Israeli Captures Wild Leopard With Bare Hands








At Least Five Leopards Stalk This Remote Village










Israeli Man Claims He Fought A Leopard

Arthur Du Mosch woke to find himself eye to eye with a leopard. A resident of the town of Ben Gurion, in the Negev, Du Mosch pounced on the leopard. He says he wrestled the beast for twenty minutes, and it was touch and go, until zoo employees showed up.

]"I had to protect my family, and G_d gave me supernatural strength" said Du Mosch, who was lightly scratched in the incident. "I don't know why I did it. I wasn't thinking, I just acted."

Raviv Shapira, who heads the Israel Nature and Parks Protection Authority, said Arthur is a true hero.









Leopards Are Killers

These are 200 pound animals. Although most leopards will tend to avoid humans, people are occasionally targeted as prey. Most healthy leopards prefer wild prey to humans, but cats who are injured, sickly or struggling with a shortage of regular prey often turn to hunting people and may become habituated to it.












Jim Corbett Hunted Man-Eaters

In the most extreme cases, both in India, a leopard dubbed "the Leopard of Rudraprayag" is claimed to have killed over 125 people, and the infamous leopardess called "Panar Leopard" killed over 400 after being injured by a poacher, and thus being made unable to hunt normal prey.








Leopards Are Dangerous

The "Leopard of Rudraprayag" and the "Panar Leopard" were both killed by the legendary hunter Jim Corbett.








Do The Fantasies Ever Stop?

One of my favorite stories is where Arabs attack a peaceful Jewish vacation resort in Kenya, and the Israelis decided to flee on a 757. As they were taking off  terrorists shot two SAMs at  at the 757 as it departed at full power, at 500', and only 180 MPH, the jet's giant engines made the perfect target. This would be certain death for ordinary human beings.

A passenger saw a missile bounce off a wing, and the El Al airline pilot saw two missiles fly past his nose. The only way the two SAM missiles could miss at that range is if the hand of God pushed the missiles away, and I personally believe God did that.





Attack On El Al Airlines

 Judicial Index