Another Israeli Instigated Civil War


Sixty Four Palestinians Killed In Six Days






 Ambush At An Israeli Border Crossing Kills Ten










Israelis Execute Two Arabs In West Bank






Clashes in Gaza kill sixty four since 5/12/07

Gaza is divided between two governing forces, the Fatah and Hamas. Bush and Israel support Fatah, and the Palestinians support Hamas. In order to start a civil war Israel has been orchestrating ambushes on both, and blaming the Palestinians. Since 5/12/07 there has been 47 Palestinians have died in infighting and another 17 were killed by Israeli strikes. 



Karni Ambush

Israelis claim that Hamas Ninjas ambushed a mini-bus of Fatah officials next to the Karni border crossing. The Israelis were the only witnesses, and as Fatah rescuers rushed to the scene, three Israeli tanks fired on them. Hamas’s armed wing denied the allegation, blaming their deaths on Israel.




Gaza Sniper Attack

A sniper killed two members of the Fatah-linked militant group on Sunday, blaming the attack on Hamas, a charge the group denied. Hamas in turn blamed Fatah loyalists for the killing of a pro-Hamas journalist and another man outside a mosque in Gaza City.





Street Fighting And Mysterious Bombs

Now you have Hamas and Fatah in a street confrontation, and dozens are wounded. 




Israel's Position

There are at least 20 people dead in three days, said Israel had no intention of intervening.






The Fourth Day Of Fighting

Fourteen Palestinians were killed in Gaza on Wednesday 5/16/07.




Israel Air Attack

Israel bombed a Hamas training camp in Gaza, killing five people.





Two Mysterious Ambushes Killed Thirteen

The home of the Fatah's security chief was mortared and five died. A vehicle carrying Fatah members was hit by an RPG and eight died. There were no witneses.







Israeli Undercover

The Palestinians say Israel's Shin Beth undercover is behind this.





Day five - Israel Attacks Gaza City

There were three air strikes that killed five, and maimed another 60.The first was a Hamas administration building, the second was on a car, and the third was a trailer in the Sheik Radwan neighborhood of Gaza City.





Day Six

A 40-year-old Palestinian fisherman named Samir Amodi, who was shot in the head by a sniper as he walked to the pier.






F-16s Strike Gaza Killing Five

Five Palestinians were killed in a single airstrike.  Israel said the strike was in response to Hamas rocket attacks on southern Israel





Day Seven

Israeli F-16s bombed Gaza building and kill five, and a tank fired on a home with a mother and three children.


Day Eight

Israel's air strike on Saturday kills five, that makes 45 killed in ten days by air strikes alone.





Day Nine

Israel invaded with tanks, and F-16s bombed a refugee camp.









The Real Story

Bush is financing, training, and supplying Fatah, who are just Gaza war lords. Hamas is the Palestinian side, but all they have is AK-47s. Now Israel steps in and ambushes Fatah, who thinks it's Hamas, and they retaliate.

This is the same technique they use with the Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq. Suddenly the militants are using mortars, RPGs, and snipers, which they never used on Israelis. Rest assured this is Shin Beth.





Hamas and Fatah Background

Judicial Index