; And Men Wept, by Catherine Palfrey
Baldwin, p. 46).
"There never was a time when any Jew believed
that Jehovah spoke to Moses or to the Prophets in any
other sense than we believe today that God - that is,
existence - reveals himself through the minds of a
Spinoza, a Hegel, a Marx, an Einstein and the like."
(A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Harry Waton,
p. 217)
"His (God's) intention will be realized through
bloody struggles, wars and revolutions; the present
social order will be destroyed together with all institutions
that are bound up with the present social order. State
capitalism and fascism will take the place of the present
social order." (A Program for the Jews and Humanity,
Harry Waton, p. 225).
"But the Communist soul is the soul of Judaism.
Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution
the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism,
so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism."
(A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Harry Waton,
pp. 143-144).
On Mon, 23 Dec 1996, Elazar wrote: "For my
Jewish brethren searching for a Biblical basis for
sanctioning homosexuality, I provide you with words
from Rabbis Marc Angel, Hillel Goldberg and Pinchas
Stopler in their joint article published in the Winter,
1992-93 edition of Jewish Action Magazine;" Well,
here's another viewpoint: Bible Review, December 1993,
Jacob Milgrom: "The Biblical prohibition is addressed
only to Israel. It is incorrect to apply it on a universal
This past Yom Kippur, September 25, 1993, my synagogue
invited me to explain the afternoon scriptural reading,
the list of forbidden sexual liaisons in Leviticus
18. I chose to focus on what is today one of the most
frequently quoted passages in the entire Bible, "Do
not lie with a male as one lies with a woman, it is
an abomination" (Leviticus 18:22).
What I said may be both good news and bad news to my
Christian friends, depending on their position on gay
and lesbian rights. This Biblical prohibition is addressed
only to the Jews. Non-Jews are affected only if they
reside in the Holy Land, but not elsewhere (see the
closing exhortation in Leviticus 18, verses 24-30).
Thus, it is incorrect to apply this prohibition on
a universal scale.
But I spoke to my fellow Jews, who are required to observe
this prohibition. What is the rationale for this prohibition?
In a previous column, I noted that the Bible's impurity
rules are part of a symbol system representing the
forces of life and death. Israel is required to avoid
these impurities and adhere to the laws commanded by
God, who promotes the forces of life. Thus in the same
chapter we read, "You shall heed my statutes and
my rules, by doing them one shall live" (Leviticus
18:5). A man who discharges semen, whether intentionally
or otherwise, is declared impure and must purify himself
by bathing (a sort of re-baptism) before he is permitted
to enter the Temple or touch sacred (sacrificial) food
(Leviticus 15:16-18). Why? Because semen stands for
life, and the loss of semen symbolizes the loss of
Note also that in the entire list of forbidden sexual
Can it be that lesbianism did not exist in ancient
times or that Scripture was unaware of its existence?
Lesbians existed and flourished, as attested in an
old (pre-Israelite)
Babylonian text and in the work of the lesbian poet
Sappho (born c. 612 B.C.E., during the time of the
First Temple), who came from the island of Lesbos (hence
lesbianism). But there is a fundamental difference
between the homosexual acts of men and women. IN LESBIANISM
THERE IS NO SPILLING OF SEED. Thus life is not symbolically
lost, and therefore lesbianism is not prohibited in
the Bible.
My argument ostensibly can be countered by a more comprehensive
biblical injunction. The very first commandment, given
to Adam and repeated to Noah, is "Be fruitful
and multiply and fill the earth" (Genesis 1:28
and Genesis 9:1,7). The descendants of Noah--the entire
human race--are duty-bound to fulfill this commandment.
But the truth is that we have not only filled the
earth, we have over-filled it. This does not mean,
however, that the commandment should be thought of
as no longer in force--especially among Jews, who have
lost a third of their members in our lifetime. I recall
an incident during a premarital interview from the
early years of my rabbinate. The starry-eyed bride
declared her noble intention to have twelve children
to compensate for the tragic loss of six million killed
in the Holocaust. I gasped, "Must you do it all
by yourself?"
I have since come to regret my flippant reply. This
couple regarded their forthcoming marriage as a sacrament
not just between themselves, but with the >Jewish
people. The problem has worsened for American Jews.
Because intermarriage is rife and the Jewish birth
rate is low, American Jewry, once at zero population
growth, has dipped into the minus column. Were it
not for a steady stream of converts, the extinction
of American Jewry would be even more imminent. For
us the divine command, "Be fruitful and multiply"
is truly in force.
To Jewish homosexuals I offer an unoriginal solution.
As compensation for your loss of seed, adopt children.
Although adoption was practiced in the ancient world
(as attested in Babylonian law), there is no Biblical
procedure or institution of adoption. As a result the
institution of adoption is absent from rabbinic jurisprudence.
Yet there are isolated cases of a kind of pseudo-adoption
in the Bible. For example, Abraham, long childless,
complains to God that Eliezer of Damascus, his steward,
will inherit him (Genesis 15:2). And barren Rachel
beseeches her husband Jacob, "Here is my maid
Bilhah--go into her that she may bear on my knees and
that through her I too may have children" (Genesis
30:3). Adoption is certainly a possibility today.
Lesbian couples have an additional advantage. Not only
do they not violate biblical law, but through artificial
insemination each can become the natural mother of
her children.
Thus from the Bible we can infer the following: Lesbians,
presumably half of the world's homosexual population,
are not mentioned. More than ninety-nine percent of
the gays, namely non-Jews, are not addressed. This
leaves the small number of male Jewish gays subject
to this >prohibition. If they are biologically or
psychologically incapable of procreation, adoption
provides a solution. I hope the Eternal, in love and
compassion, will then reckon their spilled seed as
producing fruit. Jacob Milgrom." (Bible Review,
a publication of the Biblical Archeology Society 3000
Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 300, Washington DC 20008,
202 387 8888
"The Jews cannot be a part of a real national
unity." (A Program for the Jews and Humanity,
Harry Waton, p. 201).
"He (Martin Luther) accused them (the Jews)
of all those fictitious crimes which had made Europe
such a hell for them. He, too, claimed that they poisoned
the wells used by Christians, assassinated their Christian
patients, and murdered Christian children to procure
blood for the Passover. He called on the princes and
rulers to persecute them mercilessly, and commanded
the preachers to set the mobs on them. He declared
that if the power were his, he would take all the leaders
of the Jews and tear their tongues out by the roots."
(Stranger than Fiction, p. 249).
"Those other lands were Christian, and they
boiled with bigotry. The rulers themselves were more
or less tolerant, for they depended upon Jews as their
financiers. But the lower classes had no use for them,
and butchered them whenever a righteous excuse could
be found.
And righteous excuses were not wanting. If a plague
broke out, of course the Jews had poisoned the wells.
If a war was lost, of course the Jews had aided the
enemy. If a boy mysteriously disappeared, of course
the Jews had murdered him to procure blood for their
Passover drink..." (Rabbi Lewis Browne, Stranger
than Fiction, p. 217).
"The doctrines which the Jews had been spreading
throughout the land for years could not but have helped
to undermine the Church's power." (Rabbi Lewis
Browne, Stranger than Fiction, p. 222).
"The Talmud must not be regarded as an ordinary
work, composed of twelve volumes; it posies absolutely
no similarity to any other literary production, but
forms, without any figure of speech, a world of its
own, which must be judged by its peculiar laws.
The Talmud contains much that is frivolous of which
it treats with great gravity and seriousness; it further
reflects the various superstitious practices and views
of its Persian (Babylonian) birthplace which presume
the efficacy of demonical medicines, or magic, incantations,
miraculous cures, and interpretations of dreams. It
also contains isolated instances of uncharitable judgments
and decrees against the members of other nations and
religions, and finally it favors an incorrect exposition
of the scriptures, accepting, as it does, tasteless
The Babylonian Talmud is especially distinguished from
the Jerusalem or Palestine Talmud by the flights of
thought, the penetration of mind, the flashes of genius,
which rise and vanish again. It was for this reason
that the Babylonian rather than the Jerusalem Talmud
became the fundamental possession of the Jewish Race,
its life breath, its very soul, nature and mankind,
powers and events, were for the Jewish nation insignificant,
non- essential, a mere phantom; the only true reality
was the Talmud." (Professor H. Graetz, History
of the Jews).
"So against both the Albigenses and the Jews
this pope now directed all his fury...The beautiful
city of Beziers was razed to the ground. 'We spared
neither dignity, nor six nor age' writes the monk,
Arnold, to his Holy Father, the pope. 'Nearly twenty
thousand human beings perished by the sword. And after
the massacre the town was plundered and burnt, and
the revenge of God seemed to rage over it in a wonderful
manner." (Rabbi Lewis Browne, Stranger than Fiction,
p. 224).
"That same year, 1782, the headquarters of
Illuminated Freemasonry moved to Frankfort, a center
controlled by the Rothschild family. It is reported
that in Frankfurt, Jews for the first time were admitted
to the order of Freemasons. If indeed members of the
Rothschild family or their close associates were polluted
by the occultism of Weishaupt's Illuminated Freemasonry,
we may have discovered the link between the occult
and the world of high finance. Remember, the Rothschilds
financed Cecil Rhodes in Africa; Lord Rothschild was
a member of the inner circle of Rhodes's English Round
Tables; and Paul Warburg, architect of the Federal
Reserve System, was a Rothschild agent."
"We belong to the One mastering God: you
belong to the republic of playful gods." (Maurice
Samuel, You Gentiles, p. 36).
"And finally it came Spain's turn. Persecution
had occurred there on and off for over a century, and,
after 1391, became almost incessant. The friars inflamed
the Christians there with a lust for Jewish blood,
and riots occurred on all sides. For the Jews it was
simply a choice between baptism and death, and many
of them submitted to baptism.
But almost always conversion on thee terms was only
outward and false. Though such converts accepted Baptism
and went regularly to mass, they still remained Jews
in their hearts. They were called Marrano, 'Accursed
Ones,' and there were perhaps a hundred thousand of
them. Often they possessed enormous wealth. Their daughters
married into the noblest families, even into the blood
royal, and their sons sometimes entered the Church
and rose to the highest offices. It is said that even
one of the popes was of this Marrano stock." (Rabbi
Lewis Browne, Stranger than Fiction, p. 234-235).
"Protestantism includes every type of religious
thought and organization from 'high church' Anglicanism
to high-principled Quakerism, from ecstatic Methodism
to relentlessly intellectual Unitarism. Only slowly,
and with many pangs is even Protestantism shaking off
the religion about Christ." (Rabbi Lewis Browne,
This Believing World, p. 300).
"Christianity has always looked on sex as
in some way indecent and sinful; and for that reason
Christians cannot possibly associate a truly religious
nature 'with an unsuppressed libido. But that is more
than a prejudice.'" (Rabbi Lewish Browne, This
Believing World, p. 326).
"Wherever the Jew is found he is a problem,
a source of unhappiness to himself and to those around
him. Ever since he has been scattered in your midst
he has had to maintain a continuous struggle for the
conservation of his identity." (Maurice Samuel,
You Gentiles, p.10)
"Years of observation and thought have given
increasing strength to the belief that we Jews stand
apart from you gentiles, that a primal duality breaks
the humanity I know into two distinct parts; that this
duality is a fundamental, and that all differences
among you gentiles are trivialities compared with that
which divided all of you from us." (Maurice Samuel,
You Gentiles, p. 12)
"You may even have Jews in your midst who
did not learn their way of life from us, and did not
inherit it from a Jewish forebear. We may have authentic
gentiles in our midst: these single protests are of
no account; they are extreme and irrelevant variations."
(Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, p. 21).
"I do not believe that the primal difference
between gentile and Jew is reconcilable. You and we
may come to an understanding, never to a reconciliation.
There will be irritation between us as long as we are
in intimate contact. For nature and constitution and
vision divide us from all of you forever." (Maurice
Samuel, You Gentiles, p. 23).
"You have your way of life, we ours. In
your system of life we are essentially without 'honor.'
In our system of life you are essentially without morality.
In your system of life we must forever appear graceless;
to us you must forever appear godless." (Maurice
Samuel, You Gentiles, p. 34).
"Judaism is a unique gift to this land that
people of myriad faiths and cultures call home ...The
Talmudic teachings of mercy and justice, and those
who have sought to uphold these ideals, grace the pages
of American history. We can draw strength and inspiration
fromt he enduring lessons of Judaism, and it is entirely
fitting that we honor the great traditions of its followers."
(April 20, 1005 President Clinton signed a Jewish Heritage
Week Proclamation).
"According to Jewish belief, the Jewish People
constitutes a species of their its own...i.e., a special,
separate act of Creation by the Almighty. 'The thought
of creating the Jewish People preceded every other
thought' of the Almighty when creating the Universe
according to the teaching of Rabbi Samuel bar Isaac."
(Bereshith Rabba 1,5)
"A Jew, by the fact that he belongs to the
chosen people and is circumcised, possesses so great
a dignity that no one, not even an angel, can share
equality with him. In fact, he is considered almost
the equal of God." (Pranaitis, I.B., The Talmud
Unmasked, Imperial Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg,
Russia, 1892, p. 60).
"Our Jewishness is not a creed, it is ourself,
our totality. Indeed, it may be fairly said that the
surest evidence of your lack of seriousness in religion
is the fact that your religions are not national, that
you are not compromised and dedicated, en masse, to
the faith." (Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, p.
"In the heart of any pious Jew, God is a
Jew. Is your God an Englishman or an American?"
(Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, p. 75).
"When Germany and England and America will
long have lost their present identity or purpose, we
shall still be strong in ours." (Maurice Samuel,
You Gentiles, p. 111).
"Professor Albert Einstein, German-Jewish
refugee and Jewry's greatest living idol, according
to an Associated Press Dispatch of September 11, 1940,
in an address at the Conference of Science, Philosophy
and Religion at the Jewish Theological Seminary of
America, urged religious teachers to 'give up the doctrine
of a personal God, that is, give that source of fear
and hope which in the past placed such vast power in
the hands of priests.' Professor Einstein obviously
intended the word 'priests' to include ministers and
preachers as well as priests. This is another way of
advocating the false doctrine of Marx (Mordecai), Lenin,
and Trotsky (Bronstein) that religion is the opium
of the people." (War! War! War!, Cincinnatus,
p. 143).
"While professing to be 'profoundly disturbed'
by the aggression of anti-Semitic Germany, Roosevelt
continued his special friendship for Soviet Russia
after its attacks upon Outer Mongolia, Poland, Latvia,
Esthonia, Lithuania and Finland. Professing an adoration
for 'democracy' he refused, as the Jews control 90
percent of the scrap iron business, to invoke the Neutrality
Act against Japan in its war on China, or against Russia
when, with Germany, she invaded Poland and attacked
Finland. He extended a warm welcome to the Communist
Ambassador Oumansky when he presented his credentials
and, on the same day, displayed marked coldness toward
the newly appointed Ambassador from Christian Spain."
(War! War! War!, Cincinnatus, p. 152).
"One of the finest things ever done by the
mob was the Crucifixion of Christ. Intellectually it
was a splendid gesture. But trust the mob to bungle
the job. If I'd had charge of executing Christ, I'd
have handled it differently. You see, what I'd have
done was had him shipped to Rome and fed him to the
lions. They could never have made a savior out of mincement!"
(Rabbi Ben Hecht)
The Rabbis of Judaism understand this just as
do the leaders in the Christian movement. Rabbi Moshe
Maggal of the National Jewish Information Service said
in 1961 when the term Judeo-Christian was relatively
new, "There is no such thing as a Judeo-Christian
religion. We consider the two religions so different
that one excludes the other." (National Jewish
Information Service).
"In [pre-WW II] Berlin, for example, when
the Nazis came to power, 50.2% of the lawyers were
Jews...48% of the doctors were Jews. The Jews owned
the largest and most important Berlin newspapers, and
made great inroads on the educational system."
(The House That Hitler Built, by Stephen Roberts, 1937).
"...Each of you, Jew and gentile alike, who
has not already enlisted in the sacred war should do
so now..." (Samuel Undermeyer, Radio Broadcast,
New York City, August 6, 1933)
"All Jews world wide -- declared war on the
Third Reich." (The London Daily Express, Front
Page Story, 3/24/1933).
"In death as in life, I defy the Jews who
caused this last war [WW II], and I defy the powers
of darkness which they represent. I am proud to die
for my ideals, and I am sorry for the sons of Britain
who have died without knowing why." (William Joyce's
[Lord Ha Ha] last words just before Britain executed
him for anti-war activism in WW II).
"We are not denying and we are not afraid
to confess, this war is our war and that it is waged
for the liberation of Jewry...Stronger than all fronts
together is our front, that of Jewry. We are not only
giving this war our financial support on which the
entire war production is based. We are not only providing
our full propaganda power which is the moral energy
that keeps this war going. The guarantee of victory
is predominantly based on weakening the enemy forces,
on destroying them in their own country, within the
resistance. And we are the Trojan Horses in the enemy's
fortress. Thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute
the principal factor in the destruction of our enemy.
There, our front is a fact and the most valuable aid
for victory." (Chaim Weizmann, President of the
World Jewish Congress, in a Speech on December 3, 1942,
in New York City).
"It is useless to insist upon the differences
which proceed from this opposition between the two
different views in the respective attitudes of the
pious Jew and the pious Christian regarding the acquisition
of wealth. While the pious Christian, who had been
guilty of usury, was tormented on his death-bed by
the tortures of repentance and was ready to give up
all that he owned, for the possessions unjustly acquired
were scorching his soul, the pious Jews, at the end
of his days looked with affection upon his coffers
and chests filled to the top with the accumulated sequins
taken during his long life from poor Christians and
even from poor Moslems; a sight which could cause his
impious heart to rejoice, for every penny of interest
enclosed therein was like a sacrifice offered to his
God." (Wierner Sombart, Les Juifs et la vie economique,
p. 286; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte
Leon De Poncins, p. 164)
"Our adversaries, numerous and formidable,
will say, and will have the right to say, that our
Principe CrÇateur is identical with the Principe
GÇnÇrateur of the Indians and Egyptians,
and may fitly be symbolized as it was symbolized anciently,
by the linage...To accept this in lieu of a personal
God is to abandon Christianity and worship of Jehovah
and return to wallow in the styles of Paganism."
(Albert Pike, Supreme Council of the 33rd degree, New
York, August 15, 1876).
The aim of ALL Secret Societies is: "...as
a whole was, is and will always be the struggle against
the Church and the Christian religion, and the struggle
of those who have not against those who have...All
secret societies have almost analogous initiations,
from the Egyptian to the Illuminati, and most of them
form a chain and give rise to others." (Les Setes
et SociÇtÇs SecrÇtes, Le Couteulx
de Canteleu, 1863).
"The Gnostics derived their leading doctrines
and ideas from Plato and Philo, the Zend-avesta, the
Kabbalah, and the Sacred books of India and Egypt;
and thus introduced into the bosom of Christianity
the cosmological and theosophical speculations, which
had formed the larger portion of the ancient religions
of the Orient, joined to those of the Egyptian, Greek,
and Jewish doctrines, which the Neo-Platonists had
equally adopted in the Occident..It is admitted that
the cradle of Gnosticism is probably to be looked for
in Syria and even in Palestine. Most of its expounders
wrote in that corrupted form of the Greek used by the
Hellenistic Jews...and there was a striking analogy
between their doctrines and those of the Judeo-Egyptian
Philo of Alexandria; itself the seat of three schools,
at once philosophic and religious, the Greek, the Egyptian,
and the Jewish. Pythagoras and Plato, the most mystical
of the Grecian philosophers (the latter heir to the
doctrines of the former), and who had travelled, the
latter in Egypt, and the former in Phoenicia, India,
and Persia, also taught the esoteric doctrine...The
dominant doctrines of Plutonism were found in Gnosticism...
The Jewish-Greek School of Alexandria is known only
by two of its chiefs, Aristobulus and Philo, both Jews
of Alexandria in Egypt. Belonging to Asia by its origin,
to Egypt by its residence, to Greece by its language
and studies, it strove to show that all truths embedded
in the philosophies of other countries were transplanted
thither from Palestine. Aristobulus declared that all
the facts and details of the Jewish Scriptures were
so many allegories concealing the most profound meanings,
and that Plato had borrowed from them all his finest
Philo, who lived a century after him, following the
same theory, endeavored to show that the Hebrew writings,
by their system of allegories, were the true source
of all religions and philosophical doctrines. According
to him, the literal meaning was for the vulgar alone...The
Jews of Syria and Judea were the direct precursors
of Gnosticism; and in their doctrines were ample Oriental
These Jews had had with the Orient, at two different
periods, intimate relations, familiarizing them with
the doctrines of Asia and especially of Chaldea and
Persia...Living nearly two-thirds of a century, and
many of them long afterward, in Mesopotamia, the cradle
of their race; speaking the same language, and their
children reared with those of the Chaldeans. Assyrians,
Medes, and Persians, they necessarily adopted many
of the doctrines of their conquerors...and these additions
to the old doctrine were soon spread by the constant
intercourse of commerce into Syria and Palestine...
>From Egypt or Persia the new Platonists borrowed the
idea, and the Gnostics received it from them, that
man, in his terrestrial career, is successively under
the influence of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars,
Jupiter, and Saturn, until he finally reaches the Elysian
Fields." (Morals and Dogmas, Albert Pike)
"The same basis of a State: opposing interests
balanced by combating each other, is wanting. In its
place passions animating popular masses, passions deprived
of the corrective of the consideration of realities,
passions let loose at the will of mere psychic factors...these
factors which agitate the masses muting their material
power of reason, which those who take no account of
imponderables will find mysterious. Like a compass
needle, influenced by a magnetic storm, imperceptible
to our senses, becomes erratic, sending astray the
vessel which trusts to its indications, losing it in
the mysterious ways of the ocean...
In a general way, almost everywhere, the Jews are Republicans.
The Republic tending towards levelling has always been
one of their most cherished aspirations. Not the Republic
which affirms and consolidates the privileges of the
possessors, but a Republic...whose theoretic mission
is to make most social inequalities disappear. For
them the Republic is not crystallized in a constitutional
formula: it is a constant progress, a slow but sure
march towards the meeting of the heights and abysses,
unification, individual, social, and political equalization...
Finally, a phenomenon of contradiction attests to the
existence of the Jewish concept of unity: it is that
of anti-Semitism...An anti...ism shows the reality
of the thing, the system. We do not mean that vulgar
anti- Semitism, fermentation of hate and calumnies,
composed of errors and absurdities, factor of injustice
and crimes...We speak of that anti-Semitism which is
untroubled by passion, a particular form of judgment,
claiming logic, reasoned and rational. Such an anti-Semitism
has its own contention, its intrinsic value, its force
of ideas and action. Qualified representative, champion
of a determined order of thought, of sentiments, beliefs,
and results, it has, thanks to the powerful extension
of Christianity...established a mode of civilization
almost universal. If it is opposed to the Jewish concept
of unity in almost all domains, if it rises up against
it on almost every ground, it does not ignore it, it
does not deny it: it affirms by contrast the substance,
the consistence, and constance of this concept."
(Nomades, Kadmi Cohen).
"More than a century had passed since Ferdinand
and Isabel had expelled the Jews from Spain. The people
of the Peninsula were beginning to pay the price for
that 'purging,' as it was called. It was not the price
imagined by so many sentimental historians. Spain was
not being ruined, as schoolchildren have been told,
because the Jews took away their gold and their astute
commercial minds. For the number of Jews who left,
probably not over 160,000, it is now generally agreed,
was small compared to those who remained in the country
as Marranos, baptized Catholics, some sincere, other
secretly observing the rites of Judaism. These latter
kept their wealth and power, made new contacts, remained
in communication with the more courageous Jews who
were scattered throughout Europe...Wherever it worked
it strove, as in past times, to destroy...Christianity.
Where it could not openly attack, it endeavored to
undermine and weaken the structure...In short, no panacea
had ever healed the Jewish aversion (hatred) to Christianity,
and ended the acts and policies that logically flowed
therefrom, save pure undiluted Christianity itself.
Saints like Vincent Ferrer had caused the genuine assimilation
of thousands of Jews who enriched the Spanish mind
and culture with a new vitality and dept; and to such
an extent that Pope Adrian VI could speak of the whole
Spanish nation as 'the Jews.' But the politicians with
their expedients and compromises had left in the unconverted
Jewish heart a natural human bitterness, with a thirst
for revenge and a greater determination not to examine
the claims of the Church." (Philip II, William
Thomas Walsh, pp. 90- 91).
"Kether - 1. I (Christian Rosenkreutz) a
member of the body of Christ, do this day spiritually
bind myself even as I am now bound physically to the
Cross of Suffering.
Chokmah - 2. That I will, to the utmost, lead a pure
and unselfish life, and will prove myself a faithful
and devoted servant of the Order.
Binah - 3. That I will keep all things connected with
this Order and its secret knowledge from the whole
world, equally from him who is a member of the First
Order of the Stella Matutina as from an uninitiated
person, and I will maintain the veil of strict secrecy
between the First and Second Orders.
Chesed - 4. That I will uphold to the utmost the authority
of the Chiefs of the Order; that I will not initiate
or advance any person in the First Order, either secretly
or in open Temple, without due authorization and permission.
That I will neither recommend a candidate for admission
to the First Order without due judgment and assurance
that he or she is worthy of so great a confidence and
honor, nor unduly press any person to become a candidate;
and that I will superintend any examinations of members
of lower grades without fear or favor in any way, so
that our high standard of knowledge be not lowered
by my instrumentality; and I further undertake to see
that the necessary interval of time between the grades
of Practices and Philosophies and between the latter
grade and the Second Order is properly maintained.
Geburah - 5. Furthermore, that I will perform all practical
work connected with this Order in a place concealed
and apart from the gaze of the outer and uninitiated
world, and that I will not display our magical implements,
nor reveal the use of the same, but that I will keep
secret this inner Rosicrucian knowledge, even as the
same has been kept secret through the ages. That I
will not make any symbol, or talisman, in the flashing
colors for an uninitiated person without a special
permission from the Chiefs of the Order (Today these
Chiefs are known as The Learned Elders of Zion); that
I will only perform any practical magic before the
uninitiated which is of a simple and already well-known
nature; and that I will show them no secret mode of
working whatsoever, keeping strictly concealed from
our modes of Tarot and other divination of clairvoyance,
of astral projection, of the consecration of talismans
and symbols, and the rituals of the Pentagram and Hexagram,
etc.; and most especially of the use and attribution
of the flashing colors, and the vibratory mode of pronouncing
the Divine names (Cabalistic and Jewish).
Tiphereth - 6. I further promise and swear that, with
the Divine permission, I will from this day forward
apply myself to the Great Work, which is so to purify
and exalt my spiritual nature, that with the divine
aid I may at length attain to be more than human (defied),
and thus gradually raise and unite myself to my higher
and divine genius, and that in this event I will not
abuse the great power entrusted to me (raising the
kundalini and uniting it with the universal ether and
so linking with the masters).
Netzach - 7. I furthermore solemnly pledge myself never
to work at any important symbol without first invoking
the Highest Divine names (cabalistic) connected therewith,
and especially not to debase my knowledge of practical
magic to purposes of evil and self-seeking and low
material gain and pleasure, and if I do this, notwithstanding
this mine oath, I invoke the Avenging Angel that the
evil and material may react on me.
Hod - 8. I further promise always to support the admission
of both sexes to our Order on a perfect equality, and
that I will always display brotherly love and forbearance
towards the members of the whole Order, neither slandering
nor evil-speaking, nor tale-bearing, nor repeating
from one member to another, whereby strife and ill-feeling
may be engendered. (This is invariably broken).
Yesod - 9. I also undertake to work unassisted at the
subjects prescribed for study in the various practical
grades, from Zelator Adeptus Minor to Adept Adeptus
Minor, on pain of being degraded in rank to that of
the Lord of the Paths in the Portal of the Vault only.
Malkuth - 10. Finally, if in my travels I should meet
a stranger who professes to be a member of the Rosicrucian
Order, I will examine him with care before acknowledging
him to be so. Such are the words of this my obligation
as an Adeptus Minor, whereunto I pledge myself in the
presence of the Divine One I.A.O. and of the Great
Avenging Angel Hua, and if I fail herein may my Rose
be disintegrated and destroyed and my power in magic
cease." (The Jewish Cabalistic Tree of Life, from
the Jewish Cabala or Kabbalah; Light-Bearers of Darkness,
Inquire Within, pp. 154-155: In reading this obligation
it must be clearly understood that this Order is Cabalistic
and Gnostic, Jewish and anti-Christian. In it we have
the Lord of the Universe, the I.A.O. the Pan of the
Gnostic cults.
The Christ in this obligation is the Serpent, the Logos
of the Gnostics; a 'Christ' is a deified man. The 'Great
Work' is Luciferian, the 'incarnation in humanity of
the sovereign Sun,' the deification of the adept, who
directing and commanding the astral light, performs
seeming prodigies and miracles not for himself but
always under the control of the 'Divine Guardians or
the Order.' Turning to the letters above the adept's
head, the I.N.R.I., we find that it is the keyword
of the 5-6 grade, and is analyzed thus: I. Virgo, Isis,
Mighty Mother - the reproducer of seeds and fruits
on the earth - the Preserver. N. Scorpio, Apophis,
destroyer - the destroying and uniting force - the
Destroyer. R. Sol, Osiris, slain and risen - the generating
force of the Sun - the Creator. I. Isis. Apophis, Osiris.
I.A.O. - I.N.R.I. The Preserver, Destroyer and Creator,
as invoked in the Equinox S.M. ceremony when bringing
down the light. The Inner Sign is L.V.X.)
"Judaism itself is a kind of Freemasonry,
owing to the national solidarity of the Jews, their
cosmopolitanism, which set the Jews free from all local
and patriotic ties, and finally, the opposition of
the Jews to Christianity." (Rev. S.J. Deschamps,
Les SociÇtÇs SecrÇtes et la SociÇtÇ,
p. 24).
"How often have I heard the Freemasons lament
the dominance of the Jews...Ever since the Revolution
the Jews have taken possession of the Masonic lodges
more and more completely: and their dominance is now
unquestioned. The Cabala rules as mistress in the inner
lodges; and the Jewish spirit dominates the lower grades...In
the mind of Satan the synagogue has an all important
part to play...The great enemy counts on the Jews to
govern Masonry as he counts on Masonry to destroy the
Church of Jesus Christ (Christianity)." (L'Abbá
Emmanuel Barbier, Infiltrations Maáoniques,
quoted in Dictionaire Apologetique de la Foi Catholique,
Gustave Gautherot; He was the Professor for the History
of the Revolution in the Institute Catholique de Paris,
and author of several works on different phases of
the modern anti-Christian movement on which he is generally
recognized as one of the best authorities).
"In the early days of Christianity there
sprang up in the old Pagan world, systems of the universe
which seemed to be a prolongation of the philosophy
of Plato, but which could be understood also as a spirititulization
of the wisdom of the Mysteries. All these systems had
their starting-point in Philo, the Jewish philosopher
of Alexandria, who said: 'It is necessary for the soul
to come out of the ordinary 'I.' Then it enters into
a state of spiritual ecstasy, of illumination, when
it ceases to know, to think and to recognize in the
ordinary sense of the words. For it has identified
itself with the divine, they have become one...'"
(Le Mystäre ChrÇtien et les Mystäres
Antiques, Rudolf Steiner)
"What virtues and what vices brought upon
the Jew this universal enmity? Why was he in turn equally
maltreated and hated by the Alexandrians and the Romans,
by the Persians and the Arabs, by the Turks and by
the Christian nation? Because everywhere and up to
the present day the Jew was an unsociable being.
Why was he unsociable? Because he was exclusive, and
his exclusiveness was at the same time political and
religious or in other words, he kept to his political,
religious cult and his law...This faith in their predestination,
in their election, enveloped in the Jews an immense
pride; they came to look upon non-Jews with contempt
and often hatred, when patriotic reasons were added
to theological ones." (L'AntisÇmitisme,
(1894) Bernard Lazare; LÇon de Poncins, The
Secret Powers behind Revolution, (1929)).
It is, in fact, the Cabalistic elements in Freemasonry
that act as the main driving force in the envenomed
and aggressive opposition of the latter to Christianity,
and its never-flagging efforts for the undermining
and destruction of the Christian organization of society.
(Mgr. Dillon, The War of Anti-Christ with the Church,
p. 20).
"This intimate connection between the two
powers (Freemasonry and Cabalistic Judaism) (writes
R. Lambelin) is becoming so evident that there is no
longer any attempt made to deny it. The Jewish lodges
of B'nai B'rith, which originated in the English-speaking
countries, have swarmed all over Europe, and even into
Asia; and they assume the leadership of control in
the whole Masonic organization. Under cover of Theosophy
a new religion, which is specifically Jewish, though
enveloped in a nebulous mist that obscures its character,
is bidding fair to take the place of the traditional
Christian belief which it flatters, and insensibly
destroys." (Les Victoires d'Israel, pp. 211-212;
Freemasonry and The Anti-Christian Movement, Edward
Cahill, p. 92).
"We are not going to achieve a new world
order without paying for it in blood as well as in
words and money." (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in
Foreign Affairs (July/August 1995)).
These quotations, and many others like them, demonstrate
clearly that this words "new world order"
have been in use for decades, and did not originate
with President George Bush in 1990. The "old world
order" is one based on independent nation-states.
The "new world order" involves the elimination
of the sovereignty and independence of nation-states
and some form of world government. This means the end
of the United States of America, the U.S. Constitution,
and the Bill of Rights as we now know them. Most of
the new world order proposals involve the conversion
of the United Nations and its agencies to a world government,
complete with a world army, a world parliament, a World
Court, global taxation, and numerous other agencies
to control every aspect of human life (education, nutrition,
health care, population, immigration, communications,
transportation, commerce, agriculture, finance, the
environment, etc.). The various notions of the "new
world order" differ as to details and scale, but
agree on the basic principle and substance.
"But whence comes this sinister marvel (the
progressive Judaic Power)? It comes from the failing
of the Christian faith...from the progress of secret
societies, filled with apostate Christians who desire
what the Jew desires; that is to say, Judaic civilization
s given to us by our teacher and master the philosophic
Jew, the Jew of the 'Alliance universelle.'" (des
Mousseaux; The Trail of the Serpent, Inquire Within,
Miss Stoddard, p. 93).
"...Everywhere I found minds much inclined
to exaltation. All feel that the old world is cracking,
and that kings are finished...The harvest made should
fructify...The fall of thrones makes it no longer doubtful
to me, who have come from studying the work of our
societies in France, Switzerland and Germany, and even
Prussia. The assault which, a few years from now, or
perhaps a few months, will be delivered upon the princes
of the earth, will bury them under the ruins of their
powerless armies and their decrepit monarchies. Everywhere
there is enthusiasm among our people and apathy and
indifference among the enemy (as we see today!). It
is a certain and infallible sign of success...In order
to kill surely the old world we have believed it necessary
to stifle the Catholic and Christian germ...This brave
Mazzini, whom I have met at various times, has always
his humanitarian dream in his brain and in his mouth.
But, apart from his small failings and his methods
of assassinations, he has good in him. With his mysticism
he strikes the attention of the masses who understand
nothing of his grand airs of prophet or his discourses
of a cosmopolitan Illuminatus..." (Les SociÇtÇs
Secrätes de France et d'Italie, 1830, The Trail
of the Serpent, Inquire Within, Miss Stoddard, p. 94).
"The anti-religious but, above all, anti-Christian
efforts which distinguish the present epoch have a
character of concentration and universality which marks
the stamp of the Jew, the supreme patron of the unification
of peoples, because he is the cosmopolitan people par
excellence; because the Jew prepares by license of
the libre-pensÇe, the era called by him 'Messianic'
- the day of his universal triumph. He attributes its
near realization to the principles spread by the philosophers
of the eighteenth century; the men at once unbelievers
and cabalists, whose work prepared the Judaising of
the world. The character of universality will be noted
in L'Alliance-isrÇlite-universelle, in the Universal
Association of Freemasonry, and in the more recent
auxiliaries, L'Alliance-universelle-religieuse, open
to those who are still frightened off by the name of
Israelite and finally in the Ligue-universelle de l'enseignement..."
(Le Juif, Gougenot des Mousseaux, (1869), The Trail
of the Serpent, Inquire Within, Miss Stoddard, pp.
"There will burst forth one fine evening
one of these formidable crises which will shake the
earth and which occult societies have long prepared
for Christian society, and then perhaps will suddenly
appear in open day, throughout the entire world, all
the militia, all the fraternal and unknown sects of
the Cabala. The ignorance, the carelessness in which
we live, of their sinister existence, their affinities,
and their immense ramifications will in no way prevent
them from recognizing each other, and under the banner
of no matter what universal alliance, giving each other
the kiss of Peace, they will hasten to gather together
under one Chief..." (Le Juif, Le Judaisme et La
Judaisation des Peuples ChrÇtiens, Gougenot
des Mousseaux (1869); The Trail of the Serpent, Miss
Stoddard, p. 318).
"The results of our investigations into the
many secret and occult societies both of yesterday
and today, as published in the Patriot from 1930 to
1935. Everything seems to point to the Cabalistic and
revolutionary Jew as the Master-mind working behind
them, using them as pawns in his great gamble and world-wide
conspiracy, which would disintegrate and destroy, not
only the Christian Faith, but the entire traditions
of Western civilization. His weapon of control and
attack being the Triangle of Fire, these magnetic-forces
of Life which can both slay and make alive, and by
which he professes to free and enlighten the peoples,
only the more surely to bind, unify, and enslave them
under some unknown and alien Ruler. Moreover, to forward
this sinister gamble he entraps and blinds them with
the ancient catch-words: 'Know Thyself' and 'Ye shall
be as Gods.' That is Illuminism or so-called Liberation
of Man, Free not to use his freedom for himself, but
to fulfill the Plans of the Great Conspiracy and its
Supreme Pontiff!" (The Trail of the Serpent, Miss
Stoddard, p. 318).
"The highest development was in the Egyptian
and Cabalistic systems, and it was blended with Christian
thought in the schools of the Neo-Platonists and the
Gnostics...Its studies were only kept alive during
the Dark Ages among the Jews who were the chief exponents
of its Cabalistic aspect...and it is still alive today."
(Fraternity of inner Light, Dion Fortune)
"The political development of these secret
movements is always by gradual stages, culminating
in revolution is always by gradual stages, culminating
in revolution as a preparation for world domination
by their hidden directors...the required development
in India, attempted a pseudo-revival of Hinduism and
later the establishment of a World Teacher, mouthpiece
of her (Mme Blavatsky) hidden directors, entirely anti-Christian;
further, her social and educational work led inevitably
to politics, the disintegrating so-called Nationalism."
(The Trail of the Serpent, Miss Stoddard, pp. 181-182).
"The final consummation will be when all
this luminous substance has been separated from matter;
the evil fire will then be freed from the caverns;
the angel upholding the earth will let it fall in flames,
and the whole mass will be relegated to Outer Darkness.
Those who have failed to free themselves in time will
be made guardians of the devils, keeping them from
again bringing matter into the kingdom of Light. Such
is the marvelous fable under which lies the nature-worship
of ancient and modern Magnetism, known today as Illuminism,
often called Christianity! as, for example, Anthroposophy
or Steinerism, with its two opposing forces Lucifer
and Ahriman, light and matter, and its solar and illuminising
Christ. And the redemption consists with them of a
physical and gnostic process of freeing, by means of
unused sex-force, the element of light from matter
or the body, and uniting it with the universal magnetic
agent without, more often linking one mind with another
in a magnetic chain, the weaker dominated by the more
powerful, producing a world-inundation of communications
from so- called 'Sages and Prophets,' destructive both
to Christianity and Western civilization." (The
Trail of the Serpent, Miss Stoddard, p. 33)
"The Rose-Croix grade is a complete perversion
of Christian symbolism and sacred beliefs; 'Three major
events should fix the attention of the Rose-Croix:
the creation of the world (generation), the deluge
of Noah (destruction), and the redemption of mankind
(regeneration). The triple consideration should be,
in fact, ever present in the mind of all Freemasons,
since the royal art has, like the ancient mysteries,
no other aim than the knowledge of nature, where all
are born, die, and regenerate themselves...This regeneration
of man was and will always be the work of the philosophy
practiced in the mysteries...the eagle is liberty,
the Rose-Croix, humanity, symbolized by the pelican...The
rose was also the emblem of the woman, and as the cross
or triple phallus symbolized virility or the sun in
all its force, the combination of these two emblems
offers one more meaning expressing, as the Indian lingam,
the union of the two sexes, symbol of universal generation...Fire
(or vital energy) is concealed everywhere, it embraces
all nature, it produces, it renews, it divides, it
consumes, it maintains the whole body...heat and light
are but its modifications, fecundity, movement, and
life the effects (of the letters I.N.R.I., he says).
Their combination formed a mysterious meaning long
before Christianity and the sages of antiquity had
attached to it one of the greatest secrets of nature;
that of universal regeneration ...All ancient mystagogies
were terminated by all breaking bread and tasting the
wine from a common cup, to recall among themselves
the community of goods and that initiates have nothing
of their own. The bread and wine are consecrated. This
mystic nourishment, which should feed body and soul,
was an emblem of immortality." (Jewish writer
Ragon (Dragon), Cours philosophique (1841), The Trail
of the Serpent, Miss Stoddard, pp. 83-84).
"The new State is an authoritative State
guided and limited by the principles of Christian justice,
conformable to the historical and spiritual traditions
of the country. The openly anti-religious and anti-Christian
character of Freemasonry was, therefore, contrary to
the spiritual and moral bases of the new State...It
subjects its initiates to a rigid discipline, the aims
and interests of which are opposed to those of the
nation. The State, charged with the direction and well-being
of the country, constantly struck up against mysterious
obstacles difficult to surmount, which hindered the
progress of national affairs. Freemasonry thus formed
a State within a State, a strong occult State behind
the feeble apparent State, which reduced the latter
to a purely superficial role. The new Portuguese State
is a strong State which cannot admit a subterranean
authority contrary to its own. The hierarchic complexity
of Freemasonry indicates that Freemasonry has hidden
and complicated plans, aiming at international ends
which override those of the National State. Freemasonry
thus leads to a great international diplomatic occult
action directed probably by a foreign head. Such a
submission to foreign international direction is contrary
to the patriotic sentiment of the country. Apart from
that, the secret which Freemasonry imposes so rigorously
upon its adepts allows it to be presumed that what
they hide so well is neither insignificant nor beneficial..."
(M. Cabral, summing up the motives which led to the
passing of the law against Freemasonry, as quoted in
The Trail of the Serpent, Miss Stoddard, p. 153).
"For centuries there have existed certain
esoteric schools of mystical philosophy originating
apparently in several Oriental currents of thought
meeting in the Levant, Egypt, and the nearer East.
We find in these schools elements of Buddhism, Zoroastrianism
and Egyptian occultism mingled with Grecian mysteries,
Jewish Cabalism, and fragments of ancient Syrian cults.
Out of the hotch-potch of Oriental philosophy, magic,
and mythology arose in the earlier centuries of the
Christian era numerous Gnostic sects, and after the
rise of Mohammedanism, several heretical sects among
the followers of Islam, such as the Ismaelites, Durses,
and Assassins, which found their inspiration in the
House of Wisdom in Cairo. To the same sources may be
traced the ideas that inspired such political-religious
movements of the Middle Ages as those of the Illuminati,
Albgenses, Cathari, Waldenses, Troubadours, Anabaptists,
and Lollards. To the same inspirations must be assigned
the rise of early secret societies. The Templars are
said to have been initiated by the Assassins into anti-Christian
and subversive mysteries, and we find similar traces
of an old and occult origin in the Alchemists, the
Rosicrucians, and the later mystical cults of the Swedenborgian
is a familiar example." (The Anatomy of Revolution,
by G.G. better known as 'Dargon,' author of The Nameless
order, published by The Patriot, October 922).
"The day when the Jew was first admitted
to civil rights, the Christian state was in danger...the
entrance of the Jew into {White) society marked the
destruction of the State, meaning by State, the Christian
State." (Benard Lazare, Antisemitism: Its History
and Causes, P. 162).
"Much of the old love for Isis, and especially
for Cybele, the Great Mother of the Gods, was taken
over into the church and translated into the worship
of Mary, the Mother of Christ...Similarly the worship
of the old deities was made a part of Christianity.
The pagan gods and goddesses were discreetly made over
into Christian saints, as is instanced by the case
of St. Bridget.
Their 'relics' were sold far and wide in Christendom
as fetishes guaranteed to ward off evil; and their
ancient festive days were made part of the Christian
calendar. The Roman Parilia in April became the Festival
of St. George, and the pagan midsummer orgy in June
was converted into the Festival of St. John; the holy
day of Diana in August became the Festival of the Assumption
of the Virgin; and the Celtic feast of the dead in
November was changed into the Festival of All Souls
(Halloween). The twenty-fifth day of December, the
winter solstice according to ancient reckoning, celebrated
the birthday of the sun-god of Mithraism, was accepted
as the birthday of Christ, and the spring rites in
connection with the death and re-birth of the mystery
gods were converted into the Easter rites of the Crucifixion
and Resurrection." (This Believing World, Rabbi
Lewis Browne, pp. 294- 295).
"The Jew...is not content merely to destroy
Christianity, but he preaches the gospel of Judaism;
he not only assails the Catholic or the Protestant
faith, but he incites to the unbelief, and then imposes
on those whose faith he has undermined his own conception
of the world, of morality and of life. He is engaged
in his historic mission, the annihilation of the religion
of Christ." (Benard Lazare, Antisemitism: It's
History and Causes, Translated by Britons Publishing
Co., London (1967), p. 158).
"America is full of businesses bearing old
Christian names, but which are really owned and run
by Jews. Most of them have been acquired in the manner
I have just described, the way the Jew creates something
out of nothing (slow strangling). The Jew, better than
anyone else in the world knows how to dispossess the
poor and the members of the middle classes. To fit
this case, the old P.T. Barnum adage needs only a little
changing. A gentile enters business every minute, with
two Jews waiting to take him out of it." (Jews
Must Live, Samuel Roth)
Then, concerning the persecution theme and host-alien
relationship, Roth wrote: "Have not Jews been
admitted from time immemorial, freely, kindly, almost
happily by every nation at whose gate they have knocked
for admittance...Have the Jews ever had to petition
a country for admission - the first time? Read for
yourself the story of the progress of Jewry through
Europe and America. Wherever they come they are welcomed,
permitted to settle down, and join in the general business
of the community. But one by one the industries of
the country close to them because of unfair practices
(by the Jews towards Christians) until it no longer
being possible to hold in check the wrath of a betrayed
people, there is violence and, inevitably, an ignominious
ejection of the whole race from the land. There is
not a single instance when the Jews have not fully
deserved the bitter fruit of the fury of their persecutors...Jewish
history has been tragic to the Jews and no less tragic
to the neighboring nations who have suffered them.
Our major vice of old, as of today, is parasitism.
We are a people of vultures living on the labor (of
the host nation) and the good nature of the rest of
the world...We come to the nations pretending to escape
persecution, we the most deadly persecutors in all
the wretched annals of man." (Jews Must Live,
Samuel Roth)
"Thanks to the terrible power of our International
Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without
number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians
massacre each other and make more room for us Jews.
Wars are the Jews' Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat
on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have
been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the
end is not yet." (Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at
the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869,
Henry Ford also noted that: 'It was a Jew who said,
'Wars are the Jews' harvest'; but no harvest is so
rich as civil wars.' The International Jew: The World's
Foremost Problem, Vol. III, p. 180).
"I fear the Jewish banks with their craftiness
and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant
riches of America. And use it to systematically corrupt
modern civilization. The Jews will not hesitate to
plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos
that the earth should become their inheritance."
"The Christians are always singing about
the blood. Let us give them enough of it! Let us cut
their throats and drag them over the altar! And let
them drown in their own blood! I dream of the day when
the last priest is strangled on the guts of the last
preacher." (Jewish Chairman of the American Communist
Party, Gus Hall).
"Wars are the Jews harvest, for with them
we wipe out the Christians and get control of their
gold. We have already killed 100-million of them, and
the end is not yet." (Chief Rabbi in France, in
1859, Rabbi Reichorn).
"Israel won the war [WW I]; we made it; we
thrived on it; we profited from it. It was our supreme
revenge on Christianity." (The Jewish Ambassador
from Austria to London, Count Mensdorf, 1918).
"Much of the old love for Isis, and especially
for Cybele, the Great Mother of the Gods, was taken
over into the church and translated into the worship
of Mary, the Mother of Christ... Similarly the worship
of the old local deities was made a part of Christianity.
The pagan gods and goddesses were discreetly made over
into Christian saints, as is instanced by the case
of St. Bridget. (Here Browne reproduces a sketch of
St. Bridget which resembles an obscene cartoon far
more than a Saint of the Church). Their 'relics' were
sold far and wide in Christendom as fetishes guaranteed
to ward off evil; and their ancient festive days were
made part of the Christian calendar. The Roman Parilia
in April became the Festival of St. George, and the
pagan midsummer orgy in June was converted into the
Festival of St. John; the holy day of Diana in August
became the Festival of the Assumption of The Virgin;
and the Celtic feast of the dead in November was changed
into the Fast of All Souls. The twenty-fifth day of
December, the winter solstice according to ancient
reckoning, celebrated the birthday of the sun-god of
Mithraism, was accepted as the birthday of Christ,
and the spring rites in connection with the death and
re-birth of the mystery gods were converted into the
Easter rites of the Crucifixion and Resurrection."
(This Believing World, by Rabbi Browne, pp. 294-295)
"We shall drive the Christians into war by
exploiting their national vanity and stupidity. They
will then massacre each other, thus giving room for
our own people." (Rabbi Reichorn, in Le Contemporain,
July 1st, 1880)
This prophecy, by Benjamin Franklin, was made in
at the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention of 1787.
This statement was recorded in the dairy of Charles
Cotesworth Pinckney, a delegate from South Carolina:
"I fully agree with General Washington, that we
must protect this young nation from an insidious influence
and impenetration. The menace, gentlemen, is the Jews.
"In whatever country Jews have settled in any
great numbers, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated
its commercial integrity; have segregated themselves
and have not been assimilated; have sneered at and
tried to undermine the Christian Religion upon which
that nation is founded by objecting to its restrictions;
have built up a state within a state; and when opposed
have tried to strangle that country to death financially,
as in the case of Spain and Portugal.
For over 1700 years the Jews have been bewailing their
sad fate in that they have been exiled from their homeland,
they call Palestine. But, Gentlemen, should the world
today give it to them in fee simple, they would at
once find some cogent reason for not returning. Why?
Because they are Vampires, and Vampires do not live
on Vampires. They cannot live only among themselves.
They must subsist on Christians and other people not
of their race.
If you do not exclude them from these United States,
in this Constitution in less than 200 years they will
have swarmed in such great numbers that they will dominate
and devour the land, and change our form of government
[which they have done -- they have changed it from
a Republic to a Democracy], for which we Americans
have shed our blood, given our lives, our substance
and jeopardized our liberty.
If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our
descendants will be working in the fields to furnish
them sustenance, while they will be in the counting
houses rubbing their hands. I warn you, Gentlemen,
if you do not exclude the Jews for all time, your children
will curse you in your graves. Jews, Gentlemen, are
Asiatics; let them be born where they will, or how
many generations they are away from Asia, they will
never be otherwise. Their ideas do not conform to an
American's, and will not even though they live among
us ten generations. A Leopard cannot change its spots.
Jews are asiatics, they are a menace to this country
if permitted entrance and should be excluded by this
Constitution." (by Benjamin Franklin, who was
one of the six founding fathers designated to draw
up The Declaration of Independence. He spoke before
the Constitutional Congress in May 1787, and asked
that Jews be barred from immigrating to America. The
above are his exact words as quoted from the diary
of General Charles Pickney of Charleston, S.C.).
"Sons of Israel! The hour of our ultimate
victory is near. We stand on the threshold to the command
of the world. That which we could only dream of before
us is about to be realized. Only quite recently feeble
and powerless, we can now, thanks to the world's catastrophe,
raise our heads with pride. We must, however, be careful.
It can surely be prophesied that, after we have marched
over ruined and broken altars and thrones, we shall
advance further on the same indicated path.
The authority of the, to us, alien religions and doctrines
of faith we have through very successful propaganda,
subject to a merciless criticism and mockery. We have
brought the culture, civilization, traditions and thrones
of the Christian Nations to stagger. We have done everything
to bring the Russian people under the yoke of the Jewish
power, and ultimately compelled them to fall on their
knees before us.
We have nearly completed all this but we must all the
same be very cautious, because the oppressed Russia
is our arch-enemy. The victory over Russia, gained
through our intellectual superiority, may in the future,
in a new generation, turn against us.
Russia is conquered and brought to the ground. Russia
is in the agony of death under our heel, but do not
forget, not even for a moment, that we must be careful!
The holy care for our safety does not allow us to show
either pity or mercy. At last we have been allowed
to behold the bitter need of the Russian people, and
to see it in tears! By taking from them their property,
their gold, we have reduced this people to helpless
slaves. Be cautious and silent! We ought to have no
mercy for our enemy. We must make an end of the best
and leading elements of the Russian people, so that
the vanquished Russia may not find any leader!
Thereby every possibility will vanish for them to resist
our power. We must excite hatred and disputes between
workers and peasants. War and the class-struggle will
destroy all treasures and culture created by the Christian
people. But be cautious, sons of Israel! Our victory
is near, because our political and economic power and
influence upon the masses are in rapid progress. We
buy up Government loans and gold, and thereby we have
controlling power over the world's exchanges. The power
is in our hands, but be careful, place no faith in
traitorous shady powers!
Bronstein (Trotsky), Apfelbaum (Zinovieff), Rosenfeld
(Kamaneff), Steinberg, all of them are like unto thousands
of other true sons of Israel. Our power in Russia is
unlimited. In the towns, the Commissariats and Commissions
of Food, House Commissions, etc., are dominated by
our people. But do not let victory intoxicate you.
Be careful, cautious, because no one except yourselves
will protect us! Remember we cannot rely on the Red
Army, which one day may turn its warfare on ourselves.
Sons of Israel! The hour for our long-cherished victory
over Russia is near; close up solid your ranks! Make
known our people's national policy! Fight for eternal
ideals! Keep holy the old laws, which history has bequeathed
to us! May our intellect, our genius, protect and lead
us!" (The Central Committee of the Petersburg
Branch of the Israelite International League).
"Dear beloved brethren in Moses: We have
received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties
and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced
by as great pain to hear it as yourselves. The advice
of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following: As
for what you say that the King of France obliges you
to become Christians: do it; since you cannot do otherwise...As
for what you say about the command to despoil you of
your goods make your sons merchants, that little by
little they may despoil the Christians of theirs. As
for what you say about their attempts on your lives;
make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they
may take away Christian lives. As for what you say
of their destroying your synagogues; make your sons
canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their
churches. As for the many other vexations you complain
of: arrange that you sons become advocates and lawyers,
and see that they always mix themselves up with the
affairs of State, in order that by putting Christians
under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged
on them. Do not swerve from this order that we give
you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated
as you are, you will reach the actuality of power."
(Constantinople Elders of Jewry).
"The confusion of the average Christian comes
from the action of the clergy. Confusion creates doubt!
Doubt brings loss of confidence! Loss of confidence
brings loss of interest! There need be no confusion
in the minds of Christians concerning the fundamentals
of the faith. It would not exist of the clergy were
not 'aiding and abetting' their worst enemies [Jews].
Many clergymen are their [Jews] allies, without realizing
it, while other have become deliberate 'male prostitutes'
to their cause.
When Christians see their leaders in retreat which can
only bring defeat they are confused and afraid. To
stop this surrender, the clergy must make an about
face immediately and take a stand against the invisible
and intangible ideological war which is subversively
being waged against the Christian faith." (Facts
Are Facts, Dr. Benjamin Freedman who was born a Jew
and died a Christian).
"The founding prophet of the leftist faith,
Karl Marx, was born in 1818, the son of a Jewish father
who changed his name from Herschel to Heinrich and
converted to Christianity to advance his career. The
young Marx grew into a man consumed by hatred for Christianity.
Internationalizing the worst antichrist stereotypes,
he incorporated them into his early revolutionary vision,
identifying Jews as symbols of the system of private
property and bourgeois democracy he wanted to further.
'The god of the Jews had been secularized and has become
the god of this world,' Marx wrote. 'Money is the jealous
god of the Jews, beside which no other god may stand.'
Once the Revolution succeeds in 'destroying the empirical
essence of Christianity, he promised, 'the Jew will
become the rulers of the world. This early Marxist
formulation is the transparent seed of the mature vision,
causing Paul Johnson to characterize Marxism as 'the
antichristian of the intellectuals.'
The international Communist creed that Marx invented
is a creed of hate. The solution that Marx proposed
to the Christian 'problem' was to eliminate the system
that 'creates' the Christian. The Jews, he said, 'are
only symptoms of a more extensive evil that must eradicate
capitalism. The Jews are only symbols of a more pervasive
enemy that must be destroyed; capitalists.'
In the politics of the left, racist hatred is directed
not only against Christian capitalists but against
all capitalists; not only against capitalists, but
anyone who is not poor, and who is White; and ultimately
against Western Civilization itself. The Marxist revolution
is antichrist elevated to a global principle."
(David Horowitz, Human Events).
"As Christians learn how self-styled Jews
have spent millions of dollars to manufacture the 'Jewish
myth' for Christian consumption and that they have
done this for economic and political advantage, you
will see a tremendous explosion against the Jews. Right
thinking Jewish leaders are worried about this, since
they see it coming." (Facts are Facts by Benjamin
"The guidance and control of America has
gravitated into the hands of those least worthy of
trusteeship. One of their most notable achievements,
has been the making of 'male prostitutes' who do the
dirty work for them [Jews]. A 'male prostitute' is
a male who offers the facilities of his anatomy from
the neck up, to anyone who is willing to pay the price,
exactly as a female prostitute of the same species
offers her body from the waist down. Thousands of these
'pseudo-Christian 'male prostitutes -- male prostitutes
are circulating in all walks of life, pandering to
evil propaganda for monetary profit and political power."
(Facts Are Facts, by Benjamin Freedman).
"Do not let the forces of evil take over
to make this a Christian America." (Senator Howard
Metzenbaum, 11/6/86)
"The strongest supporters of Judaism cannot
deny that Judaism is anti-Christian." (Jewish
World, March 15, 1924)
"I am devoting my lecture in this seminar
to a discussion of the possibility that we are now
entering a Jewish century, a time when the spirit of
the community, the non-ideological blend of the emotional
and rational and the resistance to categories and forms
will emerge through the forces of anti-nationalism
to provide us with a new kind of society. I call this
process the Judaization of Christianity because Christianity
will be the vehicle through which this society becomes
Jewish." (Rabbi Martin Siegel, New York Magazine,
p. 32, January 18, 1972)
The Rabbis of Judaism understand this just as
do the leaders in the Christian movement. Rabbi Moshe
Maggal of the National Jewish Information Service said
in 1961 when the term Judeo-Christian was relatively
new, "There is no such thing as a Judeo-Christian
religion. We consider the two religions so different
that one excludes the other." (National Jewish
Information Service, 6412 W. Olympic Blvd. L.A. CA).
"I believe that the active Jews of today
have a tendency to think that the Christians have organized
and set up and run the world of injustice, unfairness,
cruelty, misery. I am not taking any part in this,
but I have heard it expressed, and I believe they feel
it that way. Jews have lived for the past 2000 years
and developed in a Christian World. They are a part
of that Christian World even when they suffer from
it or be in opposition with it, and they cannot dissociate
themselves from this Christian World and from what
it has done. And I think that the Jews are bumptious
enough to think that perhaps some form of Jewish solution
to the problems of the world could be found which would
be better, which would be an improvement. It is up
to them to find a Jewish answer to the problems of
the world, the problems of today." (Baron Guy
de Rothschild, NBC-TV, The Remnant, August 18, 1974)
"The current expression 'Judeo-Christian'
is an error which has altered the course of universal
history by the confusion it has sown in men's mind,
if by it one is meant to understand the Jewish origin
of Christianity; for by abolishing the fundamental
distinctions between Jewish and Christian messianism,
it seeks to bring together two ideas that are radically
in opposition. By laying the accent exclusively on
the 'Christian' idea to the detriment of the 'Judean'
it conjures away monotheistic messianism - a valuable
discipline at all levels of thought, and reduces it
to a purely confessional messianism, preoccupied like
Christian messianism with the salvation of the individual
soul. If the term 'Judeo-Christian' does point to a
common origin, there is no doubt that it is a most
dangerous idea.
It is based on a 'contrdictio in adjecto' which has
set the path of history on the wrong track. It links
in one breath two ideas which are completely irreconcilable,
it seeks to demonstrate that there is no difference
between day and night or hot and cold or Black and
White, and thus introduces a fatal element of confusion
to a basis on which some, nevertheless, are endeavoring
to construct a civilization. Christianity offers to
the world a limited messianism which it wishes to impose
as the only valid one...Even Spinoza, who was further
than any other thinker from the historic messianism
of Israel, wrote: 'As for what certain churches say,
that God assumed human nature, I must confess that
this seems to me as absurd as saying that a circle
assumed the shape of a square...'
