Top: JewishWorld Conspiracies: Mossad Provocations
WASHINGTON,D.C., August 1998, (THE SPOTLIGHT). "We don't know yet whowas at the wheel of those car bombs; but we do know that the longfuse leading to these terrorist flare-ups was lit in Israel,"asserted Capt. Aurelio dell Acqua, a retired Italian Carabinieriofficer. Previously specializing in diplomatic security, he isnow a loss prevention consultant for a group of European corporationson Wall Street.
TheMossad, Israeli's secret service, literally set up the U.S. embassyin Nairobi, Kenya, for the August 7 truck bombing by persuadingthe CIA and the White House to disregard American intelligencereports. Those reports warned that a terrorist raid against thisfacility was imminent, it was learned as this issue of The SPOTLIGHTwent to press.
Fourmonths worth of tips and alert signals that the Nairobi embassywas facing a potential disastrous explosives attack were sentto Washington last month by the U.S. ambassador in Kenya, FlorenceBushnell, and by intelligence controllers of the U.S. CentralCommand.
Butnothing was done to protect this poorly shielded facility because,on the standard operating procedure inaugurated in the Reaganera, the FBI had to turn to the Israelis for a definite evaluationof these early warnings.
"Ignorethem," the Mossad reassured the U.S. government; "it'sjust another false alarm." This information, delivered toWashington just weeks before the monstrous explosion, was thekey factor in persuading the U.S. to let its guard down, resultingin the loss of life of at least 250 victims including 11 Americans,angry Washington intelligence sources told The SPOTLIGHT.
Interviewedin the immediate aftermath of the huge explosions that shatteredthe U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania,on August 7, causing horrendous devastation and tragic loss oflife, dell Acqua was expressing conclusions widely shared by counterterroristspecialists, diplomatic sources and other expert observers, anexclusive SPOTLIGHT survey has found.
"Atthis point in time, Israel is the only country that can expectto benefit from such an atrocious act of political warfare,"commented a senior national security official from a leading Gulfnation, who asked not to be identified by name. "For thefirst time in history, the [Israeli] government finds itself embroiledin simultaneous hostilities with the White House, the CIA, theentire European community of nations and the Arab League as wellas the Vatican - even with NASA, (the American space agency).It is desperately trying to get out of this quandary by staginga new regional crisis."
Newsmenknowledgeable about the Middle East tended to agree with thisanalysis. The Israelis now feel not just snubbed but mortallychallenged by the U.S. because they have concluded that "PresidentBill Clinton would like to make Iran his 'China,' pulling offa surprise rapprochement with the fundamentalist Islamic republicequivalent to Nixon's historic breakthrough in relations withChina a quarter century ago," says David Gardner, a veteranforeign correspondent of the sobersided Financial Times, the leadinginternational business daily.
Confirmingthis thesis, The SPOTLIGHT has obtained exclusive informationfrom well-placed diplomatic sources on the details of recent secretcontacts between the White House and the Iranian government. Thenegotiations were brokered by a respected intermediary, ItalianPrime Minister Romano Prodi, who made a quiet detour to Teheranafter his state visit last month to Washington to deliver a personalletter from Clinton to Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, thesesources recounted.
Clinton'smessage suggested that if Iran would comply with some basic strategicrequirements, such as cutting off contact with militant groupsopposing the Palestinian peace process and shelving its questfor nuclear warheads, the U.S. would be willing to unfreeze billionsof dollars in long-seized Iranian assets and lift all trade sanctions.
Mostimportantly, Clinton held out the promise of including a friendlierIran in a new regional "security cooperation" pact designedto promote "stability in regions where both nations havevital interests," these sources have revealed.
Zionistleaders are infuriated and apprehensive about these developmentsbecause this time around, Clinton's attempts at pacting with Iranare not just "another Arkansas politician whistling Dixie,"says veteran diplomatic correspondent Enzio Lopata.
TheWhite House moves to ignore Israel and deal with Iran insteadare now strongly supported by a well-heeled lobby whose reachmay eventually rival that of the ministate's own agents. Knownas "USA Engage," the new political action group in Washingtonis known to have the backing of several oil industry giants determinedto end the "senseless" U.S. conflict with the Iraniangovernment in particular and several Arab nations in general.
Norcan the Mossad, Israel's secret service, scheme with its long-submissiveallies in the CIA to subvert and undercut the latest White Houseoutreach to the vast ,and oil-rich, world of Islam.
Reflectingthe newly frosty relationship between the ministate's spooks andthe Washington intelligence establishment first reported, in aworld exclusive, by this populist newspaper, Israeli Prime MinisterBinyamin Netanyahu complained to the White House earlier thismonth about the "hostile attitude" of the senior CIAstation chief in the Middle East and demanded his recall.
