"Citizen's Committee For The Right To Bear Firearms"








Alan Gottlieb Is The Founder








Abe Gottlieb And Jackie Walorski








Shelly Bernstein And Abe Gottlieb








President Joe Tartaro Presenting An Award To Clayton Cramer









Alan Gottlieb, Alan Gura  and Bob Levy







Sammie Slom, GOA executive director Larry Pratt, and Rep. Jackie Walorski . 








D.C. attorneys Bob Levy and Alan Gura







  Richard Feldman And Dave Workman. 








The Anti-Gun Lobby






Dracula In Charge Of The Blood Bank?

Because of the recent rash of shooting rampages you need to go beyond the individual shootings and look at the big picture. The timing is too convenient for the coming New World Order, a group that contends they are the chosen leaders. In fact it is nothing more than a rerun of the 1917 Bolshevik revolution where Zionists turn the Russian peasants on the Czar, this time the Arabs are the villains.







The Main Pro Gun Organizations

The CCRBKK and the Second Amendment organization, are both run by Abbie Gottlieb.






Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

 CCRKBA, is a gun rights organization in the United States, headquartered in Bellevue, Washington. It is closely affiliated with the Second Amendment Foundation.







Chuck Schumer

Schumer, Feinstein, Kennedy, Kerry, etc want the guns confiscated.






The Legal Eagles

Abe Gura, of Gura and Possessowsky, is the Washington lawyer fighting for gun rights.






The Other Gun Organization

The SAF has been around since 1975.









"To Control The Dissent, You Lead The Dissent"

The Bolsheviks learned early on that planting a few ringers in the opposition is the way to guide the counter revolution. I like this  CCRBKK approach, they are tax deductible, non for profit, and have the gun owners send in their dues.






Virginia Tech
Pearl High School massacre
Red Lake Massacre
Columbine Massacre
Amish Massacre

Port Arthur Massacre

Canadian Gun Control

Judicial Index