Will This Be Fourth Carrier That Bush Sends To The Gulf ?


USS Kitty Hawk






The Straights Of Hormuz Are A Very Dangerous Place








Kity Hawk Is Based In Yokosuka Japan









There Has To Be An Excuse To Nuke Iran

Bush, and the Israelis, need an excuse to attack Iran. They can see from 9/11 that the spark will have to be much bigger.








A Logical Choice Is A Carrier

Israel could False Flag a carrier in the Straights of Hormuz. This would result in an attack on Iran, and they retaliate blocking in the other five carriers.

Bush would nuke Tehran.





There Are Two Old Carriers

The USS Enterprise, and the USS Kitty Hawk, are both forty years old, and set for decommissioning within five years.






The USS Kitty Hawk

The U.S. 7th Fleet is based in Yokosuka, Japan. This carrier was built in 1959.





Another Choice Is A US City

A nuke in a US city would give Bush the OK to do anything, and that includes martial law.






This Is The Culmination Of 3000 Years

Zionists started with Russia in 1917, Germany in 1939, Iraq in 2003, Iran in 2007, and now the world's oil supplies. Soon they will be Gods walking the earth.

Think about the 45,000,000 the Bolsheviks killed in Russia, the 62,000,000 killed in WW2, the 15,000,000 in WW1, etc, etc.

Israeli Zionists wouldn't hesitate to kill 2,000 on a carrier, or 200,000 in Des Moines.







Nuking A US City

A Showdown In Iran

Judicial Index