Copperfield May Be Charged With Rape






David Copperfield

Copperfield (nee Seth Kotkin) was born in 1956 in New Jersey, to Hyman Kotkin. A  slight of hand artist, whose illusions have included making the Statue of Liberty "disappear", "flying", "levitating" over the Grand Canyon, and "walking through" the Great Wall of China.







Possible Hate Hoax

In April 2006, Copperfield claimed to be robbed at gunpoint after a performance in West Palm Beach, Florida. Two teenagers were arrested, denied the charges, but were convicted, and given two years.







Surrounded By Beauty

Copperfield prides himself on beautiful assistants.






Selling The Fountain Of Youth

Copperfield bought a small  Bahamas island and claims it has a well that is the "Fountain of Youth". Some fellow biologists examine it, and they claim it has a potential effect on humans. 







FBI Investigation

On October 18, 2007, the FBI broke into his warehouse, and seized his camera systems, hard drives, DVDs, and $2 million in cash. Copperfield is accused of sexual misconduct (rape and child porn?).






The Warehouse

Copperfield, says he uses the Las Vegas warehouse as an office, for rehearsals and to store memorabilia and props and keeps an apartment on the second floor.







 Copperfield Cancels Malaysian Tour
It seems the FBI has raided his warehouse, and has been at the MGM-Grand Hotel and Casino. No one has verified whether his passport has been confiscated, but the super wealthy have a habit of flying to Israel when there are serious consequences.







Rape Is Fairly Common For These People

A Zionist celebrity promise a gullible white girl a chance at a career, and it's off to his private island. These creatures get cranked up on ecstasy and cocaine, and they are out of control.

David Copperfield (nee Seth Kotkin) makes $57 million a year so the girl is either lying for cash, or it was a horrible attack. One has to wonder why the FBI is taking it so seriously?





Joe Francis

 Zionists and porn

The Epstein Affair

Judicial Index