The dogmatic exclusiveness professed by Christianity
must finally end...It is the obstinate Christian claim
to be the sole heir to Israel which propagates-anti-Semitism.
This scandal must terminate sooner or later; the sooner
it goes, the sooner the world will be rid of the issue
of lies in which anti-Semitism shrouds itself."
(Joshua Jehouda, l'Antisemitisme Miroir du Monde, pp.
135-136; Judaism and the Vatican, Vicomte Leon de Poncins,
pp. 30-31).
"A Jew remains a Jew even though he changes
his religion; a Christian which would adopt the Jewish
religion would not become a Jew, because the quality
of a Jew is not in the religion but in the race. A
Free thinker and Atheist always remains a Jew."
(Jewish World, London December 14, 1922)
In Disraeli's "The Life of Lord George Bentinck,"
written in 1852, there occurs the following quotation:
"The influence of the Jews may be traced in the
last outbreak of the destructive principle in Europe.
An insurrection takes place against tradition and aristocracy,
against religion and property. Destruction of the Semitic
principle, extirpation of the Jewish religion, whether
in the Mosaic of the Christian form, the natural equality
of men and the abrogation of property are proclaimed
by the Secret Societies which form Provisional Governments
and men of the Jewish Race are found at the head of
every one of them. The people of God co-operate with
atheists; the most skilful accumulators of property
ally themselves with Communists; the peculiar and chosen
Race touch the hand of all the scum and low castes
of Europe; and all this because they wish to destroy...Christendom
which owes to them even its name, and whose tyranny
they can no longer endure." (Waters Flowing Eastward,
pp. 108-109)
On March 15th, 1923, the Jewish World asserted:
"Fundamentally Judaism is Anti-Christian."
(Waters Flowing Eastward, p. 108)
"Bolshevism (Judaism), this symbol of chaos
and of the spirit of destruction, is above all an Anti-Christian
and Anti Social Conception. This present destructive
tendency is clearly advantageous for only one national
and religious entity: Judaism. The fact that Jews are
the most active element in present day revolutions
as well as in revolutionary socialism, that they draw
to themselves the power forced form the peoples of
other nations by revolution, is a fact in itself, independent
of the question of knowing if that comes from organized
world-wide Judaism, from Jewish Free Masonry or by
an elementary evolution brought about by Jewish national
solidarity and the accumulation of the capital in the
hands of Jewish bankers.
The contest is becoming more definite. The domination
of revolutionary Judaism in Russia and the open support
given to this Jewish Bolshevism by Judaism the world
over finally clear up the situation, show the cards
and put the question of the battle of Christianity
against Judaism, of the National State against the
International, that is to say, in reality, against
Jewish world power." (Weltkampf, July 1924, p.
21; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte
Leon De Poncins, p. 140).
"The final goal of world revolution is not
socialism, or even communism, it is not a change in
the present economic system, it is not the destruction
of civilization in a material sense. The revolution
desired by the leaders is moral and spiritual, it is
an anarchy of ideas in which all the bases established
nineteen centuries ago shall be overthrown, all the
honored traditions trodden under foot, and, above all,
the Christian ideal finally obliterated." (Nesta
Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements,
p. 334; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte
Leon De Poncins, p. 143)
"The inward thought of Moscow (the Jews)
indeed appears to be that for twenty centuries while
humanity has been following Christ, it has been on
the wrong word. It is now high time to correct this
error of direction by creating a new moral code, a
new civilization, founded on quite different principles
(Talmudic Principles). And it appears that it is this
idea which the communist leaders wished to symbolize
when a few months ago they proposed to erect in Moscow
a Statue to Judas Iscariot, to Judas, this great honest
misunderstood man, who hanged himself, not at all,
as it is usually and foolishly believed, because of
remorse for having sold his master, but because of
despair, poor man, at the thought that humanity would
pay for by innumerable misfortunes the wrong path which
it was about to follow." (J. and J. Tharaud, Causerie
sur Israel, p. 38; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution,
by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, pp. 143-144)
"Their kingdom is at hand, their perfect
kingdom. The triumph of those ideas is approaching
in the presence of which the sentiments of humanity
are mute, the thirst for truth, the Christian and national
feelings and even the common pride of the peoples of
Europe. That which is coming, on the contrary, is materialism,
the blind and grasping appetite for personal material
well-being, the thirst for the accumulation of money
by any means; that is all which is regarded as a higher
aim, such as reason, such as liberty, instead of the
Christian ideal of salvation by the sole means of the
close moral and brotherly union between men. People
will laugh at this, and say that it does not in the
least proceed from the Jews...Was the late James de
Rothschild of Paris a bad man? We are speaking about
Judaism and the Jewish idea which has monopolized the
whole world, instead of defective Christianity. A thing
will come about which nobody can yet even imagine.
All this parliamentarism, these theories regarding
the community which are believed today, these accumulations
of wealth, the banks, science, all that will collapse
in the winking of an eye and without leaving a trace
behind, except the Jews however, who will know then
what they have to do, so that even this will be for
their gain. All this is near, close by...Yes, Europe
is on the eve of collapse, a universal, terrible and
general collapse...To me Bismarck, Beaconsfield the
French Republic, Gambetta and others, are all only
appearances. Their master, who is the same for every
one else and for the whole of Europe, is the Jew and
his bank. We shall still see the day when he shall
pronounce his veto and Bismarck will be unexpectedly
swept away like a piece of straw. Judaism and the banks
now reign over all, as much over Europe as over education,
the whole of civilization and socialism, especially
over socialism, for with its help Judaism will root
out Christianity and destroy Christian Culture. And
if nothing but anarchy results the Jew will be found
directing all; for although preaching socialism he
will remain nevertheless in his capacity of Jew along
with the brothers of his race, outside socialism, and
when all the substance of Europe has been pillaged
only the Jewish bank will subsist." (Fedor Dostoievsky,
an 18th century, citizen who invented the theorist
of a purely economic conception of the world which
rules nearly everywhere today. The contemporary political
commercialism, business above everything, business
considered as the supreme aim of human effort, comes
directly from Ricardo. G. Batault, Le problem juif,
p. 40; Journal d'un ecrivain, 1873-1876, 1877 editions
Bossard; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte
Leon De Poncins, pp. 165-166)
"The Jew is the instrument of Christian destruction.
Look at them carefully in all their glory, playing
God with other peoples money. The robber barons of
old, at least, left something in their wake; a coal
mine; a railroad; a bank. But the Jew leaves nothing.
The Jew creates nothing, he builds nothing, he runs
nothing. In their wake lies nothing but a blizzard
of paper, to cover the pain. If he said, 'I know how
to run your business better than you.' That would be
something worth talking about. But he's not saying
that. He's saying 'I'm going to kill you (your business)
because at this moment in time, you are worth more
dead than alive!'" (Quotations from the Movie,
The Liquidator)
"The Jew is not satisfied with de-Christianizing,
he Judiazizes, he destroys the Catholic or Protestant
faith, he provokes indifference but he imposes his
idea of the world of morals and of life upon those
whose faith he ruins. He works at his age old task,
the annilation of the religion of Christ." (Benard
Lazare, L'Antisemitism, p. 350; Rabbi Benamozegh, quoted
in J. Creagh Scott's Hidden Government, page 58).
"Today the Gentile Christians who claim of
holy right have been led in the wrong path. We, of
the Jewish Faith have tried for centuries to teach
the Gentiles a Christ never existed, and that the story
of the Virgin and of Christ is, and always has been,
a fictitious lie. In the near future, when the Jewish
people take over the rule of the United States, legally
under our god, we will create a new education system,
providing that our god is the only one to follow, and
proving that the Christ story is a fake...Christianity
will be abolished." (M.A. Levy, Secretary of the
World League of Liberal Jews, in a speech in Los Angeles,
California, August, 1949)
"Why should we believe in God? We hate Christianity
and Christians. Even the best of them must be regarded
as our worst enemies. They preach love of one's neighbor,
and pity, which is contrary to our principles. Christian
love is a hinderance to the revolution. Down with love
of one's neighbor; what we want is hatred. We must
know how to hate, for only at this price can we conquer
the universe...The fight should also be developed in
the Moslem and Catholic countries, with the same ends
in view and by the same means." (Lunatcharski,
The Jewish Assault on Christianity, Gerald B. Winrod,
page 44)
"As long as there remains among the Gentiles
any moral conception of the social order, and until
all faith, patriotism, and dignity are uprooted, our
reign over the world shall not come...And the Gentiles,
in their stupidity, have proved easier dupes than we
expected them to be. One would expect more intelligence
and more practical common sense, but they are no better
than a herd of sheep. Let them graze in our fields
till they become fat enough to be worthy of being immolated
to our future King of the World...
We have founded many secret associations, which all
work for our purpose, under our orders and our direction.
We have made it an honor, a great honor, for the Gentiles
to join us in our organizations, which are, thanks
to our gold, flourishing now more than ever. Yet it
remains our secret that those Gentiles who betray their
own and most precious interests, by joining us in our
plot, should never know that those associations are
of our creation, and that they serve our purpose.
One of the many triumphs of our Freemasonry is that
those Gentiles who become members of our Lodges, should
never suspect that we are using them to build their
own jails, upon whose terraces we shall erect the throne
of our Universal King of the Jews; and should never
know that we are commanding them to forge the chains
of their own servility to our future King of the World...
We have induced some of our children to join the Christian
Body, with the explicit intimation that they should
work in a still more efficient way for the disintegration
of the Christian Church, by creating scandals within
her. We have thus followed the advice of our Prince
of the Jews, who so wisely said: 'Let some of your
children become cannons, so that they may destroy the
Church.' Unfortunately, not all among the 'convert'
Jews have proved faithful to their mission. Many of
them have even betrayed us! But, on the other hand,
others have kept their promise and honored their word.
Thus the counsel of our Elders has proved successful.
We are the Fathers of all Revolutions, even of those
which sometimes happen to turn against us. We are the
supreme Masters of Peace and War. We can boast of being
the Creators of the Reformation! Calvin (Phillip II,
by William Thomas Walsh, p. 248: 'The origin of Calvin
(whose real name was Chauvin) See also: Lucin Wolf,
in Transactions, Jewish Historical Society of England,
Vol. XI, p. 8; Goris, Les Colonies Marchandes Meridionales
Ö Anvers; Lea, History of the Inquisition of Spain,
III, 413)) was one of our Children; he was of Jewish
descent, and was entrusted by Jewish authority and
encouraged with Jewish finance to draft his scheme
in the Reformation.
Martin Luther yielded to the influence of his Jewish
friends unknowingly, and again, by Jewish authority,
and with Jewish finance, his plot against the Catholic
Church met with success. But unfortunately he discovered
the deception, and became a threat to us, so we disposed
of him as we have so many others who dare to oppose
Many countries, including the United States have already
fallen for our scheming. But the Christian Church is
still alive...We must destroy it without the least
delay and without the slightest mercy. Most of the
Press in the world is under our Control; let us therefore
encourage in a still more violent way the hatred of
the world against the Christian Church. Let us intensify
our activities in poisoning the morality of the Gentiles.
Let us spread the spirit of revolution in the minds
of the people. They must be made to despise Patriotism
and the love of their family, to consider their faith
as a humbug, their obedience to their Christ as a degrading
servility, so that they become deaf to the appeal of
the Church and blind to her warnings against us. Let
us, above all, make it impossible for Christians to
be reunited, or for non-Christians to join the Church;
otherwise the greatest obstruction to our domination
will be strengthened and all our work undone. Our plot
will be unveiled, the Gentiles will turn against us,
in the spirit of revenge, and our domination over them
will never be realized.
Let us remember that as long as there still remain active
enemies of the Christian Church, we may hope to become
Master of the World...And let us remember always that
the future Jewish King will never reign in the world
before Christianity is overthrown..." (From a
series of speeches at the B'nai B'rith Convention in
Paris, published shortly afterwards in the London Catholic
Gazette, February, 1936; Paris Le Reveil du Peuple
published similar account a little later).
"The Jew is necessarily anti-Christian, by
definition, in being a Jew, just as he is anti-Mohammedan,
just as he is opposed to every principle which is not
his own.
Now that the Jew has entered into society, he has become
a source of disorder, and, like the mole, he is busily
engaged in undermining the ancient foundations upon
which rests the Christian State. And this accounts
for the decline of nations, and their intellectual
and moral decadence; they are like a human body which
suffers from the intrusion of some foreign element
which it cannot assimilate and the presence of which
brings on convulsions and lasting disease. By his very
presence the Jew acts as a solvent; he produces disorders,
he destroys, he brings on the most fearful catastrophes.
The admission of the Jew into the body of the nations
has proved fatal to them; they are doomed for having
received him...The entrance of the Jew into society
marked the destruction of the State, meaning by State,
the Christian State." (Benard Lazare, Antisemitism,
Its History and Causes, pages 318-320 and 328).
"...the new Bolshevist orthodoxy of Stalin
is probably more dangerous to Europe in the long run
than the more spectacular methods of Trotsky and the
more vocal methods of Zinoviev in the heyday of the
Third International. I say more dangerous...and more
formidable, because a more practical conception than
the old Trotskyist idea...It is just the growth of
this Stalinist conception which has made possible the
continuance, on an ever-increasing scale, of the secret
relationship between 'Red' Russia and 'White' Germany."
(The Russian Face of Germany, C.F. Melville, pp. 169-170;
The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, pp. 20-21)
Judeo-Christian Heritage a Hoax: It appears there
is no need to belabor the absurdity and fallacy of
the "Judeo-Christian heritage" fiction, which
certainly is clear to all honest theologians. That
"Judeo- Christian dialogue" in this context
is also absurd was well stated in the author-initiative
religious journal, Judaism, Winter 1966, by Rabbi Eliezar
Berkowitz, chairman of the department of Jewish philosophy,
at the Hebrew Theological College when he wrote: "As
to dialogue in the purely theological sense, nothing
could be more fruitless or pointless. Judaism is Judaism
because it rejects Christianity; and Christianity is
Christianity because it rejects Judaism. What is usually
referred to as the Jewish- Christian traditions exists
only in Christian or Secularist Fantasy." There
is no doubt this is true! And the fantasy exists in
Christian and Secularist minds only because it was
implanted there by the persistent propaganda of the
masters of intrigue of the ADL-AJC Network. Nevertheless,
there can be no doubt that knowledgeable theologians,
Jewish and Christians who constantly allude to "our
Judeo-Christian heritage" are for their own specious
purposes perpetuate a grotesque and fantastic hoax.
"Judaism, which was destroyed politically
(as a result of the destruction of the Temple in 70
A.D.), went forth into the great world. It adapted
its possessions to its wanderings. I once compared
it to an army going to war, a 'movable State.'
Jews were compelled to smuggle their goods across from
frontier to frontier; so they chose abstract wares,
easy to stubble; and this gave them ability, despite
ghettos and restrictions, to enter everywhere; and
so it is that the Hebrew people have penetrated everywhere.
The argument is that Judaism, by penetrating among the
Gentiles (IN CHRISTIANS GUISE or otherwise), has gradually
undermined the remnants of paganism. Such penetration
has not been without deliberate Jewish conniving in
the shape of assistance bestowed in a thousand ways,
devices and disguises. It has been affected in great
measure by crypto-Jews, who have permeated Christianity
and spoken through the mouth of Christianity.
By these devices of their Jewish blood; and owing to
an instance for 'requital,' they have gradually induced
Christianity to accept what was left in it of pagan
elements as their own; and it is they who, in principle
(even though they are called by great Gentile names),
of Democracy, of Socialism, and of Communism. All this
achievement...has come about chiefly through unknown
anonymous Jews, Jews in secret, either crypto-Jews
who mingled among the Gentiles and nurtured great thinkers
from among them; or, through the influence of Jews,
who, in the great crises of liberty and freedom, have
stood behind the scenes; or through Jewish teachers
and scholars from the time of the Middle Ages.
It was disciples of Jewish teachers who headed the Protestant
movements. These dogs, these haters of the Jews have
a keen nose. In truth, Jewish influence in Germany
is powerful. It is impossible to ignore it. Marx was
a Jew. His manner of thought was Jewish. His keenness
of intellect was Jewish; and one of his forebears was
a most distinguished rabbi endowed with a powerful
mind. The newspapers, under Jewish control, obviously
served as an auxiliary in all movements in favor of
freedom. Not in vain have Jews been drawn toward journalism.
In their hands it became a weapon highly fitted to
meet their needs...
The Gentiles have at last realized this secret, that
Judaism has gradually penetrated them like a drug.
The Gentile nature is in revolt, and is trying to organize
the final battle. Christianity is trying to organize
its last war against Judaism. And there is no doubt
that this warfare...is being waged specifically against
Democracy, against Socialism. This is another world
wide warfare again against the forces of Judaism. I
venture to think that Socialism in its highest form
is the fruit of the Jewish spirit, and the fruit of
the world outlook of the prophets. It is they who were
the first Socialists.
War is now being waged against us {but unknown to most
of Christianity. Because God's People refuse to accept
knowledge and recognize the enemy}, against Judaism,
not in our own land, but in the great outer world where
we are scattered. They would 'smoke us out' of all
the cracks and crannies where we have hidden. They
would exterminate us like bacilli, and be rid of us."
(N.H. Bialik, in an address delivered at the Hebrew
University, Jerusalem, May 11, 1933, which appeared
in Lines of Communication, Palestine, July, 1933)
"Lenin had taken part in Jewish student meetings
in Switzerland thirty-five years before." (Dr.
Chaim Weizmann, in The London Jewish Chronicle, December
16, 1932)
"The Bolshevists have therefore a philosophy.
Let us ask from whence they got it? To be frank, they
have drawn this philosophy from L'EncyclopÇdie,
which was a vast enterprise of atheism and which, politically
speaking, expressed itself in a precise way at the
end of the eighteenth century by the French Revolution.
They are attached to a philosophy which we find at
the root of all socialist systems propagated during
the nineteenth century, and particularly at the root
of the Marx system. Thus its early source: L'EncyclopÇdie;
later source and very diverse: the series of contemporaneous
socialist systems...Such are the deep origins of Leninism
and of the Soviet revolution." (La RÇpublique,
Pierre Dominique)
"Lenin, or Oulianov by adoption, originally
Zederbaum, a Kalmuck Jew, married a Jewess, and whose
children speak Yiddish." (Major-General, Count
Cherep-Spiridovich, The Secret World Government, p.
"Lenin, as a child, was left behind, there,
by a company of prisoners passing through, and later
his Jewish convict father, Ilko Sroul Goldman, wrote
inquiring his whereabouts. Lenin had already been picked
up and adopted by Qulianoff." (D. Petrovsky, Russia
under the Jews, p. 86)
"Lenin was born on April 10, 1870 in the
vicinity of Odessa, South of Russia, as a son of Ilko
Sroul Goldmann, a German Jew, and Sofie Goldmann, a
German Jewess. Lenin was circumcised as Hiam Goldmann."
(Common Sense, April 1, 1963)
"The mechanism of State control of industry
is already in existence. Since the overthrow of the
capitalists and the smashing of the bureaucratic machinery
of the modern State, we have at our disposal a mechanism
of high technical perfection, freed from all parasites,
which the united workers themselves could very easily
set in motion by engaging technicians, superintendents,
or bookkeepers...Registration and supervision are the
chief things needed to bring the first phase of the
communist social order into being and prepare for its
proper functioning. All citizens will be workers, manual
or non-manual, in a State syndicate. It is merely a
question of their all doing the same work, carrying
out their task properly, and receiving the same wage.
Registration and the exercise of supervision have been
highly simplified by capitalism and converted into
extraordinarily convenient methods of check and bookkeeping,
which are accessible to anyone who can read and write
and do simple arithmetic...The whole of society will
be an office or a factory doing the same work and receiving
the same wages..." (Lenin, pamphlet on the constitution
of the future Bolshevik State, Quoted in The Mind and
Face of Bolshevism, Rene Fueloep Miller, p. 19).
"From the days of Adam (Spartacus) Weishaupt,
to those of Karl Marx to those of Trotsky, Bela Kun,
Rosa Luxemburg and Emma Goldman. This world-wide conspiracy
for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstruction
of society on the basis of arrested development, of
envious malevolence and impossible equality, has been
steadily growing...There is no need to exaggerate the
part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the
actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by
these international, and for the most part, atheistic
Jews. It is certainly a very great one: it probably
outweighs all others. With the notable exception of
Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews.
Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power
comes from the Jewish leaders." (Winston Churchill,
Sunday Illustrated Herald, London, England, February
8, 1920)
"Religion is one of the forms of the spiritual
yoke which always and everywhere has been laid on the
masses of the people crushed by poverty. The weakness
of the exploited classes, in their struggles with their
oppressors, inevitably produced a faith in a better
life in the next world, just as the weakness of the
savage in the struggle with nature led to faith in
gods, devils and miracles. Religion teaches such men,
who work and endure poverty all their lives, humility
and patience by holding out the consolation of a heavenly
reward. But the exploiters are urged by faith to do
good on earth, because in this way they think to win
justification for their existence and a sort of ticket
of admission to heavenly bliss. Religion is an opiate
for the people, a sort of spiritual vodka, meant to
make the slaves of capitalism tread in the dust their
human form and their aspirations to a semi- decent
existence...But the slave who becomes conscious of
his slavery has already half ceased to be a slave.
The modern worker, who is taught by his work in the
factory and enlightened by urban life, contemptuously
casts off religious prejudices, and leaves heaven to
the parsons and devout bourgeois, while he himself
tries to win a better life here on earth." (V.I.
Lenin, Socialism and Religion, Rene Fueloep Miller,
The Mind and Face of Bolshevism, pp. 77-78).
"...the main purveyors of funds for the revolution,
however, were neither the crackpot Russian millionaires
nor the armed bandits of Lenin. The 'real' money primarily
came from certain British and American circles which
for a long time past had lent their support to the
Russian revolutionary cause...The important part played
by the wealthy American Jewish Banker, Jacob Schiff,
in the events in Russia...is no longer a secret."
(Red Symphony, p. 252)
"Mr. Lawton, in one remark, throws a sidelight
on the moving forces behind the revolution, which might
suggest to him further investigation as to the origin
of what has become a world movement. That movement
cannot any longer be shrouded by superficial talk of
the severity of the Russian regime, which is so favorite
an excuse among our Socialists for the most atrocious
action, of the Bolsheviks, who did not come into power
till six months after Tsardom was ended: I wish to
emphasize the paramount role which the power of money
played in bringing about the Revolution. And here it
may not be out of place to mention that well documented
works have recently been published in France proving
that neither Robespiere nor Danton were isolated figures
upon the revolutionary stage, but that both were puppets
of financial backers...
When the first revolution broke out Lenin was in Zurich,
where he was financially helped by an old Swiss merchant,
who later went to Russia to live as a permanent guest
of the Revolution, and some time afterwards disappeared.
If Lenin had not obeyed the orders of his pay-masters
how long would he have remained in the land of the
living?" (The Patriot; The Secret Powers Behind
Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, pp. 168-169).
"The Soviet movement was a Jewish, and not
a Russian conception. It was forced on Russia from
without, when, in 1917, German and German-American-Jew
interests sent Lenin and his associates into Russia,
furnished with the wherewithal to bring about the defection
of the Russian armies...The Movement has never been
controlled by Russians.
(a) Of the 224 revolutionaries who, in 1917, were despatched
to Russia with Lenin to foment the Bolshevik Revolution,
170 were Jews.
(b) According to the Times of 29th March, 1919, 'of
the 20 or 30 commissaries or leaders who provide the
central machinery of the Bolshevist movement, not less
than 75 percent, are Jews...among minor officials the
number is legion.'
According to official information from Russia, in 1920,
out of 545 members of the Bolshevist Administration,
447 were Jews. The number of official appointments
bestowed upon Jews is entirely out of proportion to
their percentage in the State: 'The population of Soviet
Russia is officially given as 158,400,000 the Jewish
section, according to the Jewish Encyclopedia, being
about 7,800,000. Yet, according to the Jewish Chronicle
of January 6, 1933: Over one-third of the Jews in Russia
have become officials." (The Catholic Herald,
October 21st and 28th and November 4, 1933; The Rulers
of Russia, Denis Fehay, p. 31-32)
"Although a Republican, the former Governor
has a sincere regard for President Roosevelt and his
politics. He referred to the 'Jewish ancestry' of the
President, explaining how he is a descendent of the
Rossocampo family expelled from Spain in 1620. Seeking
safety in Germany, Holland and other countries, members
of the family, he said, changed their name to Rosenberg,
Rosenbaum, Rosenblum, Rosenvelt and Rosenthal. The
Rosenvelts in North Holland finally became Roosevelt,
soon becoming apostates with the first generation and
other following suit until, in the fourth generation,
a little storekeeper by the name of Jacobus Roosevelt
was the only one who remained true to his Jewish Faith.
It is because of this Jewish ancestry, Former Governor
Osborn said, that President Roosevelt has the trend
of economic safety (?) in his veins." (Chase S.
Osborn, 1934 at St. Petersburg, Florida, The Times
"The Western mind is incapable of thinking
religiously." (A Program for the Jews and Humanity,
Harry Waton, a Jew, p. 185).
"It was my first sight of him (Lenin), a
smooth-headed, oval-faced, narrow-eyed, typical Jew,
with a devilish sureness in every line of his powerful
magnetic face. Beside him was a different type of Jew,
the kind one might see in any Soho shop, strong-nosed,
sallow-faced, long-mustached, with a little tuft of
beard wagging from his chin and a great shock of wild
hair, Leiba Bronstein, afterwards Lev Trotsky."
(Herbert T. Fitch, Scotland Yard detective, Traitors
Within, p. 16)
"...Jabotinsky insisted that all energies
be expended to force the Congress to join the boycott
movement. Nothing less than a 'merciless fight' would
be acceptable, cried Jabotinsky. 'The present Congress
is duty bound to put the Jewish problem in Germany
before the entire world...(We [Jews] must) destroy,
destroy, destroy them, not only with the boycott, but
politically, supporting all existing forces against
them to isolate Germany from the civilized world...our
enemy [Germany] must be destroyed." (Speech by
Vladimir Jabotinsky, a Polish Jews, on June 16, 1933)
"No gassing took place in any camp on Germany
soil." (Nazi-Hunter Simon Wisenthal, in his Books
and Bookmen, p. 5)
"German Jewry, which found its temporary
end during the Nazi period, was one of the most interesting
and for modern Jewish history most influential centers
of European Jewry. During the era of emancipation,
i.e. in the second half of the nineteenth and in the
early twentieth century, it had experienced a meteoric
rise...It had fully participated in the rapid industrial
rise of Imperial Germany, made a substantial contribution
to it and acquired a renowned position in German economic
life. Seen from the economic point of view, no Jewish
minority in any other country, not even that in America
could possibly compete with the German Jews. They were
involved in large scale banking, a situation unparalled
elsewhere, and, by way of high finance, they had also
penetrated German industry.
A considerable portion of the wholesale trade was Jewish.
They controlled even such branches of industry which
is generally not in Jewish hands. Examples are shipping
or the electrical industry, and names such as Ballin
and Rathenau do confirm this statement.
I hardly know of any other branch of emancipated Jewry
in Europe or the American continent that was as deeply
rooted in the general economy as was German Jewry.
American Jews of today are absolutely as well as relative
richer than the German Jews were at the time, it is
true, but even in America with its unlimited possibilities
the Jews have not succeeded in penetrating into the
central spheres of industry (steel, iron, heavy industry,
shipping), as was the case in Germany.
Their position in the intellectual life of the country
was equally unique. In literature, they were represented
by illustrious names. The theater was largely in their
hands. The daily press, above all its internationally
influential sector, was essentially owned by Jews or
controlled by them. As paradoxical as this may sound
today, after the Hitler era, I have no hesitation to
say that hardly any section of the Jewish people has
made such extensive use of the emancipation offered
to them in the nineteenth century as the German Jews!
In short, the history of the Jews in Germany from 1870
to 1933 is probably the most glorious rise that has
ever been achieved by any branch of the Jewish people.
The majority of the German Jews were never fully assimilated
and were much more Jewish than the Jews in other West
European countries." (Feuerzeichen, Ingid Weckert,
Tubingen 1981, p. 52-54, with reference to Nation Europa
10/1962, pp. 116-120)
"We became aware of the propaganda in your
country about alleged cruelties against the Jews in
Germany. We therefore consider it our duty, not only
in our own interest as German patriots, but also for
the sake of truth, to comment on these incidents. Mistreatment
and excesses have indeed occurred, and we are far from
glossing these over. But this is hardly avoidable in
any kind of revolution. We attach great significance
to the fact that the authorities where it was at all
possible to interfere, have done so against outrages
that have come to our knowledge. In all cases, these
deeds were committed by irresponsible elements who
kept in hiding. We know that the government and all
leading authorities most strongly disapprove of the
violations that occurred.
But we also feel that now is the time to move away from
the irresponsible agitation on the part of so-called
Jewish intellectuals living abroad. These men, most
of whom never considered themselves German nationals,
but pretended to be champions for those of their own
faith, abandoned them at a critical time and fled the
country. They lost, therefore, the right to speak out
on German-Jewish affairs. The accusations which they
are hurling from their safe hiding places, are injurious
to German and German Jews; their reports are vastly
exaggerated. We ask the U.S. Embassy to forward this
letter to the U.S. without delay, and we are accepting
full responsibility for its content. Since we know
that a large-scale propaganda campaign is to be launched
next Monday, we would appreciate if the American public
be informed of this letter by that date [Of course
we know that the Jewish owned American News Media did
not so inform the American Public -- just another of
the traitorous actions which they have repeated time
after time over the years]...The atrocity propaganda
is lying. The Originators are politically and economically
motivated. The same Jewish writers who allow themselves
to be misused for this purpose, used to scoff at us
veterans in earlier years." (Feuerzeichen, Ingid
Weckert, Tubingen 1981, p. 52-54, with reference to
Nation Europa 10/1962 p. 7f)
"It is not only this fervent 'Passionalism'
which conditions the attitude of the Jews in the political
and social order...They always experience the need
to seek unity. Because of that they are sentimentally
led to reject in a more or less absolute fashion all
which is contradictory to this unity. For them, what
is differentiation is an attack on the principle of
unity; injustice and inequality are differentiations.
They must be rejected or lessened...This is explained
the Socialist and Communist tendencies of which they
are reproached...It is in what is called business that
the Jewish soul, by utilitarianism with which he is
so strongly impregnated, finds a liberal career: commerce,
trade, banks, finance, and industries. It is this same
characteristic which in all times and in all places
has brought upon the traditional Jew sarcasms and reprobation,
often enough, let us recognize it, justified."
(Nomades, Kadmi Cohen, (1929)).
"The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism.
Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution
the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism,
so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism."
(A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Rabbi Harry Waton,
p. 143-144).
"Take the curious placing of the thumb to
thumb and forefinger to forefinger by the High Priest
when he lifted his hands, palms outward, to bless the
multitude...Much of the drama's text was from the Old
Testament and Orthodox Ritual of Judaism." (The
Romance of a People).
"Within all the cross currents within Jewish
life, amidst the inner divisions which bore witness
alike to the weakness of the Jew and to the strength
of the Jewish convictions, one truth asserted itself,
with a power which silenced all doubts: the Jewish
people 'lived'...In number, superior to any Jewish
generation of the past, in the caliber of its human
material, as powerful as ever, in self-consciousness,
more alert and more proud than it had been for centuries,
it was entering, not on a decline, but on a new efflorescence."
(The Visionary on the Mountain Top).
"So also here, when the Male is joined to
the Female, they both constitute one complete body,
and all the universe is in a state of happiness because
all things receive blessing from their perfect body.
And this is an arcanum." (The Visionary on the
Mountain Top).
"I think the secret of it is found in the
'imperium in imperio' matter in the common program
towards which each 'imperium in imperio' moves, and
has been moving for forty centuries." (The Visionary
on the Mountain Top).
"As I looked upon that spectacle, as I saw
the flags of the nations carried to their places before
the reproduction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem,
and as I saw the six-pointed star, the illuminated
interlaced triangles, shining above all the flags of
all the peoples of all the world, my mind turned back
to what Judge Harry M. Fisher, Chairman o the Jewish
Day Committee, said in advance as to the whole idea
of this pageant: 'The idea summarized by the prophet
Isaiah - 'At the end of days all peoples shall be coming
to the mountain of the Lord' - will be portrayed.'"
(The Visionary on the Mountain Top).
"The perfect Semite (Jews are not Semites
but are Khazars, descended from Japheth) is positive
and impassioned. The two elements exercise a reciprocal
influence, each moderating what is too excessive and
therefore unlikely to live in the other, creating a
being apart who easily arrives at domination, for nothing
can stop such a man...It is the eternal opposition
of Shylock and Jessica. It is the illogical and monstrous
mixture of the rarest qualities with the most abject
defects, mixture of irresistible force and of irremediable
weakness." (Nomades, Kadmi Cohen, (1929), The
Trail of the Serpent, Inquire Within, Miss Stoddard,
p. 117).
"The Jews are not a part of a vast Whole
which they re-integrate in dying, but they are a Whole
in themselves, defying space, time, life, and death.
Can God be outside the Whole? If he exists, necessarily
he confounds himself with this Whole...Thus Divinity
in Judaism is contained in the exaltation of the entity
represented by the Race - passionnel entity, eternal
flame, it is the Divine essence. It must be preserved
and perpetuated, therefore the idea of pure and impure
was created." (Nomades, Kadmi Cohen, (1929)).
"'I am that I am,' said the Eternal. The
Eternal - it is the race. One in substance - undifferentiated.
One in time - stable and eternal." (Nomades, Kadmi
Cohen, (1929)).
"A nervous excitability, a chronic exaltation
of the passion, in which commingle the inferior life
of the individual and its exterior manifestations,
a state in which sentiment, idea, and will are confounded
together, where for the lack of the powerful corrective
of logic, the flights of imagination know no bounds,
where life and human activity are deprived of a regulator,
and move outside of material and concrete factors,
by the sole interior force of the soul." (Nomades,
Kadmi Cohen, (1929)).
"All idealistic considerations lead in the
end to a kind of conception of divinity, and are, therefore,
pure nonsense in the eyes of Marxists; even Hegel saw
in God the concrete form of everything good and reasonable
that rules the world: the idealist theory must put
everything on the shoulders of this unfortunate graybeard,
who, according to the teaching of his worshippers,
is perfect, and who, in addition to Adam, created fleas
and harlots, murderers and lepers, hunger and misery,
plague and vodka, in order to punish the very sinners
whom he himself had created, and who sin in accordance
with his will, in order that this comedy may be played
to all eternity before the eyes of the wondering world.
>From the scientific standpoint, this theory heads to
absurdity. The only scientific explanation of all the
phenomena of the world, is supplied by materialism...
When men eat, carry on the class war, pull on their
boots, pick flowers, write books or marry, it occurs
to nobody to doubt the existence of the external world,
and therefore the existence of the food which they
consume, the boots they pull on, or the women they
This imbecility, however, follows from the principles
of idealism. If the spirit is the basis of everything,
how was it before any men existed? Either we must assume
the existence of a superhuman and divine spirit, such
as is described in the old Hebrew fairy tales of the
Bible, or we must say that the distant past is also
merely a creation of our imagination. The first way
leads to the so-called objective idealism, which recognizes
the existence of an external world independent of our
consciousness, but nevertheless sees the nature of
this world in a spiritual principle, in a God, a high
reason, a world-will, or some similar spook, which,
in this case, takes the place of God. The second way
leads direct to solipsism, through subjective idealism,
for which there are only spiritual feelings individual
thinking subjects. It is easy to see the solipsism
is the most consistent form of idealism. Idealism takes
the spiritual principle as original and fundamental,
because it believes that only our perceptions are given
to us directly. But if that is so, then the existence
of a block of wood is as doubtful as the existence
of any man, even that of our own parents. Here solipsism
destroys itself and at the same time kills the whole
of idealism in philosophy, since when consistently
thought out to the end, it leads to complete absurdity
and absolute nonsense, which at every turn contradicts
all human experience." (Bukharin, Quoted by Rene
Fueloep Miller, The Mind and Face of Bolshevism, pp.
"...is so important that it is not possible
to pass it over in silence. Is it not sufficient to
recall the names of the great revolutionaries of the
nineteenth century and twentieth, the Karl Marxes,
Lassalles, Kurt Eiseners, Bella Kuhns, Trotsky, and
LÇon Blumes, in order to find thus mentioned
the names of all theorists of modern socialism?...Further,
in Europe in the same years, the rìle played
by the Jews in all revolutionary movements was considerable...'Revolutionarism'
exacts, at least technically, a very strong dose of
passionalism together with the 'esprit de masse' of
the crowd. The different individuals, in principle
autonomous, blend even to disappearing in the whole,
and the 'magma' thus created takes on an aspect entirely
different from the individual figures, however characteristic
each may be, of which it was primarily composed."
(Nomades, Kadmi Cohen, (1929)).
"The real chiefs of this immense association
of Freemasonry (the few within the innermost circles
of initiation), who must not be confounded with the
nominal leaders or figure-heads, are mostly Jews, and
live in close and intimate alliance with the militant
members of Judaism, those, namely, who are the leaders
of the Cabalistic section. This älite of the Masonic
association, these real chiefs, who are known to so
few even of the initiated, and whom even these few
know only under assumed names (noms de guerre) carry
on their activities in secret dependence (which they
find very lucrative for themselves) upon the Cabalistic
Jews." (Le Juif, la Judaisme, et la Judaisation
des Peuples ChrÇtiens (Paris, 1869), p. 340).
"The influence of the Jews at the present
time is more noticeable than ever. That they are at
the head of European capitalism, we are all aware...In
politics many of the Jews are in the front rank...That
their excessive wealth, used as it has been, acts as
a solvent influence in modern society cannot be questioned...But
while on the one hand the Jews are thus beyond dispute
the leaders of the plutocracy of Europe...another section
of the same race (people) from the leaders of that
revolutionary propaganda which is making way against
that very capitalist class, representing their own
fellow Jews. Jews, more than any other men...are acting
as the leaders in the revolutionary movement which
I have endeavored to trace." (Nineteenth Century,
January, 1881, pp. 10-11, art. by H.M. Hyndman, entitled
The Dawn of a Revolutionary Epoch).
"To national anti-Semitism, produced by the
recent genius of peoples, is opposed the age-old genius
of the race (nationalities and a race identical in
itself)...To intellectual anti-Semitism, produced by
the claims of reason, constructed on the solid basis
of logic, is opposed a form of thought, troubled, incoherent,
passionnel. To social anti-Semitism, produced by the
exigencies of the most conservative principles - sustained
by the force of order and hierarchism - opposed by
a spirit of innate undiscipline, revolt and unitarism.
To economic anti- Semitism produced by the existence
and dominance of the right of property, a conception
resists and attacks which refuses to that right all
necessity and virtue..." (Nomades, Kadmi Cohen).
The following is reported to be the program for
the society of the future in a secret meeting of the
conspirators: "Since it is absolutely necessary
to fix the social order of the future now, at this
very moment, since we are at last preparing to act,
to avoid future uncertainty, I put forward my own system
for a new world order...I must first point out that
my system is not yet completed, not yet entirely worked
out. For I have got entangled in my own arguments:
my final conclusion is diametrically opposed to my
original idea. Although I started from the notion of
unrestricted freedom, I arrived in the end at absolute
despotism. I may add, however, that there can be no
possible solution but mine...
Mr. Shigalâv has devoted himself too conscientiously
to his task, and is also much too modest. I know his
book. In it he proposes to divide mankind into two
unequal parts. Only the smaller part, about a tenth
of the whole, will enjoy personal freedom and unrestricted
power over the other nine-tenths. These nine-tenths
must entirely renounce all personality and become,
so to speak, a herd, in order, through absolute obedience,
by a series of regeneration, to regain their original
innocence, almost like the old Garden of Eden, although,
as may be remarked in passing, they will have to work.
The measures proposed by the author for depriving nine-tenths
of humanity of their personal will and for turning
them into a herd by means of a new education during
whole generations, are uncommonly remarkable, and are
in addition based on the facts of nature and are highly
One thing in his book is good, the idea of espionage.
In his idea, every member of the society spies on the
others, and is bound to inform against them when necessary.
All are slaves and equal in their slavery...First of
all, the level of education, science, and innate natural
talents falls. A high intellectual level is possible
only to superior talents; but we have no need of superior
talents. Superior talents have always seized power
for themselves and led to despotism. Men of talent
cannot help becoming despots, they have always done
more harm than good; therefore they are driven out
or put to death...
Slaves must be equal: without despotism there has never
yet been freedom or equality; but in the herd all must
be equal, that's Shigalâvism! Does that seem
extraordinary to you? I am for Shigalâvism...
Listen, Stavrogin, to level mountains is a fine idea,
not a ridiculous one. Education is not necessary and
we have enough science. Even without science, we have
material enough to last for a thousand years, but first
we must enforce obedience. The thirst for education
is an aristocratic impulse; with family and love, you
have at once the desire for property. We will destroy
this desire; we will spread drunkenness, slander, espionage;
we'll spread incredible demoralization: we'll murder
every genius in infancy.
Everything will be reduced to a common denominator,
complete equality will be enforced ...Only the indispensable
is indispensable; henceforth that is to be the motto
of the universe. But it needs shocks: we'll provide
for them, we the directors. Slaves must have directors.
Complete obedience, complete impersonality; occasionally,
however, every thirty years or so, Shigalâv will
let them have a shock, and then they will all suddenly
begin to devour each other, of course only up to a
certain point, for the sole purpose of preventing boredom.
Boredom is an aristocratic feeling; there will be no
desires under Shigalâvism. Desire and suffering
for us, Shigalâvism for the slaves!...
Oh, we shall convince them that they cannot be free
till they renounce their freedom in our favor and submit
to us...Too well, all too well, will they know the
value of submission once and for all! Men will be unhappy
till they grasp this...However, the flock will collect
again and submit once more, and then it will be ever,
for ever. We will give them a quiet modest happiness,
the happiness of feeble creatures such as they were
created. Oh, we shall convince them at last that they
have no right to be proud...
Yes, we will force them to work, but in their free time
we will make their life like a game with songs, choruses,
and innocent dances. Oh, we will even permit them to
sin, for they are weak and feeble, and they will love
us like children because we allow them to sin. We shall
not permit or forbid them to live with wives or lovers,
to have or not to have children, according to whether
they have been obedient or disobedient, and they will
submit to us gladly and joyfully...And they will all
be happy, all the millions, except the hundred thousand
who rule over them. For we alone, we who guard the
mystery, we alone shall be unhappy. There will be thousands
of millions of happy children and only a hundred thousand
martyrs, who have taken on themselves the curse of
the knowledge of good and evil." (The Possessed,
Shigalâv, The Mind and Face of Bolshevism, Rene
Fueloep Miller, pp. 285-287).
"The newly founded Society of Jesus...Saint
Ignatius. His secretary Polanco, the only person present
at his deathbed, was of Jewish descent. So was Lainez,
one of his first and greatest converts, was of Jewish
descent...In a short time, as the young Jesuit organization
became a power for Catholic reform and propaganda,
Jews were attracted to it, as they are always attracted
to centers of influence, in such numbers that it was
found difficult to keep out those who wished to destroy
the order and the Church under pretext of working for
them. Thus a nephew of the great and Catholic Jew Polanco
followed him into the society, and caused such difficulties
and dissensions that for years he nearly drove his
superiors to despair." (Philip II, William Thomas
Walsh, p. 95)
"History at all times, writes M. Ribot, abounds
in physiological processes, employed to produce artificial
ecstasy...so to say, having divinity within oneself.
There are inferior forms, mechanical intoxication produced
by the dance, rhythmic music of the primitives, which
excites them and puts them into a condition ripe for
inspiration; the soma, the wine, the Dionysia, the
orgies of MÇnades, the shedding of blood so
widespread in the cults of Asia Minor, the Goddess
Atys, the Corybants, the Gauls, mutilating and cutting
themselves with swords; in the Middle Ages the Flagellants,
and in our day the fakirs and dervishes, etc."
(The Russian Sect, the People of God, M.J.B. Severac;
Light-Bearers of Darkness, Inquire Within, p. 77).
"I will explain a great mystery: if thou
desirest to live, mortify, for the glory of God, not
only thy body but thy soul, thy reason, and even thy
conscience. Free thyself from all rules and all laws,
all virtues of fasting, of abstinence, and of virginity.
Free thyself from holiness. Descend into thyself as
into a tomb. Then mysteriously dead thou shalt rise
again, and in thee will dwell the Holy Spirit, and
thou shalt never lose, it, no matter what thou mayest
do. He believed he was flying without knowing where
he was flying to, whether it was towards Heaven or
towards the abyss, towards God or the Devil!"
(Dmitry Merejkovsky, Pierre le Grand; Light-Bearers
of Darkness, Inquire Within, pp. 77-78).
"A Mantra is composed of certain letters
arranged in definite sequence of sounds, of which the
letters are the representative signs. To produce the
designed effect, Mantra must be intoned in the proper
way, according to rhythm and sound...a Mantra is a
potent compelling force, a word of power." (Arthur
Avalon, Tantra of the Great Liberation, in a partial
explanation of the Jewish Cabala or Kabbalah; Light-Bearers
of Darkness, Inquire Within, p. 73)
"The purpose, the manner of attaining this
happiness, of gaining this Liberation, is in your own
hand. It does not lie in the hand of some unknown god,
or in temples or in churches, but in your own self.
For temples, churches, and religions bind, and you
must be belong all dreams of God in order to attain
this Liberation. There is no external God as such who
urges us to live nobly, or to live basely; there is
but the voice of our own intuition...When that voice
is sufficiently strong, when that voice - the result
of accumulated experience, is obeyed, and you yourself
become that voice, then you are god...So the most important
thing is to uncover this god within each one of you.
That is the purpose of life; to awaken the dormant
god (the unused sex-force, the Kundalini within you)
to give life to the spark which exists in each one
of us, so that we become a flame (illuminised), and
join the eternal flame of the world (the universal
life-force or ether, as above so below, of Hermes)...In
the permanent is established, is seen, the only god
in the world - yourself that has been purified."
(The Creed of the Cabalistic Jews - the Deified Man
- the origin of Humanism; Star Review Magazine, Paris
September 27, 1927: Teachings given at Ommen, August
"Progress is the true Messiah, whose near
advent she (Judaism) proclaims with all her hosannahs...The
(French) Revolution was its introduction, our doctrine
of human rights, its manifesto, and its signal was
given to the world, when, at the approach of our Tricolor,
the barriers of caste and the walls of the Ghetto fell
to the ground...The emancipated Jew takes pride in
working for its realization...assailing superannuated
hierarchies, battling with prejudices...struggling
to pave the way for future revolution." (Leroy-Beaulieu,
Israel Among the Nations).
"(The Wandering Jew says) Aye, let the Nazarene
(True Israelites) dogs lift their hands and eyes in
ignorant wonder; the great Goldsmid was my very and
mere instrument: I raised him because I deemed him
worthy; I found him incompetent to the vast and sacred
duty I designed him for, and I dashed him down even
as we cast aside the gourd when we no longer require
a drinking-cup. Who among the elder frequenters of
the great Temple of Mammon, which is called the Exchange,
does not remember the golden box with which the hand
of Goldsmid was perpetually occupied in his busiest
and most important moments! It was his talisman. The
words of power had been pronounced above it; with it
he could encounter a world and be triumphant...I had
warned him again and again; I had menaced, I had entreated,
but in vain; I found him incurable in his neglect of
the cause of our people and our god; and even while
he was wassailing at his luxurious villa in the neighborhood
of Morden, the words of power went forth from my lips,
and his talisman had departed from him for ever...He
appeared upon the Exchange without his palladium; bargained,
lost, and saw absolute ruin looking at him with steadfast
and unpitying eyes. Two days he bore this, and then
he blew his brains out! None can be false to our cause
and prosper." (Nesta Webster, Secret Societies
and Subversive Movements)
"The Jewish question exists wherever the
Jews live, however small their number. Where it does
not exist it is imported by Jew immigrants. We naturally
go where we are not persecuted, and, still persecution
is the result of our appearance...By persecution we
cannot be exterminated...the strong Jews turn proudly
to their race when persecution bursts out. Entire branches
of Judaism may disappear, break away; the tree lives."
(IsraÇl aux mystÇrieux destins, A. Cavalier
and P. d'Halterive; The Jewish State, Theodore Herzl)
"I believe I understand anti-Semitism which
is a very complex movement. I see it as a Jew, but
without hatred or fear. I recognize what is anti-Semitism
is rude jesting, vulgar jealousy of mÇtier,
hereditary prejudice; but also what can be considered
as in fact legitimate defence." (IsraÇl
aux mystÇrieux destins, A. Cavalier and P. d'Halterive;
The Jewish State, Theodore Herzl)
"The Universal Israelite Alliance...addresses
itself to every type of worship. It wishes to penetrate
all religions, as it has found access to all countries...Let
all men of enlightenment, without distinction of sec,
find a means of union in the Universal Israelite Association,
whose aims are so noble, so broad, and so highly civilizing...To
reach out a friendly hand to all who, although born
in a different worship from ours, offer us the hand
of fellowship, acknowledging that all religions which
are based on morality and acknowledge God ought to
be friendly towards one another: thus to destroy the
barriers separating what is destined one day to be
united, that is the grand supreme object of our Alliance...I
summon to our Association our brethren of every form
of worship. Let them come to us...Our grand mission
is to put the Jewish population in touch with the authorities
in every country...to make our voices heard in the
cabinets of ministers and in the ears of princes, whatever
be the religion that is despised, persecuted, or attacked."
(Archives Israelites Universelle, tom. xxv, pp. 511-520
(1861). Quoted in Rev. S.J. Deschamps, Les SociÇtÇs
SecrÇtes et la SociÇtÇ, p. 24).
"God (the Creative Principle) is bewitched
in the world, and it is his own force that is needed
to find Him. This force (sex-force) must be awakened
within you. Such were the teachings which the Mystic
received before initiation. And now began the great
drama of the world, of which he made a living integral
part. The aim of the drama was nothing less than the
freeing of the hidden God; where is that God? God is
not but Nature is. It is in Nature that he must be
found. For he is enshrouded in her as in an enchanted
tomb." (Dr. Rudolf Stiener, The Trail of the Serpent,
Miss Stoddard, p. 208).
"We incessantly produce average intelligences
who remain without outlet, and who, because of that,
constitute a social danger...The cultivated Jews without
fortune naturally all tend today towards Socialism...Aiming
the peoples anti-Semitism grows from day to day, from
hour to hour, and must continue to grow, for the causes
continue to exist and cannot be suppressed...At the
bottom we become revolutionaries by proletarising ourselves,
and we form the inferior officers of all subversive
parties. At the top, at the same time, grows our formidable
financial power." (IsraÇl aux mystÇrieux
destins, A. Cavalier and P. d'Halterive; The Jewish
State, Theodore Herzl)
"For fifty years I have been a resolute partisan
of assimilation of the Jews, and have believed in it.
Today I confess my error. The American melting-pot
will never produce the fusion of one Jew. Fifty years
ago we were near to assimilating ourselves to the Americans.
But since then two millions of our brother (or three)
have arrived from the East, keeping their ancient traditions,
bringing with them their old ideal. This army has submerged
us. It is the hand of God. The Jew must differentiate
himself from his neighbor; he must know it; he must
be conscious of it; he must be proud of it." (The
Jewish Chronicle, April 28, 1911, M. Schindler, an
American Rabbi).
"During the second revolutionary period
which began in 1830 they showed even more fervor than
during the first. They were moreover directly concerned,
for, in the majority of European states, they did not
enjoy full civic rights. Even those among them who
were not revolutionaries by reason or by temperament
were such by self-interest; in working for the triumph
of liberalism they were working for themselves. There
is no doubt that by their gold, their energy, their
ability, they supported and assisted the European revolution...During
those years their bankers, their industrial magnates,
their poets, their writers, their demagogues, prompted
by very different ideas moreover, strive for the same
end...we find them taking part in the movement of Young
Germany: they were numerous in the secret societies
which formed the ranks of the militant revolution,
in the Masonic lodges, in the groups of Carbonaria,
in the Roman Haute-Vente, everywhere, in France, in
Germany, in Switzerland, in Austria, in Italy."
(L'AntisÇmitisme, (1894) Bernard Lazare; LÇon
de Poncins, The Secret Powers behind Revolution, (1929)).
"We are hostile to strangers, guests in all
countries, and at the same time we find ourselves at
home in all countries when we are masters there."
(Isaac Blumchen, Le Droit de la Race SupÇrieure).
"I do not intend," declares Herzl, "to
provoke a softening of opinion in our favor. It would
be idle, and would lack dignity. I am content to ask
the Jews if, in the countries where we are numerous,
it is true that the position of advocates, doctors,
engineers, professors, and employees of all kinds,
belonging to our race (people), is becoming more and
more intolerable." (Le Droit de la Race SupÇrieure,
Isaac Blumehen).
"The Jew looks upon himself as the Sun of
humanity, the male, opposed to which the other peoples
are but female, manifesting and assuring the coming
of the Messianic era. In order to realize this sociological
manifestation, the Jew organically extends his influence
by means of secret societies created by him in order
to spread everywhere his initiating force...[hoping
to realize] the 'Universal Republic,' controlled by
the God of Humanity, the Jew of the Cabala." (M.
Henri de Guillebert, The Trail of the Serpent, Miss
Stoddard, p. 220).
"[The Jews] fill in proportion, thanks to
their insistence, more posts than the other communities,
Catholic and Protestant. Their disastrous influence
makes itself felt above all in affairs which have most
weight in the fortune of the country; there is no enterprise
in which the Jews have not their large share, no public
loan which they do not monopolize, no disaster which
they have not prepared and by which they do not profit.
It is therefore, ill-considered to complain, as they
always do, they who have all the favors and who make
all the profits!" (Les Juifs (1847), Cerfberr
de Medelsheim; also quoted by Gougenot des Mousseaux
in Le Juif, (1869).
"Freemasonry, Judaism, and Occultism, whose
alliance and reciprocal interpretation no longer require
demonstration." (LÇon de Poncins, The Secret
Powers behind Revolution, (1929)).
"Behind every revolutionary movement throughout
the world there is always some secret organization.
These revolutionary movements in all countries, whatever
the bodies which actually organize them, have always
three primary aims: (a) the abolition of existing constitutions,
whether Monarchist or Republican; (b) the abolition
of private ownership of property; (c) the abolition
of established religion. Sometimes the chief aim is
camouflaged under a pattern of nationalism or of internationalism;
but the attack is always directed ultimately against
these foundations of civilization...The same people
often preach nationalism in Ireland, India, Egypt,
or South Africa, when the effect is to disintegrate
the British Empire...Mr. Geroge Lansbury, the most
prominent figure connected with the Herold newspaper,
and founder of the Herald League, is not only a member
of the Theosophical Society, and, it is said, of the
Co-Masons also, but claims to be of the line of the
prophets of revolt.
In an article in the Daily Herald (November 24, 1921),
on the death of Mr. Hyndman, he describes himself as
a disciple of that gentleman, who in turn was the disciple
of Mazzini. So that here, on his own admission, we
can trace once more the political pedigree of a leading
revolutionary to the Carbonari of the mid-nineteenth
century." (G.G., The Anatomy of Revolution; The
Trail of the Serpent, Miss Stoddard, p. 180).
"...arrived at the Hellenic period I saw
the Jewish people surging before me armed with its
strange and powerful religion, which throws itself
into the conquest of the world. I saw arising face
to face with Hellenism in its splendor, but already
declining, Judaism insinuating, tenacious, and mysterious,
which grew and extended itself over the ancient world
like a pernicious evil which spreads to the detriment
of the body it invades. As the success and then the
victory of the Judaic conceptions have marked the decline
and then the ruin of the ancient world, we are fully
justified in maintaining that the Jews brought absolutely
nothing to ancient civilization except the most powerful
ferment of dissolution." (Le Probläme Juif,"
1921, Georges Batault)
"There is no people in history so narrowly
and so ferociously conservative and traditionalist
as the People of Israel, and its national traditions
are all religious; we find ourselves in the presence
of this unique, strange, and bizarre composition -
a people religion and a religion-people, the two ideas
are inseparable." (Le Probläme Juif,"
1921, Georges Batault)
"The Talmud has been the banner which has
served as a rallying sign to the Jews, dispersed in
diverse countries; it has maintained the unity of Judaism."
(Graetz, History of the Jews).
"Humanity changes, empires arise and fall,
ideals spring up, become resplendent, and are extinguished,
the Jew remains, Judaism remains clothed in its fierce
exclusivism, hoping all from the future, indefatigable,
superhuman, inhuman...A people without land, wandering
nation, dispersed race, they preserve a country, their
religion...ever pursuing the mirage of a golden age,
a new era, a messianic time when the world would live
in joy and peace, subject to Yahweh, serving his Law
under the rule of the sacerdotal people, who had been
prepared by trials for the attainment of this hour...[This]
the most conservative among peoples is justly reputed
as being possessed by a spirit of inextinguishable
revolt...they are eternally unadaptable, and can only
hope for subversion..." (Le Probläme Juif,
1921, Georges Batault)
"Thou knowest how numerous this tribe is,
how united and how powerful in the assemblies. I will
plead in a low voice so that only the judges may hear,
for instigators are not lacking to stir up the crowd
against me, and against all the best citizens. To scorn,
in the interest of the Republic, this multitude of
Jews so often turbulent in the assemblies shows a singular
strength of mind. The money is in the Treasury; they
do not accuse us of theft; they seek to stir up hatreds..."
(Pro Flacco, Cicero).
"More than ever the study of the Jewish problem
is a pressing reality, but...the Jewish question is
also more than ever 'taboo'; one must not speak of
it, still less study it. At most the right to deny
its existence is recognized. Those even who should
be most interested in finding a solution pretend to
solve the problem by abstention or silence which is
considered both a sane method and a high humanitarian
idea...Judaism in its origins and expansions presents
an ensemble of sentiments, notions, and ideas which
are the source of veritable systems, religious, political
and social; one has the right to discuss and contest
these systems." (Le Probläme Juic, (1921),
Georges Batault).
"We suddenly learn, not only that there were
Jews in Rome in great numbers, but that they had political
influence which they exercised to the profit of the
popular party against that of Cicero and the Senate.
Revolutionaries by doctrine, since all messianism declares
that the destruction of all existing order...the Jews
have drawn profit from all revolutionary movements
in history since the fall of the Roman Empire. At the
Renaissance, a time of perpetual uprisings, they lent
money to Princes and merchants, and were well-considered;
again at the Reformation they took advantage of religious
schisms to further their own beliefs. From the Revolution
of 1789 came the emancipation of the Jews in France,
and their principal advocate was Mirabeau, largely
under the influence of Moise Mendelssohn and Dohm;
the revolutions of 1830 and 1848 brought further amelioration
to them." (Le Probläme Juic, (1921), Georges
"The somber destiny of the Russian Empire
was profoundly terrified souls and brought trouble
into the world. The Bolshevik ideology by its nature
and the will of its creatures, is in the first place
international; so that it may have a chance to triumph,
it is not enough to subjugate Russia, it must also
disorganize and subjugate the rest of the world. For
this end the Treasury of Russia, fallen into the hands
of the Moscow tyrants, is placed at the service of
an intense outside propaganda, and the funds are sent
into all countries by clever propaganda agents; if
three-quarters of the Bolshevik staff are Jews, its
agents abroad with rare exceptions are all Jews...It
appears, therefore, that Bolshevism is one of the most
power and actual causes of the universal anti-Semite
movement." (Le Probläme Judic, (1921), Georges
"A bestial tyranny establishes itself over
the peoples weakened by the war. The flood-tide carries
away, in its endless billings, cities, nations, and
parts of continents. Underground it breaks forth through
burst sewers, invading houses, ascending the marble
staircase of the banks, unfurling itself in the columns
of the journals. At every place where the softened
soil appears to yield, it foams, and everywhere it
is the same flood- tide." (Le Livre Proscrit,
Cecile Tormay).
"The existing order is breaking down at a
very rapid rate, and the main uncertainty is whether
mankind can exert a positive role in shaping a new
world order or is doomed to await collapse in a passive
posture. We believe a new order will be born no later
than early in the next century and that the death throes
of the old and the birth pangs of the new will be a
testing time for the human species." (Richard
A. Falk, in an article entitled "Toward a New
World Order: Modest Methods and Drastic Visions,"
in the book "On the Creation of a Just World Order"
"So great are the specific differences between
the three peoples that the mysterious similitude of
events cannot be because of the analogies of race,
but solely the work of the fourth race living among
the others without mixing with them. Among modern nations
the Jewish people is the last representative of ancient
oriental civilization...It weeps over the destroyed
ramparts of Jerusalem and unperceived raises new ones.
