"Lets Settle And Everyone Wins"





Gettlefinger Delivers UAW To Gates Of Poverty

Didn’t Gettelfinger already slice up retirees with the help of a couple of blue collar brown nose turn-coats in 2005 that went to court to void the legal ramifications of the contract pertaining to fellow retirees? Didn’t they together already force struggling retirees to reduce their feeble pensions to pay for badly needed health care?






Weren’t retirees supposed to be untouchable until 2011?

Retirees are not allowed to vote, so how many times will this gullible Gettelfinger want to reopen the contract to again attack defenseless forgotten retirees who fought the good fight for today’s workers? What kind of unionism is Gettelfinger and his tiny group of three vice-presidents subjecting the UAW”s hundreds of thousands of retirees to?

Rewarding workers with bonuses to devastate and sell-out innocent retirees and their spouses won’t solve the problem. 






A Chicken Shit Signing Bonus

Gettelfinger’s chump signing bonus is a simple swindle. Current workers get a few thousand to sign the contract, and future workers and retirees will get the shaft, all retirees will lose going forward. The only ones smiling will be the corporate executives as they cash in their even larger bonuses because they put the big one over this small handful of gullible UAW leaders.
The company’s promises to guarantee employment have been proven to be empty lies that are not worth the paper they are written on. Don’t workers know this by now?






Gettlefinger And His Three Amigos

These shocking retiree cuts will free up funds for further corporate foreign expansion. Remember this in five years after Gettelfinger and his little group of three captain vice-presidents, who are together doing this to hundreds of thousands of trusting retirees, are comfortably retired on their very lucrative, comfortable and secure pensions.

Are local union presidents supporting their retirees? If not, why not? Ask them.
This tiny handful of people, who call themselves UAW leaders, have refused to get off their cowardly yellow knees and grow a backbone.











Unions Were Always The Domain Of The Zionists

These Bolsheviks/Communists/Union Leaders have always been Jewish, since Samuel Gompers first started the AFL-CIO. But now they have gain control of the corporations, they have decided things are different. A strong middle class is as dangerous as a state militia.

Notice the Wal-Marts and Home Depots aren't unionized. In the age of the internet you could organize Wal-Marts 1,000,000 workers for $5 a month, a $60 mill a year union. Oddly, none of the great Zionists could care less.

There is a coming New World Order, and it requires lack of cultural continuity. A cage full of lions is dangerous, but a cage full of dogs, cats, parrots, raccoons, and a couple of lions, is civil war.





Chrysler's Buyout

The Allison Transmission Buyout

Judicial Index