Thirteen US Soldiers Dead In Two Days


Two Dead US Soldiers And Nine Injured On 5/18/07






Three Killed By Roadside Bomb On 5/19/07






One Soldier Killed By Sniper







Six US Soldiers Killed On 5/20/07






Zionist Poodle Tells British Troops They Should Be Proud






Just Another Week Of Dying In Iraq For Israel

BAGHDAD, May 18 -- Five U.S. soldiers were killed and nine wounded on Saturday, in Baghdad. A roadside bomb in Baghdad killed six U.S. soldiers and one interpreter, on Sunday. A sniper killed a U.S. soldier keeping watch from the roof of a house that had been commandeered as a resting place. South of Baghdad, a bomb killed a U.S. soldier and wounded three others. Thirteen dead in two days.
ABC News reported that two Iraqi journalists working for the network's Baghdad bureau were killed by gunmen while on their way home from work Thursday night. That makes 104 dead journalists.


Suspicious Journalist Deaths

Ninety nine percent of the time a journalist is killed as result of a battle casualty.  But these journalists are being killed by targeted assassinations, and that has only occurred in Israel, and Iraq. Why would the Iraqis kill a journalist, they benefit from the publicity. The independent media doesn't dare report suspicious ambushes, electronic triggers, Israeli advisors floating around, what 50,000 crazy mercs are doing, etc etc.


This Isn't Rommel Versus Patton

This war is Zionists trying to cleanse a country so they can control the world's oil. This is a war of intrigue, where Mossad bombers blow up Mosques and market places, and pit Sunni against Shiite. A war of electronic triggers and sophisticated shape charges can single out a high priority target in a 30 MPH convoy.


Access To Targets

How does a bomb get into a mess hall, or ten helicopters are sabotaged on a secure airbase. Where a Blackhawk helicopter explodes carrying 12 high ranking US Officers, or a British C-130 explodes with an elite SAS unit. How about the sophisticated video taping of ambushes.

Ultra Sophisticated Ambushes

Anyone that studies these ambushes quickly asks - "How did they know the route, and where did they get Shape Charges?"


Psychological Attacks

Israelis have a habit of orchestrating horrendous ambushes right before an US offensive, which drives the marines into avenging angels. They even set up contractors.






3,400 Dead For Israel

If nothing else ask yourself, what are we doing in Iraq? Think about what the price of gas will be in ten years, when the Zionists control the world's oil supplies.





 Judicial Index