35 Israeli IDF Soldiers Rape A 11 Year Old Girl






It Happened At An Army Base In The Negev Desert






At Remote Bases These Zionists Roam Like Jackals







Jewish Commander Won't Say Boo





Palestinian Rape Is A Fairly Common Problem










What's The Big Deal

In 1973 Israel attacked the Arabs, the Jews were losing and Nixon bailed them out, and oil went from $3 a barrel to $30. Our economy went into a inflationary spiral, and the end result is Social Security and Medicare are time bombs.

What's more galling is the 1300 dead US soldiers, 10,000 maimed US kids, and over 100,000 dead Iraqis, which all have died for Israel, and their Mosul-Haifa pipeline.

Marines are dying in Iraq, so this IDF garbage can rape children?






How Common Is This?

Any Palestinian child, or teenager, with an ounce of sense doesn't go out alone and doesn't run when an Israeli patrol passes.









What The Problem?

 These are first-generation Russian immigrants that come to Israel, and there are no rules with them. Because Israel is the main drug trans-shipment point for Afghan heroin, as well as ecstasy, and methamphetamines, there is an unlimited supply


With the exception of occasional terror campaigns, most of the duty is monotonous, and soldiers get stoned.






AIDS Is Fairly Common Amongst IDF Soldiers

IDF commanders would rather see Palestinians complaining, than soldiers unintentionally harming each other via unsafe sex.






She Is Scarred For Life

Sooner or later, she will commit suicide. The last girl was killed.









What's The Solution?

Drag the 35% Zionist enrollment in Harvard, Yale, Penn, and other top universities, and send these precious 'Special Scholarship' future judges, lawyers, doctors, etc., to Iraq.

If Bush decides Americans should die for Israel in Iran, form the B'nai B'rith Brigade, and let them be the point team.





 Judicial Index