It complains of being isolated, and by mysterious ways
it binds together the infinite parts of Jerusalem which
cover the entire universe. Everywhere it has connections
and links which explain how capital and the Press concentrated
in its hands can serve the same plans in all countries
in the world...If it glorifies someone, the latter
is glorified throughout the whole world; if it wishes
to ruin someone, the work of destruction operates as
if a single hand directed it...If it teaches revolt
and anarchy to others, itself it admirably obeys invisible
guides...How did it succeed in dissimulating this world
plan?...They placed in front of them men of the country,
blind, volatile, venal, perverse or stupid, who served
as screens and knew nothing. They then worked in safety,
they the formidable organizers, the sons of the ancient
race (people), who know how to guard a secret."
(Le Livre Proscrit, Cecil Tormay).
"Sow a thought and reap an action; sow an
inaction and reap a habit; sow a habit and reap character;
sow character and reap destiny." (Thackeray)
"Almost all the Russian sects, as they existed
in the time of the rule of the Tsars, and still exist
in the midst of the Bolshevik world of orthodox materialism,
show in their spiritual principles a predominantly
religious-rationalist character. It is true that there
are also a number of brotherhood of orgiastic, mystical
tendencies; but in their rites, religious worship and
articles of faith, a trained psychologist will also
recognize, without difficulty, many of the roots and
first stages of present day Bolshevism...If we pass
in review all these Russian sects we can...establish
a remarkable advance in the form in which they express
the idea of communism, which is fundamental in them
all, the Molokay and the Dukhobors and all the other
rationalist sects confined themselves to proclaiming
a community of earthly possessions (to these, we are
told, Tostoi owed his system of social ethics); but
among the Khlysty we see an advance; love, marriage
and the family have ceased to be a private matter,
and with them we find promiscuous sexual intercourse...
Finally, if we consider that we can hardly be in error
in estimating the number of the members of these sects,
before the Revolution, at about one-third of the total
population of this enormous country, we are bound to
admit that we are here confronted by a phenomenon of
truly elemental power, which must be of the greatest
significance, not only from the religious, but also
from the socio-political point of view. For these rationalistic-
chiliastic (millennium) notions of the Russian sects...soon
forced their way into the higher strata of the Russian
intelligentsia, and even into the world of ideas of
the politicians...Linking up these half-mystical notions
with the modern principles of Marxist materialism,
for it was only by the amalgamation that the whole
was prepared for the Bolshevik revolution." (RenÇ
FÅlîp-Miller, The Mind and Face of Bolshevism
"My country's history, Mr. President, tells
us that it is possible to fashion unity while cherishing
diversity, that common action is possible despite the
variety of races, interests, and beliefs we see here
in this chamber. Progress and peace and justice are
attainable. So we say to all peoples and governments:
Let us fashion together a new world order." (Henry
Kissinger, in address before the General Assembly of
the United Nations, October 1975)).
"At the old Inter-American Office in the
Commerce Building here in Roosevelt's time, as Assistant
Secretary of State for Latin American Affairs under
President Truman, as chief whip with Adlai Stevenson
and Tom Finletter at the founding of the United Nations
in San Francisco, Nelson Rockefeller was in the forefront
of the struggle to establish not only an American system
of political and economic security but a new world
order." (Part of article in the New York Times
(November 1975))
"A New World Order" -- title of article
on commencement address at the University of Pennsylvania
by Hubert H. Humphrey, printed in the Pennsylvania
Gazette (June 1977)
"Further global progress is now possible
only through a quest for universal consensus in the
movement towards a new world order." (Mikhail
Gorbachev, in an address at the United Nations (December
"We believe we are creating the beginning
of a new world order coming out of the collapse of
the U.S.-Soviet antagonisms." (Brent Scowcroft
(August 1990), quoted in the Washington Post (May 1991)).
"We can see beyond the present shadows of
war in the Middle East to a new world order where the
strong work together to deter and stop aggression.
This was precisely Franklin Roosevelt's and Winston
Churchill's vision for peace for the post-war period."
(Richard Gephardt, in the Wall Street Journal (September
"If we do not follow the dictates of our
inner moral compass and stand up for human life, then
his lawlessness will threaten the peace and democracy
of the emerging new world order we now see, this long
dreamed-of vision we've all worked toward for so long."
(President George Bush (January 1991)).
"But it became clear as time went on that
in Mr. Bush's mind the New World Order was founded
on a convergence of goals and interests between the
U.S. and the Soviet Union, so strong and permanent
that they would work as a team through the U.N. Security
Council." (Excerpt from A. M. Rosenthal, in the
New York Times (January 1991)).
"I would support a Presidential candidate
who pledged to take the following steps: ... At the
end of the war in the Persian Gulf, press for a comprehensive
Middle East settlement and for a 'new world order'
based not on Pax Americana but on peace through law
with a stronger U.N. and World Court." (George
McGovern, in the New York Times (February 1991)).
"... it's Bush's baby, even if he shares
its popularization with Gorbachev. Forget the Hitler
'new order' root; F.D.R. used the phrase earlier."
(William Safire, in the New York Times (February 1991)).
"What of the big newspapers of all countries,
controlled directly or influenced indirectly by the
great Jewish capitalists, through intermediaries, editors,
information agencies, or publicity! Try to advertise
in the big Press, or even in so-called national journals
of Paris, London, New York, Vienna or Rome, a publication
which clearly shows the action of Israel and its imperialism,
and you will see what kind of welcome it will receive."
(Les Victoires d'IsraÇl, Roger Lambelin).
"In my opinion, according to the law of defamation
prevalent in this country (U.S.A.), you cannot in any
way participate in the publication of the 'Forces Secrätes
de la RÇvolution' by de Poncins, without incurring
grave legal responsibility with risk of damages...The
personalities and associations criticized are so powerful
in this country that very costly lawsuits would certainly
result from the publication of the book." (Forces
Secrätes de la RÇvolution', LÇon
de Poncins).
"Will posterity believe that, while the Press
has swarmed with inflammatory productions that tend
to prove the blessing of theoretical confusion and
speculative licentiousness, not one writer of talent
has been employed to refute and confound the fashionable
doctrines, nor the least care taken to disseminate
works of another complexion." (June 29, 1789,
Arthur Young, Travels in France and Italy).
"We are interested in stifling the sale of
this book. We believe that this can be best accomplished
by refusing to be stampeded into giving it publicity...The
less discussion there is concerning it the more sales
resistance will be created. We therefore appeal to
you to refrain from comment on this book...It is our
conviction that a general compliance with this request
will sound the warning to other publishing houses against
engaging in this type of venture. (Signed) Richard
E. Gutstadt, Director." (Anti-Defamation League,
Chicago, December 13, 1933, wrote to publishers of
Anglo-Jewish periodicals, concerning a book antagonistic
to Jewish interests; The Conquest of a Continent, Madison
"We look at it objectively with documents
and proofs in hand, giving conclusions authorized by
fifty years of an attentive life, lived with open eyes
in this North Africa, which is, indeed, the most marvelous
laboratory and the best ground on which to follow the
evolution of the Jew...We live in France under the
law of a taboo; that is, of the Jew...Who will say
I exaggerate...in this Algeria where there is no longer
a single journal in which the word Jew can be written
with a capital J...Atheist in the religion of others,
international in the country of others, revolutionaries
in the society of others, but prodigiously jealous
and fiercely conservative in what is their own, their
originality, spirit and race, such during half a century
have the Jews revealed themselves to my attentive eyes...It
is not so much through himself and his deleterious
action that the Jew is dangerous, it is by the examples
he gives, the contagion he exercises, and the spirit
he teaches to the unchained masses deprived of direction
and too much inclined to imitate...Our anti-Semitism,
therefore, is not of violence, disorder or recrimination,
but of clairvoyance, of methodical protection; our
anti-Semitism is of the State, regulations, and laws."
(Le PÇril Juif, Charles Hagel).
"In a general way, if one cannot attribute
to the Jew the whole responsibility of the situation,
economic, political, and social, by which Algeria is
being strangled, it is no exaggeration to recognize
him as morally guilty, for the great part of his rìle
here, still more than elsewhere, has consisted in corrupting,
degrading, and disintegrating." (Le PÇril
Juif, Charles Hagel).
"Reduced to its own resources since France...gave
it financial autonomy and this Colonial Parliament,
at first consultative and then deliberative, of the
Financial Delegations...Algeria is incapable of assuring
by its own resources the crushing expense of the first
establishment of administration and upkeep which falls
upon it. The economic equipment is too heavy because
of the immensity of its territory and the insignificance
of its population...At present the fellah has no longer
anything but his dried skin stretched upon his bones,
and he must pay the contracts, the banks, and above
all the Jew." (Le PÇril Juif, Charles Hagel).
"There is a Jewish question, and this terrible
race means, not only to master one of the greatest
warrior nations in the world, but it means, and is
consciously striving to enter the lists against the
other great race of the north (Russians), the only
one that has hitherto stood between it and its goal
of world power. Am I wrong? Tell me. For already England
and France are, if not exactly dominated by Jews, very
nearly so, while the United States, by the hands of
those whose grip they are ignorant of, are slowly but
surely yielding to that international and insidious
hegemony. Remember that I am half a Jew by blood, but
that is all I have power to be, I am not." (The
Hapsburg Monarchy, Wickham Steed).
"Then Karolyi came and prepared the way for
Bolshevism in the education of Hungary's younger generation.
The mass appointment of Jewish Masonic professors and
teachers; the Bolshevik reform of school books; the
destruction of the souls of the children; the degradation
of parental authority; the systematic destruction of
moral and patriotic principles; the revelation of sexual
matters; all these were the work of Karolyi's Government."
(An Outlaw's Diary, Cecile de Tormay).
"The Royal Government of Hungary has, as
the whole world knows, dissolved Hungarian Freemasonry
because some of the members of this organization have
taken part in the preparation of the October revolution
and the work of systematic destruction which has taken
place against the interests of the people and State
of Hungary. There were, according to the investigators,
among these people men who, in this country, were representatives
or agents of Jewish tendencies having in view universal
domination, and who have dreamed in the silence of
secrecy to lull to sleep national sentiment so as to
make an anti-national doctrine triumph, which is foreign
to us but dear to them...Although the decision on the
fate of Hungarian Masonry is the business of the Interior
order, in my opinion, Your Excellency would render
a great service to the country by enlightening the
foreigner on this question, and another, connected
with it, the Jewish question, so that the foreigner
does not form erroneous ideas on the measures taken
in view of the defence of the religion and morality
of the people and nation." (LÇon de Poncin's
book La Dictature des Puissances Occultes).
"In the U.S.S.R. Judaism and Christianity
have been buried together. They sleep in the common
grave reserved for all religions. The Communists have
made no difference between cults...Their philosophy
was scientific materialism, they denied the value of
all religion, thus they struck at Judaism as at all
religions. It is forbidden to give religious instruction
to children under eighteen. At school it is explained
to the pupils that they will betray the revolution
if they put foot within the church or synagogue. With
the result that the synagogues are empty...Zionism
is banned. To the Communist Zionism is doubly reprehensible,
first because they believe it to be in the service
of Zionism is severely punished; Zionists have been
imprisoned, exiled, and even shot. The suppression
of Zionism and of religion (continues the editor) was
a great tragedy for the Jewish spirit... The children,
victorious, pursue their object (Communism) with the
certainty of having chosen a superior mode of Life."
(L'Universe-israÇlite, September 7-14, 1934).
"The fact that anti-Semitism was made a criminal
offense in Bolshevia does not prove philo-Semitism;
on the contrary, one might reason logically thus: Jew-hatred
is so rampant in the country that the authorities were
compelled to put the offense in the same category as
counter-revolution, which is the most severely punished
crime in Soviet Russia, for otherwise they would be
unable to suppress the tendency." (The Patriot).
"Some years ago a Jewish financier was reproached
for pouring millions of dollars into Soviet Russia.
'Have you,' he tersely retorted, 'ever visualized in
your mind what would happen to our brethren in Russia
should - God forbid - the Soviet rÇgime collapse?
the retaliatory measures would be terrible, apart form
the outbursts of the a vengeful populace.' The fact
remains that in Russia anti-Semitism obtains now in
the same degree as in the Czarist days with the sole
difference that now it is driven underground, which
aggravates the malady." (The Patriot).
"It is quite evident that the key of the
solution of this hoary problem lies in finding ways
how to overcome the obstacles of the formidable, both
numerically and energetically, revolutionary section
of Jewry." (The Patriot).
"World War II was fought for the abolition
of racial exclusiveness, equality of nations and the
integrity of their territories, liberation of enslaved
nations and restoration of their sovereign rights,
the right of every nation to arrange its affairs as
it wishes, economic aid to nations that have suffered
and assistance to them in attaining their material
welfare, restoration of democratic liberties, and destruction
of the Hitlerite regime." (Stalin in a speech
on November 28, 1942, on the 25th anniversary of the
October Revolution; War! War! War!, Cincinnatus, Foreword
by Eustace Mullins)
"I found so many Jews and speculators here
trading in cotton, and sessionists had become so open
in refusing anything but gold, that I have felt myself
bound to stop it. The gold can have but one use - the
purchase of arms and ammunition...Of course, I have
respected all permits by yourself or the Secretary
of Treasury, but in these new cases (swarms of Jews)
I have stopped it. The cotton speculators are quite
clamorous for aid in getting their cotton away from
Middleburg, Hickory Valley, etc., and offer to pay
liberally for the service. I think I can bring it away
with safety, and make pay to the government. As some
of the Jew owners have as good as stolen the cotton
from the planters, I have no conscientious scruples
in making them pay liberally to take it away."
(General W.T. Sherman, in a letter written from Memphis,
July 30, 1862).
"Give order to all the conductors on the
road that no Jews are to be permitted to travel on
the railroad from any point. They may go north and
be encouraged in it; but they are such an intolerable
nuisance that the department must be purged of them."
(Grant writing to General Webster at Jackson, on November
10, 1862).
"I have long since believed that in spite
of all the vigilance that can be infused into post
commanders, the specie regulations of the Treasury
Department have been violated and that mostly by Jews
and other unprincipled traders. So well satisfied have
I been of this that I instructed the commanding officer
at Columbus to refuse all permits to Jews to come south,
and I have frequently had them expelled from the department,
but they come in with their carpet-sacks in spite of
all that can be done to prevent it. The Jews seem to
be a privileged class that can travel anywhere. They
will land at any wood yard on the river and make their
way through the country. If not permitted to buy cotton
themselves they will act as agents for someone else,
who will be at a military post with a Treasury permit
to receive cotton and pay for it in Treasury notes
which the Jew will buy up at an agreed rate in gold."
(Grant, addressed the Assistant Secretary of War, C.P.
Wolcott, December 17, 1862, from the Headquarters of
the Thirteenth Army Corps at Oxford, Mississippi).
"The Jews, as a class violating every regulation
of trade established by the Treasury Department and
also department orders, are hereby expelled from the
Department within twenty-four hours from the receipt
of this order. Post commanders will see that all of
this class of people be furnished passes and required
to leave, and any one returning after such notification
will be arrested and held in confinement until an opportunity
occurs of sending them out as prisoners, unless furnished
with permit from headquarters. No passes will be given
these people to visit trade headquarters for the purpose
of making personal application for trade permits."
(General Order No. 11, By order of Maj. General U.S.
Grant, Jno. A. Rawlins, Assistant Adjutant-General,
Commander of the Thirteenth Army Corps, Department
of Tennessee).
"Refuse all permits to come south of Jackson
for the present. The Israelites (Jews) especially should
be kept out..." (Series One, Vol. XVII, Part II,
of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate
Armies, from Major General U.S. Grant to Major General
Hurlburt, then stationed at Jackson, Tennessee. Writing
at La Grange, Tennessee, November 9, 1862, p. 330).
"The Jews are a Distinct Nationality regardless
of where they live, their station in life or their
shades of belief, and his clarion call to all the Jews
in the world to 'organize, organize, organize,' until
every Jew in America must stand up and be counted -
counted with us - or prove himself, wittingly or unwittingly,
of the few who are against their own people."
(From and address delivered in June, 1915, before the
Eastern Council of the Central Conference of Reform
Rabbis, by Justice Louis D. Brandeis).
"The dispersion of the Jews has rendered
them a cosmopolitan people. They are the only cosmopolitan
people, and in this capacity must act, and are acting,
as a solvent of national and racial differences. The
great Ideal of Judaism is not that Jews shall be allowed
to flock together one day in some hole-and-corner fashion,
for, if not tribal, at any rate separatist objects;
but that the whole world shall be imbued with Jewish
teachings, and that in a Universal Brotherhood of Nations,
a great Judaism, in fact, all the separate races and
religions shall disappear...The new Constitution of
the [Jewish] Board of Deputies marks an epoch in the
history of that important institution...The real importance
of the new Constitution is...that it provides a machinery
for enabling the Jews of England to work together when
the occasion requires, that in short it organizes the
Jews of the whole Empire, and renders their aggregate
force available in cases of emergency." (Jewish
World, February 9 and 16, 1883).
"But either Europe will be recognized on
a revolutionary basis or it will not survive. Once
the sovereign State is no longer recognized, once international
laws control and limit the sovereignty of the States,
the way will be paved for real safeguards of citizens'
rights and of the rights of minority groups. The whole
conception of majorities and minorities may get a different
aspect...You are not only the strongest Jewry of the
world numerically, not only the most powerful Jewry
of the world politically, socially and economically...The
same applies to American Jewry within the more limited
field of its possibilities and tasks, if it will be
dominated by the feeling of solidarity with European
Jewry, realizing that its future is linked up with
the future of European Jewry because we are one people."
(In an address of Dr. Nahum Goldmann, a British Rabbi,
Chairman of the Administrative Committee of the World
Jewish Congress, reported in the New York Times, February
11, 1940).
"It seems to me that it is principally with
Mr. Neufville we have to do; and tho' I believe him
to be as much a Jew as any in Jerusalem, I did not
expect that with so many and such constant Professions
of Friendship for the United States with which he loads
all his Letters, he would have attempted to enforce
his Demands (which I doubt not will be extravagant
enough) by a Proceeding so abominable." (The Writings
of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 8, The MacMillian Co., p.
"...in later times Gnosis was the name given
to what Porphyry calls Antique and Oriental Philosophy
to distinguish it from the Grecian systems. But the
term was first used (according to Matter) in its ultimate
sense of supernal and celestial (cosmic) knowledge,
by the Jewish philosophers of the celebrated Alexandrian
School. A very characteristic production of this Jewish
Gnosis has come down to our time in the Book of Enoch,
of which the main subject is to make known the description
of the heavenly bodies and their correct names are
revealed to the Patriarch by the angel of Uriel. This
profession betrays of itself the main source from which
the inspiration was derived." (Secret Sects of
Syria, Mason Springett)
"Among the early nations a wild enthusiasm
and a sensual idolatry of nature soon superseded the
simple worship of the Almighty God...The great powers
and elements of nature and the vital principle of production
and procreation through all generations; then the celestial
spirits or heavenly host, the luminous armies of the
stars, and the great Sun and mysterious, ever-changing
Moon (all of which the whole ancient world regarded,
not as mere globes of light or bodies of fire, but
as animated living substances, potent over man's fate
and destinies); next the genii and tutelar spirits,
and even the souls of the dead, received divine worship..the
heavens, earth, and the operations of nature were personified;
the good and bad principles personified became also
objects of worship." (Morals and Dogmas, Albert
"The sources of our knowledge of the kabalistic
doctrines are the books of Yetzirah and Zohar, the
former drawn up in the second century, and the latter
a little later; but they contain materials much older
than themselves...In them, as in the teachings of Zoroaster,
everything that exists emanates from a source of infinite
Light." (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma).
"Alexandrian Jewish Philosophers, were ardent
propagandists, eager to make proselytes, and for this
purpose endeavored to adapt Judaism to Hellenism, persuaded
that without the law and without Israel to practice
it, the world would cease to be, the world would be
happy only when subject to this universal Law, that
is, to the empire of the Jew." (Le Probläme
Juif, Georges Batault)
"Have we to fear the great part of the nation
which knows not our projects, and would not be disposed
to lend us their support?...If they disapprove of them,
it will be only timidly, without clamor. For the rest,
does the nation know what it wants? We will make it
want and say what it has never thought of...The nation
is a large herd which thinks only of browsing, and
which, with good dogs, the shepherds lead at will...One
will have to impose upon the bourgeoisie who sees nothing
to lose, but all to gain by the change. To stir it
up one has the most powerful motives: poverty, hunger,
money, rumors of alarm and fear, the frenzy of terror
and rage with which we will strike their minds...What
will we do with all this people while muzzling their
principles of honesty and justice? Good men are feeble
and timid; it is the blackguards who are determined.
It is advantageous to people during revolutions to
have no morals...there is not a single one of our old
virtues which can serve us...All that is necessary
for revolution, all that is useful to it is just -
that is the great principle." (Memories by Marmontel;
The Trail of the Serpent, Inquire Within, Miss Stoddard,
p. 73).
"There is no race in the world more enigmatic,
more fatal, and, therefore, more interesting than the
Jews. Every writer who, like yourself, is oppressed
by the aspect of the present and embarrassed by his
anxieties for the future must try to elucidate the
Jewish question and its bearing upon our age. For the
question of the Jews and their influence on the world,
past and present, cuts to the root of all things."
(World Significance of the Russian Revolution, 1920,
George Pitt-Rivers, by the Jew, Dr. Oscar Levy, The
Trail of the Serpent, Inquire Within, Miss Stoddard,
p. 91).
"It is essential to isolate the man from
his family and cause him to lose his morals...He loves
the long talks of the cafe, the idleness of the shows.
Entice him, draw him away, give him any kind of importance,
teach him discreetly to tire of his daily work, and
in this way...after having shown him how tiresome all
duties are, inculcate in him the desire for another
existence. Man is born a rebel. Stir up his desire
for rebellion as far as the fire, but let not the conflagration
burst out! It is a preparation for the great work which
you must begin. When you have insinuated in several
minds the distaste of family and religion, let drop
certain words which will incite the desire to become
affiliated to the nearest lodge. This vanity of the
bourgeois to identify himself with Freemasonry has
something so banal and so universal that I am ever
in admiration before human stupidity..." (Letter
to the Jews Nubius and Petit-Tigre or Piccolo-Tigre,
dated January 18, 1822, from the superior agents of
the Piedmontese Vente).
"...We aspire to corrupt in order to attain
to govern...We have corrupted too much...I begin to
fear that we will not be able to stem the torrent we
have let loose. There are insatiable passions of which
I did not guess, unknown appetites, savage hatreds
which ferment around and under us...It has been very
easy to pervert; will it also always be easy to muzzle
the perverts?...I am disturbed, for I am getting old,
I have lost my illusions, I do not wish, poor and deluded
of everything to assist as a theatrical supernumerary
in the triumph which I have created and which would
repudiate me by confiscating my fortune and taking
off my head. We have gone too much to the extreme in
many things. We have taken from the people all the
gods of heaven and earth which had their homage. We
have torn from them their religious faith, their faith
in monarchy, their honesty and their family virtues,
and we hear in the distance their sinister roarings.
We tremble, for the monster may devour us...The world
is cinched on the declivity of democracy, and for some
time for me democracy has meant demagogy.
"From Ptolemy Philadelphus until the middle
of the third century the Alexandria Jews, with the
object of maintaining and strengthening their propaganda,
devoted themselves to an extraordinary work of falsification
of real texts as a support for their cause. The verses
of AEschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, of the pretended
Oracles of Orpheus, preserved in Aristobulus and the
Stromata of Clemens of Alexandria, thus celebrated
the One God and the Sabbath. Historians were falsified,
still more they attributed entire works to them, and
it is thus that they placed a History of the Jews under
the name of HÇcatee d'Abdäre. The most
important of these inventions was that of the Sibylline
Oracles, fabricated entirely by the Alexandrian Jews,
which announced the future era, when the reign of One
God would eventuate. The Jews even attempted to ascribe
to themselves Greek literature and philosophy. In a
commentary on the Pentateuch which Eusebius has preserved
to us. Aristobulus endeavored to show how Plato and
Aristotle had found their metaphysical and ethical
ideas in an old Greek translation of the Pentateuch."
(L'AntisÇmitisme, Benard Lazare)
"Manichaean doctrines were thus being diffused
during the period when the Templars were at the height
of their prosperity and power, and King devotes several
pages of his work to a consideration of the close resemblance
between these Orders. Gnosticism, he points out, in
one shape or another, was still surviving on the very
headquarters of the Order, among their closest allies
or enemies, the mountaineers of Syria." (Secret
Sects of Syria, Springett; The Trail of the Serpent,
Miss Stoddard, p. 33-34)
"There are a certain number of people who
have arrived at the highest degree of imposture. They
have conceived the project of reigning over opinions,
and of conquering, not kingdoms, nor provinces, but
the human mind. This project is gigantic, and has something
of madness in it, which causes neither alarm nor uneasiness;
but when we descend to details, when we regard what
passes before our eyes of the hidden principles, when
we perceive a sudden revolution in favor of ignorance
and incapacity, we must look for the cause of it; and
if we find that a revealed and known system explains
all the phenomena which succeed each other with terrifying
rapidity, how can we not believe it?...Observe that
the members of the Mystical Confederation are numerous
enough in themselves, but not relatively so to the
men they must deceive...Indeed, to realize this proportion
one must get a just idea of the force of combined man
(was not Mazzini's cry 'Associate, Associate'?). A
thread cannot raise a pound's weight, a thousand threads
will raise the anchor of a ship...also man is a feeble
being, imperfect...but if several men mix together
half-qualities they temper and strengthen each other...the
weak yield to the stronger, the most skilful draw from
each what he can supply. Some watch while others act,
and this formidable ensemble arrives at its goal, whatever
it may be...It was according to this that the sect
of the Illuminati was formed. One cannot, it is true,
either name its founders or prove the epochs of its
existence, or mark the steps of its growth, for its
essence is the secret; its acts take place in darkness,
its evasive Grand Priests are lost in the crowd. However,
it has penetrated sufficient things to astonish and
draw the attention of observers, friends of humanity,
to the mysterious steps of the sectaries." (Essai
sur la secte des IlluminÇs (1879), Mason de
"The exegesis which consists in distorting
texts in order to bring out of them what they desired
is the only 'science' which can be traced to the Jews.
It became in the hands of the Judeo-Alexandrians, a
formidable arm which, by the perfidious force of their
veiled lies, enrolled Hellenism, in spite of itself,
into the service of the excelusivism and the religious
proselytism of the Israelites. The attempt to 'Judaise'
Hellenism, which today appears to us so perfectly absurd
and disastrous, has had, nevertheless, the result of
obscuring the intelligence of humanity for hundreds
of years." (Le Probläme Juif, Georges Batault)
"Besides the Freemasons, there rose up a
kindred association, the 'Order of the Illuminati,'
which from the very beginning, was intended as an anti-Jesuit
organization. Its founder, Weishaupt, a professor of
Ingolstadt, heartily hated the Jesuits, and formed
his league of Illuminati with the express intention
'of using for good ends the means which the Jesuit
order had employed for bad'; this means consisted mainly
in the introduction of an obligation of unconditional
obedience, reminiscent of Loyola's Constitutions; of
a far-reaching mutual surveillance among the membership
of the order; and a kind of auricular confession, which
every inferior had to make to his superior." (The
Power and Secret of the Jesuits (1930), FÅlîp-Miller;
The Trail of the Serpent, Miss Stoddard, p. 68-69).
"Equality and liberty are the essential rights
which man in his original and primitive perfection
received from nature. The first attack upon this equality
was made by property; the first attack upon liberty
was made by political societies or Governments; the
sole supports of property and Governments are the religious
and civil laws. Therefore, to establish man in his
primitive rights of equality and liberty, we must begin
by destroying all religion, all civil society, and
finish by abolishing property. These few lines indicate
the root idea of Masonry and all secret societies;
the germ is found in the symbolic grades, it is scientifically
developed in the high grades, and brutally realized
in the communism of the International and the anarchism
of Bakunin and Socialist democracy." (Adam Weishaupt,
The Trail of the Serpent, Miss Stoddard, p. 80).
"Weishaupt aimed at nothing less than the
complete overthrow of authority, nationality, and the
whole social system, in a word, the suppression of
property...As to his principle, it was absolute and
blind obedience, universal espionage, the end justifies
the means. This system of conspiracy so strongly organized
which would have upheaved the world, spread through
Germany, where it seized almost all the Masonic Lodges.
Weishaupt sent to France Joseph Balsamo, so-called
Comte Cagliostro, to illuminize French Masonry. Finally
he assembled a Congress at Wilhelmsbad in 1782, to
which he convoked all German and foreign lodges...In
1785 the Illuminati were revealed to the Bavarian Government,
who, terrified, appealed to all Governments, but the
Protestant Princes showed little haste in suppressing
it. Weishapt found refuge with the Prince de Saxe-Gotha.
He had for the rest taken great care not to tell everything
to the Princes, or even to many of his initiates; he
had hidden from them the appeal to the force of the
masses; he had hidden from them the Revolution."
(Masonic report, l'Ordre de Nantes, April 23, 1883;
Marie-Antionette et le Complot Maáonnique (1910),
Louis DastÇ; The Rìle of Freemasonry
in the XVIIIth Century, F ... Bruneliäre; The
Trail of the Serpent, Miss Stoddard, p. 70-71).
"The Bund, or General Union of the Jewish
Workers, was founded in 1897. It is a political and
economic association of the proletarian Jews...It carried
on active propaganda in Yiddish...[it] served as model
to those who fought for liberty and were pioneers of
the Russian Revolution. There was not a political organization
in the vast Empire which was not influenced by the
Jews or directed by them, the Social-Democrats, the
Revolutionary Socialist parties, and the Polish Socialist
Party, all had Jews among their directors..."
(The Pioneers of the Russian Revolution (1918), Poale
Sion; The Trail of the Serpent, Miss Stoddard, p. 106).
Jackie Kennedy was Jewish. From the New York Post,
Wednesday, November 9, 1995: "Jackie Jewish? Don't
ask Gore: The Kennedy clan may want to shout 'Mazel
tov!' when John Jr. finally gets hitched, given the
ethnic surprise buried deep inside Gore Vidal's much-hyped
autobiography. For any reader sturdy enough to make
it to the end of 'Palimpsest: A Memoir,' Vidal stuns
students of Jackie Kennedy Onasis by claiming her mother,
Janet was Jewish. Janet, who had Jackie with her husband
John 'Black Jack' Bouvier, eventually divorced him
and married Hugh Auchincloss, who was also Vidal's
In the book, after offering a couple of tasteless Jackie
details early on, such as how she taught post-sex feminine
hygiene to Vidal's half-sister Nina, Vidal offhandedly
writes on page 372, 'One should note that the first
Hughdie's (Hugh Dudley Auchincloss) three high-powered
wives was Russian, the second my mother, the third
Jackie's mother, Janet, born Lee or, as my mother used
to observe thoughtfully, Levy.' Vidal continues, 'Apparently,
Janet's father had changed his name in order to become
the first Jew to be a vice president of the Morgan
bank. My mother wondered how Hughdie, a quiet but sincere
anti-Semite, would respond when he found out.' As for
Janet Lee, he writes she used to say she was 'of the
Virginia Lees'...until the real Lees ordered her to
shut up.'...
"The real author of the Five-Years' Plan,
Kaganovitz, is a Jew, and what is more, a great favorite
of Stalin." (Jewish World, June 25, 1931)
"It is well to observe that in April 1917,
the Judeo-Mason and financier of Wall Street, Jacob
Schiff, head of the firm of Kuhn Loeb and Co., had
publicly boasted of having had a share inthe Russian
Revolution." (Le Temps de la Coläre (1932),
R. Vallery-Radot)
"Kings, nobles, the aristocracy of money,
employees of the police or of the administration, priests,
and permanent armies are the enemies of mankind. Against
them one has every right and every duty. All is permitted
to annihilate them: violence, ruse, shot and shell,
poison, and the dagger; the end sanctifies the means."
(L'Allance humanitaire universelle; The Trail of the
Serpent, Miss Stoddard, p. 107).
"Alexandria, newly built, was colonized by
the Jews, who came in crowds to people the new town.
The result was a mixture of men of different nations
and religions, who gave rise to several philosophical
and religious associations. Platonism was publicly
taught by the Greeks in Alexandria, it was eagerly
received by the Alexandrian Jews, who communicated
it to the Jews of Judea and Palestine...In Egypt and
Judea, before the commencement of Christianity the
philosophy of Pythagoras and Plato had thrust deep
roots among the Jews, which gave rise to the dogmas
of the Essenes, Therapeuts, Sadducees, Carpocratians,
Cabalistic-Gnostics, Basilideans, and Manichaeans;
all these dogmatists adapted part of the doctrine of
the Egyptian Magi and Priests of the above philosophy.
They spread in time into Asia, Africa, and Europe.
These different Jews preserved the mysteries of the
Temple of Solomon with the allegory of the Grand Architect,
who was the Jewish Messiah, an idea still preserved
by the Jew today." (Reghellini de Schio, in 1833)
"By this time, I fancy, your Excellency is
satisfied that I was wrong in supposing J. de Neufville
as much a Jew as any in Jerusalem, since Jacob was
not content with any per cents, but took the whole
of his Brother Esau's Birthright, and his Posterity
did the same by the Canaanites, and cut their Throats
into the Bargain; which, in my Conscience, I do not
think Mr. J. de Meufville has the least Inclination
to do by us, while he can get anything by our being
alive." (The Writings of Benjamin Franklin, Vol.
8, The MacMillian Co., p. 345).
"The Kassideans or Assideans...arose either
during the Captivity or soon after the restoration...The
Essenians were, however, undoubtedly connected with
the Temple (of Solomon), as their origin is derived
by the learned Scalier, with every appearance of truth,
from the Kassideans, a fraternity of Jewish devotees,
who, in the language of Laurie, had associated together
as 'Knights of the Temple of Jerusalem.'...From the
Essenians Pythagoras derived much, if not all, of the
knowledge and the ceremonies with which he clothed
the esoteric school of his philosophy." (Lexicon
of Freemasonry, Albert G. Mackay, Secretary-General
of the Supreme Council 33o for the Southern Jurisdiction).
"The Cabal is of two kinds, theoretical and
practical, with the practical Cabala, which is engaged
in the construction of talismans and amulets, we have
nothing to do. The theoretical is divided into the
lineal and dogmatic. The dogmatic is nothing more than
the summary of the metaphysical doctrine taught by
the Cabalist doctors. It is, in other words, the system
of the Jewish philosophy." (Albert Mackay, Lexicon
of Freemasonry).
"To you, Mr. President (Franklin D. Roosevelt),
we say: Neither you nor any of your (Jewish) Roosevelt
ancestors has ever fought in any war for America, notwithstanding
they have lived in and off New York City, since Colonial
days, as big merchants and money-changers. We tell
you we want to live and be happy, to delve, to work,
to succeed, to fail, to fall, to rise, to know the
uses of adversity, to 'treat the blows of circumstance,'
to have our homes, however humble; to provide for our
wives and children, to rear our sons, to aid and comfort
our sick, poor and helpless without regard to race,
creed or color, to serve Christ and country free from
Europe's incessant strife, to seek the pathways of
the just, to do our bit for humanity and America, and
to defend our native land to the last drop of blood;
but we and our posterity demand freedom from tribal
wars on foreign soil and the right to have our say
as to whether we die on the Rhine and become Europe's
cannon fodder. We deny your right by sly parallel understandings
and secret negotiations, aided by press, radio, war-mongers,
fellow travelers and foreign scum, who have become
our arrogant, demanding guests, to traffic in our blood,
birthright and security. 'Lord, God of Hosts, be with
us yet, lest we forget - lest we forget.'" (Cincinnatus,
War! War! War!, p. 8)
"Israel's shooting down of a civilian airplane
and then the killing of 107 innocent peopel aboard,
and their raid into neutral Lebanon are very dangerous
developments. There's only one way I can see to stop
it...is for the United States to take a very strong
stand that this has to be settled...politically settled."
(William J. Fulbright).
"It is true that there is a distinct 'Jewish
idea' in business and professional life which has eaten
away the traditional principles of honor on which Anglo-Saxon
life was erected. Every Jew knows that, every non-Jew
knows it...It is true that beneath all the network
of trivializing influences in literature, art, politics,
economics, fashion, and sports, is Jewish influence
controlled by Jewish groups. Their Orientalism has
served as a subtle poison to dry up the sound serum
of Anglo-Saxon morality on which this country thrived
in its formative years." (The International Jew:
The World's Foremost Problem, Vol. IV, pp. 224-225).
"The doctrines which the Jews have been spreading
throughout the lands for years could not but have helped
to undermine the Church's power." (A Program for
the Jews and Humanity, Rabbi Harry Waton, p. 272).
"So against both the Albigenses and Huguenots
this (Jewish) pope now directed all his fury...The
beautiful city of Beziers was razed to the ground.
'We spared neither dignity, nor sex nor age' writes
the monk. Arnold, to his Holy Father, the pope. 'Nearly
twenty thousand human beings perished by the sword.
And after the massacre the town was plundered and burnt,
and the revenge of God seemed to rage over it in a
wonderful manner." (A Program for the Jews and
Humanity, Rabbi Harry Waton, p. 224).
"Well, we have the leverage in the sense that
we supply all the wherewithal...or a major part of
the wherewithal to finance or to pay for everything
Israel does. We don't have any leverage in the sense
that Israel controls the Senate. The Senate is at least...a
subservient, in my opinion, much too much. We should
be more concerned about the United States' interest,
rather than doing the bidding of Israel. This is a
most unusual development." (Senator William J.
But almost always conversion on these terms was only
outward and false. Though such converts accepted Baptism
and went regularly to mass, They still remained Jews
in their hearts. They were called Marranos, 'Accursed
Ones,' and there were perhaps a hundred thousand of
them. Often they possessed enormous wealth. Their daughters
married into the noblest families, even into the blood
royal, and their sons sometimes entered the Church
and rose to the highest offices. It is said that even
one of the popes (Pope Leo X, Pope Clement VII was
just two of them, as related in Philip II, William
Thomas Walsh) was of this Marrano stock." (A Program
for the Jews and Humanity, Rabbi Harry Waton, p. 234-235).
i ibn Shaprut, who was foreign minister to Abd-al-Rahman,
Sultan of Cordova, in his letter to King Joseph of
the Chazars (about 960 A.D.)...speaks of the tradition
according to which the Chazars once dwelt near the
Seir Mountains [The 'Seir Mountains' are none other
than the original land of Esau-Edom - 'Thus dwelt Esau
in mount Seir: Esau is Edom.' {Genesis 36:8}. Seir
was a mountain range sought of the Dead Sea and was
also known as the 'land of Edom' {Genesis 36:21}. The
Seir mountains were the home of the Edomites for nearly
a millennium {The Edomites arrived in Edom or Seir
at the end of the 14th and beginning of the 13th century
B.C. Encyclopedia Judaica, Vol. 6, p. 372} Thus we
have it from Jewish sources that the Khazars originally
'dwell near the Seir Mountains' so are racially of
Edomite stock. But how and when did Edomites get to
Khazaria? There is evidence that in the 6th century
B.C., some of the Edomites fled their homeland of Seir
and migrated north, 'After the fall of Jerusalem, in
586 B.C., the Edomites began to press northward {Ezekiel
36:5} {The New Westminster Dictionary of the Bible,
ed. by Henry S. Gehman, The Westminster Press, Philadelphia,
1970, p. 418}]." (The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol.
IV, (1905), p. 3).
"John Hyrcanus conquered the whole of Edom
and undertook the forced conversion of its inhabitants
to Judaism (Joseph., Ant. XIII, 9, 1). Thenceforth
the Edomites became a section of the Jewish people."
(Encyclopedia Judaica, Vol. 6, (1971), p. 378; The
New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia (1977), p. 589).
"Thus, at this juncture of time the Edomites
'were incorporated with the Jewish nation, and their
country was called by the Greeks and Romans 'Idumea'
(Mark 3:8; Ptolemy, 'Geography,' v. 16)." (The
Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. V. (1904), p. 41).
"...the large majority of surviving Jews
in the world of Eastern European, and thus perhaps
mainly of Khazar origin. If so, this would mean that
their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the
Volga, not from Canaan, but from the Caucasus...and
that genetically they are more closely related to the
Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob." (Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth
Tribe, Random House, 1967, p. 17).
"Immediately before the siege of Jerusalem
20,000 Idumeans appeared before Jerusalem to fight
in behalf of the Zealots who were besieged in the Temple."
(The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. V. (1904), p. 41).
"There is an abundance of ancient place names
in the Ukraine and Poland, which derive from 'Khazar'
or 'Zhid' (Jew)." (Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth
Tribe, Random House, 1967, p. 145).
"Our major vice of old, as of today, is
parasitism. We are a people of vultures living on the
labor and the good nature of the rest of the world...What
a sorry spectacle the Jews makes on this continent
which he pretends to have enriched! Not only does he
fail to contribute any glamor [culture and art] to
the scene. He does not even contribute man-power. He
does not dig wells, plough fields, forge skyscrapers,
lay bricks, cut out trenches, spin wheels, bake dough,
fell trees, pack tin cans, sweep streets, heave coal,
fire furnaces, weave cloth, dig subways, raise ramparts,
wall floods, rivet bridges, hinge gates, or fight fires...Towards
the man-power of America, Jewry contributes only that
which it catches in its own sweatshops, as in so many
rat traps - set by itself. It seems to be part of the
Jew's unwritten code that he should never work. Unless
something happens to change his vision, I venture to
add that he never will, either...I cannot find anything
of value that the Jews have created in their 250 years
residence on the American continent." (Samuel
Roth, Jews Must Live, The Golden Hind Press, New York
(1934), pp. 56, 101, 108).
"The reason these general monopolies are
formed by Jews is that the Jew is international, tenacious
and determined upon reaching the very end of his task.
He is not satisfied in any trade until that trade is,
as far as possible, under his complete control, and
he has for the extension of that control the support
of his brethren throughout the world. He has at the
same time the international knowledge and international
indifference which further aid his efforts. But even
were the quite recent monopolies in metal and other
trades taken, as they ought to be taken, from these
few alien masters of them, there would remain that
partial monopoly...which a few Jews have exercised
not only today, but recurrently throughout history,
over the highest finance; that is, over the credit
of the nations, and therefore today, as never before,
over the whole field of the world's industry."
(Hilaire Belloc, The Jews, p. 94).
"The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom
are Jews and ninety per cent of whom are returned exiles,
care little for Russia or any other country, but are
internationalists, and they are trying to start a world-wide
social revolution." (Russia From the American
Embassy, by David R. Francis, p. 214).
"...the Idumeans (Edomites) were...made Jews...and
a Turkish people (Khazars) were mainly Jews in South
Russia...The main part of Jewry never was in Judea
and had never come out of Judea." (H.G. Wells,
The Outline of History, 3rd ed., MacMillian, 1921,
p. 494).
"...the original mixed ancestry of the Jews
and their subsequent history of intermixture with every
people among whom they have lived and continue to live..."
(Ashley Montagu, Man's Most Dangerous Myth, (1974)
, p. 375).
"The Jews cannot be classed as a 'race' per
se, they are an ethnic group. '...the Jews form an
ethnic group; that like all ethnic groups they have
their own racial elements distributed in their own
proportions; like all or most ethnic groups they have
their 'look,' a part of their cultural heritage that
both preserves and expresses their cultural solidarity...they
have developed a special racial sub-type and a special
pattern of facial and bodily expression." (Carleton
S. Coon, The Races of Europe, The MacMillian Co., N.Y.
(1939), p. 442).
"The genius of the Jew is to live off people;
not off land, nor off the production of commodities
from raw material, but off people. Let other people
till the soil; the Jew, if he can, will live off the
tiller. Let other people toil at trades and manufacturers;
the Jew will exploit the fruits of their work. That
is his peculiar genius." (The International Jew;
The World's Foremost Problem, Dearborn Publishing Co.,
(1921), Vol. II, p. 31).
"The word 'ghetto' is synonymous with the
Jews: 'ghetto, section of a city in which Jews lived.
In the early Middle Ages their segregation in separate
streets or localities was voluntary...The reason generally
given for compulsory ghettos was that the faith of
Christians would be weakened by the presence of Jews.
Within the ghetto the inhabitants were usually autonomous,
with their own courts of law and their own culture."
(The Columbia Encyclopedia, 2nd Ed., (1950), p. 772).
"It was (is) the instinctive policy with
the mass of the Jewish nation, a deliberate policy
with most of its leaders, not only to use ridicule
against anti-Semitism but to label as 'anti-Semitic'
any discussion of the Jewish problem at all, or, for
that matter, any information even on the Jewish problem...If
a man alluded to the presence of a Jewish financial
power in any region, for instance, in India, he was
an anti-Semite. If he interested himself in the peculiar
character of Jewish philosophical discussions, especially
in matters concerning religion, he was an anti-Semite.
If the emigrations of the Jewish masses from country
to country, the vast modern invasion of the United
States, for instance (which has been organized and
controlled like an army on the march), interested him
as an historian, he could not speak of it under pain
of being called an anti-Semite. If he exposed a financial
swindler who happened to be a Jew, he was an anti-Semite.
If he exposed a group of Parliamentarians taking money
from the Jews, he was called an anti-Semite. If he
did no more than call a Jew a Jew, he was an anti-
Semite. You cannot long confuse interest with hatred,
the statement of plain and important truths with mania,
the discussion of fundamental questions with silly
enthusiasm, for the same reason that you cannot long
confuse truth with falsehood. Sooner or later people
are bound to remark that the defendant seems curiously
anxious to avoid all investigation of his case...I
say it was a fatal policy; but it was deliberately
undertaken by the Jews." (Hilaire Belloc, The
Jews, pp. 160-161).
"It has unfortunately now become a habit
for so many generations, that it has almost passed
into an instinct throughout the Jewish body, to rely
upon the weapon of secrecy. Secret societies, a language
kept as far as possible secret, the use of false names
in order to hide secret movements, secret relations
between various parts of the Jewish body: all these
and other forms of secrecy have become the national
method." (Hilaire Belloc, The Jew, p. 99).
"Take the particular trick of false names.
It seems to us particularly odious. We think when we
show our contempt for those who use this subterfuge
that we are giving them no more than they deserve.
It is a meanness which we associate with criminals
and vagabonds; a piece of crawling and sneaking...Men
whose race is universally known, will unblushingly
adopt a false name as a mask, and after a year or two
pretend to treat it as an insult if their original
and true name be used in its place." (Hilaire
Belloc, The Jew, pp. 100, 102).
"When the immigration policies of Israel
were directed toward making a home for refugees, it
was proper to have those activities supported by tax-free
American contributions. The present policies are not
refugee policies. They are the policies inherent to
the Zionist program...an ingathering of the Jews from
all over the earth. Whether they are oppressed or not,
whether they are needy or not, matters not so long
as they are Jews...bring them into the new Zion no
matter what injustices are perpetrated on the former
owners of the land. Not one penny of tax-free American
money should go into this project. In fairness to American
taxpayers, the Treasury must re-examine the tax-free
status of contributions to the United Jewish Appeal."
(Hon. Ralph E. Flanders, former Senator from Vermont,
July 30, 1958, in one of ten speeches before the U.S.
Senate on the middle East Situation).
"London became after Waterloo the money market
and the clearing house of the world ...Every new economic
enterprise of the British state appealed to the Jewish
genius for commerce and especially for negotiation
in its most abstract form - finance...The two things
dovetailed one into the other and fitted exactly, and
all subsidiary activities fitted in as well. The Jewish
news agencies of the nineteenth century favored England
in all her policy, political as well as commercial;
they opposed those of her rivals and especially of
her enemies. The Jewish knowledge of the East was at
the service of England (Opium Wars, Indian Conquest).
His international penetration of the European governments
was also at her service, so was his secret information...The
Jew might almost be called a British agent upon the
Continent of Europe and still more in the Near and
Far East...He was admitted to every institution in
the State, a prominent member of his nation became
chief officer of the English executive, and, an influence
more subtle and penetrating, marriages began to take
place, wholesale, between what had once been the aristocratic
territorial families of this country and the Jewish
commercial fortunes. After two generations of this,
with the opening of the twentieth century those of
the great territorial English families in which there
was no Jewish blood were the exception. In nearly all
of them was the stain more or less marked, in some
of them so strong that though the name was still an
English name and the tradition those of a purely English
lineage of the long past, the physique and character
had become wholly Jewish and the members of the family
were taken for Jews whenever they travelled in countries
where the gentry had not yet suffered or enjoyed the
admixture." (Hilaire Belloc, The Jews, pp. 222-223)
"Political Zionism is an agency of Big Business.
It is being used by Jewish and Christian financiers
in this country and Great Britain, to make Jews believe
that Palestine will be ruled by a descendant of King
David who will ultimately rule the world. What seclusion!
It will lead to war between Arabs and Jews and eventually
to war between Moslems and non-Moslems. That will be
the turning point of history." (Henry H. Klein,
A Jew Warns Jews, (1947)).
"Jewish leaders want world power; nothing
less will do. That they have many Jews believing that
they are the 'chosen' people.' Jews were chosen for
destruction after their leaders caused Jesus to be
executed. All Jews have suffered since. A large part
of the so-called persecution is artificially created
to keep Jews scared and to stimulate cash contributions.
Hundreds of millions of dollars have been extracted
from them in the past 25 years." (Henry H. Kelin,
Jewish Leaders Are Crazy for Power).
"It is the Jews who originated biblical exegesis
(a critical analysis of the Bible), just as they were
the first to criticize the forms and doctrines of Christianity...Truly
has Darmesteter written: 'The Jew was the apostle of
unbelief, and every revolt of mind originated with
him.'" (Bernard Lazare, Antisemitism: It's History
and Causes, London: Britons Publishing Co., 1967, pp.
"The Jewish Idea has a tremendous infiltrating
force and a serious degenerative power. It is a powerfully
disintegrating influence. It eats the substance out
of the civilization which it attacks, destroys its
moral virility, throws don its reverence, saps its
respect for authority, casts a shadow on every basic
principle. This is the way the Jewish idea works in
American civilization...They have built their international
power upon the exact opposite of the Mosaic law."
(The International Jew, Dearborn Publication (1922),
Vol. IV, p. 227).
"The fact is that the Jews were known only
as destroyers in ancient history, not creators. They
have developed no science, have produced no art, have
built no great cities, and alone have no talent for
the finer things of civilized life. The Jews claim
to be the torchbearers of civilization, but thorough
their parasitic habits have deteriorated or destroyed
every nation in which they have existed in large numbers."
(Charles A. Weisman, Who is Esau-Edom?, p. 28).
"There are two life-forces in the world I
know: Jewish and gentile (non-Jewish), ours and yours...I
do not believe that this primal difference between
gentile and Jew is reconcilable. You and we may come
to an understanding, never to a reconciliation. There
will be irritation between us as long as we are in
intimate contact. For nature and constitution and vision
divide us from all of you forever." (Maurice Samuel,
You Gentiles, Harcourt, Brace & Co., New York,
1924, pp. 19, 23).
"The Jews are more subject to diseases of
the nervous system than the other races and peoples
among which they dwell. Hysteria and neurasthenia appear
to be most frequent. Some physicians of large experience
among the Jews have even gone so far as to state that
most of them are neurasthenic and hysterical."
(The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. IX, (1905), p. 225).
"Idiocy and imbecility are found comparatively
more often among Jews than among non-Jews...The Mongolian
type of idiocy is also very frequently observed among
Jews...Among the Jews the proportion of insane has
been observed to be very large...Jews are more liable
to acute psychoses of early age than are non-Jews."
(The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. VI, (1904), p. 556,
"Antipater, an Idumean by birth, was made
by Caesar procurator of all Judea; and his son, commonly
called Herod the Great, was, at the time of Christ's
birth, king of Judea, including Idumea." (The
Popular & Critical Bible Encyclopedia, Vol. II,
p. 852 (1908)).
"Ever since the Jews invented the libel charge
of 'anti-Semitism' in the 1880s (The word 'anti- Semitism'
was first printed in 1880.' The Jewish Encyclopedia,
Vol. I (1901), p. 641), it has been built up with Jewish
money, organizations, propaganda, and lies (such as
the Holocaust- Holohoax), so that now the word is like
snake venom which paralyzes one's nervous system. Even
the mention of the word 'Jew' is shunned unless used
in a most favorable and positive context." (Charles
A. Weisman, Who is Esau-Edom?, p. 63).
"Anti-Semitism is so instinctive that it
may quite simply be called one of the primal instincts
of mankind, one of the important instincts by which
the race helps to preserve itself against total destruction.
I cannot emphasize the matter too strongly. Anti-Semitism
is not, as Jews have tried to make the world believe,
an active prejudice. It is a deeply hidden instinct
with which every man is born. He remains unconscious
of it, as of all other instincts of self preservation,
until something happens to awaken it. Just as when
something flies in the direction of your eyes, the
eyelids close instantly and of their own accord. So
swiftly and surely is the instinct of anti-Semitism
awakened in a man...there is not a single instance
when the Jews have not fully deserved the bitter fury
of their persecutors." (Samuel Roth, Jews Must
Live, (1934), p. 64).
"Judaism: Judaism denotes the Jewish faith
in its extravagant form of blind attachment to rites
and traditions, and national exclusiveness. This must
have been prevalent in the time of Christ, because
of His constant exposure of their formalism and self-assumption,
and because in John's Gospel 'the Jews' is used as
synonymous with opposers of Christ and His teachings."
(The Popular and Critical Bible Encyclopedia, Vol.
II, (1901), p. 999).
"Their (the Jews') religion set them apart
from the rest of the population of the country ...The
whole of ordinary life was conducted on the supposition
that men were members of the same religious body. The
Jews did not fit into this framework and so had to
live a life apart. They were allowed to live only in
certain wards of the larger towns, which were known
as 'Jewries.' They were required also to wear a special
dress or a badge of yellow cloth on the breast. They
were considered to be living in the country not by
common right but by special consent of the king and
under his protection. They were subject, therefore,
not to the common law but to special regulations made
for them by the king or his officers." (Edward
P. Cheyney, A Short History of England, Boston: Ginn
& Company (1919), p. 217).
"The great majority of the Senate of the United
States...somewhere around 80 percent...are completely
in support of Israel, anything Israel wants. This has
been demonstrated time and again, and this has made
it difficult." (Senator William J. Fulbright)
"The Israelis object to an imposed settlement
I don't know what they mean by an imposed settlement.
It's quite obvious, without the all out support by
the United States in money and weapons and so on the
Israelis couldn't do what they've been doing. So we
bear a very great share of the responsibility for the
continuation of this...of this state of warfare."
(Senator William J. Fullbright)
"We see the Jew, then, in business, as promoter,
money-lender, salesman par excellence, the author and
chief instigator of a system of credit by which a nation-wide
usury rises like a Golem (a created monster) with a
million hands on a million throats, to choke the honor
and the freedom-of-movement of a hard-working people."
(Samuel Roth, Jews Must Live, p. 123).
"The constant wars which followed William's
accession had compelled the king to borrow large sums
from the London merchants (Jews). Out of these loans
sprang, first the National Debt, which was destined
to grow, eventually by leaps and bounds, from less
than a million of pounds up to so many hundred millions,
that all thought of ever paying it is now given up.
The second result was the organization of a company
for the management of this colossal debt, the Bank
of England." (D.H. Montgomery, The Leading Facts
of English History, (1893) 2nd Edition, p. 288).
"The financial career of the Rothchilds is
the key to the history of the Jewish Banking in the
nineteenth century...The plan adopted by him of establishing
branches in the more important European capitals, over
which he placed his sons, was followed by other Jewish
banking-houses...the influence of Jews on Banking...was
due to the preliminary advantage given to them by their
international position." (The Jewish Encyclopedia
(1902), Vol. II, p. 492-93) {The other Jewish families
that adopted the Rothschild plan of establishing local
banking branches in European cities include: The Lazards,
Sterns, Speyers, Seligmans, Warburgs and Leob families}.
"If anything, the law should encourage, not
forbid, the intermingling of bloods...But legislation
cannot change the human heart. The only way we can
accomplish that, the only we can achieve a Final Solution
to racial prejudice, is to create a mÇlange
of races so universal that no one can preen himself
on his racial 'purity' or practice the barbarism to
safeguard it. The deliberate encouragement of interracial
marriages is the only way to hasten this process. And
it may be that time is growing short. The dominance
of our world has begun to shift, like cargo in a listing
vessel, from the White races to the colored. The sooner
we adjust to this fact, the better it will be for our
children. For we might well acknowledge, even the most
enlightened of us, that we will never completely eliminate
racial prejudice until we eliminate separate races."
(Rabbi Abraham L. Feinberg, Maclean's Magazine, September
5, 1967).
"The most effective component of Jewish connection
is probably that of media control. It is well known
that American public opinion molders have long been
largely influenced by a handful of powerful newspapers,
including the New York Times, the Washington Post,
and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, owned respectively
by the Sulzbergers, Meyers, and the Pulitzers, (all
Jewish families)." (Alfred Lilienthal, The Zionist
Connection II, (1978), pp. 218-219).
"Jewish Talmudism owes its existence today
to the indifference with which it is regarded... The
Jew is prejudiced against the Bible, doing what he
can to destroy public honor of the Book." (The
International Jew, Vol. III, p. 16).
"...don't kill the farmer, he's too valuable
to us." (Jewish Motto).
"The Second World War is being fought for
the defense of the fundamentals of Judaism." (Statement
by Rabbi Felix Mendlesohn, Chicago Sentinel, October
8, 1942).
"Zionism is the best advertised of all present
Jewish activities and has exerted a greater influence
upon world events than the average man realizes. Because
of the admixture of the religious sentiment, it will
be rather difficult for a certain class of people to
scrutinize modern Political Zionism; they have been
too well propagandized into believing that Political
Zionism and the 'return' promised by the prophets are
the same thing." (The International Jew, Vol.
III, p. 114).
"Zionism is Judaism, and Judaism is unthinkable
without Zionism." (Harper's Encyclopedia of United
States History, Vol. X, "Zionists").
"The modern term Zionism first appeared at
the end of the 19th century, denoting the movement
whose goal was the return of the Jewish people to Erez
Israel (Palestine). It was coined by Nathan Birnbaum
(a Jew) in his journal Selbstemanzipation (April 1,
1890)." (Encyclopedia Judaica, Vol. 16 (1971),
p. 1032).
"It was the Jews who first permitted kings
to maintain costly armies of mercenaries. In Spain,
it was largely the part of Jewish finance that allowed
the king to defeat the Arabs." (Abram Leon, The
Jewish Question, p. 166)
"It was Marxist Jews who were behind the
anti-white 'civil rights' movement in America to breakdown
the natural barrier between the white and colored races.
It was the Jew Joel Spingarn who had founded and headed
the 'National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People' in 1909. After his death his son Arthur headed
the NAACP until 1965. The Vice President was another
Jew, Rabbi Solomon. In 1965 another Jew, Kevie Kaplan,
took over the organization. Two longstanding Jewish
lawyers for the NAACP were Andrew D. Weinberger and
Jack Greenberg." (Weinberger and Greenberg had
filed briefs of amici curiae in the U.S. Supreme Court,
on behalf of the NAACP, to strike down a Virginia statute
which prohibited interracial marriages, in the case
of Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1(1967). Two Jewish
lawyers, Benard S. Cohen and Philip J. Hirschkop argued
the case for the appellants (the interracial couple).
The Virginia law was held to violate the Equal Protection
Clause of the 14th Amendment. The Jews won!). (Charles
A. Weisman, Who is Esau-Edom, p. 107).
"We Jews regard our race as superior to all
humanity, and look forward, not to its ultimate union
with other races, but to its triumph over them."
(Goldwin Smith, Jewish Professor of Modern History
at Oxford University, October, 1981)
"We Jews, we are the destroyers and will
remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet
our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because
we want a world of our own." (You Gentiles, by
Jewish Author Maurice Samuels, p. 155).
"We will have a world government whether
you like it or not. The only question is whether that
government will be achieved by conquest or consent."
(Jewish Banker Paul Warburg, February 17, 1950, as
he testified before the U.S. Senate).