Ironically,the station chief, identified by diplomatic sources as veteranCIA case officer Stanley Moscow, a trusted aide of newly appointedCIA Director George Tenet, has deep ethnic and religious tiesto Judaism, but not to the warhawk , imperial Zionism practicedby the Netanyahu government, these sources explained.
Inanother unprecedented move aimed at curbing the intrusive Zionistinfluence over the Washington national security bureaucracy, NASAlast month canceled the "visiting privileges" long heldby Israeli scientists and technicians at the facilities of thegiant U.S. space agency.
Theseso-called "visiting privileges" meant that the Israeliscould enter restricted rocketry labs and attend scientific conferencesto which no other foreign researchers were admitted, explainedDr. Vanessa Hughessen, a physicist specializing in national-securitystudies at the MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Butwhat sent the Netanyahu government into what this scholarly observerdescribed as a "paroxysm of rage" was the explanationNASA gave for the cancellation: the Israeli visitors had allegedlyschemed to "misappropriate" classified missile blueprints,and then were found to have sold them to the Red Chinese government.
Whena huge truck bomb demolished a U.S. Air Force housing unit inDhahran, Saudi Arabia, in 1996, killing 19 American servicemen,Israel and its powerful Washington lobby loudly blamed the incidenton Iran, but their campaign for retaliation against the Islamicrepublic failed.
Thistime, experienced observers once again expect the Zionist leadershipand its aggressive Washington lobby to exploit the latest Africanembassy bombings in a campaign to set the American people andthe nations of Islam against one another.
"Butworld opinion has lost its faith in the veracity, good intentionsand statesmanlike moderation of Israel's leaders," assertedLopata. This time around the attempts of the Zionist lobby andits drumbeaters in the press to incite U.S. military retaliationagainst targets hand-picked by Israel may fall on deaf ears.
BONN, Sept 11, 1998 (Reuters)- Virtuallyevery German company used slave labour during World War Two, butfew firms ever paid compensation for their unpaid wages becauseof legal loopholes and Europe's Cold War divide.
Germany's biggest car maker Volkswagen AG announced on Fridayit was establishing a 20-million-mark ($11.87 million) relieffund ending a more than 50-year battle by former slaves.
The company says it has already provided 25 million marks since1988 for humanitarian projects in the home countries of formerslaves. Hoping to make a clean break with the past, Volkswagensaid the fund would be its final gesture.
"That is a good start and a fine sum of money," saidKlaus von Muenchhausen, who represents about 150 Jewish Holocaustsurvivors in Israel, who were forced to work for the car maker.
Historians say VW bought some 7,000 slaves from Hitler's SSelite force between 1941 and 1945. Their work included buildingmines, V1 rockets and anti-tank launchers.
"Volkswagen had no permanent workforce and relied on foreignlabour," said the revered German historian Hans Mommsen,who wrote a study of Volkswagen's use of slave labour that waspublished in 1996.
"As many as three quarters of its staff were foreigners,most slave labourers," he said, adding that VW's slaves werebrought from 13 countries, including the Soviet Union, Poland,France, Belgium and the Netherlands.
Only a handful were death camp Jews, who survived by usingtheir expertise as engineers and skilled workers.
Mommsen said workers from western Europe, such as studentsfrom occupied Netherlands and French prisoners of war, were treatedbest. Slavs, who were regarded as racially inferior and only seenfit to serve their German "masters", were treated worse.
As part of the Nazis' drive to create an "Aryan"master race, Jews were regarded as unfit to live and earmarkedfor death by the Nazi policy of "Extermination through Work".
Overworked, underfed, with scant time off and penned in crampedwooden barracks, many workers died under the appalling conditions.
"They worked 14 hours a day, they were deprived of foodrations if they did not fulfil targets," Mommsen said.
Historians say Nazi slaves were beaten, subjected to ritualhumiliation and in some cases summary execution for minor offences.Poles were forced to wear a sign marked "P" pinned totheir chests, according to a VW slaves' lobby group.
Volkswagen was founded in 1938 to build the "Volkswagen"or People's Car, inspired by Henry Ford's revolutionary assemblyline production techniques in the United States of which AdolfHitler was a great admirer.
War broke out a year later and only about 55,000 models ofthe trademark "Beetle" models had been produced by theend of the war, as nearly the entire company had switched to armsproduction for Hitler's war.
To fill the arms industry's insatiable demand for workers,an army of foreign slaves-- some 12 million people-- were roundedup and deported from across Nazi-occupied lands that stretchedfrom Norway to North Africa to Nazi Germany.
VW slaves had lobbied for years for compensation and held protestsoutside the headquarters in Wolfsburg-- which the Nazis originallynamed "Stadt des Wagens der Kraft durch Freude" meaning"Town of the Car of Strength through Joy".
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