Iranians Smuggle Russian Grad Rockets Into Gaza








Attacks Were On Israeli Town Of Netirot











The Suffering Never Ends

First extended-range Palestinian missiles to hit Negev town of Netivot early Sunday identified as Russian-made Grad 20-km range surface missile, supplied by Iran.
 These deadly missiles were combine with Quassum attacks on other settlements.






Coming From Russia To Be Killed By Arabs

Now that Iran is supplying missiles there are an estimated 300,000 Jewish towns within range. The 20-km Grad missiles able to reach towns farther afield and more substantial than Sderot: Netivot (pop. 23,000), first but also Ofakim the center of Ashkelon and the southern fringes of the big port town of Ashdod.






Iran Trains Hamas

Last week, Iran sent another 85 freshly-trained Hamas commandos. Iran and Syria, whose entry to the Gaza Strip was approved by Egypt. After Israel failed to respond, Hamas saw its way clear to further escalating its missile offensive against southwestern Israel.





He Wants Jewish Blood

The Grad medium-range surface missile had been introduced to the Gaza Strip, purchased by Iranian agents in Serbia and Bosnia for smuggling in via the Suez Canal and Sinai.






Bush Doesn't Even Care

Israel made no effort to put a stop to the traffic beyond pleas to Cairo from Jerusalem and Washington which fell on deaf ears.










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