"We will establish ourselves in Palestine
whether you like it or not...You can hasten our arrival
or you can equally retard it. It is however better
for you to help us so as to avoid our constructive
powers being turned into a destructive power which
will overthrow the world." (Chaim Weizmann, Published
in "Judische Rundschau," No. 4, 1920)
"Whoever is in power in Downing Street, whether
Conservative, Radicals, Coalitionist, or Pseudo- Bolshevik,
the international Jews rule the roost. Here is the
mystery of the 'Hidden Hand' of which there has been
no intelligent explanation." (Leo Maxse, writing
in the August issue of the "National Review"
"In the management of the New World we give
proof of our organization both for revolution and for
construction by the creation of the League of Nations,
which is our (Jews) work. Bolshevism is the accelerator,
and the League of Nations is the brake on the mechanism
of which we supply both the motive force and the guiding
power...What is the end? That is already determined
by our mission." (Comte de St. Aulaire)
"Your people are so paranoid, it is obvious
we can no longer permit you to exist. We cannot allow
you to spread your filthy, immoral, Christian beliefs
to the rest of the world. Naturally, you oppose World
Government, unless it is under your Fascist-Christian
control. Who are you to proclaim that your Christian-American
way is the best? It is obvious you have never been
exposed to the communist system. When nationalism is
finally smashed in America. I will personally be there
to fire-bomb your church, burn your Bibles, confiscate
your firearms and take your children away. We will
send them to Eastern Bloc schools and re-educate them
to become the future leaders of a One-World Government,
and to run our Socialist Republic of America. We are
taking over the world and there is nothing you can
do to stop us." (Letter from a Spokane, Washington
Jew to Christian Pastor Sheldon Emry).
"The danger is now so great that I feel it
my duty to call the attention of the British and all
other Governments to the fact that if an end is not
put to Bolshevism in Russia at once the civilization
of the whole world will be threatened. I consider that
the immediate suppression of Bolshevism is the greatest
issue now before the world, not even excluding the
war which is still raging, and unless, as above stated,
Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately, it is
bound to spread in one form or another over Europe
and the whole world, as it is organized and worked
by Jews who have no nationality, and whose one object
is to destroy for their own ends the existing order
of things." (Foreign Relations of the United States:
1918. Russia. (Published by U.S. State Dept.), Vol.
I, pp. 678-9, British White Paper "Russia No.
1, April 1919." p. 6, on "Bolshevism in Russia.").
"Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence
(read that Jewish influence), I conjure you to believe
me, fellow-citizens, the jealousy of a free people
ought to be constantly awake; since history and experience
prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful
foes of republican Government. But that jealousy, to
be useful, must be impartial; else it becomes the instrument
of the very influence to be avoided, instead of a defense
against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation,
and excessive dislike of another, cause those whom
they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve
to veil and even second the arts of influence on the
other. Real Patriots, who may resist the intrigues
of the favorite, are liable to become suspected and
odious; while its tools and dupes usurp the applause
and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.
Why forego the advantages of so peculiar a situation?
Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why,
by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of
Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils
of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor, or
caprice?" (Washington's Farewell Address).
"The public negotiations and secret intrigues
of the English (Jews) and the French (Jews) have been
employed for centuries in every court and country in
Europe. Look back to the history of Spain, Holland,
Germany, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, Prussia, Italy and
Turkey for the last hundred years...all the power of
Europe will be continually maneuvering with us to work
us into the real or imaginary balance of power."
(John Adams)
"The citizens of the United States cherish
sentiments the most friendly in favor of liberty and
happiness...beyond the Atlantic. In the wars of the
European powers in matters relating to themselves we
have never taken any part, nor does it comport with
our policy to do so. It is only when our rights are
invaded or seriously menaced that we resent injuries..."
(President James Monroe).
"Their (Europe's - Jewish) mutual jealousies,
their balance of power, their complicated alliances,
their forms and principles of government are all foreign
to us. They are nations of eternal war. All their energies
are expended in the destruction of the labor, property,
and lives of their people. On our part never had a
people so favorable a chance of trying the opposite
system, of peace and fraternity with mankind, and the
direction of all our means and faculties to the purposes
of improvement instead of destruction...And the system
of government which shall keep us afloat amidst the
wreck of the world will be immortalized in history.
I am so far from believing that our reputation will
be tarnished by our not having mixed in the made contests
of the rest of the world that, setting aside the ravings
of pepper-pot politicians, of whom there are enough
in every age and country,, I believe it will place
us high on the scale of wisdom to have preserved our
country tranquil and prosperous during a contest which
prostrated the honor, power, independence, laws, and
property of every country on the other side of the
Atlantic." (President Thomas Jefferson)
"The political system of the United States
is essentially extra-European. To stand in firm and
cautious independence of all entanglement in the European
system has been a cardinal point of their policy under
every administration of their government from the peace
of 1783 to this day...Every year's experience rivets
it more deeply in the principles and opinions of the
nation." (President John Quincy Adams).
"World War II was a Zionist plot to make
way for the foundation of the Jewish State in Palestine."
(Joseph Burg, an anti-Zionist Jew).
"Even if we Jews are not bodily with you
in the trenches, we are nevertheless morally with you.
This is OUR WAR, and you are fighting it for us."
(Les Nouvelles Litteraires, February 10, 1940).
"Our task is not to tell the truth; we are
opinion molders." (Walter Cronkite).
"Use the courts, use the judges, use the
constitution of the country, use its medical societies
and its laws to further our ends. Do not stint in your
labor in this direction. And when you have succeeded
you will discover that you can now effect your own
legislation at will and you can, by careful organization,
by constant campaigns about the terrors of society,
by pretense as to your effectiveness, make the capitalist
himself, by his own appropriation, finance a large
portion of the quiet Communist conquest of that nation."
(Address of the Jew Laventria Beria, The Communist
Textbook on Psychopolitics, page 8).
"Zionism was willing to sacrifice the whole
of European Jewry for a Zionist State. Everything was
done to create a state of Israel and that was only
possible through a world war. Wall Street and Jewish
large bankers aided the war effort on both sides. Zionists
are also to blame for provoking the growing hatred
for Jews in 1988." (Joseph Burg, The Toronto Star,
March 31, 1988).
"Give me control of the money of a country
and I care not who makes her laws." (Meyer Rothschild)
"There is scarcely an event in modern history
that cannot be traced to the Jews. Take the Great War
(World War I)...the Jews have made this war!...We (Jews)
who have posed as the saviours of the world...we Jews,
today, are nothing else but the world's seducers, its
destroyer's, its incendiaries, its executioners...We
have finally succeeded in landing you into a new hell."
(Jewish Writer, Oscar Levy, The World Significance
of the Russian Revolution; The International Jew, Vol.
III (1921), pp. 184-87).
"...[We] must stop these swarms of Jews who
are trading, bartering and robbing." (General
William Sherman).
"We must realize that our party's most powerful
weapon is racial tension. By pounding into the consciousness
of the dark races, that for centuries they have been
oppressed by whites, we can mold them into the program
of the Communist Party. In America, we aim for several
victories. While inflaming the Negro minorities against
the whites, we will instill in the whites a guilt complex
for their supposed exploitation of the Negroes. We
will aid the Blacks to rise to prominence in every
walk of life and in the world of sports and entertainment.
With this prestige,, the Negro will be able to intermarry
with the whites and will begin the process which will
deliver America to our cause." (Jewish Playwright
Israel Cohen, A Radical Program For The Twentieth Century.
Also entered into the Congressional Record on June
7, 1957, by Rep. Thomas Abernathy).
"Cunning, no doubt came to Churchill in the
Jewish genes transmitted by his mother, Lady Randolph
Churchill, nee Jenny Jacobson/Jerome." (Jerusalem
Post, January 18, 1993).
"There is much evidence indicating that the
Capitalistic and Communist conspiracies BOTH are directed
by a single master conspiracy which may have continuity
with the Order of the Illuminati which was founded
200 years ago..." (The Capitalist Conspiracy,
G. Edward Griffin).
"...there is much in the fact of Bolshevism
itself. In the fact that so many Jews are Bolsheviks.
In the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism are consonant
with the finest ideals of Judaism." (The London Jewish
Chronicle, April 4, 1919)
"Which are you first, a Jew or an American?
A Jew." (David Ben Gurion)
"The great ideal of Judaism is that the whole
world shall be imbued with Jewish teachings, and that
in a Universal Brotherhood of Nations - a greater
Judaism, in fact - All the separate races and religions
shall disappear." (Jewish World, February 9, 1883).
"Some call it Marxism -- I call it Judaism."
(The American Bulletin, Rabbi S. Wise, May 5, 1935).
"[Jews were] fomenting a general plague on
the whole world." (Claudis, Roman Emperor, Epistolas).
"There is only one Power which really counts:
The Power of Political Pressure. We Jews are the most
powerful people on Earth, because we have this power,
and we know how to apply it." (Jewish Daily Bulletin,
July 27, 1935).
"The Rothschilds introduced the rule of money
into European politics. The Rothschilds were the servants
of money who undertook the reconstruction of the world
as an image of money and its functions. Money and the
employment of wealth have become the law of European
life; we no longer have nations, but economic provinces."
(New York Times, Professor Wilhelm, a German historian,
July 8, 1937).
"The forces of reaction are being mobilized.
A combination of England, France and Russia will sooner
or later bar the triumphal march of the crazed Fuhrer.
Either by accident or design, a Jews has come into
the position of the foremost importance in each of
these nations. In the hands of non-Aryans, lie the
very lives of millions...and when the smoke of battle
clears, and the trumpets blare no more, and the bullets
cease to blast! Then will be presented a tableau showing
the man who played. God, the swastika Christus, being
lowered none too gently into a hole in the ground,
as a trio of non-Aryans, in tone a ramified requiem,
that sounds suspiciously like a medley of Marseillaise,
God Save the King, and the international; blending
in the grand finale, into a militant, proud arrangement
of Eile! Elie! [This is the traditional Jewish cry
of triumph]. (The American Hebrew, New York City, June
3, 1938).
"Dear Sirs: A. Mr. John Sherman has written
us from a town in Ohio, U.S.A., as to the profits that
may be made in the National Banking business under
a recent act of your Congress (National Bank Act of
1863), a copy of which act accompanied his letter.
Apparently this act has been drawn upon the plan formulated
here last summer by the British Bankers Association
and by that Association recommended to our American
friends as one that if enacted into law, would prove
highly profitable to the banking fraternity throughout
the world. Mr. Sherman declares that there has never
before been such an opportunity for capitalists to
accumulate money, as that presented by this act and
that the old plan, of State Banks is so unpopular,
that the new scheme will, by contrast, be most favorably
regarded, notwithstanding the fact that it gives the
national Banks an almost absolute control of the National
finance. 'The few who can understand the system,' he
says 'will either be so interested in its profits,
or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no
opposition from that class, while on the other hand,
the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending
the tremendous advantages that capital derives from
the system, will bear its burdens without even suspecting
that the system is inimical to their interests.' Please
advise us fully as to this matter and also state whether
or not you will be of assistance to us, if we conclude
to establish a National Bank in the City of New York...Awaiting
your reply, we are." (Rothschild Brothers. London,
June 25, 1863. Famous Quotes On Money).
In reply to the above letter Messrs. Ikelheimer, Morton
and Vandergould replied: Dear Sirs: 'We beg to acknowledge
receipt of your letter of June 25th, in which you refer
to a communication received from Honorable John Sherman,
of Ohio, with reference to the advantages, and profits,
of an American investment under the provisions of the
National Banking Act.
Mr. Sherman possesses, in a marked degree, the distinguishing
characteristics of a successful financier. His temperament
is such that whatever his feelings may be they never
cause him to lose sight of the main chance. He is young,
shrewd and ambitious. He has fixed his eyes upon the
Presidency of the United States and already is a member
of Congress (he has financial ambitions too). He rightfully
thinks he has everything to gain by being friendly
with men, and institutions, having large financial
resources, and which at times are not too particular
in their methods, either of obtaining government aid,
or protecting themselves against unfriendly legislation...Requesting
that you will regard this as strictly confidential,
Most respectfully yours, Ikelheimer, Morton and Vandergould."
(Pawns In The Game, William Guy Carr, pp. 55-57).
"If you will look back at every war in Europe
during the nineteenth century, you will see that they
always ended with the establishment of a 'balance of
power.' With every re-shuffling there was a balance
of power in a new grouping around the House of Rothschild
in England, France, or Austria. They grouped nations
so that if any king got out of line, a war would break
out and the war would be decided by which way the financing
went. Researching the debt positions of the warring
nations will usually indicate who was to be punished."
(Economist Sturat Crane).
"He received me not only cordially, but he
was also full of confidence with respect to the war.
His first words, after he had welcomed me, were as
follows: 'Well, Dr. Weismann, we have as good as beaten
them already.' I...thanked him for his constant support
for the Zionist course. 'You were standing at the cradle
of this enterprise.' I said to him, 'and hopefully
you will live to see that we have succeeded.' Adding
that after the war we would build up a state of three
to four million Jews in Palestine, whereupon he replied:
'Yes, go ahead, I am full in agreement with this idea.'"
(Conversation between Chaim Weismann and Winston Churchill).
"It is highly probable that the bulk of the
Jew's ancestors 'never' lived in Palestine 'at all,'
which witnesses the power of historical assertion over
fact." (H. G. Wells, The Outline of History).
"[Jews] ate the English nation to its bones."
(John Speed, British Historian, in Historie of Great
"But it has paid us even though we have sacrificed
many of our own people. Each victim on our side is
worth a thousand Goyim." (Statement reported in
a French Newspaper in 1773 after a meeting in the Rothschild
"The turning point in history will be the
moment man becomes aware that the only god of man is
man himself." (Henri de Lubec, Atheistic Humanist,
p. 10)
"...This weakness of the President [Roosevelt]
frequently results in failure on the part of the White
House to report all the facts to the Senate and the
Congress; its [The Administration] description of the
prevailing situation is not always absolutely correct
and in conformity with the truth...When I lived in
America, I learned that Jewish personalities -- most
of them rich donors for the parties -- had easy access
to the President. They used to contact him over the
head of the Foreign Secretary and the representative
at the United Nations and other officials. They were
often in a position to alter the entire political line
by a single telephone conversation...Stephen Wise...occupied
a unique position, not only within American Jewry,
but also generally in America...He was a close friend
of Wilson...he was also an intimate friend of Roosevelt
and had permanent access to him, a factor which naturally
affected his relations to other members of the American
Administration...Directly after this, the President's
car stopped in front of the veranda, and before we
could exchange greetings, Roosevelt remarked: 'How
interesting! Sam Roseman, Stephen Wise and Nahum Goldman
are sitting there discussing what order they should
give the President of the United States. Just imagine
what amount of money the Nazis would pay to obtain
a photo of this scene.' We began to stammer to the
effect that there was an urgent message from Europe
to be discussed by us, which Rosenman would submit
to him on Monday. Roosevelt dismissed him with the
words: 'This is quite all right, on Monday I shall
hear from Sam what I have to do,' and he drove on."
(USA, Europe, Israel, Nahum Goldmann, pp. 53, 66-67,
"Will grant financial aid as soon as Charles
removed, and Jews admitted. Assassination too dangerous.
Charles should be given an opportunity to escape. His
recapture will then make a trial and execution possible.
The support will be liberal, but useless to discuss
terms until trial commences." (Letter from Ebenezer
Pratt to Oliver Cromwell)
"Judaism was not a religion but a law."
(Moses Mendeissohn, The Jewish Plato)
"It is necessary to gain the common people
to our order. The best means to that end is influence
in the schools." (The Jewish Founder of the Illuminati,
Adam Weishaupt)
"Marriages began to take place, wholesale,
between what had once been the aristocratic territorial
families of this country and the Jewish commercial
fortunes. After two generations of this, with the opening
of the twentieth century those of the great territorial
English families in which there was no Jewish blood
were the exception. In nearly all of them was the strain
more or less marked, in some of them so strong that
though the name was still an English name and the traditions
those of purely English lineage of the long past, the
physique and character had become wholly Jewish and
the members of the family were taken for Jews whenever
they travelled in countries where the gentry had not
suffered or enjoyed this admixture." (The Jews,
by Hilaire Belloc)
"A mind that is positive cannot be controlled.
For the purpose of occult dominion, minds must therefore
be rendered passive and negative in order that control
may be achieved. Minds consciously working to a definite
end are a power for good or for evil." (Occult
Theocracy, p. 581)
"These were ideas," the author notes,
"which Marx would adopt and transform... Publicly
and for political reasons, both Marx and Engels posed
as friends of the Negro. In private, they were anti-Black
racists of the most odious sort. They had contempt
for the entire Negro Race, a contempt they expressed
by comparing Negroes to animals, by identifying Black
people with 'idiots' and by continuously using the
opprobrious term 'Nigger' in their private correspondence."
(Nathaniel Weyl).
"In return for financial support will advocate
admission of Jews to England; This however impossible
while Charles living. Charles cannot be executed without
trial on adequate grounds for which do not presently
exist. Therefore advise that Charles be assassinated,
but will have nothing to do with arrangements for procuring
an assassin, though willing to help in his escape.
[King Charles I was in prison at the time]." (Letter
from Oliver Cromwell to Ebenezer Pratt - History Of
The Bank of England, by Frances and Manasseh Ben Israel's
Mission To Oliver Cromwell, The Jewish Intelligencers,
by Lucien Wolf).
In an article by the Jew Victor Berger, one of
the national leaders of the Socialist Party, wrote,
in the Social Democratic Herald: "There can be
no doubt that the Negroes and Mulattos constitute a
lower race."
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels said Blacks: "...were
people who ought to be eradicated and swept from the
earth." (Karl Marx, by Nathaniel Weyl).
"Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels," Weyl
writes, "were neither internationalists nor believers
in equal rights of all the races and peoples. They
opposed the struggles for national independence of
those races and peoples that they despised. They believed
that the 'barbaric' and 'ahistoric' peoples who comprised
the immense majority of mankind had played no significant
role in history and were not destined to do so in the
foreseeable future." (Karl Marx, by Nathaniel
"Jews may adopt the customs and language
of the countries where they live; but they will never
become part of the native population." (The Jewish
Courier, January 17, 1924).
The Jewish owned Social Democratic Herald, on
September 14, 1901, characterized Negroes as "inferior...depraved
elements' who went around 'raping women and children.'"
The New York Journal American of February 3, 1949:
"Today it is estimated by Jacob's grandson, John
Schiff, that the old man sank about $20-million for
the final triumph of Bolshevism in Russia."
"We are neither German, English or French.
We are Jews and your Christian mentality is not ours."
(Max Nordrow, a German Zionist Leader, in The Jewish
"Let me tell you the following words as if
I were showing you the rings of a ladder leading upward
and upward...The Zionist Congress; the English Uganda
proposition; the future World War; the Peace Conference
where, with the help of England, a free and Jewish
Palestine will be created." (Max Nordau, 6th Zionist
Congress in Balse, Switzerland, 1903)
"We are disturbed about the effect of the
Jewish influence on our press, radio, and motion pictures.
It may become very serious. (Fulton) Lewis told us
of one instance where the Jewish advertising firms
threatened to remove all their advertising from the
Mutual System if a certain feature was permitted to
go on the air. The threat was powerful enough to have
the feature removed." (Charles A. Lindberg, Wartime
Journals, May 1, 1941).
"Competition is a sin." (John D. Rockefeller)
"The chief difficulty in writing about the
Jewish Question is the super-sensitiveness of Jews
and non-Jews concerning the whole matter. There is
a vague feeling that even to openly use the word 'Jew,'
or expose it nakedly to print is somehow improper.
Polite evasions like 'Hebrew' and 'Semite,' both of
which are subject to the criticism of inaccuracy, are
timidly essayed, and people pick their way gingerly
as if the whole subject were forbidden, until some
courageous Jewish thinker comes straight out with the
old old word 'Jew,' and then the constraint is relieved
and the air cleared...A Jew is a Jew and as long as
he remains within his perfectly unassailable traditions,
he will remain a Jew. And he will always have the right
to feel that to be a Jew, is to belong to a superior
race. No one knows better than the Jew how widespread
the notion that Jewish methods of business are all
unscrupulous. No existing Gentile system of government
is ever anything but distasteful to him. The Jew is
against the Gentile scheme of things.
He is, when he gives his tendencies full sway, a Republican
as against the monarchy, a Socialist as against the
republic, and a Bolshevik as against Socialism. Democracy
is all right for the rest of the world, but the Jew
wherever he is found forms an aristocracy of one sort
or another." (Henry Ford, Dearborn Independent)
"The pressure for war is mounting. The people
are opposed to it, but the Administration seems hell-bent
on its way to war. Most of the Jewish interests in
the country are behind war." (Wartime Journals,
May 1, 1941).
"We are interested in just the opposite...in
the diminution, the killing out of the Goyim."
(Reportedly spoken by a Jewish speaker in the Rothschild
home in 1773)
"The greatest danger to this country lies
in their large ownership and influence in our motion
pictures, our press, our radio and our government."
(Charles A. Lindberg, Speech at Des Moines, Iowa, September
11, 1941).
"When one lives in contact with the functionaries
who are serving the Bolshevik Government, one feature
strikes the attention, which, is almost all of them
are Jews. I am not at all anti-Semitic; but I must
state what strikes the eye: everywhere in Petrograd,
Moscow, in provincial districts, in commissariats,
in district offices, in Smolny, in the Soviets, I have
met nothing but Jews and again Jews...The more one
studies the revolution the more one is convinced that
Bolshevism is a Jewish movement which can be explained
by the special conditions in which the Jewish people
were placed in Russia." (L'Illustration, September
14, 1918).
"The Gulag Archipelago, 'he informed an incredulous
world that the blood-maddened Jewish terrorists had
murdered sixty-six million victims in Russia from 1918
to 1957! Solzhenitsyn cited Cheka Order No. 10, issued
on January 8, 1921: 'To intensify the repression of
the bourgeoisie.'" (Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The
Gulag Archipelago)
"The Jews are the master robbers of the modern
age." (Napoleon Bonaparte)
"A Jew is anyone who says he is." (David
Ben Gurion)
"We were told that hundreds of agitators
had followed in the trail of Trotsky (Bronstein) these
men having come over from the lower east side of New
York. Some of them when they learned that I was the
American Pastor in Petrograd, stepped up to me and
seemed very much pleased that there was somebody who
could speak English, and their broken English showed
that they had not qualified as being Americas. A number
of these men called on me and were impressed with the
strange Yiddish element in this thing right from the
beginning, and it soon became evident that more than
half the agitators in the so-called Bolshevik movement
were Jews...I have a firm conviction that this thing
is Yiddish, and that one of its bases is found in the
east side of New York...The latest startling information,
given me by someone with good authority, startling
information, is this, that in December, 1918, in the
northern community of Petrograd -- that is what they
call the section of the Soviet regime under the Presidency
of the man known as Apfelbaum (Zinovieff) -- out of
388 members, only 16 happened to be real Russians,
with the exception of one man, a Negro from America
who calls himself Professor Gordon.
I was impressed with this, Senator, that shortly after
the great revolution of the winter of 1917, there were
scores of Jews standing on the benches and soap boxes,
talking until their mouths frothed, and I often remarked
to my sister, 'Well, what are we coming to anyway.
This all looks so Yiddish.' Up to that time we had
see very few Jews, because there was, as you know,
a restriction against having Jews in Petrograd, but
after the revolution they swarmed in there and most
of the agitators were Jews.
I might mention this, that when the Bolshevik came into
power all over Petrograd, we at once had a predominance
of Yiddish proclamations, big posters and everything
in Yiddish. It became very evident that now that was
to be one of the great languages of Russia; and the
real Russians did not take kindly to it." (Dr.
George A. Simons, a former superintendent of the Methodist
Missions in Russia, Bolshevik Propaganda Hearing Before
the Sub-Committee of the Committee on the Judiciary,
United States Senate, 65th Congress)
"It being true that the Delanos are well-known
Jews from the Netherlands, President Roosevelt is,
from the standpoint of Jewish Heredity Law, as good
a Jew as Bernard M. Baruch." (Letter of May 14,
1939, by Dr. von Leers)
"In an address to the National Convention
of the Daughters of the American Revolution, President
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, said that he was of revolutionary
ancestry. -- But not a Roosevelt was in the Colonial
Army. They were Tories, busy entertaining British Officers.
The first Roosevelt came to America in 1649. His name
was Claes Rosenfelt. He was a Jew. Nicholas, the son
of Claes was the ancestor of both Franklin and Theodore.
He married a Jewish girl, named Kunst, in 1682. Nicholas
had a son named Jacobus Rosenfeld..." (The Corvallis
Gazette Times of Corballis, Oregon).
"At once the veil falls," comments Dr.
von Leers. "F.D.R'S father married Sarah Delano;
and it becomes clear Schmalix [genealogist] writes:
'In the seventh generation we see the mother of Franklin
Delano Roosevelt as being of Jewish descent. The Delanos
are descendants of an Italian or Spanish Jewish family
-- Dilano, Dilan, Dillano. The Jew Delano drafted an
agreement with the West Indian Co., in 1657 regarding
the colonization of the island of Curacao. About this
the directors of the West Indies Co., had correspondence
with the Governor of New Holland. In 1624 numerous
Jews had settled in North Brazil, which was under Dutch
Dominion. The old German traveler Uienhoff, who was
in Brazil between 1640 and 1649, reports: 'Among the
Jewish settlers the greatest number had emigrated from
Holland.' The reputation of the Jews was so bad that
the Dutch Governor Stuyvesant (1655) demand that their
immigration be prohibited in the newly founded colony
of New Amsterdam (New York). It would be interesting
to investigate whether the Family Delano belonged to
these Jews whom the Dutch Governor did not want. It
is known that the Sephardic Jewish families which came
from Spain and Portugal always intermarried; and the
assumption exists that the Family Delano, despite (so-called)
Christian-confession, remained purely Jewish so far
as race is concerned. What results? The mother of the
late President Roosevelt was a Delano. According to
Jewish Law (Schulchan Aruk, Ebenaezer IV) the woman
is the bearer of the heredity. That means: children
of a full-blooded Jewess and a Christian are, according
to Jewish Law, Jews. It is probable that the Family
Delano kept the Jewish blood clean, and that the late
President Roosevelt, according to Jewish Law, was a
blooded Jew even if one assumes that the father of
the late President was Aryan. We can now understand
why Jewish associations call him the 'New Moses;' why
he gets Jewish medals -- highest order of the Jewish
people. For every Jew who is acquainted with the law,
he is evidently one of them." (Hakenkreuzbanner,
May 14, 1939, Prof. Dr. Johann von Leers of Berlin-Dahlem,
"They are the carrion birds of humanity...[speaking
of the Jews] are a state within a state. They are certainly
not real citizens...The evils of Jews do not stem from
individuals but from the fundamental nature of these
people." (Napoleon Bonaparte, Stated in Reflections
and Speeches before the Council of State on April 30
and May 7, 1806)
"The Jews...are at the root of regicide,
they own the periodical press, they have in their hands
the financial markets, the people as a whole fall into
financial slavery to them..." (The Siege, p. 38)
"The Jew continues to monopolize money, and
he loosens or strangles the throat of the state with
the loosening or strengthening of his purse strings...He
has empowered himself with the engines of the press,
which he uses to batter at the foundations of society.
He is at the bottom of...every enterprise that will
demolish first of all thrones, afterwards the altar,
afterwards civil law." (Hungarian composer Franz
Liszt (1811-1886) in Die Israeliten.)
"For the last one hundred and fifty years,
the history of the House of Rothschild has been to
an amazing degree the backstage history of Western
Europe...Because of their success in making loans not
to individuals but to nations, they reaped huge profits...Someone
once said that the wealth of Rothschild consists of
the bankruptcy of nations." (Frederic Morton,
The Rothschilds)
"The fact that: The house of Rothschild made
its money in the great crashes of history and the great
wars of history, the very periods when others lost
their money, is beyond question." (E.C. Knuth,
The Empire of the City)
"The ruin of the peasants in these provinces
are the Zhids ['kikes']. They are full- fledged leeches
sucking up these unfortunate provinces to the point
of exhaustion." (Nikolai I, Tsar of Russia from
1825 to 1855, in his diaries)
"John Booth, a Jewish silversmith whose ancestors
had been exiled from Portugal because of their radical
political views. In London the refugees had continued
their trade and free thinking, and John had married
Wilkes' cousin. This Wilkes was the 'celebrated agitator
John Wilkes of Westminster, London...John Wilkes Booth's
father was Junius Brutus Booth." (The Mad Booths
of Maryland)
"Under this roof are the heads of the family
of Rothschild -- a name famous in every capital of
Europe and every division of the globe. If you like,
we shall divide the United States into two parts, one
for you, James [Rothschild], and one for you, Lionel
[Rothschild]. Napoleon will do exactly and all that
I shall advise him." (Reported to have been the
comments of Disraeli at the marriage of Lionel Rothschild's
daughter, Leonora, to her cousin, Alphonse, son of
James Rothschild of Paris).
"Slavery is likely to be abolished by the
war power and chattel slavery destroyed. This, I and
my [Jewish] European friends are glad of, for slavery
is but the owning of labor and carries with it the
care of the laborers, while the European plan, led
by England, is that capital shall control labor by
controlling wages. This can be done by controlling
the money. The great debt that capitalists will see
to it is made out of the war, must be used as a means
to control the volume of money. To accomplish this,
the bonds must be used as a banking basis. We are now
awaiting for the Secretary of the Treasury to make
his recommendation to Congress. It will not do to allow
the greenback, as it is called, to circulate as money
any length of time, as we cannot control that."
(Hazard Circular, issued by the Rothschild controlled
Bank of England, 1862)
"We intend to remake the Gentiles -- what
the Communists are doing in Russia." (Rabbi Lewish
Brown in How Odd of God, New York, 1 924)
"The responsibility for the last World War
[WW I] rests solely upon the shoulders of the international
financiers. It is upon them that rests the blood of
millions of dead and millions of dying." (Congressional
Record, 67th Congress, 4th Session, Senate Document
No. 346)
"Now, in answer to the question would we use
force in the Middle East. I don't know...I hope not.
We have no plans to, it is conceivable, I guess. It
would be almost as bad as the seven days in May. You
conjure up a situation where there is another oil embargo,
and the people in this country are not only inconvenienced
and uncomfortable, but suffer." (General George
S. Brown)
"The Jews are the most hateful and the most
shameful of the small nations." (Voltaire, God
and His Men)
"How then was it that this Government [American],
several years after the war was over, found itself
owing in London and Wall Street several hundred million
dollars to men who never fought a battle, who never
made a uniform, never furnished a pound of bread, who
never did an honest day's work in all their lives?...The
facts is, that billions owned by the sweat, tears and
blood of American laborers have been poured into the
coffers of these men for absolutely nothing. This 'sacred
war debt' was only a gigantic scheme of fraud, concocted
by European capitalists and enacted into American laws
by the aid of American Congressmen, who were their
paid hirelings or their ignorant dupes. That this crime
has remained uncovered is due to the power of prejudice
which seldom permits the victim to see clearly or reason
correctly: 'The money power prolongs its reign by working
on prejudices. 'Lincoln said." (Mary E. Hobard,
The Secrets of the Rothschilds).
"If this mischievous financial policy [the
United States Government issuing interest-free and
debt-free money] which had its origin in the North
American Republic during the war (1861-65) should become
indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will
furnish its money without cost. It will pay off its
debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money
necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become
prosperous beyond precedent in the history of civilized
governments of the world. The brains and the wealth
of all countries will go to North America. That government
must be destroyed or it will destroy every Monarch
on the globe!" (London Times Editorial, 1865)
"Mrs. Van Hyning, I am surprised at your
surprise. You are a student of history -- and you know
that both the Borgias and the Mediciis are Jewish families
of Italy. Surely you know that there have been Popes
from both of these house. Perhaps it will surprise
you to know that we have had 20 Jewish Popes, and when
you have sufficient time, which may coincide with my
free time, I can show you these names and dates. You
will learn from these that: The crimes committed in
the name of the Catholic Church were under Jewish Popes.
The leaders of the inquisition was one, de TorQuemada,
a Jew." (Woman's Voice, November 25, 1953)
"2.2 billion worth of military equipment had
been stripped from U.S. Forces in West Germany and
America and shipped to Israel in an unprecedented day
and night airlift." (General George S. Brown,
Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff and top
American military leader, made the statement at Duke
University in November 1974).
"It seems to me, when I consider the power
of that entombed gold and the pattern of events...that
there are great, organized forces in the world, which
are spread over many countries but work in unison to
achieve power over mankind through chaos. They seem
to me to see, first and foremost, the destruction of
Christianity, Nationhood and Liberty...that was 'the
design' which Lord Acton perceived behind the first
of the tumults, the French Revolution, and it has become
clearer with later tumults and growing success. This
process does not appear to me a natural or inevitable
one, but a man-made one which follows definite rules
of conspiratorial action. I believe there is an organization
behind it of long standing, and that the great successes
which have been achieved are mainly due to the efficiency
with which this has been kept concealed." (Smoke
to Smother, page 315)
"Very odd things are happening in Israel.
Our observers were struck with the peculiar attitude
of those travelling to Zion after the war. They seemed
to see some strange sign which they could not help
following at whatever cost. We heard this over and
over again. These strange people saw something."
(Review of World Affairs)
"We told the authorities in London; we shall
be in Palestine whether you want us there or not. You
may speed up or slow down our coming, but it would
be better for you to help us, otherwise our constructive
force will turn into a destructive one that will bring
about ferment in the entire world." (Judishe Rundschau,
#4, 1920, Germany, by Chaim Weismann, a Zionist leader)
"No sooner was the President's statement
made...than a Jewish deputation came down from New
York and in two days 'fixed' the two houses [of Congress]
so that the President had to renounce the idea."
(As recorded by Sir Harold Spring-Rice, former British
Ambassador to the U.S. in reference to a proposed treaty
with Czarist Russia, favored by the President)
"[The world] forgets, in its ignorance and
narrowness of heart, that when we sink, we become a
revolutionary proletariat, the subordinate officers
of the revolutionary party; when we rise, there rises
also the terrible power of the purse." (The Jewish
State, New York, 1917)
"I am afraid the ordinary citizen will not
like to be told that the banks can, and do, create
money...And they who control the credit of the nation
direct the policy of Governments and hold in the hollow
of their hands the destiny of the people." (Reginald
McKenna, former Chancellor of the Exchequer, January
24, 1924)
"We are living in a highly organized state
of socialism. The state is all; the individual is of
importance only as he contributes to the welfare of
the state. His property is only his as the state does
not need it. He must hold his life and his possessions
at the call of the state." (Bernard M. Baruch,
The Knickerbocker Press, Albany, N.Y. August 8, 1918)
"The Bolshevik revolution in Russia was the
work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of
Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order
in the world. What was performed in so excellent a
way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because
of Jewish dissatisfaction and by Jewish planning, shall
also, through the same Jewish mental an physical forces,
become a reality all over the world." (The American
Hebrew, September 10, 1920)
"Bolshevism is a religion and a faith. How
could those half-converted believers dream to vanquish
the 'Truthful' and the 'Faithful of their own creed,
those holy crusaders, who had gathered around the Red
standard of the prophet Karl Marx, and who fought under
the daring guidance of those experienced officers of
all latter-day revolutions -- the Jews?" (Dr.
Oscar Levy, Preface to the World Significance of the
Russian Revolution by George Pitt-Rivers, 1920)
"Let us recognize that we Jews are a distinct
nationality of which every Jew, whatever his country,
his station, or shade of belief, is necessarily a member.
Organize, organize, until every Jew must stand up and
be counted with us, or prove himself wittingly or unwittingly,
of the few who are against their own people."
(Louis B. Brandeis, Supreme Court Justice, 1916-1939)
"The two internationales of Finance and Revolution
work with ardor, they are the two fronts of the Jewish
Internationale. There is Jewish conspiracy against
all nations." (Rene Groos, Le Nouveau Mercure,
Paris, May, 1927)
"Ma'aser is the tenth part of tithe of his
capital and income which every Jew has naturally been
obligated over the generations of their history to
give for the benefit of Jewish movements...The tithe
principle has been accepted in its most stringent form.
The Zionist Congress declared it as the absolute duty
of every Zionist to pay tithes to the Ma'aser. It added
that those Zionists who failed to do so, should be
deprived of their offices and honorary positions."
(Encyclopedia Judaica)
"The Jewish people as a whole will be its
own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution
of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the
annihilation of monarchy, and by the establishment
of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere
exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this new
world order the Children of Israel will furnish all
the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments
of the different peoples forming the world republic
will fall without difficulty into the hands of the
Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers
to abolish private property, and everywhere to make
use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise
of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when
the Messianic time is come the Jews will have all the
property of the whole world in their hands." (Baruch
Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, La Revue de Paris, p. 54,
June 1, 1928)
"Only recently our race has given the world
a new prophet, but he has two faces and bears two names;
on the one side his name is Rothschild, leader of all
capitalists, and on the other Karl Marx, the apostle
of those who want to destroy the other." (Blumenthal,
Judisk Tidskrift, No. 57, Sweeden, 1929)
"Alchemy for a New World Order" (Article
by Stephen John Stedman in Foreign Affairs (May/June
"I probably had more power during the war
than any other man in the war; doubtless that is true."
(The International Jew, Commissioned by Henry Ford,
speaking of the Jew Benard Baruch, a quasi-official
dictator during WW I).
"Our movement is growing rapidly...I have
spent the sum given to me for the up building of my
party and I must find new revenue within a reasonable
period." (Jews, The Power Behind The Throne! A
letter from Hitler to his Wall Street promoters on
October 29, 1929, p. 43)
"The Zionist Organization is a body unique
in character, with practically all the functions and
duties of a government, but deriving its strength and
resources not from one territory but from some seventy-two
different countries...The supreme government is in
the hands of the Zionist Congress, composed of over
200 delegates, representing shekel-payers of all countries.
Congress meets once every two years. Its [supreme government]
powers between sessions are then delegated to the Committee
[Sanhedrin]." (Report submitted to the Zionist
Conference at Sydney, Australia, by Mr. Ettinger, a
Zionist Lawyer)
"...Each of you, Jew and gentile alike, who
has not already enlisted in the sacred war should do
so now..." (Samuel Untermeyer, a radio broadcast
August 6, 1933)
"Marxism is the modern form of Jewish prophecy."
(Reinhold Niebur, Speech before the Jewish Institute
of Religion, New York October 3, 1934)
The renewal of the nonproliferation treaty was
described as important "for the welfare of the
whole world and the new world order." (President
Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, in the New York Times (April
"How do you account for the fact that so
many young Jews may be found in the radical movements
of all the lands?" (Michael Gold, New Masses,
p. 15, May 7, 1935)
"If the tide of history does not turn toward
Communist Internationalism then the Jewish race is
doomed." (George Marlen, Stalin, Trotsky, or Lenin,
p. 414, New York, 1937)
"Marxism, you say, is the bitterest opponent
of capitalism, which is sacred to us. For the simple
reason that they are opposite poles, they deliver over
to us the two poles of the earth and permit us to be
its axis. These two opposites, Bolshevism and ourselves,
find ourselves identified in the Internationale. And
these two opposites, the doctrine of the two poles
of society, meet in their unity of purpose, the renewal
of the world from above by the control of wealth, and
from below by revolution." (Quotation from a Jewish
banker by the Comte de Saint-Aulaire in Geneve contre
la Paix Libraire Plan, Paris, 1936)
"The present program of palliative relief
must give way to a program of fundamental reconstruction.
American democracy must be socialized by subjecting
industrial production and distribution to the will
of the People's Congress. The first step is to abolish
the federal veto and to enlarge the express powers
of the national government through immediate constitutional
amendment. A gradual march in the direction of socialization
will follow." (Rabbi Victor Eppstein, Opinion
April, 1937)
"Arrangements have been completed with the
National Council of Churches whereby the American Jewish
Congress and the Anti-Defamation League will jointly...aid
in the preparation of lesson materials, study guides
and visual aides...sponsored by Protestant organizations."
(American Jewish Yearbook, 1952)
"There had been observed in this country
certain streams of influence which are causing a marked
deterioration in our literature, amusements, and social
conduct...a nasty Orientalism which had insidiously
affected every channel of expression...The fact that
these influences are all traceable to one racial source
[Judaism] is something to be reckoned with...Our opposition
is only in ideas, false ideas, which are sapping the
moral stamina of the people." (My Life and Work,
by Henry Ford)
"I am not an American citizen of Jewish faith.
I am a Jew. I have been an American for sixty-three
years, but I have been a Jew for 4000 years."
(Rabbi Stephen S. Wise)
"We are not denying and are not afraid to
confess. This war is our war and that it is waged for
the liberation of Jewry...Stronger than all fronts
together is our front, that of Jewry. We are not only
giving this war our financial support on which the
entire war production is based, we are not only providing
our full propaganda power which is the moral energy
that keeps this war going. The guarantee of victory
is predominantly based on weakening the enemy, forces,
on destroying them in their own country, within the
resistance. And we are the Trojan Horses in the enemy's
fortress. thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute
the principal factor in the destruction of our enemy.
There, our front is a fact and the most valuable aid
for victory." (Chaim Weizmann, President of the
World Jewish Congress, in a speech on December 3, 1942,
New York City)
"The modern Socialist movement is in great
part the work of the Jews, who impress on it the mark
of their brains; it was they who took a preponderant
part in the directing of the first Socialist Republic...The
present world Socialism forms the first step of the
accomplishment of Mosaism, the start of the realization
of the future state of the world announced by our prophets.
It is not till there shall be a League of Nations;
it is not till its Allied Armies shall be employed
in an effective manner for the protection of the feeble
that we can hope that the Jews will be able to develop,
without impediment in Palestine, their national State;
and equally it is only a League of Nations penetrated
with the Socialist spirit that will render possible
for us the enjoyment of our international necessities,
as well as our national ones..." (Dr. Alfred Nossig,
Intergrales Judentum)
Charles Darwin's Uncle, factory owner Josiah Wedgewood,
owned a business that worked White Children of five
years of age in a chemical factory permeated with Lead
Oxide, a deadly poison. Wedgewood acknowledged that
the lead made the children "very subject to disease"
but worked them anyway.
The English writer Frances Trollope estimated
that at least 200,000 English children were "snatched
away" to factories, "...taken and lodged
amid stench, and stunning, terrifying tumult; driven
to and fro until their little limbs bend under them...the
repose of a moment to be purchased only by yielding
their tender bodies to the fist, the heel or the strap
of the overlooker (overseer)." (Chattel Slavery
and Wage Slaver, Marcus Cunliffe, p. 73).
"When a Jew in America or South Africa speaks
of 'our Government' to his fellow Jews, he usually
means the Government of Israel, while the Jewish public
in various countries view Israeli ambassadors as their
own representatives." (Israel Government Yearbook,
1953-54, p. 35)
"When the conspirators get ready to take
over the United States they will use fluoridated water
and vaccines to change people's attitudes and loyalties
and make them docile, apathetic, unconcerned and groggy.
According to their own writings and the means they
have already confessedly employed, the conspirators
have deliberately planned and developed methods to
mentally deteriorate, morally debase, and completely
enslave the masses. They will prepare vaccines containing
drugs that will completely change people. Secret Communist
plans for conquering America were adopted in 1914 and
published in 1953. These plans called for compulsory
vaccination with vaccines containing change agent drugs.
They also plan on using disease germs, fluoridation
and vaccinations to weaken the people and reduce the
population." (Impact of Science on Society, by
Bertrand Russell)
"The Jews might have had Uganda, Madagascar,
and other places for the establishment of a Jewish
Fatherland, but they wanted absolutely nothing except
Palestine, not because the Dead Sea water by evaporation
can produce five trillion dollars of metaloids and
powdered metals; not because the sub-soil of Palestine
contains twenty times more petroleum than all the combined
reserves of the two Americas; but because Palestine
is the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, because
Palestine constitutes the veritable center of world
political power, the strategic center for world control."
(Nahum Goldman, President World Jewish Congress).
"The non-Europeanization of America is heartening
news of an almost transcendental quality." (Ben
Wattenberg, Jewish 'philosopher,' in The Good News,
The Bad News, p. 84)
"We are one people despite the ostensible
rifts, cracks, and differences between the American
and Soviet democracies. We are one people and it is
not in our interests that the West should liberate
the East, for in doing this and in liberating the enslaved
nations, the West would inevitably deprive Jewry of
the Eastern half of its world power." (Chaim Weismann,
World Conquerors, p, 227, by Louis Marshalko)
"Israel controls the Senate...around 80 percent
are completely in support of Israel; anything Israel
wants. Jewish influence in the House of Representatives
is even greater." (They Dare to Speak Out, Paul
Findley, p. 66, speaking of a statement of Senator
J. William Fulbright said in 1973)
"The world Zionist movement is big business.
In the first two decades after Israel's precarious
birth in 1948 it channeled an estimated four billion
dollars in donations into the country. Following the
1967 Arab-Israeli war, the Zionists raised another
$730-million in just two years. This year, 1970, the
movement is seeking five hundred million dollars. Gottlieb
Hammar, chief Zionist money raiser, said, 'When the
blood flows, the money flows.'" (Lawrence Mosher,
National Observer, May 18, 1970)
"...the incontrovertible evidence is that
Hitler ordered on November 30, 1941, that there was
to be 'no liquidation of the Jews.'" (Hitler's
War, p. xiv, by David Irving, Viking Press, N.Y. 1977,
926 pages)
"Yet I have a clever touch and pander to
your vices. While looking on in exultation. And so
I play my game, with the exuberance of experience,
the strange and terribly subtle final aims of my Asiatic
Blood that remain a mystery to you." (Paul Meyer,
"I know I don't have to say this, but in
bringing everybody under the Zionist banner we never
forget that our goals are the safety and security of
the state of Israel foremost. Our goal will be realized
in Yiddishkeit, in a Jewish life being lived every
place in the world and our goals will have to be realized,
not merely by what we impel others to do. And here
in this country it means frequently working through
the umbrella of the President's Conference [of Jewish
organizations], or it might be working in unison with
other groups that feel as we do. But that, too, is
part of what we think Zionism means and what our challenge
is." (Rabbi Israel Miller, The American Jewish
Examiner, p. 14, On March 5, 1970)
"The image of the world...as traced in my
imagination -- the increasing influence of the farmers
and workers, and the rising political influence of
men of science, may transform the United States into
a welfare state with a planned economy. Western and
Eastern Europe will become a federation of autonomous
states having a socialist and democratic regime. With
the exception of the U.S.S.R. as a federated Eurasian
state, all other continents will become united in a
world alliance, at whose disposal will be an international
police force. All armies will be abolished, and there
will be no more wars. In Jerusalem, the United Nations
(A truly United Nations) will build a shrine of the
Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents;
this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of mankind,
to settle all controversies among the federated continents."
(David Ben Gurion)
"You've seen every single race besmirched,
but you never saw an unfavorable image of a kike because
the Jews are ever watchful for that. They never allowed
it to be shown on the screen!" (Marlon Brando,
Playboy, Jan. 1979)
"Mossad can go to any distinguished American
Jew and ask for help." (ex-CIA official, 9/3/1979,
"Journalists, editors, and politicians for
that matter, are going to think twice about criticizing
Israel if they know they are going to get thousands
of angry calls in a matter of hours. The Jewish lobby
is good at orchestrating pressure...Israel's presence
in America is all-pervasive...You don't want to seem
like you are blatantly trying to influence whom they
[the media] invite. You have to persuade them that
you have the show's best interests at heart...After
the hullabaloo over Lebanon [cluster bombing civilians,
etc.], the press doesn't do anything without calling
us for comment."
"As president of the largest Jewish organization,
I disposed of budgets of hundreds of millions of dollars;
I directed thousands of employees, and all this, I
emphasize again, not for one particular state, but
within the frame work of International Jewry."
(The Jewish Parado, Nahum Goldmann, p. 150)
"Federation played a major part in Jewish
life throughout the world. There is a federation in
every community of the world where there is a substantial
number of Jews. Today there is a central movement that
is capable of mustering all of its planning, financial
and political resources within twenty-four hours, geared
to handling any particular issue. Proportionately,
we have more power than any other comparable group,
far beyond our numbers. The reason is that we are probably
the most well organized minority in the world."
(Nat Rosenberg, Denver Allied Jewish Federation, International
Jewish News, January 30, 1976)
"The holocaust instills a guilt complex in
those said to be guilty and spreads the demoralization,
degeneration, eventually the destruction of the natural
elite among a people. Transfers effective political
control to the lowest elements who will cowtow to the
Jews." (S.E.D. Brown of South Africa, 1979)
"We [Jews] are like an elephant, we don't
forget." (Thomas Dine, American-Israeli Public
Affairs Committee)
"Allowing NBC to televise this matter [revelations
about former Prime Minister Peres formulating the U.S.
sale of weapons to Iran] is evidence that some U.S.
agencies are undertaking a private crusade against
Israel. That's very severe, and is something you just
don't do to a friend." (Chicago Tribune 11/24/84)
Israel was caught stealing U.S. technology for
cluster bombs and chrome-plating cannon barrels. Subpoenas
against Israeli citizens were dropped by "our"
government after Israel pledged to "co-operate."
(Chicago Tribune 11/24/86).
"All I had held against the Jews was that
so many Jews actually were hypocrites in their claim
to be friends of the American black man...At the same
time I knew that Jews played these roles for a very
careful strategic reason: the more prejudice in America
that could be focused upon the Negro, the more the
white Gentile's prejudice would keep...off the Jew."
(New York Magazine, 2/4/85)
"Poles did not like Jews and they were worse
than Germans." (Menachem Begin)
"I am a Zionist." (Jerry Falwell, Old
Time Gospel Hour, 1/27/85)
"A U.S. Senator should have the same right
as a member of the Knesset...to disagree with any government
when its actions may not be in the United States' interest."
(Senator Percy, Wall Street Journal, 2/26/85)
"...the [Jewish] underground will strike
targets that will make Americans gasp." [Victor
Vancier, Village Voice Statements of New York City
Jewish Defense League Commander, April, 1986)
"The role of Jews who write in both the Jewish
and [American] general press is to defend Israel."
(Commentary of Editor Norman Podhoretz)
"Five men meet in London twice daily and
decide the world price of gold. They represent Mocatta
& Goldsmid, Sharps, Pixley Ltd., Samuel Montagu
Ltd., Mase Wespac Ltd. and M. Rothschild & Sons."
(L.A. Times-Washington Post, 12/29/86)
"Much of what you have read about the war
in Lebanon -- and even more of what you have seen and
heard on television - is simply not true." (New
Republic Editor-in-chief Martin Peretz)
"The use of force, including beatings, undoubtedly
has brought about the impact we wanted -- strengthening
the [occupied] population's fear of the Israeli Defense
Forces." (Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin)
"If we'd like to launch a war against the
Washington Post, we'll pick the time and place."
(Spokesman for the Israeli Embassy)
"We Jews are an unusual people. We fight
over anything." (Philip Klutznick, past president
of B'nai B'rith, They Dare to Speak Out, p. 276)
"Jew storekeepers have already learned the
advantage to be gained from this [unlimited credit]:
they lead on the farmer into irretrievable indebtedness,
and keep him ever after as their bondslave hopelessly
grinding in the mill." (Across the Plains, by
Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson, 1850-1894)
"...[Israel] is able to stifle free speech,
control our Congress, and even dictate our foreign
policy." (They Dare to Speak Out, Paul Findley)
1957: Jewish rabbi attacks the Lord's Prayer in
the schools. (NJO, Feb. 8, 1957).
"This means war! and organized Jewry, such
as the B'nai B'rith, which swung their weight into
the fight to defeat Taft. The Jewish ex-President 'Teddy'
Roosevelt helped, in no small way, by organizing and
running on a third Party ticket [the Bull-Moose Party],
which split the conservative Republican vote and allowed
Woodrow Wilson [A Marrino Jew] to become President."
(The Great Conspiracy, by Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack"
"I would willingly disenfranchise every Zionist.
I would almost be tempted to proscribe the Zionist
organizations as illegal and against the national interests...I
have always recognized the unpopularity, much greater
than some people think of my community. We [Jews] have
obtained a far greater share of this country's [England]
goods and opportunities than we are numerically entitled
to. We reach, on the whole, maturity earlier, and therefore
with people of our own age we compete unfairly. Many
of us have been exclusive in our friendships, and intolerable
in our attitude, and I can easily understand that many
a non-Jew in England wants to get rid of us."
(Jewish-American Ambassador to India, Edwin Montague,
The Zionist Connection, p. 737)
"Played golf with Joe Kennedy [U.S. Ambassador
to Britain]. He says that Chamberlain started that
America and world Jewry forced England into World War
II." (Secretary of the Navy Forrestal, Diary,
December 27, 1945 entry)
"You are right! This reproach of yours, which
I feel for certain is at the bottom of your anti-Semitism,
is only too well justified; upon this common ground
I am quite willing to shake hands with you and defend
you against any accusation of promoting Race Hatred...We
[Jews] have erred, my friend, we have most grievously
erred. And if there is any truth in our error, 3,000,
2,000 maybe 100 years ago, there is nothing now but
falseness and madness, a madness which will produce
even greater misery and wider anarchy. I confess it
to you openly and sincerely and with sorrow...We who
have posed as the saviors of the world...We are nothing
but the world' seducers, it's destroyers, it's incinderaries,
it's executioners...we who promised to lead you to
heaven, have finally succeeded in leading you to a
new hell...There has been no progress, least of all
moral progress...and it is our morality which prohibits
all progress, and what is worse -- it stands in the
way of every future and natural reconstruction in this
ruined world of ours...I look at this world, and shudder
at its ghastliness: I shudder all the ore, as I know
the spiritual authors of all this ghastliness..."
(The World Significance of the Russian Revolution,
by George Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers, July 1920)
"The Bolshevist revolution [the 1917 Russian
Revolution] was largely the outcome of Jewish idealism."
(American Hebrew, Sept. 10, 1920)
"If it is 'anti-Semitism' to say that communism
in the United States is Jewish, so be it; but to the
unprejudiced mind it will look very much like Americanism.
Communism all over the world, not in Russia only, is
Jewish." (Henry Ford Sr., 1922)
"You Israeli you should never become lenient
if you would kill your enemies. You shall have no pity
on them until you shall have destroyed all their so-called
Arab culture, on the ruins of which we shall build
our own civilization." (Menachin Begin, October
28, 1956, at a Conference in Tel Aviv)
The stage was set for the Pied Piper of Harvard
to lead a parade of mesmerized youth to a new dimension
of spiritual experience that science had told them
did not exist. Timothy Leary's LSD (along with the
other psychedelics) turned out to be the launching
pad for mind trips beyond the physical universe of
time, space, and matter to a strange dimension where
intoxicating nectars were abundant and exotic adventures
the norm. For millions it was a 'mind- blowing' experience
that forever changed their world view.
The Beatles played a key role in leading a generation
of youth into drugs. Leary, just back from India, called
them 'the four evangelists.' Relaxing in his tepee
and listening to the Beatles' album Sergeant Pepper's
Lonely Hearts Club Band, Leary said, 'The Beatles have
taken my place. That latest album - a complete celebration
of LSD.' The Rolling Stones and other big-time Rock
groups were evangelists also. In 1969, Life magazine
quoted Rock star Jimi Hendrix: '...through music, you
can hypnotize people...And when you get [them] at [their]
weakest point, you can preach into the subconscious
minds what we want to say.' He was frank to admit,
'Definitely I'm trying to change the world.' Lloyd
Richards, dean of the Yale School of Drama, has said,
'The arts define whatever [the] new society is that
we're evolving...' The awesome power of music to mold
the thinking of the masses (and particularly of its
youth) has been demonstrated by those who unquestionably
knew what they were doing. Crosby, of the Crosby, Stills
& Nash group boasted:
'I figured that the only thing to do was to seal their
minds. I still think it's the only thing to do. ...I'm
not talking about kidnapping... [but] about changing
young people's value systems...'
All of the above were Jews!
"You cannot be English Jews. We are a race,
and only as a race can we perpetuate. Our mentality
is of Edomitish character, and differs from that of
an Englishman. Enough subterfuges! Let us assert openly
that we are International Jews." (From the manifesto
of the "World Jewish Federation," January
1, 1935, through its spokesperson, Gerald Soman).
"The division of the United States into two
federations of equal force was decided long before
the Civil War by the High [Jewish] Financial Powers
of Europe. These bankers were afraid of the United
States, if they remained in one block and as one nation,
would attain economical and financial independence,
which would upset their financial domination over the
world. The voice of the Rothschilds predominated. They
foresaw tremendous booty if they could substitute two
feeble democracies, indebted to the Jewish financiers,
to the vigorous Republic, confident and self-providing.
Therefore, they started their emissaries to work in
order to exploit the question of slavery and thus to
dig an abyss between the two parts of the Republic...'"
(La Vieille France, No. 216, March, 1921)
The "new world order that is in the making
must focus on the creation of a world of democracy,
peace and prosperity for all." (Nelson Mandela,
in the Philadelphia Inquirer (October 1994)).
"But a study of the racial history of Europe
indicates that there would have been few wars, probably
no major wars, but for the organizing of the Jewish
peace-propagandists to make the non-Jews grind themselves
to bits. The supposition is permissible that the Jewish
strategists want peace, AFTER they subjugate all opposition
and potential opposition.
The question is, whose peace or whose wars are we to
'enjoy?' Is man to be free to follow his conscience
and worship his own God, or must he accept the conscience
and god of the Zionists?" (The Ultimate World
Order, Robert H. Williams, page 49).
"Within the studies and on the screen, the
Jews could simply create a new country - an empire
of their own, so to speak, one where they would not
only be admitted, but would govern as well. The would
create its values and myths, its traditions and archetypes."
(An Empire of Their Own [How the Jews Invented Hollywood],
by Neal Gabler (Crown Publishers, inc. N.Y. Copyright
1988, pp. 5-6)
"Television has allowed us to create a common
culture, and without it we would not have been able
to accomplish our goal." (American Story, Public
Television, Dr. Morris Janowitz, Prof. of Psychology,
Chicago University, December 1, 1984)
"The Jewish people as a whole will be its
own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the
dissolution of other races...and by the establishment
of a world republic in which everywhere the Jews will
exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New
World Order the Children of Israel...will furnish all
the leaders without encountering opposition..."
(Karl Marx in a letter to Baruch Levy, quoted in Review
de Paris, June 1, 1928, p. 574)
"This second movement aims for the establishment
of a new racial domination of the world...the moving
spirits in the second scheme are Jewish radicals. Within
the ranks of Communism is a group of this party, but
it does not stop there. To its leaders Communism is
only an incident. They are ready to use the Islamic
revolt, hatred by the Central Empire of England, Japan's
designs on India and commercial rivalries between America
and Japan. As any movement of world revolution must
be, this is primarily anti-Anglo-Saxon...The organization
of the world Jewish radical movement has been perfected
in almost every land." (The Chicago Tribune, June
19, 1920)
"We Jews have spoiled the blood of all races.
We have tarnished and broken their power. we have made
everything foul, rotten, decomposed and decayed."
(The Way To Zion, Munzer)
"There is a Jewish conspiracy against all
nations; it occupies almost everywhere the avenues
of power - a double assault of Jewish revolution and
Jewish finance, revolution and finance. If I were God,
I'd clean this mess up and I would start with cleaning
the Money Changers out of the Federal Reserve. He does
say in His Word that the gold and silver will be thrown
in the streets. Since they aren't using money in Heaven
now, we won't need any when He gets here. It will be
done in earth as it is in heaven. Oh, I do thank God
for that! Hallelujah! I'll bet you haven't heard this
much praises, ever." (La Nouveau Mercure, Paris
1917, Rene Groos)
"The Bolshevist officials of Russia are Jews.
The Russian Revolution with all its ghastly horrors
was a Jewish movement." (The Jewish Chronicle,
Sept. 22, 1922)
"When only Jews are present we admit that
Satan is our god." (Harold Rosenthal, former administrative
aide to Sen. Jacob Javits, in a recorded interview)
"The League of Nations is a Jewish idea.
We created it after a fight of 25 years. Jerusalem
will one day become the Capital of World Peace."
(Nahum Sokolow, During the Zionist Congress at Carlsbad
in 1922)
Rabbi Julius T. Loeb a Jewish Zionist leader in
Washington was reported in "Who's Who in the Nation's
Capital," 1929-1930, as referring to Jerusalem
as "The Head Capital of the United States of the
"Until mankind heeds the message on the Hebrew
trumpet blown, and the faith of the whole world's people
is the faith that is our own." (Jewish Poet, Israel
"New World Order: The Rise of the Region-State"
(Title of article by Kenichi Ohmae, political reform
leader in Japan, in the Wall Street Journal (August
"The Nations will exhort to tranquility.
They will be ready to sacrifice everything for peace,
but we will not give them peace until they openly acknowledge
our International Super- Government, and with Submissiveness."
(Zionist Congress at Basle in 1897)
"The task of the proletariat is to create
a still more powerful fatherland with a far greater
power of resistance, the Republican United States of
Europe, as the foundation of the United States of the
World." (Leon Trotzky (Bronstein), Bolshevism
and World Peace, 1918)
"One of the major reasons for my visit to
the United States is to interest Americans in the beautification
of Jerusalem, the Capital of the World, no less than
the Capital of Israeli." (Mayor of Jerusalem,
South African Jewish Times of 14th March, 1952)
"No one pretends that a Japanese or Indian
child is English because it was born in England. The
same applies to Jews." (Jewish World, London September
22, 1915)
"It is the Jew who lies when he swears allegiance
to another faith; who becomes a danger to the world."
