Nobel Winner Creates Firestorm















An Irish Nobel Winner?

James Watson (nee Wasserman?) was born in Chicago, Ill., on April 6th, 1928. He   attended for eight years exclusive Horace Mann Grammar School and for two years South Shore High School. He then received a tuition scholarship to the University of Chicago, and in the summer of 1943 entered their experimental four-year college.

Somehow he avoided the WW2 draft.





Schwartzers Like Their P*ssy

Dr Watson, a DNA expert says,  “I am inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really”.

Dr Watson also confirmed that blacks have a higher sex drive. He has also backed genetic screening.







Backs Fellow Geniuses

He appears to go along with the 1994 the publication of Richard Hernnstein and Charles Murray’s book The Bell Curve, that put forward evidence for the superior Jewish IQ theory, and caused a huge storm.







The Proof Is At The Ivy League

Jewish kids make up 30% of the top ten universities, and somehow they garner most of the scholarships.






Genetically Gifted Actors?

It is generally acknowledged that most of your great actors are Jewish






Excelled At South American Lotteries

The percentage of Zionists wining South American lotteries shows their acumen.







Tenured At Harvard

He is one of the few gentile tenured professors at Harvard.







Some Controversy

Like many of the great minds (Albert Eisenstein), Dr Watson was accused of taking credit for others work.






His Marriage

His long time wife and companion is Esther Lewis.





Cold Spring Laboratory

He also calls this school his home base. Dean Leemor Joshua-Tor, from Haifa, says Dr Watson adds a religious experience to the school, and Esther Watson cooks a great brisket.









Are Certain Races Gifted?

Do Mexicans have a lawnmower gene, or Italians a pasta gene, or Irish a beer gene, or blacks a sex gene? On the other hand it's possible that some things are just learned vs genetic.

If Juan Valdez is born in a remote Guatemala village, and Mickey Goldstein is a son of a affluent New York family, and both apply to Harvard, do genetics have a function. Does Dean Weiss give the nod to Mickey or Juan?







Studies Show There Is A Special Jewish Gene

Are Jews Genetically Superior

Judicial Index