(Rabbi Stephen Wise, New York Tribune, March 2, 1920).
"We are Jews and nothing else. A nation within
a nation." (Dr. Chaim Weisman, Jewish Zionist
leader in his pamphlet, (Great Britain, Palestine and
the Jews.)
"A Jew remains a Jew. Assimilalation is impossible,
because a Jew cannot change his national character.
Whatever he does, he is a Jew and remains a Jew. The
majority has discovered this fact, but too late. Jews
and Gentiles discover that there is no issue. Both
believed there was an issue. There is none." (The
Jews, Ludwig Lewisohn, in his book "Israel,"
"A Jewish question exists, and there will
be one as long as the Jews remain Jews. It is an actual
fact that the Jews fight against the Catholic Church.
They are free thinkers, and constitute a vanguard of
Atheism, Bolshevism and Revolution...One should protect
one's self against the evil influence of Jewish morals,
and particularly boycott the Jewish Press and their
demoralizing publications." (Pastoral letter issued
in 1936. "An Answer to Father Caughlin's Critics,"
page 98)
Max Nordau, a Jew, speaking at the Zionist Congress
at Basle in August 1903, made this astonishing "prophesy":
Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing
you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward:
Herzl, the Zionist Congress, the English Uganda proposition,
THE FUTURE WAR, the peace conference, WHERE WITH THE
CREATED." (Waters Flowing Eastward, p. 108)
"Once we perceive that it is Judaism which
is the root cause of antisemitism, otherwise irrational
or inexplicable aspects of antisemitism become rationally
explicable...Only something representing a threat to
the core values, allegiances and beliefs of others
could cause such universal, deep and lasting hatred.
This Judaism has done..." (Why the Jews: by Denis
Prager and Joseph Telushkin, 1985)
Walther Rathenau, the Jewish banker behind the
Kaiser, writing in the German Weiner Frei Presse, December
24th, 1912, said: "Three hundred men, each of
whom knows all the other, govern the fate of the European
continent, and they elect their successors from their
entourage." Confirmation of Rathenau's statement
came twenty years later in 1931 when Jean Izoulet,
a prominent member of the Jewish Alliance Israelite
Universelle, wrote in his Paris la Capitale des Religions:
"The meaning of the history of the last century
is that today 300 Jewish financiers, all Masters of
Lodges, rule the world." (Waters Flowing Eastward,
p. 108)
"The ultimate cause of antisemitism is that
which has made Jews Jewish - Judaism. There are four
basic reasons for this and each revolves around the
Jewish challenge to the values of non Jews...By affirming
what they considered to be the one and only God of
all mankind, thereby denying legitimacy to everyone
else's gods, the Jews entered history; and have often
been since, at war with other people's cherished values.
And by continually asserting their own national identity
in addition or instead of the national identity of
the non-Jews among whom they lived, Jews have created
or intensified anti-Semitic passions...This attempt
to change the world, to challenge the gods, religious
or secular, of the societies around them, and to make
moral demands upon others...has constantly been a source
of tension between Jews and non-Jews..."
"The Final Act of the Uruguay Round, marking
the conclusion of the most ambitious trade negotiation
of our century, will give birth - in Morocco - to the
World Trade Organization, the third pillar of the New
World Order, along with the United Nations and the
International Monetary Fund." (Part of full-page
advertisement by the government of Morocco in the New
York Times (April 1994)).
Count Czernin, Austrian foreign minister wrote:
"This Russian bolshevism is a peril to Europe,
and if we had the power, beside securing a tolerable
peace for ourselves, to force other countries into
a state of law and order, then it would be better to
have nothing to do with such people as these, but to
march on Petersburg and arrange matters there. Their
leaders are almost all of them Jews, with altogether
fantastic ideas, and I do not envy the country that
is government by them. The way they begin is this:
Everything in the least reminiscent of work, wealth,
and culture, must be destroyed, and the Bourgeoisie
[Middle Class] Exterminated. Freedom and equality seem
no longer to have any place on their program: only
a bestial suppression of all but the proletariat itself."
(Waters Flowing Eastward, p. 46-47)
"The principal characteristic of the Jewish
religion consists in its being alien to the Hereafter,
a religion, as it were, solely and essentially worldly.
(Werner Sombart, Les Juifs et la vie economique, p.
"Amongst the spectacles to which 20th century
invites us must be counted the final settlement of
the destiny of European Jews. There is every evidence
that, now that they have cast their dice, and crossed
their Rubicon, there only remains for them to become
masters of Europe or to lose Europe, as they lost in
olden times, when they had placed themselves in a similar
position (Nietzsche). (The Secret Powers Behind Revolution,
by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 119).
Good News From Auschwitz!
The following is from Australia's A.N.M., P.O. Box 40,
Summer Hill, N.S.W. 2130:
Dear Respected Reader: Since 1945 there have been many
conflicting claims concerning the numbers of Jewish
people (and others) who died at Auschwitz-Birkeneu
(Oswiecim, concentration camp). However, it is only
recent research and access to hitherto unavailable
documents, that these numbers have drastically lowered,
possibly indicating that more of our people survive.
Perhaps the 6 mills often publicized (though our best
figure is 4.3 million) may also need to be revised
lower, we hope so.
Dr. Nathan Nussbaum, Honorary Director, Centre for Jewish
Holocaust Studies.
According to official documents in the French Republic
(institute for the Examination of War-criminals) the
number that died in Auschwitz was: 8,000,000
According to the French daily newspaper "Le Monde"
(20 April, 1978): 5,000,000
According to the memorial plaque on the gas-chamber
monument at Auschwitz-Birkenau (later removed in 1990
by the Polish Government): 4,000,000
According to the "confession" of Rudolf Hoess,
the last commandant of Auschwitz. G.V. interrogation
record and written statement before his "suicide":
According to a statement by Yeduha Bauer, Director of
the Institute for Contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew
University, Jerusalem: 1,600,000
According to "La Monde" (1 September 1989):
According to Prof. Raul Hilberg (Professor for Holocaust
Research, and author of the book, "The Annihilation
of European Jewry," 2nd. ed. 1988: 1,250,000
According to Polish historians, G.V. DPA - Report of
July 1990 and corresponding public announcements: 1,100,000
According to Gerald Reitlinger, author of "Die
Endlbsun": 850,000 _________ In the autumn of
1989 the Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev opened
Soviet archives, and the public saw for the first time,
the complete register of deaths at Auschwitz - which
speaks as a key document of 74,000 dead.
"Rollin, Pierred Leroux, and a group of socialists,
among whom was Maurice Joly [His father was Philippe
Lambert Joly, born at Dieppe, Attorney-General of the
Jura under Louis-Philippe for ten years. His mother
Florentine Corbara Courtois, was the daughter of Laurent
Courtois, paymaster-general of Corsica, who had an
inveterate hatred of Napoleon I. Maurice Joly was born
in 1831 at Lons-le-Saulnier and educated at Dijon:
there he had begun his law studies, but left for Paris
in 1849 to secure a post in the Ministry of the Interior
under M. Chevreau and just before the coup d'etat.
He did not finish his law studies till 1860. [Committed
suicide in 1878].
Joly, some thirty years younger than Cremieux, with
an inherited hatred of the Bonapartes, seems to have
fallen very largely under his influence. Through Cremieux,
Joly became acquainted with communists and their writings.
Though, until 1871 when his ambition for a government
post turned him into a violent communist, he had not
in 1864 gone beyond socialism, he was so impressed
with the way they presented their arguments that he
could not, if the chance were offered, refrain from
imitating it.
And this chance came in 1864-1865, when his hatred of
Napoleon, whetted by Cremieux, led him to publish anonymously
in Brussels the Dialogues aux Enfers entre Machiavelli
et Montesquieu. In this work he tells us, 'Machiavelli
represents the policy of Might, while Montesquieu stands
for that of Right: Machiavelli will be Napoleon, who
will himself describe his abominable policy.' It was
natural that he should choose the Italian Machiavelli
to stand for Bonaparte, and the Frenchman Montesquieu,
for the ideal statesman: it was equally natural that
he should put in the mouth of Machiavelli some of the
same expressions which Venedey had put in it, and which
Joly had admired. His own view was: 'Socialism seems
to me one of the forms of a new life for the people
emancipated from the traditions of the old world. I
accept a great many of the solutions offered by socialism;
but I reject communism, either as a social factor,
or as a political institution. Communism is but a school
of socialism. In politics, I understand extreme means
to gain one's ends, in that at least, I am a Jacobin."
"One can trace Jewish influence in the last
revolutionary explosions in Europe. An insurrection
has taken place against traditions, religion and property,
the destruction of the Semitic principle, the extirpation
of the Jewish religion, either under its Mosaic or
Christian form, the natural equality of men and the
annulment of property are proclaimed by the secret
societies which form the provisional government, and
men of the Jewish race are found at the head of each
of them. The People of God [The Jews god is Satan]
cooperate with atheists, the most ardent accumulators
of property link themselves with communists. the select
and chosen race walks hand in hand with the scum of
the lower castes of Europe. And all this because they
wish to destroy this Christianity..." (The Secret
Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins,
pp. 120-121)
"There was no opposition organized against
Bela Kun. Like Lenin he surrounded himself with commissaries
having absolute authority. of the 32 principle commissaries
25 were Jews, a proportion nearly similar to that in
Russia. The most important of them formed a Directory
of five: Bela Kun alias Kohn, Bela Vaga (Weiss), Joseph
Pogany (Schwartz), Sigismond Kunfi (Kunstatter), and
another. Other chiefs were Alpari and Szamuelly who
directed the Red Terror, as well as the executions
and tortures of the bourgeoisie." (A report on
revolutionary activities published by a committee of
the Legislature of New York, presided over by Senator
Lusk; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte
Leon De Poncins, pp. 124)
"We Jews had more power than you Americans
had during the War [World War I]." The Secret
Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon de Poncins,
p. 205)
"With him (Bela Kun) twenty six commissaries
composed the new government [of Hungary], out of the
twenty six commissaries eighteen were Jews. An unheard
of proportion if one considers that in Hungary there
were altogether 1,500,000 Jews in a population of 22
million. Add to this that these eighteen commissaries
had in their hands the effective direction of government.
The eight Christian commissaries were only confederates.
In a few weeks, Bela Kun and his friends had overthrown
in Hungary the age-old order and one saw rising on
the banks of the Danube a new Jerusalem issued from
the brain of Karl Marx and built by Jewish hands on
ancient thoughts.
For hundreds of years through all misfortunes a Messianic
dream of an ideal city, where there will be neither
rich nor poor, and where perfect justice and equality
will reign, has never ceased to haunt the imagination
of the Jews. In their ghettos filled with the dust
of ancient dreams, the uncultured Jews of Galicia persist
in watching on moonlight nights in the depths of the
sky for some sign precursor of the coming of the Messiah.
Trotsky, Bela Kun and the others took up, in their
turn, this fabulous dream. But, tired of seeking in
heaven this kingdom of God which never comes, they
have caused it to descend upon earth (sic)." (J.
and J. Tharaud, Quand Israel est roi, p. 220. Pion
Nourrit, Paris, 1921, The Secret Powers Behind Revolution,
by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 123)
"Three hundred men, who all know each other
direct the economic destinies of the Continent and
they look for successors among their friends and relations.
This is not the place to examine the strange causes
of this strange state of affairs which throws a ray
of light on the obscurity of our social future."
(Walter Rathenau; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution,
by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 169)
"Szamuelly travelled about Hungary in his
special train; an eye witness gives the following description:
'This train of death rumbled through the Hungarian
night, and where it stopped, men hung from trees, and
blood flowed in the streets. Along the railway line
one often found naked and mutilated corpses. Szamuelly
passed sentence of death in the train and those forced
to enter it never related what they had seen. Szamuelly
lived in it constantly, thirty Chinese terrorists watched
over his safety; special executioners accompanied him.
The train was composed of two saloon cars, two first
class cars reserved for the terrorists and two third
class cars reserved for the victims. In the later the
executions took place. the floors were stained with
blood. the corpses were thrown from the windows while
Szamuelly sat at his dainty little writing table, in
the saloon car upholstered in pink silk and ornamented
with mirrors. A single gesture of his hand dealt out
life or death.'" (C. De Tormay, Le livre proscrit,
p. 204. Paris, 1919, The Secret Powers Behind Revolution,
by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 122)
"From the strictly financial point of view,
the most disastrous events of history, wars or revolutions,
never produce catastrophes, the manipulators of money
can make profit out of everything provided that they
are well-informed before-hand...It is certain that
the Jews scattered over the whole surface of the globe
are particularly well placed in this respect."
(G. Batault, Le probleme juif; The Secret Powers Behind
Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 136)
"Eleven small men have made the revolution
(In Munich, Germany, 1918), said Kurt Eisner in the
intoxication of triumph to his colleague the Minister
Auer. It seems only just to preserve a lasting memory
of these small men; they are the Jews Max Lowenberg,
Dr. Kurt Rosenfeld, Caspar Wollheim, Max Rothschild,
Karl Arnold, Kranold, Rosenhek, Birenbaum, Reis and
Kaiser. Those ten men with Kurt Eisner van Israelovitch
were at the head of the Revolutionary Tribunal of Germany.
All the eleven, are Free Masons and belong to the secret
Lodge N. 11 which had its abode at Munich No 51 Briennerstrasse."
(Mgr Jouin, Le peril judeo- maáonique, t. I,
p. 161; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte
Leon De Poncins, p.125)
"Masonry is a Jewish institution, whose history,
degrees, charges, passwords and explanation are Jewish
from beginning to end." (Quoted from Gregor Shwarz
Bostunitch: die Freimaurerei, 1928; The Secret Powers
Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, P. 101)
"Freemasonry was a good and sound institution
in principle, but revolutionary agitators, principally
Jews, taking advantage of its organization as a secret
society, penetrated it little by little. They have
corrupted it and turned it from its moral and philanthropic
aim in order to employ it for revolutionary purposes.
This would explain why certain parts of freemasonry
have remained intact such as English masonry.
In support of this theory we may quote what a Jew, Bernard
Lazare has said in his book: l'antisemitiseme: 'What
were the relations between the Jews and the secret
societies? That is not easy to elucidate, for we lack
reliable evidence. Obviously they did not dominate
in these associations, as the writers, whom I have
just mentioned, pretended; they were not necessarily
the soul, the head, the grand master of masonry as
Gougenot des Mousseaux affirms. It is certain however
that there were Jews in the very cradle of masonry,
kabbalist Jews, as some of the rites which have been
preserved prove.
It is most probable that, in the years which preceded
the French Revolution, they entered the councils of
this sect in increasing numbers and founded secret
societies themselves. There were Jews with Weishaupt,
and Martinez de Pasqualis. A Jew of Portuguese origin,
organized numerous groups of illuminati in France and
recruited many adepts whom he initiated into the dogma
of reinstatement. The Martinezist lodges were mystic,
while the other Masonic orders were rather rationalist;
a fact which permits us to say that the secret societies
represented the two sides of Jewish mentality: practical
rationalism and pantheism, that pantheism which although
it is a metaphysical reflection of belief in only one
god, yet sometimes leads to cabalistic tehurgy. One
could easily show the agreements of these two tendencies,
the alliance of Cazotte, of Cagliostro, of Martinez,
of Saint Martin, of the comte de St. Bermain, of Eckartshausen,
with the Encyclopedists and the Jacobins, and the manner
in which in spite of their opposition, they arrived
at the same result, the weakening of Christianity.
That will once again serve to prove that the Jews could
be good agents of the secret societies, because the
doctrines of these societies were in agreement with
their own doctrines, but not that they were the originators
of them." (Bernard Lazare, l'Antisemitisme. Paris,
Chailley, 1894, p. 342; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution,
by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, pp. 101-102).
"There is a hidden power behind that 'Nameless
Beast' (the revolutionary spirit) which is the secret
of his (Jewish) amazing achievements; but it is the
very power that the average Englishman refuses to take
into account. There are elaborate organizations all
over the country for dealing with the red peril, but
which of these show a vision sufficiently clear to
detect the force behind it, or if detecting, the courage
to fight it? Yet so long as this question is evaded,
so long will the Beast continue to march forward and
>From time immemorial the cabalistic Jews have had their
great adepts, who have succeeded in their quest for
hidden knowledge, and mastered certain secrets of nature;
and who, having thus acquired occult powers, have used
those powers for the furtherance of their own political
aims. These aims were carried out in the lodges of
continental masonry and other secret societies, and
we have it on the authority of Disraeli himself that
these Jews were found at the head of every one of these
(Quoted in Patriot, June 9 and July 21, 1927).
"This reminds me of what Mentor writing in
the Jewish Chronicle in the time of the Russian Revolution
said on the same subject: Indeed, in effect, it was
the same as what Mr. Cox now says. After showing that
Bolshevism by reason of the ruthless tyranny of its
adherents was a serious menace to civilization Mentor
observed: 'Yet none the less, in essence it is the
revolt of peoples against the social state, against
the evil, the iniquities that were crowned by the cataclysm
of the war under which the world groaned for four years.'
And he continued: 'there is much in the fact of Bolshevism
itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolshevists,
in the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism at many points
are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism..."
(The Ideals of Bolshevism, Jewish World, January 20,
1929, No. 2912; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution,
by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 127)
"Now as we have already seen, these occult
powers were undoubtedly behind the illuminised Grand
Orient and the French Revolution; also behind Babeuf
and his direct successors the Bolsheviks.
The existence of these powers has never been questioned
on the continent: The Catholic church has always recognized
the fact, and therefore, has forbidden her children
under pain of excommunication, to belong to any order
of freemasonry or to any other secret society. But
here in England [and in America], men are apt to treat
the whole thing with contempt, and remind us that,
by our own showing, English masonry is a totally different
thing from the continental in so far as it taboos the
discussion of religion and politics in its lodges.
That is perfectly true, and no English mason is permitted
to attend a lodge meeting of the Grand Orient or of
any other irregular masonry. But it is none the less
true that Thomas Paine, who was in Paris at the time
of the revolution, and played an active part in it,
returned to this country and established eight lodges
of the Grand Orient and other revolutionary societies
(V. Robinson, Proofs of a Conspiracy).
But that is not all. There are occult societies flourishing
in England today, such as the Theosophical society,
under Mrs. Besant, with its order of the Star in the
East, and order of the Round Table. Both the latter
are, under the leadership of Krishnamurti, vehicles
for the manifestation of their Messiah, or World Teacher.
These are associated with the continental masons, and
claim to be under the direct influence of the grand
Masters, or the great white Lodge, Jewish Cabbalists.
Co-masonry is another branch of Mrs. Besant Theosophical
society, and in February 1922, the alliance between
this and the Grand Orient was celebrated at the grand
Temple of the Droit Humain in Paris.
Also the Steincrites 'Anthroposophical Society' which
is Rosicrucian and linked with continental masonry.
Both this and Mrs. Besant groups aim at the Grand Orient
'united States of Europe.'
But there is another secret society linked to Dr. Steiner's
movement which claims our attention here: The Stella
Matutina. This is a Rosicrucian order of masonry passing
as a 'high and holy order for spiritual development
and the service of humanity,' but in reality a 'Politico
pseudo-religious society of occultists studying the
highest practical magic.'
And who are those who belong to this Stella Matutina?
English clergymen! Church dignitaries! One at least
of the above named Red Clergy! Clerical members of
a religious community where young men are being trained
for the ministry! The English clergymen and others
are doubtless themselves dupes of a directing power,
unknown to them, as are its ultimate aims. The Stella
Matutina had amongst its members the notorious Aleister
Crowley, who, however was expelled from the London
order. He is an adept and practices magic in its vilest
form. He has an order the O.T.O. which is at the present
time luring many to perdition. The Sunday Express and
other papers have exposed this unblushing villainy.
There is another interesting fact which shows the connection
between occultism and communism. In July 1889 the International
Worker's Congress was held in Paris, Mrs. Besant being
one of the delegates. Concurrently, the Marxistes held
their International Congress and Mrs. Besant moved,
amid great applause, for amalgamation with them. And
yet another International Congress was then being held
in Paris, to wit, that of the Spiritualist. The delegates
of these occultists were the guests of the Grand Orient,
whose headquarters they occupied at 16, rue Cadet.
The president of the Spiritualists was Denis, and he
has made it quite clear that the three congresses there
came to a mutual understanding, for, in a speech which
he afterwards delivered, he said: 'The occult Powers
are at work among men. Spiritism is a powerful germ
which will develop and bring about transformation of
laws, ideas and of social forces. It will show its
powerful influence on social economy and public life."
(The Nameless Beast, by Chas. H. Rouse, p. 15-17, Boswell,
London, 1928; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution,
by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, pp. 111-112)
"When the Jew applies his thought, his whole
soul to the cause of the workers and the despoiled,
of the disinherited of this world, his fundamental
quality is that he goes to the root of things. In Germany
he becomes a Marx and a Lasalle, a Haas and an Edward
Bernstein; in Austria Victor Adler, Friedrich Adler;
in Russia, Trotsky. Compare for an instant the present
situation in Germany and Russia: the revolution there
has liberated creative forces, and admire the quantity
of Jews who were there ready for active and immediate
service. Revolutionaries, Socialists, Mensheviks, Bolsheviks,
Majority or Minority Socialists, whatever name one
assigns to them, all are Jews and one finds them as
the chiefs or the workers IN ALL REVOLUTIONARY PARTIES."
(Rabbi J.L. Manges, speaking in New York in 1919; The
Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De
Poncins, p. 128)
"One can say without exaggeration that the
great Russian social revolution has been made by the
hand of the Jews. Would the somber, oppressed masses
of Russian workmen and peasants have been capable by
themselves of throwing off the yoke of the bourgeoisie.
No, it was especially the Jews who have led the Russian
proletariat to the Dawn of the International and who
have not only guided but still guide today the cause
of the Soviets which they have preserved in their hands.
We can sleep in peace so long as the commander-in-chief
of the Red Army of Comrade Trotsky. It is true that
there are now Jews in the Red Army serving as private
soldiers, but the committees and Soviet organizations
are Jewish. Jews bravely led to victory the masses
of the Russian proletariat. It is not without reason
that in the elections for all the Soviet institutions
Jews are in a victorious and crushing majority...
The Jewish symbol which for centuries has struggled
against Capitalism (CHRISTIAN) has become that also
of the Russian Proletariat. One may see it in the adoption
of the Red Five- Pointed Star which has been for long,
as one knows, the symbol of Zionism and Judaism. Behind
this emblem marches victory, the death of parasites
and of the bourgeoisie..." (M. Cohen, in the Communist
of Kharkoff, April 1919; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution,
by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, pp. 128-129)
"I know of nothing more cynical than the
attitude of European statesmen and financiers towards
the Russian muddle. Essentially it is their purpose,
as laid down at Genoa, to place Russia in economic
vassalage and give political recognition in exchange.
American business is asked to join in that helpless,
that miserable and contemptible business, the looting
of that vast domain, and to facilitate its efforts,
certain American bankers engaged in mortgaging the
world are willing to sow among their own people the
fiendish, anti-democratic propaganda of Bolshevism,
subsidizing, buying, intimidating, cajoling. There
are splendid and notable exceptions but the great powers
of the American-Anglo-German financing combinations
have set their faces towards the prize displayed by
a people on their knees. Most important is the espousal
of the Bolshevist cause by the grope of American, Anglo-German
bankers who like to call themselves international financiers
to dignify and conceal their true function and limitation.
Specifically the most important banker in this group
and speaking for this group, born in Germany as it
happens, has issued orders to his friends and associates
that all must now work for Soviet recognition."
(Article by Samuel Gompers, New York Times, May 7,
1922; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte
Leon De Poncins, p. 133)
"The mode of government which is the most
propitious for the full development of the class war,
is the demagogic regime which is equally favorable
to the two fold intrigues of Finance and Revolution.
When this struggle is let loose in a violent form,
the leaders of the masses are kings, but money is god:
the demagogues are the masters of the passions of the
mob, but the financiers are the master of the demagogues,
and it is in the last resort the widely spread riches
of the country, rural property, real estate, which,
for as long as they last, must pay for the movement.
When the demagogues prosper amongst the ruins of social
and political order, and overthrown traditions, gold
is the only power which counts, it is the measure of
everything; it can do everything and reigns without
hindrance in opposition to all countries, to the detriment
of the city of the nation, or of the empire which are
finally ruined.
In doing this do not financiers work against themselves?
It may be asked: in destroying the established order
do not they destroy the source of all riches? This
is perhaps true in the end; but whilst states which
count their years by human generations, are obliged
in order to insure their existence to conceive and
conduct a far-sighted policy in view of a distant future,
Finance which gets its living from what is present
and tangible, always follows a short-sighted policy,
in view of rapid results and success without troubling
itself about the morrows of history." (G. Batault,
Le probleme juif, p. 257; The Secret Powers Behind
Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, pp. 135-136)
"It is not unnaturally claimed by Western
Jews that Russian Jewry, as a whole, is most bitterly
opposed to Bolshevism. Now although there is a great
measure of truth in this claim, since the prominent
Bolsheviks, who are preponderantly Jewish, do not belong
to the orthodox Jewish Church, it is yet possible,
without laying ones self open to the charge of antisemitism,
to point to the obvious fact that Jewry, as a whole,
has, consciously or unconsciously, worked for and promoted
an international economic, material despotism which,
with Puritanism as an ally, has tended in an ever-increasing
degree to crush national and spiritual values out of
existence and substitute the ugly and deadening machinery
of finance and factory. It is also a fact that Jewry,
as a whole, strove with every nerve to secure, and
heartily approved of, the overthrow of the Russian
monarchy, which they regarded as the most formidable
obstacle in the path of their ambitions and business
pursuits. All this may be admitted, as well as the
plea that, individually or collectively, most Jews
may heartily detest the Bolshevik regime, yet it is
still true that the whole weight of Jewry was in the
revolutionary scales against the Czar's government.
It is true their apostate brethren, who are now riding
in the seat of power, may have exceeded their orders;
that is disconcerting, but it does not alter the fact.
It may be that the Jews, often the victims of their
own idealism, have always been instrumental in bringing
about the events they most heartily disapprove of;
that perhaps is the curse of the Wandering Jew."
(W.G. Pitt River, The World Significance of the Russian
Revolution, p. 39, Blackwell, Oxford, 1921; The Secret
Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins,
pp. 134-135)
The Jew Weininger, has explained why so many Jews
are communists: "Communism is not only a national
belief but it implies the giving up of real property
especially of landed property, and the Jews, being
international, have never acquired the taste for real
property. They prefer money, which is an instrument
of power." (The Secret Powers Behind Revolution,
by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 137)
"The socialist intellectual may write of
the beauties of nationalization, of the joy of working
for the common good without hope of personal gain:
the revolutionary working man sees nothing to attract
him in all this. Question him on his ideas of social
transformation, and he will generally express himself
in favor of some method by which he will acquire something
he has not got; he does not want to see the rich man's
car socialized by the state, he wants to drive about
in it himself. The revolutionary working man is thus
in reality not a socialist but an anarchist at heart.
Nor in some cases is this unnatural. That the man who
enjoys none of the good things of life should wish
to snatch his share must at least appear comprehensible.
What is not comprehensible is that he should wish to
renounce all hope of ever possessing anything."
(N.H. Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movement,
p. 327; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte
Leon De Poncins, p. 138)
"Russia was the only country in the world
in which the directing class opposed an organized resistance
to universal Judaism. At the head of the state was
an autocrat beyond the reach of parliamentary pressure;
the high officials were independent, rich, and so saturated
with religious (Christian) and political traditions
that Jewish capital, with a few rare exceptions, had
no influence on them. Jews were not admitted in the
services of the state in judiciary functions or in
the army. The directing class was independent of Jewish
capital because it owned great riches in lands and
forest. Russia possessed wheat in abundance and continually
renewed her provision of gold from the mines of the
Urals and Siberia. The metal supply of the state comprised
four thousand million marks without including the accumulated
riches of the Imperial family, of the monasteries and
of private properties. In spite of her relatively little
developed industry, Russia was able to live self- supporting.
All these economic conditions rendered it almost impossible
for Russia to be made the slave of international Jewish
capital by the means which had succeeded in Western
If we add moreover that Russia was always the abode
of the religious and conservative principles of the
world, that, with the aid of her army she had crushed
all serious revolutionary movements and that she did
not permit any secret political societies on her territory,
it will be understood, why world Jewry, was obliged
to march to the attack of the Russian Empire."
(A. Rosenbert in the Weltkampf, July 1, 1924; The Secret
Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins,
p. 139)
"There is little resemblance between the
mystical and undecided Slav, the violent but tradition
living Magyar, and the heavy deliberate German. And
yet Bolshevism wove the same web over them all, by
the same means and with the same tokens. The national
temperament of the three races does not the least reveal
itself in the terrible conceptions which have been
accomplished, in complete agreement, by men of the
same mentality in Moscow, Buda Pesth, and Munich.
>From the very beginning of the dissolution in Russia,
Kerensky was on the spot, then came Trotsky, on watch,
in the shadow of Lenin. When Hungary was fainting,
weak from loss of blood, Kunfi, Jaszi and Pogany were
waiting behind Karolyi, and behind them came Bela Hun
and his Staff. And when Bavaria tottered Kurt Eisner
was ready to produce the first act of the revolution.
In the second act it was Max Lieven (Levy) who proclaimed
the Dictatorship of the Proletariat at Munich, a further
edition of Russian and Hungarian Bolshevism.
So great are the specific differences between the three
races that the mysterious similarity of these events
cannot be due to any analogy between them, but only
to the work of a fourth race living amongst the others
but unmingled with them.
Among modern nations with their short memories, the
Jewish people...Whether despised or feared it remains
an eternal stranger. it comes without invitation and
remains even when driven out. It is scattered and yet
coherent. It takes up its abode in the very body of
the nations. It creates laws beyond and above the laws.
It denies the idea of a homeland but it possesses its
own homeland which it carries along with it and establishes
wherever it goes. It denies the god of other peoples
and everywhere rebuilds the temple. It complains of
its isolation, and by mysterious channels it links
together the parts of the infinite New Jerusalem which
covers the whole universe. It has connections and ties
everywhere, which explains how capital and the Press,
concentrated in its hands, conserve the same designs
in every country of the world, and the interests of
the race which are identical in Ruthenian villages
and in the City of New York; if it extols someone he
is glorified all over the world, and if it wishes to
ruin someone the work of destruction is carried out
as if directed by a single hand.
The orders come from the depths of Mysterious Darkness.
That which the Jew jeers at and destroys among other
peoples, it fanatically preserves in the bosom of Judaism.
If it teaches revolt and anarchy to others, it in itself
shows admirable obedience to its invisible guides.
In the time of the Turkish revolution, a Jew said proudly
to my father: 'It is we who are making it, we, the
Young Turks, the Jews.' During the Portuguese revolution,
I heard the Marquis de Vasconcellos, Portuguese ambassador
at Rome, say 'The Jews and the Free Masons are directing
the revolution in Lisbon.' Today when the greater part
of Europe is given up to the revolution, they are everywhere
leading the movement, according to a single plan. How
did they succeed in concealing this plan which embraced
the whole world and which was not the work of a few
months or even years? They used as a screen men of
each country, blind, frivolous, venal, forward, or
stupid, and who knew nothing. And thus they worked
in security, these redoubtable organizers, these sons
of an ancient race which knows how to keep a secret.
And that is why none of them has betrayed the others."
(Cecile De Tormay, Le livre proscrit, p. 135; The Secret
Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins,
pp. 141-143)
"In our decrees, it is definitely proclaimed
that religion is a question for the private individual;
but whilst opportunists tended to see in these words
the meaning that the state would adopt the policy of
folded arms, the Marxian revolutionary recognizes the
duty of the state to lead a most resolute struggle
against religion by means of ideological influences
on the proletarian masses." (The Secret Powers
Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 144)
"The idea of authority, and therefore the
respect for authority, is an anti-Semitic notion. It
is in Catholicism, in Christianity, in the very teachings
of Jesus that it finds at once its lay and its religious
consecration." Kadmi Cohen, p. 60; The Secret
Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon de Poncins,
p. 192)
"The extraordinary Commissions are not a
medium of Justice, but 'of extermination without mercy'
according, to the expression of the Central Communist
Committee. The extraordinary Commission is not a 'Commission
of Enquiry,' nor a Court of Justice, nor a Tribunal,
it decides for itself its own powers. 'It is a medium
of combat which operates on the interior front of the
Civil War. It does not judge the enemy but exterminates
him. It does not pardon those who are on the other
side of the barricade, it crushes them.'
It is not difficult to imagine how this extermination
without mercy operates in reality when, instead of
the 'dead code of the laws,' there reigns only revolutionary
experience and conscience. Conscience is subjective
and experience must give place to the pleasure and
whims of the judges.
'We are not making war against individuals in particular,'
writes Latsis (Latsis directed the Terror in the Ukraine)
in the Red Terror of November 1918. 'We are exterminating
the Bougeoisie (middle class) as a class. Do not look
in the enquiry for documents and proofs of what the
accused person has done in acts or words against the
Soviet Authority. The first question which you must
put to him is, to what class does he belong, what are
his origin, his education, his instruction, his profession.'"
(S.P. Melgounov, La terreur rouge en Russie de 1918
a 1923. Payot, 1927; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution,
by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, pp. 147-148)
"In 1923, Trotsky, and Lunatcharsky presided
over a meeting in Moscow organized by the propaganda
section of the Communist party to judge God. Five thousand
men of the Red Army were present. The accused was found
guilty of various ignominious acts and having had the
audacity to fail to appear, he was condemned in default."
(Ost Express, January 30, 1923. Cf. Berliner Taegeblatt
May 1, 1923. See the details of the Bolshevist struggle
against religion in The Assault of Heaven by A. Valentinoff
(Boswell); The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by
Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 144-145)
"There is in existence a plan of world organization
about which much has been said for several years past,
in favor of which determined propaganda has been made
among the masses, and towards which our present rulers
are causing us to slide gradually and unconsciously.
We mean to say the socialist collectivist organization.
It is that which is the most in harmony with the character,
the aptitudes and the means of action of the Jewish
race; it is that which bears the signature, the trade-mark
of this new reigning people; it is that which it wishes
to impose on the Christian world because it is only
by this means that it can dominate the latter.
Instead of wearing a military or political character,
the dictatorship imposed by the Jewish race will be
a financial industrial, commercial dictatorship. At
least for a time, it will show itself as little as
possible. The Jews have endowed the commercial, industrial
and financial world with the Join-Stock Company, thanks
to which they are able to hide their immense riches.
They will endow the entire Christian world with that
which they have bestowed on France: the Joint-Stock
Company for the exploitation of nations called Republic,
thanks to which they will be able to hide their kingship.
We are moving then towards the Universal Republic because
it is only thus that Jewish financial, industrial and
commercial kingship can be established. But under its
republican mask this kingship will be infinitely more
despotic than any other. It will be exactly that which
man has established over the animal. The Jewish race
will maintain its hold upon us by our needs.
It will rely on a strongly organized and carefully chosen
police so generously paid that it will be ready to
do anything just as the presidents of republics, who
are given twelve hundred thousand francs and who are
chosen especially for the purpose, are ready to put
their signature to anything. Beyond the policy, nothing
but workmen on one side, and on the other engineers,
directors, administrators. The workers will be all
the non-Jews. The engineers, directors and administrators
will, on the contrary, be Jews; we do not say the Jews
and their friends; we say, the Jews; for the Jews then
will have no more friends. And they will be a hundred
times right, in such a situation, to rely only upon
those who will be of the 'Race.' This may all seem
impossible to us; and nevertheless it will come about
in the most natural way in the world, because everything
will have been prepared secretly, as the (French and
Russian) revolution was.
In the most natural way in the world, we say, in this
sense that there must always be engineers, directors
and administrators so that the human flock may work
and live and that, furthermore, the reorganization
of the world which we shall have disorganized cannot
be operated savvy by those who will have previously
gathered in wealth everywhere.
By reason of this privileged situation, which we are
allowing to become established for their benefit, the
Jews alone will be in a position to direct everything.
The peoples will put their hand to the wheel to bring
about this state of things, they will collaborate in
the destruction of all other power than that of the
State as long as they are allowed to believe that the
State, this State which possesses all, is themselves.
They will not cease to work for their own servitude
until the day when the Jews will say to them: 'We beg
your pardon! You have not understood. The State, this
State which owns everything, is not you, it is us!'
The people then will wish to resist. But it will be
too late to prevent it, because all moral forces having
ceased to exist, all material forces will have been
shattered by that same cause. Sheep do not resist the
sheep-dog trained to drive them and possessing strong
jaws. All that the working class could do, would be
to refuse to work. The Jews are not simpletons enough
not to foresee that. They will have provisions for
themselves and for their watch-dogs. They will allow
famine to subdue resistance. If the need should arise
they would have no scruple in hurling on the people,
mutinous but unarmed, their police made invincible
because they will be provided with the most up to date
weapons against powerless mobs. Have we not already
a vision of the invincibility of organized forces against
the crowd (remember Tenamin Square in China).
France has known, and she has not forgotten the rule
of the Masonic Terror. She will know, and the world
will know with her the rule of the Jewish terror."
(Copin Albancelli, La conjuration juive contre les
peuples. E. Vitte, Lyon, 1909, p. 450; The Secret Powers
Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, pp.
"Yes, certainly your Russia is dying. There
no longer exists anywhere, if it has ever existed,
a single class of the population for which life is
harder than in our Soviet paradise...We make experiments
on the living body of the people, devil take it, exactly
like a first year student working on a corpse of a
vagabond which he has procured in the anatomy operating-theater.
Read our two constitutions carefully; it is there frankly
indicated that it is not the Soviet Union nor its parts
which interest us, but the struggle against world capital
and the universal revolution to which we have always
sacrificed everything, to which we are sacrificing
the country, to which we are sacrificing ourselves.
(It is evident that the sacrifice does not extend to
the Zinovieffs)...
Here, in our country, where we are absolute masters,
we fear no one at all. The country worn out by wars,
sickness, death and famine (it is a dangerous but splendid
means), no longer dares to make the slightest protest,
finding itself under the perpetual menace of the Cheka
and the army...
Often we are ourselves surprised by its patience which
has become so well-known...there is not, one can be
certain in the whole of Russia, a single household
in which we have not killed in some manner or other
the Father, the Mother, a Brother, a Daughter, a Son,
some near relative or friend. Very well then! Felix
(Djerjinsky) nevertheless walks quietly about Moscow
without any guard, even at night... When we remonstrate
with him for these walks he contents himself with laughing
disdainfully and saying: 'What! They would never dare'
psakrer, 'and he is right. They do not dare. What a
strange country!" (Letter from Bukharin to Britain,
La Revue universelle, March 1, 1928; The Secret Powers
Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 149)
"All the cement floor of the great garage
(the execution hall of the departmental {Jewish} Cheka
of Kief) was flooded with blood. This blood was no
longer flowing, it formed a layer of several inches:
it was a horrible mixture of blood, brains, of pieces
of skull, of tufts of hair and other human remains.
All the walls riddled by thousands of bullets were
bespattered with blood; pieces of brains and of scalps
were sticking to them.
A gutter twenty-five centimeters wide by twenty-five
centimeters deep and about ten meters long ran from
the center of the garage towards a subterranean drain.
This gutter along, its whole length was full to the
top of blood...Usually, as soon as the massacre had
taken place the bodies were conveyed out of the town
in motor lorries and buried beside the grave about
which we have spoken; we found in a corner of the garden
another grave which was older and contained about eighty
bodies. Here we discovered on the bodies traces of
cruelty and mutilations the most varied and unimaginable.
Some bodies were disemboweled, others had limbs chopped
off, some were literally hacked to pieces. Some had
their eyes put out and the head, face, neck and trunk
covered with deep wounds. Further on we found a corpse
with a wedge driven into the chest. Some had no tongues.
In a corner of the grave we discovered a certain quantity
of arms and legs..." (Rohrberg, Commission of
Enquiry, August 1919; S.P. Melgounov, La terreur rouge
en Russie. Payot, 1927, p. 161; The Secret Powers Behind
Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, pp. 149-150)
"During the winter of 1920 the Union of Socialist
Soviet Republics comprised 52 governments with 52 Extraordinary
Commissions (Cheka), 52 special sections and 52 revolutionary
tribunals, Moreover numberless 'Este-Chekas,' Chekas
for transport systems, Chekas for railways, tribunals
for troops for internal security, flying tribunals
sent for mass executions on the spot. To this list
of torture chambers the special sections must be added,
16 army and divisional tribunals. In all a thousand
chambers of torture must be reckoned, and if we take
into consideration that there existed at this time
cantonal Chekas, we must add even more.
Since then the number of Soviet Governments has grown:
Siberia, the Crimea, the Far East, have been conquered.
The number of Chekas has grown in geometrical proportion.
According to direct data (in 1920, when the Terror had
not diminished and information on the subject had not
been reduced) it was possible to arrive at a daily
average figure for each tribunal: the curve of executions
rises from one to fifty (the latter figure in the big
centers) and up to one hundred in regions recently
conquered by the Red Army. The crises of Terror were
periodical, then they ceased, so that it is possible
to establish the (modes) figure of five victims a day
which multiplied by the number of one thousand tribunals
give five thousand, and about a million and a half
per annum!" (S.P. Melgounov, p. 104; The Secret
Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins,
p. 151)
"How to Achieve The New World Order"
(Title of book excerpt by Henry Kissinger, in Time
magazine (March 1994)).
"Let us recall that on July 17, 1918 at Ekaterinenburg,
and on the order of the Cheka (order given by the Jew
Sverdloff from Moscow) the commission of execution
commanded by the Jew Yourowsky, assassinated by shooting
or by bayoneting the Czar, Czarina, Czarevitch, the
four Grand Duchesses, Dr. Botkin, the man-servant,
the woman-servant, the cook and the dog. The members
of the imperial family in closest succession to the
throne were assassinated in the following night. The
Grand Dukes Mikhailovitch, Constantinovitch, Vladimir
Paley and the Grand Duchess Elisabeth Feodorovna were
thrown down a well at Alapaievsk, in Siberia. The Grand
Duke Michael Alexandrovitch was assassinated at Perm
with his suite.
Dostoiewsky was not right when he said: 'An odd fancy
sometimes comes into my head: What would happen in
Russia if instead of three million Jews which are there,
there were three million Russians and eighty million
Jews? What would have happened to these Russians among
the Jews and how would they have been treated? Would
they have been placed on an equal footing with them?
Would they have permitted them to pray freely? Would
they not have simply made them slaves, or even worse:
would they not have simply flayed the skin from them?
Would they not have massacred them until completely
destroyed, as they did with other peoples of antiquity
in the times of their olden history?" (Nicholas
Sokoloff, L'enquete judiciaire sur l'Assassinat de
la famille imperiale. Payot, 1924; The Secret Powers
Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, pp.
"It is really time to give up once and for
all the legend according to which the Jews were obliged
during the European middle ages, and above all 'since
the Crusades,' to devote themselves to usury because
all others professions were closed to them. The 2000
year old history of Jewish usury previous to the Middle
ages suffices to indicate the falseness of this historic
conclusion. But even in that which concerns the Middle
ages and modern times the statements of official historiography
are far from agreeing with the reality of the facts.
It is not true that all careers in general were closed
to the Jews during the middle ages and modern times,
but they preferred to apply themselves to the lending
of money on security. This is what Bucher has proved
for the town of Frankfort- on-the-Maine, and it is
easy to prove it for many other towns and other countries.
Here is irrefutable proof of the natural tendencies
of the Jews for the trade of money-lenders; in the
Middle ages and later we particularly see governments
striving to direct the Jews towards other careers without
succeeding." (Warner Sombart, Les Juifs et la
vie economique, p. 401; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution,
by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 167-168)
"Man can only experience good or evil in
this world; if God wishes to punish or reward he can
only do so during the life of man. it is therefore
here below that the just must prosper and the impious
suffer." (Kadmi Kohen: Nomades, F. Alcan, Paris,
1929 p. 277; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by
Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 164)
"How does the civilized world permit such
a state of things to reign over the sixth part of the
globe? If there was still a monarchy in Russia, it
goes without saying that nobody would admit it. There
would be thundering questions in the parliaments of
the two hemispheres, fiery protests from all the leagues
of the 'Rights of Man,' articles in the indignant newspapers,
a rapid and unanimous understanding among all social
classes and a whole series of national, economic, diplomatic
and military measures for the destruction of this plague.
But present day democracy is much less troubled about
it than about a cold of Macdonald or the broken one
of Carpentier.
And although the Occidental bourgeoisie knows perfectly
well that the Soviet power is its irreconcilable enemy,
with which no understanding is possible, that moreover,
it would be useless since economically Russia is nothing
more than a corpse, nevertheless the flirtation of
this bourgeoisie with the Comintern lasts and threatens
to become a long romance.
To this question there is only one answer: as in Western
Europe international Judaism holds it in its hands
political power as strongly as the Jewish Communists
hold it in Russia, it does all that is humanly possible
to retard the day when the latter will fall."
(Weltkampf, Munich, July 1924; The Secret Powers Behind
Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 156).
"In that which concerns the Jews, their part
in world socialism is so important that it is impossible
to pass it over in silence. Is it not sufficient to
recall the names of the great Jewish revolutionaries
of the 19th and 20th centuries, Karl Marx, Lassalle,
Kurt Eisner, Bela Kuhn, Trotsky, Leon Blum, so that
the names of the theorists of modern socialism should
at the same time be mentioned? If it is not possible
to declare Bolshevism, taken as a whole, a Jewish creation
it is nevertheless true that the Jews have furnished
several leaders to the Marximalist movement and that
in fact they have played a considerable part in it.
Jewish tendencies towards communism, apart from all
material collaboration with party organizations, what
a strong confirmation do they not find in the deep
aversion which, a great Jew, a great poet, Henry Heine
felt for Roman Law! The subjective causes, the passionate
causes of the revolt of Rabbi Aquiba and of Bar Kocheba
in the year 70 A.D. against the Pax Romana and the
Jus Romanum, were understood and felt subjectively
and passionately by a Jew of the 19th century who apparently
had maintained no connection with his race!
Both the Jewish revolutionaries and the Jewish communists
who attack the principle of private property, of which
the most solid monument is the Codex Juris Civilis
of Justinianus, of Ulpian, etc...are doing nothing
different from their ancestors who resisted Vespasian
and Titus. In reality it is the dead who speak."
(Kadmi Kohen: Nomades. F. Alcan, Paris, 1929, p. 26;
The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon
De Poncins, pp. 157-158)
"No traveller has seen a plot of ground ploughed
by Jews, a manufacture created or supplied by them.
In every place into which they have penetrated they
are exclusively given up the trades of brokers, dealers
in second hand goods and usurers, and the richest amongst
them then become merchants, chandlers and bankers.
The King of Prussia wished to establish them in his
States and make them citizens; he has been obliged
to give up his idea because he has seen he would only
be multiplying the class of retailers and usurers.
Several Princes of Germany and barons of the Empire
have summoned them to their states, thinking to gain
from them great advantages for their commerce; but
the stock-jobbing of the Jews and their usury soon
brought into their hands the greater part of the current
coin in these small countries which they impoverished
in the long run." (Official Report of Baron Malouet
to M. de Sartinne on the demands of the Portuguese
Jews in 1776; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution,
by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 167)
"It may seem amazing to some readers, but
it is not the less a fact that a considerable number
of delegates [to the Peace Conference at Versailles]
believed that the real influences behind the Anglo-Saxon
people were Jews...The formula into which this policy
was thrown by the members of the conference, whose
countries it affected, and who regarded it as fatal
to the peace of Eastern Europe ends thus: Henceforth
the world will be governed by the Anglo-Saxon peoples,
who, in turn, are swayed by their Jewish elements."
(Dr. E.J. Dillion, The inside Story of the Peace Conference,
pp. 496-497; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by
Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 170)
"An intelligent man, thoroughly familiar
with the newspapers, can, after half an hour conversation,
tell anyone what newspaper he reads...even high prelates
of Rome, even Cardinals Amette and Mercier show themselves
more influenced by the Press of their country than
they themselves probably realize...often I have noticed
that it is according to his newspaper that one judges
the Papal Bull or the speech of the Prime Minister."
(J. Eberle, Grossmacht Press, Vienna, 1920; The Secret
Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins,
p. 171)
"The corruption does not consist in the government
exercising influence on the Press; such pressure is
often necessary; but in the fact that it is exercised
secretly, so that the public believes that it is reading
a general opinion when in reality it is a minister
who speaks; and the corruption of journalism does not
consist in its serving the state, but in its patriotic
convictions being in proportion to the amount of a
subsidy." (Eberle, p. 128, Grossmacht Press, Vienna,
p. 128; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte
Leon De Poncins, 173)
"The great telegraphic agencies of the world
which are everywhere the principal source of news for
the Press (just as wholesale businesses supply the
retailers), which spreads far and wide that which the
world should know or should not know, and in the form
which they wish, these agencies are either Jewish property
or obey Jewish direction. The situation is the same
for the smaller agencies which supply news to the newspapers
of less importance, the great publicity agencies which
receive commercial advertisements and which then insert
them in the newspapers at the price of a large commission
for themselves, are principally in the hands of the
Jews; so are many provincial newspapers. Even when
the Jewish voice is not heard directly in the Press,
there comes into play the great indirect influences,
Free Masonry, Finance, etc.
In many places Jews content themselves with this hidden
influence, just as in economic life they consider Joint-Stock
companies as the most profitable. The editors may quite
well be Aryans, it is sufficient that in all important
questions they should stand for Jewish interests, or
at least that they should not oppose them. This is
achieved nearly always by the pressure of advertisement
agencies." Eberle, Grossmacht Press, Vienna, p.
204; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte
Leon De Poncins, p. 174)
"The Jewish Press of Vienna sold everything,
put everything at a price, artistic fame as well as
success in business. No intellectual production, no
work of art has been able to see the light of day and
reach public notice, without passing by the crucible
of the Jewish Press, without having to submit to its
criticism or to pay for its approval. If an artist
should wish to obtain the approbation of the public,
he must of necessity bow before the all powerful Jewish
journals. If a young actress, a musician, a singer
of talent should wish to make her first appearance
and to venture before a more of less numerous audience,
she has in most cases not dared to do so, unless after
paying tribute to the desires of the Jews. Otherwise
she would experience certain failure. It was despotic
tyranny re-established, this time for the profit of
the Jews and brutally exercised by them in all its
Such as it is revealed by its results, the Viennese
Press dominated by Judaism, has been absolutely disastrous.
It is a work of death which it has accomplished. Around
it and outside it all is void. In all the classes of
the population are the germs of hatred, the seeds,
of discord and of jealously, dissolution and decomposition."
F. Trocase, L'Autriche juive, 1898, A. Pierret, ed.,
Paris; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte
Leon De Poncins, pp. 175-176)
"When I first began to write on Revolution
a well known London Publisher said to me; 'Remember
that if you take an anti-revolutionary line you will
have the whole literary world against you.' This appeared
to me extraordinary. Why should the literary world
sympathize with a movement which, from the French revolution
onwards, has always been directed against literature,
art, and science, and has openly proclaimed its aim
to exalt the manual workers over the intelligentsia?
'Writers must be proscribed as the most dangerous enemies
of the people' said Robespierre; his colleague Dumas
said all clever men should be guillotined. The system
of persecutions against men of talents was organized...they
cried out in the Sections (of Paris) 'Beware of that
man for he has written a book.' Precisely the same
policy has been followed in Russia under moderate socialism
in Germany the professors, not the 'people,' are starving
in garrets. Yet the whole Press of our country is permeated
with subversive influences. Not merely in partisan
works, but in manuals of history or literature for
use in schools, Burke is reproached for warning us
against the French Revolution and Carlyle's panegyric
is applauded. And whilst every slip on the part of
an anti-revolutionary writer is seized on by the critics
and held up as an example of the whole, the most glaring
errors not only of conclusions but of facts pass unchallenged
if they happen to be committed by a partisan of the
movement. The principle laid down by Collot d'Herbois
still holds good: 'Tout est permis pour quiconque agit
dans le sens de la revolution.'
All this was unknown to me when I first embarked on
my work. I knew that French writers of the past had
distorted facts to suit their own political views,
that conspiracy of history is still directed by certain
influences in the Masonic lodges and the Sorbonne [The
facilities of literature and science of the University
of Paris]; I did not know that this conspiracy was
being carried on in this country. Therefore the publisher's
warning did not daunt me. If I was wrong either in
my conclusions or facts I was prepared to be challenged.
Should not years of laborious historical research meet
either with recognition or with reasoned and scholarly
But although my book received a great many generous
appreciative reviews in the Press, criticisms which
were hostile took a form which I had never anticipated.
Not a single honest attempt was made to refute either
my French Revolution or World Revolution by the usual
methods of controversy; Statements founded on documentary
evidence were met with flat contradiction unsupported
by a shred of counter evidence. In general the plan
adopted was not to disprove, but to discredit by means
of flagrant misquotations, by attributing to me views
I had never expressed, or even by means of offensive
personalities. It will surely be admitted that this
method of attack is unparalleled in any other sphere
of literary controversy." (N.H. Webster, Secret
Societies and Subversive Movements, London, 1924, Preface;
The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon
De Poncins, pp. 179-180)
"If this hostility, even aversion, had only
been shown towards the Jews at one period and in one
country, it would be easy to unravel the limited causes
of this anger, but this race has been on the contrary
an object of hatred to all the peoples among whom it
has established itself. It must be therefore, since
the enemies of the Jews belonged to the most diverse
races, since they lived in countries very distant from
each other, since they were ruled by very different
laws, governed by opposite principles, since they had
neither the same morals, nor the same customs, since
they were animated by unlike dispositions which did
not permit them to judge of anything in the some way,
it must be therefore that the general cause of anti-Semitism
has always resided in Israel itself and not in those
who have fought against Israel." (Bernard Lazare,
L'Antisemitism, The Secret Powers Behind Revolution,
by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 183)
"What virtues and what vices brought upon
the Jew this universal enmity? Why was he in turn equally
maltreated and hated by the Alexandrians and the Romans,
by the Persians and the Arabs, by the Turks and by
the Christian nations? Because everywhere and up to
the present day, the Jew was an unsociable being. Why
was he unsociable? Because he was exclusive and his
exclusiveness was at the same time political and religious,
or, in other words, he kept to his political, religious
cult and his law. (B. Lazare, L'Antisemitism, p. 3)
"They [Jews] were always malcontents. I do
not mean to suggest by that they have been simply fault-finders
and systematic opponents of all government, but the
state of things did not satisfy them; they were perpetually
restless, in the expectation of a better state which
they never found realized. Their ideal as not one of
those which is satisfied with hope, they had not placed
it high enough for that, they could not lull their
ambition with dreams and visions. They believed in
their right to demand immediate satisfactions instead
of distant promises. From this has sprung the constant
agitation of the Jews.
The causes which brought about the birth of this agitation,
which maintained and perpetuated it in the soul of
some modern Jews, are not external causes such as the
effective tyranny of a prince, of a people, or of a
harsh code; they are internal causes, that is to say,
which adhere to the very essence of the Hebraic spirit.
In the idea of God which the Jews imagined, in their
conception of life and of death, we must seek for the
reasons of these feelings of revolt with which they
are animated." (B. Lazare, L'Antisemitism, p.
306; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte
Leon De Poncins, 185-186)
"When some Jews say that they consider themselves
as a religious sect, like Roman Catholics or Protestants,
they do not analyze correctly their own attitude and
sentiments...Even if a Jew is baptized or, that which
is not necessarily the same thing, sincerely converted
to Christianity, it is rare if he is not still regarded
as a Jew; his blood, his temperament and his spiritual
particularities remain unchanged." (The Jew and
the Nation, Ad. Lewis, the Zionist Association of West
London; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte
Leon De Poncins, 187)
"The principle of human equality prevents
the creation of social inequalities. Whence it is clear
why neither Arabs nor the Jews have hereditary nobility;
the notion even of 'blue blood' is lacking. The primary
condition for these social differences would have been
the admission of human inequality; the contrary principle,
is among the Jews, at the base of everything. The accessory
cause of the revolutionary tendencies in Jewish history
resides also in this extreme doctrine of equality.
How could a State, necessarily organized as a hierarchy,
subsist if all the men who composed it remained strictly
equal? What strikes us indeed, in Jewish history is
the almost total lack of organized and lasting State...Endowed
with all qualities necessary to form politically a
nation and a state, neither Jews nor Arabs have known
how to build up a definite form of government. The
whole political history of these two peoples is deeply
impregnated with undiscipline. The whole of Jewish
history...is filled at every step with 'popular movements'
of which the material reason eludes us. Even more,
in Europe, during the 19th and 20th centuries the part
played by the Jews in all Revolutionary Movements is
Considerable. And if, in Russia, previous persecution
could perhaps be made to explain this participation,
it is not at all the same thing in Hungary, in Bavaria,
or elsewhere. As in Arab history the explanation of
these tendencies must be sought in the domain of psychology."
(Kadmi Cohen, pp. 76-78; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution,
by Vicomte Leon de Poncins, pp. 192-193)
"To his unsociability the Jew added exclusiveness.
Without the Law, without Judaism to practice it, the
world would not exits, God would make it return again
into a state of nothing; and the world will not know
happiness until it is subjected to the universal empire
of that [Jewish] law, that is to say, to the Empire
of the Jews. In consequence the Jewish people is the
people chosen by God as the trustee of his wishes and
desires; it is the only one with which the Divinity
has made a pact, it is the elected of the Lord...This
faith in their predestination, in their election, developed
in the Jews an immense pride; They come to look upon
non-Jews with contempt and often with hatred, when
patriotic reasons were added to theological ones."
(B. Lazare, L'Antisemitism, pp. 8-9; The Secret Powers
Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, 184-185)
"There is in the destiny of the race, as
in the Semitic character a fixity, a stability, an
immortality which impress the mind. One might attempt
to explain this fixity by the absence of mixed marriages,
but where could one find the cause of this repulsion
for the woman or man stranger to the race? Why this
negative duration? There is consanguinity between the
Gaul described by Julius Caesar and the modern Frenchman,
between the German of Tacitus and the German of today.
A considerable distance has been traversed between
that chapter of the 'Commentaries' and the plays of
Moliere. But if the first is the bud the second is
the full bloom.
Life, movement, dissimilarities appear in the development
of characters, and their contemporary form is only
the maturity of an organism which was young several
centuries ago, and which, in several centuries will
reach old age and disappear.
There is nothing of this among the Semites [here a Jew
is admitting that the Jews are not Semites]. Like the
consonants of their [again he makes allusion to the
fact that the Jews are not Semites] language they appear
from the dawn of their race with a clearly defined
character, in spare and needy forms, neither able to
grow larger nor smaller, like a diamond which can score
other substances but is too hard to be marked by any."
(Kadmi Cohen, Nomades, pp. 115-116; The Secret Powers
Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, 188)
"It would however be incomplete in this respect
if we did not join to it, cause or consequence of this
state of mind, the predominance of the idea of Justice.
Moreover and the offset is interesting, it is the idea
of Justice, which in concurrence, with the passionalism
of the race, is at the base of Jewish revolutionary
tendencies. It is by awakening this sentiment of justice
that one can promote revolutionary agitation. Social
injustice which results from necessary social inequality,
is however, fruitful: morality may sometimes excuse
it but never justice.
The doctrine of equality, ideas of justice, and passionalism
decide and form revolutionary tendencies. Undiscipline
and the absence of belief in authority favors its development
as soon as the object of the revolutionary tendency
makes its appearance. But the 'object' is possessions:
the object of human strife, from time immemorial, eternal
struggle for their acquisition and their repartition.
This is Communism fighting the principle of Private
Even the instinct of property, moreover, the result
of attachment to the soil, does not exist among the
Jews, these nomads, who have never owned the soil and
who have never wished to own it. Hence their undeniable
communist tendencies from the days of antiquity."
(Kadmi Cohen, pp. 81-85; Secret Powers Behind Revolution,
by Vicomte Leon de Poncins, pp. 194-195)
"Judaism presents a unique phenomenon in
the annals of the world, of an indissoluble alliance,
of an intimate alloy, of a close combination of the
religious and national principles...
There is not only an ethical difference between Judaism
and all other contemporary religions, but also a difference
in kind and nature, a fundamental contradiction. We
are not face to face with a national religion but with
a religious nationality." (G. Batault, Le probleme
juif, pp. 65-66; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution,
by Vicomte Leon de Poncins, 197)
"The passionate enthusiasm could take them
far, up to the end: it could decide the disappearance
of the race by a succession of deadly follies...But
this intoxication had its antidote, and this disorder
of the mind found its corrective in the conception
and practice of a positive utilitarianism...The frenzy
of the abstractions does not exclude the arithmetic
of interest. Sometimes straying in Heaven the Jew does
not, nevertheless, lose his belief in the Earth, in
his possessions and his profits. Quite the contrary!
Utilitarianism is the other pole of the Jewish soul.
All, let us say, in the Jew is speculation, both of
ideas and of business; and in this last respect, what
a lusty hymn has he not sung to the glorification of
worldly interests! The names of Trotsky and of Rothschild
mark the extent of the oscillations of the Jewish mind;
these two limits contain the whole of society, the
whole of civilization of the 20th century." (Kadmi
Cohen, pp. 88, 156; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution,
by Vicomte Leon de Poncins, pp. 194-195)
"From the ethical standpoint two kinds of
Jews are usually distinguished; the Portuguese branch
and the German [Khazar; Chazar] branch (Sephardim and
But from the psychological standpoint there are only
two kinds: the Hassidim and the Mithnagdim. In the
Hassidim we recognize the Zealots. They are the mystics,
the cabalists, the demoniancs, the enthusiasts, the
disinterested, the poets, the orators, the frantic,
the heedless, the visionaries, the sensualists. They
are the Mediterranean people, they are the Catholics
of Judaism, of the Catholicism of the best period.
They are the Prophets who held forth like Isaiah about
the time when the wolf will lie down with the lamb,
when swords will be turned into plough shares for the
plough of Halevy, who sang: 'May my right hand wither
if I forget thee O Jerusalem! May my tongue cleave
to the roof of my mouth if I pronounce not thy name,'
and who in enthusiastic delirium upon landing in Palestine
kissed the native soil and disdained the approach of
the barbarian whose lance transfixed him. They are
the thousands and thousands of unfortunates, Jews of
the Ghettos, who during the Crusades, massacred one
another and allowed themselves to be massacred...
The Mithnadgim, are the Utilitarians, the Protestants
of Judaism, the Nordics. Cold, calculating, egoistic,
positive, they have on their extreme flank vulgar elements,
greedy for gain without scruples, determined to succeed
by hook or by crook, without pity.
>From the banker, the collected business man, even to
the huckster and the usurer, to Gobseck and Shylock,
they comprise all the vulgar herd of beings with hard
hearts and grasping hands, who gamble and speculate
on the misery, both of individuals and nations. As
soon as a misfortune occurs they wish to profit by
it; as soon as a scarcity is known they monopolize
the available goods. Famine is for them an opportunity
for gain. And it is they, when the anti-Semitic wave
sweeps forward, who invoke the great principle of the
solidarity due to the bearers of the Torch...This distinction
between the two elements, the two opposite extremes
of the soul has always been." (Dadmi Cohen, p.
129-130; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte
Leon de Poncins, 195-195)
"As for the final result of the Messianic
revolution it will always be the same...the nations
will be converted to Judaism and will obey the law,
or else they will be destroyed, and the Jews will be
the masters of the world." (G. Batault, Le probleme
juif, p. 135; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution,
by Vicomte Leon de Poncins, pp. 203-204)
"We shall have Palestine whether you wish
it or not. You can hasten our arrival or retard it,
but it would be better for you to help us, for, unless
you do so, our constructive power will be transformed
into a destructive power which will overturn the world."
(Judische Rundschu, No. 7, 1920; See Rosenberg's, Der
Staatsfeindliche Sionismus, The Secret Powers Behind
Revolution, by Vicomte Leon de Poncins, p. 205)
"The idea of God, the image of God, such
as it is reflected in the Bible, goes through three
distinct phases. The first stage is the Higher Being,
thirsty for blood, jealous, terrible, war-like. The
intercourse between the Hebrew and his God is that
of an inferior with s superior whom he fears and seeks
to appease.
The second phase the conditions are becoming more equal.
The pact concluded between God and Abraham develops
its consequences, and the intercourse becomes, so to
speak, according to stipulation. In the Talmudic Hagada,
the Patriarchs engage in controversies and judicial
arguments with the Lord. The Tora and the Bible enter
into these debate and their intervention is preponderant.
God pleading against Israel sometimes loses the lawsuit.
The equality of the contracting parties is asserted.
Finally the third phase the subjectively divine character
of God is lost. God becomes a kind of fictitious Being.
These very legends, one of which we have just quoted,
for those who know the keen minds of the authors, give
the impression, that they, like their readers, of their
listeners, look upon God in the manner of a fictitious
being and divinity, at heart, from the angle of a personification,
of a symbol of the race [This religion has a code:
The Talmud]." (Kadmi Cohen, Nomades, p. 138; The
Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon de
Poncins, 197-198)
"An energetic, lively and extremely haughty
people, considering itself superior to all other nations,
the Jewish race wished to be a Power. It had an instinctive
taste for domination, since, by its origin, by its
religion, by its quality of a chosen people which it
had always attributed to itself [since the Babylonian
Captivity], it believed itself placed above all others.
To exercise this sort of authority the Jews had not
a choice of means, gold gave them a power which all
political and religious laws refuse them, and it was
the only power which they could hope for. By holding
this gold they became the masters of their masters,
they dominated them and this was the only way of finding
an outlet for their energy and their activity...The
emancipated Jews entered into the nations as strangers...They
entered into modern societies not as guests but as
conquerors. They had been like a fenced-in herd. Suddenly
the barriers fell and they rushed into the field which
was opened to them. But they were not warriors...They
made the only conquest for which they were armed, that
economic conquest for which they had been preparing
themselves for so many years...The Jew is the living
testimony to the disappearance of the state which had
as its basis theological principles, a State which
anti-Semitic Christians dream of reconstructing. The
day when a Jew occupied an administrative post the
Christian State was in danger: that is true and the
anti-smites who say that the Jew has destroyed the
idea of the state could more justly say that the entry
of Jews into society has symbolized the destruction
of the state, that is to say the Christian State."
(Bernard Lazare, L'Antisemitisme, pp. 223, 361; The
Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon de
Poncins, pp. 221-222)
"Pharisaism became Talmudism...But the spirit
of the Ancient Pharisee survives unaltered. When the
Jew...studies the Talmud, he is actually repeating
the arguments used in the Palestinian academies. From
Palestine to Babylonia; from Babylonia to North Africa,
Italy, Spain, France and Germany; from these to Poland,
Russia and eastern Europe generally, ancient Pharisaism
has wandered..." (The Pharisees, by Louis Finkelstein,
Foreword, Vol. 1).
"We always come back to the same misunderstanding.
The Jews because of their spirit of revolt, their exclusiveness
and the Messianic tendencies which animate them are
in essence revolutionaries, but they do not realize
it and believe that they are working for 'progress.'...but
that which they call justice is the triumph of Jewish
principles in the world of which the two extremes are
plutocracy and socialism. Present day Anti-Semitism
is a revolt against the world of today, the product
of Judaism." (The Secret Powers Behind Revolution,
by Vicomte Leon de Poncins, p. 225)
"No better title than The World significance
of the Russian Revolution could have been chosen, for
no event in any age will finally have more significance
for our world than this one. We are still too near
to see clearly this Revolution, this portentous event,
which was certainly one of the most intimate and therefore
least obvious, aims of the world-conflagration, hidden
as it was at first by the fire and smoke of national
enthusiasms and patriotic antagonisms.
You rightly recognize that there is an ideology behind
it and you clearly diagnose it as an ancient ideology.
There is nothing new under the sun, it is even nothing
new that this sun rises in the East...For Bolshevism
is a religion and a faith. How could these half converted
believers ever dream to vanquish the 'Truthful' and
the 'Faithful' of their own creed, these holy crusaders,
who had gathered round the Red Standard of the Prophet
Karl Marx, and who fought under the daring guidance,
of these experienced officers of all latter-day revolutions,
the Jews?
There is scarcely an even in modern Europe that cannot
be traced back to the Jews...all latter-day ideas and
movements have originally spring from a Jewish source,
for the simple reason, that the Jewish idea has finally
conquered and entirely subdued this only apparently
irreligious universe of ours...
There is no doubt that the Jews regularly go one better
or worse than the Gentile in whatever they do, there
is no further doubt that their influence, today justifies
a very careful scrutiny, and cannot possibly be viewed
without serious alarm. The great question, however,
is whether the Jews are conscious or unconscious malefactors.
I myself am firmly convinced that they are unconscious
ones, but please do not think that I wish to exonerate
them." (The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by
Vicomte Leon de Poncins, p. 226)
"The Talmud derives its authority from the
position held by the ancient (Pharisee) academies.
The teachers of those academies, both of Babylonia
and of Palestine, were considered the rightful successors
of the older Sanhedrin...At the present time, the Jewish
people have no living central authority comparable
in status to the ancient Sanhedrins or the later academies.
Therefore, any decision regarding the Jewish religion
must be based on the Talmud as the final resume of
the teaching of those authorities when they existed."
(The Jews - Their History, Culture, and Religion, by
Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, Vol. 4, p. 1332, Jewish Publication
Society of America, 1949)
"The Talmud: Heart's Blood of the Jewish
Faith..." (November 11, 1959, New York Herald
Tribune, based on The Talmud, by Herman Wouk).
"The Jews as outcasts: Jews have been a wondering
people from the time of the beginning. History is filled
with preemptory edicts, expelling Jews from where they
had made their homes. At times the edicts were the
result of trumped up charges against the Jews or Judaism,
and later proved to be false. At other times they were
the consequence of economic situation, which the authorities
believed would be improved if the Jews were removed.
Almost always the bands were only temporary as below.
The culminate impact on the psychic on the Jewish people
however, has been traumatic. And may very well be indelible.
The following is a list, far from complete. Hardly
a major Jewish community has not been expelled by its
Host Country. Only to be let back in again, later to
be expelled once more." (Jewish Almanac 1981,
p. 127)
"The Talmud is to this day the circulating
heart's blood of the Jewish Religion. Whatever laws,
customs or ceremonies we observe - whether we are orthodox,
conservative, reform or merely spasmodic sentamentalists
= we follow the Talmud. It is our Common Law."
(The Talmud, by Herman Wouk)
"The full history of the interlocking participation
of the Imperial German Government and international
finance in the destruction of the Russian Empire is
not yet written...It is not a mere coincidence that
at the notorious meeting held at Stockholm in 1916,
between the former Russian Minister of the Interior,
Protopopoff, and the German Agents, the German Foreign
Office was represented by Mr. Warburg, whose two brothers
were members of the international banking firm, Kuhn,
Loeb and Company, of which the late Mr. Jacob Schiff
was a senior member." (The World at the Cross
Roads, by Boris Brasol, pp. 70-71; Rulers of Russia,
Rev. Denis Fahey, p. 7)
"How I Learned to Love the New World Order"
(Article by Sen. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. in the Wall Street
Journal (April 1992)).
"It is rather surprising is it not? That
which ever way you turn to trace the harmful streams
of influence that flow through society, you come upon
a group of Jews. In sports corruption, a group of Jews.
In exploiting finance, a group of Jews. In theatrical
degeneracy, a group of Jews. In liquor propaganda,
a group of Jews. Absolutely dominating the wireless
communications of the world, a group of Jews. The menace
of the movies, a group of Jews. In control of the press
through business and financial pressure, a group of
Jews. War profiteers, 80 percent of them, Jews. The
mezmia of so-called popular music, which combines weak
mindedness, with every suggestion of lewdness, Jews.
Organizations of anti-Christian laws and customs, again
Jews. It is time to show that the cry of bigot is raised
mostly by bigots. There is a religious prejudice in
this country; there is, indeed, a religious persecution,
there is a forcible shoving aside of the religious
liberties of the majority of the people. And this prejudice
and persecution and use of force, is Jewish and nothing
but Jewish.
If it is anti-Semitism to say that Communism in the
United States is Jewish, so be it. But to the unprejudiced
mind it will look very much like Americanism. Communism
all over the world and not only in Russia is Jewish."
(International Jew, by Henry Ford, 1922)
"The Russian Revolutionary Party of America
has evidently resumed its activities. As a consequence
of it, momentous developments are expected to follow.
The first confidential meeting which marked the beginning
of a new era of violence took place on Monday evening,
February 14th, 1916, in the East Side of New York City.
It was attended by sixty-two delegates, fifty of whom
were 'veterans' of the revolution of 1905, the rest
being newly admitted members. Among the delegates were
a large percentage of Jews, most of them belonging
to the intellectual class, as doctors, publicists,
etc., but also some professional revolutionists...The
proceedings of this first meeting were almost entirely
devoted to the discussion of finding ways and means
to start a great revolution in Russia as the 'most
favorable moment for it is close at hand.' It was revealed
that secret reports had just reached the party from
Russia, describing the situation as very favorable,
when all arrangements for an immediate outbreak were
completed. The only serious problem was the financial
question, but whenever this was raised, the assembly
was immediately assured by some of the members that
this question did not need to cause any embarrassment
as ample funds, if necessary, would be furnished by
persons in sympathy with the movement of liberating
the people of Russia. In this connection the name of
Jacob Schiff was repeatedly mentioned." (The World
at the Cross Roads, by Boris Brasol - A secret report
received by the Imperial Russian General Headquarters
from one of its agents in New York. This report, dated
February 15th, 1916; The Rulers of Russia, Rev. Denis
Fahey, p. 6)
"Its doctrines [Judaism] have been carried
by Jewish immigrants into the crowded places of the
diaspora were Jewish sources Bund branches nourished
them, and injected their various into the blood stream
of other nations." (Jack B. Tenney, Cry Brotherhood)
"For them (the peoples of the Soviet Union)
We cherish the warmest paternal affection. We are well
aware that not a few of them groan beneath the yoke
imposed on them by men who in very large part are strangers
to the real interests of the country. We recognize
that many others were deceived by fallacious hopes.
We blame only the system with its authors and abettors
who considered Russia the best field for experimenting
with a plan elaborated years ago, and who from there
continue to spread it from one of the world to the
other." (Encyclical Letter, Divini Redemptoris,
by Pope Pius XI; Rulers of Russia, Rev. Denis Fahey,
p. 13-14)
"Our [Bolshevik] power is based on three
things: first, on Jewish brains; secondly, on Lettish
and Chinese bayonets; and thirdly, on the crass stupidity
of the Russian people." (Red Dusk and the Morrow,
Sir Paul Dukes, p. 303; The Rulers of Russia, Rev.
Denis Fahey, p. 15)
"The Jewish domination in Russia is supported
by certain Russians...they (the Jews), having wrecked
and plundered Russia by appealing to the ignorance
of the working folk, are now using their dupes to set
up a new tyranny worse than any the world has known."
(The Last Days of the Romanovs, Robert Wilton; Rulers
of Russia, Rev. Denis Fahey, p. 15)
"We have exterminated the property owners
in Russia. We are going to do the same thing in Europe
and America." (The Jew, December 1925, Zinobit)
"We Jews, who have posed as the saviors of
the world. We are today, nothing but the worlds seducers,
its destroyers, its incendiaries, its executioners.
There is no further doubt that the influence of the
Jews today justify a very careful study and cannot
possibly be viewed without serious alarm." (The
World Significance of the Russian Revolution)
"Parasites have to eat so they rob us of
our nutrients, they like to take the best of our vitamins
and amino acids, and leave the rest to us. Many people
become anemic, drowsy after meals is another sign that
worms are present. Certain parasites have the ability
to fool the body of the host, into thinking the worms
are a part of the body tissue. Therefore the body will
not fight the intruder. The host, now works twice as
hard to remove both its own waste and that of the parasite."
(Parasites The Enemy Within, p.2)
"Jews have never, like other people, gone
into a wilderness and built up a land of their own.
In England in the 13th century, under Edward I, they
did not take advantage of the offer by which Edward
promised to give them the very opportunity Jews had
been crying for, for centuries." After imprisoning
the entire Jewish population, in his domain for criminal
usury, and debasing the coin of the realm; Edward,
before releasing them, put into effect two new sets
of laws.
The first made it illegal for a Jew in England to loan
money at interest. The second repealed all the laws
which kept Jews from the normal pursuits of the kingdom.
Under these new statutes Jews could even lease land
for a period of 15 years and work it. Edward advanced
this as a test of the Jews sincerity when he claimed
that all he wanted to work like other people. If they
proved their fitness to live like other people inference
was that Edward would let them buy land outright and
admit them to the higher privileges of citizenship.
Did the Jews take advantage of Edwards decree? To get
around this law against usury, they invented such new
methods of skinning the peasants and the nobles that
the outcry against them became greater than ever. And
Edward had to expel them to avert a civil war. It is
not recorded that one Jew took advantage of the right
to till the soil." (Jews Must Live, Samuel Roth)
"What they are planning for us; sex, religion,
money in the New World Order. Which is more corrupt?
The liberal media or the multi-national corporations?
Why truly big money wants your children to try drugs,
even while they campaign to discourage these evils.
How the brilliant scientists have come up with the
proven methods to destroy your family. All you have
to do is let your guard down." (General von Seckt,
Speech delivered on January 24th, 1931, before the
Economic Society of Munster, in Westphalia. by C.F.
Melville, The Russian Face of Germany, pp. 158-159;
The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, pp. 20-21)
"The revival of revolutionary action on any
scale sufficiently vast will not be possible unless
we succeed in utilizing the exiting disagreements between
the capitalistic countries, so as to precipitate them
against each other into armed conflict. The doctrine
of Marx-Engles-Lenin teaches us that all war truly
generalized should terminate automatically by revolution.
The essential work of our party comrades in foreign
countries consists, then, in facilitating the provocation
of such a conflict. Those who do not comprehend this
know nothing of revolutionary Marxism. I hope that
you will remind the comrades, those of you who direct
the work. The decisive hour will arrive." (A statement
made by Stalin, at a session of the Third International
of Comintern in Moscow, in May, 1938; Quoted in The
Patriot, May 25th, 1939; The Rulers of Russia, Rev.
Denis Fahey, p. 16).
"We must prevent a criminal understanding
between the Fascist aggressors and the British and
French imperialist clique." (Statement issued
by Dimitrov, General Secretary of the Komintern, The
Pravda, November 7, 1938).
"The truth then is, that the Russian Comintern
is still confessedly engaged in endeavoring to foment
war in order to facilitate revolution, and that one
of its chief organizers, Lozovsky, has been installed
as principal adviser to Molotov...A few months ago
he wrote in the French publication, L Vie Ouvriere...that
his chief aim in life is the overthrow of the existing
order in the great Democracies." (The Tablet,
July 15th, 1939; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey,
pp. 21-22)
"We were also at pains to ask the Governments
represented at the Conference of Genoa, to make, by
common agreement, a declaration which might have saved
Russia and all the world from many woes, demanding
as a condition preliminary to any recognition of the
Soviet Government, respect for conscience, freedom
of worship and of church property. Alas, these three
points, so essential above all to those ecclesiastical
hierarchies unhappily separated from Catholic unity,
were abandoned in favor of temporal interests, which
in fact would have been better safeguarded, if the
different Governments had first of all considered the
rights of God, His Kingdom and His Justice." (Letter
of Pope Pius XI, On the Soviet Campaign Against God,
February 2, 1930; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey,
p. 22)
"There is, however, no real evidence that
the Soviet Government has changed its policy of communism
under control of the Bolsheviks, or has loosened its
control of communism in other countries, or has ceased
to be under Jew control. Unwanted tools certainly have
been 'liquidated' in Russia by Stalin in his determination
to be the supreme head, and it is not unnatural that
some Jews, When all the leading positions were held
by them, have suffered in the process of rival elimination.
Outside Russia, events in Poland show how the Comintern
still works. The Polish Ukraine has been communized
under Jewish commissars, with property owners either
shot or marched into Russia as slaves, with all estates
confiscated and all business and property taken over
by the State. It has been said in the American Jewish
Press that the Bolshevik advance into the Ukraine was
to save the Jews there from meeting the fate of their
co-religionists in Germany, but this same Press is
silent as to the fate meted out to the Christian Poles.
In less than a month, in any case, the lie has been
given to Molotov's non-interference statement. Should
international communism ever complete its plan of bringing
civilization to nought, it is conceivable that some
form of World Government in the hands of a few men
could emerge, which would not be communism. It would
be the domination of barbarous tyrants over the world
of slaves, and communism would have been used as the
means to an end." (The Patriot (London) November
9, 1939; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, pp. 23-24)
"The Daily Telegraph reported on April 9,
1937: 'Since M. Litvinoff ousted Chicherin, no Russian
has ever held a high post in the Commissariat for Foreign
Affairs.' It seems that the Daily Telegraph was unaware
that Chicherin's mother was a Jewess. The Russian Molotov,
who became Foreign Minister later, has a Jewish wife,
and one of his two assistants is the Jew, Lozovsky.
It was the last-named who renewed the treaty with Japan
in 1942, by which the Kamchatka fisheries provided
the Japanese with an essential part of their food supplies."
(The Jewish War of Survival, Arnold Leese, p. 84; The
Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, p. 24)
"As for anyone who does not know that the
present revolutionary Bolshevist movement is Jewish
in Russia, I can only say that he must be a man who
is taken in by the suppressions of our deplorable Press."
(G.K.'s Weekly, February 4, 1937, Hilaire Belloc)
"I am quite ready to admit that the Jewish
leaders are only a proportionately infinitesimal fraction,
even as the British rulers of India are an infinitesimal
fraction. But it is none the less true that those few
Jewish leaders are the masters of Russia, even as the
fifteen hundred Anglo-Indian Civil Servants are the
masters of India. For any traveller in Russia to deny
such a truth would be to deny any traveller in Russia
to deny such a truth would be to deny the evidence
of our own senses. When you find that out of a large
number of important Foreign Office officials whom you
have met, all but two are Jews, you are entitled to
say that the Jews are running the Russian Foreign Office."
(The Mystical Body of Christ in the Modern World, a
passage quoted from Impressions of Soviet Russia, by
Charles Sarolea, Belgian Consul in Edinburgh and Professor
of French Literature in the University of Edinburgh,
pp. 93-94; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, pp. 31-32)
"The reader may wonder why newspapers never
mention that Bolshevism is simply a Jewish conquest
of Russia. The explanation is that the international
news agencies on which papers rely for foreign news
are controlled by Jews. The Jew, Jagoda, is head of
the G.P.U. (the former Cheka), now called 'The People's
Commissariat for Internal Affairs.' The life, death
or imprisonment of Russian citizens is in the hands
of this Jew, and his spies are everywhere. According
to the anti-Comintern bulletin (15/4/35) Jagoda's organization
between 1929 and 1934 drove between five and six million
Russian peasants from their homes. (The Government
of France now (July, 1936) has as Prime Minister, the
Jewish Socialist, Leon Blum. According to the French
journal Candide, M. Blum has substantial interests
in Weiler's Jupiter aero-engine works in France, and
his son, Robert Blum, is manager of a branch Weiler
works in Russia, making Jupiter aero-engines for the
Russian Government)." (All These Things, A.N.
Field; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, p. 37)
"I knew Otto Kahn [According to the Figaro,
Mr. Kahn on first going to America was a clerk in the
firm of Speyer and Company, and married a grand-daughter
of Mr. Wolf, one of the founders of Kuhn, Loeb &
Company], the multi-millionaire, for many years. I
knew him when he was a patriotic German. I knew him
when he was a patriotic American. Naturally, when he
wanted to enter the House of Commons, he joined the
'patriotic party.'" (All These Things, A.N. Field,
pp. 56-57; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, p. 34)
"Marxism, on which Bolshevism is founded,
really did not express the political side of the Russian
character and the Bolsheviks were not sincere Socialists
or Communists, but Jews, working for the ulterior motives
of Judaism. Lev Cherny divided these Jews into three
main classes, firstly, financial Jews, who dabbled
in muddy international waters; secondly, Zionists,
whose aims are, of course, well known; and, thirdly,
the Bolsheviks, including the Jewish Bund. The creed
of these Bolsheviks, according to the lecturer, is,
briefly, that the proletariat of all countries are
nothing but gelatinous masses, which, if the Intellegentia
were destroyed in each country, would leave these masses
at the mercy of the Jews." (The Cause of World
Unrest (1920), Gerard Shelley, pp. 136-137; The Rulers
of Russia, Denis Fahey, p. 37-38).
"The two great British institutions represented
by Eden and myself had never sent a representative
to Soviet Russia until now...British statesmen had
never gone to Moscow. My paper had never sent a correspondent
to Moscow because of the Soviet censorship. Thus our
two visits were both great events, each in its own
sphere. The Soviet Government had repeatedly complained
about Russian news being published from Riga and asked
why a correspondent was not sent to Moscow to see for
himself, and the answer was always Censorship. So my
arrival was in the nature of a prospecting tour. Before
I had been there five minutes the Soviet Government
started quarrelling with me about the most trivial
thing. For I wrote that Eden had passed through streets
lined with 'drab and silent crowds,' I think that was
the expression, and a little Jewish censor came along,
and said these words must come out.
I asked him if he wanted me to write that the streets
were filled with top-hatted bourgeoisie, but he was
adamant. Such is the intellectual level of the censors.
The censorship department, and that means the whole
machine for controlling the home and muzzling the foreign
Press, was entirely staffed by Jews, and this was a
thing that puzzled me more than anything else in Moscow.
There seemed not to be a single non-Jewish official
in the whole outfit, and they were just the same Jews
as you met in New York, Berlin, Vienna and Prague,
well- manicured, well-fed, dressed with a touch of
the dandy. I was told the proportion of Jews in the
Government was small, but in this one department that
I got to know intimately they seemed to have a monopoly,
and I asked myself, where were the Russians? The answer
seemed to be that they were in the drab, silent crowds
which I had seen but which must not be heard of...I
broke away for an hour or two from Central Moscow and
the beaten tourist tracks and went looking for the
real Moscow. I found it. Streets long out of repair,
tumbledown houses, ill-clad people with expressionless
faces. The price of this stupendous revolution; in
material things they were even poorer than before.
A market where things were bought and sold, that in
prosperous bourgeois countries you would have hardly
bothered to throw away; dirty chunks of some fatty,
grey-white substance that I could not identify, but
which was apparently held to be edible, half a pair
of old boots, a few cheap ties and braces...
And then, looking further afield, I saw the universal
sign of the terrorist State, whether its name be Germany,
Russia, or what-not. Barbed wired palisades, corner
towers with machine guns and sentries. Within, nameless
men, lost to the world, imprisoned without trial by
the secret police. The concentration camps, the political
prisoners in Germany, the concentration camps held
tens of thousands, in this country, hundreds of thousands...
The next thing...I was sitting in the Moscow State Opera.
Eden, very Balliol and very well groomed, was in the
ex-Imperial box. The band played 'God save the King,'
and the house was packed full with men and women, boys
and girls, whom, judged by western standards, I put
down as members of the proletariat, but no, I was told,
the proletariat isn't so lucky, these were the members
of the privileged class which the Proletarian State
is throwing up, higher officials, engineers and experts."
(Insanity Fair, Douglas Reed, pp. 194-195; 199-200;
The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, pp. 38-40)
"Many Jewish leaders of the early days of
the revolution have been done to death during the Trotsky
trials, others are in prison. Trotsky-Bronstein is
in exile. Jankel Gamarnik, the Jewish head of the political
section of the army administration, is dead. Another
ferocious Jew, Jagoda (Guerchol Yakouda), who was for
a long time head of the G.P.U., is now in prison. The
Jewish general, Jakir, is dead, and along with him
a number of others sacrificed by those of his race.
And if we are to judge by the fragmentary and sometimes
even contradictory lists which reach us from the Soviet
Union, Russians have taken the places of certain Jews
on the highest rungs of the Soviet official ladder.
Can we draw from this the conclusion that Stalin's
government has shaken itself free of Jewish control
and has become a National Government? Certainly no
opinion could be more erroneous or more dangerous than
The Jews are yielding ground at some points and are
sacrificing certain lives, in the hope that by clever
arrangements they may succeed in saving their threatened
power. They still have in their hands the principal
levers of control. The day they will be obliged to
give them up the Marxist edifice will collapse like
a house of cards.
To prove that, though Jewish domination is gravely compromised,
the Jews are still in control, we have only to take
the list of the highly placed officials of the Red
State. The two brothers-in-law of Stalin, Lazarus and
Moses Kaganovitch, are ministers of Transport and of
Industry, respectively; Litvinoff (Wallach-Jeyer- Finkelstein)
still directs the foreign policy of the Soviet Union...The
post of ambassador at Paris is entrusted to the Jew,
Louritz, in place of the Russian, Potemkine, who has
been recalled to Moscow. If the ambassador of the U.S.S.R.
in London, the Jew Maiski, seems to have fallen into
disgrace, it is his fellow-Jew, Samuel Kagan, who represents
U.S.S.R. on the London Non-Intervention Committee.
A Jew named Yureneff (Gofmann) is the ambassador of
the U.S.S.R. at Berlin...Since the beginning of the
discontent in the Red Army the guard of the Kremlin
and the responsibility for Stalin's personal safety
is confided to the Jewish colonel, Jacob Rapaport.
All the internment camps, with their population of seven
million Russians, are in charge of the Jew, Mendel
Kermann, aided by the Jews, Lazarus Kagan and Semen
Firkin. All the prisons of the country, filled with
working men and peasants, are governed by the Jew,
Kairn Apeter. The News-Agency and the whole Press of
the country are controlled by the Jews...The clever
system of double control, organized by the late Jankel
Gamarnik, head of the political staff of the army,
is still functioning, so far as we can discover. I
have before me the list of these highly placed Jews,
more powerful than the Bluchers and the Egonoffs, to
whom the European Press so often alludes. Thus the
Jew, Aronchtam, whose name is never mentioned, is the
Political Commissar of the Army in the Far East: the
Jew Rabinovitch is the Political Commissar of the Baltic
Fleet, etc.
All this goes to prove that Stalin's government, in
spite of all its attempts at camouflage, has never
been, and will never be, a national government. Israel
will always be the controlling power and driving force
behind it. Those who do not see that the Soviet Union
is not Russian must be blind." (Contre-Revolution,
Edited at Geneva by Leon de Poncins, September, 1911;
The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, pp. 40-42)
"Trotsky has been excluded from the executive
board which is to put over the New Deal concocted for
Soviet Russia and the Communist Third International.
He has been given another but not less important, duty
of directing the Fourth International, and gradually
taking over such functions of Communistic Bolshevism
as are becoming incompatible with Soviet and 'Popular
Front' policies...Whatever bloodshed may take place
in the future will not be provoked by the Soviet Union,
or directly by the Third International, but by Trotsky's
Fourth International, and by Trotskyism. Thus, in his
new role, Trotsky is again leading the vanguard of
world revolution, supervising and organizing the bloody
stages or it. He is past-master in this profession,
in which he is not easily replace...Mexico has become
the headquarters for Bolshevik activities in South
American countries, all of which have broken off relations
with the Soviet Union. Stalin must re-establish these
relations and a Fourth International co-operating with
groups of Trotsky-Communists will give Stalin an excellent
chance to vindicate Soviet Russia and official Communism.
Any violent disorders and bloodshed which Jewish internationalists
decide to provoke will not be traced back to Moscow,
but to Trotsky-Bronstein, who is now resident in Mexico,
in the mansion of his millionaire friend, Muralist
Diego Rivers." (Trotsky, by a former Russian Commissar,
Defender Publishers, Wichita, Kansas; The Rulers of
Russia, by Denis Fahey, pp. 42-43)
"The Bolsheviks had promised to give the
workers the industries, mines, etc., and to make them
'masters of the country.' In reality, never has the
working class suffered such privations as those brought
about by the so-called epoch of 'socialization.' In
place of the former capitalists a new 'bourgeoisie'
has been formed, composed of 100 percent Jews. Only
an insignificant number of former Jewish capitalists
left Russia after the storm of the Revolution. All
the other Jews residing in Russia enjoy the special
protection of Stalin's most intimate adviser, the Jew
Lazare Kaganovitch. All the big industries and factories,
war products, railways, big and small trading, are
virtually and effectively in the hands of Jews, while
the working class figures only in the abstract as the
'patroness of economy.'
The wives and families of Jews possess luxurious cars
and country houses, spend the summer in the best climatic
or bathing resorts in the Crimea and Caucasus, are
dressed in costly Astrakhan coats; they wear jewels,
gold bracelets and rings, send to Paris for their clothes
and articles of luxury. Meanwhile the laborer, deluded
by the revolution, drags on a famished existence...
The Bolsheviks had promised the peoples of old Russia
full liberty and autonomy...I confine myself to the
example of the Ukraine. The entire administration,
the important posts controlling works in the region,
are in the hands of Jews or of men faithfully devoted
to Stalin, commissioned expressly from Moscow. The
inhabitants of this land once fertile and flourishing
suffer from almost permanent famine." (Giornale
d'Italia, February 17, 1938, M. Butenko, former Soviet
Charge d'Affairs at Bucharest; Free Press (London)
March, 1938; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, pp.
"On my arrival in U.S.S.R. in 1934, I remember
that I was struck by the enormous proportion of Jewish
functionaries everywhere. In the Press, and diplomatic
circles, it was difficult to find non-Jews...In France
many believe, even amongst the Communists, that, thanks
to the present anti-Jewish purge...Russia is no longer
Israel's chosen land...Those who think that are making
a mistake." (Contre-Revolution of December, 1937,
by J. Fontenoy, on Anti-Semitism in Russia; The Rulers
of Russia, Denis Fahey, pp. 43-44)
"In December, 1917, after the Bolshevist
Government had come into power, Lenin and Trotsky chose
Rothstein for the post of Bolshevist Ambassador to
Great Britain, but finally decided on Litvinov, because,
as Radek observed: 'Rothstein is occupying a confidential
post in one of the British Governments Departments,
where he can be of greater use to us than in the capacity
of semi-official representative of the Soviet Government.'
(Patriot, November 15, 1923)
Meyer Genoch Moisevitch Wallach, alias Litvinov,
sometimes known as Maxim Litvinov or Maximovitch, who
had at various times adopted the other revolutionary
aliases of Gustave Graf, Finkelstein, Buchmann and
Harrison, was a Jew of the artisan class, born in 1876.
His revolutionary career dated from 1901, after which
date he was continuously under the supervision of the
police and arrested on several occasions. It was in
1906, when he was engaged in smuggling arms into Russia,
that he live in St. Petersburg under the name of Gustave
Graf. In 1908 he was arrested in Paris in connection
with the robbery of 250,000 rubles of Government money
in Tiflis in the preceding year. He was, however, merely
deported from France.
During the early days of the War, Litvinov, for some
unexplained reason, was admitted to England 'as a sort
of irregular Russian representative,' (Lord Curzon,
House of Lords, March 26, 1924) and was later reported
to be in touch with various German agents, and also
to be actively employed in checking recruiting amongst
the Jews of the East End, and to be concerned in the
circulation of seditious literature brought to him
by a Jewish emissary from Moscow named Holtzman. Litvinov
had as a secretary another Jew named Joseph Fineberg,
a member of the I.L.P., B.S.P., and I.W.W. (Industrial
Workers of the World), who saw to the distribution
of his propaganda leaflets and articles. At the Leeds
conference of June 3, 1917, referred to in the foregoing
chapter, Litvinov was represented by Fineberg. In December
of the same year, just after the Bolshevist Government
came into power, Litvinov applied for a permit to Russia,
and was granted a special 'No Return Permit.' He was
back again, however, a month later, and this time as
'Bolshevist Ambassador' to Great Britain. But his intrigues
were so desperate that he was finally turned out of
the country." (The Surrender of an Empire, Nesta
Webster, pp. 89- 90; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey,
pp. 45-46)
"In spite of the frightful pogroms which
took place, first in Poland and then in unprecedented
fashion in the Ukraine, and which cost the lives of
thousands of Jews, the Jewish people considered the
post-war period as a messianic era. Israel, during
those years, 1919-1920, rejoiced in Eastern and Southern
Europe, in Northern and Southern Africa, and above
all in America." (The Jews, Published by the Jews
of Paris in 1933; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey,
p. 47)
"The Rulers of Russia, then, are Jewish Politicians,
and they are applying to the world the doctrine of
Karl Marx (Mordecai). Marx, was a clear and lucid Talmudist...full
of that old Hebrew (sic) materialism which ever dreams
of a paradise on earth and always rejects the hope
held out of the chance of a Garden of Eden after Death."
(Bernard Lazare, L'antisemitisme, p. 346; The Rulers
of Russia, Denis Fahey, p. 47)
"The Jews are a despicable race of cunning
dealers, a race that never desires honor, home and
country. That they ever could have been valiant warriors
and honest peasants does not appear credible to us,
for the disposition of a nation does not alter so quickly.
A ministry in which the Jew is supreme, a household
in which a Jew has the key to the wardrobe and the
management of the finances, a department or a commissary
where the Jew does the main business, a university
where the Jew acts as brokers and money lenders to
students are like the Pontinian Marshes that cannot
be drained in which, after the old saying, the vultures
eat their cadaver and from its rottenness the insects
and worms suck their food." (Johann Gottfried
Herder, German Author).
"...Bolshevism in its proper perspective,
namely, as the most recent development in the age-long
struggle waged by the Jewish Nation against...Christ..."
(The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, p. 48)
"All Jews, however, in proportion as they
are one with the leaders and rulers of their race,
will oppose the influence of the supernatural Life
of Grace in society and will be an active ferment of
Naturalism." (The Mystical Body of Christ in the
Modern World (Second Edition), pp. 261, 267; The Rulers
of Russia, Denis Fahey, p. 51)
"The Jews who have arrived would nearly all
like to remain here, but learning that they (with their
customary usury and deceitful trading with the Christians)
were very repugnant to the inferior magistrates, as
also to the people having the most affection for you;
the Deaconry also fearing that owing to their present
indigence they might become a charge in the coming
winter, we have, for the benefit of this weak and newly
developed place and land in general, deemed it useful
to require them in a friendly way to depart; praying
also most seriously in this connection, for ourselves
as also for the general community of your worships,
that the deceitful race, such hateful enemies and blasphemers
of the name of Christ, be not allowed further to infect
and trouble this new colony, to the detraction of your
worships and dissatisfaction of your worships' most
affectionate subjects." (Peter Stuyvesant, in
a letter to the Amsterdam Chamber of the Dutch West
India Company, from New Amsterdam (New York), September
22, 1654).
"They {the Jews} work more effectively against
us, than the enemy's armies. They are a hundred times
more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause
we are engaged in...It is much to be lamented that
each state, long ago, has not hunted them down as pests
to society and the greatest enemies we have to the
happiness of America." (George Washington, in
Maxims of George Washington by A.A. Appleton &
"The most important and pregnant tenet of
modern Jewish belief is that the Ger {goy - goyim},
or stranger, in fact all those who do not belong to
their religion, are brute beasts, having no more rights
than the fauna of the field." (Sir Richard Burton,
The Jew, The Gypsy and El Islam, p. 73)
"The Jews form a state, and, obeying their
own laws, they evade those of their host country. the
Jews always considered an oath regarding a Christian
not binding. During the Campaign of 1812 the Jews were
spies, they were paid by both sides, they betrayed
both sides. It is seldom that the police investigate
a robbery in which a Jew is not found either to be
an accomplice or a receiver." (Count Helmuth von
Molthke, Prussian General)
"The Jews are a class violating every regulation
of trade established by the Treasury Department, and
also department orders and are herein expelled from
the department within 24 hours from receipt of this
order." (President Ulysses S. Grant)
"Motto: All Jews for one and one for all.
The union which we desire to found will not be a French,
English, Irish or German union, but a Jewish one, a
universal one. Other peoples and races are divided
into nationalities; we alone have not co-citizens,
but exclusively co-religionaries. A Jew will under
no circumstances become the friend of a Christian or
a Moslem before the moment arrives when the light of
the Jewish faith, the only religion of reason, will
shine all over the world. Scattered amongst other nations,
who from time immemorial were hostile to our rights
and interests, we desire primarily to be and to remain
immutably Jews.
Our nationality is the religion of our fathers, and
we recognize no other nationality. We are living in
foreign lands, and cannot trouble about the mutable
ambitions of the countries entirely alien to us, while
our own moral and material problems are endangered.
The Jewish teaching must cover the whole earth. No
matter where fate should lead, through scattered all
over the earth, you must always consider yourselves
members of a Chosen Race.
If you realize that the faith of your Fathers is your
only patriotism, if you recognize that, notwithstanding
the nationalities you have embraced, you always remain
and everywhere form one and only nation, if you believe
that Jewry only is the one and only religious and political
truth, if you are convinced of this, you, Jews of the
Universe, then come and give ear to our appeal and
prove to us your consent...
Our cause is great and holy, and its success is guaranteed.
Catholicism, our immemorial enemy, is lying in the
dust, mortally wounded in the head. The net which Judaism
is throwing over the globe of the earth is widening
and spreading daily, and the momentous prophecies of
our Holy Books are at least to be realized. The time
is near when Jerusalem will become the house of prayer
for all nations and peoples, and the banner of Jewish
monodeity will be unfurled and hoised on the most distant
shores. Our might is immense, learn to adopt this might
for our cause. What have you to be afraid of? The day
is not distant when all the riches and treasures of
the earth will become the property of the Jews."
(Adolphe Cremieux, Founder of Alliance Israelite Universelle,
The Manifesto of 1869, published in the Morning Post,
September 6, 1920).
Following Law of the Jews, as laid out by the
Jewish Sanhedrin or the Learned Elders of Zion to bring
about World Domination by the Jews for they have decreed,
"The Law must be fulfilled!" That law is
the establishment of the Kingdom of Adonai, the Jewish
Lord of the Universe, built upon the ruins of all old
"It is the picture of a woman, weeping and
seated - she is the Spirit of Earth (Mystery Babylon
the Great as spoken of in the book of Revelation).
Behind her is another figure in flowing robes; he is
Adonai, the Lord of the Universe. His arms are stretched
out, and a crown is on his head; in his left hand is
a sword pointing upwards with drops of blood running
down the blade to the hilt. In his right hand is a
cup, and from the cup blood (Mystery Babylon, who is
guilty of all the righteous blood from Abel to the
present day, and the Jews are guilty of that Christ
said) is spilling, falling on to the woman's green
robe. The figure behind holds the cup to the woman's
lips; she drinks and her tears fall into the cup; he
turns the sword and drives it through her side so that
it transfixes her. As he does this, still holding the
cup to her lips, his arms embrace her, and one, or
both is saying: 'I am thou, and wheresoever thou seekest
thou shalt fine me.' And the two figures seem to dissolve
into Light and one tremendous and glorious figure emerges...
In the book T. (the Tarot) it is written, 'Also the
Dragon (i.e. Draco the constellation of the Northern
Pole of the Heavens) surroundeth the pole of Kether
of the celestial heavens from the North Pole of the
Zodiac unto 45 degrees of Lat. North of the ecliptic,
and from the Throne of the four Aces which rule in
Kether. And again it is stated that the Throne of the
Ace of Cups = Head of Draco. Ace of Swords =
Fore part of the body. Ace of Pentacles = Hind part
of the body. Ace of Wands = Tail of Draco.
Regard thou therefore the form of this Constellation
of Draco. It is convoluted in four places answering
to the rule of the Aces. For in the four Forces of
Yod, He, Vau, He, fire and water be contrary and also
earth and air be contrary. And the Throne of the elements
will attract and seize, as it were, the force of the
element, so that herein be the forces of antipathy
and sympathy, or what are known chemically as repulsion
and attraction... It is said Kether is in Malkuth and
again that Malkuth is in Kether, but after another
manner. For downwards through the four worlds the Malkuth
of the less material will be linked into the Kether
of the more material. From the synthesis of the ten
coruscations of the Aur proceedeth the influence into...the
Kether of Atziluth, and the connecting link or thread
of the Ain soph is extended through the worlds, through
all the ten sephiroth and in every direction...Now
the symbol of the connection between the Malkuth of
Yetzirah (mental) and the Kether of Assiah (material)
will be of a form somewhat resembling an hour-glass,
the thread of the Ain Soph, before alluded to, traversing
the center thereof and forming the connection between
the worlds. So that the symbol of the connection between
the planes is this, and also the modus operandi of
the translation of the force from one plane to another
is this. And hence does the title of the sphere of
Kether of Assiah signify commencement of the whirling
>From the diagram of the hour-glass symbol it will be
manifest that the Malkuth of Yetzirah will be the transmitter
of the Yetziratic forces unto Kether or Assiah, that
the latter will be the recipient thereof, and that
the hour-glass symbol or double cone will be the translator
from the one plane unto the other. Hence therefore
let us consider the nomenclature of the tenth path
(answering to Malkuth) and of the first path (answering
to Kether).
The tenth part answering to Malkuth:
'It is called the Resplendent Intelligence, and it is
so called because it is exalted above every head and
sitteth on the Throne of Binah, and it illumineth the
splendor of all the Lights and causeth the current
of the influence to flow from the Prince of Countenances'
(i.e. Mattatron or the Lord of Light).'
The first path answering to Kether: 'It is called the
wonderful or hidden intelligence (the highest Crown).
For it is the Light to cause to understand the Primordial
without commencement, and it is the Primal Glory, for
nothing created is worthy to follow out its essence.'
Whence it is plain that Malkuth is as it were the collector
and synthesis of all the forces in its place or world:
while Kether, being superior to all, also in its place
and world, will be the recipient and arranger of the
forces from the plane beyond, so as to distribute them
into its subordinate sephiroth in a duly ordered manner.
And therefore any force of the multitudinous and innumerable
forces in Malkuth may act through the upper cone of
the hour-glass symbol, and by means of the lower cone
translate its operation into the Kether below, but
its mode of transmission will be through its cones
by the thread of the Ain Soph or of the unformulated.
So that in the transmission between thee two worlds
the formulate must first become unformulated here it
can reformulate in new conditions (death and disintegration!).
For it must be plain that a force formulated in our
world if translated into another will be unformulated
according to the laws of a place different in nature,
even as water in its fluid state will be subject to
different laws to those governing it when in the conditions
either of ice or steam.
And as before said, there being a chief elemental division
of the sephira Malkuth in the Minutum Mundum diagram,
each of these will have its co-relative formula of
transmission unto the succeeding Kether. Hence is there
the dominion of the four knaves or Princesses of the
Tarot around the North Pole in the book T. Attributed
into the Heavens - (The triangle and Unity).
Now as Kether has to receive from Malkuth, it is necessary
that in and about Kether there should be a force which
partaketh of the nature of Malkuth, though more subtle
and refined in nature, and therefore is it that the
final 'He' or Princess forces have their dominion placed
above Kether, that so they may attract from the Malkuth
of the higher and form the basis of action for the
Aces. So that a refined matter may attract its like,
and that the spiritual forces may not lose themselves
in the void and so produce but a mistaken and whirling
destruction for want of a settled basis. And herein
is the mutual formula in all things, of a spirit and
of a body, seeing that each supplieth unto each that
wherein the other is lacking.
Yet herein also must there be a certain condition, otherwise
the harmony will not be perfect, for unless the body
be refined in nature it will hinder the action of the
spirits congnat unto it; and unless the spirit be willing
to ally itself to the body the latter will be injured
thereby, and each will naturally react on the other...But
it is as necessary to govern the spirit as to refine
the body, and of what use is it to weaken the body
by abstinence if at the same time uncharitableness
and spiritual pride are encouraged. It is simply translating
one sin into another, and therefore are the final 'He'
forces necessary in Kether as it is said in the tenth
part of Yetzirah, 'It is so called because it is exalted
above every head and sitteth on the Throne of Binah.'
Now, in the Tree the sephiroth Chokmah and Binah are
referred unto the Briatic world, which is called the
Throne of the Atziluthic world, unto which Kether is
referred in the Tree, and referring unto the dominions
of the four Princesses, thou shalt find that in the
sphere they include Chokmah and Binah as well as Kether.
Now there will be not one but four formulae of the application
of the four forces of Malkuth into the revolution of
the Ace in Kether, and these acting not singly but
simultaneously and with a different degree of force.
And seeing that while (were Malkuth and Kether in the
same plane or world) the transmission of these forces
from the one unto the other would proceed more or less
in direct lines, in this case (seeing that Malkuth
and Kether be in different planes and worlds) the lines
of transmission of these forces are caught up and whirled
about by the upper cone of the hour-glass symbol into
the vortex, where and through passeth the thread of
the unformulate - i.e., Ain Soph (etheric link). Thence
they are projected in a whirling convolution (yet according
unto their nature) through the lower cone of the hour-glass
symbol unto Kether. Hence it resulteth that thee formulae
are of the nature of the Dragon or Serpent; that is
to say, moving in convolutions, and hence are they
called the Dragon or Serpent formulae (winged, air;
finned, water; or footed, earth).
Another action of the forces of Malkuth of Yetzirah
transmitting into Kether of Assiah will be that of
continued vibratory rays acting from the center of
the circumference, and that bringing into action the
forces from the Thread of the unformulate (Ain Soph).
Recall that which is written in the chapter of the Chariots,
Ezekiel 55:5-6: 'And I beheld, and lo! a tempestuous
whirlwind came out from the north, and a mighty cloud
and a fire violently swirling upon itself and from
the midmost as an eye of brightness from the midst
of the fire, and from the midmost forms of four chariots.'"
(This is the method these devilish Jewish Masters of
the Cabala work on the mental or astral plane, forming
etheric links through which they can act upon an Order
and again through it directly upon the world. Dr. Felkin
(1916) Hidden and Secret Chiefs, Chief of Amen Ra Temple,
Edinburgh; Light-Bearers of Darkness, Inquire Within,
pp. 122-126)
"The anti-religious campaign of the Soviet
must not be restricted to Russia. It must be carried
on throughout the world." (Stephanov, quoted in
J. Creagh Scott's Hidden Government, page 59)
"Within the B'nai B'rith there is a machinery
of leadership, perfected after ninety-seven years of
experience for dealing with all matters that effect
the Jewish people, whether it be a program in some
distant land, a hurricane in the tropics, the Jewish
Youth problem in America, anti-Semitism, aiding refugees,
the preservation of Jewish cultural values...In other
words B'nai B'rith is so organized that it can utilize
its machinery to supply Jewish needs of almost every
character." (B'nai B'rith Magazine, September,
The Chicago Tribune, July 4, 1933. A pageant of
"The Romance of a People," "tracing
the history of the Jews through the past forty centuries,
was given on the Jewish Day in Soldier Field, in Chicago
on July 3-4, 1933. It was listened to almost in silence
by about 125,000 people, the vast majority being Jews.
Most of the performers, 3,500 actors and 2,500 choristers,
were amateurs, but with their race's inborn gift for
vivid drama, and to their rabbis' and cantors' deeply
learned in centuries of Pharisee rituals, much of the
authoritative music and pantomime was due.
'Take the curious placing of the thumb to thumb and
forefinger to forefinger by the High Priest [which
is simply a crude picture of a woman's vagina, which
the Jews apparently worship] when he lifted his hands,
palms outward, to bless the multitude...Much of the
drama's text was from the Talmud [although the goy
audience was told it was from the Old Testament] and
orthodox ritual of Judaism.'
A Jewish chant in unison, soft and low, was at once
taken up with magical effect by many in the audience,
and orthodox Jews joined in many of the chants and
some of the spoken rituals.
The Tribune's correspondent related: 'As I looked upon
this spectacle, as I saw the flags of the nations carried
to their places before the reproduction of the Jewish
Temple [Herod's Temple] in Jerusalem, and as I saw
the six-pointed Star, the Illuminated interlaced triangles,
shining above all the flags of all the peoples of all
the world...'"
"The principal end, which is Jewish world-domination,
is not yet reached. But it will be reached and it is
already closer than masses of the so-called Christian
States imagine. Russian Czarism, the German Empire
and militarism are overthrown, all peoples are being
pushed towards ruin. This is the moment in which the
true domination of Jewry has its beginning." (Judas
Schuldbuch, The Wise Men of Zion)
Jewish objectives as outlined in Protocols of the Learned
Elders of Zion:
1) Banish God from the heavens and Christianity from
the earth.
2) Allow no private ownership of property or business.
3) Abolish marriage, family and home. Encourage sexual
promiscuity, homosexuality, adultery, and fornication.
4) Completely destroy the sovereignty of all nations
and every feeling or expression of patriotism.
5) Establish a one-world government through which the
Luciferian Illuminati elite can rule the world. All
other objectives are secondary to this one supreme
6) Take the education of children completely away from
the parents. Cunningly and subtly lead the people thinking
that compulsory school attendance laws are absolutely
necessary to prevent illiteracy and to prepare children
for better positions and life's responsibilities. Then
after the children are forced to attend the schools
get control of normal schools and teacher's colleges
and also the writing and selection of all text books.
7) Take all prayer and Bible instruction out of the
schools and introduce pornography, vulgarity, and
courses in sex. If we can make one generation of any
nation immoral and sexy, we can take that nation.
8) Completely destroy every thought of patriotism, national
sovereignty, individualism, and a private competitive
enterprise system.
9) Circulate vulgar, pornographic literature and pictures
and encourage the unrestricted sale and general use
of alcoholic beverage and drugs to weaken and corrupt
the youth.
10) Foment, precipitate and finance large scale wars
to emasculate and bankrupt the nations and thereby
force them into a one-world government.
11) Secretly infiltrate and control colleges, universities,
labor unions, political parties, churches, patriotic
organizations, and governments. These are direct quotes
from their own writings (The Conflict of the Ages,
by Clemens Gaebelein pp. 100-102).
12) The creation of a World Government.
"The right place for the League of Nations
is not Geneva or the Hague, Ascher Ginsberg has dreamed
of a Temple on Mount Zion where the representatives
of all nations should dedicate a Temple of Eternal
Peace. Only when all peoples of the earth shall go
to THIS temple as pilgrims is eternal peace to become
a fact." (Ascher Ginsberg, in The German Jewish
paper Judisch Rundschu, No. 83, 1921) Ascher Ginsberg
is stated to have rewritten the "Protocols of
Zion," in "Waters Flowing Eastward,"
page 38.
"Personally, I am more than ever inclined
to believe that the Protocols of the Learned Elders
of Zion are genuine. Without them I do not see how
one could explain things that are happening today.
More than ever, I think the Jews are at the bottom
of all our troubles." (Nesta Webster, in a letter
written May 4, 1934, to Arthur Goadby, published in
Robert E. Edmondson's, I Testify, p. 129)
"If you have never read the Protocols, you
know nothing about the Jewish question." (Henry
Hamilton Beamish, October 30, 1937)
"My dear questioner, you are too curious,
and want to know too much. We are not permitted to
talk about these things. I am not allowed to say anything,
and you are not supposed to know anything about the
Protocols. For God's sake be careful, or you will be
putting your life in danger." (Arbbi Grunfeld,
in a reply to Rabbi Fleishman regarding the validity
of the Protocols)
"Long have I been well acquainted with the
contents of the Protocols, indeed for many years before
they were ever published in the Christian press. The
Protocols of the Elders of Zion were in point of fact
not the original Protocols at all, but a compressed
extract of the same. Of the 70 Elders of Zion, in the
matter of origin and of the existence of the original
Protocols, there are only ten men in the entire world
who know.
I participated with Dr. Herzl in the first Zionist Congress
which was held in Basle in 1897. Herzl was the most
prominent figure at the Jewish World Congress. Herzl
foresaw, twenty years before we experienced them, the
revolution which brought the Great War, and he prepared
us for that which was to happen. He foresaw the splitting
up of Turkey, that England would obtain control of
Palestine. We may expect important developments in
the world." (Dr. Ehrenpreis, Chief Rabbi of Sweden,
"We have only to look around us in the world
today, to see everywhere the same disintegrating power
at work, in art, literature, the drama, the daily Press,
in every sphere that can influence the mind of the
public...our modern cinemas perpetually endeavor to
stir up class hatred by scenes and phrases showing
'the injustice of Kings,' 'the sufferings of the people,'
'the Selfishness of Aristocrats,' regardless of whether
these enter into the theme of the narrative or not.
And in the realms of literature, not merely in works
of fiction but in manuals for schools, in histories
and books professing to be of serious educative value
and receiving a skillfully organized boom throughout
the press, everything is done to weaken patriotism,
to shake belief in all existing institutions by the
systematic perversion of both contemporary and historical
facts. I do not believe that all this is accidental;
I do not believe that he public asks for the anti-patriotic
to demoralizing books and plays placed before it; on
the contrary it invariably responds to an appeal to
patriotism and simple healthy emotions. The heart of
the people is still sound, but ceaseless efforts are
made to corrupt it." (N.H. Webster, Secret Societies
and Subversive Movements, p. 342; The Secret Powers
Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, pp.
"The only statement I care to make about
the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going
on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted
the world situation up to his time. They fit it now."
(Henry Ford, in an interview quoted in the New York
World, February 17, 1921)
"You {non-Jews} resent us {Jews}, but you
cannot clearly say why...Not so many years ago I used
to hear that we were money-grubbers and commercial
materialists; now the complaint is being whispered
around that no art and no profession is safe from Jewish
We shirk our patriotic duty in war time because we are
pacifists by nature and tradition, and we are the Arch-Plotters
of Universal Wars and the Chief Beneficiaries of those
wars. We are at once the founders and leading adherents
of capitalism and the chief perpetrators of the rebellion
against capitalism. Surely, history has nothing like
us for versatility!...
You accuse us of stirring up revolution in Moscow. Suppose
we admit the charge. What of it?...You make much noise
and fury about undue Jewish influence in your theaters
and movie palaces. Very good; granted your complaint
is well founded. But what is that compared to our staggering
influence in your churches, schools, your laws and
your government, and the very thoughts you think every
day?...'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' which
shows that we plotted to bring on the late World War.
You believe that book. All right...we will underwrite
every word of it. It is genuine and authentic. But
what is that besides the unquestionable historical
conspiracy which we have carried out, which we never
have denied because you never had the courage to charge
us with it, and of which the full record is extant
for anybody to read?
If you really are serious when you talk of Jewish plots,
may I not direct your attention to one worth talking
about? What use is it wasting words on the alleged
control of your public opinion by Jewish financiers,
newspaper owners, and movie magnates, when you might
as well also justly accuse us of the proved control
of your whole civilization...
You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our
guilt. We are intruders. We are subverters. We have
taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny,
and have played havoc with them. We {Jews} have been
at the bottom of not merely of the latest war {WWI}
but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian
but of every other major revolution in your history.
We have brought discord and confusion and frustration
into your personal and public life. We are still doing
it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it...Who
knows what great and glorious destiny might have been
yours if we had left you alone.
But we did not leave you alone. We took you in hand
and pulled down the beautiful and generous structure
you had reared, and changed the whole course of your
history. We conquered you as no empire of yours ever
subjugated Africa or Asia. And we did it solely by
the irresistible might of our spirit, with ideas, with
Take the three principal revolutions in modern times,
the French, the American and Russian. What are they
but the triumph of the Jewish idea of social, political
and economic justice? And the end is still a long way
off. We still dominate you...
Is it any wonder you resent us? We have put a clog upon
your progress. We have imposed upon you an alien book
{Scofield Bible} and alien faith {Judeo-Christianity,
a false Christianity} which is at cross-purposes with
your native spirit, which keeps you everlastingly ill-at-ease,
and which you lack the spirit either to reject or to
accept in full...We have merely divided your soul,
confused your impulses, paralyzed your desires...
So why should you not resent us? If we were in your
place we should probably dislike you more cordially
than you do us. But we should make no bones about telling
you why...You Christians worry and complain about the
Jew's influence in your civilization. We are, you say,
an international people, a compact minority in your
midst, with traditions, interests, aspirations and
objectives distinct from your own. And you declare
that this state of affairs is a measure of your orderly
development; it muddles your destiny. I do not altogether
see the danger. Your world has always been ruled by
minorities; and it seems to me a matter of indifference
what remote origin and professed creed of the governing
clique is. The influence, on the other hand, is certainly
there, and it is vastly greater and more insidious
than you appear to realize...
That is what puzzles and amuses and sometimes exasperates
us about your game of Jew-baiting. It sounds so portentous.
You go about whispering terrifyingly of the hand of
the Jew in this and that and the other thing. It makes
us quake. We are conscious of the injury we did when
we imposed upon you our alien faith and traditions.
And then you specify and talk vaguely of Jewish financiers
and Jewish motion picture promoters, and our terror
dissolves in laughter. The Gentiles, we see with relief,
will never know the real blackness of our crimes...
You call us subversive, agitators, revolution mongers.
It is the truth, and I cower at your discovery...We
undoubtedly had a sizable finger in the Lutheran Rebellion,
and it is simply a fact that we were the prime movers
in the Bourgeois Democratic Revolutions of the century
before last, both in France and America. If we were
not, we did not know our own interests. The Republican
revolutions of the 18th Century freed us of our age-long
political and social disabilities. They benefited us...You
go on rattling of Jewish conspiracies and cite as instances
the Great War and the Russian Revolution! Can you wonder
that we Jews have always taken your anti-Semites rather
lightly, as long as they did not resort to violence?"
(Marcus Eli Ravage (Big Destruction Hammer of God),
member of the staff of the New York Tribune, "A
Real Case Against the Jews," in Century Magazine,
January-February, 1928).
"The dynamics of the anti-Semitic group has
changed since war's end. Activists today have shifted
their emphasis to a greater and more wide-spread publication
of hate-literature, in contrast to previous stress
on holding meetings, demonstrating and picketing. They
now tie-in their bigotry with typical, burning issues,
and are veering from reliance upon The Protocols and
other staples." (American Jewish Committee Budget,
1953, p. 28)
"The Jews in this particular sphere of activity
far outnumbered all the other 'dealers'...The Jewish
trafficker in women is the most terrible of all profiteers
of human vice; if the Jew could only be eliminated,
the traffic in women would shrink, and would become
comparatively insignificant." (Jewish Chronicle,
April 2, 1910).
"Jew and Gentile are two worlds, between
you Gentiles and us Jews there lies an unbridgeable
gulf...There are two life forces in the world Jewish
and Gentile...I do not believe that this primal difference
between Gentile and Jew is reconcilable...The difference
between us is abysmal...You might say: 'Well, let us
exist side by side and tolerate each other. We will
not attack your morality, nor you ours.' But the misfortune
is that the two are not merely different; they are
opposed in mortal enmity. No man can accept both, or,
accepting either, do otherwise than despise the other."
(Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, pages 2, 19, 23, 30
and 95)
"Given by Senator Joseph McCarthy, six months
before his mouth was closed forever: George Washington's
surrender: 'And many of the people of the land became
Jews.' (Esther 9:17). The confession of General Cornwallis
to General Washington at Yorktown has been well hidden
by historians. History books and text books have taught
for years that when Cornwallis surrendered his army
to General Washington that American independence came,
and we lived happily ever after until the tribulations
of the twentieth century.
Jonathan Williams recorded in his Legions of Satan,
1781, that Cornwallis revealed to Washington that 'a
holy war will now being in America, and when it is
ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom,
but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects
to the Crown.' Cornwallis went on to explain what would
seem to be a self contradiction: 'Your churches will
be used to teach the Jew's religion and in less than
two hundred years the whole nation will be working
for divine world government. That government they believe
to be divine will be the British Empire [under the
control of the Jews]. All religions will be permeated
with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses,
and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing
eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry [Lucifer
- as Albert Pike disclosed in Morals and Dogma].' And
indeed George Washington was a Mason, and he gave back
through a false religion what he had won with his army."
Cornwallis well knew that his military defeat was only
the beginning of World Catastrophe that would be universal
and that unrest would continue until mind control could
be accomplished through a false religion. What he predicted
has come to pass!!! Of that, there is no longer any
doubt. A brief study of American religious history
will show that Masonry and Judaism has infused into
every church in America their veiled Phallic Religion.
Darby and the Plymouth Brethren brought a Jewish Christianity
to America. Masons Rutherford and Russell [both Jews]
started Jehovah Witnesses' in order to spread Judaism
throughout the world under the guise of Christianity.
From: Adam and Cain, p. 178, by Wm. N. Murray,
former Governor of Oklahoma (1951): "Mr. W. Smith,
who was for many years private secretary to Billy (William
Ashley) Sunday, the Evangelist, makes a statement on
oath before a Notary Public of Wayne, Michigan. The
statement is to the following effect: President Coolidge
shortly before his term of office expired, said publicly
that he did not choose to compete again for the Presidency
of the United States. Shortly afterwards, Billy Sunday
interviewed him. Coolidge told him that after taking
office, he found himself unable to carry out his election
promises or to make the slightest move towards clean
government. He was forced and driven by threats, even
murder-threats, to carry out the orders of the Jews.
Billy Sunday made public this statement of Coolidge.
There followed a general attack upon the Evangelist.
Then his son was framed and committed suicide, whilst
the father's death was hastened in sorrow for the loss."
The following information is documented in 4 volumes
by Elizabeth Donnan, with Documents illustrative of
the slave trade in America. They can be found in the
National Library Washington, D.C. and in the Carnegie
Institute of Technology Library, Pittsburgh, PA.
Name of Ship Owners
Abigail.......... Aaron Lopez, Moses Levy and Jacob Franks
Crown............ Isaac Levy and Natham Simpson
Nassau........... Moses Levy
Four Sisters..... Moses Levy
Anne and Eliza... Justus Bosch and John Adams
Prudent Betty.... Henry Cruger and Jacob Phoenix
Hester........... Mordecai and Davdi Gomez
Elizabeth........ Mordecai and Davdi Gomez
Antigua.......... Natham Marston and Abram Lyell
Betsy............ Wm. De Woolf
Polly............ James De Woolf
White Horse...... Jan de Sweevts
Expedition....... John and Jacob Roosevelt
Charlotte........ Moses and Sam Levy; Jacob Franks
Caracoa.......... Moses and Sam Levy
The World Book omits any reference to the Jews,
but under the word Semite it states: "Semite...Semites
are those who speak Semitic languages. In this sense
the ancient Hebrews, Assyrians, Phoenicians, and Cartaginians
were Semites. The Arabs and some Ethiopians are modern
Semitic-speaking people. Modern Jews are often called
Semites, but this name properly applies only to those
who use the Hebrew Language. The Jews were once a sub-type
of the Mediterranean race, but they have mixed with
other peoples until the name 'Jew' has lost all racial
1957: American Jewish Congress brought suit to
have a nativity scene of Christ removed from public
school property in Ossining, N.Y. The Jews obtained
an injunction and planned to take the case before the
U.S. Supreme Court. (Jewish Voice, Dec. 20, 1957).
The Jews have been run out of every country in
Date Place
1. 250: Carthage
2. 415: Alexandria
3. 554: Diocese of Clement (France)
4. 561: Diocese of Uzzes (France)
5. 612: Visigoth Spain
6. 642: Visigoth Empire
7. 855: Italy
8. 876: Sens
9. 1012: Mayence
10. 1181: France
11. 1290: England
12. 1306: France
13. 1348: Switzerland
14. 1349: Hielbronn (Germany)
15. 1349: Hungary
16. 1388 - Strasbourg
17. 1394 - Germany
18. 1394 - France
19. 1422 - Austria
20. 1424: Fribourg & Zurich
21. 1426: Cologne
22. 1432: Savory
23. 1438: Mainz
24. 1439: Augsburg
25. 1446: Bavaria
26. 1453: Franconis
27. 1453: Breslau
28. 1454: Wurzburg
29. 1485: Vincenza (Italy)
30. 1492: Spain
31. 1495: Lithuania
32. 1497: Portugal
33. 1499: Germany
34. 1514: Strasbourg
35. 1519: Regensburg
36. 1540: Naples
37. 1542: Bohemia
38. 1550: Genoa
39. 1551: Bavaria
40. 1555: Pesaro
41. 1559: Austria
42. 1561: Prague
43. 1567: Wurzburg
44. 1569: Papal States
45. 1571: Brandenburg
46. 1582: Netherlands
47. 1593: Brandenburg, Austria
48. 1597: Cremona, Pavia & Lodi
49. 1614: Frankfort
50. 1615: Worms
51. 1619: Kiev
52. 1649: Ukraine
53. 1654: LittleRussia
54. 1656: Lithuania
55. 1669: Oran (North Africa)
56. 1670: Vienna
57. 1712: Sandomir
58. 1727: Russia
59. 1738: Wurtemburg
60. 1740: LittleRussia
61. 1744: Bohemia
62. 1744: Livonia
63. 1745: Moravia
64. 1753: Kovad (Lithuania)
65. 1761: Bordeaux
66. 1772: Jews deported to the Pale of Settlement (Russia)
67. 1775: Warsaw
68. 1789: Alace
69. 1804: Villages in Russia
70. 1808: Villages & Countrysides (Russia)
71. 1815: Lubeck & Bremen
72. 1815: Franconia, Swabia & Bavaria
73. 1820: Bremes
74. 1843: Russian Border Austria & Prussia
75. 1862: Area in the U.S. under Grant's Jurisdiction
76. 1866: Galatz, Romania
77. 1919: Bavaria (foreign born Jews)
78. 1938-45: Nazi Controlled Areas
79. 1948: Arab Countries
Boston: A Harvard Divinity School professor, John
Strugnell, was removed this week as chief editor of
the Dead Sea Scrolls not only because of his poor health,
but because of a tirade against Israel and Judaism,
his colleagues said. The remarks, in which he called
Judaism "a horrible religion" that "should
have disappeared," came as a surprise to some
colleagues working with him to decipher the ancient
texts of the Old Testament. Strugnell made the remarks
in a recent interview published in Haaretz, a Tel Aviv
news-paper. In the Haaretz interview, Strugnell, 60,
said he was not against Jews but their religion, according
to an account soon to be published in the Biblical
Archaeology Review. "I can't allow the word anti-Semitism
to be used," he is quoted as saying, "Anti-Judaist,
that's what I am."
The Bible teaches: "Ye shall not steal, neither
deal falsely, neither lie one to another. And ye shall
not swear by my name falsely, neither shalt thou profane
the name of thy God: I am the Lord." (Leviticus
One of the most useful devices provided the Jews to
offset Moses' laws against swearing falsely, is found
in the Talmud Book of Nedarim (Vows), and is put into
practice yearly on the Day of Atonement in every synagogue
across the world as the "Kol Nidre" (all
Vows prayer).
The text of the Kol Nidre is found in "The Jewish
Encyclopedia" and published by Funk and Wagnalls
Co., The History, Religion, Literature, and Customs
of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the
present day, page 539. This is a typical Talmudic situation:
Knowingly, in advance, every shred or TRUTH is to be
cast away, with religious support. A Scriptural verse
of no relevance whatsoever is used for justification.
Christian Americans and non-Christians have been drenched
with propaganda concerning "brotherhood"
between Christian, non-Christians and Jews. Such propaganda
could never be effective if the true nature of Talmudic
Judaism were known!
KOL NIDRE: It is the prologue of the Day of Atonement
services in the synagogues. It is recited three times
by the standing congregation in concert with chanting
rabbis at the alter. After the recital of the "Kol
Nidre" (All Vows) prayer the Day of Atonement
religious ceremonies follow immediately. The Day of
Atonement religious observances are the highest holy
days of the "Jews" and are celebrated as
such throughout the world. The official translation
into English of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows)
prayer is as follows:
"All vows, obligations, oaths, anathemas, whether
called 'konam,' 'konas,' or by any other name, which
we may vow, or swear, or pledge, or whereby we may
be bound, from this Day of Atonement unto the next,
(whose happy coming we await), we do repent. May they
be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void and
made of no effect; they shall not bind us nor have
power over us. The vows shall not be reckoned vows;
the obligations shall not be obligatory; nor the oaths
be oaths." (emphasis added)
The implications, inferences and innuendoes of the "Kol
Nidre" (All Vows) prayer are referred to in the
Talmud in the Book of Nedarim, 23a-23b as follows:
"And he who desires that none of his vows made
during the year shall be valid, let him stand at the
beginning of the year and declare, every vow which
I make in the future shall be null (1). (His Vows are
then invalid) providing that he remembers this at the
time of the vow." (emphasis in original) A footnote
(1) relates: "(1)...The Law of Revocation in advance
was not made public." (Emphasis in original text)
The greatest study of the "Kol Nidre" (All
Vows) prayer was made by Theodor Reik, a pupil of the
[I]nfamous Jewish Dr. Sigmund Freud. The analysis of
the historic, religious and psychological background
of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer by Professor
Reik presents the Talmud in its true perspective. This
study is contained in "The Ritual, Psycho-Analytical
Studies." In the chapter on the Talmud, page 163,
he states: "The text was to the effect that all
oaths which believers take between one Day of Atonement
and the next Day of Atonement are declared invalid."
(emphasis added)
The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia confirms that the
"Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer has no spiritual
value as might be believed because it is recited in
synagogues on the Day of Atonement as the prologue
of the religious ceremonies which follow it. The secular
significance of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows)
prayer is forcefully indicated by the analysis in Vol.
VI, page 441:
"The Kol Nidre has nothing whatever to do with
the actual idea of the Day of Atonement...it attained
to extraordinary solemnity and popularity by reason
of the fact that it was the first prayer recited on
this holiest of days."
On the Chicago Illinois Television Station, on the Day
of Atonement in 1992, the announcer said in effect:
"Synagogues and temples throughout the city were
crowded yesterday as the 24 hour fast began. As Rabbis
called on the Jewish people to join the fast, to sound
the Kol Nidre, the traditional melody used at the start
of Yom Kippur, as a gesture of goodwill."
That Christians accepted this as a true statement, without
any question at all, is amazing. For THE "Kol
Nidre" Prayer is a "License" for the
Jews to deceive and cheat Christians and non-Jews for
the next year, as they have obtained forgiveness in
advance from "their" god to lie, cheat, steal
and deceive.
Non-Jews have been drenched with propaganda that the
six-pointed "Star of David" is a sacred symbol
of Jewry, dating from David and Solomon, in Biblical
times, and signifying the pure "monotheism"
of the Jewish religion. In actuality, the six-pointed
star, called "David's Shield," or "Magen
David," was only adopted as a Jewish device in
1873, by the American Jewish Publication Society, it
is not even mentioned in rabbinical literature.
MAGEN DAWID ("David's Shield"): "The
hexagram formed by the combination of two equilateral
triangles; used as the symbol of Judaism. It is placed
upon synagogues, sacred vessels, and the like, and
was adopted as a device by the American Publication
Society in 1873, the Zionist Congress of Basel, hence
by 'Die Welt, the official organ of Zionism, and by
other bodies. The hebra kaddisha of the Jewish community
of Johannesburg, South Africa, calls itself 'Hebra
Kaddisha zum Rothn Magen David,' following the designation
of the 'red cross' societies...it is noteworthy, moreover,
that the Shield of David is not mentioned in Rabbinical
Literature. The 'Magen Dawid,' therefore, probably
did not originate within Rabbinism, the official and
dominant Judaism for more than 2,000 years. Nevertheless
a David's shield has recently been noted on a Jewish
tombstone at Tarentum, in southern Italy, which may
date as early as the third century of the common era.
The earliest Jewish literary source which mentions it,
the 'Eshkol ha-Kofer' of the karaite Judah Hadassi
says, in ch. 242: 'Seven names of angels precede the
mezuzah: Michael, Garield, etc...Tetragrammation protect
thee! And likewise the sign called 'David's shield'
is placed beside the name of each angel.' It was therefore,
at this time a sign on amulets. In the magic papyri
of antiquity, pentagrams, together with stars and other
signs, are frequently found on amulets bearing the
Jewish names of God, 'Sabaoth,' 'Adonai,' 'Eloai,'
and used to guard against fever and other diseases.
Curiously enough, only the pentacle appears, not the
In the great magic papyrus at Paris and London there
are twenty-two signs sided by side, and a circle with
twelve signs, but neither a pentacle nor a hexagram,
although there is a triangle, perhaps in place of the
latter. In the many illustrations of amulets given
by Budge in his 'Egyptian Magic' not a single Pentacle
or Hexagram appears.
The syncretism of Hellenistic, Jewish, and Coptic influences
did not therefore, originate the symbol. It is probable
that it was the Cabala that derived the symbol from
the Templars. The Cabala, in fact, makes use of this
sign, arranging the Ten Sephiroth, or spheres, in it,
and placing in on Amulets. The pentagram, called Solomon's
seal, is also used as a talisman, and Henry thinks
that the Hindus derived it from the Semites [Here is
another case where the Jews admit they are not Semites.
Can you not see it? The Jew Henry thinks it was derived
originally FROM THE SEMITES! Here is a Jew admitting
that the Jews are not Semites!], although the name
by no means proves the Jewish or Semitic origin of
the sign. The Hindus likewise employed the hexagram
as a means of protection, and as such it is mentioned
in the earliest source, quoted above.
In the synagogues, perhaps, it took the place of the
mezuzah, and the name 'Shield of David' may have been
given it in virtue of its protective powers. The hexagram
may have been employed originally also as an architectural
ornament on synagogues, as it is, for example, on the
cathedrals of Brandenburg and Stendal, and on the Marktkirche
at Hanover. A pentacle in this form, (a five pointed
star is shown here), is found on the ancient synagogue
at Tell Hum. Charles IV, prescribed for the Jews of
Prague, in 1354, a Red Flag with both David's Shield
and Solomon's Seal, while the Red Flag with which the
Jews met King Matthias of Hungary in the fifteenth
century showed two pentacles with two golden stars.
The pentacle, therefore, may also have been used among
the Jews. It occurs in a manuscript as early as the
year 1073. However, the six-pointed star has been used
for centuries for magic amulets and cabalistic sorcery."
(See pages 548, 549 and 550 of the Jewish Encyclopedia).
In a pamphlet, dated 1836, reprinted in 1888 by
the "Theosophical Publishing Society" we
read: "The pamphlet purports to have been written
by the Wandering Jew, and describes how at the fall
of Jerusalem he took the Jewish Talisman, the signet
of Solomon (interlaced Traingles) from the Temple,
and how by its power he secured the rise of the Jews
in all lands throughout history, till by finance they
obtained entire control of the Gentile kings and rulers."
(Patriot, September 8, 1927)
"In synagogues, in front of sanctuaries,
in Masonic Lodges, in esoteric temples, are shown two
interlaced traingles, one white the other black. It
is the Seal of Solomon. The color black signifies that
the object symbolized remains for ever in the darkness
within the body; it represents the feminine. In the
center of the figure, the symbolism of whose interlacing
is apparent enough to make explanations unnecessary,
is the great and mysterious lingam...In the Sanskrit
the word lingam signifies what is meant by the Latinised
Greek word Phallus...It situation, in the middle of
the interlaced black and white triangles, points out,
under another form, the union of the sexes. Usually
in the upper and lower angles of Solomon's Seal are
the letters - Alpha and Omega. The sides of the traingles
are enlarged in order to receive a letter inscribed
at each of the four angles. These four letters form
the Hebrew word (Eheieh) initial and final, by which
Jehovah taught Moses His incommensurable name: 'I am
that I Am.'
The syntactical union of this word with the letters
Alpha and Omega and the signs of the lingam, in the
interlaced traingles of Solomon's Seal, gives therefore
the text: 'I lingram, I am Alpha and Omega, the First
and the Last, the eternal Pan.' For the whole hieroglyphic
indeed supposes that the motto 'I am Alpha and Omega,'
is made actual by means of acts, phenomena of human
life or microcosm, and the total phenomentality or
macrocosm (univers) by the personified and deified
lingam. The same device is found among some sects under
the form 'Generation, Creation.' To initiators, generation
is an operation peculiar to divinity, when accomplished
by themselves or their initiates. It is the divine
act par excellence. Man who gives himself up to it
exercises or usurps divinity." (Revue Internationale
des SociÇtÇs Secrätes, M. Henri
de Guillebert; Light-Bearers of Darkness, Inquire Within,
pp. 145-146)
1954: ADL attorney Leonard Schroeter, is instrumental
in preparing desegregation briefs for the NAACP for
hearings before the U.S. Supreme court. He said "The
ADL was working throughout the South to make integration
possible as quickly as possible." (Oregon Journal,
December 9, 1954).
1957: New Jersey Region of the American Jewish
Congress urges the legislature to defeat a bill that
would allow prayer in the schools. (American Examiner,
Sep. 26, 1957).
Have you ever thought about it: if the Jews god is the
same one as the Christian's God, then why do they object
to prayer to God in the schools? The answer is given
in a 1960 Court Case by a Jewess Lois N. Milman, if
Christians would only listen and observe!
1960: Jewish pupil objects to prayer in schools.
Jewess Lois N. Milman, objected to discussing God in
the Miami schools because the talk was about "A
God that is not my god." (How true this is] In
a court suit she also objected to "having to listen
to Christmas carols in the schools." (L.A. Times,
July 20, 1960).
1962: The American Jewish Congress has called
the Philadelphia decision against Bible reading in
the public schools a "major victory for freedom.
A special three judge federal court in Philadelphia
voided as unconstitutional Pennsylvania's law requiring
the reading of ten verses of the Bible in public schools
each day. [Remember the Jews claim that the first five
books of the Bible is also their Bible. Do you begin
to see what liars they are?]. The Bible was read without
comment and objectors were excused upon request from
parents...The Jewish Congress is a major force in supporting
challenges to traditional [Christian] practices in
the public schools." (Los Angeles Times, Feb.
2, 1962).
1963: Jews Bernard Roseman and Bernard Copley
arrested smuggling in a large quantity of LSD-25 from
Israel. The drug was manufactured at the Wiseman Institute
in Israel. [Do you see now why the government cannot
stop the drug traffic?] Jews repay Christian Americans
for their hospitality and aid by making drug addicts
out of their children. [Los Angeles Times, April 4,
1972: The American Jewish Congress filed a formal
protest with the U.S. Post Office Department about
a stamp to be issued representing Christianity. [But
the Jews just recently clandestinely put a so-called
star of David on a stamp issued by the Post Office.]
The P.O. Department withdrew the stamp design to please
the Jews. (Jewish Post & Opinion. August 17, 1972).
1972: The Jewish Committee Against Religious Encroachment
in Schools filed in Federal Court to have the Yule
Pageant in Westfield, N.J. banned. The suit charged,
"the pageant favor belief in religion over non-religion
and favors the Christian Religion over others [Jews]."
(New York Daily News, Nov. 15, 1972).
1973: Jewish State Senator Anthony Beilenson (representing
Beverly Hills) brought pressure on state officials
and had the nativity scene removed from the Capitol
grounds because it offended the Jews from his district.
(Sacramento Union, December 22, 1973).
1976: Jewish owned movie studios in Hollywood
produce two anti-Christian movies. "THE PASSOVER
PLOT" which portrays Christ as a revolutionary
who uses drugs to trick people into thinking he was
crucified. "THE SEX LIFE OF JESUS," Christ
is portrayed in a series of sexual encounters including
homosexual [Think about it -- time after time the Jews
make movies portraying our Lord Jesus Christ as a Queer.
How can ANY thinking Christian possibly believe these
THE MANY FACES OF JESUS" is built around the same
theme. [Other movies made since 1976 with that same
theme, that Jesus Christ was a drug addict and Queer
this one was not about Christ but about a fallen woman
angel," "OH GOD-1" and "OH GOD-2"
-- while these did not portray Jesus as a Queer they
did portray Almighty God as a stupid mortal man --
and these are only a few of the many] (Tribune Review,
November 16, 1976).
Where the hell are our so-called Christian Ministers?
That's right in their pulpits, on television and radio
crying out for more money and letting these antichrist
perverts go on blaspheming Almighty God and the Lord
Jesus Christ, while they suck up after these Satanic
1977: President Jimmy Carter forced to apologize
to the Jews living in America for telling his Bible
class the truth, that The Jews Killed Christ. (Jewish
Press, May 13, 1977)
1977: Russian Jews arriving in the U.S. given
Medicaid by New York States as they claim being uncircumcised
ruins their love life. They complain Jewish girls will
not date them on RELIGIOUS grounds if they are not
circumcised [I wonder if a Jew boy has to show the
Jewish girls his privy member before he asks her for
a date?] Despite Constitutional separation of Church
& State, New York and Federal authorities give
these foreign Jews taxpayer money to be circumcised
so the Jew girls will date them.(Jewish Press, Nov.
25, 1977)
1977: Jews Urge Removal of Bible Toting Judge.
The Anti-Defamation League sent a letter to the state
Committee on Judicial Performance [California] to have
Judge Hugh W. Godwin removed from the bench because
"his Christian religious beliefs color the manner
in which he dispenses justice." (L.A. Herald Examiner,
June 24, 1977).
1977: Lutheran Church leaders are calling for
the deletion of the hymn "Reproaches" from
Lutheran hymnals because the "hymn has a danger
of fermenting anti-Semitism." The ADL sent a letter
commending the president of the American Lutheran Church
for the action.
1977: The American Jewish Committee was responsible
for the Episcopal Church removing two hymns "Reproaches"
and "Improperia" from the Book of Common
Prayer because they [truthfully] accused the Jews of
the Crucifixion of Christ. Rabbi Marc Tannenbaum congratulated
Episcopal Bishop Allin for "his historic act of
respect for Judaism and friendship for the Jewish people."
(Jewish Press).
1977: The National Jewish Commission of Law and
Public Affairs is now forcing cemeteries to bury Jews
on legal holidays. Cemeteries were normally closed
to burials on legal holidays. However, since the Jews
bury their dead quickly after death they are now forcing
cemeteries to make special rules for them. Jews have
been instrumental in having Christian Crosses removed
from graves in veterans cemeteries because the crosses
"Offend Them." (Jewish Press, November 25,
1977: U.S. Foreign Policy is now based on how
foreign countries treat their native Jews. Senators
Moynihan and Javits of New York, two ardent Zionists,
notified the Soviet Government that grain shipments
from the U.S. would be cancelled if the Soviets tried
Jewish trouble maker Anatoly Sheharansky. [So they
sent him to the Israeli State]. (Jewish Press, November
25, 1977).
1977: Jewish leaders chastised Jews for celebrating
Christmas and for trying to make their Hanukkah holiday
like Christmas. Dr. Alice Ginott said, "(Jews)
borrow the style if not the substance of Christmas
and, believing they can take the Christian Religion
out of Christmas, create an artificial holiday for
their children...Hanukkah symbolizes the Jewish people's
struggle to maintain their spiritual (racial) identity
against superior forces."
1977: The Anti-Defamation League has succeeded
in getting 11 major U.S. firms to cancel their adds
in the "Christian Yellow Pages." To advertise
in the CYP, people have to declare they believe in
Jesus Christ. The Jews claim they are offended by the
idea of having to say they believe in Jesus Christ
and yet want to force their way into the Christian
"The warning of Theodore Roosevelt has much
timeliness today, for the real menace of our republic
is this Invisible Government which like a Giant Octopus
sprawls its slimy length over the city, STATE AND NATION.
Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover
of a self-created screen. It seizes in its long and
powerful tentacles our executive officers, our legislative
bodies, our schools, our courts, our newspapers, and
every agency created for the public protection. It
squirms in the jaws of darkness and thus is the better
able to clutch the reins of government, secure enactment
of the legislation favorable to corrupt business, violate
the law with impunity, smother the press and reach
into the courts. To depart from mere generalizations,
let say that at the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller-Standard
Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking
houses generally referred to as the international bankers.
The little coterie of powerful international bankers
virtually run the United States Government for their
own selfish purposes. They practically control both
parties, write political platforms, make catspaws of
party leaders, use the leading men of private organizations,
and resort to every device to place in nomination for
high public office only such candidates as well be
amenable to the dictates of corrupt big business. They
connive at centralization of government on the theory
that a small group of hand-picked, privately controlled
individuals in power can be more easily handled than
a larger group among whom there will most likely be
men sincerely interested in public welfare. These international
bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control
the majority of the newspapers and magazines in this
country. They use the columns of these papers to club
into submission or drive out of office public officials
who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt
cliques which compose the invisible government."
(Former New York City Mayor John Haylan speaking in
Chicago and quoted in the March 27, 1927 New York Times)
"We know the powers that are defying the
people...Our Government is in the hands of pirates.
All the power of politics, and of Congress, and of
the administration is under the control of the moneyed
interests...The adversary has the force of capital,
thousands of millions of which are in his hand...He
will grasp the knife of law, which he has so often
wielded in his interest. He will lay hold of his forces
in the legislature. He will make use of his forces
in the press, which are always waiting for the wink,
which is as good as a nod to a blind horse... Political
rings are managed by skillful and unscrupulous political
gamblers, who possess the 'machine' by which the populace
are at once controlled and crushed." (John Swinton,
Former Chief of The New York Times, in his book, A
Momentous Question: The Respective Attitudes of Labor
and Capital)
"W.Z. Foster {head of the American Communist
Party}, who had no money, went to Moscow and came back
and announced that he was building a great secret machine
to undermine the American labor movement and turn it
over to the Red International, owned by Lenin. He began
publication of an expensive magazine and proclaimed
'a thousand secret agents in a thousand communities.'"
(Samuel Gompers, Former President of the American Federation
of Labor, in the New York Times, May 1, 1922)
In "Washington Dateline," the president
of The American Research Foundation, Robert H. Goldsborough,
writes that he was told personally by Mark Jones {one-time
financial advisor to the late John D. Rockefeller,
Jr., and president of the National Economic Council
in the 1960s and 1970s} "that just four men, through
their interlocking directorates on boards of large
corporations and major banks, controlled the movement
of capital and the creation of debt in America. According
to Jones, Sidney Weinberg, Frank Altshul and General
Lucius Clay were three of those men in the 1930s, '40s,
'50s, and '60s. The fourth was Eugene Meyer, Jr. whose
father was a partner in the immensely powerful international
bank, Lazard Freres...Today the Washington Post {and
Newsweek} is controlled by Meyer Jr.' daughter Katharine
CFR member (and former chairman of Citicorp) Walter
Wriston's The Twilight of Sovereignty is published
in which he declares that "The world can no longer
be understood as a collection of national economies,
(but) a single global economy...A truly global economy
will require concessions of national power and compromises
of national sovereignty that seemed impossible a few
years ago and which even now we can but partly imagine...The
global {information} network will be internationalists
in their outlook and will approve and encourage the
worldwide erosion of traditional sovereignty...The
national and international agendas of nations are increasingly
being set not by some grand government plan but by
the media." He also spoke of "The new international
financial system...a new world monetary standard...the
new world money market...the new world communications
network...the new international monetary system,"
and he says "There is no escaping the system."
"We are taxed in our bread and our wine,
in our incomes and our investments, on our land and
on our property not only for base creatures who do
not deserve the name of men, but for foreign nations,
complaisant nations who will bow to us and accept our
largesse and promise us to assist in the keeping of
the peace - these mendicant nations who will destroy
us when we show a moment of weakness or our treasury
is bare, and surely it is becoming bare! We are taxed
to maintain legions on their soil, in the name of law
and order and the Pax Romana, a document which will
fall into dust when it pleases our allies and our vassals.
We keep them in precarious balance only with our gold.
They take our very flesh, and they hate and despise
us. And who shall say we are worthy of more?...When
a government becomes powerful it is destructive, extravagant
and violent; it is an usurer which takes bread from
innocent mouths and deprives honorable men of their
substance, for votes with which to perpetuate itself."
(Cicero, 54 B.C.)
"It has long been my opinion, and I have
never shrunk from its expression...that the germ of
dissolution of our federal government is in the constitution
of the federal judiciary; an irresponsible body - for
impeachment is scarcely a scarecrow - working like
gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today
and a little tomorrow, and advancing it noiseless step
like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until
all shall be usurped from the States, and the government
of all be consolidated into one.
To this I am opposed; because, when all government domestic
and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be
drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it
will render powerless the checks provided of one government
or another, and will become as venal and oppressive
as the government from which we separated." (Thomas
"The Jewish people, Rabbi Judah Halevy (the
famous medieval poet and philosopher) explains in his
'Kuzari,' constitutes a separate entity, a species
unique in Creation, differing from nations in the same
manner as man differs from the beast or the beast from
the plant...although Jews are physically similar to
all other men, yet they are endowed [sic] with a 'second
soul' that renders them a separate species." (Zimmer,
Uriel, Torah- Judaism and the State of Israel, Congregation
Kehillath Yaakov, Inc., NY, 5732 (1972), p. 12)
"A nation can survive its fools, and even
the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.
An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is
known and he carries his banners openly. But the TRAITOR
moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers
rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very
halls of government itself. For the traitor appears
not traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his
victims, and he wears their face and their garments,
and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the
hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he
works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine
the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic
so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less
to be feared." (Cicero)
Rabbi Bakker writes: "This is not an uncommon
impression and one finds it sometimes among Jews as
well as Christians - that Judaism is the religion of
the Hebrew Bible. It is of course a fallacious impression."
Oscar Levy, a well-known Jewish author, in the
introduction to his book "The World Significance
of the Communist Revolution," said: "We Jews
have erred...we have most grievously erred: and if
there was truth in our error 3,000, nay 100 years ago,
there is nothing now but falseness and madness, a madness
that will produce an even greater misery and an even
wider anarchy. I confess it to you openly and sincerely,
and with a sorrow whose depth and pain, as the ancient
Psalmist and only he could moan into this burning universe
of ours. We who have boasted and posted as the saviors
of this world, we have been nothing but it's seducers,
it's destroyers, it's incendiaries, it's executioners.
We who have promised to lead the world into heaven
have only succeeded in leading you into a new hell.
There has been no progress, least of all moral progress.
And it is just our (Jewish) morality which has prohibited
all real progress, and, what is worse, which even stands
in the way of all future and natural reconstruction
in this ruined world of ours. I look at this world,
and I shudder at its ghastliness; I shudder all the
more as I know the Spiritual Authors of this Ghastliness."
The Jewish author Samuel Roth, in his book "Jews
Must Live," page 12, says: "The scroll of
my life spread before me, and reading it in the glare
of a new, savage light, it became a terrible testimony
against my people (Jews). The hostility of my parents...my
father's fraudulent piety and his impatience with my
mother which virtually killed her. The ease with which
my Jewish friends sold me out to my detractors. The
Jewish machinations which three times sent me to prison.
The conscienceless lying of that clique of Jewish journalists
who built up libel about my name. The thousand incidents,
too minor to be even mentioned. I had never entrusted
a Jew with a secret which he did not instantly sell
cheap to my enemies. What was wrong with these people
who accepted help from me? Was it only an accident,
that they were Jews?
Please believe me, I tried to put aside this terrible
vision of mine. But the Jews themselves would not let
me. Day by day, with cruel, merciless claws, they dug
into my flesh and tore aside the last veils of allusion.
With subtle scheming and heartless seizing which is
the whole of the Jews fearful leverage of trade, they
drove me from law office to law office, and from court
to court, until I found myself in the court of bankruptcy.
It became so that I could not see a Jew approaching
me without my heart rising up within me to mutter.
'There goes another Jew, stalking his prey!' Disraeli
set the Jewish fashion of saying that every country
has the sort of Jews it deserves. It may also be that
the Jews have only the sort of enemies they deserve
Because of this hatred toward Christ and the Christian
way of life, we would ask: Is the Christian more dangerous
to Judaism and the other religions of the world, because
God forbids them to injure his brother, is the same
God before whom we are both one day to appear in judgment;
is that God less tremendous to the wicked, or less
favorable to the just, because on His word we believe
him to be one in essence, though three in persons?
This hatred of the Jews which is becoming more and
more frenzied, which even the pagans and infidels themselves
could not justify on such pretexts as they present
for public consumption. What fanatic rage must it be
that blinds the Jews, when in contradiction with themselves,
they applaud the toleration of the ancient Philosophers,
who, though disbelieving the mysteries of Paganism,
never attempted to rob the people of their religion;
while on the other hand they incessantly conspire against
Christians and Christianity under pretence that it
contains some sort of mysteries.
Another objection not less extravagant, is that against
Revelation itself. It is God, they say, whom the Christians
declare to have spoken; hence there can be no further
liberty of opinion in man on matters of faith. The
so-called defenders of liberty and equality is then
authorized to rise in arms against Christ and Christianity
and its way of life which, they say, denies people
of their liberty. Such is thier arguments. But to what
length does their frenzy carry them? Rabbis for hundreds
of years have conspired to overthrow every altar, Catholic,
Protestant, Lutheran, or any of the other Christian
sects. What stupid idea is this? Can reason be traced
through plots and conspiracies, of which the sole tendency
is the overthrow of the religion of the White Race,
under the pretence of liberty of worship; we have heard
all sorts of false ideas to crush the God of the Christians
For 2000 years we have seen them conspire and use every
artifice of cunning intrigue to rob the world of the
religion of God, of Christianity. And because they
utter the empty sounds of Liberty, Equality and Toleration,
people mistake their utterings as that of profound
men, when they are nothing but empty shells, trying
to escape the judgment they know is coming. Perhaps
most telling of all is that 'it was American Roman
Catholic bishops in the middle and late 19th Century
who demanded the removal of Bible reading from public
schools...' Why? The full weight of history confirms
that the Bible has been and continues to be opposed
by those seeking to destroy freedom, but those seeking
to bring mankind into bondage. This speaks volumes
about the worth and the truth of the Bible. The West's
tyrants of tomorrow are even now painting heavily against
it, and in particular, the 17th- century King James
Version is based on the Textus Receptus (also banned
by Rome) with Hebrew and Greek texts differing from
all other modern verses, which come from the Judaized
Alexandrian texts, and contains many errors.
Dr. Albert M. Gessman, writing in the Winter 1969
number of the conservative Jewish journal, "Issues."
After contrasting critically almost nine pages of glaring
differences between Judaism and Christianity to the
disadvantage of the latter, and after reviewing the
back-grounds of both religions, he concludes that,
"A Judeo-Christian heritage or tradition in the
proper sense of that hyphenated word does not exist;
it has no foundation in historical fact." There
is Edom [Esau is called Edom in Genesis 36:8. And Edom
is in 'Modern Jewry' Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition,
Vol. 5, p. 41.
"A Cultist is one who has a strong belief
in the Bible and the Second Coming of Christ; who frequently
attends Bible studies; who has a high level of financial
giving to a Christian cause; who home schools his children;
who has accumulated survival foods and has a strong
belief in the 2nd Amendment, and who distrusts Big
Government." (Janet Reno, in a speech before an
ATF luncheon, Washington, D.C.)
Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, a well known Jew, when
writing in the Jewish publication, Liberal Judaism,
January, 1949, about the newly created state of Israel
declared: "For the curse of Cain, the curse of
being an outcast and a wanderer over the face of the
earth has been removed..."
"The matter of President Truman's unwillingness
to move against Communism came to a head with the passage
of the Internal Security Act of 1950. Under the title,
'Necessity for Legislation,' the two House of Congress
found as follows:
There exists a world Communist movement which,
in its origins, its development, and its present practice,
is a world-wide revolutionary movement whose purpose
it is, by treachery, deceit, infiltration into other
groups (governmental and otherwise), espionage, sabotage,
terrorism, and any other means deemed necessary, to
establish a Communist totalitarian dictatorship in
the countries throughout the world through the medium
of a world-wide Communist organization...
The Communist network in the United States is inspired
and control in large part by foreign agents who are
sent into the United States ostensibly as attachÇs
of foreign legations, affiliates of international organizations,
members of trading commissions, and in similar capacities,
but who use their diplomatic or semi-diplomatic status
as a shield behind which to engage in activities prejudicial
to the public security.
There are, under our present immigration laws, numerous
aliens who have been found to be deportable, many of
whom are in the subversive, criminal, or immoral classes
who are free to roam the country at will without supervision
or control...
The Communist organization in the United States, pursuing
its stated objectives, the recent success of Communist
methods in other countries, and the nature and control
of the world Communist movement itself, present a clear
and present danger to the security of the United States
and to the existence of free American institutions,
and make it necessary that Congress, in order to provide
for the common defense, to preserve the sovereignty
of the United States as an independent nation, and
to guarantee to each State a republican form of government,
enact appropriate legislation recognizing the existence
of such world-wide conspiracy and designed to prevent
it from accomplishing its purpose in the Unites State.
(The Iron Curtain Over America, John Beaty, pp. 181-182
"If instant world government, Charter review,
and a greatly strengthened International Court do not
provide the answers, what hope for progress is there?
The answer will not satisfy those who seek simple solutions
to complex problems, but it comes down essentially
to this: The hope for the foreseeable lies, not in
building up a few ambitious central institutions of
universal membership and general jurisdiction as was
envisaged at the end of the last war, but rather in
the much more decentralized, disorderly and pragmatic
process of inventing or adapting institutions of limited
jurisdiction and selected membership to deal with specific
problems on a case-by-case basis ... In short, the
'house of world order' will have to be built from the
bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look
like a great 'booming, buzzing confusion,' to use William
James' famous description of reality, but an end run
around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece,
will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal
assault." (Richard N. Gardner, in Foreign Affairs
(April 1974)).
"From the reign of Nero to that of Antoninus
Pius," Gibbon says again, "the Jews discovered
a fierce impatience of the dominion of Rome which repeatedly
broke out in the most furious massacres and insurrections.
Humanity is shocked at the recital of the horrid cruelties
which the Jews committed in the cities of Egypt, of
Cyprus, and of Cyrene, where they dwelt in treacherous
friendship with the unsuspecting natives...In Cyrene
they massacred 220,000 Greeks; in Cyprus 240,000; in
Egypt a very great multitude. Many of these unhappy
victims were sawed asunder..." (Decline and Fall
of the Roman Empire, ii, pp. 3, 83, 85; World Revolution,
Nesta Webster, pp. 162-163).
"It is a favorite ruse of the Jews to represent
the Christians as their only enemies; in reality the
persecution of the Jews began long before the Christian
era, nor has it since then been confined to countries
where the Christian religion prevails. If Christendom
is to be accused of ingratitude for the privilege of
harboring numbers of Jews in her midst, the pagan world
showed itself quite equally ungrateful. Egyptians,
Persians, and Assyrians kept them in complete subjection;
indeed, owing to their racial characteristics, it was
found impossible even under the more liberal rägime
of Alexander the Great's successors to receive them
into the community of nations." (World Revolution,
Nesta Webster, p. 162).
This can not be accomplished without the use of
other peoples publications.. It is impossible for us
to agree with every view expressed in these works..
some of which are quite Inflammatory And even downright
HATEFUL. I believe it important when presenting this
material.. to leave it intact without Alteration. In
this case however I am rewriting the Introduction...
the old one seemed a bit Reactive and Racist. Kinda
hard to avoid sometimes. But Racism is not a good defense
against Racism...
As I earlier explained.. It is a lot about action
and reaction....Example...When a pendulum is moved
to one extreme it will have the tendency to go to the
opposite extreme before eventually coming to REST.
In other words.. what you are about to read are
other peoples strong and often quite inflammatory Reactions..
to a Hateful and very destructive Belief System.. The
believers of which, intent upon World Dominion and
enslaving the masses, are following a carefully planned
and systematic scheme.. seemingly unconcerned about
the Reproach and often Violent anger brought down upon
the Whole of their people as a Consequence.
Actually it seems to serve their twisted purpose!
The basis of this belief is All non Jews are subhuman
and are to be exploited (milked or beeved). When these
folks get Irate and try to fight back they naturally
see the enemy as being all "Jews" and not
merely their Corrupt leaders.. Thus these leaders would
use IaHUeH's people as a shield to further their wicked
ends. When attacked, the people tend to stick closer
together.. According to what they are told to believe
for a non-jew to confront a Jew is like Blasphemy...
this makes it harder to Isolate the very Serious problem!
It turns into a vicious cycle of destruction. And has
caused the unnecessary Suffering and Death to Millions
upon Millions of People...all for the benefit of a
It seems that the only effective Solution must come
from the "Jewish" people themselves.. but
they still aren't listening.. because they are told
that whenever someone even so much as mentions "Multi-national
Banker" that it is because that person is an anti-semite
and wants to Murder all "Jews" everywhere!
I wonder how many millions of dollars have been spent
by the ADL to keep people from talking bad about these
"Multi-National (Power hungry, moneygrabbing,
slimball, Lying, Thieving, Murderous, Sons of Belial)
BTW: The ADL will not be able to defend you from
IaHUeH on that soon coming day!...And if you would
start reading the TORAH more instead of your Tragically
Twisted Talmudic Traditions.. you would quickly redifine
"anti-semite" not to mention your whole way
of thinking and relating with your Neighbors!!
What world famous men said about these Jews: "They
think they're bringing heaven, but actually they are
messengers of the devil." Israeli Prime Minister,
Shimon Peres, talking about Orthodox Jewish Rabbis
on CNN, November 14, 1995
CICERO (Marcus Tullius Cicero). First century
B.C. Roman stateman, writer. "Softly! Softly!
I want none but the judges to hear me. The Jews have
already gotten me into a fine mess, as they have many
other gentleman. I have no desire to furnish further
grist for their mills." (Oration in Defense of
Cicero was serving as defense counsel at the trial
of Flaccus, a Roman official who interfered with Jewish
gold shipments to their international headquarters
(then, as now) in Jerusalem. Cicero himself certainly
was not a nobody, and for one of this stature to have
to "speak softly" shows that he was in the
presence of a dangerously powerful sphere of influence,
and on another occasion Cicero wrote: "The Jews
belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how
numerous this clique is, how they stick together and
what power they exercise through their unions. They
are a nation of rascals and deceivers."
SENECA (Lucius Annaeus Seneca). First century
Roman philosopher. "The customs of that most criminal
nation have gained such strength that they have now
been received in all lands. The conquered have giveN
laws to the conquerors." (De Superstitione)
DIO CASSIUS. Second century Roman historian. Describing
the savage Jewish uprising against the Roman empire
that has been acknowledged as the turning point downward
in the course of that great state-form: "The Jews
were destroying both Greeks and Romans. They ate the
flesh of their victims, made belts for themselves out
of their entrails, and daubed themselves with their
blood... In all, 220,000 men perished in Cyrene and
240,000 in Cyprus, and for this reason no Jew may set
foot in Cyprus today." (Roman History)
DIODORUS SICULUS. First century Greek historian.Observed
that Jews treated other people as enemies and inferiors.
"Usury" is the practice of lending money
at excessive interest rates. This has for centuries
caused great misery and poverty for Gentiles. It has
brought strong condemnation of the Jews!
BERNARDINO OF FELTRO. 15th century Italian priest.
A mild man who extolled patience and charity in normal
circumstances, he described himself as a "barking
dog" when dealing with Jews: "Jewish usurers
bleed the poor to death and grow fat on their substance,
and I who live on alms, who feed on the bread of the
poor, shall I then be mute before outraged charity?
Dogs bark to protect those who feed them, and I, who
am feed by the poor, shall I see them robbed of what
belongs to them and keep silent?" (E. Flornoy,
Le Bienbeureux Bernardin the Feltre)
AQUINAS, THOMAS, Saint. 13th century scholastic
philosopher. In his "On the Governance of the
Jews," he wrote: "The Jews should not be
allowed to keep what they have obtained from others
by usury; it were best that they were compelled to
worked so that they could earn their living instead
of doing nothing but becoming avaricious."
HILAIARE BELLOC, in the book THE JEWS, page 9:
"There is already something like a Jewish monopoly
in high finance... here is the same element of Jewish
monopoly in the silver trade, and in the control of
various other metals, notably lead, nickel, quicksilver.
What is most disquieting of all, this tendency to monopoly
is spreading like a disease."
H.H. BEAMISH, in New York Speech, October 30,
1937: "The Boer War occurred 37 years ago. Boer
means farmer. Many criticized a great power like Britain
for trying to wipe out the Boers. Upon making inquiry,
I found all the gold and diamond mines of South Africa
were owned by Jews; that Rothschild controlled gold;
Samuels controlled silver, Baum controlled other mining,
and Moses controlled base metals. Anything these people
touch they inevitably pollute."
W. HUGHES, Premier of Australia, Saturday Evening
Post, June 19, 1919: "The Montefiores have taken
Australia for their own, and there is not a gold field
or a sheep run from Tasmania to New South Wales that
does not pay them a heavy tribute. They are the real
owners of the antipodean continent. What is the good
of our being a wealthy nation, if the wealth is all
in the hands of German Jews?"
POPE CLEMENT VIII: "All the world suffers
from the usury of the Jews, their monopolies and deceit.
They have brought many unfortunate people into a state
of poverty, especially the farmers, working class people
and the very poor. Then as now Jews have to be reminded
intermittently anew that they were enjoying rights
in any country since they left Palestine and the Arabian
desert, and subsequently their ethical and moral doctrines
as well as their deeds rightly deserve to be exposed
to criticism in whatever country they happen to live."
NESTA WEBSTER, In World Revolution, The Plot against
Civilazation, page 163: "Since the earliest times
it is as the exploiter that the Jew has been known
amongst his fellow men of all races and creeds. Moreover,
he has persistently shown himself ungrateful... The
Jews have always formed a rebellious element in every
FRANZ LISZT, famed composer quoted in Col. E.
N. Sanctuary's Are These Things So?, page 278: "The
day will come when all nations amidst which the Jews
are dwelling will have to raise the question of their
wholesale expulsion, a question which will be one of
life or death, good health or chronic disease, peaceful
existence or perpetual social fever."
JESUS CHRIST, speaking to the Jews in the Gospel
of St. John, VIII:44: "Ye are of your father the
devil, and the lust of your father ye will do. He was
a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the
truth, because there is not truth in him. When he speaketh
a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and
the father of it. - then answered the Jews - "
(which makes it clear that Christ was addressing the
MARTIN LUTHER, Table Talk of Martin Luther, translated
by William Hazlet, page 43: "But the Jews are
so hardened that they listen to nothing; though overcome
by testimonies they yield not an inch. It is a pernicious
race, oppressing all men by their usury and rapine.
If they give a prince or magistrate a thousand florins,
they extort twenty thousand from the subjects in payment.
We must ever keep on guard against them."
REV. GORDON WINROD, in his book The Keys to Christian
Understanding, pages 114 - 115: "Judaism does
not know Jesus Christ. Judaism hates Jesus Christ.
When St. Paul was in Judaism, before he was converted
to Christianity, he hated Jesus Christ and persecuted
Christians and Christianity."
Paul said: "You have heard of my earlier
career in Judaism - how furiously I persecuted the
Church of God, and made havoc of it; and how in devotion
to Judaism I out-stripped many men of may own age among
my people, being far more zealous than they for the
tradition of my forefathers." (Gal. 1:13, 14,
Weymouth Translation)
While in Judaism, Paul persecuted Christians because
of his intense hatred for Christians and because of
his conformity to the tradition of the fathers. This
shows that the tradition of teachings of Judaism are
filled with hate for Christians.
Few people know of this because they do not carefully
read their Scriptures and because of the great pains
which Jews have take to deceive the Christians. Care
has been exerted by the Jews to hide their ECONOMIC-POLITICAL
conspiracy for complete world domination UNDER high
sounding words that have a "RELIGIOUS" ring
in the ears of Christians.
The Jews use such "religious" sounding
words as "the Jewish faith," "the Jewish
religion," "Jewish spiritual values,"
"Jewish religious doctrines," and like phrases
which deceive and lead the unlearned into total equanimity.
Behind this mask of religiosity stands a complete plan
for world government, world power, world conquest,
a Jewish kingdom of this world, and the destruction
of Christianity.
REV. WILLIAM S. MITCHELL of Philadelphia, quoted
in Count Cherep-Spiridovich's book The Secret World
Government, page 194: "If there is an ingrate
in history, it is the Jew. In this land which befriended
him he as conspired, plotted, undermined, prostituted
and corrupted and (hiding to this hour behind the braver
screen of other folks), dares to contrive and scheme
the death of every Christian principle which has protected
ST. JUSTIN, martyr stated in 116 A. D.: "The
Jews were behind all the persecutions of the Christians.
They wandered through the country everywhere hating
and undermining the Christian faith."
ST. JOHN, Gospel of St. John VII: "After
these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would
not walk in Jewry because the Jews sought to kill him."
M. H.DE HEEKELINGEN, in Israel: Son Passe, Son
Avenir: "The former Rabbi Drach, converted to
Catholicism, says that the Talmud contains "a
large number of musing, utterly ridiculous extravagancies,
most revolting indecencies, and, above all, the most
horrible blasphemies against everything which the Christian
religion holds most sacred and most dear."
"In the matter of the translation of the
Talmud by non-Jews, we have always preferred that of
Luzsensky, whose accuracy has been established by the
Courts. In 1923, the Public Prosecutor of Hungary caused
his Hungarian Talmud to be seized on account of "attack
on public morals" and "pornography."
In delivering its verdict, the Court declared 'INTER
"The horrors contained in the translation
of Alfred Luzsensky are to be found, without exception,
in the Talmud. His translation is correct, in that
it renders these passages, which are actually to be
found in the original text of the Talmud, after their
true meaning."
A. D.) Latin Church Father "The Jews formed the
breeding ground of all anti-Christian actions."
REV. MARTIN LUTHER, sermon at Eisleben, a few
days before his death, February, 1546: "Besides,
you also have many Jews living in the country, who
do much harm...You should know the Jews blaspheme and
violate the name of our Savior day for day... for that
reason you, Milords and men of authority, should not
tolerate but expel them. They are our public enemies
and incessantly blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ, they
call our Blessed Virgin Mary a harlot and her Holy
Son a bastard and to us they give the epithet of changelings
and abortions. Therefore deal with them harshly as
they do nothing but excruciatingly blaspheme our Lord
Jesus Christ, trying to rob us of our lives, our health,
our honor and belongings."
MARIA THERESA, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia (1771
- 1789): "Henceforth no Jew, no matter under what
name, will be allowed to remain here without my written
permission. I know of no other troublesome pest within
the state than this race, which impoverished the people
by their fraud, usury and money-lending and commits
all deeds which an honorable man despises. Subsequently
they have to be removed and excluded from here as much
as possible."
The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia states that
"The Talmud is the real "bible" of the
Jews and that it supersedes the Old Testament. This
volume has been condemned down through the ages for
preaching hatred for Christ and all Christians. Read
"THE TALMUD UNMASKED" for the full shocking
DIDEROT, DENIS. 18th century French scholar. His
famous ENCYCLOPEDIE, the bible of the pre-revolutionary
French "enlightenment," has often been complained
of by Jewish writers as 'anti-Semitic.' Some of Diderot's
other writings are likewise unfriendly: "And you,
angry and brutish people, vile and vulgar men, slaves
worthy of the yoke [Talmudism] which you bear ... Go,
take back your books and remove yourselves from me.
(LA MOISADE) [The Talmud] taught the Jews to steal
the goods of Christians, to regard them as savage beasts,
to push them over the precipice ... to kill them with
impunity and to utter every morning the most horrible
imprecations against them. (JUIFS)
NESTA WEBSTER, in Secret Societies and Subversive
Movements, page 370: "The Jewish conception of
the Jews as the Chosen People who must eventually rule
the world forms indeed the basis of Rabbinical Judaism...
The Jewish religion now takes its stand on the Talmud
rather than on the Bible."
F. TROCASE, in Jewish Austria: "No obstacle
discourages them; they persevere throughout the world,
throughout the centuries, the unity of their race.
The Talmud has given them a powerful organization which
modern progress has been unable to change. Deep, ineradicable
hatred of everything that is not Jewish stimulates
them in war which they wage against Christian Society,
which is too divided to be able to fight with the necessary
COUNT HELMUTH VON MOLTKE, Prussian general: "The
Jews form a state, and, obeying their own laws, they
evade those of their host country. The Jews always
consider an oath regarding a Christian not binding.
During the Campaign of 1812 the Jews were spies, they
were paid by both sides, they betrayed both sides."
MOHAMMED, in the Koran: "Whoever is a friend
of a Jew, belong to them, becomes one of them, God
cannot tolerate this mean people. The Jews have wandered
from divine religion. You must not relent in your work
which must show up Jewish deceit."
BACON, FRANCIS. 16th century British writer, politician.
In his The New Atlantis, he remarked that Jews: "hate
the name of Christ and have a secret and innate rancor
against the people among whom they live." He also
disapproved of non-Jewish usurers as "Judaizers"
who would wear "tawny bonnets" like Jews.
LUTHER, MARTIN. 16th century German religious
reformer: "They are the real liars and bloodhounds,
who have not only perverted and falsified the entire
Scriptures from beginning to end and without ceasing
with their interpretations. And all of the anxious
sighing, longing and hoping of their hearts is directed
to the time when some day they would like to deal with
us heathen as they dealt with the heathen in Persia
at the time of Esther...On how they love the book of
Esther, which so nicely agrees with their bloodthirsty,
revengeful and murderous desire and hope. The sun never
did shine on a more bloodthirsty and revengeful people
as they, who imagine to be the people of God, and who
desire to and think they must murder and crush the
heathen. And the foremost undertaking which they expect
of their Messiah is that he should slay and murder
the whole world with the sword. As they at first demonstrated
against us Christians and would like to do now, if
they only could; have also tried it often and have
been repeatedly struck on their snouts...Their breath
stinks for the gold and silver of the heathen; since
no people under the sun always have been, still are,
and always will remain more avaricious than they, as
can be noticed in their cursed usury. They also find
comfort with this: "When the Messiah comes, He
shall take all the gold and silver in the world and
distribute it among the Jews. Thus, wherever they can
direct Scripture to their insatiable avarice, they
wickedly do so.
Therefore know, my dear Christians, that next to the
Devil, you have no more bitter, more poisonous, more
vehement and enemy than a real Jew who earnestly desires
to be a Jew. There may be some among them who believe
what the cow or the goose believes. But all of them
are surrounded with their blood and circumcision. In
history, therefore, they are often accused of poisoning
wells, stealing children and mutilating them; as in
Trent, Weszensee and the like. Of course they deny
this. Be it so or not, however, I know full well that
the ready will is not lacking with them if they could
only transform it into deeds, in secret or openly.
A person who does not know the Devil, might wonder why
they are so at enemity with the Christians above all
others; for which they have no reason, since we only
do good to them. They live among us in our homes, under
our protection, use land and highways, market and streets.
Princes and government sit by, snore and have their
maws open, let the Jews take from their purse and chest,
steal and rob whatever they will. That is, they permit
themselves and their subjects to be abused and sucked
dry and reduced to beggars with their own money, through
the usury of the Jews. For the Jews, as foreigners,
certainly should have nothing from us; and what they
have certainly must be ours. They do not work, do not
earn anything from us, neither do we donate or give
it to them. Yet they have our money and goods and are
lords in our land where they are supposed to be in
If a thief steals ten gulden he must hang; if he robs
people on the highway, his head is gone. But a Jew,
when he steals ten tons of gold through his usury is
dearer than God himself!
Do not their TALMUD and rabbis write that it is no sin
to kill if a Jew kills a heathen, but it is a sin if
he kills a brother in Israel? It is no sin if he does
not keep his oath to a heathen. Therefore, to steal
and rob (as they do with their moneylending) from a
heathen, is a divine service...And they are the masters
of the world and we are their servants - yea, their
I maintain that in three fables of Aesop there is more
wisdom to be found than in all the books of the Talmudists
and rabbis and more than ever could come into the hearts
of the Jews...
Should someone think I am saying too much - I am saying
much too little! For I see in [their] writings how
they curse us Goyim and wish as all evil in their schools
and prayers. They rob us of our money through usury,
and wherever they are able, they play us all manner
of mean tricks ...No heathen has done such things and
none would to so except the Devil himself and those
whom he possesses - as he possesses the Jews.
Burgensis, who was a very learned rabbi among them and
by the grace of God became a Christian (which seldom
occurs), is much moved that in their schools they so
horribly curse us Christians (as Lyra also writes)
and from that draws the conclusion that they must not
be the people of God.
Now behold what a nice, thick, fat lie it is when they
complain about being captives among us! Jerusalem was
destroyed more than 1,400 years ago during that time
we Christians have been tortured and persecuted by
the Jews in all the world. On top of that, we do not
know to this day what Devil brought them into our country.
We did not fetch them from Jerusalem!...Yes, we have
and hold them captive, as I would like to keep my rheumatism,
and all other diseases and misfortunes, who must wait
as a poor servant, with money and property and everything
I have! I wish they were in Jerusalem with the other
Jews and whomsoever they would like to have with them.
Now what are we going to do with these rejected, condemned
Jewish people?... Let us apply the ordinary wisdom
of other nations like France, Spain, Bohemia, et al.,
who made them give an account of what they had stolen
through usury, and divided it evenly; but expelled
them from their country;. For as heard before, God's
wrath is so great over them that through soft mercy
they only become more wicked, through hard treatment,
however, only a little better. Therefore, away with
How much more unbearable it is that we should permit
the entire Christendom and all of us to be bought with
our own money, be slandered and cursed by the Jews,
who on top of all that be made rich and our lords,
who laugh us to scorn and are tickled by their audacity!
What a joyful affair that would be for the Devil and
his angels, and cause them to laugh through their snouts
like a sow grinning at her little pigs, but deserving
real wrath before God.
Maybe mild-hearted and gentle Christians will believe
that I am too rigorous and drastic against the poor,
afflicted Jews, believing that I ridicule them and
treat them with much sarcasm. By my word, I am far
too weak to be able to ridicule such a satanic brood.
I would fain to do so, but they are far greater adepts
at mockery than I and possess a god who is master in
this art. It is the Evil One himself.
Even with no further evidence than the Old Testament,
I would maintain, and no person on earth could alter
my opinion, that the Jews as they are today are veritably
a mixture of all the depraved and malevolent knaves
of the whole world over, who have then been dispersed
in all countries, similarly to the Tartars, Gypsies
and such folk." (From THE JEWS AND THEIR LIES)
WASHINGTON, GEORGE, in Maxims of George Washington
by A. A. Appleton & Co.: "They (the Jews)
work more effectively against us, than the enemy's
armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to
our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in...
It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago,
has not hunted them down as pest to society and the
greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America."
STYVESANT, PETER. 17th century Dutch governor
in America: "The Jews who have arrived would nearly
all like to remain here, but learning that they (with
their customary usury and deceitful trading with the
Christians) were very repugnant to the inferior magistrates,
as also to the people having the most affection for
you; the Deaconry also fearing that owing to their
present indigence they might become a charge in the
coming winter, we have, for the benefit of this weak
newly developing place and land in general, deemed
it useful to require them in a friendly way to depart;
praying also most seriously in this connection, for
ourselves also for the general community of your worships,
that the deceitful race - such hateful enemies and
blasphemers of the name of Christ - not be allowed
further to infect and trouble this new colony. (Letter
to the Amsterdam Chamber of the Dutch West India Company,
from New Amsterdam, September 22, 1654.)
The Jews whom he attempted to oust merely applied
to their fellow Jews in Holland, and the order came
back from the Company countermanding the expulsion.
(For a similar situation during the Civil War, see
ULYSSES GRANT). Among the reasons given by "their
worships" for over-ruling their governor, one
stands out rather glaringly, in view of the usual Jewish
contention that their people were 'poor and persecuted:'
" ...and also because of the large amount of capital
which they have invested in shares of this Company."
(Harry Golden and Martin Rywell, THE JEWS IN AMERICAN
the trustees ordered that three Jews who had been sending
correligionists into the colony without authorization
"use their endeavors that the said Jews may be
removed from the Colony of Georgia, as the best and
only satisfaction that they can give to the Trustees
for such an indignity offered to Gentlemen acting under
His Majesty's Charter." (C. Jones, HISTORY OF
JEFFERSON, THOMAS. 18th century American statesman:
"Dispersed as the Jews are, they still form one
nation, foreign to the land they live in. " (D.
"Those who labor in the earth are the Chosen
People of God, if ever he had a chosen people. "
BEAMISH, HENRY H. 20th century British publisher:
"There is no need to be delicate on this Jewish
question. You must face them in this country. The Jew
should be satisfied here. I was here forty-seven years
ago; your doors were thrown open and you were then
free. Now he has got you absolutely by the throat -
that is their reward. " (New York speech, October
30, 1937)
HARRINGTON, LORD. 19th century British statesman.
Opposed admission of Jewish immigrants to England because:
"They are the great moneylenders and loan contractors
of the world... The consequence is that the nations
of the world are groaning under heavy systems of taxation
and national debt. They have ever been the greatest
enemies of freedom. (Speech in the House of Lords,
July 12, 1858)
WALTER CRICK, British Manufacturer, in the NORTHAMPTON
DAILY ECHO, March 19. 1925): "Jews can destroy
by means of finance. Jews are International. Control
of credits in this country is not in the hands of the
English, but of Jews. It has become the biggest danger
the British Empire ever had to face."
WORLD FAMOUS MEN of the past accused the Jews
of founding Communism. This charge is well founded.
The Communist philosopy was drawn up by Karl Marx who
descended from a long line of Rabbis. His ideology
of anti-Christian and Socialist thought is outlined
in the Jewish "TALMUD" which is the "bible"
of the Jews. Of the four political groups which overthrew
the Christan Czar of Russia two were 100% Jewish. They
were the Mensheviks and The Jewish Bund. The other
two were the Socialist Revolutionary Party and the
Bolsheviks. Both were headed by Jews but had some Gentile
members. Today we now know that Lenin was Jewish and
all of the leaders of his first government were Jews.
They were Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev and Sverdlow.
The wealthiest Jewish banker in the world at that time,
Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb investment bank of New York
City, gave Trotsky and Lenin $20 million to overthrow
the Czar and establish the Soviet tyranny (according
to the "NEW YORK JOURNAL-AMERICAN" of February
3, 1949.)
CHURCHILL, WINSTON. 20th century British politician.
In 1920, he wrote a long newspaper article of the recent
Bolshevik seizure of Russia. After praising what he
called the "national Jews" of Russia, he
said: "In violent opposition to all this sphere
of Jewish efforts rise the schemes of the International
Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are
mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations
of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of
their race. Most, if not all, of them have forsaken
the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their
minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement
among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt
to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia),
Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxemburg (Germany), and Emma
Goldman (United States), this world-wide revolutionary
conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for
the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested
development, of envious malevolence, and impossible
equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as
a modern writer, Mrs. Webster has ably shown, a definite
recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution.
It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement
during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this
band of extraordinary personalities from the underworlds
of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped
the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have
become practically the undisputed masters of the enormous
There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the
creating of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about
of the Russian Revolution by these international and
for the most part atheistic Jews. It is certainly the
very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With
the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the
leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration
and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders...
In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews
is even more astounding. And the prominent if not the
principal part in the system of terrorism applied by
the extraordinary Commissions for combating Counter
Revolution has been take by Jews, and in some notable
cases by Jewesses. The same evil prominence was obtained
by Jews in the brief period of terror during which
Bela Kun ruled in Hungary. The same phenomenon has
been presented in Germany (especially Bavaria), so
far as this madness has been allowed to prey upon the
temporary prostration of the German people. Although
in all these countries there are many nonJews every
whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries,
the part played by the latter in proportion to their
numbers in the population is astonishing. ("Zionism
versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish
People." ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY HERALD, London, February
8, 1920.)
BAKUNYIN, MIKHYL. 19th century Russian revolutionary:
"Marx is a Jew and is surrounded by a crowd of
little, more or less intelligent, scheming, agile,
speculating Jews, just as Jews are everywhere, commercial
and banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents
for newspapers of all shades; in short, literary brokers,
just as they are financial brokers, with one foot in
the bank and the other in the socialist movement, and
their arses sitting upon the German press. They have
grabbed hold of all newspapers, and you can imagine
what a nauseating literature is the outcome of it.
Now this entire Jewish world, which constitutes an exploiting
sect, a people of leeches, a voracious parasite, Marx
feels an instinctive inclination and a great respect
for the Rothschilds. This may seem strange. What could
there be in common between communism and high finance?
Ho ho! The communism of Marx seeks a strong state centralization,
and where this exists there must inevitably exist a
state central bank, and where this exists, there the
parasitic Jewish nation, which speculates upon the
labor of the people, will always find the means for
its existence...
In reality, this would be for the proletariat a barrack
regime, under which the workingmen and the working
closely and intimately connected with one another,
regarless not only of frontiers but of political differences
as well - this Jewish world is today largely at the
disposal of Marx or Rothschil. I am sure that, on the
one hand, the Rothschilds appreciate the merits of
Marx, and that on the other hand, women, converted
into a uniform mass, would rise, fall asleep, work
and live at the beat of the drum; the privilege of
ruling would be in the hands of the skilled and the
learned, with a wide scope left for profitable crooked
deals carried on by the Jews, who would be attracted
by the enormous extension of the international speculations
of the national banks... (PolÇmique contres
les Juifs)
This startling piece of prediction is particularly
impressive to those who have observed the Soviet scene
and notice its strange relationship with capitalist
financiers - overwhelmingly Jewish - since the revolution.
The line runs from Olof Aschberg, self-described "Bolshevik
banker" who ferried to Trotsky the huge sums raised
for the revolution by financiers in Europe and America,
to Armand Hammer in the 1970s, who has specialized
in multimillion-dollar trade concessions with the now
supposedly 'anti-Semitic' commissars.
WILHELM II. German Kaiser: "A Jew cannot
be a true patriot. He is something different, like
a bad insect. He must be kept apart, out of a place
where he can do mischief - even by pogroms, if necessary.
The Jews are responsible for Bolshevism in Russia,
and Germany too. I was far too indulgent with them
during my reign, and I bitterly regret the favors I
showed the prominent Jewish bankers." (CHICAGO
TRIBUNE, July 2, 1922)
CARDINAL MINDSZENTY, of Hungary quoted in B'nai
B'rith Messenger, January 28, 1949: "The troblemakers
in Hungary are the Jews... they demoralize our country
and they are the leaders of the revolutionary gang
that is torturing Hungary."
HILAIRE BELLOC, renown historian in G. K.'s WEEKLY,
February 4, 1937: "The propaganda of Communism
throughout the world, in organization and direction
is in the hands of Jewish agents. As for anyone who
does not know that the Bolshevist movement in Russia
is Jewish, I can only say that he must be a man who
is taken in by the suppression of our deplorable press."
ADRIEN ARCAND, New York speech, October 30, 1937:
"When it came to Mexico, the promoters of Communism
were the Jews Calles, Hubermann and Aaron Saenz; in
Spain we saw Aza$a and Rosenberg; in Hungary we saw
Bela Kun, Szamuelly, Agoston and dozen other Jews;
in Bavaria, we saw Kurt Eisner and a host of other
Jews; in Belgium Marxian Socialism brought to power
Vadervelde alias Epstein, and Paul Hymans, two Jews;
in France, Marxian Socialism brought forth the Jews
Leon Blum (who showed so well his Jewish instincts
in his filthy book Du Mariarge), Mandel, Zyromsky,
Danain and a whole tribe of them; in Italy we had seen
the Jews Nathan and Claudio Treves. Everywhere, Marxism
brings Jews on the top - And this is no hazard."
A. HOMER, writes in Judaism and Bolshevism, page
7: "History shows that the Jew has always been,
by nature, a revolutionary and that, since the dispersion
of his race in the second century, he has either initiated
or assisted revolutionary movements in religion, politics
and finance, which weakened the power of the States
wherein he dwelt. On the other hand, a few far-seeing
members of that race have always been at hand to reap
financial and political advantage coincident with such
Forces, Siberia, in a military intelligence report
dated March 1, 1919, to Lt. Col. Barrows in Vladivostok:
"It is probably unwise to say this loudly in the
United States but the Bolshevik movement is and has
been since its beginning guided and controlled by Russian
Jews of the greasiest type, who have been in the United
States and there absorbed every one of the worst phases
of our civilization without having the least understanding
of what we really mean by liberty."
MRS. CLARE SHERIDAN, Traveler, Lecturer in NEW
YORK WORLD, December 15, 1923: "The Communists
are Jews, and Russia is being entirely administered
by them. They are in every government office, bureau
and newspaper. They are driving out the Russians and
are responsible for the anti-Semitic feeling which
is increasing."
MAJOR ROBERT H. WILLIAMS, in Fecp and the Minority
Machine, page 10: "B'nai B'rith, the secret Jewish
fraternity, was organized in 1843, awakening world
Jewish aspirations, or Zionism, and its name, meaning
"Sons of the Covenant," suggests that the
12 men who organized the fraternity aimed at bringing
about the fulfillment of "the Covenant,"
or the supposed Messianic promise of rulership over
all peoples. To rule all peoples, it is first necessary
to bring them together in a world federation or world
government - which is the avowed aim of both Communists
and Zionists."
VLADIMIR, LENIN, Founder of Bolshevik Communist
(From an article in Northern Pravda, October-December
1913, qouted in Lenin on the Jewish Question, page
10): "There the great universally progressive
features of Jewish culture have made themselves clearly
felt: its internationalism, its responsiveness of the
advanced movements of our times (the percentage of
Jews in democratic and proletarian movements is everywhere
higher than the percentage of Jews in the general population.)...Those
Jewish Marxists who join up in the international Marxist
organizations with the Russian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian
and other workers, adding their might (both in Russian
and in Jewish) to the creation of an international
culture of the working class movement, are continuing
the best traditions of Jewry."
JOSEPH STALIN in a reply given on January 12,
1931 to an enquiry made by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
of America (Stars and Sand, page 316): "Anti-Semitism
is dangerous for the toilers, for it is a false track
which diverts them from the proper road and leads them
into the jungle. Hence, Communists, as consistent internationalists,
cannot but be irreconcilable and bitter enemies of
anti-Semitism. In the U.S.S.R., anti-Semitism is strictly
prosecuted as a phenomenon hostile to the Soviet system.
According to the laws of the U.S.S.R. active anti-Semites
are punished with death."
M. OUDENDYK, the Netherlands' Minister to Petrograd
on September 6, 1918, to the British Government, published
in the unexpurgated edition of A Collection of Reports
on Bolshevism in Russia, April, 1919: "...I consider
that the immediate suppression of Bolshevism is the
greatest issue before the World, not even excluding
the war which is till raging, and unless, as above
stated, Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately,
it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe
and the whole World, as it is organized and worked
by Jews who have no nationality, and whose one object
is to destroy for their own ends the existing order
of things."
HENRY FORD in (The Dearborn Independent, 12-19
February 1921: "Jews have always controlled the
business... The motion picture influence of the United
States and Canada...is exclusively under the control,
moral and financial, of the Jewish manipulators of
the public mind."
A.N. FIELD, in Today's Greatest Problem: "Once
the Jewishness of Bolshevism is understood, its otherwise
puzzling features become understandable. Hatred of
Christianity, for instance, is not a Russian characteristic;
it is a Jewish one."
FATHER DENIS FAHEY; in his book The Rulers of
Russia, page 25: "The real forces behind Bolshevism
is Russia are Jewish forces, and Bolshevism is really
an instrument in the hands of the Jews for the establishment
of their future Messianic kingdom."
A.N. FIELD, The Truth About the Slump, page 208:
"The World today, however provides a spectacle
of a great concentration of Jewish power. In New York
there is a concentration of Jewish financial power
dominating the entire world in its material affairs,
and side by side with it is the greates physical concentration
of the Jews ever recorded. On the other side of the
globe, there has taken place in Russia the greatest
concentration of the Jewish revolutionary activity
in all history...
The enormously significant thing in the world today
is that both this power of the purse (Theodor Herzl's
"terrible (Jewish) power of the purse") and
revolutionary activity are working in the direction
of destroying the entire existing order of things,
and not only are they working in a common direction,
but there is a mass of evidence that they are working
in unison."
H.H. BEAMISH, N.Y. speech, 1937: "Communism
is Judaism. The Jewish Revolution in Russia was in
HILARY COTTER, author of Cardinal Minszenty, The
Truth About His Real "Crime," page 6: "Communism
and Judaism are one and the same."
ADRIEN ARCAND, Canadian political leader in New
York Speech, October 30, 1937: "There is nothing
else in Communism - a Jewish conspiracy to grab the
whole world in their clutches; and no intelligent man
in the world can find anything else, except the Jews,
who rightly call it for themselves a "paradise
on earth."
Jews are eager to bring Communism, because they know
what it is and what it means. It is because Communism
has not been fought for what it really is - a Jewish
scheme invented by Jews - that it has progressed against
all opposition to it. We have fought the smoke-screen
presented by Jewish dialecticians and publicists, refusing
to fight the inventor, profiteer and string-puller.
Because Christians and Gentiles have come to fear the
Jews, fear the truth, and they are paralyzed by the
paradoxical slogans shouted by the Jews."
page 99 "The Frankenstein of Communism is the
product of the Jewish mind, and was turned loose upon
the world by the son of a Rabbi, Karl Marx, in the
hopes of destroying Christian civilization - as well
as others. The testimony given before the Senate of
the United States which is take from the many pages
of the Overman Report, reveals beyond a shadow of a
doubt that Jewish bankers financed the Russian Revolution."
SYLVESTER I. Condemned Jewish anti-Christian activity.
GREGORY I ('The Great'). Protested wholesale circumcision
of Christian slaves by Jewish traders, who monopolized
the slave trade in Europe and the Middle East and were
widely suspected of supplying white girls to Oriental
and African buyers.
GREGORY VIII. Forbade Jews to have power over
Christians, in a letter to Alfonso VI of Castile.
GREGORY IX. Condemned the TALMUD as containing
"every kind of vileness and blasphemy against
Christian doctrine."
BENEDICT XIII. His Bull on the Jewish issue (1450)
declared: "The heresies, vanities and errors of
the TALMUD prevent their knowing the truth."
JULIUS III. Contra Hebreos retinentes libros (1554)
ordered the TALMUD burned "everywhere" and
established a strict censorship over Jewish genocidal
writings - an order that has never been rescinded and
which presumably is still binding upon Catholics.
PAUL IV. Cum nimis absurdim (1555) promulgated
immediately after his coronation, was a powerful condemnation
of Jewish usury. It embodies a model legal code to
curb Jewish power that was recommended to all communities.
PIUS IV. Condemned Jewish genocidal writings.
PIUS V. Hebraeorum gens (1569) expelled all Jews
from the Papal States.
GREGORY XIII. Declared that Jews: "continue
to plot horrible crimes" against Christians "with
daily increasing audacity."
CLEMENT VIII. Condemned Jewish genocidal writings.
ALEXANDER VIII. Condemned Jewish genocidal writings.
BENEDICT XIV. Quo Primum 1751) denounced Jewish
control of commerce and "systematical despoliation"
of the Christian through usury.
PIUS VII. Known generally as an 'anti-Semite'
by Jewish writers.
BENEDICT XV. Warned, in 1920, against "the
advent of a Universal Republic which is longed for
by all the worst elements of disorder." This is
resented by some Jews because of their active sponsorship
and direction of such projects as the League of Nations
and United Nations. - And in effect, all Popes who
have issued editions of the Index Expurgatorius, in
which Jewish genocidal and anti-Christian writings
are condemned, according to the instructions of the
Council of Trent.
GRANT, USYSSES S. 19th century American general,
politician. While in command of the 13th Army Corps,
headquartered at Oxford, Mississippi, he became so
infuriated at Jewish camp-followers attempting to penetrate
the conquered territory that he finally attempted to
expel the Jews: "I have long since believed that
in spite of all the vigilance that can be infused into
post commanders, the special regulations of the Treasury
Department have been violated, and that mostly by Jews
and other unprincipled traders. So well satisfied have
I been of this that I instructed the commanding officers
at Columbus to refuse all permits to Jews to come South,
and I have frequently had them expelled from the department,
but they come in with their carpet-sacks in spite of
all that can be done to prevent it. The Jews seem to
be a privileged class that can travel anywhere. They
will land at any woodyard on the river and make their
way through the country. If not permitted to buy cotton
themselves, they will act as agents for someone else,
who will be at military post with a Treasury permit
to receive cotton and pay for it in Treasury notes
which the Jew will buy up at an agreed rate, paying
gold. (Letters to C. P. Wolcott, assistant secretary
of war, Washington, December 17, 1862)
1). The Jews, as a class, violating every regulation
of trade established by the Treasury Department, and
also Department orders, are hereby expelled from the
2). Within twenty-four hours from the receipt of this
order by Post Commanders, they will see that all of
this class of people are furnished with passes and
required to leave, and anyone returning after such
notification, will be arrested and held in confinement
until an opportunity occurs of sending them out as
prisoners, unless furnished with permits from these
3). No permits will be given these people to visit headquarters
for the purpose of making personal application for
trade permits. By order of Major Gen. Grant Jno. A.
Rawlings, Assistant Adjutant General (General Order
Number 11, December 17, 1862)
The expulsion order was immediately countermanded by
the general-in-chief, H. W. Halleck, in Washington.
Apparently the expelled Jews had immediately contacted
their kinsmen there and had pressure brought to bear.
SHERMAN, WILLIAM T. 19th century American soldier.
In a letter from Union-occupied Memphis, July 30, 1862,
he wrote: "I found so many Jews and speculators
here trading in cotton, and secessionists had become
so open in refusing anything but gold, that I have
felt myself bound to stop it. The gold can have but
one use - the purchase of arms and ammunition... Of
course, I have respected all permits by yourself or
the Secretary of the Treasury, but in these new cases
(swarms of Jews), I have stopped it." (The Sherman
ROSS, L. F. 19th century American military man.
Ross confronted Jewish 'carpetbagging' cotton traders
preying upon captured Confederate areas during the
Civil War. In a letter to General John A. McClernand,
he wrote: "The cotton speculators are quite clamorous
for aid in the getting their cotton away from Middleburg,
Hickory Valley, etc., and offer to pay liberally for
the service. I think I can bring it away with safety,
and make it pay to the Government. As some of the Jew
owners have as good as stolen the cotton from the planters,
I have no conscientious scruples in making them pay
liberally to take it away."
OLMSTED, GREDERICK LAW. 19th century American
architect, historian. "A swarm of Jews has, within
the last ten years, settled in every Southern town,
many of them men of no character, opening cheap clothing
and trinket shops, ruining or driving out of business
many of the old retailers, and engaging in an unlawful
trade with the simple Negroes, which is found very
profitable. (The Cotton Kingdom. For other views on
Jewish involvement in exploiting the South, see ULYSSES
TWAIN, MARK (S. L. Clemens). 19th century American
writer. "In the U.S. cotton states, after the
war... the Jew came down in force, set up shop on the
plantation, supplied all the Negroes' wants on credit,
and at the end of the season was the proprietor of
the Negro's share of the present crop and part of the
next one. Before long, the whites detested the Jew.
The Jew is being legislated out of Russia. The reason
is not concealed. The movement was instituted because
the Christian peasant stood no chance against his commercial
abilities. The Jew was always ready to lend on a crop.
When settlement day came, he owned the crop; the next
year he owned the farm - like Joseph.
In the England of John's time everybody got into debt
to the Jew. He gathered all lucrative enterprises into
his hands. He was the King of Commerce. He had to be
banished from the realm. For like reasons, Spain had
to banish him 400 years ago, and Austria a couple of
centuries later.
In all ages Christian Europe has been obliged to curtail
his activities. If he entered upon a trade, the Christian
had to retire from it. If he set up as a doctor, he
took the business. If he exploited agriculture, the
other farmers had to get at something else. The law
had to step in to save the Christian from the poor-house.
Still, almost bereft of employments, he found ways
to make money. Even to get rich. This history has a
most sordid and practical commercial look. Religious
prejudices may account for one part of it, bit not
for the other nine.
Protestants have persecuted Catholics - but they did
not take their livelihoods away from them. Catholics
have persecuted Protestants - bit they never closed
agriculture and the handicrafts against them. I feel
convinced that the Crucifixion has not much to do with
the world's attitude toward the Jew; that the reasons
for it are much older than that event ...
I am convinced that the persecution of the Jew is not
in any large degree due to religious prejudice. No,
the Jew is a money-getter. He made it the end and aim
of his life. He was at it in Rome. He has been at it
ever since. His success has made the whole human race
his enemy.
You will say that the Jew is everywhere numerically
feeble. When I read in the Cyclopedia Britannica that
the Jewish population in the United States was 250,000
I wrote the editor and explained to him that I was
personally acquainted with more Jews than that, and
that his figures were without doubt a misprint for
25,000,000. People told me that they had reasons to
suspect that for business reasons, many Jews did not
report themselves as Jews. It looks plausible. I am
strongly of the opinion that we have an immense Jewish
population in America. I am assured by men competent
to speak that the Jews are exceedingly active in politics.
("Concerning the Jews," Harper's Monthly
Magazine, September 1899)
Twain's opinion on the Jews is probably the best-kept
secret in American literary history. Immediately after
his death, his eccentric daughter Clara married - or
was married by - the Jewish piano player, Ossip Galbrilowitsch.
Twain's publishers were given speedy instructions to
delete "Concerning the Jews" from the collected
works, where it had appeared in the book The Man that
Corrupted Hadleybury & Other Stories. (1) Since
Jews provided most of the agitators and orators who
pushed forward the Abolition campaign that culminated
in the Civil War (which Jewish bankers largely financed,
on both sides), it seems a legitimate question whether
there was any preplanning for the wholesale - and retail
- economic looting done by mainly Jewish carpetbaggers
after the war. (2) We have cited a host of other writers
on the terrible economic depredation that Jewry visited
on the people of Tzarist Russia.
ERNEST RENAN, French historian: "The Jews
are not merely a different religious community, but
- and this is the most important factor - ethnically
an altogether different race. The European felt instinctively
that the Jew is a stranger, who immigrated from Asia.
The so-called prejudice is natural sentiment. Civilization
will overcome antipathy against the Israelite who merely
professes another religion, but never against the racially
different Jew...In Eastern Europe the Jew is the cancer
slowly eating into the flesh of other nations. Exploitation
of the people is his only aim. Selfishness and a lack
of personal courage are his chief characteristics;
self-sacrifice and patriotism are altogether foreign
to him."
GOLDWIN SMITH, Professor of Modern History at
Oxford, wrote in Nineteenth Century, October 1881:
"The Jew alone regard his race as superior to
humanity, and looks forward not to its ultimate union
with other races, but to its triumph over them all
and to its final ascendancy under the leadership of
a tribal Messiah."
H.L. MENCKEN: 20th century American writer: "The
Jews could be put down very plausibly as the most unpleasant
race ever heard of. As commonly encountered they lack
any of the qualities that mark the civilized man: courage,
dignity, incorruptibility, ease, confidence. They have
vanity without pride, voluptuousness without taste,
and learning without wisdom. Their fortitude, such
as it is, is wasted upon puerile objects, and their
charity is mainly a form of display." (Treatise
on the Gods)
The fact that what are commonly spoken of as rights
are often really privileges is demonstrated in the
case of the Jews. They resent bitterly their exclusion
from certain hotels, resorts and other places of gathering,
and make determined efforts to horn in. But the moment
any considerable number of them horns in, the attractions
of the place diminish, and the more pushful Jews turn
to one where they are still nicht gewuenscht ...("not
wanted.") "I am one of the few Goyim who
have ever actually tackled the TALMUD. I suppose you
now expect me to add that it is a profound and noble
work, worthy of hard study by all other GOYIM. Unhappily,
my report must differ from this expectation. It seems
to me, save for a few bright spots, to be quite indistinguishable
from rubbish..."
"The Jewish theory that the GOYIM envy the superior
ability of the Jews is not borne out by the facts.
Most GOYIM, in fact, deny that the Jew is superior,
and point in evidence to his failure to take the first
prizes: he has to be content with the seconds. No Jewish
composer has ever come within miles of Bach, Beethoven
and Brahms; no Jew has ever challenged the top-flight
painters of the world, and no Jewish scientist has
equaled Newton, Darwin, Pasteur or Mendel. In the latter
bracket such apparent exception as Ehrlich, Freud and
Einstein are only apparent. Ehrlich, in fact, contributed
less to biochemical fact than to biochemical theory,
and most of his theory was dubious. Freud was nine-tenths
quack, and there is sound reason for believing that
even Einstein will not hold up: in the long run his
curved space may be classed with the psychosomatic
bumps of Gall and Spurzheim. But whether this inferiority
of the Jew is real or only a delusion, it must be manifest
that it is generally accepted. The GOY does not, in
fact, believe that the Jew is better than the non-Jew;
the most he will admit is that the Jew is smarter at
achieving worldly success. But this he ascribes to
sharp practices, not to superior ability." (Minority
Report: H. L. Mencken's Notebooks)
SHAW, GEORGE BERNARD. 20th century British dramatist:
"This is the real enemy, the invader from the
East, the Druze, the ruffian, the oriental parasite;
in a word: the Jew. (London Morning Post, December
3, 1925)
This craving for bouquets by Jews is a symptom
of racial degeneration. The Jews are worse than my
own people. Those Jews who still want to be the chosen
race (chosen by the late Lord Balfour) can go to Palestine
and stew in their own juice. The rest had better stop
being Jews and start being human beings. (Literary
Digest, October 12, 1932)
WAGNER, RICHARD. 19th century German composer:
"The Jew has never had an art of his own, hence
never a live of art-enabling import... "So long
as the separate art of music had a real organic life-need
in it, down to the epochs of Mozart and Beethoven,
there was nowhere to be found a Jew composer: it was
utterly impossible for an element quiet foreign to
that living organism to take a part in the formative
stages of that life. Only when a body's inner death
is manifest, do outside elements win the power of judgment
in it - yet merely to destroy it.
On one thing am I clear: that is the influence which
the Jews have gained upon our mental life, as displayed
in the deflection and falsification of our highest
culture-tendencies. Whether the downfall of our culture
can be arrested by a violent rejection of the destructive
alien element, I an unable to decide, since that would
require forces with whose existence I am unacquainted.
(Judaism in Music)
SOMBART, WERNER. 20th century German economist:
"Capitalism was born from the money loan. Money
lending contains the root idea of capitalism. Turn
to the pages of the TALMUD and you will find that the
Jews made an art of lending money. They were taught
early to look for their chief happiness in the possession
of money. They fathomed all the secrets that lay hid
in money. They became Lords of Money and Lords of the
FITZGERALD, F. SCOTT. 20th century American novelist:
"Down a tall busy street he read a dozen Jewish
names on a line of stores; in the door of each stood
a dark little man watching the passers from intent
eyes - eyes gleaming with suspicion, with pride, with
clarity, with cupidity, with comprehension. New York
- he could not dissociate it from the slow, upward
creep of this people - the little stores, growing,
expanding, consolidating, moving, watched over with
hawks' eyes and a bee's attention to detail - they
[were Jews.]
EMERSON, RALPH WALDO. 19th century American philosopher,
poet: "The sufferance which is the badge of the
Jew has made him, in these days, the ruler of the rulers
of the earth. (Fate an essay)
BURTON, SIR RICHARD FRANCIS. 19th century British
diplomat, writer. After a sting as consul at Damascus,
Syria, where some years before, a Catholic priest was
allegedly murdered in a blood ritual by Jews, Burton
took an interest in the matter. His investigations
satisfied him that such killings actually were performed
by certain sects of Jews. "The Jew's hand was
ever, like Ishmael's, against every man but those belonging
to the Synagogue. His fierce passions and fiendish
cunning, combined with abnormal powers of intellect,
with intense vitality, and with a persistency of purpose
which the world has rarely seen, and whetted moreover
by a keen thirst for blood engendered by defeat and
subjection, combined to make him the deadly enemy of
all mankind, whilst his unsocial and iniquitous Oral
Law contributed to inflame his wild lust of pelf, and
to justify the crimes suggested by spite and superstition."
DREISER, THEODORE. 20th century American writer:
"New York to me is a scream - a Kyke's dream of
a ghetto. The Lost Tribe has taken the island. (Letter
to H. L. Mencken, November 5, 1922) "
"Liberalism, in the case of the Jew, means
internationalism. If you listen to Jews discuss Jews,
you will find they are mone-minded, very sharp in practice.
The Jews lack the fine integrity which at last is endorsed,
and to a certain degree followed, by lawyers of other
nationalities. The Jew has been in Germany for a thousand
years, and he is still a Jew. He has been in America
for all of 200 years, and he has not faded into a pure
American by any means - and he will not. (Letter to
Hutchins Hapgood, The Nation magazine, April 17, 1935)"
WELLS, H. G. 20th century British writer: "The
Jews looked for a special savior, a messiah, who was
to redeem mankind by the agreeable process of restoring
the fabulous glories of David and Solomon, and bringing
the whole world at last under the firm but benevolent
Jewish heel." (The Outline of History)
"Zionism is an expression of Jewish refusal
to assimilate. If the Jews have suffered, it is because
they have regarded themselves as a chosen people."
(The Anatomy of Frustration)
"A careful study of anti-Semitism prejudice
and accusations might be of great value to many Jews,
who do not adequately realize the irritations they
inflict." (Letter of November 11, 1933)
Wells was in the habit of referring to KARL MARX
as "a shallow third-rate Jew," and "a
lousy Jew" in private correspondence. (Norman
MacKenzie, H. G. Wells)
LINDBERGH, CHARLES. 20th century American aviator,
writer. Wednesday, August 23, 1939: "We are disturbed
about the effect of the Jewish influence in our press,
radio and motion pictures. It may become very serious.
[Fulton] Lewis told us of one instance where the Jewish
advertising firms threatened to remove all their advertising
from the Mutual system if a certain feature were permitted
to go on the air. The threat was powerful enough to
have the feature removed."
Thursday, May 1, 1941: "The pressure for
war is high and mounting. The people are opposed to
it, but the Administration seems to have 'the bit in
its teeth' and is hell-bent on its way to war. Most
of the Jewish interests in the country are behind war,
and they control a huge part of our press and radio
and most of our motion pictures. There are the 'intellectuals'
and the 'Anglophiles,' and the British agents who are
allowed free rein, the international financial interests,
and many others." (The Wartime Journals)
Tribune, March 29, 1939: "The war now proposed
is for the purpose of establishing Jewish influence
throughout the world."
HERDER, JOHANN GOTTFRIED. 18th century German
philosopher: "The Jewish people is and remains
in Europe an Asiatic people alien to our part of the
world, bound to that old law which it received in a
distant climate, and which, according to its confession,
it cannot do away with...How many of this alien people
can be tolerated without injury to the true citizen?
A ministry in which a Jew is supreme, a household in
which a Jew has the key of the wardrobe and the management
of the finances, a department or commissariat in which
Jews do the principal business, are Pontine marshes
which cannot be drained. (Bekehrung der Juden)
For thousands of years, since their emergence on the
stage of history, the Jews were a parasitic growth
on the stem of other nations, a race of cunning brokers
all over the earth. They have cause great evil to many
ill-organized states, by retarding the free and natural
economic development of their indigenous population.
("Hebraer," in Ideen)
BONAPARTE, NAPOLEON. French statesman, general:
"The Jews provided troops for my campaign in Poland,
but they ought to reimburse me: I soon found that they
are no good for anything but selling old clothes..."
"Legislating must be put in effect everywhere that
the general well-being is in danger. The government
cannot look with indifference on the way a despicable
nation takes possession of all the provinces of France.
The Jews are the master robbers of the modern age;
they are the carrion birds of humanity... "They
must be treated with political justice, not with civil
justice. They are surely not real citizens."
"The Jews have practiced usury since the time of
Moses, and oppressed the other peoples. Meanwhile,
the Christians were only rarely usurers, falling into
disgrace when they did so. We ought to ban the Jews
from commerce because they abuse it... The evils of
the Jews do not stem from individuals but from the
fundamental nature of this people." (From Napoleon's
Reflections, and from speeches before the Council of
State on April 30 and May 7, 1806.)
"Nothing more contemptible could be done
than the reception of the Jews by you. I decided to
improve the Jews. But I do not want more of them in
my kingdom. Indeed, I have done all to prove my scorn
of the most vile nation in the world." (Letter
to his brother Jerome, King of Westphalia, March 6,
(1) Every big and small Jew is the peddling trade
must renew his license every year.
(2) Checks and other obligations are only redeemable
if the Jew can prove that he has obtained the money
without cheating. (Ordinance of March 17, 1808. Napoleonic
DE GAULLE, CHARLES. 20th century French politician.
Addressing the Zionist imbroglio in the Mideast in
a news conference of November 27, 1967, he observed:
"The Jews remain what they have been at all times:
an elite people, self-confident and domineering."
SAND, GEORGE (Amantine Dupin Dudevant). 19th century
French novelist: "I saw in 'the wandering Jew'
the personification of the Jewish people, exiled in
the Middle Ages. Nevertheless, they are once again
extremely rich, owing to their unfailing rude greediness
and their indefatigable activity. With their hard-heartedness
that they extend toward people of other faiths and
races they are at the point of making themselves kings
of the world. This people can thank its obstinacy that
France will be Judized within fifty years. Already
some wise Jews prophesy this frankly." (Letter
to Victor Lorie, 1857)
to the ASSEMBLEE in 1790, the city's revolutionary
leaders opposed citizenship for Jews, because: "Everyone
knew the inherent bad character of the Jews and no
one doubted they were foreigners... Let the 'enlighteners'
stop defaming the Gentiles by blaming them for what
is wrong with the Jews. Their conduct is their own
fault. Perhaps the Jews might eventually give up every
aspect of their separation and all the characteristics
of their nature. Let us sit and wait until that happens;
we might them judge them to be worthy of equality.
(Tres Humble Adresse qui Presente la Commune de la
Ville Strasbourg)
ROBERTS, STEPHEN H. 20th century Australian historian.
Though hostile on almost every point to National Socialism,
his The House that Hitler Built does admit that Jews
were a menace in Germany: "It is useless to deny
that grave Jewish problems existed in Germany. The
nation was in the unfortunate geographical position
of being the first stage in the perennial push westward
of the Polish Jews. Unless forced on, they tended to
stop in Berlin and Hamburg, where they obtained an
unduly share of good professional positions. In Berlin,
for example, when the Nazi came to power, 50.2 percent
of the lawyers were Jews. In medicine, 48 per cent
of the doctors were Jews, and it was said that they
systematically seized the principal hospital posts.
The Jews owned the largest and most important Berlin
newspapers, and they had made great inroads on the
educational system."
FRANCO, FRANCISCO. 20th century Spanish statesman.
In his victory speech in Madrid, on May 19, 1939, he
declared: "Let us be under no illusion. The Jewish
spirit, which was responsible for the alliance of large-scale
capital with Marxism and was the driving force behind
so many anti-Spanish revolutionary agreements, will
not be got rid of in a day."
PRIMO DE RIVERA, JOSE. 20th century Spanish political
reformer (assassinated by the Communists). He stressed
that the instruments of Jewish domination in the modern
world are money and the press, and that communism is
an instrument of international Jewish capitalism used
to smash and afterwards rule the nations. (El Estado
H. H. BEAMISH, in a New York address, October
30 - November 1, 1937: "In 1848 the word "anti-Semitic"
was invented by the Jews to prevent the use of the
word "Jew." The right word for them is "Jew"...
"I implore all of you to be accurate - call them
Jews. There is no need to be delicate on this Jewish
question. You must face them in this country. The Jew
should be satisfied here. I was here forty-seven years
ago; your doors were thrown open to the Jews and they
were free. No he has got you absolutely by the throat
- that is your reward."
CHRISTEA, PATRIARCH. 20th century Romanian prelate.
"The Jews have caused an epidemic of corruption
and social unrest. They monopolize the press, which,
with foreign help, flays all the spiritual treasures
of the Romanians. To defend ourselves is a national
and patriotic duty - not anti-Semitism. Lack of measures
to get rid of the plague would indicate that we are
lazy cowards who let ourselves be carried alive to
our graves. Why should we not get rid of these parasites
who suck Romanian and Christian blood? It is logical
and holy to react against them." (New York Herald
Tribune, August 17, 1937)
of Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, Vol. I, page
337: "The revelation of Christ has no significance
for the Jew! ...I have searched through a whole library
of Jewish books in the expectation of finding - naturally
not belief in the Divinity of Christ, nor the idea
of redemption, but the purely human feeling for the
greatness of suffering Savior - but in vain. A Jew
who feels that, is, in fact, no longer a Jew, but a
denier of Judiasm. And while we find, even in Mohammed's
Koran, at least a vague conception of the importance
of Christ and profound reverence for His personality,
a cultured leading Jew of the nineteenth century (Graetz)
calls Christ "the new birth with the death mask,"
which inflicted new and painful wounds upon the Jewish
people; he cannot see anything else in Him. In view
of the Cross he assures us that "the Jews do not
require this convulsive emotion for their spiritual
improvement," and adds, "particularly not
among the middle classes of inhabitants of the cities."
His comprehension goes further. In a book, republished
in 1880, by a Spanish Jew (Mose de Leon) Jesus Christ
is called a "dead dog" that lies "buried
in a dunghill." Besides, the Jews have taken care
to issue in the latter part of the nineteens century
several editions (naturally in Hebrew) of the so-called
"censured passages" from the Talmud, those
passages usually omitted in which Christ is exposed
to our scorn and hatred as a "fool," "sorcerer,"
"profane person," "idolater," "dog,"
"bastard," "child of lust," etc.:
so, too, His sublime Mother."
ADRIEN ARCAND, Canadian political leader of the
1930s: "Through their (Jew's) international news
agencies, they mold your minds and have you see the
world not as it is, but as they want you to see it.
Through their cinema, they are the educators of our
youth - and with just one film in two hours, can wipe
out of a child's brain what he has learned in six months
in the home, the church or the school."
NESTA WEBSTER, in her book Germany and England:
"England is no longer controlled by Britons. We
are under the invisible Jewish dictatorship - a dictatorship
that can be felt in every sphere of life."
HENRY WALLACE, Secretary of Commerce, under President
Harry Truman, wrote in his dairy that in 1946 : "Truman
was "exasperated" over Jewish pressure that
he support Zionist rule over Palestine. Wallace added
"Pres. Truman expressed himself as being very
much 'put out' with the Jews. He said that 'Jesus Christ
couldn't please them when he was here on Earth, so
how could anyone expect that I would have any luck?'
Pres. Truman said he hand no use for them and didn't
care what happened to them."
WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYANT, three times the Democratic
Party candidate for President said: "New York
is the city of privilege. Here is the seat of the Invisible
Power represented by the allied forces of finance and
industry. This Invisible Government is reactionary,
sinister, unscrupulous, mercenary, and sordid. It is
wanting in national ideals and devoid of conscience...
This kind of government must be scourged and destroyed."
HENRY ADAMS (Descendant of President John Adams),
in a letter to John Hay, October 1895: "The Jewish
question is really the most serious of our problems."
SPRING-RICE, SIR CECIL. 20th century British politician:
"One by one, the Jews are capturing the principal
newspapers of America. (Letter of November 1914, to
Sir Edward Grey, foreign secretary. Letters and Friendships)
CAPOTE, TRUMAN. 20th century American writer.
In an interview, he assailed "the Zionist mafia"
monopolizing publishing today, and protested a tendency
to suppress things that do not meet with Jewish approval.
(Playboy magazine, March 1968)
Little has been published about the early life of
Abraham Lincoln. However, during a search of some old
property records and will in a small courthouse in
central North Carolina, Alex Christopher the author
of "Pandora's Box,"; in one of the old will
books dated around 1840, he found the will of one A.A.
Springs. Upon reading the will he was shocked and amazed
at the secret that it disclosed, but one must remember
that it is a known fact that wills, even though they
are classified public records the same as property
and corporation records, they are rarely combed through
as he was doing at the time, and these records hold
many dark secrets that can be hidden in public view,
but are never uncovered because there are very few
who research these old records.
This practice of hiding secrets in public view and the
conspirators can say, when faced with the facts and
accused of concealing the records; they can reply "Well
it was there in the public record in plan view for
any and all to find." In the will of A.A. Springs
was the list of his property. it went into detail to
whom the property was to be dispersed and it included
his children. Mr. Christopher and others were looking
to find what railroads and banks this man might have
owned and had left to his son Leroy Springs. He didn't
find anything like that, but he did find the prize
of the century. On the bottom of page three of four
pages was a paragraph where the father, A.A. Springs,
left to his son an enormous amount of land in the state
of Alabama which amounted to the land that is today
known as Huntsville, Alabama and then he went into
detail to name the son and at first Mr. Christopher
and the others with him couldn't believe what they
were seeing, but there it was the name of the son and
This new information that they had about the Springs
(real name Springstein) family, this was just another
twist to add to the already manipulative family. This
new information about Lincoln built a fire under them
to see where this new lead would take them, because
everything they had found in the railroad and banking
saga had been areal mind-bender. They figured this
one would be the same; so they inquired at the local
archives and historical records on families and found
a reference to one Abraham Lincoln in the family genealogy
of the family of the Carolina by the name of McAdden,
in a published genealogy on the family. The family
members in the Carolinas were in a limited edition
that at one time could be found in the public libraries.
The section on Lincoln and the story went something
like the following:
"In the late spring of the year of 1808 Nancy Hanks,
who was of the family lineage of the McAdden family
was visiting some of her family in the community of
Lincolnton, North Carolina. While on her stay with
family in the Carolina', she vistaed with many of the
neighboring families that she had known for many years;
one such visit was the Springs family. The sordid details
had been omitted but obviously the young Nancy Hanks
had found herself in a compromised position and was
forced to succumb to the lust of A.A. Springs. She
became pregnant as a result. There were no details
of a love affair or an act of violence on a helpless
female. Abraham Lincoln was the result of that act,
which leads one to wonder if the name Lincoln was real
or a fabricated name for the are of conception was
Lincolnton. Was there really a Thomas Lincoln? Since
the Spring were of the race that called themselves
Jewish, that made Lincoln part Jewish and as part of
the Springs family, he also became a relative of the
Rothschild family by blood."
The following information was derived from information
that exists in the Smithsonian, National Archives,
the Congressional Library, Courtroom Police files,
public and private libraries and storage vaults across
the United States and Europe:
"Abraham Lincoln was slapped three times with a
white glove by a member of the Hapsburg royal family
of Germany (Payseur family relatives) during a White
House reception in 1862. The German royal family member
demanded a pistol duel with the, then, President of
the United States, Abraham Lincoln. The blows to the
face stunned Lincoln but he non-verbally refused to
participate in the duel by bowing his head before walking
out of the reception room. What had ol' honest Abe
done to so enrage and up-set the royal European personage?
It seems that the practice of promiscuity was running
rampant in many families in those days and the German
King Leopold had, had an illegitimate daughter named
Elizabeth who was sent to America, where she lived
in a very comfortable manner. Although Leopold could
not recognize her position, he was very interested
in her life.
In the early or mid 1850s, Abraham Lincoln and Elizabeth
began having sexual liaisons that produced twin daughters
named Ella and Emily in 1856. The regal German father
who was so royally up-set with ol' honest Abe probably
had full knowledge of what the true blood line of Lincoln
really was. Abraham's wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, did
not find out about Elizabeth, Ella and Emily until
1865. Previous to being informed about Elizabeth and
the twins, Mrs. Lincoln had developed a ravaging dependency
on opium. Her main supplier of the drug was a former
member of the Confederate Intelligence community, he
was a former member because the Southern gentlemen
did not approve of his drug pushing and unreliable
behavior. It was because of his involvement with the
Souther Intelligence Community, Mary's supplier - John
Wilks Booth - knew about the lover and the illegal
After being spurned by the Confederate intelligence
community, Mary's 'candy man' approached and became
involved with the Rothschild Empire of Europe, for
he realized the European banking moguls would be very
interested in his pipeline to the White House.
(At this time) Abraham was searching for an issue that
would unite the North and South. After the Civil War
ended. The issue needed to be popular to all levels
of American citizenry so they could 'rally around the
Stars and Stripes' thus rapidly healing the wounds
of the bloodiest war in history. Lincoln was seriously
considering one major movement or event that would
galvanize his fellow Northern and Southern patriot
countrymen into cutting loose the United States of
America from the dictatorial grip of the Hapsbergs
bloodline of banking control in Europe. All the time,
the Rothschilds were trying to take control of the
entire world monetary system, and at that time the
Rothschilds were trying to get a foot-hold in America
and find a way around the British, Virginia Company,
and French Bourbon family that were gaining control
in this country through government help...
Lincoln found himself in real hot water, because under
the Virginia Company covenant the 48 families that
formed it were all of the Holy Grail Bloodline. This
country was to be an extension of what all the royal
families of Europe controlled. The royalty of Europe
is Hapsburg, no matter what their name is. The royal
family of England is one such example. Now what Lincoln
did is he wanted to become independent of the cogenant
(in favor of his family) on the Rothschild side...the
Rothschilds and their family bloodline have always
been undermining the affairs of the Hapsbergs and stealing
the monetary control away from them. No matter what
the history books say, the Rothschilds didn't get (total)
real control on things in America and the Federal Reserve
until the Springs usurped the Payseur family companies
in the early 1920s...
(But Lincoln had fallen from Rothschild grace also and
so, due, in part to his Executive Order to print United
States Greenbacks, thus interfering with the Jewish
International Banks profits) It appears that the Rothschild
family wanted Lincoln embarrassed to the maximum degree.
(So) Mary Todd's drug dealer (John Wilks Booth) was
hired to kidnap the President of the United States.
Abraham would be put on a boat for a two month cruise
of the Atlantic where he would be injected with and
addicted to opium and then dumped on the streets of
Washington. While the forcefully addicted President
was stumbling around our nation's capital, the press
would be informed of Elizabeth, Ella and Emily.
The drug pusher (Booth) and collaborator (agent) of
the Rothschilds had his perfect accomplice in the plot
to kidnap and discredit the leader of the North American
continent in the First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln. After
being informed of Abe's lover and the twins and the
kidnap plot by her drug supplier, Mary was promised
that after her husband resigned or was impeached, she
and Abe would be moved to Europe to live happily ever
after with plenty of opium. Superficially Mary expressed
a desire to live in Europe with plenty of opium and
no Civil War or politics to distract her husband or
family. But her drug suppler had totally underestimated
the confusion, desperation and anger of Mary Todd Lincoln.
The plotters decided the Presidential snatch needed
to take place in a public, yet discreet location where
minimum witnesses would be present. There were too
many potential witnesses at the White House. Two hours
before the capture was to take place, Mary Todd had
on the floor, a tantrum, because Abe had decided not
to go out of the White House that night. Mary's outrageous
outburst caused Abe to change his mind and the First
family departed. Several minutes after arriving at
the kidnap location, Mary instructed the family bodyguard
to take a position that placed the First Family out
of his visual sight. The position also required the
bodyguard to traverse several flights of stairs to
reach Abe and Mary should he be needed for any reason...A
wagon with a wooden cover arrived at the back entrance
of the kidnap location with several men including Mary's
opium supplier. The plan was for the drug pusher to
traverse the backstairs entrance, silently move down
a hallway, and open an unlocked door to a darkened
room where Mary and Abe were sitting.
After entering the room, Mary's drug man (Booth) would
tell the President an urgent message was waiting for
him at the War Department. Before descending down the
backstairs, Abe would be knocked out with a chloroform
loth. The kidnappers would load the limp body into
the covered wagon and swiftly stow Lincoln on an opium
boat for a novel 'cruise' of the Atlantic Ocean. When
Booth actually opened the door to the darkened room
where Abe and Mary were sitting, he went into a panic
and shock. Abe was asleep with his head on Mary's left
shoulder and the First Lady had her head turned toward
the left looking at the door...When she was sure the
man who opened the door was Booth, she turned and looked
at the President to be sure the pistol she was pointing
would explode beneath the lower left earlobe of her
Before Mary pulled the trigger, John Wilkes Booth, drug
supplier to the First Lady, realized he was the patsy
in all this mess. But he did not know if he was only
Mary's patsy or also a chump for the Rothschild family.
Were the men hiding around the back door of Ford's
Theater there to help Booth with the kidnapping or
there to point the false finger at the 'innocent' Booth?
Booth was not about to run into the hallway or down
the backstairs to find out the answer to that question.
The only escape route was to jump the balcony and crash
onto the stage during the performance. That night,
Booth gave a literal interpretation of the theatrical
phrase 'brake a leg' as he fractured one of his during
his leaping act from 'lethally looney Mary' and the
men lurking around the back entrance of Ford's Theater.
In a novelty case on a wall in Ford's Theater is 'The
Gun That Shot Abraham Lincoln.' If anyone (assassin)
were to kill a head of state, they would use a revolver,
because several bullets might be needed to accomplish
the murder and stop any guards during the escape. One
would only use a one-shot pistol if they were absolutely
sure they had intimate access to the victim. The gun
on the wall of Ford's Theater is a derringer-the perfect
weapon for the left handed female assassin who did
not attend her husbands funeral. Mary Todd was not
hiding in her room due to overwhelming grief and sorrow;
she was imprisoned in her room with two armed guards
for two weeks after killing her husband.
In the 1860s, an act of Congress mandated the compensation
of widows of former and active Congressmen, Senators,
Vice Presidents and Presidents. The mouth and duration
was ratified by both Houses of Congress for each widow.
Mary Todd Lincoln applied for her widowers compensation
three times and was denied the mandated compensation
three times by both Houses of Congress. An unknown
benefactor paid for Mary's passage to Europe where
she died in small cottage in Germany.
In 1867, the Secret Service was founded so that drunken
municipal law enforcement could not unwittingly participate
with drug-addicted First Ladies or Gentlemen in vengeful
high-brow killings of philandering Presidents of the
United States. (To cover up the murders committed which
would reflect a bad light for the presiding Administration,
such as the Foster murder is doing at the present time).
Before Booth jumped out of the balcony of the Presidential
Box of the Ford Theater, he shouted at General Riley
and his wife who were sitting to the right-front of
the Lincolns. Booth's words expressed his innocence
but also sealed the fate of the Rileys. Within a week
of the shooting, General Riley and his wife were packed
off to an insane asylum where they both died of 'unknown
causes' within 30 days of being committed." (Pandora's
Box, by Alex Christopher, pp. 282-286).
Former Senator Daniel Inouye, (D-HI) commented about
a "Shadow Government" before a Senate Subcommittee
describing it as "...a shadowy government with
its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fund raising
mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas
of 'national interest,' free from all checks and balances
and free from the law itself."
In 1938-1940, When Franklin Delano Roosevelt was
collaborating with Churchill, he said to the Mothers
of America: "I promise you, again and again and
again, that your boys will not be sent into a foreign
war." At this very time when he was seeking your
votes under this promise, Mr. Roosevelt was telling
Ambassadors Bullitt, Biddle and Kennedy to tell Britain
and France that if they were attacked they could anticipate
our help.
Quoting the words of Ambassador Bullitt to the Ambassador
of Poland, M. Jules Lukesiewies and reported to the
Minister of Foreign Affairs in Warsaw, February 1939,
"Should a war break out, we shall certainly not
participate at the beginning, but we shall finish it."
He further told the Ambassador that, "The President
had most certainly said that he was sending airplanes
to France, for the French Army was the first defense
line of the United States." (Page 25, Polish Document
No. 3).
January 16, 1939, Ambassador Jerzy Potocki, reports
to the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Warsaw as follows:
"The day before yesterday I had a lengthy conversation
with Ambassador Bullitt in the Embassy, where he called
on me. He is travelling to Paris on the 21st inst.
with trunks full of instructions and reports of conversations
from President Roosevelt and the Department of State
and from the Senators belonging to the Committee on
Foreign Affairs. The content of these directions I
was informed were:
- A new impulse in foreign policy inspired by President
Roosevelt who sharply and emphatically condemns the
totalitarian states.
- The war preparations of the United States on sea,
land and in the air, which are being executed at an
increasing speed at the colossal expense of $1,250,000,000.
- A moral assurance that the United States are abandoning
their policy of isolation and in case of war are ready
to grant active support to Britain and France, America
being prepared to take her whole financial and material
resources at their disposa."
In the report to the Polish Minister for Foreign Affairs,
November 21, 1948 Count Jerzy Potocki, Polish Ambassador
in Washington, in conversation with Mr. Bullitt in
his office, then spoke about Britain's complete unpreparedness
for war, and about the impossibility of adapting British
industry to massed production, especially in regard
to the manufacture of aeroplane. He spoke with unusual
enthusiasm about the French army, but confirmed my
opinion that the French air force was antiquated. According
to what military experts told Mr. Bullitt during the
crisis in the autumn of 1938, a future war would last
for at least six years and would, in their opinion,
end in the total destruction of Europe and the establishment
of Communism in every state. Without doubt Soviet Russia
would stand to gain most when the war was over.
He further said, he, Bullitt believed that the war was
inevitable and that, at its close, power alone could
put an end to Germany's mad aspirations to expand.
He said, in response to Potocki's question of "What
the war would be like," that the United States,
France and Britain must rearm on a gigantic scale if
they were to be able to confront Germany. "Asked
further if the United States would participate in a
war of this kind," he replied, "Without the
slightest doubt, but only if Britain and France make
the first move."
The report on the international situation from Portugal
to Warsaw tells us that Lt. Col. Chamberlain of the
British Military, that he and the other younger members
of the Staff agree that Germany and Italy are bluffing
and that it is for us to begin the war and the sooner
the better. They felt that right now they could count
on the help of the United States. American attache'
who told me that "Our ideals are wholly in sympathy
with those of the democracies! At the moment the United
States are studying possibilities of speedy assistance
for Britain and France. We have come to the conclusion
that our assistance must not only, as in the Great
War, begin with the active-cooperation of American
troops after one year of the war has elapsed, but that
1000 aeroplane must be dispatched within a week or
ten days after war has broken out." Commander
Gade is a man of great integrity and a personal friend
of President Roosevelt's. Some will recall the late
Honorable Senator Ernest Lundeen's words to the women
who had assembled in Washington to appeal to the Congress
against the Conscription Bill. He told us that, "1400
planes had already been sent to France. This was in
1940 when we were hearing again and again that our
boys would not be sent to fight on foreign soil. That
the Conscription Bill was merely a training bill."
Training for what? (And Men Wept, by Catherine Palfrey
Baldwin, pp. 82-83).
New World Order, 1918 to 1995: "The old world
order changed when this war-storm broke. The old international
order passed away as suddenly, as unexpectedly, and
as completely as if it had been wiped out by a gigantic
flood, by a great tempest, or by a volcanic eruption.
The old world order died with the setting of that day's
sun and a new world order is being born while I speak,
with birth-pangs so terrible that it seems almost incredible
that life could come out of such fearful suffering
and such overwhelming sorrow." -- Nicholas Murray
Butler, in an address delivered before the Union League
of Philadelphia, Nov. 27, 1915
"The peace conference has assembled. It will
make the most momentous decisions in history, and upon
these decisions will rest the stability of the new
world order and the future peace of the world."
-- M. C. Alexander, Executive Secretary of the American
Association for International Conciliation, in a subscription
letter for the periodical International Conciliation
"If there are those who think we are to jump
immediately into a new world order, actuated by complete
understanding and brotherly love, they are doomed to
disappointment. If we are ever to approach that time,
it will be after patient and persistent effort of long
duration. The present international situation of mistrust
and fear can only be corrected by a formula of equal
status, continuously applied, to every phase of international
contacts, until the cobwebs of the old order are brushed
out of the minds of the people of all lands."
-- Dr. Augustus O. Thomas, president of the World Federation
of Education Associations (August 1927), quoted in
the book "International Understanding: Agencies
Educating for a New World" (1931)
"... when the struggle seems to be drifting
definitely towards a world social democracy, there
may still be very great delays and disappointments
before it becomes an efficient and beneficent world
system. Countless people...will hate the new world
order...and will die protesting against it. When we
attempt to evaluate its promise, we have to bear in
mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents,
many of them quite gallant and graceful-looking people."
(H.G. Wells, in his book entitled "The New World
Order" (1939)).
"The term Internationalism has been popularized
in recent years to cover an interlocking financial,
political, and economic world force for the purpose
of establishing a World Government. Today Internationalism
is heralded from pulpit and platform as a 'League of
Nations' or a 'Federated Union' to which the United
States must surrender a definite part of its National
Sovereignty. The World Government plan is being advocated
under such alluring names as the 'New International
Order,' 'The New World Order,' 'World Union Now,' 'World
Commonwealth of Nations,' 'World Community,' etc. All
the terms have the same objective; however, the line
of approach may be religious or political according
to the taste or training of the individual." --
excerpt from A Memorial to be Addressed to the House
of Bishops and the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies
of the Protestant Episcopal Church in General Convention
(October 1940)
"In the first public declaration on the Jewish
question since the outbreak of the war, Arthur Greenwood,
member without portfolio in the British War Cabinet,
assured the Jews of the United States that when victory
was achieved an effort would be made to found a new
world order based on the ideals of 'justice and peace.'"
-- excerpt from article entitled "New World Order
Pledged to Jews," in the New York Times (October
"If totalitarianism wins this conflict, the
world will be ruled by tyrants, and individuals will
be slaves. If democracy wins, the nations of the earth
will be united in a commonwealth of free peoples, and
individuals, wherever found, will be the sovereign
units of the new world order." (The Declaration
of the Federation of the World, produced by the Congress
on World Federation, adopted by the Legislatures of
North Carolina (1941), New Jersey (1942), Pennsylvania
(1943), and possibly other states).
"New World Order Needed for Peace: State
Sovereignty Must Go, Declares Notre Dame Professor"
-- title of article in The Tablet (Brooklyn) (March
"Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles tonight
called for the early creation of an international organization
of anti-Axis nations to control the world during the
period between the armistice at the end of the present
war and the setting up of a new world order on a permanent
basis." -- text of article in the Philadelphia
Inquirer (June 1942)
"The statement went on to say that the spiritual
teachings of religion must become the foundation for
the new world order and that national sovereignty must
be subordinate to the higher moral law of God."
(American Institute of Judaism, excerpt from article
in the New York Times (December 1942)).
"There are some plain common-sense considerations
applicable to all these attempts at world planning.
They can be briefly stated: 1. To talk of blueprints
for the future or building a world order is, if properly
understood, suggestive, but it is also dangerous. Societies
grow far more truly than they are built. A constitution
for a new world order is never like a blueprint for
a skyscraper." (Norman Thomas, in his book "What
Is Our Destiny" (1944)).
"He [John Foster Dulles] stated directly
to me that he had every reason to believe that the
Governor [Thomas E. Dewey of New York] accepts his
point of view and that he is personally convinced that
this is the policy that he would promote with great
vigor if elected. So it is fair to say that on the
first round the Sphinx of Albany has established himself
as a prima facie champion of a strong and definite
new world order." (Excerpt from article by Ralph
W. Page in the Philadelphia Bulletin (May 1944))
"The United Nations, he told an audience
at Harvard University, 'has not been able--nor can
it be able--to shape a new world order which events
so compellingly demand.'...The new world order that
will answer economic, military, and political problems,
he said, 'urgently requires, I believe, that the United
States take the leadership among all free peoples to
make the underlying concepts and aspirations of national
sovereignty truly meaningful through the federal approach.'"
(Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New York, in an article
entitled "Rockefeller Bids Free Lands Unite: Calls
at Harvard for Drive to Build New World Order"
-- New York Times (February 1962)).
"The developing coherence of Asian regional
thinking is reflected in a disposition to consider
problems and loyalties in regional terms, and to evolve
regional approaches to development needs and to the
evolution of a new world order." (Richard Nixon,
in Foreign Affairs (October 1967))
"He [President Nixon] spoke of the talks
as a beginning, saying nothing more about the prospects
for future contacts and merely reiterating the belief
he brought to China that both nations share an interest
in peace and building 'a new world order.'" (Excerpt
from an article in the New York Times (February 1972))
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